Theoretical and empirical exploration of human-environment relationship in tourism context from a microcosmic perspective
HUANG Jianfeng

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黄剑锋(1982-), 男, 安徽宣城人, 博士, 副教授, 硕士生导师, 研究方向为旅游者行为与旅游地治理、城镇化与乡村发展。E-mail:

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黄剑锋, 陆林, 宋玉. 微观视角下旅游情境人地关系的理论与经验. 地理学报, 2021, 76(10): 2360-2378 doi:10.11821/dlxb202110003
HUANG Jianfeng, LU Lin, SONG Yu.
1 理论检视:旅游情境人地关系研究的多元格局及拓展方向
1.1 旅游情境人地关系研究的背景与现状
在综合而复杂的旅游现象中,旅游活动的特征与规律历来是旅游研究尤其是旅游地理与旅游管理等学科共同研究的重要议题。地理学因空间、地方、人地关系等主题与旅游非惯常环境体验的空间性、地方性、人地交互性的适切而成为多学科旅游研究的重要力量[1,2],人地关系作为地理学基本理论也已在旅游地理研究中得到广泛应用[3,4]。然而,旅游地理如何以人地关系理论为旅游者行为提供更深刻的洞见,并与旅游管理等学科对话合作进而对旅游研究产生更大的知识溢出和理论贡献?这是旅游地理研究中重要的学科性问题。事实上,旅游研究中涉及人地关系的探讨有两种情况,一种是以人地关系为视阈,将具体研究置于人地关系的理论框架中来考察,这种研究大量存在;另一种是以人地关系为对象,明确针对人地关系本身特征和规律进行分析,这种研究并不丰富但有重要价值。如果把后者称为旅游情境人地关系研究,这种研究大体分为侧重自然资源环境和侧重人文社会环境两类[5,6]。侧重自然资源环境这一类着眼物质环境的外在有形性[6],研究自然条件对旅游活动的影响[7,8]、旅游活动对自然要素和土地利用等的影响[9,10]、旅游活动与自然地理环境的互动及耦合[11,12,13,14],重点关注自然环境对人类活动的约束、人类对自然环境的扰动、人与环境交互的生态效应,此时人地关系主要反映人口、资源、环境的关系,“地”更多是指人类赖以生存的自然资源和生态环境。侧重人文社会环境这一类着眼感知环境的情景表征性[6],研究人与环境互动在旅游活动中的作用[15,16,17]、旅游者或居民等主体对环境的地方感知及建构[18,19]、旅游背景下人与社会文化环境的互动及其变迁[20,21,22],重点关注人文环境对人的心理和行为的作用、人对社会环境的认知和情感、人与环境交互的社会效应,此时人地关系主要反映人类活动对环境的再现和建构,“地”更多是指行为主体所赋予意义的地方或场所。总体来说,旅游情境的人地关系涉及客观要素利用和主观意义生成两种交互方式,追求资源生态和经济社会文化两种可持续性,人地关系是一个不能忽视自然与人文系统复杂关联的综合概念[3-6, 23]。
1.2 旅游情境人地关系研究的特殊性与多元性
1.2.1 旅游情境人地关系研究的特殊性 自然与人文、物质与感知、客观与建构的二元性长期贯穿人地关系研究[6],这一点也体现在上述研究进展中,并映射出旅游情境人地关系同人文与经济地理学通常研究的人地关系存在明显不同。区别于农业、制造业及生产性服务业,就人地关系而言,旅游现象具有特殊性:① 地方体验的主体性,旅游活动主要是对游憩条件的主观体验,旅游者通过认知、情感、态度等心理过程对旅游地赋予地方意义和价值;② 环境扰动的有限性,旅游活动主要是对自然和人文要素的利用或适度调节,较少涉及人类活动对地理环境的大规模、深度扰动;③ 交互行为的微观性,旅游活动主要是旅游者流动性个体行为,人与环境的互动大多处于短时、局部的微观尺度。旅游现象的特殊性决定了旅游情境人地关系研究的特殊性和多样性,主要表现在4个方面:① 研究对象。人地关系(广义的人与环境关系,即“Human-environment Relationship”)既有人与自然资源环境的物质能量关系、群体的人在中宏观尺度与区域环境的关系(如通常说的“Man-land Relationship”),也有人与人文社会环境的感知态度关系、个体的人在微观尺度与地方环境的关系(如通常说的“Person-place Relationship”),呈现自然与人文、群体与个体、客观与主观、宏观与微观、被动与能动等一系列多样性。② 研究层次。自然环境、同质化群体、客观关系、区域格局过程更多属于中宏观时空尺度,人文环境、异质性个体、主观关系、地方价值意义更多属于微观时空尺度。当然,宏微观层次并不绝对,自然环境也能从微观尺度切入,人文环境也能从宏观尺度把握。③ 研究范式。旅游活动的资源生态过程、机制及效应研究主要采取自然科学范式,旅游行为与人文社会环境的交互特征和规律研究更多采取社会科学范式,而社会科学内部又有众多范式共存并与宏微观层次相联系[24]。④ 方法论。考察宏微观层次时需明确在何种时空尺度视野下研究何种时空尺度对象[25],这就涉及方法论整体主义和方法论个体主义两种取向[26]。地表事象的性质及尺度界定了研究的解析水平及领域[27],方法论整体主义更适合自然环境的中宏观人地关系研究,方法论个体主义更适合人文环境的微观人地关系研究,两种方法论的选择取决于具体问题。这里要强调,方法论个体主义只是对社会—科学解释方式的适当约束,并不等于将个体作为社会实在基本形式的形而上学的本体论个体主义,也不等于政治上的个人自由主义[26]。
1.2.2 旅游情境人地关系研究的多元范式 人地关系是跨学科议题[3, 28],涉及不同世界观和研究视角[29],不同学科从不同视角、尺度探究人地关系的不同侧面[28]。前述研究对象、层次、范式、方法论的多样性,导致了旅游情境人地关系研究独特的多元性,尤其是这一领域暂时难以形成单一范式。同时,地理学关于宏微观不同尺度转换的研究目前集中在自然地理、信息地理等领域[25, 30],人文地理领域的成果很少。类似的是,经济学、社会学、管理学等社会科学一直以来也致力于宏微观之间的连接以及方法论整体主义与方法论个体主义之间的调和[26]。为此,鉴于研究对象和尺度转换的复杂性以及旅游现象的特殊性,旅游情境人地关系研究中的宏微观尺度转换和多元范式整合尚待长期攻关,目前能做的是推动不同范式、不同尺度研究的发展,为未来的范式整合和尺度转换提供基础,这有利于在多元性中把握人地关系研究的统一性并促进人地关系理论本身的发展。

Fig. 1Pluralism continuum of human-environment relationship paradigms in tourism context
借鉴已有研究[31,32],这一连续体中存在着两种比较典型的范式,① 结构—工程范式,从系统工程角度研究人地系统的结构、性态、功能,强调人地互动的制约性和有序性,主要(不是全部)涉及自然资源环境、宏观整体视角;② 心理—行为范式,从人类心理和行为角度研究人在人地互动中的感知、态度,强调人地关系发生发展的主体性和意向性,主要(不是全部)涉及人文社会环境、微观个体视角。其中,第Ⅰ、Ⅳ象限比较明确,第Ⅰ象限重点采用结构—工程范式(如社会—生态系统),第Ⅳ象限重点采用心理—行为范式(如地方感);而第Ⅱ、Ⅲ象限相对混合,第Ⅱ象限可能同时采用结构—工程范式(如聚落文化景观)和心理—行为范式(如社会集体记忆)、第Ⅲ象限也可能同时采用结构—工程范式(如生计方式)和心理—行为范式(如环境责任行为)。需要指出的是,宏观与微观之间、结构—工程范式与心理—行为范式之间并非泾渭分明。这再次说明旅游及人地关系研究范式是多元的,并不存在最优范式,除了这两种典型范式以外还会有其他范式,关键是要根据研究问题来选择更适合的范式,这反映出人地关系研究既有自然科学范式的不可通约性,更有社会科学范式的互补性[33,34]。
1.3 旅游情境人地关系研究的微观视角拓展
长期以来,面对全球变化和人地关系严峻态势[35],中国地理学将人地系统优化调控作为重点[3],聚焦人类活动与自然地理环境的关系[36],形成了侧重自然资源环境的人地关系研究主流学派和经典范式[3, 35-36],为经济社会生态可持续发展提供了重要支撑[35]。鉴于中国资源环境问题的典型性和紧迫性[37],侧重自然资源环境、旨在谋求人地系统平衡的结构—工程范式将对人地关系研究发挥长期指导作用。同时,人地关系研究是多方面的,心理和行为是多变量人地系统中的重要因素[3],从个体感知探寻人与环境的相互作用能为全面考察人地关系本质提供补充,心理—行为范式成为人地关系研究的多元范式之一[31,32]。为此,在强化地理学统一性综合性、弘扬中国地理学主流特色、坚持侧重自然资源环境的人地关系经典范式前提下[3, 35-36],从微观心理—行为范式加强侧重人文社会环境的人地关系特别是生活世界人与环境交互研究[38,39,40],有利于与人地关系研究范式多元化的国际学术界[29]、与同样从微观层次将人与环境关系作为主题的社会科学[41]之间对话,为多学科旅游研究的知识生产提供新契机。然而,旅游者行为中的人地关系研究在微观视角、心理—行为范式、本体论层面尚有不足。侧重人文社会环境的微观个体心理和行为研究有待加强,即便有不少研究通过地方感、地方依恋等来研究人地互动[42,43,44,45],大多都是将人地关系作为认识论工具,从本体论层面将人地关系内生为旅游者行为机制的基础理论探索较少,对人地关联如何发生和作用暂未做出充分解释,也很少提供基于系统量化方法的经验证据。作为区别于中层理论的宏观理论[46],人地关系理论具有高度抽象性、哲学思辨性、普适指导性,需要根据不同尺度和类型的地域,在特定研究中提出具体问题。同时,人、地、人地交互等范畴涉及因素十分宽泛,难以穷尽并精确表达,地理与人本空间、实体与信息空间衍生出的空间异质性及人地关系复杂性愈发显现[4, 47]。为此,需要探索对理论的经验化、情境化、具体化,从人地关系原理转向经验研究,从外部力量和总体特征转向内生结构和交互机制[48],经验化及本体论化成为微观视角下旅游情境人地关系研究亟待破解的难题。
鉴于旅游情境人地关系研究具有特殊性和多元性,宏微观都是研究人地关系的有效层次,范式整合和尺度转换还有待长期探索,本文对于微观视角下旅游情境人地关系的研究,明确在微观尺度内部展开,暂不涉及宏微观尺度转换。这里的微观视角有3层涵义:① 以社区、村落、景点等微观地方作为研究单元;② 以微观个体的旅游者感知和体验作为分析对象;③ 以心理行为层次的微观人地关系发生和作用作为研究主题。这是在微观空间单元中,通过微观分析对象来研究微观人地关系主题,因而避免了简化论以微观材料解释宏观现象的方法论不当[41]。在明确研究层次的前提下,以经验材料为证据,依据逻辑推导来建立假说并加以检验,是人地关系研究的有效途径[49],现代科学哲学的假说—演绎系统为此提供了基本思路[50]。本文接下来的研究按照这一思路,尝试从个体感知角度、心理—行为范式和本体论解释层面,对侧重人文社会环境的旅游情境人地关系发生和作用机制进行探索。
2 理论探究:微观视角下旅游者行为的人地关系理论逻辑
2.1 理论经验化及本体论化的可能路径
2.1.1 人地关系议题中的具体研究问题 科学假说包含事实基础、背景理论、猜测及其推演出的预见,能够衔接科学问题与理论并与理论相互促进[50]。对于人地关系宏大议题,无法在一项研究中提供完整答案,需要导入背景理论或中层理论来指引具体可操作问题的提出和假说的推导[46, 51-52]。为此,解决微观视角下旅游情境人地关系研究经验化及本体论化难题的第一个关键是针对人地关系宏大议题中的具体方面,按照科学哲学的基本思路,根据经验观察并借助中层理论来提出具体可操作的研究问题及理论逻辑。人地关系中的心理和行为因素是行为地理学和环境心理学的共同对象[31-32, 39, 44-45]。在环境心理学中,刺激—有机体—反应(Stimulus-Organism-Response, S-O-R)理论关注人在环境刺激中的感知和行为,认为环境刺激影响个体有机体状态进而激发行为反应[53,54,55],已成为管理学中消费者行为研究的重要框架。近年来该理论被引入旅游者行为研究,在现有研究中,环境刺激涉及感知到的环境的场景、质量、价值等,大体分为功能和情感两类;有机体涉及满意、认同等,核心是积极心理状态;反应涉及行为倾向或实际行为,主要表现为正面的行为意愿[56,57,58,59]。S-O-R理论为探究微观尺度环境刺激对个体心理及行为的影响、探索旅游者行为中的人与环境关系提供了合适的理论工具。根据S-O-R理论的线索,观察现实不难发现,对于社区、村落、景点等微观尺度旅游地,旅游者感知到的环境刺激可分为旅游地面向旅游者的功能质量与情感质量[60,61],二者分别指向地的功能与人的情感两个向度,旅游者与旅游地之间基于地方的心理联结是人地交互有机体的重要体现[6, 44, 62]。在心理—行为范式看来,人地关系是包含地方、感知、体验、态度的动态过程[44, 62-63],探究环境外在特征与个体主观判断的关系是一种考察人地关系的整合式路径[64]。沿着这一逻辑,本文发展的一个观点是,在微观尺度的旅游情境下,地的功能与人的情感两方面环境刺激共同影响基于地方的人地联结有机体进而促成行为反应,从人—地二元到人—地交互的结构性作用是导致旅游者行为的一个内生机制。这一假说的推演,或许能为解释微观尺度旅游者行为中的人地关系提供一个可能(而非唯一)的思路。
2.1.2 人地关系范畴中的具体研究变量 逻辑推演需要借助变量语言并通过分析对象所承担的理性介质来考察事物之间的关系[34],管理学等学科中的经验研究通常从局部现象和材料入手,将问题一再分解到能够对变量测量并以数据检验变量关系为止[52],地理学也通过材料的选择、简化、概括来考察异常丰富的地表现实中最重要的事实及特征[65]。对于人地关系抽象议题及范畴,目前能做的是在理论逻辑推演的架构下,聚焦人地关系抽象范畴中的重要因素,通过具体可操作的变量及模型来检验理论逻辑,并赋予经验材料以人地关系的本质解释,这是微观视角下旅游情境人地关系研究经验化及本体论化的第二个关键。结构—工程范式在研究侧重自然资源环境的人地关系时,正是采取这一方式来对人地关系中地的制约、人的作用以及人地交互机制进行表达[7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14]。同样,心理—行为范式下旅游者行为中的人地互动,也不妨借鉴这一方式。当然,这一方式并不是要凭借现有经验变量对人地关系中的范畴简单进行操作化,而是旨在推动理论的经验化、促进理论与经验研究的结合。
在旅游者行为研究中,首先,旅游地形象感知是旅游者对旅游地看法的表征,认知形象和情感形象分别是对旅游地能够满足旅游功能的属性和唤起相应情感的属性的感知[60-61, 66-67],二者以环境感知的形式分别指涉地的功能和人的情感两种向度的环境刺激;其次,地方依恋是地方体验中颇具共性的一个概念,指人与特定地方之间的物质和社会联结,被视为心理—行为范式下探究微观尺度人地关系的重要变量,反映了基于功能与情感因素的内在有机体和综合心理状态[42,43,44,45];再次,行为意愿是个体目的性的行为准备状态,是行为反应的指针[68];最后,人与环境互动会受到自身价值观的影响[69],对特定活动唤醒和兴趣的涉入可能会干扰人对环境刺激的反应[54, 70]。为此,根据S-O-R理论,认知形象/情感形象—地方依恋—行为意愿这一作用链在人地关系抽象范畴难以操作化的情况下,在一定程度上反映了人—地二元到人—地交互的理论逻辑,或许能为微观视角下解释旅游者行为的人地关系机制提供一个可能(而非唯一)的模型。当然,这并不是要对S-O-R理论中的概念直接进行操作化,而是按照管理学等学科基于变量测量的定量研究通常做法[52],以中层理论作为理论基础来指示假设模型的推导。
2.2 理论逻辑的一个假设模型
借助认知形象/情感形象、地方依恋、行为意愿等具体经验变量,可以建立反映前述理论逻辑的一个可能(而非唯一)的假设模型。(1)直接效应假设。微观尺度的地方之所以被个体所重视,是因为其功能和情感方面的价值[62,63,64],认知形象和情感形象分别从功能质量和情感质量两个向度的环境刺激体现了地方价值,并影响消费者行为[61, 66-67]。根据S-O-R理论[53,54,55],面向地的功能的认知形象和面向人的情感的情感形象,会作为环境刺激引起旅游者推荐和重游意愿等接近性的应激反应。为此提出假设H1a:认知形象(面向地的功能的环境刺激)正向影响旅游者行为意愿;H1b:情感形象(面向人的情感的环境刺激)正向影响旅游者行为意愿。
(2)中介效应假设。地方依恋由功能性地方依赖和情感性地方认同构成,需从功能与情感相统一的有机体来加以整合[44, 71-72]。根据S-O-R理论[53,54,55],个体在地的功能因素和人的情感因素促进下赋予地方以意义,形成并增强人地联结,此时个体会发展对其有重要意义的地方,对地方产生依恋时会对该地表现出趋近的心理倾向[44-45, 71-72]。在此基础上,刺激、有机体、反应之间具有相继发生的传导关系,地方依恋作为将认知、情感、行为承诺组织起来的复杂心理结构和连续体[42, 44-45],引发环境刺激与行为之间的中介过程。为此提出假设H2a:认知形象(面向地的功能的环境刺激)通过地方依恋(人地联结)间接影响行为意愿;H2b:情感形象(面向人的情感的环境刺激)通过地方依恋(人地联结)间接影响行为意愿。
(3)调节效应假设。S-O-R理论认为,有机体状态具有唤起、支配等表现形式[53,54,55]。旅游涉入是个体被旅游情境激发的唤醒和兴趣等心理状态[54, 70, 73],人们会根据特定情境在生活中的角色来与地方建立联结[64]。较高的涉入使旅游者更容易从功能上将环境认知并入自我概念,并因为同环境相关的情感经历而赋予地方更多的意义,从而增强人地联结,此时旅游者的良好状态也能促进其对地方的亲近行为[42, 44]。于是,涉入能够干扰人地联结并与人地联结一起干扰行为倾向[74,75],涉入越高,面向地的功能和人的情感的环境刺激对人地联结的影响以及人地联结对行为意愿的影响都越强。为此提出假设H3a:涉入正向调节认知形象(面向地的功能的环境刺激)对地方依恋(人地联结)的影响;H3b:涉入正向调节情感形象(面向人的情感的环境刺激)对地方依恋(人地联结)的影响;H3c:涉入正向调节地方依恋(人地联结)对行为意愿的影响。
(4)两阶段被调节的中介效应假设。人地互动取决于个体与地方之间的交互形式并影响这种交互的状态和程度[63-64, 71-72]。涉入缘起于个体认为重要而相关的环境刺激,同时又交互式地影响行为反应[54, 74-75],人地联结在环境刺激与个体应激之间的中介作用于是受到涉入的干扰。涉入越高时,面向地的功能和人的情感的环境刺激通过人地联结对行为反应的间接作用越强。为此提出假设H4a:涉入对认知形象(面向地的功能的环境刺激)与地方依恋(人地联结)关系的调节效应正向干扰地方依恋在认知形象与行为意愿之间的中介效应;H4b:涉入对情感形象(面向人的情感的环境刺激)与地方依恋(人地联结)关系的调节效应正向干扰地方依恋在情感形象与行为意愿之间的中介效应;H4c:涉入对地方依恋(人地联结)与行为意愿关系的调节效应正向干扰地方依恋在认知形象(面向地的功能的环境刺激)与行为意愿之间的中介效应;H4d:涉入对地方依恋(人地联结)与行为意愿关系的调节效应正向干扰地方依恋在情感形象(面向人的情感的环境刺激)与行为意愿之间的中介效应。

Fig. 2Hypothesized model
3 经验分析:基于认知/情感形象与地方依恋的行为意愿实证检验
3.1 实证检验的研究设计
3.1.1 案例地选取与样本收集 为检验上述假设模型,选取具有代表性、适配性的案例地,通过调查问卷向旅游者收集样本数据,进行实证分析。案例地为浙江省杭州市西湖街道所辖的梅家坞、满觉陇等村,地处西湖风景名胜区内,被称为村庄与景区有机融合的“景中村”。研究团队于2013年7月和10月、2014年2月和8月、2015年7月、2016年6月、2017年4月前往当地开展持续调研。在多轮调研基础上,对科学问题凝炼、理论逻辑推导、假设模型构建、测量工具制定、案例地典型性等进行论证,力图使理论研究与经验研究相辅相成。关于问题凝炼、理论推导、模型构建,已在前文阐明,不再赘述。关于量表制定:① 采用国际权威期刊文献成熟量表,通过翻译—回译程序保证题项翻译和表述准确性;② 根据中国国情和研究背景,在案例地前期实地调研基础上,对题项加以必要修正,并对旅游、地理、管理、社会学等领域专家和案例地管理、从业、旅游者等共20人进行访谈,对题项适用性、简明性进行确认,对题项表述做进一步完善、润色,形成初始量表;③ 在正式调查之前,于2018年4月在案例地针对旅游者进行预调查,预调查发放问卷200份,回收有效问卷179份,在问卷信度等基本指标检测通过基础上,最终确定正式量表。关于案例地典型性,该案例地旅游吸引物禀赋优良,环境氛围宜人,业态发展较完善,旅游地形象较鲜明,是兼具自然与人文环境、城市与乡村特征、观光与休闲产品的综合性旅游地,为旅游者与旅游地深入互动提供了良好条件,为本研究探讨旅游者行为中的人地关系提供了典型情境。研究团队于2018年4—6月在案例地对旅游者进行正式的问卷调查。调查前对调查人员就研究内容进行详细培训。利用拦截式便利抽样方法收集样本,在征得被调查者同意后,一对一现场填答匿名问卷。正式调查共发放问卷750份,回收有效问卷626份,有效回收率为83.5%。有效样本性别上,男、女各占比48.6%、51.4%;年龄上多数为中青年,15~24岁、25~34岁、35~44岁分别占比31.5%、45.8%、14.7%;教育程度上多数为高中及以上,高中、大学、研究生分别占比19.5%、64.8%、10.9%;旅游次数上,初游、重游各占比50.2%、49.8%。
3.1.2 变量测量与数据分析方法 变量测量方面,认知形象反映旅游地在功能向度上的属性,参考Prayag等[76]的研究,题项包括旅游地的吸引物、设施、文化、风情、服务、可达性、声誉等方面。情感形象反映旅游地在情感向度上的属性,参考Baloglu等[60]的研究,题项包括旅游地令人愉快、放松、唤醒、兴奋等。地方依恋反映旅游者与旅游地的心理联结,根据现有研究共识包含地方依赖和地方认同两个基本维度[72, 77],参考Kyle等[77]、Yuksel等[78]的研究,地方依赖包括喜爱在此旅游、在此更加重要、获得更好条件、获得更多满足等题项,地方认同包括认同此地、意味很多、是我的一部分、拥有特殊联系等题项。行为意愿反映旅游者对旅游地正面的行为倾向,参考Prayag等[76]、Kim[79]的研究,题项包括重游和推荐等意愿。旅游涉入有狭义与广义之分,狭义涉入指个体源于重要性和相关性的刺激而对某一活动的兴趣和享受状态,广义涉入除此之外还包括对风险可能性和重要性的感知,但涉入的核心涵义在于个体涉及生活价值观的内在状态[73-75, 77]。本文主要探讨人地互动所受自身价值相关性的内在心理状态的影响,为此采用狭义涉入概念,参考Gursoy等[73]、Huang等[75]的研究,包括旅游带来乐趣享受、对我来说重要、让我感兴趣等题项。题项采用Likert 5级量表,5为“非常同意”,1为“非常不同意”。此外,以无记名方式采集旅游者的性别、年龄、教育程度、旅游次数等信息。
数据分析方面,运用SPSS 20.0、AMOS 21.0、MPLUS 7.0等软件,在信度效度检验、描述性统计后,采用阶层回归分析法检验直接效应、中介效应、调节效应,并采用偏差校正的非参数百分位法(Bootstrapping)检验中介效应和被调节的中介效应。此外,参考以往研究[80],在上述效应检验时将性别、年龄、教育程度、旅游次数作为控制变量,以排除其对变量间因果关系的干扰及混淆。
3.2 实证检验的研究结果
3.2.1 共同方法偏差与信度效度检验 采用程序和统计方式控制共同方法偏差。程序控制上,在不同时间地点开展匿名调查,题项来自成熟量表,问卷中对不同变量加以隔离,以减少填答顾虑和感知偏差。统计控制上,Harman's单因素法[81]进行检验时,未旋转前第一个因子方差解释率仅为14.97%,不存在解释力特别大的因子。将所有题项指定给一个潜变量和分别指定给各潜变量,单因子模型拟合度(χ2/df = 13.885,RMSEA = 0.144,RMR = 0.072,CFI = 0.648,NFI = 0.631)比五因子(认知形象、情感形象、地方依恋、行为意愿、旅游涉入)模型拟合度(χ2/df = 3.087,RMSEA = 0.054,RMR = 0.043,CFI = 0.945,NFI = 0.921)明显恶化,样本不存在严重的共同方法偏差。整体量表Cronbach's α系数为0.938,各变量Cronbach's α系数在0.825~0.909之间,内部一致性良好[82]。组合信度(CR)在0.826~0.913之间,平均方差抽取量(AVE)在0.517~0.725之间,聚合效度良好;五因子模型拟合度达到可接受水平,且AVE平方根均大于变量间相关系数(表1),区分效度良好[83,84]。Tab. 1
Tab. 1
变量 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 |
1.性别 | 1 | ||||||||
2.年龄 | -0.033 | 1 | |||||||
3.教育程度 | -0.050 | -0.041 | 1 | ||||||
4.旅游次数 | -0.060 | 0.135** | -0.108** | 1 | |||||
5.认知形象 | -0.031 | 0.014 | -0.088* | -0.036 | (0.738) | ||||
6.情感形象 | -0.043 | -0.016 | -0.079* | -0.033 | 0.565** | (0.851) | |||
7.地方依恋 | -0.012 | 0.038 | -0.060 | 0.003 | 0.440** | 0.560** | (0.719) | ||
8.行为意愿 | -0.024 | 0.060 | -0.068 | -0.047 | 0.512** | 0.626** | 0.659** | (0.795) | |
9.旅游涉入 | -0.052 | 0.029 | -0.030 | 0.021 | 0.394** | 0.479** | 0.348** | 0.490** | (0.805) |
均值 | 1.514 | 2.973 | 2.818 | 1.776 | 3.859 | 3.960 | 3.442 | 3.723 | 4.017 |
标准差 | 0.504 | 0.920 | 0.680 | 0.862 | 0.641 | 0.689 | 0.675 | 0.704 | 0.684 |
3.2.2 假设模型检验 描述性统计分析显示,认知形象与地方依恋(r = 0.440,p < 0.01)、行为意愿(r = 0.512,p < 0.01),情感形象与地方依恋(r = 0.560,p < 0.01)、行为意愿(r = 0.626,p < 0.01),地方依恋与行为意愿(r = 0.659,p < 0.01),均显著正相关(表1)。在此基础上,对直接效应、中介效应、调节效应、被调节的中介效应等假设进行检验。
(1)直接效应检验。阶层回归分析中纳入控制变量后(下同),认知形象、情感形象(M3,β = 0.507,p < 0.001;M5,β = 0.624,p < 0.001)对行为意愿均有显著正向影响(表2),假设H1a、H1b成立。功能与情感两个向度的环境刺激确实能引起旅游者的行为反应[61, 66-67],地与人两个向度是微观视角下人地互动的基本来源,在人地关系形成过程中呈现潜在的二元性。
Tab. 2
Tab. 2
变量 | 地方依恋 | 行为意愿 | ||||||
M1 | M2 | M3 | M4 | M5 | M6 | M7 | ||
性别 | 0.003 | 0.014 | -0.010 | -0.012 | 0.002 | -0.004 | -0.020 | |
年龄 | 0.029 | 0.045 | 0.057 | 0.042 | 0.075 | 0.055 | 0.042 | |
教育程度 | -0.019 | -0.012 | -0.025 | -0.015 | -0.019 | -0.014 | -0.034 | |
旅游次数 | 0.013 | 0.015 | -0.040 | -0.047 | -0.038 | -0.045 | -0.059 | |
认知形象 | 0.438*** | 0.507*** | 0.271*** | |||||
情感形象 | 0.561*** | 0.624*** | 0.374*** | |||||
地方依恋 | 0.537*** | 0.447*** | 0.655*** | |||||
R2 | 0.195 | 0.316 | 0.267 | 0.499 | 0.398 | 0.535 | 0.440 | |
∆R2 | 0.190 | 0.311 | 0.254 | 0.232 | 0.385 | 0.522 | 0.427 | |
F | 30.022*** | 57.281*** | 45.054*** | 102.592*** | 82.008*** | 118.526*** | 97.289*** | |
∆F | 146.137*** | 281.729*** | 214.549*** | 286.536*** | 396.972*** | 347.141*** | 472.410*** |
(2)中介效应检验。首先采用逐步法[85],认知形象对地方依恋(M1,β = 0.438,p < 0.001)、情感形象对地方依恋(M2,β = 0.561,p < 0.001)、地方依恋对行为意愿(M7,β = 0.655,p < 0.001)均有显著正向影响(表2)。加入地方依恋后,认知形象、情感形象对行为意愿(M4,β = 0.271,p < 0.001;M6,β = 0.374,p < 0.001)的作用均减弱但仍显著(表2)。其次利用Bootstrapping法追加验证[86],认知形象、情感形象通过地方依恋对行为意愿的间接效应在95%置信区间[0.042, 0.111]、[0.038, 0.095]都不包含0,中介效应显著。假设H2a、H2b得到支持,地方依恋在认知形象、情感形象与行为意愿之间的间接效应量分别占总效应的46.4%、40.2%。地方依恋作为人地联结的重要方式起到了对功能与情感两个向度环境刺激的整合作用,并能继而将这种有机体状态转化为行为反应[44-45, 71-72]。在环境被人赋予意义的基础上,地方成为微观视角下人地关系的重要纽带[44, 62],人与地的联结具有整合的内在动力。人—地二元性具有联结、整合、汇聚到人—地交互性的内在动力和趋向。
(3)调节效应检验。对自变量与调节变量做中心化处理,各预测变量的方差膨胀因子(VIF)在1.050~1.063之间,不存在严重的多重共线性[82]。认知形象、情感形象与旅游涉入的交互项(M10,β = 0.076,p < 0.05;M13,β = 0.068,p < 0.05)对地方依恋均有显著正向影响,地方依恋与涉入的交互项(M16,β = 0.042,p > 0.05)对行为意愿未见显著影响(表3),假设H3a、H3b成立,H3c不成立。地的功能与人的情感两个向度的环境刺激对人地联结的促进是人—地二元向人—地交互转化的关键环节,这一人地关系的发生过程往往会受到人的价值观的影响[69],旅游活动涉入正向调节了地的功能、人的情感对人地联结的促成。然而,一旦在这种人—地二元性基础上形成人—地交互性之后,便不再涉及人地互动生成的复杂前因,作为人地互动方式的地方依恋发挥出固有的行为倾向后效[43,44,45],因此涉入未能调节人地联结形成之后的后续效应,这正反映了旅游情境尤其是微观视角下人地关系形成前的主体能动性和形成后的扰动有限性。
Tab. 3
Tab. 3
变量 | 地方依恋 | 行为意愿 | ||||||||
M8 | M9 | M10 | M11 | M12 | M13 | M14 | M15 | M16 | ||
性别 | -0.014 | 0.010 | 0.010 | -0.014 | 0.017 | 0.013 | -0.030 | -0.007 | -0.007 | |
年龄 | 0.036 | 0.025 | 0.023 | 0.036 | 0.042 | 0.035 | 0.065 | 0.038 | 0.034 | |
教育程度 | -0.061 | -0.020 | -0.020 | -0.061 | -0.013 | -0.010 | -0.073 | -0.031 | -0.028 | |
旅游次数 | -0.009 | 0.006 | 0.005 | -0.009 | 0.012 | 0.012 | -0.065 | -0.064 | -0.063 | |
认知形象 | 0.357*** | 0.367*** | ||||||||
情感形象 | 0.512*** | 0.517*** | ||||||||
地方依恋 | 0.552*** | 0.549*** | ||||||||
旅游涉入 | 0.206*** | 0.216*** | 0.102** | 0.113** | 0.297*** | 0.306*** | ||||
认知形象×旅游涉入 | 0.076* | |||||||||
情感形象×旅游涉入 | 0.068* | |||||||||
地方依恋×旅游涉入 | 0.042 | |||||||||
R2 | 0.005 | 0.231 | 0.236 | 0.005 | 0.324 | 0.328 | 0.013 | 0.517 | 0.519 | |
∆R2 | 0.005 | 0.226 | 0.005 | 0.005 | 0.319 | 0.004 | 0.013 | 0.504 | 0.002 | |
F | 0.805 | 30.951*** | 27.311*** | 0.805 | 49.435*** | 43.142*** | 1.995 | 110.370*** | 95.073*** | |
∆F | 0.805 | 90.779*** | 4.437* | 0.805 | 145.942*** | 3.967* | 1.995 | 322.987*** | 2.106 |
(4)被调节的中介效应检验。采用Bootstrapping法检验两阶段被调节的中介效应[87]。在前半段,认知形象、情感形象通过地方依恋对行为意愿的间接影响在高涉入下的效应值(0.244、0.280)均大于低涉入下的效应值(0.190、0.244),组间差异(0.054、0.037)在95%置信区间[0.002, 0.135]、[0.001, 0.081]均不包含0;在后半段,认知形象、情感形象通过地方依恋对行为意愿的间接影响在高、低涉入下组间差异的95%置信区间[-0.028, 0.077]、[-0.012, 0.064]均包含0(表4),假设H4a、H4b成立,H4c、H4d不成立。这一结果与前述简单调节效应的检验结果相吻合,在人地交互的前因形成阶段,旅游涉入作为个体涉及生活价值观的内在状态[73-75, 77],对地的功能、人的情感两个向度环境刺激向人地联结的关键转化过程产生了干扰,并籍此进一步干扰人地联结在环境刺激与行为反应之间的传导效应;但在人地交互的后效作用阶段,鉴于地方依恋象征着人与地方保持亲近的行为倾向,其行为层面的意蕴建立在与地方接近的愿望之上,这种行为因素所固有的趋近性的心理状态[43,44,45]导致了人地联结对行为反应的作用及其对环境刺激的传导并不受到个体涉入的干扰。这再次印证了从人—地二元到人—地交互这一关键环节的复杂性以及人地交互形成之后的稳定性,体现了旅游者行为中人地关系的地方体验主体性、环境扰动有限性、交互行为局部性等特点。
Tab. 4
Tab. 4
作用路径 | 调节变量 | 前半段 | 后半段 | |||
间接效应 | 95%置信区间 | 间接效应 | 95%置信区间 | |||
认知形象→地方依恋 →行为意愿 | 高旅游涉入 | 0.244*** | [0.178, 0.313] | 0.306*** | [0.242, 0.371] | |
低旅游涉入 | 0.190*** | [0.123, 0.256] | 0.289*** | [0.220, 0.363] | ||
组间差异 | 0.054 | [0.002, 0.135] | 0.016 | [-0.028, 0.077] | ||
情感形象→地方依恋 →行为意愿 | 高旅游涉入 | 0.280*** | [0.216, 0.364] | 0.329*** | [0.266, 0.404] | |
低旅游涉入 | 0.244*** | [0.188, 0.311] | 0.310*** | [0.245, 0.386] | ||
组间差异 | 0.037 | [0.001, 0.081] | 0.019 | [-0.012, 0.064] |
4 结论与讨论
4.1 结论
4.2 研究贡献与局限
本文尝试从范式层面对旅游情境人地关系研究进行理论与经验相结合的探索,促进3种学术对话。① 提炼旅游情境人地关系研究的4种主要情形和两类典型范式,提倡在坚持侧重自然资源环境的结构—工程经典范式前提下加强侧重人文社会环境的心理—行为范式研究,在人地关系框架内加强地理学的统一与综合,促进国际学术对话。② 拓展旅游情境人地关系研究的心理—行为范式,给出微观尺度旅游者行为意愿形成机制的一种可能解释及其经验证据,丰富地理学关于微观尺度旅游者行为的基础理论研究,促进旅游地理与旅游管理等学科的对话。③ 探讨微观视角下旅游情境人地关系研究的经验化,按照科学哲学方法论要求及相关领域做法,通过提出具体问题、聚焦具体变量及系统量化方法,从本体论化的角度探查从人地关系原理转向具体研究的路径,促进人地关系理论与经验研究的对话。前述研究表明,旅游地在管理实践中需注重全面、联系、发展、具体的观点,这体现了人地关系的哲学意蕴。① 全面的观点,重视地的制约作用和人的能动作用,既从服务上提升功能质量,也从感受上关注情感质量。② 联系和发展的观点,将功能与情感相结合,共同促成旅游者与旅游地的积极互动,进而增进消费。③ 具体的观点。重视涉入等个体特性对人地互动的干扰,通过细分研判,以个性化的旅游产品供给来更好地满足旅游者需求,推动旅游地高质量发展。
人地关系是宏大议题,理论的发展需要一个个具体研究来推动,本文存在一些局限有待未来研究。① 假说是理论的可能方案,需要多次检验[50],本文推导的理论逻辑、聚焦的经验变量,只是微观视角旅游者行为意愿的一种解释思路,一定还有其它解释有待探析。② 在微观尺度心理—行为范式的人地关系研究与中宏观尺度结构—工程范式的研究之间,实现尺度转换和范式整合,深入揭示综合人地关系规律,还需艰巨探索。③ 本文在有限目标下对微观视角人地关系研究经验化及本体论化的尝试,不是最佳进路,更不是要对人地关系进行操作化,人地关系理论的运用和发展,有待长期攻关。
4.3 人地关系研究启示
在理论和经验分析基础上,从研究对象、范式、路径、手段等方面对微观视角下旅游情境的人地关系研究做一些总结性探讨。(1)在多学科交叉的格局中把握人地关系研究主题与旅游现象特性。随着研究议题更加复杂、多元,人地关系已成为多学科共同切入并逐渐走向交叉的研究领域,概念和工具的学科边界正变得模糊[1, 4, 41, 88-89]。旅游情境的人地关系研究要始终紧扣人与环境关系的研究主题和旅游现象特性[1-4, 89],在地理学、社会学、心理学、管理学等学科的交叉中探究人地关系规律、谋求人地和谐[1, 4]。其间,旅游地理研究需辩证处理变化与坚守、交叉与回归的关系[1, 89],既要以人地关系等主题为突破口来为旅游研究提供知识溢出,也要在与旅游管理等学科的对话合作中充分释放旅游研究的多学科张力。
(2)在坚持经典范式的前提下完善人地关系研究的多元尺度和范式。旅游情境人地关系同人文与经济地理学研究的人地关系既有共性也有差异,需在坚持侧重自然资源环境的人地关系经典范式前提下[3, 35-36],加深对人地复杂系统全面而综合的理解[88],在研究群体的人与中宏观区域环境、人与自然资源环境、人与环境的物质能量关系的同时,关注不同类型的人的不同行为方式作用于不同属性的地所产生的不同交互关系[1],通过微观尺度、心理—行为范式的补充和拓展,增进人地关系宏大理论解释的科学积累[46, 52],更多关注个体的人与微观地方环境、人与人文社会环境、人与环境的心理行为关系,并对人地关系中的尺度转换展开长期攻关,在议题和范式多元化的科学实践中丰富和创新人地关系理论。
(3)在探索理论经验化的过程中推动人地关系理论与经验研究的融合。推动理论从抽象层次转化为经验层次[34, 41],是旅游情境人地关系研究需要破解的瓶颈。按照有限目标有所为的思路[23, 52],将人地关系从研究视阈本体论化为研究对象,是探索其经验化的途径之一[48],这需要经过两次转化。借鉴管理学等学科的路径[52],第一次转化可以称作“问题化”,人地关系理论的普适性、复杂性既为地理学提供了共享的思维方式和基本法则,又难以直接为经验现象提供解释,因此需要结合旅游经验事实,在抽象议题中提出情境性、简约性的具体研究问题;第二次转化可以称作“变量化”,人地关系范畴的全面性、宽泛性既增强了地理学在多学科人与环境关系研究中的学术张力,又导致难以对这些范畴进行概念化及操作化,因此不妨结合旅游经验研究实际,聚焦人地系统中的重点因素及针对性、精确性的具体经验变量(图3)。事实上,侧重自然资源环境的人地关系研究对地的制约、人的作用以及人地交互的考察,正体现了上述经验化的思路,取得了丰富成果。

Fig. 3Empiricalization approach of human-environment relationship theory in tourism context
(4)在规范运用方法的基础上注重研究方法的问题导向和理论意义。调查研究是地理学、管理学、社会学等学科经验研究的重要方式,问卷调查及统计分析是其中的重要手段[4, 41, 52, 89-90],综合与定量则是人地关系研究的基本途径[35]。统计性量化研究有利于提高人地关系理论运用的系统性、规范性,并形成一定的研究范式,促进理论的经验化。而问卷调查尤其适合微观尺度、心理—行为范式的研究,关键是要通过问卷调查解析人的活动规律和地方、空间特征进而探寻人地关系内在机制,避免重技术、方法而轻问题、理论的误区[1, 4, 23, 90]。旅游情境人地关系研究应在技术层面正确使用调查统计等实证方法的基础上,强化问题意识,重视在问题层面强调方法背后的理论依据、理论意义、理论解释,让实证方法更好地服务于理论问题的解决。
匿名审稿专家在论文评审中提出了富有指导性的意见,上海师范大学张宏梅教授在论文修改中提供了富有启发性的帮助,谨致谢意。参考文献 原文顺序
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Tourism geography is increasingly to be one of geography branch disciplines. However, with the background of "culture turn" and "social turn" in human geography research, tourism geography is criticized for losing "the flavor of geography", or "de-geographization tendency", "forgetting the hometown on the way rushing to alien land". With these concerns, The Tourism Geographies Commission of China Geography Association organizes a seminar to reflect the tourism geographies research in the past decades, to discuss the academic contribution of tourism geography, the characteristics and the generational transition of tourism geography. The conclusions include: (1) Tourism geographies is not far away from home, but the hometown: geography itself is changing. Tourism geography must adapt to the geography development in the new era; (2) The key characteristics of tourism geography are comprehensive and inclusive. We should persist in not only logical positivism, but also constructionism and humanism paradigm. The key research questions include mobility, spatial scale transfer and human-place relation; (3) Generation transition in tourism geographers is inevitable, not only in the way of teacher-student relation transition, but also research question, disciplinary identification and theoretical shift. Tourism geography should have their own series of research questions, and generations of geographers work together to facilitate the academic community.
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:In view of the current situation that the theory study on tourism geography is relatively weak and the content relatively generalized, this paper proposes that tourism human-environment interactions should be the core of tourism geography study. It expounds the theoretical connotation of tourism human-environment interactions, and then by taking "tourism areal system" as the object of study, it defines that tourism geography is a science that studies the relationship between human tourism activities on earth surface and its geographical environment and serves man's life and social economic development. On the basis of theories related with human-environment interactions, in accordance with the requirement of developing tourism geography theory systematically and scientifically and fully considering the discipline features of tourism geography, i.e., tourism, regionality, comprehensiveness and applicability, the paper constructs the tourism geography theory framework by using tourism activity system and geographical environment system as baselines and human-environment interactions theory as the core, and by integrating theories of related disciplines. The paper also reviews the basic research content, main scientific issues and principal research methods of tourism geography, and emphasizes that the scientific spirit of geographic study should be highly promoted, and the unfavorable current research status of the low-level application orientation and the too much technique orientation should be changed. Thereby, tourism geography should be really applied to dealing with the national and regional practical tourism issues, and the theory-oriented ideological study should be intensified. Therefore, such points as the basic features, functional structure, spatial-temporal evolution, fundamental law, dynamic mechanism and regulation means, that profoundly reveal the criteria of the tourism human-environment areal system, should be the focuses of tourism geography study. On these grounds, by means of innovations in the scopes of discipline characteristics, research methods, theoretical results, research methods and application value, the paper deepens the theoretical study, advances the academic level, improves the discipline system of tourism geography and promotes the localization of modern tourism geography and the internationalization of China's tourism geographical study.
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Climate change has driven many organisms to shift their seasonal timing. Are humans also shifting their weather-related behaviors such as outdoor recreation? Here we show that peak attendance in US national parks experiencing climate change has shifted 4 days earlier since 1979. Of the nine parks experiencing significant increases in mean spring temperatures, seven also exhibit shifts in the timing of peak attendance. Of the 18 parks without significant temperature changes, only 3 exhibit attendance shifts. Our analysis suggests that humans are among the organisms shifting behavior in response to climate change.
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DOI:10.11821/dlyj020181359 [本文引用: 1]

In the context of mobility brought about by tourism, capitalization intervention and tourism utilization of the "home" space in traditional ethnic Zhudi village in China have triggered the multi-dimensional production of space, the difference of identity and the vicissitude of human-land relationship of the "home" space of Mosuo people in the village, and also prompted people's reflection on the development of tourism and production of the "home" space in the village in the transitional period to an urgent problem to be concerned and solved. By means of field investigation, participating observation and in-depth interview, this paper studied the multi-dimensional production and identity construction of Mosuo people's "home" space in the study village under the background of tourism. The religious beliefs and the circulation in different periods of Mosuo people in Zhudi village regulate the natural, worldview and moral outlooks of Mosuo villagers in their daily space practice reflecting the self-consistency of spirits and objects and the unity of body and mind. The "home" space of Mosuo people in Zhudi village is systematic, which is reflected in different scales of spatial circles of village outer layer, village layer, home site layer, grandmother's house and body layer. Its spatial order and significance involve abundant natural ecological consciousness and human-land relationship. Structural forces such as capital, power and consumption, which are mediated by tourism, interweave and influence each other, resulting in multi-dimensional production of the traditional space of the Mosuo people's "home" in Zhudi village, bringing about the micro-geospatial relationship of the "home", the social and cultural significance and the geographical remodeling of the human-land relationship, and having the interactive dialectics of multi-dimensional spatial level. With the multi-dimensional production and micro-geographic remodeling of "home" space in the village, the construction of pre-factor identity characterized by humanism and the construction of consequential identity characterized by structuralism and the construction of "intermediate" identity characterized by "value identification, emotional disapproval" and "value disapproval, emotional identification" have emerged. The identity construction of the tourismized practice of home space of Mosuo people implies and reflects the villagers' recognition of "homestead" and "home country". The essence of tourismized "home" space tourism is the practice process of traditional national space capitalization. Ultimately, it is the choice of development path and mode by "locals" in the new era. It is also necessary to adjust the contradiction between "home" space capitalization and development alienation. In addition, the case analysis of the micro-geographic space of "home" in Zhudi village enriches the existing theoretical research achievements of "home" in academic circles.
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DOI:10.11821/dlxb201510001 [本文引用: 4]

This paper focuses on the viewpoint proposed by predecessors of geography and they believed that geography is interdiscipline subject between natural science and social science. From the perspective of national demand and development trend of international geography, this paper explains the objects and nature of geographical science and characters of region as well as comprehensive characteristics and knowledge structure. Besides, it elaborates the differences among geography, natural science and social science and advocates that geographers should concentrate on the China's environmental changes and the issues of sustainable development and further fulfil the advantages of interdiscipline and comprehensive subject. Finally, this paper proposes that China's geographical science is faced with the significant opportunities and some deep-seated crises.
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DOI:10.11821/dlxb201408001 [本文引用: 1]

In this paper, the important contents and purpose of the "Future Earth" are introduced briefly, and the background of this file is analyzed. It is extraordinary of the framework document to place emphasis on the integration between natural science and social science. The paper states that Mr. Tsien Hsueshen and Mr. Huang Bingwei have similar viewpoints 20 years ago, which is striking and prospective. According to the serious situation of China's environmental change and development of Chinese geographical science in recent years, the opportunities, direction and tasks of science are emphasized and discussed to achieve the transitional development of geographical research.
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DOI:10.11821/dlyj020180830 [本文引用: 1]

As a key concept that describes human-place relationships, "sense of place" has long been an area of focus of international geographers. Studies on sense of place are currently either based on phenomenology and existentialism, with emphasis on describing the human experience of space and place, or on quantitative psychology and various dimensions of sense of place. With the former approach, researchers focus on the relationship between people and relatively familiar places, whereas with the latter, researchers focus on the relationship between people and unfamiliar places. Based on phenomenology, we explored sense of place in urban public leisure spaces, taking Guangzhou Tianhe Sports Center as an example. We used the concept of "place-ballet" and six features developed by David Seamon, namely, attraction, diversity, comfortableness, invitation, distinctiveness, and attachment, as key factors that generate sense of place. Research suggests that the first five features correspond to the five ways people and places interact, whereas attachment is a more emotional feeling, that is, a sense of place generated from the five types of association. We classified the human-place relationship of the above public leisure space into three categories by extent of human-place closeness: (1) "Daily association", whereby people used the sports center at relatively frequent intervals (e.g., every day or week) to engage in leisure activities, in particular physical exercise, thus forming a direct and close-use relationship with the space and facilities; (2) "Periodic association", whereby people visited the sports center for specific events (e.g., Guangzhou Evergrande football match or annual Spring Flower Market), thus forming a direct but loose-use relationship with the space and facilities; and (3) "Contextual association", whereby people had no direct-use relationship with the place but had witnessed or participated in a certain stage of the developmental history of the sports center over a sufficiently long period. Of these three human-place relationships, contextual association exceeds the explanation boundary of the "place-ballet" concept. Hence, we introduced two theoretical propositions for further exploration. The "human-place whole" and "human-place association" concepts can substitute the concept of "place whole" employed in previous human geographical research. In terms of actual research needs, the "human-place association" concept, which can direct specific observation practices and describe experiences, is more important than the "human-place whole" concept. Current mainstream research on sense of place (including place attachment) is only a partial research based on psychology. In addition, sense of place can be studied as a whole for various human-place associations, and as basic research that is close to philosophical level and fully incorporates human-place relationships by ensuring descriptive and interpretive applications. Overall, our classification and discussion of the categories of human-place relationships in special areas, such as urban public leisure spaces, include explicitly empirical observations, general facts, and unified dimensional standards. They are not only applicable for studying human-place relationship phenomena in leisure spaces but can also provide a valuable reference for studying such phenomena in other special urban spaces.
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DOI:10.11821/dlyj201710012 [本文引用: 2]

It is growing to be the significant mission for the behavioral schools of geography to construct a generalized theory explaining the interaction between space and behavior. It is also an urgent realistic demand for current urban development and transformation in China to summarize the conceptual model and explanatory model of space-behavior interaction combined with China's reality. Firstly, this study builds the theoretical foundation of space-behavior interaction research which takes social-space theory as epistemology, behavioral geography and time geography as methodology, and activity-based approach as practical theory. Secondly, as for the research paradigm, the study argues the space-behavior interaction research needed to combine the place-based paradigm and people-based paradigm, facing current situation of China's urban development. Then this study makes an innovative attempt to propose basic thinking of space-behavior interaction theory construction. It needs to carry out research on spatial effects on behavior and behavioral effects on space to construct a generalized space-behavior interaction theory. On this basis, the diversity and similarity of space-behavior interaction in various cities, the trends and dynamics of spatial-behavioral interaction in different periods of time, the distinctiveness of various population segments, need be testified to improve the theory construction.
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DOI:10.11821/dlyj020190497 [本文引用: 1]

With the rise and the turn of “everyday life” study in Western Academia, “going back to the world of everyday practice” and the ontology of life become the new academic perspective. The major conflict in Chinese society triggers the shift of the relations between people and place - from a static and homogenous to a more dynamic and heterogeneous interaction. “People” and “place” is endowed with the connotation and extension of everyday life. In the new era of pursuing a better life, geographers need to find out the geographical characteristics of everyday life practice, and how different subjects exhibit the dynamic relations between people and place, people and people, people and self through everyday practice and leisure; at the same time, they have to concentrate on the life practice and place meaning in different geographical scales. This special issue focuses on the subjective initiative of everyday life and leisure, spatial heterogeneity and the complexities between people and place. Specifically, the article discusses the relations between the leisure the well-being of the residents, between the evaluation of dynamics of urban public space and the ways of leisure, and between the sense of place and the settlement intentions. Future work should firstly focus on the everyday life and the leisure of marginal population. Secondly, there is a lack of study of everyday life practice on the “rural” scale, the study of rural population can be a complement for the research of rules and mechanisms of the everyday life and the leisure. Last but not least, we hope this special issue can be a good start to the promotion of constructing the theoretical debates of everyday life geography in China, meanwhile, a contribution to the geographical wisdom on how to pursue a beautiful life in practice in this new era.
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Interest in the problem of method biases has a long history in the behavioral sciences. Despite this, a comprehensive summary of the potential sources of method biases and how to control for them does not exist. Therefore, the purpose of this article is to examine the extent to which method biases influence behavioral research results, identify potential sources of method biases, discuss the cognitive processes through which method biases influence responses to measures, evaluate the many different procedural and statistical techniques that can be used to control method biases, and provide recommendations for how to select appropriate procedural and statistical remedies for different types of research settings.
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PMID:3806354 [本文引用: 1]

In this article, we attempt to distinguish between the properties of moderator and mediator variables at a number of levels. First, we seek to make theorists and researchers aware of the importance of not using the terms moderator and mediator interchangeably by carefully elaborating, both conceptually and strategically, the many ways in which moderators and mediators differ. We then go beyond this largely pedagogical function and delineate the conceptual and strategic implications of making use of such distinctions with regard to a wide range of phenomena, including control and stress, attitudes, and personality traits. We also provide a specific compendium of analytic procedures appropriate for making the most effective use of the moderator and mediator distinction, both separately and in terms of a broader causal system that includes both moderators and mediators.
DOI:10.3758/BRM.40.3.879URL [本文引用: 1]
DOI:10.1037/1082-989X.12.1.1URL [本文引用: 1]
DOI:10.13249/j.cnki.sgs.2015.08.939 [本文引用: 2]

Geography is a subject of "exploring the laws of nature, declaring the human essence", with characteristics of comprehensiveness and interactiveness. Since the 1980s, Geography plays an important role in global environmental change research programs. Theories, methods and techniques of Geography have become the basis for solving the problems of the sustainable development of human society is facing. Originated in the global environment change research, and combined with the social science research, The " Future Earth" research plan represents the direction of the development of Geography in the new period. In contemporary, Geography research methods have shift from survey, observation, and records, drawings and other traditional research methods to the modern scientific methods such as spatial statistics, earth observation, GIS, indoor and outdoor simulation and modeling, decision-making system, etc., and are gradually tend to comprehensive and quantitative. As the problems that Geography is facing are more complex and more comprehensive, the Geography research issues become more comprehensive and diverse, and attract more extensive subjects to participate in. In more and more field, the angle of Geography are considered. The discipline boundary that concepts and tools belonging to is blurring. In the new era, the geography, is heading for geographical science. China is an ideal geography test sites of studying the problem of the sustainable development of human society. The future development of Chinese Geography needs to deepen the comprehensive and integrated understanding of the complex man-land system, and strengthen the research of global problems. To achieve the goal of geographical science and social service value, the internationalization level of Chinese geographical science needs to be promoted, and the ability of using advanced technology to parse geographical phenomenon needs to be improved.
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DOI:10.11821/dlyj201806001 [本文引用: 4]

Geography is an ancient discipline, yet it is also continuously evolving. Especially in China, geography has been developing rapidly in the past 30 years. However, with the emergence of more and more branches and sub-disciplines, we are facing increasing confusions about geography. For the consideration of construction of geography discipline and its academic community, we are in an urgent need to find a "consensus" on the development of geography and explore the definition of geography community. To this end, we organized a series of workshops and conferences last year to provide a platform for different generations of geographers to express their opinions on how to promote the development of geography in China. This article is a summary of the viewpoints based on the recordings of the conference. In general, several consensuses have been reached as follows: (1) In teaching, we should enhance the comprehensiveness of courses of geography and strengthen the training of methods for geographical investigation and research; (2) In academic research, we should strengthen the summary of the paradigms in geography, provide more comprehensive explanations of "geo" and accelerate the integration and innovation in geographical theories and methods; (3) In disciplinary development, we should highlight the construction of regional geography, emphasize the national and local needs in policy-making, and demonstrate the contribution of geography. We hope that with our joint efforts, both the discipline and community of Chinese geography will be growing stronger in the future.
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DOI:10.11821/dlxb201606001 [本文引用: 2]

As an important tool for microscopic studies in human geography, questionnaire survey method has been widely used in developing people-oriented urban concepts. In order to support a scientific and standardized application of questionnaire survey method in human geography studies in China, this paper explored previous studies on the application of questionnaire survey method in human geography in China using the literature metrological method. Taking the survey of Beijing Livable City in 2013 as a case study, we illustrated the design framework and sampling strategy in the questionnaire survey procedure, and summarized some key application areas of questionnaire survey method subsequently. The results showed that: On the positive side, with the extension of human geography, questionnaire survey method tended to be a key approach to collecting data in a wide range of related research topics. However, most studies chose mathematical and statistical models or GIS spatial analysis as the principal method, while the scientific use of questionnaire survey method are often neglected, especially in the sampling design. We suggested that human geographers should pay more attention than before to the whole process of sampling scheme design, which is composed of questionnaire collection method, sampling method, sampling frame selection and the determination of sample size in order to obtain data efficiently. Lastly, questionnaire survey method was widely used in research areas including time and space behavior, living environment, urban society, tourist behavior and rural household behavior. Finally, based on the research framework of questionnaire survey method, we put forward five schemes to improve the application of questionnaire survey method in human geography studies.
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