

本站小编 Free考研考试/2021-12-29

施海洋1,2, 罗格平,1,2, 郑宏伟1,2, 陈春波1, 白洁1, 刘铁1,21.中国科学院新疆生态与地理研究所,乌鲁木齐 830011
2.中国科学院大学,北京 100049

Water use analysis of Syr Darya river basin: Based on "Water-Energy-Food-Ecology" nexus and Bayesian network

SHI Haiyang1,2, LUO Geping,1,2, ZHENG Hongwei1,2, CHEN Chunbo1, BAI Jie1, LIU Tie1,21.State Key Laboratory of Desert and Oasis Ecology, Xinjiang Institute of Ecology and Geography, CAS, Urumqi 830011, China
2.University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100049, China

通讯作者: 罗格平(1968-), 男, 博士,研究员, 主要从事土地变化及其生态效应、遥感与GIS应用研究。E-mail: luogp@ms.xjb.ac.cn


Fund supported: Strategic Priority Research Program of Chinese Academy of Sciences.XDA20060302
National Natural Science Foundation of China.U1803243

作者简介 About authors

跨界流域水资源利用系统因受气候变化、人口增长、政治博弈、生态反馈等许多因素的互馈影响,包含复杂的“水—能源—食物—生态”纽带因果关系,形成具有高度不确定性的复杂非线性系统。传统水资源规划方法中缺少对这种复杂纽带关系的约束,而目前研究这类纽带关系多基于耦合多个模型、集成建模的方法,数据需求大、对复杂因果关系的不确定性模拟能力不足。而贝叶斯网络能以概率分布代替参数确定值来模拟系统中因果关系的不确定性、同时减少数据需求。本文利用贝叶斯概率网络,选取锡尔河流域为研究对象,量化这一因不合理用水而导致咸海生态危机的跨界内陆河流域“水—能源—食物—生态”纽带中的因果关系。结果表明贝叶斯网络能有效地模拟纽带中因果关系的强弱与不确定性,分析1970—2015年间不同时期影响咸海入湖水量的主要因素。为用水预测与流域水资源利用管理提供了系统性认知的基础,并展现出在较低模型复杂度和成本下建模的潜力。苏联时期,咸海入湖水量对农业开发增长的灌溉用水、上游水库建设的蓄水过程和径流量等较敏感;苏联解体后,咸海入湖水量对下游国家不合理使用的灌溉用水及上游水库蓄水量等节点高度敏感。短期内,需提高洗盐与灌溉用水效率,改良种植结构、增加粮食作物占比,并预防干旱危害;长期而言,通过普及先进滴灌技术,能大幅节约农业用水,在50%和80%的滴灌普及率下,新增咸海入湖水量将达到6.4 km 3和9.6 km 3以上,有望逐步缓解咸海生态危机。
关键词: 贝叶斯网络;“水—能源—食物—生态”纽带关系;锡尔河;咸海生态危机

Due to the influence of climate change, population growth, politics, ecological feedback and related factors, the water use system of transboundary basins are characterized by a complicated Water-Energy-Food-Ecology nexus, which constitutes a complex nonlinear system with high uncertainty. Unfortunately, the traditional optimization of water resources is often constrained by such a complex nexus. Despite that integrated modeling approach is often used in the simulation of complex nexus, it remains unsupportive of big data needs, thereby making uncertainty reduction a difficult task. The Bayesian network (BN), which is considered a more robust tool for analyzing complex relationships, was applied in this study to characterize the Water-Energy-Food-Ecology nexus of Syr Darya river basin, a transboundary inland basin which contributed to the Aral Sea ecological crisis for unreasonable water use. The annual scale data was introduced into BN to model the impact of stochastic annual runoff and compare their differences using periods "before" and "after" the disintegration of the Soviet Union as benchmark. Results show that during the before period, the amount of water inflow into the Aral Sea was sensitive to increased irrigation for agricultural development, increased water storage of the upstream reservoir and stochastic runoff. This situation became reverse after the disintegration of the Soviet Union. The reverse situation resulted from unresolvable disputes between power generation in upstream and irrigation water in downstream countries. Comprehensive scenario analysis shows that it is effective to improve the proportion of food crops, the efficiency of water use for salt leaching and irrigation, and prevent drought damage. Based on the increased use of advanced drip irrigation technology from 50% to 80%, it is anticipated that the annual inflow into the Aral Sea will increase significantly, reaching 6.4 km 3 and 9.6 km 3, respectively; and is capable of ameliorating ecological crisis within the basin. Finally, this study shows that the BN is a cost-efficient approach for predicting systematic water usage as decision support in water management with less complexity, and it is effective in modeling casual relationships in the Water-Energy-Food-Ecology nexus.
Keywords:Bayesian network;water-energy-food-ecology nexus;Syr Darya river;Aral Sea ecological crisis

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施海洋, 罗格平, 郑宏伟, 陈春波, 白洁, 刘铁. 基于“水—能源—食物—生态”纽带因果关系和贝叶斯网络的锡尔河流域用水分析. 地理学报[J], 2020, 75(5): 1036-1052 doi:10.11821/dlxb202005011
SHI Haiyang. Water use analysis of Syr Darya river basin: Based on "Water-Energy-Food-Ecology" nexus and Bayesian network. Acta Geographica Sinice[J], 2020, 75(5): 1036-1052 doi:10.11821/dlxb202005011

1 引言



目前对社会、水、生态系统相互作用及其进化过程的研究主要是基于耦合建模方法[9]:直接耦合或通过中间变量连接分别建立水系统模型、社会经济模型、生态模型或其它模型,如CLEW[10]、WEF Tool 2.0[11]、WELF[12]。这类耦合建模方法中的不确定性表现在模型结构、模型参数率定、模型数据输入等方面,耦合模型的过程中还存在模型结构、时空尺度等不匹配的问题。同时,这些模型需要大量数据率定,易陷入子模型的局部最优,存在“异参同效”等问题。

对“水—能源—食物—生态”纽带关系的分析,受社会发展的稳定性影响很大。以往的研究中缺少对社会发展背景的细化。分析发达国家的纽带关系研究时,因社会经济发展稳定、对自然资源依赖度较小、获取自然资源能力较强等,变量间的关系往往较稳定。而在分析发展中国家的纽带关系时,由于社会发展不稳定、自然资源稀缺、获取自然资源能力弱、对自然资源依赖度高、可持续发展理念较弱、生态环境问题突出等,纽带中矛盾丛生,导致纽带震荡剧烈、稳定性差、不确定性高,这也解释了为何这些区域往往成为“水—能源—食物—生态”纽带关系研究的热点区域[6, 9, 13]



因此,本文基于“水—能源—食物—生态”纽带关系和贝叶斯网络,分析1970—2015年间锡尔河流域用水状况,为锡尔河流域水资源管理与决策提供知识支持,辅助评估节水方案情境下社会经济与生态环境所受到的影响。本文主要研究目标包括:① 基于对流域“水—能源—食物—生态”纽带中因果关系的认知确定贝叶斯网络的结构;基于1970—2015年不同时期用水特征和存在的主要矛盾,搭建锡尔河流域用水状况的贝叶斯概率网络并评估模型适用性;② 分析不同历史时期用水模式差异对咸海入湖水量的影响;③ 提出锡尔河流域用水优化模式。

2 数据与方法

2.1 研究区

锡尔河(图1)发源于西天山,向西流入费尔干纳谷地,流经图兰低地后注入咸海,全长3019 km,为中亚最长的河流,流域面积2.19×105 km2,年均径流量37.2 km3 [25]。上游水力资源丰富,最大水电站为吉尔吉斯斯坦境内的托克托吉尔水电站,总库容19.5 km3,多年平均发电量4.4×109 kW h [25]。中下游化石能源相对比较丰富,且为乌兹别克斯坦和哈萨克斯坦重要的灌溉农业区,灌溉用水占比在90%以上,多数引水渠年久失修、渗漏现象严重,加之中下游地区气候干旱,导致锡尔河注入咸海的水量减少。



Fig. 1Geographic location of the Syr Darya river basin

2.2 数据


Tab. 1
Tab. 1Data sources
https://www.bafg.de/GRDC (1970—1989年)
http://www.cawater-info.net/water_quality_in_ca/syr_e.htm (1911—2016年)
降水1970—2015年气象站点数据, 日尺度https://www.ncdc.noaa.gov
干旱指数1979—2015年遥感模型反演数据产品, 日尺度, 分辨率0.04°×0.04°https://developers.google.com/earth-engine/datasets/catalog/IDAHO_ EPSCOR_PDSI
水库运行1974—2015年月尺度Siegfried T [26] (1974—2006年)

http://stat.gov.kz (2003—2015年), http://www.stat.kg (2012—2015年) https://stat.uz/uz(2000—2015年), https://data.worldbank.org.cnhttp://www.fao.org/statistics,
生态指标1980—2010年https://www.cawater-info.net, Micklin P [1, 25]


2.3 方法

2.3.1 锡尔河流域“水—能源—食物—生态”纽带关系 根据不同社会背景下的管理方式,1970—2015年锡尔河流域的“水—能源—食物—生态”纽带关系可分为4个阶段(图2):① 农业大开发阶段(1970—1980年):这一时期苏联在流域进行大规模土地开垦,主要种植高耗水的棉花,并主要采用漫灌。期间修建了大型水库和干渠等水利灌溉工程,这些工程渗漏较为严重,农业用水效率较低,大量水资源在引用的途中被消耗,咸海水入水量逐年减少,咸海生态危机开始显现[27]。② 水土开发达到峰值且相对稳定阶段(1980—1991年):这一时期农业开发规模达到顶峰并且相对稳定,咸海入湖水量进一步减少。由于农业需水量极大,流域下游农业用水优先予以满足,上游发电需求缺口靠下游免费的化石能源进行补偿,大量农业灌溉回归水排入绿洲外围的咸水洼地,无法重复利用或回归锡尔河,造成严重的水资源浪费。流入咸海的水量极低,甚至有些年份出现断流[27]。③ 苏联解体后经济发展滞缓阶段(1991—2005年):苏联解体后新诞生的中亚国家在这一时期政治局势不稳,社会经济出现停滞甚至倒退。棉花生产远大于解体后国家的实际需求,农用地面积缩小,在种植结构上,受迫于人口增长导致的粮食安全压力,粮食作物种植面积占比增加。在水和能源关系方面,下游区域不再免费向上游免费补给能源,上游吉尔吉斯斯坦产生能源危机,电力需求无法满足,尤其是用电高峰期的冬季[28]。吉尔吉斯斯坦约90%的电力来自水力发电,为了在冬季生产更多电力,增加夏季上游水库蓄水,并在冬季下泄发电,给下游带来夏季农业用水短缺与冬季洪涝风险。长期的漫灌造成下游农田土壤盐渍化严重、肥力下降,同时大量农药、有机质与盐分进入锡尔河,导致下游水质恶化。1993年咸海面积较20世纪60年代缩小了50%,时至2004年,咸海的面积只剩下原来的25%[25]。沙、盐尘暴频次增加,威胁居民健康,咸海危机进一步发展。④ 经济复苏的阶段(2005—2015年):进入21世纪,中亚五国中化石能源丰富、工业基础相对较好的哈萨克斯坦和土库曼斯坦经济发展速度增快,经济上逐渐拉开与农业产值占比极高的乌兹别克斯坦、塔吉克斯坦、吉尔吉斯斯坦的差距。受农业地私有化及农产品出口前景的改善,下游农业生产积极性提高,加上农耕技术的进步,农业生产力有所提升。相对较富裕的哈萨克斯坦在锡尔河中游修建大型水库防洪、调节灌溉,缓解自身在水资源竞争中的劣势[29];同时,为保护咸海在该国境内部分的生态,在北咸海修建竣工科卡拉尔水坝,水坝将咸海南北两湖分离,北咸海水面开始扩大,湖水位开始回升,维持北咸海水位在42 m左右[25],但间接导致南咸海加速干涸。上游的吉尔斯斯坦与中下游的乌兹别克斯坦由于未改变原用水方式,在人口增加与气候变化的压力下,用水矛盾趋于升级。2010年前后咸海面积缩小到20世纪60年代的10%,生态危机进一步加重。



Fig. 2Changes of Water-Energy-Food-Ecology nexus in Syr Darya river basin in the past 50 years

2.3.2 基于“水—能源—食物—生态”纽带因果关系的贝叶斯概率网络


在给定网络先验联合概率分布的基础上,使用观测数据不断更新网络参数,其中使用EM算法(Expectation-Maximization algorithm)[31]迭代计算参数的期望和极大似然估计,能针对存在缺失的数据实现优化过程(图3)。本文使用Netica软件实现贝叶斯网络,该软件在贝叶斯网络建模研究中应用广泛[32]。Netica中用“experience”变量表示先验知识背后代表的观测数据或先验知识的可信度,而用“degree”变量表示观测数据的训练次数,将两者结合可动态调整先验知识与观测数据在概率分布确定中的权重。每次数据训练过程中,将“degree”叠加至“experience”上,不断更新先验知识及其权重。



Fig. 3Parameter calculation of nodes and optimization of Bayesian network

(2)基于“水—能源—食物—生态”纽带因果关系的锡尔河流域水资源利用贝叶斯网络结构。基于变化的“水—能源—食物—生态”纽带关系,本文建立锡尔河流域的用水贝叶斯网络(图4)。它包含以下4个模块:① 水资源模块:反映气候变化及其对水资源变化的影响,包括温度、降水、冰川和永久性积雪变化及其对径流量影响程度,用于表示山区来水量变化、下游绿洲用水区保水能力等。② 上游模块:反映水和能源的局部纽带关系,包括上游水力发电、能源进口及主要水库冬季放水量、夏季放水量等,描述上游发电用水与下游农业用水之间的季节用水矛盾。③ 下游模块:反映“水—食物”局部纽带关系。下游经济规模、用水规模等在流域中占比较高,因此细化了下游种植业、畜牧业、工业等不同产业用水的变化。④ 咸海生态模块:反映“水—能源—食物”局部纽带关系对生态的影响,衡量不合理用水和食物生产对土壤盐渍化、咸海萎缩、沙尘盐尘天气、生物多样性和居民健康的影响。



Fig. 4The structure of Bayesian network of water use in Syr Darya river basin based on the Water-Energy-Food-Ecology nexus


(3)贝叶斯网络模型参数化。为减小联合概率分布的计算量,对数据离散化处理,得到节点数据的状态分级(表2),对少数定性的节点进行评级(低、中、高)。离散化过程中不同的间隔数与分割点可能会对模型性能产生影响,同时也会影响先验的专家知识的设定。因此本文数据的离散化与先验知识的设定同步进行,依据专家知识和实际数据分布,指导节点的离散化。设定先验专家知识时,部分节点设置为正态分布的离散形式,如径流量节点3个状态的先验离散概率分布设定为(0.2, 0.6, 0.2)。对先验知识的权重“experience”变量的设定中,考虑观测数据的数量,令“experience < 0.3 degree”,保证网络参数化过程中观测数据所代表的信息量权重。

Tab. 2
Tab. 2Detailed explanations and status discretization of important variables
年径流量乌奇库尔干等站280~360, 360~440, 440~650108 m3
下游降水量克孜勒奥尔达、费尔干纳、吉扎克等地区气象站均值170~190, 190~210, 210~230mm
下游干旱指数PDSI-8~-4, -4~0, 0~6
上游水库蓄水量托克托古尔水库0~6, 6~12, 12~20km3
水库夏季放水量1800~2800, 2800~3800, 3800~4800106 m3
水库冬季放水量3500~3800, 3800~4200, 4200~4500106 m3
上游水力发电量0.3~0.8, 0.8~1.2, 1.2~1.51010 kW·h
上游进口天然气量从下游进口0~1, 1~2, 2~3109 m3
下游棉花种植面积700~750, 750~800, 800~850103 ha
下游棉花产量1100~2200, 2200~3300, 3300~4400103 t
下游粮食作物种植面积1000~1100, 1100~1200, 1200~1300103 hm2
下游粮食产量1500~2500, 2500~3500, 3500~4500103 t
下游大牲畜量牛、羊数量7000~10000, 10000~13000, 13000~16000103
下游灌溉定额9500~10000, 10000~10500, 10500~11000m3/hm2
下游总用水量33~35, 35~37, 37~40km3
流入洼地水量流入Arnasay洼地水量1.5~4.5, 4.5~6.5, 6.5~8.5km3
下游农业产值2~4, 4~6, 6~8109 US$
下游总产值10~30, 30~50, 50~70109 US$
下游人口14~16, 16~18, 18~20106
咸海入湖水量卡扎林斯克站2.5~4, 4~5, 5~6.5km3
咸海水量10~100, 100~200, 200~300km3
下游荒漠面积包括Aralkum沙漠14~16, 16~18, 18~20104 km2
下游土壤盐分含量克孜勒奥尔达地区0~3, 3~8, 8~30g/kg
下游沙、盐尘暴频率0~30, 30~60, 60~100d/a
下游饮用水矿化度克孜勒奥尔达地区0~0.5, 0.5~1, 1~3g/L
下游人均预期寿命64~66, 66~68, 68~70, 70~72a


本文在2个时间尺度利用数据信息:① 年尺度,反映要素的年度变化,如丰、平、枯水年的径流量差异明显,而径流量的不确定性通过纽带关系传播,影响着流域的水资源利用;② 社会经济发展背景的阶段尺度,时间约10~15年,具体为1970—1980年、1980—1991年、1991—2005年和2005—2015年。因此,本文分4个时间段、区分不同的社会经济背景和发展阶段,分别输入各时段内年尺度数据,实现网络参数化。

(4)模型评估、验证和不确定性度量方法。可以从定性评估(如因果关系实际反馈)与定量验证(如通过比较观测数据和模拟结果评估预测精度[33]和敏感性分析[34])两个方面评估基于因果关系建立的贝叶斯网络。敏感性分析被广泛认为能更有效地评估模型表现[35,36,37,38],本文使用敏感性分析来测试贝叶斯网络输出变量对输入变量的敏感性。基于熵缩减(Entropy Reduction)的互信息MI(Mutual Information)与基于方差缩减(Variance Reduction)的信念方差VB(Variance of Belief)是常用的进行贝叶斯网络模型评估的敏感性分析指标[39,40],计算公式如下:


同时本文以K次交叉验证计算误差矩阵评估精度[37, 41],比较最大后验概率的状态与实际值状态的一致性。其中,K次交叉验证是将训练集分割成K个子样本,一个单独的子样本被保留作为测试模型的数据,其他K-1个样本用来训练的方法。交叉验证重复K次,记录K次分别计算的混淆矩阵,再对得到的K个混淆矩阵进行平均,以评估整体模型性能。

度量结果不确定性时,贝叶斯可信区间能在后验概率分布中表示不确定性[37],用于表示处于特定可接受水平的后验概率分布。在极端事件的影响较大时,设置过高的贝叶斯可信度可能导致极端事件的影响被忽略。为兼顾节点分布上下界的极端值的影响,在1-b(0 < b <1)的可信度下,本文计算的贝叶斯可信区间表示概率分布上下0.5 b分位点之间的部分。

3 结果

3.1 参数化后的贝叶斯概率网模型




Fig.5Bayesian network of water use in Syr Darya river basin with conditional probability tables (2005-2015)

Tab. 3
Tab. 3Bayesian credible interval estimation of posterior probability distributions of several nodes
咸海入湖水量(2.95, 6.22)km3
上游总用水量(4.37, 9.38)km3
下游总用水量(33.71, 39.18)km3
下游农业产值(2.49, 7.31)109 US$
下游沙、盐尘暴频率(13.27, 89.44)d/a
下游饮用水矿化度(0.55, 2.72)g/L


3.2 模型评估与验证




Fig. 6Sensitivity analysis of various target variables


Tab. 4
Tab. 4Accuracy validation of the "Downstream water use" node based on the confusion matrix


3.3 不同历史时期用水模式差异对咸海入湖水量的影响分析




Fig. 7Sensitivity analysis of water inflow to the Aral Sea during historical periods based on ratio of variance of belief



3.4 不同情景下“水—能源—食物—生态”纽带关系目标变量对情景变量的响应


Tab. 5
Tab. 5Responses of target variables to scenario variables in different scenarios



4 讨论


4.1 贝叶斯网络建模能力


4.2 水资源利用优化前景

未来流域的气候、人口、社会经济发展等可能出现新的显著变化,对纽带中新变化预知能力的不足将限制网络的预测能力。同时,贝叶斯网络难以对未出现过的因素进行评估,如先进的滴灌系统的普及程度。实际上,由情景分析的结果表明减少下游流入洼地水量是增加咸海入湖水量的有效措施,而流入洼地水量来自于富余水和灌溉回归水。苏联解体后的流域分水阿拉木图协议[42],主要是根据解体时的用水比例而确定,但当时咸海入湖水量极低,因此这种方案缺少对咸海生态用水的考虑。下游高负荷的农业生产维持的重要基础,是苏联计划经济体制下充足的中央农业补贴与巨大的农产品需求;解体后下游国家的农业生产规模缩小,需水量减小,但富余水排入洼地而非咸海。逐步推广滴灌系统能减小灌溉对地势的依赖,提高灌溉效率,减少流入洼地的大量灌溉回归水。目前锡尔河流域平均灌溉定额约10000 m3/hm2,而同属亚洲中部干旱区、潜在蒸发量相近的中国新疆,滴灌的平均灌溉定额小于5000 m3/hm2 [43];未来锡尔河流域的滴灌普及率若能达到50%,每年可为咸海节约出约8 km3生态用水,若80%节约的农业用水流入咸海,则咸海年新增入湖水量可达6.4 km3;若普及率提高至80%,每年能为咸海流域节约出约12 km3农业用水,若80%节约的农业用水能流入咸海,则每年新增咸海入湖水量达到9.6 km3以上,有望缓解咸海生态危机。


5 结论




(3)提出了锡尔河流域用水优化模式。短期内,需提高洗盐与灌溉用水效率,改良种植结构、增加粮食作物占比,并预防干旱危害。长期而言,若先进节水灌溉的普及度达到50%,减少流入洼地水量,有望使每年新增咸海入湖水量达到6.4 km3以上;若达到80%,每年新增咸海入湖水量将达到9.6 km3以上。同时,流域内各国必须形成有效的合作机制。

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Bayesian networks (BNs) have become a standard in the field of Artificial Intelligence as a means of dealing with uncertainty and risk modelling. In recent years, there has been particular interest in the simultaneous use of continuous and discrete domains, obviating the need for discretization, using so-called hybrid BNs. In these hybrid environments, Mixtures of Truncated Exponentials (MTEs) provide a suitable solution for working without any restriction. The objective of this study is the assessment of groundwater quality through the design and application of a probabilistic clustering, based on hybrid Bayesian networks with MTEs. Firstly, the results obtained allows the differentiation of three groups of sampling points, indicating three different classes of groundwater quality. Secondly, the probability that a sampling point belongs to each cluster allows the uncertainty in the clusters to be assessed, as well as the risks associated in terms of water quality management. The methodology developed could be applied to other fields in environmental sciences.

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The Relative Risk Model (RRM) is a tool used to calculate and assess the likelihood of effects to endpoints when multiple stressors occur in complex ecological systems. In this study, a Bayesian network was used to calculate relative risk and estimate uncertainty (BN-RRM) in the Puyallup River Watershed. First, we calculated the risk of prespawn mortality of coho salmon. Second, we evaluated the effect of low impact development (LID) as a means to reduce risk. Prespawner mortality in coho salmon within the Puyallup watershed was the endpoint selected for this study. A conceptual model showing causal pathways between stressors and endpoints was created to show where linkages exist. A relative risk gradient was found throughout the watershed. The lowest risk was found in risk regions with the least urban development, and the greatest risk of prespawner mortality was found in the highly urbanized risk regions with the largest amounts of impervious surface. LID did reduce risk but only when implemented at high intensities within the urban watersheds. The structure of the BN-RRM also provides a framework for water quality- and quantity-related endpoints within this and other watersheds. The framework is also useful for evaluating different strategies for remediation or restoration activities. The adaptability of using BNs for a relative risk assessment provides opportunities for the model to be adapted for other watersheds in the Puget Sound and Salish Sea region. Integr Environ Assess Manag 2014;10:269-278. (c) 2013 SETAC

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Agricultural intensification often has complex effects on a wide range of environmental and economic values, presenting planners with challenging decisions for optimising sustainable benefits. Bayesian Belief Networks (BBNs) can be used as a decision-support tool for evaluating the influence of development scenarios across a range of values. A BBN was developed to guide decisions on water abstraction and irrigation-driven land use intensification in the Hurunui River catchment, New Zealand. The BBN examines the combined effects of different irrigation water sources and four land development scenarios, with and without a suite of on-farm mitigations, on ground and surface water quality, key socioeconomic values (i.e. farm earnings and jobs, and contribution to regional gross domestic production (GDP)) and aquatic values (i.e. salmon, birds, waterscape, contact recreation, periphyton and invertebrates). It predicts high farm earnings, jobs and regional GDP with 150% increase in irrigated area, but a range of positive and negative aquatic environmental outcomes, depending on the location of water storage dams and the application of a suite of on-farm mitigations. This BBN synthesis of a complex system enhanced the ability to include aquatic values alongside economic and social values in land-use and water resource planning and decision making, and has influenced objective setting in Hurunui planning processes.

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Drinking water security is a life safety issue as an adequate supply of safe water is essential for economic, social and sanitary reasons. Damage to any element of a water system, as well as corruption of resource quality, may have significant effects on the population it serves and on all other dependent resources and activities. As well as an analysis of the reliability of water distribution systems in ordinary conditions, it is also crucial to assess system vulnerability in the event of natural disasters and of malicious or accidental anthropogenic acts. The present work summarizes the initial results of research activities that are underway with the intention of developing a vulnerability assessment methodology for drinking water infrastructures subject to hazardous events. The main aim of the work was therefore to provide decision makers with an effective operational tool which could support them mainly to increase risk awareness and preparedness and, possibly, to ease emergency management. The proposed tool is based on Bayesian Belief Networks (BBN), a probabilistic methodology which has demonstrated outstanding potential to integrate a range of sources of knowledge, a great flexibility and the ability to handle in a mathematically sound way uncertainty due to data scarcity and/or limited knowledge of the system to be managed. The tool was implemented to analyze the vulnerability of two of the most important water supply systems in the Apulia region (southern Italy) which have been damaged in the past by natural hazards. As well as being useful for testing and improving the predictive capabilities of the methodology and for possibly modifying its structure and features, the case studies have also helped to underline its strengths and weaknesses. Particularly, the experiences carried out demonstrated how the use of BBN was consistent with the lack of data reliability, quality and accessibility which are typical of complex infrastructures, such as the water distribution networks. The potential applications and future developments of the proposed tool have been also discussed accordingly.

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Kyrgyz Republic lies in the core of central Asia, with mountains everywhere and glaciers forming and melting widely. It is rich in water resources in Kyrgyzstan, which is called &ldquo;water towers&rdquo; and controls water resources life-line of the five central Asia countries. There is large potential and strong desire for economic growth and social development in Kyrgyzstan. It is positive to analyze the water development and utilization of Kyrgyzstan for seeking a right way to solve the central Asia water resource problems. Firstly, the paper introduces its physical geography and conditions related to water resource generation, such as climate, topography and geomorphology, glacier and snowmelt and puts forward the total quantity of water resources in Kyrgyzstan. Secondly, on the basis of describing its social-economy variations since its independence, it analyzes the main water resource development projects, hydropower and variations of water usage. Finally, it discuses the main results and problems in the process.
[ 李湘权, 邓铭江, 龙爱华 , . 吉尔吉斯斯坦水资源及其开发利用
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Kyrgyz Republic lies in the core of central Asia, with mountains everywhere and glaciers forming and melting widely. It is rich in water resources in Kyrgyzstan, which is called &ldquo;water towers&rdquo; and controls water resources life-line of the five central Asia countries. There is large potential and strong desire for economic growth and social development in Kyrgyzstan. It is positive to analyze the water development and utilization of Kyrgyzstan for seeking a right way to solve the central Asia water resource problems. Firstly, the paper introduces its physical geography and conditions related to water resource generation, such as climate, topography and geomorphology, glacier and snowmelt and puts forward the total quantity of water resources in Kyrgyzstan. Secondly, on the basis of describing its social-economy variations since its independence, it analyzes the main water resource development projects, hydropower and variations of water usage. Finally, it discuses the main results and problems in the process.

Long Aihua, Deng Mingjiang, Li Xiangquan , et al. An analysis of water resources development in Kazakhstan and water problems
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URL [本文引用: 1]
Kazakhstan occupies an important position in central Asian area from the angle of country area, mine resources, water resources, population and economic aggregate. The Kazakhstan&prime;s water resources development and utilization state has representation in central Asian area. Therefore, studying Kazakhstan&prime;s water resources has important theory value and significance to maintain the man-water harmony and water resources sustainable development of central Asian area. The paper introduces the physical geography and water resources condition in brief, gives an assessment to surface and ground water quantity, and also total amount of water resources. Based on the overview of the economic society and development after its independence, the paper reviews the process of water resources engineering and irrigation system, especially gives an analysis of Kazakhstan&prime;s water resources development and utilization (including total amount of water consumption, agricultural water and supply-need condition) and development circumstance after 1991 in detail, and gives an judgment to actual problems during water resources development and utilization. Finally, the paper makes an deep analysis of the related problems in the water exploitation.
[ 龙爱华, 邓铭江, 李湘权 , . 哈萨克斯坦水资源及其开发利用
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Kazakhstan occupies an important position in central Asian area from the angle of country area, mine resources, water resources, population and economic aggregate. The Kazakhstan&prime;s water resources development and utilization state has representation in central Asian area. Therefore, studying Kazakhstan&prime;s water resources has important theory value and significance to maintain the man-water harmony and water resources sustainable development of central Asian area. The paper introduces the physical geography and water resources condition in brief, gives an assessment to surface and ground water quantity, and also total amount of water resources. Based on the overview of the economic society and development after its independence, the paper reviews the process of water resources engineering and irrigation system, especially gives an analysis of Kazakhstan&prime;s water resources development and utilization (including total amount of water consumption, agricultural water and supply-need condition) and development circumstance after 1991 in detail, and gives an judgment to actual problems during water resources development and utilization. Finally, the paper makes an deep analysis of the related problems in the water exploitation.

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This paper presents a selected set of existing and new metrics for gauging Bayesian network model performance and uncertainty. Selected existing and new metrics are discussed for conducting model sensitivity analysis (variance reduction, entropy reduction, case file simulation); evaluating scenarios (influence analysis); depicting model complexity (numbers of model variables, links, node states, conditional probabilities, and node cliques); assessing prediction performance (confusion tables, covariate and conditional probability-weighted confusion error rates, area under receiver operating characteristic curves, k-fold cross-validation, spherical payoff, Schwarz' Bayesian information criterion, true skill statistic, Cohen's kappa); and evaluating uncertainty of model posterior probability distributions (Bayesian credible interval, posterior probability certainty index, certainty envelope, Gini coefficient). Examples are presented of applying the metrics to 3 real-world models of wildlife population analysis and management. Using such metrics can vitally bolster model credibility, acceptance, and appropriate application, particularly when informing management decisions. Published by Elsevier B.V.

Pollino C A, Woodberry O, Nicholson A , et al. Parameterisation and evaluation of a Bayesian network for use in an ecological risk assessment
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[本文引用: 1]

Barton D N, Saloranta T, Moe S J , et al. Bayesian belief networks as a meta-modelling tool in integrated river basin management: Pros and cons in evaluating nutrient abatement decisions under uncertainty in a Norwegian river basin
Ecological Economics, 2008,66(1):91-104.

DOI:10.1016/j.ecolecon.2008.02.012URL [本文引用: 1]

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DOI:10.1016/0004-3702(88)90015-XURL [本文引用: 1]

Zeng Li, Li Jing, Li Ting , et al. Optimizing spatial patterns of water conservation ecosystem service based on Bayesian belief networks
Acta Geographica Sinica, 2018,73(9):1809-1822.

DOI:10.11821/dlxb201809015URL [本文引用: 1]
This study, taking the Weihe River Basin in the Guanzhong-Tianshui Economic Region of China as a case, establishes a water conservation ecosystem service network model. Based on Bayesian belief networks, the model forecasts the distribution probability of water conservation ecosystem services projected under different land-use scenarios for the year 2050 with a CA-Marcov model. A key variable subset method is proposed to optimize the spatial pattern of the water conservation ecosystem service. There were three key study findings. First, under the protection scenario, the area of woodland increased by 18.12%, mainly from the conversion of cultivated land. The grassland and cities increased by 0.73% and 0.38%, respectively. The water and unused land were reduced by 5.08% and 0.92%, respectively. The probability of high water conservation value under this scenario is the largest in the three scenarios, and the design of protection scenario is conducive to the formulation of future land use policies. Second, the key factors influencing water conservation ecosystem service include precipitation, evapotranspiration and land use. The state set corresponding to the highest state of water conservation ecosystem service is {precipitation = Highest, evapotranspiration = High, land use = High}, mainly distributed in areas with high annual average rainfall and evapotranspiration and high vegetation coverage. Third, the regions suitable for optimizing water conservation ecosystem service are mainly distributed in the southern part of Maiji District in Tianshui, southwest of Longxian and south of Weibin District in Baoji, northeast of Xunyi County and northwest of Yongshou County in Xianyang, and west of Yaozhou District in Tongchuan. Identifying the optimization regions of water conservation ecosystem service based on Bayesian belief networks, not only helps to develop a better understanding of the water conservation ecosystem services processes, but also increases the rationality of the scenario design and pattern optimization. On this basis, the key variable subset method is crucial to sound eco-environment construction and policy formulation in the study area.
[ 曾莉, 李晶, 李婷 , . 基于贝叶斯网络的水源涵养服务空间格局优化
地理学报, 2018,73(9):1809-1822.]

DOI:10.11821/dlxb201809015URL [本文引用: 1]
This study, taking the Weihe River Basin in the Guanzhong-Tianshui Economic Region of China as a case, establishes a water conservation ecosystem service network model. Based on Bayesian belief networks, the model forecasts the distribution probability of water conservation ecosystem services projected under different land-use scenarios for the year 2050 with a CA-Marcov model. A key variable subset method is proposed to optimize the spatial pattern of the water conservation ecosystem service. There were three key study findings. First, under the protection scenario, the area of woodland increased by 18.12%, mainly from the conversion of cultivated land. The grassland and cities increased by 0.73% and 0.38%, respectively. The water and unused land were reduced by 5.08% and 0.92%, respectively. The probability of high water conservation value under this scenario is the largest in the three scenarios, and the design of protection scenario is conducive to the formulation of future land use policies. Second, the key factors influencing water conservation ecosystem service include precipitation, evapotranspiration and land use. The state set corresponding to the highest state of water conservation ecosystem service is {precipitation = Highest, evapotranspiration = High, land use = High}, mainly distributed in areas with high annual average rainfall and evapotranspiration and high vegetation coverage. Third, the regions suitable for optimizing water conservation ecosystem service are mainly distributed in the southern part of Maiji District in Tianshui, southwest of Longxian and south of Weibin District in Baoji, northeast of Xunyi County and northwest of Yongshou County in Xianyang, and west of Yaozhou District in Tongchuan. Identifying the optimization regions of water conservation ecosystem service based on Bayesian belief networks, not only helps to develop a better understanding of the water conservation ecosystem services processes, but also increases the rationality of the scenario design and pattern optimization. On this basis, the key variable subset method is crucial to sound eco-environment construction and policy formulation in the study area.

Deng Mingjiang, Long Aihua . Water resources issue among the central Asian countries around the Aral Sea: Conflict and cooperation
Journal of Glaciology and Geocryology, 2011,33(6):1377-1390.

[本文引用: 1]

[ 邓铭江, 龙爱华 . 中亚各国在咸海流域水资源问题上的冲突与合作
冰川冻土, 2011,33(6):1377-1390.]

[本文引用: 1]

Shen Y, Li S, Chen Y , et al. Estimation of regional irrigation water requirement and water supply risk in the arid region of northwestern China 1989-2010
Agricultural Water Management, 2013,128:55-64.

DOI:10.1016/j.agwat.2013.06.014URL [本文引用: 1]

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