

本站小编 Free考研考试/2021-12-29

李亭亭,1,2, 朱宇,3,4, 林李月1,3, 柯文前1,3, 肖宝玉1,31.湿润亚热带生态地理过程教育部重点实验室(福建师范大学),福州 350007
2.福建师范大学地理科学学院,福州 350007
3.福建师范大学地理研究所,福州 350007
4.上海大学亚洲人口研究中心,上海 200444

The intentions of migrants with respect to duration of residence: Spatial variation and determinants

LI Tingting,1,2, ZHU Yu,3,4, LIN Liyue1,3, KE Wenqian1,3, XIAO Baoyu1,31. Key Laboratory for Humid Subtropical Eco-geographical Processes of the Ministry of Education, Fujian Normal University, Fuzhou 350007, China
2. Fujian Normal University, Fuzhou 350007, China
3. Institute of Geography, Fujian Normal University, Fuzhou 350007, China
4. Asian Demographic Research Institute, Shanghai University, Shanghai 200444, China

通讯作者: 朱宇(1961-), 男, 福建闽清人, 博士, 研究员, 主要从事人口迁移流动、城市化与区域发展研究。E-mail: Zhu300@fjnu.edu.cn


Fund supported: National Natural Science Foundation of China(41971180)
National Natural Science Foundation of China(41971168)
Public-Funded Key Project of Department of Science and Technology, Fujian(2019R1002-1)

作者简介 About authors
李亭亭(1998-), 女, 河南驻马店人, 博士生, 主要从事人口与城乡发展研究。E-mail: ltting97@163.com

关键词: 流动人口;居留时长;居留意愿;空间分异;影响因素;中国

Using data from the national migration survey of 2018, the intentions of migrants with respect to duration of residence have been categorized into three types, namely, short-term residence, long-term residence, and permanent residence. On this basis, GIS spatial analysis and hierarchical linear modelling (HLM) have been used to examine the determinants and the spatial variation of various categories of residence intentions in 290 prefecture- and provincial-level cities of China. The results show that those with short-term and long-term residence intentions account for 60% of the total number of migrants, suggesting that bi- and multi-locational livelihood strategies are still dominant among migrants in China. It was found that there is a strong contrast between the spatial patterns for short-term residence intentions and that of permanent residence intentions. Furthermore, the short-term residence intentions are relatively high in the eastern region of the country and relatively low in the northeastern region; in contrast, the permanent residence intentions exhibit a spatial pattern completely different from that of the short-term residence intentions, and the long-term residence intentions are the highest in the central and western regions. The HLM results show that the characteristics of both the destination and the migrants at the individual level affect different categories of residence intentions. It is found that the short-term and long-term residence intentions are relatively high, and the permanent residence intentions are relatively low in the eastern and central regions, and in areas with more developed economies and high average wage levels. Moreover, for male, inter-provincial migrating, agricultural hukou status, lower educational attainments, shorter migration duration, and lower average monthly household income, are the factors conducive to short-term and long-term residence intentions; for female, intra-provincial migrating, non-agricultural hukou status, higher educational attainments, longer migration duration, and higher average monthly household income, tend to promote permanent residence intentions.
Keywords:migration;residence duration;residence intention;spatial variation;determinant;China

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李亭亭, 朱宇, 林李月, 柯文前, 肖宝玉. 流动人口居留时长意愿的空间分异及影响因素. 地理学报, 2021, 76(12): 2978-2992 doi:10.11821/dlxb202112008
LI Tingting, ZHU Yu, LIN Liyue, KE Wenqian, XIAO Baoyu. The intentions of migrants with respect to duration of residence: Spatial variation and determinants. Acta Geographica Sinice, 2021, 76(12): 2978-2992 doi:10.11821/dlxb202112008

1 引言

大规模的人口流动是中国改革开放以来经济社会发展的一个重要现象,由此产生的流动人口在城市的居留意愿也成为人口迁移流动研究中的重要课题。近年来,在推动新型城镇化战略的进程中,对这一问题的研究有着更为重要的意义[1]。流动人口是否愿意在流入城市长期居留对流入地和流出地的城镇化发展都具有重要影响[2];对认识中国人口迁移流动模式的复杂性,推动流动人口市民化也有着重要意义[1, 3]。在此背景下,近年来流动人口在城市居留意愿的研究在相关领域受到更为广泛而持续的关注并已产生了大量的研究成果。然而,应当看到迄今研究多局限于以单一指标来衡量流动人口的居留意愿[4,5],而从居留时间的维度进行考量,根据流动人口在流入地居留时长来划分不同类型居留意愿的文献还很少。在此基础上的研究成果往往混淆了具有不同类型居留意愿(短期、长期和永久居留意愿)的流动人口在迁移流动规律和对流入地及流出地城镇化进程影响上的重大差异,由此提出的流动人口服务管理的建议和决策也将缺乏针对性和合理性。因此有必要根据流动人口在流入地的预期居留时长,将流动人口的居留意愿划分为不同类型,并在此基础上对比分析流动人口不同类型居留意愿的空间格局及影响因素的差异。


对于流动人口居留意愿的影响因素,****们多基于劳动力市场分割理论、空间区位理论、推拉理论、新古典经济学理论、新迁移经济学理论等[7, 18-23],选取流动人口的个体特征、家庭特征、经济和就业特征、流动特征等作为解释变量进行综合考察。已有研究表明,流动人口中具有长期居留意愿、户籍迁移意愿和定居意愿者存在着一些相似的人口学特征,如年轻、非农业户口、女性、受教育程度较高;同时在流入地的家庭随迁成员越多、家庭规模越大以及家庭月均收入越高、省内流动并且流动次数越少、流动时间越长、就业和职业越稳定的流动人口,其长期、户籍和定居迁移意愿越强[24,25,26,27,28,29,30]。一些研究已注意到不同类型的流动人口居留意愿在个体特征方面存在差异,如经商的流动人口通常具有更高的长期居留意愿,但户籍迁移意愿较低[24, 29];不同于已婚流动人口具有较强的长期和户籍迁移意愿,未婚流动人口更倾向于永久定居[1, 31],也有****认为已婚流动人口在长三角地区三四线城市的定居意愿更高[32]。近年来****们还注意到不仅城市区位会影响流动人口的居留意愿选择,其他城市层面的因素也同样对流动人口的居留意愿具有显著影响,城市经济发展水平越高、基本公共服务越好,流动人口的长期、户籍迁移和定居意愿越强[33,34],流动人口在流入地的社会融入感越好,其居留意愿越强[35]

上述研究为认识流动人口的迁移流动规律和居留意愿奠定了重要基础。但应当看到,迄今对流动人口居留意愿的考察较少涉及时间维度上的差异。国际上对移民居留意愿的研究多以5年为界,将打算在流入地居留5年及以上认定为永久迁移,而5年以下则被认定为暂时迁移[36,37,38];在中国,近年来随着流动人口动态监测调查数据的广泛使用,“是否愿意在流入地长期居住(5年以上)”也开始成为一项判断流动人口是否具有长期或永久居留意愿的常用指标[1]。在这些研究中,迁移流动人口的居留意愿往往以“是否打算长期居留5年及以上”为标准被处理成(0, 1)二元变量[24, 27, 39],从而忽视了流动人口在居留时长意愿上的内部差异。更为重要的是,上述以5年为界一分为二的分析方法,其内在的逻辑是流动人口“非留即走”的二元选择,没有将流动人口的居留意愿与其两栖或多栖生计策略联系在一起考察。这一不足使得迄今研究忽略了流动人口不同时长居留意愿在家庭生计策略中十分不同的作用和意义,以及不同时长居留意愿在影响因素方面的差异。



2 数据来源与研究方法

2.1 研究区与数据来源

数据来源包括两个方面:① 2018年中国流动人口动态监测调查数据。数据获取时采用分层、多阶段、与规模成比例的PPS抽样方法,在中国31个省(区、市)和新疆生产建设兵团流动人口比较集中的地方,随机抽取在流入地居住1个月及以上,非本区(县、市)户口的年龄为15周岁及以上的流动人口作为调查对象。研究单元为作为行政单元的地级及以上城市,截至2018年末中国共有地级及以上城市298个。其中,昌都市、朝阳市、抚顺市、辽源市、山南市、阜新市、那曲市等7市未包括在本文所使用的数据库中;而且三沙市由于在统计年鉴中数据缺失较多予以剔除,因此研究区域为290个地级及以上城市(暂未包含港澳台地区)。此外,由于本文关注的是流动人口不同类型的居留意愿,因而剔除了数据库中没有回答关于居留意愿的问题或其回答为“没想好”的流动人口样本,最终得到样本的数量为88099份。② 社会经济数据,用于分析城市层面因素对流动人口居留意愿的影响,主要来源于2019年《中国城市统计年鉴》数据。

2.2 居留意愿及其类型划分的方法

在2018年中国流动人口动态监测问卷调查中,涉及流动人口居留意愿的问题主要有两个:① 今后一段时间,您是否打算继续留在本地?② 如果您打算留在本地,您预计自己将在本地留多久?前者用来度量流动人口有无居留意愿;后者则关注流动人口对居留时间长短的预期,问题②共设5个选项,分别是0~4年、5~9年、10年以上、定居和没想好。本文在流动人口有居留意愿的基础上,剔除对居留时长预期的回答为“没想好”的样本,再根据居留时长预期,将流动人口居留意愿分为短期居留意愿、长期居留意愿、永久居留意愿3种类型。其中,短期居留意愿是指在流入地居住4年及以下,属于暂时性居留,也可视为一种即时性的迁移行为;长期居留意愿是指在流入地居留5年及以上(含5~9年和10年以上),是一种长期居住的迁移行为;永久居留意愿也称为定居意愿,指的是流动人口打算在流入地定居的意愿,是一种永久性的迁居行为。3种类型的居留意愿构成本文居留意愿的值域。

2.3 研究方法

2.3.1 趋势面分析 采用趋势面分析法,衡量中国地级及以上城市流动人口不同类型居留意愿空间格局的分异趋势。其计算公式如下:

式中:Zi(xi, yi)为流动人口在第i个地级以上城市居留意愿的值,该值为居留意愿所占的百分比;xiyi为平面空间坐标,其中i = 290;Ti(xi, yi)为趋势函数,反映城市流动人口居留意愿总变化趋势;εi为自相关随机误差,反映城市间流动人口居留意愿局部的变化特点[7]。本文采用二阶多项式计算趋势值,公式如下:

式中:β值代表根据样本数据估计的二阶多项式各项的估计值;Ti(xi, yi)同式(1)。

2.3.2 冷热点分析 采用冷热点分析(Getis-Ord Gi*)探讨中国流动人口不同类型居留意愿空间分布的热点区及冷点区。Getis-Ord Gi*统计量主要通过计算某区位上地理属性及其相邻区位上地理属性的相互关系,探测出各地理要素在空间上是否属于高值聚集或低值聚集模式[4]。冷热点分析计算公式如下:

式中:xi为空间要素j的属性值;Wi, j为要素ij之间的空间权重,将其定义为相邻为1,不相邻为0;n为空间要素总数; X¯为空间要素的均值;S为空间要素标准差。Gi*统计为z得分,z得分越高,表示空间要素呈现高值聚类越紧密;z得分越低,表示空间要素呈现低值聚类越紧密[42]

2.3.3 分层模型 由于运用流动人口个体层面和城市层面的数据分别作为自变量解释居留意愿因变量过程中,自变量数据具有嵌套结构,因此本文使用分层模型建立回归模型,先以个体层面的变量建立回归方程,在该层面所获回归模型基础上,加入城市层面的变量,建立随机截距模型[43]。模型表达式如下:

式中:Yij是城市j的流动人口i的居留意愿,使用居留意愿所占的百分比进行量化,其中,i = 88099,j = 290;βο是截距项;Xij是城市j的流动人口i的个体层次解释变量;Zj是城市j的地区层次解释变量;αβ分别为各层次解释变量的系数;μ是随机误差项。此外,利用组内相关系数(ICC)检验本文数据是否适合采用分层模型进行分析,并通过比较空模型和最后设定模型中随机方差的变化进行模型的拟合和检验[44]

3 流动人口不同类型居留意愿的水平及其空间差异


3.1 流动人口不同类型居留意愿的区域分异




Fig. 1Trend surface analysis of different categories of residence intention for migrants in China's prefecture- and provincial-level cities, 2018

3.2 流动人口不同类型居留意愿的空间关联特征




Fig. 2Hot spot analysis of different categories of residence intention for migrants in China's prefecture- and provincial-level cities, 2018

3.3 流动人口不同类型居留意愿的空间格局特征

利用ArcGIS 10.2软件对中国3种不同类型的流动人口居留意愿进行空间可视化,并利用自然断点法将其划分为5级,进一步对比其在中国东部、中部、西部、东北四大地理分区间的空间分布差异,结果如图3所示。流动人口的短期居留意愿在东部地区最高,为32.79%,其中东南沿海的长三角和珠三角地区流动人口的短期居留意愿较高,但东北地区流动人口的短期居留意愿最低,仅为8.36%;中部和西部地区流动人口的短期居留意愿大致相当,分别为17.51%和16.74%;而在西部地区内部流动人口的短期居留意愿存在着较大的分异,其中西北地区较低,西南地区较高。与流动人口短期居留意愿的空间分布格局恰好相反,东北地区流动人口的永久居留意愿显著高于其他地区,达72.31%,但东部地区特别是东南沿海地区流动人口的永久居留意愿较低;同样在西部地区内部流动人口的永久居留意愿存在显著的分异,西北地区较高,西南地区则明显偏低。流动人口的长期居留意愿除东北地区(8.36%)显著较低外,其他地区差异不大,值得注意的是,流动人口长期居留意愿在中西部地区最高,而不是社会经济水平相对发达的东部地区。



Fig. 3Spatial patterns of different categories of residence intention for migrants in China's prefecture- and provincial-level cities, 2018

4 流动人口不同类型居留意愿的影响因素分析

4.1 自变量选取


Tab. 1
Tab. 1Names, value assignment and description of variables
注:① 借鉴已有研究[29]的做法和结合调查问卷数据,将本次流动原因分为经商和其他原因,其他原因包括务工/工作、家属随迁、婚姻嫁娶、拆迁搬家、投靠亲友、学习培训、参军、出生、异地养老和其他;② 借鉴已有研究[4]的分类和结合调查问卷数据,将就业身份分为雇员、雇主和其他就业身份3类。其中,雇员包括有固定雇主的雇员、无固定雇主的雇员(零工、散工等);其他就业身份者包括自营劳动者、其他,其中自营劳动者在其他就业身份者中占比为97.44%,因此也可以称其他就业身份者为自营劳动者(含其他)。


4.2 模型结果及实证分析


Tab. 2
Tab. 2Regression results on the factors affecting different categories of residence intention for migrants in China's prefecture- and provincial-level cities, 2018
注:括号内为参照组;*表示P < 0.10,**表示P < 0.05,***表示P < 0.01。




倾向于永久居留意愿的流动人口则具有已婚、女性、受教育程度高、非农业户口、就业身份为雇主、本地家庭规模大、家庭月均收入高、在省内流动、流动原因为其他(非经商)、在外流动时间长、拥有城镇职工医疗保险等特征;显然,这些特征(如已婚、本地家庭规模大、拥有城镇职工医疗保险)与倾向于长期居留的流动人口的特征有某些相似之处,但倾向于永久居留意愿的流动人口仍有着某些特有的特征,如女性、受教育程度高、就业身份为雇主、家庭月均收入高、在外流动时间长、在省内流动等。其中,拥有城镇职工医疗保险、受教育程度高、家庭月均收入高、在外流动时间长、在省内流动者显然在流入地城镇有着更好的生计资源和更为稳定的未来预期;而与男性多为务工经商等经济型流动不同,通过婚姻嫁娶等社会型流动的女性更容易实现永久居留,并且女性更多地在服务业工作,与男性相比工作相对稳定,也有利于其永久居留;自雇者(雇主身份)的就业更少受到劳动力市场的波动而表现出较强的就业稳定性,收入水平较好,因而在流入地的永久居留意愿也较强[1, 45];而已婚流动人口的家庭化迁移有利于降低流动人口融入新环境的成本以及规避风险,提高在城市生活的适应能力,从而对流动人口的永久居留产生激励作用[46]。但值得注意的是,模型3结果显示,流入城市的人均GDP、在岗职工平均工资、每千人拥有的中小学教师数量越高越不利于流动人口永久居留,这可能是对社会经济发展程度较高的城市对流动人口定居仍有着种种制度(如户籍)限制的一种反映。而每千人拥有的医院床位数越高越有利于流动人口具有永久居留意愿的结果,则与流动人口倾向于永久居留的城市虽然社会经济发展水平不高,但这一指标未必落后于其它城市有关(①根据《中国城市统计年鉴2019》,哈尔滨、佳木斯、鹤岗、鸡西等东北地区流动人口永久居留意愿较高的城市,其人均GDP分别为6.61万元、3.93万元、2.89万元、3.07万元,远低于北京、上海、天津、广州等超大、特大城市的人均GDP分别为14.02万元、13.50万元、12.07万元、15.55万元。但这些永久居留意愿高的城市每千人拥有的医院床位数在6.46张及以上,高于北上广等城市每千人拥有的医院床位数(5.93张及以下)。)。与倾向于短期和长期居留的流动人口相反,相较于东北地区,在东部和中部地区的流动人口不倾向于永久居留。


5 结论与讨论








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Population Journal, 2016, 38(5): 34-44.

[本文引用: 1]

[杨东亮. 东北流出流入人口的城市居留意愿比较研究
人口学刊, 2016, 38(5): 34-44.]

[本文引用: 1]

Lin Liyue, Zhu Yu, Ke Wenqian, et al. The impact of migrants' access to urban public services on their urban settlement intentions: A study from the perspective of different-sized cities
Acta Geographica Sinica, 2019, 74(4): 737-752.

DOI:10.11821/dlxb201904009 [本文引用: 1]
In recent years, urbanization has been attached an increasing importance in China's overall development strategies. Migrants' settlement intention in cities has played an important role in affecting the urbanization trend in China. In such a context, both scholars and policy makers have increasingly attempted to understand the settlement intention of migrants in China. However, few studies so far have examined the role of migrants' access to urban public services in affecting their settlement intention from the perspective of different-sized cities. Based on the data from "the 2016 national dynamic monitoring survey of migrant population" in Shanghai Municipality and Shandong, Jiangsu, Zhejiang, Fujian, and Guangdong provinces, this paper aims to address this issue. We utilize a composite index consisting of three dimensions to measure migrants' settlement intention, namely the long-term residence intention, the hukou transfer intention, and the urban housing purchase intention. We divide urban public services into two types, namely employment-related public services and social (non-employment) public services. The paper then explores the differences in the supply of the two types of urban public services and their impacts on migrants' urban settlement intention of different-sized cities. The results show that the bigger the size of a city is, the greater the likelihood that migrants get access to urban pubic services and the higher their level of urban settlement intention is. Migrants with easier access to the urban public services are more likely to settle down in cities. Through the ordered logistic regression model analysis, we also find that, after controlling for the effects of individual characteristics, family features, and migration characteristics, the two types of urban public services provided by cities for migrants have played a critical role in affecting migrants' urban settlement intention. However, the impacts of access to urban public services on migrants' urban settlement intention are different among different-sized cities. This is reflected in the following facts. First, migrants with easier access to unemployment insurance, medical insurance and housing security are more likely to settle down in cities, but this positive effect is limited to large cities. Second, in all size cities, migrants who are more likely to be covered by resident health records and receive more health education are more likely to settle down in cities. Finally, in small cities, only those covered by resident health records and receiving more health education have great effects on urban settlement intention.
[林李月, 朱宇, 柯文前, . 基本公共服务对不同规模城市流动人口居留意愿的影响效应
地理学报, 2019, 74(4): 737-752.]

[本文引用: 1]

Gu Hengyu, Li Qiting, Shen Tiyan. Spatial difference and influencing factors of floating population's settlement intention in the three provinces of northeast China
Scientia Geographica Sinica, 2020, 40(2): 261-269.

DOI:10.13249/j.cnki.sgs.2020.02.011 [本文引用: 4]
In recent years, the three provinces of Northeast China (Liaoning, Heilongjiang, and Jilin) have suffered from economic decline and labor force loss. Supported by the China migrants dynamic survey in 2015, the present study aims to examine the spatial pattern and driving forces of the settlement intention of the floating migrants in the three provinces of Northeast China. Spatial autocorrelation analysis and trend analysis methods are applied to characterize the spatial pattern of the settlement intention at the city level, and a binary logistic model is constructed to detect the drivers of the settlement intention at the micro-level. According to the aboveanalyses, the main findings of our research are as follows: 1) The spatial distribution of the settlement intention of the floating population in three northeastern provinces presents a characteristic of “higher in the north and lower in the south”. Besides, the settlement intention has a more significant spatial variation in the north-south direction, yet the spatial variation degree is weaker in the east-west direction. 2) The spatial autocorrelation is insignificant in the spatial pattern of floating migrants’ settlement intention in the three provinces of Northeast China. Qiqihar City and Heihe City are detected as the High-Low cluster areas, while Haerbin City is detected as the High-High cluster area. With the increase in the size of cities, the settlement intention of the floating population shows the trend of first rising and then declining. From the perspective of the city level, the settlement intention of the floating population in sub-provincial cities is higher than that of ordinary prefecture-level cities in the three provinces of Northeast China. 3) Individual, economic, and social factors show significant effects on the settlement intention of floating migrants in the three provinces of Northeast China. In terms of individual factors, the model results indicate that migrants with agricultural hukou, migrants who are married, highly educated migrants, and ‘80s’ migrants have a stronger willingness to stay in destination cities. 4) For economic factors, income level has a significantly positive relationship with the settlement intention of the floating population, while housing expenditure has a negative effect. 5) Considering social factors, the results show that migrants with longer duration of staying, migrants whose occupation categories are professional or technical personnel and business service personnel, migrants whose employment status is the employer, and migrants participating in urban employee medical insurance have a stronger settlement intention.
[古恒宇, 李琦婷, 沈体雁. 东北三省流动人口居留意愿的空间差异及影响因素
地理科学, 2020, 40(2): 261-269.]

[本文引用: 4]

Wang Shengjin, Zhang Lei, Yang Jing. An analysis on the residing preference and influencing factors of out-migrants in Heilongjiang Province
Population Journal, 2018, 40(5): 47-54.

[本文引用: 1]

[王胜今, 张磊, 杨静. 黑龙江省流出人口城市居留意愿及其影响因素研究
人口学刊, 2018, 40(5): 47-54.]

[本文引用: 1]

Zhang Huachu, Cao Yue, Wang Menggong. The influence of social integration on the migrants' willingness of long-term residence in Guangzhou City
Northwest Population Journal, 2015, 36(1): 7-11.

[本文引用: 1]

[张华初, 曹玥, 汪孟恭. 社会融合对广州市流动人口长期居留意愿的影响
西北人口, 2015, 36(1): 7-11.]

[本文引用: 1]

Lin Liyue, Zhu Yu. Spatial variation and its determinants of migrants' Hukou transfer intention of China's prefecture- and provincial-level cities: Evidence from the 2012 national migrant population dynamic monitoring survey
Acta Geographica Sinica, 2016, 71(10): 1696-1709.

DOI:10.11821/dlxb201610003 [本文引用: 5]
Based on data from the 2012 national migrant population dynamic monitoring survey and related statistics, this article examines the spatial pattern and its determinants of migrants' intention of hukou transfer of China's 276 prefecture- and provincial-level cities, using GIS spatial analysis and statistical modelling. The results show that the overall level of migrants' hukou transfer intention of the cities is not high, and varies significantly among different cities. The intention of migrants' hukou transfer increases as the administrative level and/or the size of their destination cities increase. Meanwhile, migrants' hukou transfer intention is generally higher in coastal mega-city regions than in other cities, but it is also relatively high in some provincial capital cities and small and medium-sized cities in some inland regions with good transport location and resource endowment. The spatial pattern of migrants' intention of hukou transfer is shaped jointly by both the characteristics of the destination cities and migrants themselves characteristics, with the former exerting more influence than the latter. High level of socioeconomic development and good location of the destination cities can effectively promote their migrants' intention of hukou transfer; however, their level of basic public services does not have the same effect. The degree of migrants' social integration in the destination cities also exerts positive effects on their hukou transfer intention. However, having medical insurance, the concentration in the secondary labor market and higher household income are negatively related to such intention; furthermore, the individual and family characteristics of migrants do not have a significant impact on it. Finally, on the basis of the above findings, we put forward some suggestions for relevant policy making.
[林李月, 朱宇. 中国城市流动人口户籍迁移意愿的空间格局及影响因素: 基于2012年全国流动人口动态监测调查数据
地理学报, 2016, 71(10): 1696-1709.]

[本文引用: 5]

Gu H Y, Liu Z L, Shen T Y. Spatial pattern and determinants of migrant workers' interprovincial hukou transfer intention in China: Evidence from a national migrant population dynamic monitoring survey in 2016
Population, Space and Place, 2020, 26(2): e2250. DOI: 10.1002/psp.2250.

[本文引用: 1]

Huang Y, Liu W L, Zhuo Y, et al. Social insurance participation and urban settlement intentions of China's floating population
Population, Space and Place, 2020, 26(8): e2366. DOI: 10.1002/psp.2366.

[本文引用: 1]

Gu Hengyu, Qin Xiaoling, Shen Tiyan. Spatial variation of migrant population's return intention and its determinants in China's prefecture and provincial level cities
Geographical Research, 2019, 38(8): 1877-1890.

DOI:10.11821/dlyj020180473 [本文引用: 2]
In China, population migration has an influence on the level of economic and social development in various regions. In 2016, the scale of migrant population reached 245 million, which became an important factor affecting population changes. From the perspective of migrant populations' destinations, with the control of population scale in some big cities in China, and the sustained economic growth in the central and western regions, the problem of population reflux is attracting more and more attention from the society. The spatial differentiation and influencing factors of migrant populations' return intention are vital issues which are urgent to be investigated. Based on data from the 2016 China Migrant Population Dynamic Survey (CMDS), this paper discusses the phenomenon about spatial differentiation of migrant populations' return intention in 279 prefecture and provincial level cities in China, using GIS spatial analysis methods such as Moran's I coefficient, Getis-Ord Gi *. Besides, we investigate the influencing factors of migrant populations' return intention. Study comes to the following conclusions: (1) Compared with the residence intention and hukou transfer intention, the return intention of migrant population in China is lower (6.17%), and the majority of migrants (74.05%) are eager to take their own home towns as refluxing destination. The scale of cities, the level of cities and the return intention of migrant population present an asymmetric "U"-shaped pattern. (2) The spatial distribution of return intention presents an aggregation pattern with marked spatial differentiation. The return intention of migrant population in Yangtze River Delta Urban Agglomeration, Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei Urban Agglomeration and Zhongyuan Urban Agglomeration is higher than that in Chengdu-Chongqing Urban Agglomeration and Harbin-Changchun Urban Agglomeration. Among the four main geographical divisions, the return intention of urban floating population in the eastern region is the highest while that of the northeast region is the lowest. South China, central-south China and part of East China are hot spots of return intention while Northeast and North China are in a weak corner. (3) The return intention is influenced by both internal factors of migrant population and external factors of in-flow area. Educational level and economic development are both internal and external factors that simultaneously play different roles in return intention. (4) Family connection, social networks, housing and economic factors of migrant population are main forces that shape the spatial pattern of return intention. Family scale in in-flow area and home-ownership rates inhibit return intention while variables such as family scale in non-in-flow area, migrant times and the family's income and expenditure proportion exert a positive influence on return intention. Based on the above conclusions, this paper proposes strategies for relevant departments on the management of migrant population.
[古恒宇, 覃小玲, 沈体雁. 中国城市流动人口回流意愿的空间分异及影响因素
地理研究, 2019, 38(8): 1877-1890.]

[本文引用: 2]

Jing Xiaofen, Ma Fengming. The study of migrant workers' preference of staying in cities or returning home under the perspective of life course theory: Based on the survey of Chongqing and the Pearl River Delta
Population & Economics, 2012(3): 57-64.

[本文引用: 1]

[景晓芬, 马凤鸣. 生命历程视角下农民工留城与返乡意愿研究: 基于重庆和珠三角地区的调查
人口与经济, 2012(3): 57-64.]

[本文引用: 1]

Wei Zhixin. A region-specific comparative study of factors influencing the residing preference among migrant population in different areas: Based on the dynamic monitoring & survey data on the migrant population in five cities of China
Population & Economics, 2013(4): 12-20.

[本文引用: 1]

[蔚志新. 分地区流动人口居留意愿影响因素比较研究: 基于全国5城市流动人口动态监测调查数据
人口与经济, 2013(4): 12-20.]

[本文引用: 1]

Jing Xiaofen. Elderly migrants in China: Spatial distribution and residence willingness in destination: Based on the dynamic monitoring data of floating population in 2015
Population and Development, 2019, 25(4): 34-43.

[本文引用: 1]

[景晓芬. 老年流动人口空间分布及长期居留意愿研究: 基于2015年全国流动人口动态监测数据
人口与发展, 2019, 25(4): 34-43.]

[本文引用: 1]

Wang Jianshun, Lin Liyue, Zhu Yu, et al. Migrants' Hukou transfer intention and dynamics in western ethnic minority regions: Evidence from Xinjiang Autonomous Region
Progress in Geography, 2018, 37(8): 1140-1149.

DOI:10.18306/dlkxjz.2018.08.013 [本文引用: 1]
Migrants' hukou transfer intention of the western ethnic minority regions has great implications not only for the overall urbanization level, but also for national unity and harmony in the society. Based on the dynamic monitoring data in 2012 from Xinjiang Autonomous Region and using a binary logistic regression model, this study analyzed the similarities and differences between the willingness of migrants to migrate in different regions and ethnic minority groups and their influential factors. According to the results, migrants' hukou transfer intention reached a high level, and more than half of respondents were willing to transfer their hukou to cities where they reside. This proportion is slightly higher in northern Xinjiang than in the south, and the related value is higher in ethnic minorities than Han nationality. The modeling result shows that Xinjiang barely had any attraction to highly educated and economically well-to-do migrants. Ethnic type, time of residence, and social integration degree are found to be the core factors in the dynamic system concerning migrants' hukou transfer intention. As well, there are different factors in different regions and ethnic groups in Xinjiang, when migrants make transfer decisions. But there is no regional or inter-group difference concerning social integration factors. Elevated social integration significantly helped to heighten transfer intention.
[王建顺, 林李月, 朱宇, . 西部民族地区流动人口户籍迁移意愿及影响因素: 以新疆为例
地理科学进展, 2018, 37(8): 1140-1149.]

[本文引用: 1]

Yang Chuankai, Liu Ye, Xu Wei, et al. The determinants for peasants' migration intentions of moving to cities in China: An analysis based on the CGSS 2010
Geographical Research, 2017, 36(12): 2369-2382.

DOI:10.11821/dlyj201712008 [本文引用: 1]
China has experienced the unprecedented surge of rural-urban migration since the mid-1980s, which has led to rapid urban population growth. With the development of human-oriented new urbanization, the individual migration intentions attracted more attentions from scholars and governments in recent years. However, previous studies mainly examined the factors underpinning the peasant workers' intentions of settling down in various cities or returning rural hometowns, devoting insufficient attention to the peasants' migration intentions of leaving the countryside and moving to cities to settle down permanently. Based on the data of Chinese General Social Survey in 2010 (CGSS2010), the paper described the migration intentions of 4116 rural residents and then explained their migration intentions from three levels of individual, household and county with the multilevel Logistic model. The results are as follows. (1) The spatial heterogeneity makes the peasants who live in the same village have more similarity in migration intentions than those who live in different villages. Single level model ignores the spatial heterogeneity, and the inclusion of the spatial heterogeneity in the multilevel model can yield a better estimated result than single level model. (2) Most of the peasants do not intend to leave the countryside and move to cities in the next five years, and nearly 90% of peasants intend to stay in the countryside. 63.3% of peasants who intend to move to cities incline to moving to small cities and towns (counties, county-level cities and small towns), while 29.8% of peasants tend to move to prefecture-level cities, provincial capital cities and municipalities. (3) The peasants' migration decisions of leaving the countryside and moving to cities can be seen as a two-stage process. First, they decide whether or not to move to cities, and then they need to consider which city to settle down after they decide to leave the countryside. The empirical results show that the first-stage migration intentions are shaped by individual, household, and contextual factors jointly. Specifically, the peasants who have more human capitals (younger, with more education years, with migration experience), the peasants whose household has more children, higher economic status, more lands and more relationships with the city, and the peasants living in developed regions are more likely to move to cities. However, the second-stage migration decision is mainly shaped by regional economic development level and the residence locations. Specifically, the peasants living in undeveloped areas with their current residences not far from large cities have more willingness to move to large cities. (4) Finally, based on these findings above, some policy implications can be drawn. The governments should pay more attentions to improving the attractiveness of county-level cities and towns. And increasing peasants' human capitals and promoting the development of rural economy are the effective ways to promote the development of new urbanization.
[杨传开, 刘晔, 徐伟, . 中国农民进城定居的意愿与影响因素: 基于CGSS2010的分析
地理研究, 2017, 36(12): 2369-2382.]

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[本文引用: 1]

Gu Hengyu, Meng Xin, Shen Tiyan, et al. Spatial variation of the determinants of China's urban floating population's settlement intention
Acta Geographica Sinica, 2020, 75(2): 240-254.

DOI:10.11821/dlxb202002003 [本文引用: 2]
It is demonstrated that the determinants of China's urban floating population's settlement intention are different among geographic units, which seems to be ignored by previous researches. Based on the data from the 2015 national migrant population dynamic monitoring survey (CMDS) and related statistics, this article uses the Semiparametric Geographically Weighted Regression (SGWR) model and k-means cluster method to examine the spatial variation of the factors influencing floating population's settlement intention in 282 prefecture- and provincial- level cites of China. Results provide the following conclusions. (1) The settlement intention of urban floating population is mainly influenced by the floating population characteristics instead of the destination characteristics. (2) Social and economic factors are closely related to the floating population's settlement intention. Meanwhile, the demographic, family and mobility factors exert a significant impact on such an intention. To be specific, there exists an inhibitory effect on floating population's settlement intention in factors such as income, marriage, and cross provincial mobility. However, housing expenditure, participation rate, number of children and other factors can effectively contribute to such intention. (3) Zonal spatial differentiation patterns of the influencing factors' coefficients are illustrated by the SGWR model, which can be further divided into four categories ("E-W", "N-S", "NE-SW" and "SE-NW"): The positive influences of ethnic and family factors are decreasing from the northern to southern regions, while the influence of employment ratio in the secondary industry is declining from the northwest to the southeast regions, and the impacts of factors such as the number of children and per capita GDP are diminishing from the northeast to the southwest regions. In eastern developed areas, the settlement intention of floating population with higher income is comparatively lower, while migrants with higher housing expenditure in southern China have a stronger intention to settle down. (4) Four influencing zones are detected by the k-means method: Floating population's settlement intention in North China, Central China and East China is significantly affected by multiple factors; In the northwest region and part of the southwest region, migrants' settlement intention is mainly influenced by demographic and social factors; The northeast region and the eastern part of Inner Mongolia's floating population's willingness to stay is mainly related to economic and family factors; Apart from housing expenditure, coefficients of other factors are relatively small in southern China and part of the central, eastern and southwestern regions. Additionally, this paper puts forward some suggestions on the service and management of the floating population in China.
[古恒宇, 孟鑫, 沈体雁, . 中国城市流动人口居留意愿影响因素的空间分异特征
地理学报, 2020, 75(2): 240-254.]

[本文引用: 2]

Li Hui, Duan Chengyun, Bai Yushu. A study on Chinese migrant's city-residing willingness and its influencing factors
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[李辉, 段程允, 白宇舒. 我国流动人口留城意愿及影响因素研究
人口学刊, 2019, 41(1): 80-88.]

[本文引用: 1]

Gu Hengyu, Liu Ziliang, Shen Tiyan. Spatial pattern and influencing mechanism of interprovincial migration's Hukou transfer intention in China
Scientia Geographica Sinica, 2019, 39(11): 1702-1710.

DOI:10.13249/j.cnki.sgs.2019.11.003 [本文引用: 3]
Based on data from migration dynamic micro survey 2016, this article first construct the network of interprovincial Hukou transfer intention in China. Then, with the use of some spatial analysis methods, including global Moran’s I coefficient and hot spot, we explore the spatial pattern of such network. Considering network autocorrelation in our data, Eigenvector Spatial Filtering Gravity Model (ESFGM) is applied for analyzing the driving factors. Main results reveal that: 1) The network shows a concentrating spatial pattern, and migrating flows with high ranks are mainly from the undeveloped areas to developed regions. That is to say, the willingness of transferring Hukou differs from regions to regions, showing heterogeneity. 2) Although there exists a random spatial pattern of Hukou attractiveness, such pattern of out-migration is concentrating. Furthermore, provinces in the west and northwest are the hot spot areas of Hukou emigration intention, while the cold spot areas are the mid-east regions in China. 3) From the macro perspective, population of destination shows a negative impact on Hukou transfer intention, while the size of population in an origin is not highly correlated; per capita GDP of both origin and destination, as well as export of foreign-invested firms, influence the intention positively and notably. But among all macro factors, the average wage of employees in urban areas leads to relatively higher impact. 4) From the micro perspective, generally speaking, migrants’ individual and family factors have strong ties with their Hukou transfer intention. A migrant, with higher education level, smaller age and larger scale of family in the destination, tends to transfer his (or her) Hukou to the immigration place. In the meantime, impacts of house condition and migration reason cannot be ignored: a migrant with lower intention of buying a local house or migrating for business, is likely to have a lower intention of transferring Hukou.
[古恒宇, 刘子亮, 沈体雁. 中国省际流动人口户籍迁移意愿的空间格局及影响机制分析
地理科学, 2019, 39(11): 1702-1710.]

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Zhu Yu. Households registration system reform and the dwelling willing of floating population in the areas they are dwelling and its restrictive mechanism
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[本文引用: 1]

[朱宇. 户籍制度改革与流动人口在流入地的居留意愿及其制约机制
南方人口, 2004, 19(3): 21-28.]

[本文引用: 1]

Zhu Y. China's floating population and their settlement intention in the cities: Beyond the Hukou reform
Habitat International, 2007, 31(1): 65-76.

DOI:10.1016/j.habitatint.2006.04.002URL [本文引用: 1]

Cui Nana, Feng Changchun, Song Yu. Spatial pattern of residential land parcels and determinants of residential land price in Beijing since 2004
Acta Geographica Sinica, 2017, 72(6): 1049-1062.

DOI:10.11821/dlxb201706008 [本文引用: 1]
In this paper, we take Beijing as a case study and employ the residential leasing parcel data from 2004 to 2015 within the Sixth Ring Road of Beijing metropolitan area. Also, we use the GIS data of Beijing's public facilities, such as bus stations, railway stations, park, hospital, primary school and so on. With the help of ArcGIS, GS+, Surfer and Geoda Software, we explore the spatial pattern of residential land parcels, residential land price and determinants of residential land price in Beijing. In the first place, we use the methods of Spatial Trend Analysis, Nearest Neighbor Index (NNI), Exploratory Spatial Data Analysis (ESDA) to explore the spatial pattern of residential land parcels and their price in Beijing. In the second place, we compare the spatial econometric models (SLM and SEM) with traditional OLS model to further explore the determinants of residential land price in Beijing. Based on the analysis, the main conclusions are drawn as follows. (1) The number of residential land leasing parcels is not balanced among years and ring roads. The residential land leasing parcels in the last 20 years are mainly concentrated between the fifth and the sixth ring roads in Beijing. (2) Residential land parcels are generally distributed along the main roads (such as Beijing-Shijiazhuang Expressway, Beijing-Kaifeng Expressway, Beijing-Shanghai Expressway and Beijing-Tibet Expressway) and the subway lines (such as Line 1, Line 5, Line 6, Line 15, Fangshan Line, Daxing Line and Yizhuang Line), which is more obvious in outer suburban areas. (3) Generally, there exists an inverted U-shaped curve trend, indicating that residential land price declines gradually from the city center to the city fringes as a whole, and spatial pattern of residential land price has turned from mono-centric structure to poly-centric structure. (4) Residential land price demonstrates a spatial cluster distribution pattern. There exists obvious spatial autocorrelation in residential land price and it is easy to distinguish "cold spots" from "hot spots". (5) In the model selection, we compare the spatial econometric model (SLM and SEM) with the traditional OLS model. The result shows that SLM is the best, followed by SEM, indicating that there indeed exist spatial spillover effects and spatial dependence in residential land price rather than error dependence. The residential land price is mainly affected by the surrounding residential land price, distance to bus station, distance to subway station, distance to key primary school, area of land parcel, FAR and the type of land leasing. However, in this paper, one drawback is that we fail to take macroeconomic policy factors into consideration, which may play a key role in the formation of residential land price. Also, we have not considered the subway's impact in different periods such as planning period, construction period and operation period on residential land price, which needs to be further studied.
[崔娜娜, 冯长春, 宋煜. 北京市居住用地出让价格的空间格局及影响因素
地理学报, 2017, 72(6): 1049-1062.]

[本文引用: 1]

Tian Ming. Local factors effects on the urban integration for the floating population
Scientia Geographica Sinica, 2017, 37(7): 997-1005.

DOI:10.13249/j.cnki.sgs.2017.07.004 [本文引用: 1]
Based on a survey of 2 496 migrant workers in 9 cities of the eastern and central China, this article investigated the impact of local factors on social integration of migrant workers. A multiple-level regression model was applied to analyzing and revealing the differential impact of local factors, including level of economic development, intelligibility of local dialect, population share of migrants, and cost of rent. The cities, with more difficulties to join the local endowment insurance, the better the economic development, the greater gap between the earnings of the migrant workers and urban capita income, the higher rent, the more difficult urban dialect to master and the higher proportion of urban immigrant population, have a lower integration. The results find: 1) each city’s uniqueness produces some specific positive and negative effects. The positive effects can reduce the social distance between the migrant population and the urban residents. The sense of inclusion may become a source of pride in promoting the effective integration of migrants. However, the negative effects may serve to marginalize and alienate the migrant population. In cities that are not conducive to social integration, the migrants have a lower degree of recognition. 2) the differences between cities are selective in attracting migrant populations. Different cities attract different types of migrants, so that their migrant populations are structurally different. The abilities of the migrant populations to adapt and integrate are also different in different cities. Therefore, cities differ significantly in their levels of social integration. Recognition of these differences is an important basis for making urbanization policies that fit the local conditions. Given the large variety of cities, it was suggested that localized social policies are promoted to ease the integration of migrant workers in urban communities. To facilitate migrant workers’ social integration, priority should be given to promoting social integration within a province and at cities with high proportion of migrant population. Migrant workers should also be given the benefits of local social programs such as public housing rental assistance, especially in cities with a high level of rental cost.
[田明. 地方因素对流动人口城市融入的影响研究
地理科学, 2017, 37(7): 997-1005.]

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Wang Jichuan, Xie Haiyi, Jiang Baofa. Multilevel Models: Applications Using SAS. Beijing: Higher Education Press, 2008.
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[王济川, 谢海义, 姜宝法. 多层统计分析模型: 方法与应用. 北京: 高等教育出版社, 2008.]
[本文引用: 2]

Tang S S, Hao P. Floaters, settlers, and returnees: Settlement intention and Hukou conversion of China's rural migrants
The China Review, 2018, 18(1): 11-33.

[本文引用: 1]

Gu Hengyu, Xiao Fan, Shen Tiyan, et al. Spatial difference and influencing factors of settlement intention of urban floating population in China: Evidence from the 2015 national migrant population dynamic monitoring survey
Economic Geography, 2018, 38(11): 22-29.

[本文引用: 1]

[古恒宇, 肖凡, 沈体雁, . 中国城市流动人口居留意愿的地区差异与影响因素: 基于2015年流动人口动态监测数据
经济地理, 2018, 38(11): 22-29.]

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