

本站小编 Free考研考试/2021-12-29

程昌秀1,2,3, 宋长青,1,2, 吴晓静1,2, 沈石1,2, 高培超1,2, 叶思菁1,21.北京师范大学地表过程与资源生态国家重点实验室,北京 100875
2.北京师范大学地理科学学部,北京 100875
3.国家青藏高原科学数据中心,北京 100101

Tri-clustering: Construction and practice of space-time integrated analysis tool

CHENG Changxiu1,2,3, SONG Changqing,1,2, WU Xiaojing1,2, SHEN Shi1,2, GAO Peichao1,2, YE Sijing1,21.State Key Laboratory of Earth Surface Processes and Resource Ecology, Beijing Normal University,Beijing 100875, China
2.Faculty of Geographical Science, Beijing Normal University, Beijing 100875, China
3.National Tibetan Plateau Data Center, Beijing 100101, China

通讯作者: 宋长青(1961-), 男, 黑龙江人, 教授, 主要从事地理学研究范式、地理区域综合研究方法等研究。E-mail: songcq@bnu.edu.cn


Fund supported: National Key R&D Program of China.2019YFA0606901
Strategic Priority Research Program of the Chinese Academy of Sciences.XDA23100303

作者简介 About authors

随着地理数据获取能力的不断提升,地理数据体量呈指数增长,数据种类、数据性质更加多元化。对数据的有效甄别和归类成为理解地理现象时空特征、演化过程和行为机制的关键。传统聚类方法面临数据体量大、维数高、质量差的挑战,加之对地理空间与时间关联分析的需求,对聚类方法改进和提升研究的要求越来越迫切。本文介绍了从单向到三向聚类构建思路的变革。单向聚类是仅在样本或属性方向上进行聚类,易忽视非常相似的局部特征、易犯“横看成岭侧成峰”的错误。双向聚类是基于数据矩阵内元素值的相似性,形成一个子矩阵分割方案,使子矩阵内元素相似度尽可能高,子矩阵间元素相似度尽可能低,从而实现行列两方向的同时聚类,避免了单向聚类的不足。鉴于双向聚类难以满足地理研究超出双向的解译需求,本文提出并研发了一个全新的三向聚类方法,给出了运用该方法开展地理时空格局过程探测的流程,总结了如何根据研究涉及的“空间—时间—尺度—属性”构建三维数据体;最后,展示了三向聚类的地理实践案例。结果表明:① 三向聚类是一种大数据时代探测地理数据时空分异规律的有效方法,可以解决数据维度高、质量低等问题;② 面对不同的地理问题,三向聚类在算法层面上是通用的,不同之处仅在于:根据不同问题涉及的空间、时间、尺度、属性的不同,构建不同的数据体;不同数据体聚类得到的不同结果回答不同的地理问题;③ 三向聚类可以实现地理数据的时空分异规律多方向、多尺度、多层次的联合解译,揭示地理特征时空尺度叠加效应。最后,论文强调根据地理问题组织数据的重要性,期待未来能够提升三向聚类在多空间尺度、多属性方面的地理研究实践。
关键词: 三向聚类;空间—时间—尺度—属性;联合解译;时空局部相似性;时空分异

With the improvement of geographic data acquisition capabilities, the volume of geographic data has been growing exponentially, and the data types as well as characteristics have become more diverse. The effective identification and classification of data has become the key to understand spatio-temporal patterns, evolutionary processes, and driving mechanisms of geographic phenomena. However, traditional clustering methods are facing some challenges, such as large amount, high-dimensionality and poor-quality of the data to be dealt with. Therefore, it is necessary to improve clustering methods. This paper first describes the transformation from one-way clustering to tri-clustering. One-way clustering methods perform the clustering analysis along with the samples or the attributes. They played an important role in previous studies, but ignored local features that are very similar. Co-clustering methods perform the submatrix partitioning scheme based on location similarity of elements within the data matrix. They avoid shortages of one-way clustering by realizing the clustering from both rows and columns, making similar elements into the same submatrix and dissimilar ones into different ones. However, they cannot satisfy multiple directions interpretations of geographical research since they do not support 3D panel data body. Then, we develop a new tri-clustering method, presents the workflow of using tri-clustering to spatio-temporal patterns' studies, and summarizes how to construct the 3D data matrix for clustering according to different aspects of 'space-time-scale-attribute' involved in the analysis. Finally, we show some practices of tri-cluster. The results show that: (1) Tri-clustering is an effective method to identify the spatio-temporal differentiation of geographic data in the era of big data by solving problems, i.e. data of high dimensionality and low quality. (2) Tri-clustering is universal in the algorithmic level when facing different geographic topics, but the differences rely on the 3D data matrices constructed according to different aspects of "space-time-scale-attribute" involved in the analysis. And, different data matrices are clustered to different results, which answer different topics. (3) Tri-clustering is able to interpret the spatio-temporal differentiation of geographic data in multiple directions, multiple scales, and multiple hierarchies, and thereby reveal the superposition effects of spatio-temporal scales of geographic features. Finally, we emphasize the significance of constructing 3D data matrices based on different geographic topics and expect that tri-clustering methods can enhance the ability to analyze geographic data with multiple spatial scales and attributes in the future.
Keywords:tri-clustering;space-time-scale-attribute;integrated interpretation;spatio-temporal local similarity;spatio-temporal differentiation

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程昌秀, 宋长青, 吴晓静, 沈石, 高培超, 叶思菁. 地理时空三向聚类分析方法的构建与实践. 地理学报[J], 2020, 75(5): 904-916 doi:10.11821/dlxb202005002
CHENG Changxiu. Tri-clustering: Construction and practice of space-time integrated analysis tool. Acta Geographica Sinice[J], 2020, 75(5): 904-916 doi:10.11821/dlxb202005002

1 引言




2 聚类方法从单向到三向的变革


2.1 单向聚类




Fig. 1The demo and example of one-way clustering

单向聚类在过去几十年科学分类的研究中起到了重要的作用。但是,来自基因、文本分析领域的大量实践发现了单向聚类的不足。① 单向聚类仅关注样本在“大部分”的属性上的相似程度,易造成部分相似极强的特征信息被忽略。特别是当属性数目(维数)过高时,单向聚类通常用主成分分析(Principal Components Analysis, PCA)进行降维并选择主要成分参与聚类,从而进一步证实了单向聚类重视主要信息而忽略次要信息的特点。在物种基因表达的研究中,单向聚类的这一缺点被充分暴露出来。例如,在成千上万的基因中,某些生物功能往往仅在少量基因片段上表现出极强的相似性,而关注大部分基因的单向聚类则无法分辨这些局部相似的信号。② 单向聚类仅从某个(行或列)角度观察数据,易犯“横看成岭侧成峰”的错误。以图1b所示数据片段为例,若对样本进行聚类,样本1和样本2会被聚成一类;若对指标进行聚类,指标1和指标2会被聚成一类;但联合观察样本和指标数值分布,不难发现:样本1~3在指标1~3上具有更强的相似度,然而单向聚类不擅长此类数据子集相似性的探测。③ 面对稀疏高维矩阵(数据缺失值多、维数高),距离函数或夹角余弦的计算及其有效性也面临挑战。首先,对于缺失的数值、名义量以及类型量,如何将其转化为数值参与距离和夹角的运算?其次,有研究表明在2~10维的低维空间中,“用欧氏距离来度量数据之间的相似性”是有意义的,但在更高维空间中欧氏距离就逐渐失去了其度量数据相似度的作用。

2.2 双向聚类


信息双向聚类实质是将行(x)和列(y)视为两随机变量,通过不断移动调整样本在x向的位置,或属性在y向的位置,找到一种分割(聚类)方案,使该分割方案下概化后的数据分布与概化前的分布尽可能接近,以保证子矩阵内元素值尽可能相似、而子矩阵间元素差异尽可能大,如图2a所示。算法流程如下:① 根据用户给定样本向分类数(k)、属性向分类数(l),随机生成一个k×l的分割(聚类)方案,将原始数据矩阵划分成k×l子矩阵。② 将数据矩阵的行和列可视为两个随机变量,在不考虑k×l分割的情况下,原始矩阵元素反映了一个非常精细的二元联合分布;若考虑k×l分割方案,则将各子矩阵内所有元素都赋为该子矩阵所有元素样本数据的均值,形成了一个该聚类结果概化后的数据二元联合分布。③ 计算这两个分布的信息散度,用于衡量两分布的接近程度,即信息散度越小表示两分布越接近,分类后的信息量丢失也越少,聚类效果越好。④ 在当前的分割方案下,尝试着逐步把不同的行或列调换到其它分区中,形成新的k×l分割方案;重复第②~③步;如果调换后的信息散度小于调换前的信息散度,则调换后的方案更优,保存为当前聚类方案。⑤ 重复执行第④步,直到找不到信息散度更小的方案,则得到了一个较优的数据分割方案。上面仅为信息双向聚类的基本框架,为了尽快收敛、跳出局部最优,还有很多算法值得加入、功能值得完善。



Fig. 2The demo and example of co-clustering


双向聚类优势如下:① 联合解译:双向聚类通过对数据子集的聚类,可以实现样本和属性的联合解译,在地理研究中可以实现时间、空间、尺度、属性中任意两方向的联合解译[18, 20];② 局部相似性的探测:双向聚类是基于数据块(子集)的聚类,只要在“部分”属性上存在相似性即可,故双向聚类可以解决一部分单向聚类无法分割的问题,对于发现地理现象的局部异质特征有意义[18]

2.3 三向聚类





Fig. 3Demo of tri-clustering

Tab. 1
Tab. 1Pseudo-code of tri-clustering
输入:O0 (数据立方体),k(方向1的聚簇数量),l(方向2的聚簇数量),m(方向3的聚簇数量),
1. 初始化:基于原始数据O0,方向1~3上分别被随机分为klm个区域(聚簇),该数据体和数据分割方案,记为Oi;
2. 对Oi 各区域内数据求均值,并用均值代替区内各元素,形成该分割方案下聚类结果的概化数据体O?i;
3. 计算信息散度(目标函数):fi=D(Oi||O?i)/*fi表征在该分割方案下的概化后的数据体(O?i)与概化前的数据体(Oi)的接近程度,值越小越接近;即数据子集内元素越相似、而数据子集间元素差异越大*/
4. 开始迭代:
4.1 以Oi数据体及其分割方案为基础,在行或列或高的方向上,按一定规则,逐步尝试将Oi中的数据向量 在所属方向的不同区间移动或交换,形成新的数据体和分割方案,记为Oj;
4.2 对Oj各区域内数据求均值,并用均值代替区内各元素,形成该聚类结果的概化数据体O?j;
4.3 计算信息散度:fj=D(Oj||O?j)
4.4 若fj < fi,则Oi = Oj,fi = fj,并跳转到4、开始下一次迭代;否则,直接跳转到4、开始下一次迭代
5. 结束迭代(直到目标函数收敛)


构成三向聚类数据体xyz维度可以分别从空间、时间、尺度、属性空间中选择3个不同方向进行组合。由于三向聚类可以探测数据在{x, y, z}联合空间中数据的局部相似和全局分异规律,因此可以实现地理现象多维度的解译[22,23]。此外,三向聚类也可以处理高维、低质量的数据,具有时代优势。主要表现在以下3个方面:① 大数据时代,可能存在数据的维数高且仅关注少数维数据相似性的应用需求。② 大数据时代,数据可能存在较高比例的缺失值、甚至可能是稀疏矩阵。例如,2013年2月—2014年1月期间北京城区18个环境监测站PM2.5观测值的缺失率达到22.54%。在传统基于距离函数的聚类中,如此多的缺失值难以参与运算。而三向聚类是基于数据块的聚类,其信息度量函数是相对熵,因此支持缺失值的聚类,当然也支持名义变量和类型变量的聚类。③ 大数据时代,地理数据维数可能达到数十、数百级别。受“维度效应”影响,传统聚类方法的聚类效果和运算效率都面临挑战。三向聚类专为高维矩阵设计,不受“维度效应”影响。文献[21, 23]分别对74154行×40列数据矩阵、18行×299列×24层数据体进聚类,结果表明三向聚类在聚类效果和运算效率上有较好表现。

3 三向聚类的应用流程与地理时空数据组织

3.1 应用流程




Fig. 4Workflow of using tri-clustering


3.2 地理时空数据的组织




Fig. 5Data organization schemes for clustering according to "space-time-scale-attribute"

结合已有相关的研究实践[20-21, 23],图6给出了图5中②、④、⑧和的典型实例方案。中国春季物候时空分异特征研究[21]采用图5中②的“多空间—多时间—单属性”数据组织方案,形成了如图6a所示的数据矩阵;其中灰色区域给出了1979—2018年期间中国领土内4万余个格网上每年紫丁香开花始期的序日。全球自然灾害频发率空间格局的研究[20]采用图5中④的“多空间—多属性”数据组织方案,形成了如图6b所示的数据矩阵;其中灰色区域给出了全球200余个国家地区,对应的11种自然灾害每万平方公里的发生率。北京城区PM2.5在不同尺度下时空格局与过程研究[23]则采用了图5中⑧的“双时间尺度下—多空间—单属性”的数据组织方案,形成了如图6c所示的数据体;给出了不同监测站不同天不同小时PM2.5的监测值;此外,为了验证三向聚类在多属性方面的分析能力,后续拟采用图5中给出的“多时间—多空间—多属性”的数据组织方案,形成如图6d所示的数据体,探讨不同监测站在不同时间各污染物指标的时空分异及相互作用规律。



Fig. 6Examples of data matrices according to different geographic topics


4 地理时空分异与叠加效应的解译实践

4.1 多方向、多尺度解译北京城区PM2.5时空分异特征




Fig. 7Tri-clustering results of PM2.5 and the interpretation of spatio-temporal differentiations (revised from [23])

4.1.1 多方向解译 所谓多方向解译是指既可以沿着聚类结果的各方向分别解译,也可以将多个方向联合在一起进行解译。特别是针对类内方差较小的数据子集,多方向联合解译能更体现时空一体化的分异解释。

① 各方向分别解译:仅从空间方向上看(图7b),前门东大街、美国大使馆区的PM2.5值相对较低,北京西部的奥体、官园、万寿寺、天坛等区域的PM2.5值居中,北四环北路、农展馆、东四、丰台花园、南三环西路、永定门大街等区域PM2.5值较高[23]。当然,也可以分别从天尺度(图7c)或小时尺度上(图7d),解译聚类结果。

② 多方向联合解译:以图7a中PM2.5值最高的数据块A为例,可以联合空间、天尺度、小时尺度3张图,联合解译数据块A;即这种污染最严重的情况通常发生在图7b监测站(簇3)显示地区,且时间上通常集中在图7c簇4所在的天上,且通常集中于图7d簇6所示的时间段内。当然,也可以用同样的逻辑解译图7a中PM2.5值最低的数据块B。

4.1.2 多尺度解译 所谓多尺度解译,主要针对数据体中各向存在不同时间尺度的情况(图6c);通过多尺度解译可以读出地理特征中“远近高低各不同”的分异规律。根据图7c和图7d,可知:① 北京城区PM2.5在天尺度上的分异不显著:相对而言PM2.5浓度较高的聚簇4主要分布在2013年10月,浓度较低的聚簇1主要分布在2013年4月—5月、2013年11月至2014年1月期间(图7c)[23];② 北京城区PM2.5在小时尺度上分异相对显著:PM2.5值较高的簇5和簇6主要分布于晚21点到早4点之间;PM2.5值较低的簇1和簇2主要位于早7点到午14点之间(图7d)[23]

4.2 多层次解译1979年以来中国春季物候时空分异特征


4.2.1 “先空间再时间”的联合解译 对图6a的中国74154个格网上1979—2018年紫丁香开花始期序日进行双向聚类后,其SSH q值为0.91,表示聚类效果良好。对聚类结果可先进行空间定位,如图8a所示;再进行时间定位,如图8b所示。



Fig. 8The example of multi-level nested (first space and then time) interpretation (revised from [21])

图8a展示了中国1979年以来紫丁香开花始期序日呈现的3种格局(聚类结果);根据开花序日特早与较早的分界线变化,可知格局1~3分别表示花始期序日不断提前的状态。将图8a空间解译的结果代入到图8b可以实现中国过去40年开花始期的时空格局与演化过程的联合解译,并将其时空演化可分为4个阶段:① 普遍较晚期(1978—1995年):中国开花始期序日在格局1和2之间波动,开花始期普遍较晚,江西、新疆北部和内蒙古中部开花始期变化频繁;② 集聚提前期(1996—1998年):中国开花始期序日集聚提前,呈现从格局1到格局2再到格局3的直线提前趋势,中国西南和东北区域开花始期都呈现大幅提前趋势;③ 波动提前期(1999—2012年):中国开花始期序日在格局2和格局3之间波动,开花始期呈现波动性提前,福建、湖南和黑龙江东部开花始期变化频繁;④ 稳定提前期(2013—2018年):中国开花始期序日,呈现稳定提前状态[21]

4.2.2 “先时间再空间”的联合解译 对于上述聚类结果,也可以采用先时间再空间的方式解译。从时间的聚类结果来看,开花始期的变动趋势被聚成15类;根据开花始期趋势线的波形,可将其概括为平稳、先平稳后波动、先波动后平稳、频繁波动和剧烈波动等5类,如图9a所示[22]。再根据如图9b示出的不同时间趋势对应的空间分布,可知:绿色区域(中国大部分地区)的开花始期基本处于平稳态,蓝色区域(贵州北部、湖南和湖北南部等区域)的开花始期呈现先平稳后波动上升的趋势,而橘黄区域(四川东部、湖南东南部和江西北部等区域)呈现先波动后平稳上升的趋势[21]



Fig. 9The example of multi-level nested (first time and then space) interpretation (revised from [21])

5 结论与讨论

本文将基因和文本分析领域双向聚类方法引入到地理学领域,分析了从单向到三向聚类构建思路的变革,系统辨析了三向聚类的优势,给出了利用三向聚类开展地理时空格局与过程研究的流程,并结合实践案例,展示了面向“空间—时间—尺度—属性”的数据三维矩阵组织思路,展示了如何多方向、多尺度、多层次嵌套地联合解译聚类结果、揭示地理特征时空分异的叠加效应。结论如下:① 三向聚类是一种大数据时代探测地理数据时空分异规律的有效方法,可以解决数据维度高、质量低等问题;② 面对不同的地理问题,三向聚类在算法层面上是通用的,不同之处仅在于:根据不同问题涉及的空间、时间、尺度、属性的不同,构建不同的数据体;不同数据体聚出的不同结果回答不同的地理问题;③ 三向聚类可以实现地理数据的时空分异规律多方向、多尺度、多层次的联合解译,揭示地理特征时空尺度叠加效应。


参考文献 原文顺序

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Acta Geographica Sinica, 2017,72(11):1923-1932.

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Geography is a subject to explore spatial distribution, time evolution and regional characteristics of geographical elements or geographical complexes. Geography is unique in bridging social sciences and natural sciences, and has characteristics of comprehensiveness, interdisciplinary research and regionalism. With the development of geographical science technology and research methods, geography is in the gorgeous historical process towards geographical science. Research themes of geography are focusing on the comprehensive research on the earth surface. The research paradigms of geography are shifting from geography knowledge description, coupling pattern and process, to the simulation and prediction of complex human and earth system. The development of Chinese geography needs to be rooted in the major needs of national strategy, and plays important roles in the studies of urbanization development, coupling ecological processes and services, water resources management and geopolitics. Under the country's major needs, China's geography tends to achieve the geography theory innovation, new method and technology application and developed disciplinary system with Chinese characteristics, and make more contribution to national and global sustainable development.
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Geography is a subject to explore spatial distribution, time evolution and regional characteristics of geographical elements or geographical complexes. Geography is unique in bridging social sciences and natural sciences, and has characteristics of comprehensiveness, interdisciplinary research and regionalism. With the development of geographical science technology and research methods, geography is in the gorgeous historical process towards geographical science. Research themes of geography are focusing on the comprehensive research on the earth surface. The research paradigms of geography are shifting from geography knowledge description, coupling pattern and process, to the simulation and prediction of complex human and earth system. The development of Chinese geography needs to be rooted in the major needs of national strategy, and plays important roles in the studies of urbanization development, coupling ecological processes and services, water resources management and geopolitics. Under the country's major needs, China's geography tends to achieve the geography theory innovation, new method and technology application and developed disciplinary system with Chinese characteristics, and make more contribution to national and global sustainable development.

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Water is the lifeline of socio-economic sustainable development in northwest China. The land area of northwestern region accounts for 35.9% of China's total, but it has only about 5% of water resources of the whole country. This study proposed the "Three Water Lines" (Heihe-Tengchong Line, Yangguan Line, and Qitai-Cele Line) of northwest China under the perspective of the evolution of hydro-meteorology, ecological landscapes and socio-economic development. The "Three Water Lines" were the optimal configuration lines of the rational development and utilization of water resources, the characteristic zoning lines of ecological civilization and environmental protection, the guiding lines of "the Belt and Road Initiative" strategic focus, and the national security lines of long-term stability of the border areas. Facing the existing problems and challenges in the development and utilization of water resources in northwest China, this study proposed the "Three Water Lines" strategy and its spatial pattern coupling with the analysis of scenarios of water diversion of northwest China. The west route of the South-North Water Transfer Project is a fundamental project for the implementation of the "Three Water Lines" strategy. It is essential to overcome the constraints of the socio-economic development through the new strategies: (1) breaking through the "Heihe-Tengchong Line" will promote balanced development between the eastern and western regions of China; (2) Breaking through the current "Yangguan Line" will boost social and economic development in the Hexi Corridor, (3) Breaking through the "Qitai-Cele Line" will enhance water resources and environmental carrying capacity. A new spatial pattern of water resources allocation along the gradient was formed by the "Three Water Lines" strategy. The new water resources allocation patterns will be able to support stable development of socio-economy and ecological civilization construction, optimize population distribution and the layout of socio-economic development, and provide a reliable guarantee of water resources for the implementation of "the Belt and Road Initiative".
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Water is the lifeline of socio-economic sustainable development in northwest China. The land area of northwestern region accounts for 35.9% of China's total, but it has only about 5% of water resources of the whole country. This study proposed the "Three Water Lines" (Heihe-Tengchong Line, Yangguan Line, and Qitai-Cele Line) of northwest China under the perspective of the evolution of hydro-meteorology, ecological landscapes and socio-economic development. The "Three Water Lines" were the optimal configuration lines of the rational development and utilization of water resources, the characteristic zoning lines of ecological civilization and environmental protection, the guiding lines of "the Belt and Road Initiative" strategic focus, and the national security lines of long-term stability of the border areas. Facing the existing problems and challenges in the development and utilization of water resources in northwest China, this study proposed the "Three Water Lines" strategy and its spatial pattern coupling with the analysis of scenarios of water diversion of northwest China. The west route of the South-North Water Transfer Project is a fundamental project for the implementation of the "Three Water Lines" strategy. It is essential to overcome the constraints of the socio-economic development through the new strategies: (1) breaking through the "Heihe-Tengchong Line" will promote balanced development between the eastern and western regions of China; (2) Breaking through the current "Yangguan Line" will boost social and economic development in the Hexi Corridor, (3) Breaking through the "Qitai-Cele Line" will enhance water resources and environmental carrying capacity. A new spatial pattern of water resources allocation along the gradient was formed by the "Three Water Lines" strategy. The new water resources allocation patterns will be able to support stable development of socio-economy and ecological civilization construction, optimize population distribution and the layout of socio-economic development, and provide a reliable guarantee of water resources for the implementation of "the Belt and Road Initiative".

Wang Jinfeng, Ge Yong, Li Lianfa , et al. Spatiotemporal data analysis in geography
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