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2. 华东师范大学城市与区域科学学院,上海 200062
3. 华东师范大学国家教育宏观政策研究院,上海 200062

Spatio-temporal evolution and factors influencing international student mobility networks in the world

HOU Chunguang1,2,3, DU Debin,1,2,3, LIU Chengliang1,2, GUI Qinchang1,2, LIU Shufeng1,2, QIN Xionghe1,2,31. Institute for Global Innovation and Development, East China Normal University, Shanghai 200062, China
2. School of Urban and Regional Science, East China Normal University, Shanghai 200062, China
3. National Institutes of Educational Policy Research, East China Normal University, Shanghai 200062, China

通讯作者: 杜德斌(1963-), 男, 湖北宜昌人, 教授, 博士生导师, 中国地理学会会员(S110000210M), 长期从事世界地理和科技创新问题研究。E-mail: dbdu@re.ecnu.edu.cn


Fund supported: Major Program of National Social Science Foundation of China.19ZDA087
ECNU Academic Innovation Promotion Program for Excellent Doctoral Students.YBNLTS2019-033

作者简介 About authors

基于联合国教科文组织公布的全球高等学校留学生流动数据,借鉴网络科学,利用社会网络分析方法和负二项回归模型,对2001—2015年全球留学网络时空演化及其影响因素进行研究。主要结论为:① 时序演化特征上,全球留学网络关系流从4921个增加到9137个,平均加权度从8004迅速增加到20834,表明全球留学网络不仅学生数量在增加,且留学路径数量也在不断增加。② 拓扑结构上,从以美国为单一核心,演变成以美国、中国为双核心的拓扑结构,亚洲国家逐渐成为全球留学网络的主体,欧洲国家的中心性逐渐萎缩。③ 空间结构上,全球留学网络具有明显的等级层次性,美国是全球性主导型节点,德国、捷克是区域性主导型节点,次级主导型节点从25个增加到32个,全球留学网络“东向西、南到北”的地理空间格局正在发生变化,中国、澳大利亚等国成为新的区域性中心,区域化成为全球留学网络一个重要趋势。④ 回归分析发现,留学目的地国高等教育质量、高校在校生数量、人均GDP、留学目的地国与留学生来源国间的历史联系及全球化水平与留学生流量呈显著正相关关系,地理距离、语言临近性与留学生流量呈显著负相关关系,表明语言差异的阻抗作用在迅速减弱,地理距离仍然是阻碍学生流动的一个重要因素。
关键词: 留学生;国际人才流动;网络结构;地理空间

Based on the data released by UNESCO on international student mobility in tertiary education from 2001 to 2015, this paper draws on network science to construct a multidimensional weighted directed network heterogeneity model. This model combines the GIS spatial analysis method and the negative binomial regression model to study spatiotemporal evolution and factors influencing international student mobility networks. The results are as follows. First, in terms of the evolutionary characteristics of time series, the linkages of international student mobility networks have increased from 4921 to 9137, and its average weighted degree centrality has rapidly increased from 8004 to 20,834, which indicates that both the number of international students and the choices of overseas routines are mounting. Second, in terms of the topological structure, it has evolved from a single core comprising the United States into dual cores comprising the United States and China. Gradually, Asian countries have become the main body of international student mobility networks, while the centrality of European countries has reduced. Thirdly, in terms of spatial structure, the international student mobility network has a significant core-periphery structure and hierarchical characteristics. The countries in the core, strong semi-periphery and semi-periphery alternate with countries from other tiers. The spatial patterns of the international student mobility network "from east to west, and from south to north" are changing. China and Australia have become the new regional centers of international student mobility networks, meaning that regionalization has become an important trend. Finally, regression analysis shows that the flow of international students correlates positively with the quality of higher education in destination countries, the number of students in colleges and universities, the per capita GDP, the historical links connection between the destination country and the country of origin, and the level of globalization. Geographical distance and linguistic proximity have a significant negative correlation with the flow of international students, indicating that the impediment of language is rapidly weakening, while geographical distance still hinders student mobility.
Keywords:international students;international talent mobility;network structure;geospace

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侯纯光, 杜德斌, 刘承良, 桂钦昌, 刘树峰, 覃雄合. 全球留学生留学网络时空演化及其影响因素. 地理学报[J], 2020, 75(4): 681-694 doi:10.11821/dlxb202004002
HOU Chunguang. Spatio-temporal evolution and factors influencing international student mobility networks in the world. Acta Geographica Sinice[J], 2020, 75(4): 681-694 doi:10.11821/dlxb202004002

1 引言




综上,本文将研究焦点落在全球留学生留学网络时空演化及其影响因素上,借鉴网络科学,利用社会网络分析方法,全面刻画全球留学生留学网络空间结构上的等级层次性、非均衡性及集聚性等特性。具体而言,① 节点(国家或地区)中心性:从度中心性、强度中心性、集聚系数等方面,构建加权多中心性模型(Multiple Centrality Assessments),刻画世界各国在留学网络中的中心性和重要性;② 关联(国际联系强度)层次性:基于留学生的流量和流向,构建加权有向留学网络,从边权重度量世界各国人才培养的联系强度(Strength of Linkage Pair),识别全球主要留学联系、双边关系及方向;③ 网等级层次性:基于优势流算法,识别全球留学生留学网络的等级层次结构;④ 网络集聚性及连接性:从集聚系数、网络密度和直径等指标视角,揭示全球留学网络的全局结构异质性,刻画全球留学生留学的空间集聚程度及连接程度。最后运用负二项回归模型,以空间相互作用理论为基础,从自由主义和结构主义的视角,探讨全球留学网络时空演化的影响因素。

2 数据来源与研究方法

2.1 数据来源

研究涉及的全球高等学校留学生流动数据(International Student Mobility in Tertiary Education)来源于联合国教科文组织(UNESCO)数据库,由于该数据库缺少来华留学生数据,本文依据中国教育部国际合作与交流司统计的来华留学生数据,对联合教科文组织留学生数据库进行了补充。联合国教科文组织将留学生或国际流动学生定义为跨越两国边界进行学习的学生,这些学生不是正在学习国的公民[7, 9]。在影响因素分析中,利用全球前500强大学衡量留学目的地国高等教育质量,数据来自上海交通大学世界一流大学研究中心世界大学学术排名(Academic Ranking of World Universities)数据库;留学目的地国高校在校生数量来自联合国教科文组织公布的世界各国或地区高校在校生数量;留学目的地国人均GDP、以及衡量留学目的地国和留学生来源国全球化水平的商品进出口总额与GDP的比值数据来自世界银行(World Bank)数据库;留学目的地国与留学生来源国的语言临近性、历史联系、地理距离数据均来自法国CEPII数据库。

2.2 研究方法

2.2.1 全球留学网络计量模型


网络密度(Graph Density, Dg)用来检测网络整体的链接程度,整体网络的密度越大,表明各节点联系越密切,同时也说明网络对各节点的关系和流量影响越大[7, 23]。全球留学网络属于有向关系网络(Directed Graph),表达式为:


聚类系数是指网络中节点与其所有邻接点之间实际的边数与最大可能边数的比值[7, 23],衡量留学网络中各国的集聚程度。平均聚类系数(C)即为聚类系数的平均值,表达式为:



度中心性(Degree Centrality, Cd)指与该节点直接相连的其他节点的数量,衡量节点连接程度[7, 12]。在全球留学网络中,节点度中心性表示与该国或地区有留学往来的国家数量,在有向网络中度中心性又可分为出度中心性和入度中心性:


强度中心性(Strength Centrality, Cs)指与节点i直接相连的边的权重总和,在有向网络中分为加权入度和加权出度[7, 12]。在全球留学网络中,节点强度表示流入该国的留学生和该国派出去的留学生数量的总和,反应一个国家或地区高等教育的国际化程度:



优势流(Dominant Flow)分析模型是依据中心地理论,用数学图论和关系结构的方法刻画不同尺度空间之间的等级层次性[32]。空间单元之间关系流的方向和大小是决定空间秩序的重要指标。现实世界中,空间单元之间可能存在无数关系流,而关系流中的最大流即优势流构成了空间网络结构中的骨架,决定空间单元的等级层次。本文根据优势流模型的原理,构建了关系矩阵(图1),用以说明留学网络的等级层次结构。蓝色方格表示一个国家或地区所有关系流中的最大流即优势流,a1是关系网络中主导型节点,其优势流流向了比自身规模小的节点b1,b1、b2的优势流则流向了a1,b3的优势流流向了b1,b1、b2、b3的共同特点是有规模更小的节点与其相连,所以b1、b2、b3属于次级主导型节点,c1、c2、c3、c4的优势流流向了比自己规模大的节点,且没有其他节点的优势流流入,属于从属型节点。



Fig. 1The conceptual model of hierarchical structure

2.2.2 负二项回归模型





式中:ISMij是来源国j到目的地国i的留学生数量,是模型的被解释变量;α为常数项;εi为随机误差项;β1, β2,…, β8为待估系数;核心解释变量Eduqualityi是目的地国i的高等教育质量,用进入世界大学学术排名前500强的大学数量衡量;Stunumberi是目的地国i的高校在校生数量;PerGDPi是目的地国i的人均GDP;Lanproximityij是来源国j与目的地国i的语言临近性,为虚拟变量,如果两国或地区的官方语言相同则赋值为1,否则为0;Hiscontactsij是目的地国i与来源国j之间历史上的殖民关系,为虚拟变量,如果两国或地区历史上存在殖民关系则赋值为1,否则为0;Geodistanceij是目的地国i与来源国j的地理距离,用两国或地区首都或首府之间的物理距离衡量;控制变量GlobalizationiGlobalizationj分别表示目的地国i与来源国j的全球化水平,用国家或地区的商品进出口总额与GDP的比值衡量。

3 全球留学网络时空格局演化特征

3.1 全球留学网络的时序演化特征


Tab. 1
Tab. 1Statistics on the characteristics of international student mobility networks from 2001 to 2015


3.2 全球留学网络的空间格局演化特征

3.2.1 全球留学网络的拓扑结构特征 利用全球留学生流动数据,刻画2001年和2015年两个时间截面的全球留学网络拓扑结构,图中节点大小与节点的加权度中心性成正比,即接收和派遣出去的留学生数量越多,节点越大;边粗细与留学生流量成正比;节点和线同颜色表示该国或地区的学生流向其他国家或地区。从2001年全球留学网络拓扑结构来看(图2),美国、德国、英国和法国是这一时期全球主要留学目的地国,其中美国是全球留学网络的核心,且地位远超其他国家;中国、日本、韩国、印度、土耳其等亚洲国家是全球留学生的主要来源国,且亚洲学生主要流向了美国和德国,欧洲地区留学网络比其他地区更加稠密,是这一时期全球留学网络的主体,且欧洲国家学生主要在欧洲内部流动。2015年全球留学网络拓扑结构较2001年产生了较大变异(图3),全球留学网络从以美国为单一核心的拓扑结构,演变成以中国和美国为双核心的拓扑结构,中国成为了亚洲区域性的留学中心,亚洲国家是这一时期全球留学网络的主体,且留学网络比其他地区更加稠密;澳大利亚成为美国之外亚洲留学生的主要目的地之一,欧洲国家在全球留学网络拓扑结构中的中心性逐渐萎缩。



Fig. 2The topological structure of international student mobility networks in 2001



Fig. 3The topological structure of international student mobility networks in 2015

3.2.2 全球留学网络的等级层次特征 采用优势流分析模型,刻画2001年和2015年两个时间截面的全球留学网络的等级层次结构,与以往仅考虑节点规模的单一属性结构相比,本文既考虑了节点的规模属性又考虑了节点间的流量属性,对全球留学网络二维属性等级层次结构进行了可视化,图中节点大小与节点的加权入度成正比,即接收的留学生越多,节点规模越大;边粗细与学生流量成正比。全球留学网络中最大流即优势流构成了全球留学网络的骨架,并由此决定了全球留学网络中各国或地区的等级层次。2001年全球留学等级层次网络属于全连通网络(图4),美国是全球唯一主导型节点,是全球76个国家或地区的最大留学目的地国;英国、法国、德国、俄罗斯、南非、新西兰、加拿大、中国等25个国家或地区属于次级主导型节点,这些国家是区域性留学中心,其最大学生流流向了主导型国家或其他次级主导型国家,同时接收了从属型国家或地区的最大学生流。



Fig. 4The hierarchical structure of international student mobility networks in 2001




Fig. 5The hierarchical structure of international student mobility networks in 2015

3.2.3 全球留学网络的地理空间特征 2001年全球留学网络主要呈现“东向西、南到北”的空间格局特征(图6),亚洲是全球留学生最大来源地,且主要流向美国和欧洲,来自广大发展中国家(南方)的留学生大规模地流向了发达国家(北方)。在留学生来源国方面,中国、韩国、日本和印度是全球主要学生来源国,约占全球总数的21.67%,其中向外流出的中国学生达13.2万人,约占全球总数的8.14%,韩国9.2万人,占全球的5.68%,日本6.9万人,占全球的4.24%,印度5.9万人,占全球的3.61%。在留学目的地国方面,美国、英国、德国和法国是全球留学的主要目的地国,其中美国是全球最大的目的地国,其招收国际学生达44.9万人,约占全球总数的27.61%,英国招收22.0万人,占全球13.53%,德国招收19.4万人,占全球的11.9%,法国招收14.3万人,占全球的8.78%。



Fig. 6The spatial pattern of international student mobility networks in 2001




Fig. 7The spatial pattern of international student mobility networks in 2015

4 全球留学网络结构演化影响因素


Tab. 2
Tab. 2Regression results of international student mobility
Wald chi2166.6512026.53951.7812409.43
Prob > chi20.00000.00000.00000.0000
Log likelihood-137976.95-134414.42-137644.68-134242.95
注:***p < 0.01;**p < 0.05;*p < 0.1。





5 结论与讨论

5.1 结论






5.2 讨论


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[ 刘军 , 整体网络分析. 上海: 上海人民出版社, 2014.]
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Wang Jiao'e, Mo Huihui, Jin Fengjun . Spatial structural characteristics of Chinese aviation network based on complex network theory
Acta Geographica Sinica, 2009,64(8):899-910.

DOI:10.11821/xb200908002URL [本文引用: 1]
Today, air transport plays an important role in transportation systems, especially for medium and long distance. Based on complex network theory, Chinese aviation network is abstracted as a set of edges (linkages) connecting a set of nodes (cities), and 144 cities and 1018 air routes were chosen for this research operated from winter 2007 to spring 2008. Then, this paper analyzes the spatial structure of Chinese aviation network using indices of degree distribution, the average path length, the clustering coefficient, degree-degree correlation, and clustering-degree correlation. Degree is the number of edges that a node shares with others, and thus symbolizes the importance of the node in the network. Degree distribution is used to reflect the distribution function of degree and donates the statistical characteristics of a network. Average path length is defined as the average number of edges along the shortest paths for all possible node-pairs in the network and it is a measurememt of the efficiency of transportation network. The clustering coefficient of a node is the ratio of actual edges to maximal edges between nodes which are directly connected with the node. The clustering coefficient of the whole network is the average of all individuals. As for an airport network, the average path length and the clustering coefficient are the two most important parameters reflecting network properties and configurations. The results show that Chinese aviation network has a relatively small average path length of 2.23 and a relatively large cluster coefficient of 0.69. More importantly, the accumulative degree distribution follows an exponential expression, with significance of 0.977. Therefore, Chinese aviation network shows the characteristic of a &quot;Small World&quot; network. Due to most new airports' preferences for direct connections with the three top-level national hubs: Beijing, Shanghai, and Guangzhou, the network hierarchy has no distinct difference with the exception of the top one. Also, the spatial distribution of Chinese aviation network is imbalanced according to the indices of degree, clustering coefficient and accessibility index. Besides, the correlation coefficients of these indices mentioned above are analyzed. The results show that there are negative degree correlation, nonlinear clustering-degree correlation, positive accessibility-degree correlation, and slightly positive clustering-accessibility correlation. In conclusion, with the rapid development of air transport demand driven by the market economy, Chinese aviation network will further evolve to a combined model of &quot;Scale Free&quot; and &quot;Small World&quot; networks, and its spatial structure will be more complex.
[ 王姣娥, 莫辉辉, 金凤君 . 中国航空网络空间结构的复杂性
地理学报, 2009,64(8):899-910.]

DOI:10.11821/xb200908002URL [本文引用: 1]
Today, air transport plays an important role in transportation systems, especially for medium and long distance. Based on complex network theory, Chinese aviation network is abstracted as a set of edges (linkages) connecting a set of nodes (cities), and 144 cities and 1018 air routes were chosen for this research operated from winter 2007 to spring 2008. Then, this paper analyzes the spatial structure of Chinese aviation network using indices of degree distribution, the average path length, the clustering coefficient, degree-degree correlation, and clustering-degree correlation. Degree is the number of edges that a node shares with others, and thus symbolizes the importance of the node in the network. Degree distribution is used to reflect the distribution function of degree and donates the statistical characteristics of a network. Average path length is defined as the average number of edges along the shortest paths for all possible node-pairs in the network and it is a measurememt of the efficiency of transportation network. The clustering coefficient of a node is the ratio of actual edges to maximal edges between nodes which are directly connected with the node. The clustering coefficient of the whole network is the average of all individuals. As for an airport network, the average path length and the clustering coefficient are the two most important parameters reflecting network properties and configurations. The results show that Chinese aviation network has a relatively small average path length of 2.23 and a relatively large cluster coefficient of 0.69. More importantly, the accumulative degree distribution follows an exponential expression, with significance of 0.977. Therefore, Chinese aviation network shows the characteristic of a &quot;Small World&quot; network. Due to most new airports' preferences for direct connections with the three top-level national hubs: Beijing, Shanghai, and Guangzhou, the network hierarchy has no distinct difference with the exception of the top one. Also, the spatial distribution of Chinese aviation network is imbalanced according to the indices of degree, clustering coefficient and accessibility index. Besides, the correlation coefficients of these indices mentioned above are analyzed. The results show that there are negative degree correlation, nonlinear clustering-degree correlation, positive accessibility-degree correlation, and slightly positive clustering-accessibility correlation. In conclusion, with the rapid development of air transport demand driven by the market economy, Chinese aviation network will further evolve to a combined model of &quot;Scale Free&quot; and &quot;Small World&quot; networks, and its spatial structure will be more complex.

Mo Huihui, Wang Jiao'e, Jin Fengjun . Complexity perspectives on transportation network
Progress in Geography, 2008,27(6):112-120.

DOI:10.11820/dlkxjz.2008.06.016URL [本文引用: 1]
Based on analyzing complex network theory applied in aviation, railway and urban transportation, we conclude that complexity of transportation network comes from its systematic complexity, and that the general analysis method of complex network ignores the attribute of geographic space, which brings out many problems in analyzing real-world network. Complex network analysis based on statistical physics is mostly about theoretical analysis or data modeling on topology network, which has greater disparity in transportation networks and dynamic mechanism. Transportation network includes four kinds of network structure: demand network, organization network, route network and infrastructure network, and is a compound networked structure with open complex system. Transportation is a kind of science which focuses strongly on practical application, so it needs a recurrent force to drive theory to modal and method, then to practice. We put forward in future some vital aspects of complexity analysis on transportation network, which includes (1) elemental recognition on the structure complexity of transportation system; (2) network complex analysis based on geographic spatial characteristics; (3) analysis and application of network structure based on organization and efficiency; (4) interplay between the network structure and flow caused by interaction; (5) character of local structure of network and its effect on global structure; and (6) network evolution affected by systemic open.
[ 莫辉辉, 王姣娥, 金凤君 . 交通运输网络的复杂性研究
地理科学进展, 2008,27(6):112-120.]

DOI:10.11820/dlkxjz.2008.06.016URL [本文引用: 1]
Based on analyzing complex network theory applied in aviation, railway and urban transportation, we conclude that complexity of transportation network comes from its systematic complexity, and that the general analysis method of complex network ignores the attribute of geographic space, which brings out many problems in analyzing real-world network. Complex network analysis based on statistical physics is mostly about theoretical analysis or data modeling on topology network, which has greater disparity in transportation networks and dynamic mechanism. Transportation network includes four kinds of network structure: demand network, organization network, route network and infrastructure network, and is a compound networked structure with open complex system. Transportation is a kind of science which focuses strongly on practical application, so it needs a recurrent force to drive theory to modal and method, then to practice. We put forward in future some vital aspects of complexity analysis on transportation network, which includes (1) elemental recognition on the structure complexity of transportation system; (2) network complex analysis based on geographic spatial characteristics; (3) analysis and application of network structure based on organization and efficiency; (4) interplay between the network structure and flow caused by interaction; (5) character of local structure of network and its effect on global structure; and (6) network evolution affected by systemic open.

Ducruet C, Cuyala S, Hosni A E . Maritime networks as systems of cities: The long-term interdependencies between global shipping flows and urban development (1890-2010)
Journal of Transport Geography, 2018,66(1):340-355.

DOI:10.1016/j.jtrangeo.2017.10.019URL [本文引用: 1]

Liu Chanjuan, Hu Zhihua . Spatial pattern and complexity of the 21st Century Maritime Silk Road shipping network
World Regional Studies, 2018,27(3):11-18.

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[ 刘婵娟, 胡志华 . “21世纪海上丝绸之路”海运网络空间格局及其复杂性研究
世界地理研究, 2018,27(3):11-18.]

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Huang Jie, Zhong Yexi, Li Jianxin , et al. Economic accessibility of provincial capital cities in China based on the presence of high-speed rails
Geographical Research, 2016,35(4):757-769.

DOI:10.1002/1097-4679(197910)35:4&amp;lt;757::aid-jclp2270350413&amp;gt;3.0.co;2-bURLPMID:512000 [本文引用: 1]
Evaluated parental ratings on aggressiveness and social responsibility for 120 school-age children and a cross-validation sample of 67 children referred to a university-sponsored developmental evaluation center in association with 10 commonly used interdisciplinary diagnoses . Parental ratings consistently and significantly related to staff diagnoses of behavior disorder and to hyperkinesis. A number of &amp;quot;expected &amp;quot; relationships, e.g., between learning disability and social irresponsibility, did not occur. In general, the results indicate: (1) that parental ratings show consistent relationships to selected interdisciplinary staff diagnoses; (2) that hyperkinesis may be related more strongly to aggressiveness than to the lack of socially responsible behavior; and (3) that parental ratings are potentially valuable in the diagnostic process.
[ 黄洁, 钟业喜, 李建新 , . 基于高铁网络的中国省会城市经济可达性
地理研究, 2016,35(4):757-769.]

DOI:10.1002/1097-4679(197910)35:4&amp;lt;757::aid-jclp2270350413&amp;gt;3.0.co;2-bURLPMID:512000 [本文引用: 1]
Evaluated parental ratings on aggressiveness and social responsibility for 120 school-age children and a cross-validation sample of 67 children referred to a university-sponsored developmental evaluation center in association with 10 commonly used interdisciplinary diagnoses . Parental ratings consistently and significantly related to staff diagnoses of behavior disorder and to hyperkinesis. A number of &amp;quot;expected &amp;quot; relationships, e.g., between learning disability and social irresponsibility, did not occur. In general, the results indicate: (1) that parental ratings show consistent relationships to selected interdisciplinary staff diagnoses; (2) that hyperkinesis may be related more strongly to aggressiveness than to the lack of socially responsible behavior; and (3) that parental ratings are potentially valuable in the diagnostic process.

Jiang Bo, Chu Nanchen, Xiu Chunliang , et al. Comprehensive evaluation and comparative analysis of accessibility in the four vertical and four horizontal HSR networks in China
Acta Geographica Sinica, 2016,71(4):591-604.

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[ 姜博, 初楠臣, 修春亮 , . 中国“四纵四横”高铁网络可达性综合评估与对比
地理学报, 2016,71(4):591-604.]

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Liu Jinsong . Evolution of world natural gas trade pattern based on social network analysis
Economic Geography, 2016,36(12):89-95.

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[ 刘劲松 . 基于社会网络分析的世界天然气贸易格局演化
经济地理, 2016,36(12):89-95.]

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Gao Boyang, Li Junwei . The geography of global electric information industry trade network
World Regional Studies, 2017,26(1):1-11.

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[ 高菠阳, 李俊玮 . 全球电子信息产业贸易网络演化特征研究
世界地理研究, 2017,26(1):1-11.]

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Yang Wenlong, Du Debin, You Xiaojun , et al. Network structure evolution and spatial complexity of global transnational investment
Scientia Geographica Sinica, 2017,37(9):1300-1309.

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[ 杨文龙, 杜德斌, 游小珺 , . 世界跨国投资网络结构演化及复杂性研究
地理科学, 2017,37(9):1300-1309.]

[本文引用: 3]

Liu Chengliang, Gui Qinchang, Duan Dezhong , et al. Structural heterogeneity and proximity mechanism of global scientific collaboration network based on co-authored papers
Acta Geographica Sinica, 2017,72(4):737-752.

DOI:10.11821/dlxb201704014URL [本文引用: 1]
Despite increasing importance of academic papers in global knowledge flows, the structural disparities and proximity mechanism related to international scientific collaboration network attracted little attention. To fill this gap, based on data mining from Thomson Reuters' Web of Science database in 2014, its heterogeneities in topology and space were portrayed using visualizing tools such as Pajek, Gephi, VOSviewer, and ArcGIS. Topologically, 211 countries and 9928 ties are involved in global scientific collaboration network, but the international network of co-authored relations is mono-centricand dominated by the United States. It exhibits some features of a "small-world" network with the smaller average path length of 1.56 and the extremely large cluster coefficient of 0.73 compared to its counterpart, as well as the better-fitting exponential distribution accumulative nodal degree. In addition, the entire network presents a core-periphery structure with hierarchies, which is composed of 13 core countries and the periphery of 198 countries. Spatially, densely-tied and high-output areas are mainly distributed in four regions: West Europe, North America, East Asia and Australia. Moreover, the spatial heterogeneity is also observed in the distributions of three centralities. Amongst these, the countries with greater strength centrality are mainly concentrated in North America (i.e. the US and Canada), Western Europe (i.e. the UK, France, Germany, Italy and Spain), and China, noticeably in the US, which forms the polarizing pattern with one superpower of the US and great powers such as China and the UK. Similarly, the big three regions consisting of West Europe, North America and Asian-Pacific region have the peak betweenness centrality as well. Slightly different from the two above, the distribution of nodal degree centrality is uneven in the world, although regional agglomeration of high-degree countries is still observed. Last but not least, the proximity factors of its structural inequalities were also verified by correlational analysis, negative binomial regression approach and gravity model of STATA. The findings further confirm that geographical distance has weakened cross-country scientific collaboration. Meanwhile, socio-economic proximity has a positive impact on cross-country scientific collaboration, while language proximity plays a negative role.
[ 刘承良, 桂钦昌, 段德忠 , . 全球科研论文合作网络的结构异质性及其邻近性机理
地理学报, 2017,72(4):737-752.]

DOI:10.11821/dlxb201704014URL [本文引用: 1]
Despite increasing importance of academic papers in global knowledge flows, the structural disparities and proximity mechanism related to international scientific collaboration network attracted little attention. To fill this gap, based on data mining from Thomson Reuters' Web of Science database in 2014, its heterogeneities in topology and space were portrayed using visualizing tools such as Pajek, Gephi, VOSviewer, and ArcGIS. Topologically, 211 countries and 9928 ties are involved in global scientific collaboration network, but the international network of co-authored relations is mono-centricand dominated by the United States. It exhibits some features of a "small-world" network with the smaller average path length of 1.56 and the extremely large cluster coefficient of 0.73 compared to its counterpart, as well as the better-fitting exponential distribution accumulative nodal degree. In addition, the entire network presents a core-periphery structure with hierarchies, which is composed of 13 core countries and the periphery of 198 countries. Spatially, densely-tied and high-output areas are mainly distributed in four regions: West Europe, North America, East Asia and Australia. Moreover, the spatial heterogeneity is also observed in the distributions of three centralities. Amongst these, the countries with greater strength centrality are mainly concentrated in North America (i.e. the US and Canada), Western Europe (i.e. the UK, France, Germany, Italy and Spain), and China, noticeably in the US, which forms the polarizing pattern with one superpower of the US and great powers such as China and the UK. Similarly, the big three regions consisting of West Europe, North America and Asian-Pacific region have the peak betweenness centrality as well. Slightly different from the two above, the distribution of nodal degree centrality is uneven in the world, although regional agglomeration of high-degree countries is still observed. Last but not least, the proximity factors of its structural inequalities were also verified by correlational analysis, negative binomial regression approach and gravity model of STATA. The findings further confirm that geographical distance has weakened cross-country scientific collaboration. Meanwhile, socio-economic proximity has a positive impact on cross-country scientific collaboration, while language proximity plays a negative role.

Li Zhenfu, Liang Aimei, Xu Mengqiao . Author network of arctic social science research in China
World Regional Studies, 2018,27(3):30-41.

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[ 李振福, 梁爱梅, 徐梦俏 . 我国北极社会科学研究的作者网络
世界地理研究, 2018,27(3):30-41.]

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Duan Dezhong, Du Debin, Chen Ying . Technology transfer in China's city system: Process, pattern and influencing factors
Acta Geographica Sinica, 2018,73(4):738-754.

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[ 段德忠, 杜德斌, 谌颖 , . 中国城市创新技术转移格局与影响因素
地理学报, 2018,73(4):738-754.]

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Xian Guo, Zeng Gang, Cao Xianzhong . Structural feature and proximity mechanism of Chinese intercity innovation network
World Regional Studies, 2018,27(5):136-146.

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[ 鲜果, 曾刚, 曹贤忠 . 中国城市间创新网络结构及其邻近性机理
世界地理研究, 2018,27(5):136-146.]

[本文引用: 1]

Shields R . Globalization and international student mobility: A network analysis
Comparative Education Review, 2013,57(4):609-636.

DOI:10.1111/inr.12162URLPMID:25559068 [本文引用: 1]
In accordance with the process of nursing globalization, issues related to the increasing national and international mobility of student and qualified nurses are currently being debated. Identifying international differences and comparing similarities for mutual understanding, development and better harmonization of clinical training of undergraduate nursing students is recommended.

Kondakci Y, Bedenlier S, Zawacki-Richter O . Social network analysis of international student mobility: Uncovering the rise of regional hubs
Higher Education, 2018,75(1):1-19.

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Barnett G A, Lee M, Ke J , et al. The flow of international students from a macro perspective: A network analysis
Compare A Journal of Comparative & International Education, 2015,46(4):1-27.

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V?gtle E M, Windzio M . Networks of international student mobility: Enlargement and consolidation of the European transnational education space?
Higher Education, 2015,72(276):1-19.

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John D. Nystuen, Michael F . Dacey. A graph theory interpretation of nodal regions
Papers of the Regional Science Association, 1961,7(1):29-42.

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Li Xiaojian, Li Guoping, Zeng Gang , et al. Economic Geography. Beijing: Higher Education Press, 2006.
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[ 李小建, 李国平, 曾刚 , . 经济地理学. 北京: 高等教育出版社, 2006.]
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Chen T M, Barnett G A . Research on international student flows from a macro perspective: A network analysis of 1985, 1989 and 1995
Higher Education, 2000,39(4):435-453.

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