

本站小编 Free考研考试/2021-12-29

陈发虎,1,2,3, 吴绍洪3,4, 刘鸿雁5, 杨晓燕1,2,6, 刘建宝1,2,31.中国科学院青藏高原研究所 青藏高原地球系统与资源环境国家重点实验室,北京 100101
2.中国科学院青藏高原研究所 古生态与人类适应团队,北京 100101
3.中国科学院大学资源与环境学院,北京 100049
4.中国科学院地理科学与资源研究所 中国科学院陆地表层格局与模拟重点实验室,北京 100101
6.兰州大学资源环境学院,兰州 730000

Disciplinary structure and development strategy ofphysical geography in China

CHEN Fahu,1,2,3, WU Shaohong3,4, LIU Hongyan5, YANG Xiaoyan1,2,6, LIU Jianbao1,2,31. State Key Laboratory of Tibetan Plateau Earth System, Resources and Environment, Institute of Tibetan Plateau Research, CAS, Beijing 100101, China
2. Alpine Paleoecology and Human Adaptation Group (ALPHA), Institute of Tibetan Plateau Research, CAS, Beijing 100101, China
3. College of Resources and Environment, University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100049, China
4. Key Laboratory of Land Surface Pattern and Simulation, Institute of Geographic Sciences and Natural Resources Research, CAS, Beijing 100101, China
5. College of Urban and Environmental Sciences, Peking University, Beijing 100871, China
6. College of Earth and Environmental Sciences, Lanzhou University, Lanzhou 730000, China


Fund supported: National Natural Science Foundation of China(41530749)
National Natural Science Foundation of China(41842050)

作者简介 About authors
陈发虎(1962-), 男, 陕西丹凤人, 博士, 研究员, 中国科学院院士, 发展中国家科学院院士, 中国地理学会会士(S110004201M), 主要从事气候环境变化及史前人—环境相互作用研究。E-mail: fhchen@itpcas.ac.cn

关键词: 自然地理学;学科体系;发展战略

Physical geography, one of the branches of geographic science, is the basic discipline of geographic science. And it is the scientific foundation of ecology, environmental science and other related disciplines. Physical geography focuses on spatial characteristics, evolution and regional differentiation of the earth's surface. In the new period of rapid development of social economy, and science and technology, physical geography is more closely and widely connected with human geography and, information geography. Based on "The Development Strategy of Discipline and the Frontier Research (2021-2035)" and geography subject planning, this paper analyzed the forming process of the physical geography, expressed sub-discipline structure of comprehensive physical geography, sectoral physical geography, human survival environment, and proposed the development strategy of physical geography and its branch disciplines, key priority of development goals and directions.
Keywords:physical geography;discipline system;development strategy

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陈发虎, 吴绍洪, 刘鸿雁, 杨晓燕, 刘建宝. 自然地理学学科体系与发展战略要点. 地理学报, 2021, 76(9): 2074-2082 doi:10.11821/dlxb202109002
CHEN Fahu, WU Shaohong, LIU Hongyan, YANG Xiaoyan, LIU Jianbao. Disciplinary structure and development strategy ofphysical geography in China. Acta Geographica Sinice, 2021, 76(9): 2074-2082 doi:10.11821/dlxb202109002

1 自然地理学学科形成





Fig. 1Physical geography and its sub-disciplines

2 分支学科特征

2.1 综合自然地理学研究


进入21世纪以来,中国的综合自然地理学整体保持国际先进水平。① 自然地域系统研究:融合生态系统和气候变化概念,自然区划向“生态”转向,生态地理地域系统研究取得重要突破,完成生态地理区划和气候变化风险区划[8, 12-13],中国自然地理学家主导的美丽中国建设研究直接服务国家需求。② 土地利用/覆被变化和景观生态研究:从格局与过程向生态系统服务及其权衡决策和优化调控方向发展,包括定量化、驱动机制、模型、效应、土地可持续利用与国土生态安全等方面的研究。③ 典型地域研究:建立了以黄土高原为代表的自然地理格局—过程—服务的耦合研究模式;黑河生态—水文—经济系统模型,形成了集观测—模型—决策为一体的流域科学集成研究范式。④ 学科的研究技术与方法论:遥感、地理信息系统、地理数据库、机理模型、大数据挖掘等现代观测分析技术,支撑了从过去对地理环境变化现象的文字描述和定性分析转向抽象概括、概念模型、机制诊断、定性与定量相结合发展,促进了因果联系与过程耦合研究和未来趋势模拟预估。整体来看,形成了具有中国特色的自然地理学综合研究模式[14],为国家和区域重大战略需求和决策应用提供了重要的科学支撑[6]


2.2 部门自然地理学研究


2.3 人类生存环境学研究


中国的人类生存环境研究目前处于国际前列,关于中纬度亚洲内陆干旱区全新世气候变化的“西风模态”、青藏高原阶段性隆升拼合、极端环境形成演化、亚洲干旱环境格局演化、沙漠—沙地扩张与收缩及其环境效应方面,无论是在技术方法和理论发展方面,都处在先进地位[2-3, 22-24]。目前,国际上以碳循环和人类起源演化牵引的生存环境格局变化均处于快速上升阶段;通过对土壤、植被、海洋等碳库动态的全面系统研究,揭示全球碳库/碳汇的作用和效率,探索大气CO2变化与全球温度变化的联系;结合高精度的测年技术和基因测序技术,揭示自然地理要素的时空变化规律及人类行为的适应和影响;气候环境重建的地质载体及代用指标趋向多样化,使定量研究成为可能,并借助数值模拟和大数据技术的综合集成研究,为人类生存环境提供更全面、宏观和细致的图景。

20世纪初国际上提出“以人类为中心的古生态学(Anthropocentric Paleoecology)”概念[25]。在这一发展过程中,对人—环境关系的认识从简单的线性相关到以人为中心的古生态学系统,反映了从现象描述到机制性研究的学科发展过程。相应地,研究内容也从单一遗址的环境重建扩展到人类起源和扩散、农业起源、文明起源、人类世等人类社会发展重大里程碑事件与其所处的生态系统的动态关系研究上。测年技术、遥感技术、动植物遗存分析、同位素分析、大数据集成等方法和理论被引入这一领域的研究,传统学科获得新生,形成了新的学科增长点,并迎来新的发展机遇。21世纪以来,古DNA、古环境(沉积物)DNA、古蛋白等分子生物学技术的应用,使开展人群扩散、人类社会发展与地球各圈层的相互影响的深入研究成为可能。近年来,随着这些新手段、新技术应用和新思想的涌现,中国以开展史前人—环境作用为主的人类生存环境学研究取得较大进步,新成果不断涌现,例如深化了对粟和稻起源驯化的认识[26,27],发现跨大陆农业扩散推动了史前人群在全新世晚期大规模永久占据高海拔的青藏高原[28],发现了已消逝的丹尼索瓦古老型智人在距今16万年就生活在青藏高原东北部[29],而且可能持续生活在这一区域到距今4.5万年[30]。这一领域研究不断有新成果涌现,已是自然地理学中的一个重要新兴研究方向,其研究重点是探索不同时期、不同空间尺度人类生存环境的宜居性,服务人类及其社会发展的可持续。

3 发展战略布局


3.1 综合自然地理学研究


3.2 部门自然地理学研究


3.3 人类生存环境学研究


4 优先发展领域目标

4.1 综合自然地理学


4.2 部门自然地理学


4.3 人类生存环境学


5 优先发展领域重点方向

5.1 综合自然地理学优先领域重点方向

综合自然地理学将研究自然要素之间的相互作用及其地表格局形成的效应,自然与人文要素耦合及其对社会经济的影响,自然—人文与生态系统融合所产生的生态系统服务,并进行区域综合人地耦合系统与可持续发展研究。未来重点方向包括:① 陆地表层关键要素耦合机制及区域效应,探索陆地表层自然要素多尺度相互作用和陆地表层格局的形成机制;② 变化环境下风险形成机制及其对社会经济的综合影响,区域气候变化的社会经济响应机理,陆表格局变化所产生的生态服务与社会经济的长期效应;③ LUCC驱动下生态系统服务演变机制及其资源环境效应,研究LUCC与社会—经济系统的耦合作用机制,探讨区域生态系统服务流带来的资源环境效应;④ 中国区域人地耦合系统安全运行空间与最优发展路径,研究自然生态系统和社会经济系统对于生态系统服务权衡决策和管理措施的响应,探索实现联合国可持续发展目标为导向的人地耦合系统最优发展路径;⑤ 自然环境定位观测体系,对环境与人类活动相互作用进行定位观测,以定量化地支撑对人与环境相互作用的深入认识。

5.2 部门自然地理学优先领域重点方向

部门自然地理学将进一步发挥格局与过程研究的优势,未来将通过整合不同自然地理要素的格局和过程研究,深入探索地表格局和过程的机理,更好地服务于区域可持续发展。未来重点方向包括:① 地球关键带过程与调控,描述和刻画复杂地形过程以及不同时间和空间尺度的地下和地上过程的耦合关系,研究不同自然地理区域的生态系统服务及其动态如何受地上和地下过程调控;② 全球变化与地表自然地理过程模拟,开展空、地全方位观测,揭示全球变化背景下地表过程变化的规律性,发展地表过程模型,围绕国家战略,实现重点区域未来环境变化和可持续发展的模拟与预测;③ 人类活动导致的典型区域地表覆盖变化及其气候效应,开展森林、草地、农田、水体之间的相互转变对于气候系统的反馈及其机理,评估区域性重大工程的气候效应;④ 多尺度生态水文过程与区域人类活动的水资源阈值,开展生态水文、生物地球化学、社会经济的模型之间的耦合与集成,揭示区域经济社会发展的水资源阈值;⑤ 植被—土壤系统过程与退化生态系统修复,开展生态系统退化和恢复过程中的植被—土壤系统过程变化研究,认识森林、草原、湖泊湿地等不同生态系统退化的机理;⑥ 特殊地表单元和圈层的地表过程监测与生态环境效应,开展不同区域不同地表类型风蚀可蚀性的系统测定,建立可蚀性与风蚀因子的关系,研究人类活动与气候变化对湖泊与湿地系统演变的影响机制,从全球和区域尺度定量解析冰冻圈变化的影响及作用机理。

5.3 人类生存环境学优先领域重点方向

地理学研究的核心是人地关系。任何区域的现代人地关系都是古代人地关系演变的结果,追踪其历史轨迹,有助于深化研究。未来的研究重点将聚焦:① 亚洲环境格局演化与早期人类扩散,研究亚洲地貌与气候格局的形成变化与直立人在旧大陆的扩散路线,早期人类在亚洲大陆的活动历史、演化过程、生存策略及其对生态格局的影响。② 旧大陆晚期智人扩散与生存环境变化,探讨现代智人在亚洲的扩散路线和生计模式,末次冰期以来西风气候与亚洲季风气候变化,末次冰期以来的植被变化格局,环境剧烈波动对智人扩散及生存策略的影响,晚期智人扩散对大陆尺度生态格局和区域动植物的影响,以及晚期智人在青藏高原的长年永久定居过程。③ 农业起源、传播与季风—西风变化。研究东亚粟作和稻作农业的起源、传播过程,早期植物驯化和气候变化的驱动作用,东亚季风演化与史前东亚农业格局形成,东亚农作物西传、西亚农作物东传与东西方文化交流,青藏高原早期农业发展与西方农业和人群扩散,以及青藏高原季风—西风相互作用与自然景观变化。④ 文明演化与环境变化,研究东亚史前社会复杂化及文明起源的气候环境背景,史前及历史时期人类社会演替的环境背景,高原丝绸之路的形成历史;开展历史时期气候变化定量重建和变化机制模拟,探讨人类活动影响下的气候、植被变化及其与自然下的变化异同及其驱动机制。⑤ 人类世研究。通过地质学、地理学、大气科学、生态学、社会科学等多学科交叉的集成研究,在人类世起始时间和全球层型剖面研究基础上,构建自然营力与人类营力对地球系统扰动幅度和速率相对变化的历史,推动地球系统科学和地球科学发展。

6 结语




参考文献 原文顺序

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A key characteristic of physical geography is the integrated study, which regards key physical factors of land surface, such as geomorphology, climate, hydrology, vegetation and soil, as a whole to examine interaction mechanism of the factors and land surface pattern caused by the interaction. As an outstanding geographer and Academician of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, Professor Zheng Du has long been endeavoring to promote the studies of theory and practice on integrated physical geography and obtained initiative achievement. In the research on spatial pattern and differentiation of physio-geographical regions of the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau, he established a vertical zonality system on plateau's montane area, announced the law of three-dimensional zonality on the plateau, clarified the developing mechanism of unique geo-ecological landscapes of the plateau and their spatial pattern, identified altitudinal cold and dry core region on the earth and developed regionlizational scheme of physio-geographical of the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau. In the research on physical geographical regionalization, he constructed principle and methodology of physio-geographical regionalization on plateau and mountain, and proposed a novel scheme of China's eco-geographical regionalization. His theory and methods was widely applied to guide ecological construction. He placed emphasis on observing differential regulation of physio-geographical regions and respecting natural law in ecological construction, and further pointed out that harmonious relationship between economic development and environmental protection should be paid more attention in use of water and land resources in developing arid regions of northwest China. Based on ideal of harmony between man and nature, he strived to promote research and practice of environmental ethics in regional sustainable development. In this paper, the authors review Professor Zheng Du's studies and practices in integrated physical geography over the last 50 years or more in order to understand his systematic theories and innovative research methodology in this field.
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Physical geography is the cornerstone of comprehensive study in geography. On the basis of reviewing the main research progress of physical geography, this article discussed the new research directions of physical geography. Driven by global environmental changes, physical geography and its branches have achieved significant progress. Recent progress in physical geography mainly includes research on the synthesis of physical geographic processes, land surface system integration, land-sea interaction, and physical geography application for regional ecological or environmental management. Physical geography needs to face the global climate change and human needs, explore new methods of technology application, carry out integrated multi-factor and multi-process research, develop geographical models, model future environmental dynamics and sustainable development, and serve the national priorities. In the process of physical geography development, we should pay more attention to the following frontier areas and directions: (1) geomorphology needs to focus on the study of geomorphology and global environmental change, and geomorphology and human activities; (2) biogeography needs to focus on the exploration of frontier fields such as attribute geography, global change biogeography, and to connect spatial distribution in biogeography and human needs under the background of change; (3) hydrology needs to integrate the multi-factor, multi-process, and multi-scale research, and to promote the development of ecological hydrology, social hydrology, and hydrological morphology; (4) physical geography needs to play a key role in the research of climate change, and serve major international research projects in climate change; (5) comprehensive physical geography research needs to meet national priority demands, focusing on the coupling of human-land system, resource and environment carrying capacity assessment, ecological security pattern, and ecological civilization construction; (6) physical geography needs to merge the natural and human elements and processes, develop complex system simulation models, and analyze the coupling mechanism of natural and human factors and the dynamic change of land surface system.
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Future Earth is a global platform for international scientific collaboration, which enables integrated research on grand challenges and transformations to sustainability, strengthens global partnerships between researchers, funders, and users of research, and communicates science to society and society to science. It combines IGBP, IHDP, WCRP, and DIVERSITAS. Its objectives are: to provide the knowledge required for societies in the world to face risks posed by global environmental change and to seize opportunities in a transition to global sustainability. It aims at scientific integration and co-production of knowledge. Analysis on characteristics of land surface pattern and its research progress shows that land surface is one of the main areas that Future Earth focuses on. Land surface pattern, formed by interaction of physical factors and different processes, may be taken as a fundamental regional frame for study of Future Earth. The prospective research of land surface pattern should make effort to improve the methodology to support progress of integrated research in physical geography.
[吴绍洪, 赵艳, 汤秋鸿, . 面向“未来地球”计划的陆地表层格局研究
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[傅伯杰, 刘国华, 欧阳自云, . 中国生态区划研究. 北京: 科学出版社, 2017.]
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Wu Shaohong, Pan Tao, Liu Yanhua, et al. Comprehensive climate change risk regionalization of China
Acta Geographica Sinica, 2017, 72(1): 3-17.

DOI:10.11821/dlxb201701001 [本文引用: 1]
The influence of climate change on the natural environmental and socio-economic system leads to a series of adverse effects. With the development of socio-economy, climate change hazards interact with the environmental and socio-economic risk bearing body and form the spatial-temporal patterns of climate change risk. The systematic expression of the spatial-temporal patterns is the scientific foundation of climate changes adaptation. Based on the RCP8.5 climate scenario data from 2021 to 2050, we analyzed the variation trend and rate of temperature and precipitation, and assessed the hazard of extreme climate events including drought, heat wave and flood. Then, economy, population, food production and ecosystem were selected as the risk bearing bodies to assess the possible impacts of climate change as the indices qualifying the comprehensive climate change risk. Under the guidance of systematic principle, predominating factor principle, as well as the space consecution principle, we proposed a scheme of three-level regional division system for the comprehensive climate change risk regionalization in China. Finally, the Chinese mainland was divided into 8 climate change sensitive zones, 19 danger zones of extreme events and 46 comprehensive risk zones of bearing body. The result shows that the climate changes high risk zones in China under the RCP8.5 climate scenario from 2021 to 2050 include North China weak warming and precipitation increased sensitive zone, North China Plain heat wave danger zone, population-economy-food high risk zone, South China-Southwest China weak warming and precipitation increased sensitive zone, Yunnan-Guizhou mountain heat wave danger zone, ecosystem-economy-food-population high risk zone; coastal South China flood-heat wave danger zone, ecosystem-food-economy-population high risk zone. The comprehensive climate change risk regionalization of China covers the climate change scenarios, the extreme events, and the possible lost information of the socio-economy and ecosystem, which can provide scientific and technological support for national and local governments to cope with the climate change and risk management.
[吴绍洪, 潘韬, 刘燕华, . 中国综合气候变化风险区划
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Lu Huayu. Progress in geomorphology and future study: A brief review
Progress in Geography, 2018, 37(1): 8-15.

DOI:10.18306/dlkxjz.2018.01.002 [本文引用: 1]
The formation and evolution of landform and landscape on Earth follow unique rules with specific forcing mechanisms. Earth surface processes have affected human environment, resource exploitation, and natural hazards and disasters. As an important branch of geography, geomorphology is an interdisciplinary field with important theoretical and practical values. With the application of remote sensing, geographical information system, digital elevation models, and sediment dating techniques, detection and tracing techniques of geophysics and geochemistry, and numerical simulation, the scope of geomorphology has been expanded and deepened over the past 10 years. Study on geomorphological process modulated by tectonic movement, climatic changes, gravity forcing, and human activities has greatly moved forward. New geomorphological processes and forcing mechanisms have been unraveled, and these recent achievements have significantly improved our understanding of Earth surface processes. In this new era of research, in addition to strengthening the study in traditional areas such as investigating different geomorphological processes at various temporal and spatial scales, bridging geomorphological research with global environment change and Future Earth programs is recommended. In particular, geomorphologists should pay much more attention to human activities, which is a vital agent that modulates Earth surface in the Anthropocene. Quantitatively reconstructing and modeling geomorphological processes are also an important area to explore. In China, to train geography students with more extensive and in-depth geological knowledge and practices, develop quantitative geomorphology and planetary geomorphology, and strengthen research on human impact on landform and topography will improve the quality of research, and promote geomorphology as a key discipline in Earth system science.
[鹿化煜. 试论地貌学的新进展和趋势
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Our understanding of when and how humans adapted to living on the Tibetan Plateau at altitudes above 2000 to 3000 meters has been constrained by a paucity of archaeological data. Here we report data sets from the northeastern Tibetan Plateau indicating that the first villages were established only by 5200 calendar years before the present (cal yr B.P.). Using these data, we tested the hypothesis that a novel agropastoral economy facilitated year-round living at higher altitudes since 3600 cal yr B.P. This successful subsistence strategy facilitated the adaptation of farmers-herders to the challenges of global temperature decline during the late Holocene. Copyright © 2015, American Association for the Advancement of Science.

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