Discovering spatio-temporal patterns of human activity on the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau based on crowdsourcing positioning data
XU Jun,1, XU Yang1,2, HU Lei1,2, WANG Zhenbo31. State Key laboratory of Resources and Environmental Information System, Institute of Geographic Sciences and Natural Resources Research, CAS, Beijing 100101, China 2. University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100049, China 3. Key Laboratory of Regional Sustainable Development Modeling, Institute of Geographic Sciences and Natural Resources Research, CAS, Beijing 100101, China
Abstract The activities of local people and tourists have great effects on the ecological environment on the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau. Different kinds of activities may cause different impacts on ecology and environment. To effectively protect the ecological environment, it is necessary to study the spatiotemporal patterns of different kinds of human activities. In this paper, two Tencent positioning datasets which record one-week location requests in January and July of 2018, respectively, are used to explore the human activities in off-season and peak season of tourism on the plateau. A Tucker tensor decomposition method is employed to reduce the dimension of massive data and obtain the principle modes of human activities. The data in off-season are decomposed into 3 daily patterns, 3 hourly patterns and 8 spatial patterns, and the data in peak season are decomposed into 2 daily patterns, 4 hourly patterns and 8 spatial patterns. By analyzing the core tensor, different kinds of activities are inferred through the relations among different dimensions of data, and the human activities in off-season and peak season of tourism are analyzed. The human activities on the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau are found to be different from those in other places. Different from ordinary weekday and weekend patterns, there is a mid-week pattern (Tuesday through Friday) and an inter-week pattern (Saturday, Sunday and Monday) on the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau, and there is a special holiday pattern in off-season of tourism. It is also found that the human activities in off-season and peak season of tourism are different, which indicates different activities of the local residents and the tourists. In off-season of tourism, the positioning activities are very active in the morning, however, the activities are less active during the daytime of mid-week days than during the daytime of inter-week days, and the activities are mostly found in the cities in the mid-week days but mostly in the outskirts of the cities or on the way to scenic spots in the inter-week days. In off-season, there exist the activities of local residents. In peak season, there are less activities in the morning, but the activities during the day are more broadly distributed both in the mid-week days and in the inter-week days. It is indicated that the activities of tourists are significant in the peak season. After clustering spatial grids with similar patterns, we find that there are mixed spatial patterns in most parts of the study area, which discloses that there are usually multiple kinds of human activities in a region. Keywords:Qinghai-Tibet Plateau;human activity;off-season and peak season;big data;tensor decomposition
PDF (3570KB)元数据多维度评价相关文章导出EndNote|Ris|Bibtex收藏本文 本文引用格式 许珺, 徐阳, 胡蕾, 王振波. 基于位置大数据的青藏高原人类活动时空模式. 地理学报[J], 2020, 75(7): 1406-1417 doi:10.11821/dlxb202007006 XU Jun, XU Yang, HU Lei, WANG Zhenbo. Discovering spatio-temporal patterns of human activity on the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau based on crowdsourcing positioning data. Acta Geographica Sinice[J], 2020, 75(7): 1406-1417 doi:10.11821/dlxb202007006
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