

本站小编 Free考研考试/2021-12-29

谈明洪,1,2, 李秀彬,1,21.中国科学院地理科学与资源研究所 中国科学院陆地表层格局与模拟重点实验室,北京 100101
2.中国科学院大学资源环境学院,北京 100049

Paradigm transformation in the study of man-land relations: From local thinking to global network thinking modes

TAN Minghong,1,2, LI Xiubin,1,21. Key Laboratory of Land Surface Pattern and Simulation, Institute of Geographic Sciences and Natural Resources Research, CAS, Beijing 100101, China
2. College of Resources and Environment, University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100049, China

通讯作者: 李秀彬(1962-), 男, 研究员, 博士生导师, 主要从事土地利用研究。E-mail: lixb@igsnrr.ac.cn


Fund supported: National Natural Science Foundation of China(41771116)
National Key Research and Development Program of China(2016YFC0502103)

作者简介 About authors
谈明洪(1970-), 男, 研究员, 博士生导师, 主要从事土地利用研究。E-mail: tanmh@igsnrr.ac.cn

关键词: 人地关系;思维范式;本土思维;全球网络思维

The early studies on the relationships between man and land in geography mostly focused on local regions and held the idea that "the land and water resources in a region feed the person in the region". In the traditional agricultural society, which relies heavily on natural resources, the idea, and regional geographic research and management practice under its guidance play a positive role in promoting the development between man and nature, and sustainable resource use. With the continuous increase in openness of man and land system resulted from development of science and technology and transport improvement, regional systems on different scales and at different economic development levels have formed an interdependent and coupled geographic network. Every region becomes a node in this network, and the formation and solution of regional problems are closely related to other nodes in the network, and are related to internal and external factors of the regional system. In some cases, external factors even play a more important role. The introduction of some concepts and methods marks the paradigm transformation of man-land relationship research from local thinking paradigm to global networked thinking paradigm, such as virtual water, ecological footprint, carbon emissions due to goods trade, resource link and tele-coupling of man-land relationship. This study discusses the paradigm transformation from three aspects: the evolution characteristics of man-land system, the changes of thinking paradigm and study methods in man-land relationships, and the realization paths and practical significances of the transformation of thinking paradigm in man-land relationship research. According to new ideas and thinking paradigms, traditional local thinking modes and related research themes such as regional carrying capacity can not fully express the new characteristics of man-land relationships. At present, studies related to regional carrying capacity have become an important issue in land use planning and urban planning in China. In the development of land use planning at different levels, "evaluation of resource and environmental carrying capacity" has become the premise and basis of planning. In the implementation of this concept, we usually simply uses population size as the control index. In the context of an increasingly open system, studies in the carrying capacity of resources and environment may be re-examined. This is especially necessary in smaller scale regional systems (e.g., at a county level).
Keywords:man-land relationship;research paradigm;local thinking paradigm;geographic network thinking paradigm

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谈明洪, 李秀彬. 从本土到全球网络化的人地关系思维范式转型. 地理学报, 2021, 76(10): 2333-2342 doi:10.11821/dlxb202110001
TAN Minghong, LI Xiubin. Paradigm transformation in the study of man-land relations: From local thinking to global network thinking modes. Acta Geographica Sinice, 2021, 76(10): 2333-2342 doi:10.11821/dlxb202110001



1 人地系统的变化特征

地理学是关于人地关系地域系统的学科[1,2,3]。吴传钧认为:“对人地关系的认识,素来是地理学的研究核心,也是地理学理论研究的一项长期任务,始终贯彻在地理学的各个发展阶段”[4]。这里的“人”是指作为集体或集团的人,是社会人,而不是个体人;“地”最初是自然环境,后来为地理环境,地理环境的范围更广,其包含了人类自身影响下的环境[3, 5]。随着经济社会的发展,人地关系的要素和内容不断发生变化,其中最容易发生变化的是人。

人地系统的变化大致可以分为3个阶段(图1)。① 第一阶段,人地系统是相对封闭的、孤立的。在原始社会或早期的农业社会,人地系统是相互独立的。一个区域的人甚至不知道另一个区域人的存在。② 第二阶段,不同人地系统间的相互作用得到加强。它们之间进行了物质、能量、服务和信息等方面的交流。在这个阶段,由于人口数量不足和技术发展水平较低,人类活动的范围相对较小,人地系统之间虽然有着各种各样的联系和交流,但是人地系统并未发生重叠。这个阶段对应着封建社会或农业社会。③ 第三阶段,人口数量、人的需求和人类活动的范围不断增长和扩大,人地系统的范围不断延展,并在空间上交叉和重叠。比如一个人在一个城市上班,却居住在另一个城市。人地系统之间的联系更加紧密、功能相互补充。在竞争和相互挤压中,一些人地系统发展较快,范围不断扩大,占据了其他人地系统。随着人类活动范围的不断扩大,全球发展成最大的人地系统,即所谓的“地球村”。



Fig. 1The evolution of the man-land system


2 人地关系思维范式转型及其机制


2.1 本土思维


2.2 远程耦合


由于获取数据、分析数据能力的不断增强,远程耦合研究的广度和深度不断拓展和加深[11]。根据人类参与的程度,远程耦合包括3个层次:自然系统的远程耦合(如大气环流、洋流、台风等)、人类活动的远程耦合(经济全球化)、人地系统的远程耦合(如碳排放等)[12]。人地系统的远程耦合综合了人类和自然因子的相互作用,也反映了地域系统之间的相互影响。另外,还有自然系统对人地系统的远程耦合,如北大西洋涛动(The North Atlantic Oscillation)和斯堪的拉维亚半岛的气候波动对东欧、西欧和北欧的小麦生产和植被状况产生了很大的影响[13],相反,人类活动也会对自然系统产生远程影响。当前,远程耦合研究被广泛应用于农业、旅游业等诸多方面。每个远程耦合系统应该包括发射、接受和溢出子系统,3个子系统相互作用,在耦合系统中的角色可能互换,发射子系统可能转化为接受子系统,反之亦然[12]

2.3 全球网络化思维


2.4 从本土思维到全球网络化思维的转型机制


2.4.1 区域/国家 在全球网络体系中,不同的国家/区域成了全球网络中的一个个节点,这些节点所起的作用有大有小,对外联系有强有弱。以全球商品贸易为例,各个国家/区域的商品贸易份额既同人口总量有关,也和这个国家/区域的开放程度、经济发展水平有关(图2)。2018年印度人口近13亿,其商品贸易占世界的份额仅为2.1%。日本的人口不到印度的1/10,但其份额占全球的3.8%,商品对外贸易量超过印度。



Fig. 2Economies by size of merchandise trade in 2018

2.4.2 城市 城市最初功能主要是军事防御和举行祭祀仪式等,随着商品贸易的发展,城市与周边区域之间的交流日益频繁,形成了自己的腹地。由于现代交通和信息技术(高速公路、高铁、飞机、互联网等)的迅速发展,城市之间的腹地日益模糊,城市与城市之间的联系也日益紧密。在全球网络中,各个城市也可以被看作网络的关键节点,这些节点相互影响、相互依托,形成一个全球城市体系[16,17]。在此体系中,不同城市担任着不同的功能,彼此相互联系、相互补充;很多国家和区域乃至全球的城市规模及其在城市系统中的位置可以用位序—规模法则来刻画[18,19]。根据其功能和影响,城市大体可分为世界城市、国际化城市、区域性城市和地方性城市。


2.4.3 团体/组织 在团体/组织层次上,最为典型的就是企业。在企业发展过程中,小企业最初的生产和销售可能局限在一个城市,如麦当劳和肯德基都是从餐厅做起,最初的经营范围很小。由于企业业务的扩展,产品生产和销售的范围不断扩大,企业的产品销售到城市之外,甚至到其他区域/国家,成为跨国连锁餐厅。很多跨国企业为了开展全球业务,在世界各地设立数量众多的机构,这些机构也构成了网络节点,企业的影响遍及全球。如总部位于伦敦的汇丰银行在全球建立9700个机构,这些机构也是其服务全球的网络节点,全球成为其腹地[20]。类似地,华为技术有限公司(简称华为)也在拓展全球业务,其网站上有这样的介绍:“华为业务遍及170多个国家和地区,服务30多亿人口”,在全球很多地方设有华为的代表处,这些代表处构成了华为服务全球的网络。企业之间的关系可能更为复杂,既有层级关系、从属关系,也有合作和竞争关系。





Fig. 3Interactions between multiple agents (regional systems)

3 人地关系思维范式转型的实现路径和现实意义

3.1 以更广的视角去思考区域问题,定量表达域内外因子的影响

分析地域系统的演变或地域系统存在的问题,要准确评估域内外因素对地域系统的影响,这样有利于把握影响地域系统问题的内外因素,便于地域问题的解决。然而,域内外因素极其复杂,影响因素多种多样,不同因子之间很难比较。为了量化表达这种联系,一些新的概念、理念和方法不断涌现,如生态足迹、碳排放转移、虚拟水、虚拟土地、能值、土地置换等[8, 23]

生态足迹于20世纪90年代被提出,现已受到广泛关注。这个概念可以很好地表达人类活动影响的强度或范围,有****认为:“该理论从一个全新的角度来考虑人类社会经济发展与生态环境的关系,可能是全面分析人类对自然影响并用简单术语表示这种影响的最有效的工具之一”[24]。在评估中国澳门人类活动影响时,发现中国澳门2001年人均生态足迹为2.993 hm2,但是本地能够提供的仅为0.011 hm2,前者约为后者的272倍[25],这表明该城市人的活动强度及本地所能提供的资源当量,中国澳门的发展离不开外部资源的供给。如果在分析中国澳门的可持续发展时,仅从当地的生态承载力入手则舍本逐末。又如,近几年有关各国CO2排放权的争论非常激烈,作为全球排放量最大的国家,中国承担相应的减排责任似乎无可非议。可是根据一些****的计算,中国碳排放总量中的20%~30%,是与为美国、欧洲和其他国家提供的相关产品和服务有关[26]。因为中国是“世界工厂”,生产的产品并非完全由国内居民消费,生产过程中的部分碳排放责任应该由国外的消费者承担。因而“碳排放转移”这一概念被提出,强调应从国际贸易的角度理解“隐含碳排放责任”。


3.2 全球网络的研究方法




3.2.1 农业承载力 农业承载力研究一直是地理学家关注的重点。在特定技术水平条件下,农作物种植有很多限制因子,如气温、降水、光照等。从1949年中华人民共和国成立到1978年改革开放之前,粮食安全问题一直是社会经济发展中的焦点问题,农业承载力研究受到广泛关注,很多地理****对此做了富有成效的探讨。随着技术革新和地域系统开放程度的增加,农业承载力研究面临诸多问题:① 农业承载力研究的边界逐渐模糊。一个区域的粮食生产或农业产品不仅服务本区域,而且可能服务其他区域/国家[32],同样,其他区域的粮食也可能进入本区域;不同区域之间,粮食产品互通有无。② 农业产品的类型变得更为丰富多样,不仅仅是粮食,可能是花卉、蔬菜、水果,乃至农业旅游、农耕文明等,这些产品和服务可能主要用于对外贸易或为外地游客提供服务,而不仅仅用于本地消费者。③ 随着技术的发展,很多地区农业生产的限制因子被逐渐克服,农业生产潜力被“无限”挖掘。传统意义上很难被克服的限制因子,如气温、降水、光照等,在一些国家和区域也逐渐被克服,通过采用农业节水灌溉、温室大棚等技术。最为典型的就是以色列和荷兰农业的发展[33],荷兰位于51°N~54°N之间,热量、光照不足,国土面积约为4.2万km2,耕地面积仅为1.1万km2,然而,其已成为全球重要食品出口国。根据联合国粮农组织资料,2017年荷兰是世界上土豆和洋葱出口产值最高的国家,产值分别达到8.0亿美元和5.2亿美元。因此,由于农业地域系统边界的模糊,农产品生产日益多样化及技术的革新,一个区域农业结构升级,其农产品的价值或服务可能迅速增长,给农民带来巨大的利润。这样很难在较小的地域系统进行农业承载力评估,即使在一个国家的层次,农业承载力研究的意义也有所减弱。

3.2.2 城市承载力 城市化发展有其内在的规律。随着城市工作机会的增加,乡村人口大量进入城市。不仅如此,随着城市化进程的进一步推进,不同等级城市之间人口迁移现象也很明显。和小城市相比,大城市在城市运行成本、经济效益、文化和生活方式的多样化等方面有着小城市无法比拟的优势[34],因此,大城市或大都市区人口进一步集聚,如日本东京、英国伦敦、法国巴黎、韩国首尔等[35]。毫无疑问,随着城市人口增长和城市产业的聚集,城市本身无法提供城市居民生活和生产所需要的资源,如水资源、土地资源、能源等,这些资源很大一部分来自城市区域之外,如通过建设水库和抽取地下水为城市发展提供水资源。有些城市甚至通过工程建设引用其他流域的水资源来满足城市居民生产和生活的需要,如中国的南水北调、引黄济青、引滦入津等工程。另外,随着城市的发展,城市会产生很多环境问题,如大气污染、水污染等。面对此类问题,城市通常通过技术革新来解决,如产业结构升级、废弃物处理、资源循环利用和城市空间格局优化,而不是通过控制城市人口来解决。如英国伦敦早期的空气污染,随着产业结构的升级和技术革新得以解决,在这些污染问题得以解决的过程中,伦敦城市人口不是减少了,反而呈不断增长的趋势。因此,城市承载力很难用人口数量来表征,不应该人为制定人口红线,而应该遵循城市发展规律。在像中国这样的大国,城市人口的分布遵循位序—规模法则[18,19]。依据此法则,城市体系中最大城市的人口数量和这个国家城市总人口及城市数量的多少有关。在中国这样拥有近14亿人口的国家,城市人口总量大、城市数量众多,因此,最大城市的人口规模可能会很大。此外,一个国家最大人口规模的估算还应该放在世界城市体系中去考量,因为大城市是促进产业创新、参与国际市场竞争的重要平台。城市人口预测是城市规划的基础,只有进行较为准确的人口预测,才能对城市进行合理的规划和布局、才能制定出合理的预案。总之,中国大城市人口最大规模的问题值得我们深入思考。


4 结论





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The increasing global interconnectivity influencing land system change brings with it new challenges for land-system science. We evaluate whether recent land-system science (LSS) research into telecoupling provides a basis to set normative goals or priorities for addressing sustainability in coupled human-natural systems. We summarize the challenges for sustainability in an increasingly telecoupled world, particularly the coordination of multisited, multiscalar networks of public and private sector actors. Transnational flows of capital, commodities, energy, people, and waste often span multiple territorial jurisdictions. Thus, effective governance of such systems requires attention to collective decision-making and negotiation among governments, firms, land users, consumers, financial actors, and others.

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Acta Geographica Sinica, 2021, 76(4):870-887.

DOI:10.11821/dlxb202104007 [本文引用: 1]
Based on the data of 197 suppliers of iPhone components and parts in 2019, this paper builds multidimensional world city networks from the perspective of global value chains, integrating specialized cities with global functions and the high-class world cities into the same analytical framework, which enriches the research perspective of world city networks in the era of globalization to a certain extent. The purpose of this paper is to expand the research and investigation scope of the existing field of world city networks. By means of social network analysis (i.e. the analysis of centrality, connectedness and network cohesion), rank-size rule and community detection, we study the power and prestige, the overall topological structure, the community structure and influence mechanism of the city networks of R&D-oriented, production-oriented and OEM service-oriented types. The results show that: (1) All the world city networks are characterized by polycentricity and diversification, differentiation of nodes' status and dependence on external connections. The "star" nodes in the network coexist with high power and high prestige, and the power is generally higher than the prestige. (2) The network cohesion and rank of R&D-oriented cities are the highest, and the network tends to show a primate city distribution, and the growth of small group structure and the phenomenon of R&D clusters are obvious. The production-oriented network has the highest connectedness, and it tends to present a rank-size distribution and an equilibrium structure. Its network scale is large, but the ties of many nodes are sparse and decentralized; OEM service-oriented network has the highest relative centrality, and power and information are concentrated in a few city nodes. (3) The cluster characteristics of R&D-oriented city communities are most noticeable. Moreover, the network has significant long-distance knowledge spillover and cooperation behavior. Enterprises form specialized clusters in R&D-type cities through non-tradable interdependence, and obtain the benefits of localization economies and spatial integrated effects. The cluster tendency of production-oriented city communities are relatively obvious. Geographical proximity and spatial dependence are the main factors incubating community structure. Enterprises form generalized clusters through tradable interdependence to obtain the benefits of urbanization economies and distance attenuation effect. No obvious cluster network has been incubated in OEM serviced-oriented city communities. Polarization phenomenon of the inter-community is extremely significant, that is to say, the core city community in Taiwan, China, radiates to other low-level equilibrium communities, forming a radial community structure. Contract manufacturers seek the cities with low labor costs around the world to carry out standardized production, and realize full competition through scale economies, therefore, a scatter-type city network layout structure is formed.
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PMID:17438298 [本文引用: 1]
Humanity has just crossed a major landmark in its history with the majority of people now living in cities. Cities have long been known to be society's predominant engine of innovation and wealth creation, yet they are also its main source of crime, pollution, and disease. The inexorable trend toward urbanization worldwide presents an urgent challenge for developing a predictive, quantitative theory of urban organization and sustainable development. Here we present empirical evidence indicating that the processes relating urbanization to economic development and knowledge creation are very general, being shared by all cities belonging to the same urban system and sustained across different nations and times. Many diverse properties of cities from patent production and personal income to electrical cable length are shown to be power law functions of population size with scaling exponents, beta, that fall into distinct universality classes. Quantities reflecting wealth creation and innovation have beta approximately 1.2 >1 (increasing returns), whereas those accounting for infrastructure display beta approximately 0.8 <1 (economies of scale). We predict that the pace of social life in the city increases with population size, in quantitative agreement with data, and we discuss how cities are similar to, and differ from, biological organisms, for which beta<1. Finally, we explore possible consequences of these scaling relations by deriving growth equations, which quantify the dramatic difference between growth fueled by innovation versus that driven by economies of scale. This difference suggests that, as population grows, major innovation cycles must be generated at a continually accelerating rate to sustain growth and avoid stagnation or collapse.

Tan Minghong, Li Xiubin. The evolution of the urban system of the United States in the 20th century and its implications for China
Acta Geographica Sinica, 2010, 65(12):1488-1495.

DOI:10.11821/xb201012005 [本文引用: 1]
Over the process of rapid urbanization, how will massive rural-urban migrants be distributed in the cities with different sizes? It is one of key issues that we must face when we set out the strategies for socio-economic development at the country level. The United States is the largest developed country in the world. In 1910, the level of urbanization in the US had reached that of today's China. Based on the census data of the US, using the Rank-Size rule, this study analyzed the evolution of the urban system of the country in the 20<sup>th</sup> century, which may provide some implications for the development of the urban system in China and urban planning at the macro level. Results show that: between 1900 and 1970, the value of sloping index (q) presents a rising trend, which implies that the big cities grew more rapidly, compared with the small and medium-sized cities. And in the last 30 years of the 20<sup>th</sup> century, the cities developed more evenly. In China, during the process of rapid urbanization (1985-2000), urban population in small cities grew faster than that in big cities. Comparison of the urban systems of two countries shows that the large cities in China will have a big potential in terms of urban population growth.
[ 谈明洪, 李秀彬. 20世纪美国城市体系的演变及其对中国的启示
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