Ecological footprint of catering industry food waste in Beijing
ZHANGDan1,, CHENGShengkui1,, GAOLiwei2, CAOXiaochang1, LIUXiaojie1 LIU Yao1,BAI Junfei3,YU Wen4(1. Institute of Geographic Sciences and Natural Resources Research,Chinese Academy of Sciences,Beijing 100101,China2. Center for Agricultural Resources Research,Institute of Genetics and Developmental Biology,Chinese Academy of Sciences,Shijiazhuang 050021,China3. College of Economics & Management,China Agricultural University,Beijing 100083,China4. Agricultural Information Institute,Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Beijing 100081,China) 通讯作者:成升魁, 收稿日期:2015-04-27 修回日期:2015-11-6 网络出版日期:2016-01-25 版权声明:2016《资源科学》编辑部《资源科学》编辑部 基金资助:基金项目:国家自然科学基金重点项目(71233007) 作者简介: -->作者简介:张丹,女,河南洛阳人,博士,助理研究员,主要从事生态系统功能及资源可持续发展研究。
关键词:生态足迹;餐饮业;食物浪费;北京市 Abstract Food waste is a problem of increasing severity and awareness. Wasting food not only means food itself is wasted,but that agricultural inputs such as land resources are also wasted. It is widely accepted that food waste has to be reduced;however,a lack of knowledge on food loss and waste within the catering industry has caused serious ignorance and underestimation of catering food waste among governments and the public. This research is specifically targeted at catering food waste and land costs. Detailed information and data were collected by an investigation of catering food waste in different restaurants and fast food restaurants in Beijing. Ecological footprint(EF)is used to calculate land utilization related to food waste. The EF method is improved with new parameters to make the calculation more suited for Beijing. The results show that the total catering EF of food waste is 294.7knhm2, nearly one fifth of Beijing’s territory area. The catering EF of urban inhabitant food wastage is 205.3knhm2,about 70% of the total EF of catering food wastage in Beijing. The catering EF of tourism population food wastage is 89.4 knhm2,which is 30% of the total EF of catering food wastage in Beijing. The most important part of catering food waste is meat,which accounts for more than 80% of total food waste EF. Grain follows,accounting for 7% of the total food waste EF. Importing food from other provinces seems to be effective in reducing EF in Beijing. On the other hand,Beijing tends to be suitable for developing animal husbandry and fishery. To reduce food wastage,China must strengthen the guidance of green consumption,promote the practice of thrift and economy within society,establish and perfect the rules and regulations of saving food.
从研究方法看,本文充分考虑到中国牲畜草料的特点,并据此确定猪肉、禽肉和禽蛋足迹主要来自饲料中粮食,而牛肉、羊肉和牛奶足迹则来自草料和饲料中粮食,使计算结果更加贴近真实。在均衡因子选择方面,以全球公顷的均衡因子和国家公顷的均衡因子计算结果差异显著。基于全球公顷的分析,更适合国家之间生态足迹比较,对于相对较小的区域之间的比较略显粗略。尤其是对于国土幅员辽阔的国家来说,各地的土地生产条件及土地利用模式都有很大区别,区域间的土地生产力差异较大。因此,本文基于国家公顷的生态足迹核算考虑更加贴近事实。此外,NPP是指绿色植物在单位面积、单位时间内积累的有机物数量,是从光合作用产生的有机质总量中扣除自氧呼吸后的剩余部分,它直接反映不同生态系统中植物群落在自然或人工环境条件下的真实生产能力。采用NPP计算食物来源地的均衡因子能更准确直观真实地反映各种土地类型的生产力差别,同时可以使得生态足迹的计算结果能够真实地反映人类对生态系统的直接占用。 由于建立核算账户时,项目选择的主观性以及生产力选择标准、各关键参数、生物多样性保护用地采用与否等方面的不确定性,造成了不同研究者对同一地区生态足迹的研究结果可能相差很大。如同样是计算北京市食物消费的生态足迹,其结果可以相差10倍[15,26]。这严重削弱了生态足迹研究结果的科学性和可比性,亟需建立一个统一的、广为接纳的标准方法框架,以推动生态足迹方法的研究和应用。 食物浪费虽然表面上属于社会现象,但其科学问题在于生产那些浪费的食物付出了多大的无谓的资源消耗和环境代价。这些食物被浪费的关键环节、驱动力和影响因素是什么。这些餐桌上浪费的食物被怎样处理了、去了哪里,对城市环境和人类健康有什么影响。不同食物消费模式的资源环境效应有多大差别,以及研究食物浪费及其资源环境效应的方法论等等,这些都是今后的研究方向。 The authors have declared that no competing interests exist.
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