Spatiotemporal patterns of in- and out-bound population flows of the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau
WANG Nan,1,2, WANG Huimeng1,2, DU Yunyan,1,2, YI Jiawei1,2, LIU Zhang1,2, TU Wenna1,21. State Key Laboratory of Resources and Environmental Information System, Institute of Geographic Sciences and Natural Resources Research, CAS, Beijing 100101, China 2. University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100049, China
Strategic Priority Research Program of the Chinese Academy of Sciences.XDA20040401 Strategic Priority Research Program of the Chinese Academy of Sciences.XDA19040501
作者简介 About authors 王楠(1994-), 女, 硕士生, 研究方向为时空数据挖掘。E-mail:
Abstract In the big data era, data of population migration on the Internet has exerted great influence on conducting researches on the patterns of inter-regional population inflows and outflows. This study, based on Tencent's daily migration data (2015-2018), analyzed and explored the patterns of population inflows and outflows in the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau by means of methods like time series analysis, social networks analysis and space-time statistical analysis, and discussed the seasonal law of the fluid population between the study area and other cities in China and the network features of population interaction. The results indicated that: (1) The population flow in the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau was featured by seasonal variability, which could be represented as four seasons "Low, Medium, Mid-High, High" during the year. From 2015 to 2018, the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau in the interaction network of national urban floating population witnessed an increasing status. The population flow rate improved by 8.2%, and the ranking on the population mobility network increased by 24.5%. Relative to the Low season, the average daily population movements in the Medium season, Mid-High season and High season increased by 14.2%, 26.7% and 57.8%, respectively. (2) The population flow direction lied in the 45° fan-shaped range from NEE-67.5° to SEE-112.5°, and the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau had strong and frequent interactions with the capitals of the surrounding provinces. (3) Most cities across the country attached importance to a continual increase of the intensity of population interaction with the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau, and tourism had played a dominant role in promoting the changing and development. The Hotan and Bayin prefectures in Xinjiang, Chongqing, Guang'an and Meishan in Sichuan, and Sanmenxia in Henan presented a pattern of seasonal rise in the Medium and Mid-High seasons and a pattern of seasonal fall in the High season, reflecting the seasonality of labor export to the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau. In addition, population flow in cities like Turpan, Dongguan and Yuncheng showed a declining trend in the stage of High season as a result of the goods and materials supply relations. Keywords:Qinghai-Tibet Plateau;Tencent migration data;network analysis;seasonal law;spatiotemporal interaction pattern
PDF (5005KB)元数据多维度评价相关文章导出EndNote|Ris|Bibtex收藏本文 本文引用格式 王楠, 王会蒙, 杜云艳, 易嘉伟, 刘张, 涂文娜. 青藏高原人口流入流出时空模式研究. 地理学报[J], 2020, 75(7): 1418-1431 doi:10.11821/dlxb202007007 WANG Nan, WANG Huimeng, DU Yunyan, YI Jiawei, LIU Zhang, TU Wenna. Spatiotemporal patterns of in- and out-bound population flows of the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau. Acta Geographica Sinice[J], 2020, 75(7): 1418-1431 doi:10.11821/dlxb202007007
以鲁棒局部加权回归作为平滑方法的时间序列分解方法(Seasonal-Trend Decomposition based on Loess, STL)是基于鲁棒局部加权回归(Loess)算法将时序数据分解为趋势分量Trend Component)、季节分量(Seasonal Component)和余项(Remainder Component)。由图2可知,青藏高原人口流动量的时序数据呈现出明显的周期性季节变化特征,不同季节之间的人口流动特征存在显著差异,因此本文利用STL方法分解青藏高原人口流动量的逐日时序数据,提取青藏高原人口流动的季节分量;针对季节分量,利用断点检测和趋势分割估计模型(Detecting Breakpoints and Estimating Segments in Trend, DBEST)[28,29]完成断点检测(DBEST模型根据给定阈值获取季节分量时序数据中的断点),实现青藏高原人口流动模式的周期性季节划分。具体方法流程详如图3所示。
Fig. 8The cumulative percentage and cumulative value curve of population interaction intensity with the number of cities (a) and with the distance to the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau (b)
注:该图基于国家测绘地理信息局标准地图服务网站下载的审图号为GS(2016)1579号的标准地图制作,底图无修改。 Fig. 9The spatiotemporal characteristics of population mobility in major cities closely related to the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau
注:该图基于国家测绘地理信息局标准地图服务网站下载的审图号为GS(2016)1579号的标准地图制作,底图无修改。 Fig. 10Spatiotemporal patterns in the intensity of population mobility in major cities closely related to the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau
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