The relationship between livelihood capital and livelihood strategy based on logistic regression model in Xinping County of Yuanjiang dry-hot valley
ZHAOWenjuan, YANGShilong, WANGXiao School of Resource Environment and Earth Science,Yunnan University 收稿日期:2015-06-10 修回日期:2015-12-1 网络出版日期:2016-01-25 版权声明:2016《资源科学》编辑部《资源科学》编辑部 基金资助:基金项目:国家社会科学基金项目(13BMZ059)云南大学“中青年骨干教师培养计划”( XT412003) 作者简介: -->作者简介:赵文娟,女,云南省大理市人,博士,副教授,主要从事文化地理学和民族生态学研究。
关键词:农户;生计资本;生计策略;Logistic回归模型;新平县干热河谷 Abstract Livelihood capital is the basis for farmers’ livelihood strategy. Probing into the impact of farmers’ livelihood capitals on livelihood strategies is of great significance for improving local farmers’ livelihood. Based on sustainable livelihood approach framework,status quo of livelihood capital for farmers of Xinping dry-hot valley was assessed with field survey data. Logistic regression model was adopted to explore the relationship between livelihood capitals and livelihood strategies. The results showed as follows:firstly,for the five types of livelihood capital,financial capital exhibited the highest index of 0.994,physical capital exhibited the lowest of 0.313,while natural capital,human capital and social capital ranked in between with respective indexes of 0.662,0.569 and 0.479. In the meantime,pure agricultural strategies,agricultural dominant strategies and non-agricultural dominant strategies were the popular ones adopted in the study area. Secondly,natural and physical capitals exerted the most significant impact on farmers’ choice of pure agricultural livelihood strategies,social and physical capitals exerted the most significant impact on farmers’ choice of agricultural dominant ones,while financial capital exerted the most significant impact on farmers’ choice of non-agricultural dominant ones. Thirdly,financial and social capitals were the key factors affecting farmers’ conversion from pure agricultural to agricultural dominant strategies. In particular,total family income,leadership,household labor capacity,per capita number of machines and per capita area of paddy field as well exhibited positive impacts. With increase of proportion of the above-mentioned indexes,odds ratio from pure agricultural strategies to agricultural dominant ones would increase as other conditions remain unchanged. Fourthly,financial and human capitals were the key factors affecting farmers’ conversion from pure agricultural to non-agricultural dominant strategies. In particular,per capita net income,bride expenditure,adult labor education level,participation in community rites and per capita acreage of dry land as well exhibited positive impacts. With increase of proportion of the above-mentioned indexes,odds ratio from pure agricultural strategies to non-agricultural dominant ones would increase as other conditions remain unchanged.
Keywords:farmer;livelihood capital;livelihood strategy;logistic regression model;Xinping dry-hot valley -->0 PDF (661KB)元数据多维度评价相关文章收藏文章 本文引用格式导出EndNoteRisBibtex收藏本文--> 赵文娟, 杨世龙, 王潇. 基于Logistic回归模型的生计资本与生计策略研究——以云南新平县干热河谷傣族地区为例[J]. , 2016, 38(1): 136-143 ZHAOWenjuan, YANGShilong, WANGXiao. The relationship between livelihood capital and livelihood strategy based on logistic regression model in Xinping County of Yuanjiang dry-hot valley[J]. 资源科学, 2016, 38(1): 136-143
自然资本和人力资本、金融资本、社会资本、物质资本等的有机结合,是促进区域经济发展、提升农户生计水平的关键。具体而言,在自然资本建设上,该地区应合理调整农业结构,根据当地实际情况合理布局特色农业,提高土地资源利用率,同时应加强农田基本水利设施建设,确保农业生产用水。就人力资本而言,应注重发展基础教育、提高文化水平,加强劳动技能培训,提升劳动力的非农就业能力。就金融资本而言,政府应为农户提供低息贷款,及时解决农民购买农机设施、扩大种植和养殖规模过程中的资金缺乏问题,以此增加农户的物质资本。而就社会资本而言,首先应充分发挥个体家庭的潜在领导能力,寻求更多互助和发展的机会;其次在彩礼支出和参与社区公共祭祀活动上,一方面应继续发挥各类仪式活动在传承族群文化、维系社会网络等方面的积极作用,使之成为农户间信息共享和技术交流的民间平台,另一方面应同时倡导理性开支,避免过度的彩礼和仪式消费给当地农户的生计发展带来不利影响。 The authors have declared that no competing interests exist.
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