

本站小编 Free考研考试/2021-12-29

刘颖1,2,, 郭琪3, 贺灿飞1,2,
1. 北京大学城市与环境学院,北京 100871
2. 北京大学—林肯研究院城市发展与土地政策研究中心,北京 100871
3. 南开大学经济与社会发展研究院,天津 300071

Urban characteristics and firms' location selection

LIUYing1,2,, GUOQi3, HECanfei1,2,
1. College of Urban and Environmental Sciences, Peking University, Beijing 100871, China
2. Center for Urban Development and Land Policy, Peking University-Lincoln Institute, Beijing 100871, China3. Institute of Economic and Social Development, Nankai University, Tianjin 300071, China
通讯作者:通讯作者:贺灿飞(1972- ),男,江西永新人,教授,研究方向为经济地理、产业和区域经济、环境地理。E-mail: hecanfei@urban.pku.edu.cn
-->作者简介:刘颖(1990- ),女,浙江上虞人,硕士,研究方向为区域经济与产业发展。E-mail: liuyingpku@pku.edu.cn



With the development of the "new" New Economic Geography, firm heterogeneity has received considerable attention in academic inquiry, resulting in an extensive literature focusing on firm heterogeneity and firm-level decision-making. It is believed that the location selection effect of firms with different productivity is one of the major factors causing urban productivity variances. Based on selection effect and sorting effect by Baldwin (2006) and Melitz (2008), this paper focuses on firms' location self-selection effect and the effect of firm location on urban productivity in China, to provide empirical evidence on the impact of firms' location self-selection on urban productivity and explore the urban factors behind firms' self-selection decisions. Using firm-level data of China's industries during 2002-2008, this paper seeks to argue that the relationship between firm's location self-section and urban productivity interacts with each other. Empirical results confirm that, on the one hand, both the selection effect and sorting effect of firms' location self-selection had impacts on urban productivity. On the other hand, cities, with relatively high level of technological research and development, larger market scale and higher degree of industry agglomeration, are more attractive to high productive firm, on the contrary, are more likely to crowd out those lower productivity firm. Further analysis reveals that favorable government policy could act as an effective factor in attracting firms with high productivity while in the meantime, may also crowd out firms with lower productivity. Policy makers that seek to improve urban competitiveness in China should pay much more attention to those policies that could help to improve the urban technological level, market scale, and degree of agglomeration.

Keywords:urban characteristics;firm heterogeneity;selection effect;sorting effect

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刘颖, 郭琪, 贺灿飞. 城市区位条件与企业区位动态研究[J]. , 2016, 35(7): 1301-1313 https://doi.org/10.11821/dlyj201607007
LIU Ying, GUO Qi, HE Canfei. Urban characteristics and firms' location selection[J]. 地理研究, 2016, 35(7): 1301-1313 https://doi.org/10.11821/dlyj201607007

1 引言


2 企业区位自选择效应的理论研究

-->Fig.1Two mechanisms of firms' location self-selection effect

2.1 主动选择机制

受到大城市特定要素的吸引,高效率企业更愿意进入大城市,进而导致大城市平均生产效率的提高。该效应在企业进入城市前发挥作用,使企业主动做出选择,故称为主动选择效应[4]。已有研究表明,对高效率企业来说,对拥有以下三方面特质的城市具有较大吸引力:① 有较高技能的劳动力、较高的科技水平和较好的创新文化;② 宽容的环境能够使创新成果更容易投入市场;③ 城市中激烈的竞争和选择机制能够让拥有更广阔市场的企业变得更有竞争力[11]。具体来讲,城市的特定要素包括技术水平、市场规模、产业集聚等,决定了能够在多大程度上吸引高效率企业,此外政府的区域政策也会对高效率企业是否选择该城市造成影响。

2.2 被动选择机制


3 企业区位自选择效应的空间格局

3.1 研究对象选择与数据来源


3.2 企业区位自选择效应空间格局

-->Fig. 2TFP of prefecture-level city in 2002 and 2007

-->Fig. 3Firms entering of high-leveled TFP firm in 2002 and 2007

-->Fig. 4Firms entering of low-leveled TFP firm in 2002 and 2007

4 企业区位自选择效应的实证检验

4.1 变量选取与模型设定

式中:i表示每个新成立企业;j表示企业所在城市;t表示企业所在年份; yijt表示新成立企业的TFP; Tjt表示当年企业进入城市的科技水平矩阵,包括公共科技资源和人力资源; Mjt表示当年企业进入城市的市场水平矩阵; Ajt表示当年企业进入城市的集聚经济矩阵,包括产业专业化与多样化集聚; Sijt表示当年企业进入城市得到的政策优惠; Zjt表示企业自身性质的矩阵,包括企业规模和所有制; ηγ分别表示行业和年份的虚拟变量,用来控制不同行业自身性质带来的TFP固有差异和不同年份TFP的固有差异; εijt是随机误差项。
Tab. 1
Tab. 1Explanations of selection effect model's variables

式中:i表示每个观测企业;j表示企业所在城市;t表示企业所在年份; Pijt表示企业下一年是否退出; Cjt是表示当年企业所在城市的要素矩阵; Sjt是表示当年企业所在城市的政策优惠; Ajt是表示当年企业进入城市的集聚经济矩阵; Cjt×TFPijtSjt×TFPijAjt×TFPijt分别表示对应变量与企业TFP相乘的交叉变量; Zit表示企业自身性质的矩阵,包括企业规模和所有制;η γ分别表示行业和年份的虚拟变量,用来控制不同行业自身性质带来的TFP固有差异和不同年份的TFP固有差异; εijt是随机误差项。
Tab. 2
Tab. 2Explanations of sorting effect model's variables


4.2 回归结果分析

4.2.1 主动选择效应 从企业进入模型来看,工业企业主动选择效应确实存在,受到各类城市因素的影响。模型总体拟合效果很好,通过Wald检验,回归结果如表3所示。
Tab. 3
Tab. 3Regression result of selection effect model

4.2.2 被动选择效应 从企业退出模型来看,城市的各类因素会影响工业企业退出,且会挤出生产效率不高的企业。模型总体拟合效果很好,通过了Wald检验,结果如表4所示。
Tab. 4
Tab. 4Regression result of sorting effect model
LR chi241375.6640474.1440765.2641743.43
Log likelihood-438841.98-439292.74-439144.92-438658.1


5 结论与讨论

The authors have declared that no competing interests exist.

参考文献 原文顺序

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We document five stylized facts of economic growth. (1) The “residual” rather than factor accumulation accounts for most of the income and growth differences across nations. (2) Income diverges over the long run. (3) Factor accumulation is persistent while growth is not persistent and the growth path of countries exhibits remarkable variation across countries. (4) Economic activity is highly concentrated, with all factors of production flowing to the richest areas. (5) National policies closely associated with long-run economic growth rates. We argue that these facts do not support models with diminishing returns, constant returns to scale, some fixed factor of production, and that highlight the role of factor accumulation. Empirical work, however, does not yet decisively distinguish among the different theoretical conceptions of “total factor productivity growth.” Economists should devote more effort towards modeling and quantifying total factor productivity.
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Firms are more productive, on average, in larger cities. Two main explanations have been offered: firm selection (larger cities toughen competition, allowing only the most productive to survive) and agglomeration economies (larger cities promote interactions that increase productivity), possibly reinforced by localized natural advantage. To distinguish between them, we nest a generalized version of a tractable firm selection model and a standard model of agglomeration. Stronger selection in larger cities left-truncates the productivity distribution, whereas stronger agglomeration right-shifts and dilates the distribution. Using this prediction, French establishment-level data, and a new quantile approach, we show that firm selection cannot explain spatial productivity differences. This result holds across sectors, city size thresholds, establishment samples, and area definitions.
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None of the theoretical approaches are suitable to help explain unambiguously the causes of the development of individuals, let alone all of the high-tech regions discussed here. Each one has specific strengths and weaknesses. An ‘eclectic’ theory, which combines convincing aspects of the above-mentioned theories, may offer the best approach to the problem. One element of such an eclectic approach should be governments' (implicit or explicit) influence on high-tech regions, which was not sufficiently considered by the theories discussed above. The applicability of a revised version of Porter's (1990) system of determinants of national competitiveness to high-tech regions is stressed.
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This paper develops a simple model that shows how a country can endogenously become differentiated into an industrialized "core" and an agricultural "periphery. " In order to realize scale economies while minimizing transport costs, manufacturing firms tend to locate in the region with larger demand, but the location of demand itself depends on the distribution of manufacturing. Emergence of a core-periphery pattern depends on transportation costs, economies of scale, and the share of manufacturing in national income. The study of economic geography-of the location of factors of production in space-occupies a relatively small part of standard economic analysis. International trade theory, in particular, conventionally treats nations as dimensionless points (and frequently assumes zero transportation costs between countries as well). Admittedly, models descended from von Thunen (1826) play an important role in urban studies, while Hotelling-type models of locational competition get a reasonable degree of attention in industrial organization. On the whole, however, it seems fair to say that the study of economic geography plays at best a marginal role in economic theory. On the face of it, this neglect is surprising. The facts of economic geography are surely among the most striking features of real-world economies, at least to laymen. For example, one of the most remarkable things about the United States is that in a generally sparsely populated country, much of whose land is fertile, the bulk of the population resides in a few clusters of metropolitan areas; a quarter of the inhabitants are crowded into a not especially inviting section of the East Coast. It has often been noted that nighttime satellite
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This paper considers the impact of international taxation on patterns of foreign direct investment and on the extent of international tax avoidance activity. Recent evidence indicates that taxation significantly influences the location of foreign direct investment, corporate borrowing, transfer pricing, dividend and royalty payments, and R&D performance. Reactions to worldwide tax rate differences, as well as to changes in international tax rules, provide important information concerning the extent to which taxpayers respond to incentives. The generally high degree of responsiveness in turn carries implications for the design of domestic as well as international tax policy.
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We examine whether discretionary government grants influence where domestic and multinational firms locate new plants, and how the presence of agglomeration externalities interacts with these policy instruments. We find that a region's existing industrial structure has an effect on the location of new entrants. Grants do have a small effect in attracting plants to specific geographic areas, but importantly, we find that firms are less responsive to government subsidies in areas where there are fewer existing plants in their industry. This suggests that these subsidies are less effective in influencing firms' location decisions in the face of countervailing co-location benefits.
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In markets where spatial competition is important, many models predict that average prices are lower in denser markets (i.e., those with more producers per unit area). Homogeneous-producer models attribute this effect solely to lower optimal markups. However, when producers instead differ in their production costs, a second mechanism also acts to lower equilibrium prices: competition-driven selection on costs. Consumers%u2019 greater substitution possibilities in denser markets make it more difficult for high-cost firms to profitably operate, truncating the equilibrium cost (and price) distributions from above. This selection process can be empirically distinguished from the homogenous-producer case because it implies that not only do average prices fall as density rises, but that upper-bound prices and price dispersion should also decline as well. I find empirical support for this process using a rich set of price data from U.S. readymixed concrete plants. Features of the industry offer an arguably exogenous source of producer density variation with which to identify these effects. I also show that the findings do not simply result from lower factor prices in dense markets, but rather because dense-market producers have low costs because they are more efficient.
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https://doi.org/10.2139/ssrn.393880URL [本文引用: 1]摘要
CiteSeerX - Document Details (Isaac Councill, Lee Giles, Pradeep Teregowda): This paper is motivated by the empirical regularity that industries differ greatly in the level of firm turnover, and that entry and exit rates are positively correlated across industries. Our objective is to investigate the effect of sunk costs and, in particular, market size on entry and exit rates, and hence on the age distribution of firms. We analyze a stochastic dynamic model of a monopolistically competitive industry. Each firm's efficiency is assumed to follow a Markov process. We show existence and uniqueness of a stationary equilibrium with simultaneous entry and exit: efficient firms survive while inefficient ones leave the market and are replaced by new entrants. We perform comparative statics with respect to the level of sunk costs: entry costs are negatively and fixed production costs positively related to entry and exit rates. A central empirical prediction of the model is that the level of firm turnover is increasing in market size. The intuition is as follows. In larger markets, price-cost margins are smaller since the number of active firms is larger. This implies that the marginal surviving firm has to be more efficient than in smaller markets. Hence, in larger markets, the expected life span of firms is shorter, and the age distribution of firms is first-order stochastically dominated by that in smaller markets. In an extension of the model with time-varying market size, we explore the comovements between market size and entry
[25]Brandt L, Biesebroeck J V, Zhang Y.Creative accounting or creative destruction? Firm-level productivity growth in Chinese manufacturing
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https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jdeveco.2011.02.002URL [本文引用: 2]摘要
We present the first comprehensive set of firm-level total factor productivity (TFP) estimates for China's manufacturing sector that spans China's entry into the WTO. For our preferred estimate, which adjusts for a number of potential sources of measurement error and bias, the weighted average annual productivity growth for incumbents is 2.85% for a gross output production function and 7.96% for a value added production function over the period 1998-2007. This is among the highest compared to other countries. Productivity growth at the industry level is even higher, reflecting the dynamic force of creative destruction. Over the entire period, net entry accounts for over two thirds of total TFP growth. In contrast to earlier studies looking at total non-agriculture including services, we find that TFP growth dominates input accumulation as a source of output growth.
[26]Yang Rudai, He Canfei.The productivity puzzle of Chinese exporters: Perspectives of local protection and spillover effects
. Regional Science, 2014, 93(2): 367-382.
https://doi.org/10.1111/pirs.12035URL [本文引用: 2]摘要
type="main" xml:lang="es"> En contradicción con la proposición teórica, los exportadores chinos son, en general, menos productivos que los no exportadores. Este estudio explora el enigma de la productividad de los exportadores chinos mediante un conjunto de datos a nivel de planta que incluye las grandes empresas industriales durante el período 1998–2007. A partir de la productividad total de los factores (PTF) estimada por el método semi-paramétrico propuesto en Olley y Pakes, este estudio confirma el enigma de la productividad de los exportadores chinos. El enigma de la productividad, sin embargo, desaparece después de controlar la localización de las empresas. Este resultado es robusto para diferentes especificaciones del modelo y medidas de la productividad. Un análisis más detallado indica que las empresas productivas favorecerían el mercado interno, sobre todo cuando pueden disfrutar de protección local. Los efectos de spillover de la exportación ayudarían a las empresas menos productivas a entrar en el mercado internacional. La propiedad y las economías de escala condicionan, sin embargo, los impactos de la protección local y los efectos de spillover. Este artículo sugiere que la protección y los efectos de spillover pueden influir en la decisión de las exportaciones de las empresas chinas, con lo que contribuye y complementa a la literatura relacionada.
[27]Steven O G, Pakes A.The dynamics of productivity in the telecommunications equipment industry
. Econometrica: Journal of the Econometric Society, 1996, 64(6): 1263-1297.
URL [本文引用: 1]摘要
The Dynamics of Productivity in the Telecommunication Equipment Industry OLLEY S. Econometrica 64(6), 1263-1297, 1996
[28]Hsu W, Wang P.Trade, firm selection, and industrial agglomeration
. General Information, 2012, 42(6): 975-986.
https://doi.org/10.1016/j.regsciurbeco.2012.05.004URL [本文引用: 2]摘要
We develop a model of trade and agglomeration that incorporates trade in both intermediate goods and final goods and allows all firms to choose their locations. There are two types of labor: skilled labor, which is mobile, and unskilled labor, which is immobile. Upon choosing its factory site, a final goods firm that is managed by skilled labor can produce these goods using local unskilled labor and a variety of intermediate goods produced by productivity-heterogeneous producers. We characterize world equilibrium and establish the conditions under which industrial agglomeration arises as a stable equilibrium outcome. We show that when the unskilled labor force is small, the role played by the selection of intermediate firms becomes less important, and trade liberalization induces dispersion. When the unskilled labor force is large and the selection effect becomes influential, trade liberalization can generate non-monotonic effects on industrial agglomeration. The dispersion effect of trade liberalization arises when unskilled labor-intermediate input complementarity matters to firm selection to a greater degree. When this is the case, trade liberalization may induce less selective firm entry and cause average productivity to fall.
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[Zhang Xin, Chen Lin.Manufactory industry agglomeration,knowledge spillover and regional innovation performance
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[本文引用: 1]

[Zhang Jie, Li Ke, Liu Zhibiao.Market-oriented transition and enterprises productivity in China
. China Economic Quarterly, 2011, (2): 571-602.]
[本文引用: 1]
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