

本站小编 Free考研考试/2021-12-29

刘鑫1,, 贺灿飞1,2,
1. 北京大学城市与环境学院,北京 100871
2. 北京大学—林肯研究院 城市发展与土地政策研究中心,北京 100871

Relatedness and urban industrial growth

LIUXin1,, HECanfei1,2,
1. College of Urban and Environmental Sciences, Peking University, Beijing 100871, China
2. Peking University-Lincoln Institute Center for Urban Development and Land Policy, Beijing 100871, China
通讯作者:贺灿飞(1972- ),男,江西永新人,教授,研究方向为经济地理、产业和区域经济、环境地理。E-mail: hecanfei@urban.pku.edu.cn
-->作者简介:刘鑫(1992- ),男,陕西西安人,硕士,研究方向为产业布局与集聚。E-mail: garyliuxin@163.com



Dynamic externalities have attracted broad attention in industrial growth researches. Both specialization and diversification, also known as MAR externalities and Jacobs externalities, have significant impacts on urban industrial growth. Empirical results in developed countries fail to reach a consensus about dynamic externalities, while researchers draw the similar conclusions in China, that competence amongst industries, on contrary to specialization, contributes to industrial growth, and diversification remains to be further researched yet. Technology has always been a key sector in economic growth theory. In recent years, evolutionary economic geographers emphasize the role of technology, more specifically, knowledge spillover and relatedness in economic geography studies, especially in regional development and industrial growth areas. Analyzing industrial growth using relatedness conduces to comprehension of dynamic externalities. China has embarked on the road to reform and opening up and so far had extraordinary hyper growth in recent decades, thus becoming the world's largest manufacturing factory. Research on China's rapid urban industrial growth is conductive to industrial growth and even economic geography literatures. Through setting up a new industrial and regional growth model, this study analyzes the relationship between relatedness and urban industrial growth in China considering about both industrial characteristics and regional differences. Defining relatedness based on industrial co-occurrence not only reflects technological relatedness, but also reflects all the other underlying conditions behind it, such as institution, infrastructure and so forth. Samples cover the period from 1998 to 2008 for 287 cities in China. The results indicate that relatedness generates strong positive effect on urban industrial growth. Moreover, different factor-intensive industries and different regions exhibit dissimilar effects. Industries which are technically intensive tend to have a higher growth rate. Meanwhile, the effect on urban industrial growth generated by relatedness is much higher in eastern China than in other parts. This paper enriches the empirical and theoretical relation between relatedness and urban industrial growth, especially in China. At the same time, it provides reference to local governments on regional industrial policies, raises the discussion between path dependence and path creation, and is instructive to the enhancement of regional growth and economic development.

Keywords:relatedness;industrial growth;industrial characteristics;regional differences

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刘鑫, 贺灿飞. 技术关联与城市产业增长研究[J]. , 2016, 35(4): 717-730 https://doi.org/10.11821/dlyj201604010
LIU Xin, HE Canfei. Relatedness and urban industrial growth[J]. 地理研究, 2016, 35(4): 717-730 https://doi.org/10.11821/dlyj201604010

1 引言


2 动态外部性、技术关联与产业增长


3 数据来源与研究方法

Relate dn essij=PRCAi|RCAj+PRCAj+RCAi/2(1)
式中:ij分别表示两个产业; Relate dn essij表示产业i和产业j的技术关联强度;P表示两个产业共同出现在某一个城市的条件概率;RCA表示基于区位商得出的相对比较优势; LQ表示企业所在城市某一四位数产业就业的区位商。根据中国工业企业数据库计算出1998-2008年各城市四位数产业的技术关联强度(表1)。总体来看,在区域层面,东部的技术关联程度高于中西部,且东部地区城市之间技术关联强度差异较小,而西部地区相对差异则较大。在产业层面,技术密集型产业的技术关联强度更高,产业间差异相对劳动密集型和资本密集型企业也相对较小。
Tab. 1
Tab. 1Regional and industrial differences of relatedness during 1998-2008


4 技术关联与中国城市产业增长

4.1 中国城市产业增长

-->Fig. 1Temporal trends of Chinese industrial added value during 1998-2013

图2展示了1999-2009年期间中国制造业工业总产值空间分布情况。1999年中国制造业工业总产值高度集中在长三角、珠三角以及京津地区和山东半岛。1999-2009年期间,中国制造业产业增长迅速, 并且呈现向沿海地区集聚的态势。到2009年,京津冀、长三角和珠三角成为中国制造业的绝对核心区,区域内核心城市的制造业工业总产值均超过了万亿元。与此同时,中西部地区的产业增长也有大幅提升,尤其是内蒙古、湖南、川渝、河南等地区。
-->Fig. 2Gross industrial output in China by prefecture

-->Fig. 3Annual growth rate of gross industrial output in China by prefecture during 1998-2008

-->Fig. 4Ratio change of gross industrial output in China by industry during 2000-2011

-->Fig. 5Ratio change of gross industrial output by industry in four areas of China during 1998-2007

4.2 技术关联对城市产业增长的影响

4.2.1 模型设定与变量选取 本文从内部规模经济、外商投资比例和企业间竞争强度等角度来衡量产业特征对上述二者关系的影响。规模经济理论是研究企业发展和产业增长的基础理论,马歇尔指出规模经济有利于产业发展,并且包括内部规模经济和外部规模经济两类[10],尤其是内部规模经济促使资本、劳动力等生产要素集中在少数大企业,从而促进产业增长。采用企业平均就业规模(SIZE)来衡量内部规模经济,预期其回归系数为正。经济全球化进程显著影响着城市产业增长,产业通过利用外商直接投资参与经济全球化,强化自身比较优势,吸收先进科学技术和管理经验,积极获取知识溢出和创新活动以推动产业增长[24]。但同时,外资资本比例较高的产业通常是技术或资本密集型的产业,产业的产值总量较大,其增长率相对较低。另外外资也有可能产生竞争挤占作用,从而影响产业增长[25]。采用外资资本占实收资本比例(FDI)表示各产业参与全球化程度,预期系数不确定。根据Porter外部性理论,企业间的竞争能够通过促进创新推动产业增长[26],采用行业内企业数目(COMP)来反映企业间竞争强度,预期系数为正。
Tab. 2
Tab. 2Statistical description of main variables

式中:i为区域中j产业在第t年与第t-1年的产值差与i区域中j产业在第t年的产值的比例,即i区域中j产业的产值增长率; aij表示产业和区域的固定效应; f1ij表示反映产业特征的解释变量; f2ij表示反映区域特征的解释变量; f3ij表示技术关联分别与产业特征和区域特征的交叉项。模型的相关分析(表3)显示各解释变量之间相关性较弱,不存在多重共线性问题。
Tab. 3
Tab. 3Coefficients of variables

4.2.2 技术关联与城市产业增长 首先分别就技术关联以及相关的产业特征和区域特征变量进行回归分析。结果(表4)显示,在控制产业和区域虚拟变量之后,技术关联显著促进城市产业增长。模型(2)和模型(3)依次引入表示产业特征和区域特征的变量,技术关联对产业增长的促进作用依然显著,但回归系数逐渐降低,说明产业和区域特征与技术关联之间存在一定的相互作用,并且会削弱技术关联对产业增长的积极影响。
Tab. 4
Tab. 4Regression results from relatedness and industrial growth

4.2.3 技术关联与产业—区域虚拟变量分析 为分析产业—区域特征与技术关联之间的相互作用,检验技术关联在不同产业和不同区域之间的差异,本文引入技术关联变量和产业虚拟变量与区域虚拟变量相乘的交叉项。回归结果(表5)显示技术关联对城市产业增长的影响在不同产业和不同区域间存在显著差异。在控制产业虚拟变量和区域虚拟变量的基础上,表5所示的模型(5)引入技术关联与区域虚拟变量的交叉项,结果显示技术关联与东部地区(East)交叉项的系数显著为正,说明与其他地区相比,在东部地区技术关联越高,产业增长越迅速。而技术关联与西部地区(West)的交叉项系数显著为负,与中部地区(Middle)的交叉项系数为负,但不显著。表明中部地区的技术关联对产业增长不存在显著促进作用,而在西部地区,技术关联较高的产业反而倾向于具有较低的增长率。上述研究结果与吴三忙等对中国省级产业增长的研究相吻合,并将动态外部性对城市产业增长的影响扩展到产业技术关联层面[6]。东部地区经济发展水平和市场化程度较高,人力资本禀赋显著优于中西部地区,交通网络较为发达,企业间交流学习更加便捷,产业间和区域间技术联系更容易形成。形成技术联系之后,在地理邻近的基础上形成认知邻近,知识溢出得以实现,创新活动与技术革新等行为不断发生,推动区域产业迅速增长。中西部地区市场化程度和对外开放程度较低,交通基础设施尚不发达,企业间联系因地理隔离受到严重限制,技术联系程度相对较低。即使形成技术联系,由于人力资本禀赋较差,企业间知识溢出和创新活动发展缓慢,技术联系难以推动产业增长。甚至在西部地区,由于产业联系薄弱,往往是相关政策或者制度因素成为引致产业增长的主导力量,导致技术联系与产业增长间呈现出负相关关系。Guo等对中国各个区域产业结构的研究发现西部地区的产业技术关联程度普遍较低,且西部地区的产业结构调整方向和新引进的产业往往是和本地技术关联程度较差的产业[30]
Tab. 5
Tab. 5Regression results from relatedness with indus-regional variables

4.2.4 技术关联与产业—区域特征分析 为进一步探究技术关联在不同产业和不同区域之间的差异,本文引入技术关联变量和相关控制变量相乘的交叉项。回归结果(表6)显示技术关联在不同产业和不同区域对城市产业增长的影响存在差异。
Tab. 6
Tab. 6Regression results from relatedness and interactions


5 结论

The authors have declared that no competing interests exist.

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<h2 class="secHeading" id="section_abstract">Abstract</h2><p id="">In this paper we test the relation between cognitive distance and innovation performance of firms engaged in technology-based alliances. The key finding is that the hypothesis of an inverted U-shaped effect of cognitive distance on innovation performance of firms is confirmed. Moreover, as expected, we found that the positive effect for firms is much higher when engaging in more radical, exploratory alliances than in more exploitative alliances. The effect of cumulative R&amp;D turns out to be mixed. It appears to increase absorptive capacity, as expected, but there is clear evidence that it also reduces the effect of cognitive distance on novelty value, making it increasingly difficult to find additional novelty.</p>
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Regional Studies, 2003, 37(6-7): 545-546.
https://doi.org/10.1080/0034340032000108688URL [本文引用: 1]摘要
P ORTER M. E. (2003) The economic performance of regions, Reg. Studies 37 , 549-578. This paper examines the basic facts about the regional economic performance, the composition of regional economies and the role of clusters in the US economy over period of 1990 to 2000. The performance of regional economies varies markedly in terms of wage, wage growth, employment growth and patenting rate. Based on the distribution of economic activity across geography, we classify US industries into traded, local and resource-dependent. Traded industries account for only about one-third of employment but register much higher wages, far higher rates of innovation and influence local wages. We delineate clusters of traded industries using co-location patterns across US regions. The mix of clusters differs markedly across regions. The performance of regional economies is strongly influenced by the strength of local clusters and the vitality and plurality of innovation. Regional wage differences are dominated by the relative performance of the region in the clusters in which it has positions, with the particular mix of clusters secondary. A series of regional policy implications emerge from the findings. P ORTER M. E. (2003) La performance economique des regions, Reg. Studies 37 , 549-578. Cet article cherche a examiner les principes fondamentaux de la performance economique regionale, de la structure des economies regionales, et du role des groupements dans l'economie des Etats-Unis de 1990 a 2000. La performance des economies regionales varie sensiblement du point de vue des salaires, de la croissance des salaires, de la hausse de l'emploi, et du nombre des brevets. A partir de la repartition de l'activite economique geographique, on classe les entreprises industrielles aux Etats-Unis sous les rubriques commerciale, locale, et dependante des ressources. Les entreprises industrielles a vocation commerciale n'expliquent qu'un tiers de l' emploi mais laissent voir des salaires nettement plus eleves, des taux d'innovation bien plus importants, et influent sur les salaires locaux. Employant des distributions de localisations partagees a travers les Etats-Unis, on delimite des groupements d'entreprises industrielles a vocation commerciale. La structure des groupements varie sensiblement suivant la region. La performance des economies regionales est fortement influence par la force des groupements locaux et par la vitalite et par la pluralite de l'innovation. Les ecarts des salaires reels s'expliquent primordialement par la performance relative de la region quant aux groupements ou elle est pre sente, la structure particuliere des groupements n'etant que d'une importance secondaire. Il en resulte toute une serie d'implications pour la politique. P ORTER M. E. (2000) Die wirtschaftliche Leistungskraft von Regionen, Reg. Studies 37 , 549-578. Dieser Beitrag analysiert Kerndaten regionaler Wirtschaftsraume in den Vereinigten Staaten, insbesondere ihre wirtschaftliche Leistungskraft, ihre Zusammensetzung und die Rolle regionaler Cluster. Die Regionen der Vereinigten Staaten unterschieden sich in den Jahren 1990 bis 2000 deutlich in ihrer wirtschaftlichen Leistungskraft gemessen an Lohnniveau und - wachstum, Beschaftigungsentwicklung, und Patentrate. Basierend auf der geographischen Konzentration oknomischer Aktitivtat klassifizieren wir Industriezweige als uberregional ("traded'), lokal oder abhangig von der Prasenz von Naturscha tzen. Cluster uberregionaler Industrien beschaftigen nur circa ein Drittel aller Erwerbstatigen, verzeichnen aber uberdurchschnittliche Lo hne und signifikant hohere Innovationsraten als die Gesamtwirtschaft. Die relative Bedeutung einzelner Cluster innerhalb der Gruppe uberregionaler Industrien unterscheidet sich deutlich im regionalen Vergleich. Der wirtschaftliche Erfolg einer Region wird stark von der relative Leistungskraft und Innovationsstarke der dort angesiedelten uberregionalen Cluster beeinflusst. So hat das relative Lohnniveau in den uberregionalen Clustern in einer Region einen dominanten Einfluss auf das regionale Lohnniveau, wahrend die spezifische Identitat dieser Cluster nur eine sekundare Rolle spielt. Der Beitrag entwickelt aus dieser Analyse eine Reihe von Implikationen fur die Wirtschaftspolitik.
[18]Potter A, Watts H.Revisiting Marshall's agglomeration economies: Technological relatedness and the evolution of the Sheffield metals cluster.
Regional Studies, 2014, 48(4): 603-623.
https://doi.org/10.1080/00343404.2012.667560URL [本文引用: 1]摘要
P otter A. and W atts H. D. Revisiting Marshall's agglomeration economies: technological relatedness and the evolution of the Sheffield metals cluster, Regional Studies . According to Alfred Marshall, firms receive increasing returns from a trinity of agglomeration economies: a local pool of skilled labour, local supplier linkages and local knowledge spillovers. This article re-examines the mechanisms underlying Marshall's agglomeration economies in the Sheffield metals cluster wherein Marshall discovered them. Despite the cluster's decline, empirical evidence is found that the mechanisms underlying Marshallian agglomeration economies continue to occur within the surviving metals industry. However, upon closer examination, Marshallian agglomeration economies have evolved to become more prevalent amongst plants that use related metals technology. The results highlight the importance of technological relatedness to cluster survival.
[19]Frenken K, Van Oort F, Verburg T, et al.Related variety, unrelated variety and regional economic growth.
Regional Studies, 2007, 41(5): 685-697.
[本文引用: 2]
[20]Boschma R, Iammarino S.Related variety, trade linkages, and regional growth in Italy.
Economic Geography, 2009, 85(3): 289-311.
https://doi.org/10.1111/j.1944-8287.2009.01034.xURL [本文引用: 1]摘要
This article presents estimates of the impact of regional variety and trade linkages on regional economic growth by means of export and import data by Italian province (NUTS 3) and sector (three-digit) for the period 1995-2003. Our results show strong evidence that related variety contributes to regional economic growth. Thus, Italian regions that are well endowed with sectors that are complementary in terms of competences (i.e., that show related variety) perform better. The article also assesses the effects of the breadth and relatedness of international trade linkages on regional growth, since they may bring new and related variety to a region. Our analysis demonstrates that regional growth is not affected by simply being well connected to the outside world or having a high variety of knowledge flowing into the region. Rather, we found evidence of related extraregional knowledge sparking intersectoral learning across regions. When the cognitive proximity between the extraregional knowledge and the knowledge base of a region is neither too small nor too large, real learning opportunities are present, and the external knowledge contributes to growth in regional employment. Copyright (c) 2009 Clark University.
[21]Boschma R, Frenken K.The emerging empirics of evolutionary economic geography.
Journal of Economic Geography, 2011, 11(2): 295-307.
https://doi.org/10.1093/jeg/lbq053URL [本文引用: 1]摘要
Following last decade's programmatic papers on Evolutionary Economic Geography, we report on recent empirical advances and how this empirical work can be positioned vis-vis other strands of research in economic geography. First, we review studies on the path dependent nature of clustering, and how the evolutionary perspective relates to that of New Economic Geography. Second, we discuss research on agglomeration externalities in Regional Science, and how Evolutionary Economic Geography contributed to this literature with the concepts of cognitive proximity and related variety. Third, we go into the role of institutions in Evolutionary Economic Geography, and we relate this to the way Institutional Economic Geography tends to view institutions. From this discussion, a number of new research challenges are derived.
[22]Hidalgo C, Klinger B, Barabasi A, et al.The product space conditions the development of nations.
Science, 2007, 317(5837): 482-487.
https://doi.org/10.1126/science.1144581URLPMID:17656717 [本文引用: 2]摘要
Economies grow by upgrading the products they produce and export. The technology, capital, institutions, and skills needed to make newer products are more easily adapted from some products than from others. Here, we study this network of relatedness between products, or "product space," finding that more-sophisticated products are located in a densely connected core whereas less-sophisticated products occupy a less-connected periphery. Empirically, countries move through the product space by developing goods close to those they currently produce. Most countries can reach the core only by traversing empirically infrequent distances, which may help explain why poor countries have trouble developing more competitive exports and fail to converge to the income levels of rich countries.
[23]Fan Bohong, Lang Xianpin.The measurement of relatedness: an application to corporate diversification.
Journal of Business, 2002,73(4): 629-660.
https://doi.org/10.1086/209657URL [本文引用: 1]摘要
Employing commodity flow data from input-output (IO) tables, we construct two IO-based measures to capture interindustry and intersegment vertical relatedness and complementarity. At the industry level, we demonstrate that the new IO-based measures outperform traditional measures based on Standard Industry Classification (SIC) codes. At the firm level, we report that firms increase their degree of vertical relatedness and complementarity over time. The increasing pattern is robust; it is not sensitive to accounting changes in segment definition, different weighting methods, and different IO data employed. As an application, we examine the valuation effects of relatedness in the context of corporate diversification. Copyright 2000 by University of Chicago Press.
[24]文东伟. FDI、出口开放与中国省区产业增长
. 金融研究, 2013, (6): 104-117.
URL [本文引用: 3]摘要
[Wen Dongwei.FDI、Export openness and Chinese provincial industry growth.
Journal of Financial Research, 2013, (6): 104-117.]
URL [本文引用: 3]摘要
[25]彭向, 蒋传海. 产业集聚、知识溢出与地区创新: 基于中国工业行业的实证检验
. 经济学(季刊), 2011, 10(2): 913-934.
URL [本文引用: 1]摘要
[Peng Xiang, Jiang Chuanhai.Industrial agglomeration, technological spillovers and regional innovation: Evidences from China.
China Economic Quarterly, 2011, 10(2): 913-934.]
URL [本文引用: 1]摘要
[26]Feldman P, Audretsch B.Innovation in cities: Science-based diversity, specialization and localized competition.
European Economic Review, 1999, 43(2): 409-429.
https://doi.org/10.1016/S0014-2921(98)00047-6URL [本文引用: 1]摘要
Whether diversity or specialization of economic activity better promotes technological change and subsequent economic growth has been the subject of a heated debate in the economics literature. The purpose of this paper is to consider the effect of the composition of economic activity on innovation. We test whether the specialization of economic activity within a narrow concentrated set of economic activities is more conducive to knowledge spillovers or if diversity, by bringing together complementary activities, better promotes innovation. The evidence provides considerable support for the diversity thesis but little support for the specialization thesis.
[27]贺灿飞, 潘峰华. 中国城市产业增长研究: 基于动态外部性与经济转型视角
. 地理研究, 2009, 28(3): 726-737.
Magsci [本文引用: 1]摘要
[He Canfei, Pan Fenghua.City industry growth in China: Perspectives of dynamic externalities and economic transition.
Geographical Research, 2009, 28(3): 726-737.]
Magsci [本文引用: 1]摘要
[28]贺灿飞, 谢秀珍, 潘峰华, . 中国制造业省区分布及其影响因素
. 地理研究, 2008, 27(3): 623-635.
Magsci [本文引用: 1]摘要
[He Canfei, Xie Xiuzhen, Pan Fenghua, et al.Locaitonal studies of Chinese manufacturing industries.
Geographical Research, 2008, 27(3): 623-635.]
Magsci [本文引用: 1]摘要
[29]周其仁. 城乡中国. 北京:中信出版社, 2014.https://doi.org/10.3969/j.issn.1009-2781.2014.31.003URL [本文引用: 1]摘要
[Zhou Qiren.Urban and Rural China. Beijing: China Citi Press, 2014.]https://doi.org/10.3969/j.issn.1009-2781.2014.31.003URL [本文引用: 1]摘要
[30]Guo Qi, He Canfei.Evolution of production space and regional industrial structures in China. Utrecht University,
Section of Economic Geography, 2015, 15(21): 1-27.
URL [本文引用: 1]摘要
A growing literature on evolutionary economic geography concludes that regional industrial evolution is path-dependent and is determined by the pre-existing industries. This study applies the co-occurrence approach to calculate the production relatedness and portrays the production space and then examines the impact of production relatedness on regional industrial evolution. The findings report that production relatedness does underscore the regional structure change in China but shows significant regional differences in the evolution path. The coastal region has strong tendency of path dependence in its industrial evolution, while North West and South West break the path-dependent trajectory and transition into high productive sectors distant from their own production network. The results suggest that national policies can play its crucial role in creating new paths in China's regional development. Institutions matter to allow the significant role of industry relatedness in driving regional industrial evolution.
[31]Jankowska A, Nagengast A, Perea J, et al.The product space and the middle-income trap: Comparing Asian and Latin American experiences.
OECD Development Centre Working Papers, 2012, 311: 1-2.
https://doi.org/10.1787/5k8x7gwqsllp-enURL [本文引用: 1]摘要
Rapid and sustained economic growth in the emerging world has brought new members, notably China, into the group of middle-income countries. Reaching this level of income, however, has historically presented countries with a new set of challenges to development, resulting in slowing growth and an entrapment in what is known as the middle-income trap. Limited income convergence in Latin America has at least partly been due to its reduced capacity to engage in a structural transformation conducive to higher productivity. In contrast, emerging Asia offers a few examples of these 65virtuous. productive transformations. With these two references in mind, we build a comparative analysis based on the following points: First, we illustrate differences in the process of structural transformation, both with regard to sector productivity and employment absorption. Second, we adopt the Product Space methodology to compare the structural transformation that took place in both regions. Finally, we consider the role played by Productive Development Policies (PDP) in shaping the process of structural transformation, through a comparative review of these policies in Korea, Brazil and Mexico. In short, the analysis allows us to gauge the role that the economic specialisation of a country plays in facilitating transitions to more advanced stages of economic development. La croissance rapide et soutenue dans les économies émergentes a fait rentrer des nouveaux membres, dont la Chine, dans le groupe des pays à revenu intermédiaire. Cependant, atteindre ce niveau de revenu, a historiquement supposé pour ces pays de faire face à de nouveaux défis pour le développement, entra06nant un ralentissement de la croissance et une situation de stagnation connue sous le nom de piège des revenus intermédiaires. La convergence toutefois limitée de l’Amérique latine est en partie expliquée par sa capacité réduite à s’engager dans des transformations structurelles vers une productivité plus élevée. En revanche, l’Asie émergente nous présente des exemples de ces vertueuses transformations productives. Tenant compte de ces deux différences, nous élaborons une analyse comparative basée sur les dimensions suivantes : D’abord, nous illustrons des différences dans le processus de transformation structurelle, à la fois par rapport à la productivité sectorielle et la relocalisation d’emplois. Par la suite, nous adoptons la méthodologie de Product Space pour comparer la transformation structurelle qui a eu lieu dans les deux régions. Finalement, nous considérons le r00le des politiques de développement productives (PDP) pour déterminer le processus de transformation structurel, à travers une révision comparative de ces politiques en Corée, au Brésil et au Mexique. En somme, l’analyse permet d’évaluer le r00le que la spécialisation économique d’un pays peut jouer pour faciliter la transition vers des phases de développement économique plus avancées.
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