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1. 常熟理工学院经济与管理学院,苏州 215500
2. 中国科学院地理科学与资源研究所,北京 100101

Comparative analysis on the leisure values of urban ecological recreation spaces: A case study of Changshu city

SUNKun1,2, ZHONGLinsheng2,, ZHANGAiping2, ZHANGGuoping1
1. Economics and Management College, Changshu Institute of Technology, Suzhou 215500, Jiangsu, China
2. Institute of Geographic Sciences and Natural Resources Research, CAS, Beijing 100101, China
通讯作者:通讯作者:钟林生(1971- ),男,江西于都人,研究员,博士生导师,研究方向为生态旅游与旅游地理。E-mail: zhongls@igsnrr.ac.cn
-->作者简介:孙琨(1978- ),男,甘肃白银人,博士,研究方向为生态旅游开发与管理。E-mail: zkydlsly@163.com


生态游憩空间建设是城市建设的重要内容,提升休闲价值是城市生态游憩空间建设的重要任务。在常熟市具有突出城市生态游憩服务功能的林地、草地、水域区选择可比性观测廊道,在对游客自发性休闲游憩行为进行动态观测的基础上对各生态游憩空间的休闲价值进行动态对比。结果表明:① 全年水域的休闲价值最显著,其次依次是草地、林地。② 全年各生态游憩空间休闲价值的时间分布不均衡,且有一定互补性。③ 林地对于老年人的休闲价值最突出,而中年人更偏好水域休闲,青年及少儿更偏好草地休闲。④ 在城市生态游憩空间建设中可根据各年龄段人群分布确定生态游憩空间配置方案;根据各生态游憩空间休闲价值差异及其时间变化配置相应休憩设施,并对生态游憩空间实施动态管理;根据影响因素提升各生态游憩空间休闲价值等。

The planning and construction of ecological recreation spaces are important contents of urban planning and construction, and the enhancement of leisure value is an important task in the construction of urban ecological recreation spaces. By selecting comparable observation corridors in the woodland, grassland, water area with highlighted urban ecological recreation service function in Changshu city, and dynamically observing recreationists' spontaneous recreation behaviors, this study set up the method for evaluating the leisure value of urban ecological recreation space, and the evaluation indexes included leisure tendency to certain eco-space, leisure viscidity, and the adaptability of certain eco-space to recreationists. Using these evaluation indexes, the dynamic comparative analysis of the leisure values of woodland, grassland and water area was carried out. The results showed that: (1) Among the three types of ecological recreation spaces with similar acreages, water area had the highest leisure value in the whole year, followed by grassland and woodland. Woodland had the most advantages in forming better recreational environment when the external macro-conditions were not good for recreation in daylight, followed by water area and grassland. (2) In the whole year, the leisure value distributions of different ecological recreation spaces were different and mutually complementary each other. The factors like visual field, light, activity space and others weakened the leisure value of woodland in the early morning and at nightfall, but grassland and water area had certain comparative advantages in terms of these factors, and formed complementation with woodland. (3) The leisure value of woodland to the elder was most remarkable, while middle-aged people preferred water-area leisure, and the youth and children preferred grassland leisure. What's more, different aged people tended to conduct their most ecological leisure activities in their respective favorite time, which influenced the temporal distribution of the leisure value of each ecological recreation space. (4) In the construction of urban ecological recreation spaces, the mutual complementarity of different ecological recreation spaces in the aspects of recreation servicing time and serving objects should be attached more attention; the configuration scheme of different ecological recreation spaces should be made according to the areal distribution of different aged people in city; the leisure facilities should be scientifically allocated according to the differences in the leisure value of each ecological recreation space; the dynamic management measures should be implemented according to the variation of the leisure value of eco-space; and the leisure value of certain ecological recreation space should be enhanced according to the relevant influencing factors, and so on.

Keywords:urban area;ecological recreation space;leisure value;Changshu city

PDF (5110KB)元数据多维度评价相关文章收藏文章
孙琨, 钟林生, 张爱平, 张国平. 城市生态游憩空间休闲价值对比分析——以常熟市为例[J]. , 2016, 35(2): 256-270 https://doi.org/10.11821/dlyj201602005
SUN Kun, ZHONG Linsheng, ZHANG Aiping, ZHANG Guoping. Comparative analysis on the leisure values of urban ecological recreation spaces: A case study of Changshu city[J]. 地理研究, 2016, 35(2): 256-270 https://doi.org/10.11821/dlyj201602005

1 引言


2 研究区概况与研究方法

2.1 研究区概况

研究区位于常熟市,该市位于江苏省东南部,是中国首批休闲城市综合标准试点市,地处中纬度亚热带季风气候区,四季分明,年均气温15.4 ℃。林地、草地、水域为常熟市民的主要生态游憩空间。在常熟市全国首批“城市中央休闲区”内选择具有游憩服务功能的林地、草地、水域作为研究对象,其位置及分布如图1所示。研究区全年大部分日子的最大风力为3~4级,四季皆适宜休闲游憩,但最佳适游时段不同。冬季日极值平均气温最低在0 ℃以上,正午及其前后为最佳游憩时段;夏季日平均气温最高为34 ℃左右,约一半时间日平均气温在30 ℃以上,傍晚及其前后为最佳游憩时段;春秋季节大部分时间的气温约处于10 ℃~25 ℃之间,上午及下午的中间时段较适宜游憩。研究对象均为城市开放型生态游憩空间,是全年城市居民经常性游憩场所,其休闲游憩服务特征能反映出相同气候区林地、草地、水域全年及每天不同时间的休闲价值变化情况,以及全年各类生态游憩空间休闲价值的差异。
-->Fig. 1The location and overview of the study area

2.2 研究方法

2.2.1 观测廊道的选择 在研究区的林地、草地、水域这三类生态游憩空间中各选择一条游道作为对比性观测各类生态游憩空间休闲价值的廊道。为了使观测到的数据可比,基于如下条件选择3条观测廊道:① 3条廊道的宽度及长度分别相同,宽2 m,长80 m;② 3条游憩廊道沿线均无休憩座椅;③ 3条廊道均专为游客分别在林地、草地、水域区的休闲游憩而设,而非通过性游道;④ 3条廊道的可进入条件相似;⑤ 林地、草地、水域分别为3条廊道的唯一休闲游憩环境;⑥ 3条廊道所在的林地、草地、水域面积接近。
2.2.2 评价指标选取及量化 随机效用理论认为个体会选择能够提供最大效用的行动方 案[35],当个体针对各类生态游憩空间做出某种休闲行为选择时,也间接对相应生态游憩空间的休闲价值进行了权衡[36]。基于此形成的选择实验法已成为国外非市场价值评估的重要方法之一[37];另外,相关研究认为实践是价值和价值关系的实际确定者[38]。因此基于游憩者休闲行为选择实践对生态游憩空间的休闲价值进行评价是一种较为可行的方法。通过实际观察分析,针对城市特定生态游憩空间,潜在休闲游憩者的选择行为主要体现在如下方面:① 是否选择进入特定生态空间进行休闲游憩?② 在特定生态空间中选择休闲游憩多长时间?③ 是否各类人群都倾向于选择在该生态空间中进行休闲游憩?在相同客源市场背景下,针对不同生态游憩空间,通过获取上述问题的定量回答及比较,可对各生态游憩空间的休闲价值进行对比。基于此,本文采用“休闲趋向度”、“休闲粘性”、“客源适应度”这三项指标对休闲游憩者针对特定生态空间的游憩行为选择进行描述(图2)。休闲趋向度以每条游道上单位时间内选择进入的休闲游憩者平均数量为依据进行量化,休闲粘性以各条游道上休闲游憩者的平均逗留时间为依据进行量化,客源适应度以潜在客源市场中各客源群体倾向于选择在特定生态空间中进行休闲游憩的程度为依据进行量化。三项指标的量化结果分别用“休闲趋向度指数”、“休闲粘性指数”、“客源适应度指数”表示。
-->Fig. 2Selection of indexes for evaluating the leisure value of urban ecological recreation space




2.2.3 评价指标值调查获取 (1)评价指标值的动态观测。生态游憩空间的休闲价值会随气温、日照等条件的变化而变化。为全面评价各类生态游憩空间的休闲价值,本文对休闲价值的各项评价指标进行了全年度动态观测。在2013年1-12月,每周分别选择两天较适宜出游的时间,在所选定的林地、草地、水域的观测廊道上对各项指标值进行观测。每个观测日分7:00-9:00、10:00-12:00、13:00-15:00、16:00-18:00、19:00-21:00 5个观测时段。全年共计观测104天,观测日中气温变化幅度为-3 ℃~39 ℃,风速变化幅度为0~6级;天气阴晴变化情况为:晴天37天、阴天22天、多云天45天;观测日中有33天为周末。在全年的观测对象中,男性占49.34%,女性占50.66%;老、中、青、少人口占比分别为28.66%、35.99%、19.12%、16.23%,与常熟市人口年龄结构有一定相似性。
(2)休闲趋向度指数测算。第一,在每个观测日的每个观测时段,分6次进行间隔性观测统计,每次以10 min为一个时间单位,分别统计单位时间内林地、草地、水域区观测廊道上的休闲游憩者人数。第二,采用式(1)计算每个观测日各观测时段内特定生态游憩空间的休闲趋向度指数。然后按不同时间尺度求平均,分别得到特定生态空间在每月、全年第h个时段的休闲趋向度指数,以及其各日、各月、全年的休闲趋向度指数。
(4)客源适应度指数测算。第一,根据国家统计局人口统计口径,将休闲游憩者划分为老年(60岁及以上),中年(35~59岁),青年(15~34岁)和少儿(14岁及以下)。在调查中,对于年龄段特征明显的游客,通过观察法获取其年龄段信息;对于年龄段特征不明显的调查对象,则请其勾选调查表单中的年龄段选项。第二,在每个观测日的每个观测时段,分别针对林地、草地、水域区的观测廊道,分6次进行间隔性观测统计,每次以10 min为一个时间单位,调查特定廊道上单位时间内各年龄段休闲游憩者数量及休闲游憩者总人数;对相对应的6次观测结果求平均,得到特定时段内特定生态空间观测廊道上单位时间内各年龄段游客人数的平均值及游客总人数的平均值。第三,根据《常熟市2012年人口和计划生育事业发展报告》及相关文献[39]推算,2013年初,常熟市总人口为106.78万,其中老年、中年、青年及少儿占总人口比例分别为25.18%、44.90%、20.07%、9.85%。第四,采用式(3)计算各类生态游憩空间内游道在特定观测时段内对各年龄段人群及对全部人群的客源适应度指数,然后根据需要求平均,得到特定生态空间每月、全年第h个时段,以及各日、各月、全年对特定年龄段人群及对全部客源群体的适应度指数。
2.2.4 检验各生态游憩空间特定指标值的差异显著性 采用SPSS软件对林地、草地、水域之间特定指标日平均值的差异显著性进行检验。如表1所示,各生态游憩空间之间各观测日特定指标值的差异显著性值均为0.000(<0.05),反映出林地、草地、水域的休闲趋向度之间、休闲粘性之间、客源适应度之间均有十分显著的差异,这会造成各生态游憩空间休闲价值的明显差别。
Tab. 1
Tab. 1The significance level of value difference between different recreational eco-spaces' indexes (Sig.)

2.2.5 生态游憩空间休闲价值评价 由于生态游憩空间的休闲趋向度、休闲粘性、客源适应度之间有较强关联性,各项指标对休闲价值的影响权重很难确定,同时为了便于对比分析,需要合成差异性明显的休闲价值指数值,因此本文采用乘法合成法[40],分别采用式(4)~式(6)计算各类生态游憩空间在每个观测日、每月、全年第h个时段的休闲价值指数。



3 结果分析

3.1 各生态游憩空间休闲价值时间分布比较

3.1.1 各生态游憩空间休闲价值时间分布 (1)表2图3~图6显示:全年各生态游憩空间休闲价值及各相关指数值较高的时间段分布存在差异,且呈现集中分布特征;各生态空间的相应指数值在各月、各时段的分布特征不同。这使全年各类生态游憩空间的休闲价值在时间分布方面存在一定程度的互补性。
-->Fig. 3Results of analysis on the leisure tendency index to each ecological recreation space in different periods

-->Fig. 4Results of analysis on the leisure viscidity index of each ecological recreation space in different periods

-->Fig. 5Results of analysis on the adaptation index of each eco-space to recreationist in different periods

-->Fig. 6Results of analysis on the leisure value index of each ecological recreation space in different periods

Tab. 2
Tab. 2The periods' distribution in different months when the leisure value of certain ecological recreation space is higher

Tab. 3
Tab. 3The percentage of the time when certain index's value of certain ecological recreation space is at a higher or highest level throughout the year (%)

-->Fig. 7Annual average change of each index value of each ecological recreation space within each observational day

3.1.2 不同时间各生态游憩空间休闲价值影响因素比较 全年不同时间的气温、光照、景观等环境条件不同,对研究区生态游憩空间的休闲游憩条件产生不同影响。① 全年及各天外部环境变化的阶段性使各生态游憩空间休闲价值较高的时段呈现一定的集中性(表2)。伴随着全年不同时间的气温变化,研究区生态游憩空间适于游憩的时间长度、景观条件等会发生变化;各观测日气温(极值平均气温)与户外游憩者人数之间的正向关联性较为明显(图8),且全年林地、水域休闲价值变化趋势与气温变化趋势有一定相似性,反映出随气温升高,研究区林地、水域适于休闲游憩的时间更长,条件更好、更充分;但年气温变化对草地休闲价值的影响较小。② 林地的气候调节作用较明显,在温度较高、光照较强的时间,林地的遮阳、蒸腾等作用使其形成有一定休闲游憩比较优势的小环境,增强休闲粘性(图4);在全年大部分观测日的10:00-15:00,林地的气温、光照、湿度等条件同外部差异较大,该时段林地相关指标的年平均值也处于其变化轨迹的最高水平(表4);在7:00-9:00、16:00-18:00,林地的休闲比较优势变小;在19:00-21:00,由于夜色下林地中视野及活动空间受限,林地已不具有休闲比较优势(图7)。③ 草地缺乏屏障物,其休闲游憩条件与外部高度一致;对比图3~图6,发现草地各相关指标的显著值也主要出现在大部分观测日研究区户外气温、光照等条件较适宜休闲的时间:16:00-18:00,其次是10:00-12:00;在19:00-21:00、13:00-15:00、7:00-9:00,户外气温、光照等条件的年平均游憩适宜性依次降低,草地的休闲价值也随之变小(表4)。④ 水域有一定的休闲小环境营造作用,但弱于林地。全年正午的气温和光照条件等削弱了水域在该时段的游憩适宜性(图6b、图6c)。在全年许多观测日的19:00-21:00,水域的气温、湿度、风速等优势使其该时段的休闲趋向度、休闲粘性大幅度提升(图3e、图4e),使该时段水域休闲价值的年平均值非常显著(图6e);在气温较低及较适中的观测日中的10:00-15:00,水域的气温、光照、景观、视野等条件使其仍具有一定休闲游憩比较优势(图6b、图6c),在气温较低的观测日中的7:00-9:00、16:00-18:00,水域休闲游憩的适宜性已变得很小(图5a、图5d),削弱了全年水域在相应时段的休闲价值(表4)。
-->Fig. 8Changes of the leisure value indexes and the recreationists’ number of research objects throughout the year

Tab. 4
Tab. 4Periods sequencing according to each index's annual average value (from high to low) of each ecological recreation space in different periods


3.2 各生态游憩空间对各年龄段群体的休闲价值比较

3.2.1 各生态空间对不同人群的休闲游憩适应度 (1)表5显示:针对老年群体,林地的休闲游憩适应度更高,其次是水域,再次是草地;针对中年群体,水域的休闲游憩适应度更高,林地和草地对中年人的休闲游憩适应度大体相同;针对青年及少儿群体,草地的休闲游憩适应度均最高,其次是水域,再次是林地。
Tab. 5
Tab. 5The adaptation indexes of each ecological recreation space to different aged recreationists in each month

Tab. 6
Tab. 6The adaptation indexes of each ecological recreation space to different aged recreationists in different periods calculated by annual average

3.2.2 各生态空间对不同人群休闲游憩适应度的影响因素比较 不同年龄段群体的休闲游憩诉求,以及各类生态空间的自身特征均存在差异。① 老年人在休闲游憩中对舒适度的要求更高、康体健身需求更强烈、对环境条件的变化更为敏感,因此其更偏好空气质量较好、气候调节作用较强、休闲游憩小环境特征更明显的林地休闲游憩,其次为水域。② 中年人的闲暇时间主要分布在每天下班之后,而全年水域在此时段的休闲游憩适宜性最为突出,因此水域对中年群体的休闲游憩适应度更高,其次是林地和草地。③ 青年群体在休闲游憩中的活动性更强,常与同龄人结伴而行且相互之间互动较多;同时,青年群体对气温等因素变化的敏感性相对较弱。因此其在休闲游憩过程中更偏好休闲游憩活动空间更广阔、与外部宏观环境条件一致性较强的草地,其次是水域和林地。④ 少儿群体的一些游憩活动特征与青年有部分相似之处,因此其对生态游憩空间的偏好与青年相似。另外,少儿群体在休闲游憩过程中常有其他类型人群陪伴,其休闲游憩偏好会受同行者的影响。⑤ 受不同个体闲暇时间分布及休闲游憩目的差异的影响,各年龄段群体休闲游憩的主要时段不同,对不同时段各生态游憩空间对不同人群的休闲游憩适应度造成直接影响。

3.3 全年各生态游憩空间休闲价值比较

3.3.1 全年各生态游憩空间的休闲价值 表7反映了全年各生态游憩空间的休闲价值。全年水域明显较高的休闲价值反映出休闲游憩者较明显的亲水特性;全年各类休闲游憩者对草地的游憩偏好高于林地,但差距相对较小。
3.3.2 全年相关因素对生态游憩空间休闲价值影响的比较 生态游憩空间的休闲价值受其环境舒适度、可游赏性、适游时间长度、游憩活动空间等因素的影响。调查分析发现:① 林地较好的环境舒适度及游赏性使其有相对较高的休闲粘性指数(表7),但林地适游时间长度、游憩活动空间的局限性削弱了其休闲趋向度与客源适应度(图3图5);② 不同人群的闲暇时间段及游憩活动强度不同,全年草地在适游时间长度及游憩活动空间方面的优势使其能迎合更多类型人群的休闲游憩需求(图5),但草地的环境舒适度及可游赏性相对不突出,削弱了其休闲粘性(图4);③ 全年水域在环境舒适度及适游时间长度方面具有优势,也有一定可游赏性,其休闲趋向度及休闲粘性最突出(图3图4),但水域在游憩活动空间方面的局限性在一定程度上削弱了其客源适应度(图5);④ 在各种因素影响下,全年选择进入水域区休闲游憩的人数最多,游憩者在水域区逗留的时间最长(表7),倾向于选择水域区进行休闲游憩的人群多样化程度虽不及草地,但优于林地,这些因素使全年水域区的休闲价值明显较高;⑤ 与林地相比,全年平均每位游憩者虽然在草地区的逗留时间较短,但选择进入草地区游憩的人数较多,全年倾向于选择草地进行休闲游憩的人群多样化程度也较高,影响了林地、草地休闲价值的对比关系。
Tab. 7
Tab. 7The annual mean value of each index of each ecological recreation space


4 结论与讨论

(1)在各生态游憩空间休闲价值时间分布方面:① 全年各类生态游憩空间休闲价值时间分布的不均衡特征明显;② 水域客源适应度,草地休闲粘性及休闲趋向度,林地休闲粘性、休闲趋向度及客源适应度的时段局限性均较突出,在此影响下,各生态游憩空间休闲价值的时间局限性由弱到强依次为水域、草地和林地;③ 各类生态游憩空间的各项指标值会随外部条件变化而变化,但变化趋向及幅度的不同使各生态游憩空间的休闲功能在时间维度上形成一定错位和互补;④ 全年除气温偏高及偏低时段之外的大部分时间,水域各项指标值在三类生态游憩空间中均为最高;而在全年大部分时间,林地与草地的各指标值均较低,其中林地客源适应度、草地休闲粘性偏低的时间占比过高;⑤ 在三类生态空间中,林地休闲价值处于最高水平的时间不足全年的1/4,主要分布在外部气温较高、光照较强的时段;草地休闲价值处于最高水平的时间不足全年的1/8,主要分布在外部气温、光照等条件较适宜休闲的时段。
(2)在各生态游憩空间对各年龄段人群的休闲游憩适应性方面:① 林地对老年人的休闲游憩适应度最高、中年人更偏好水域休闲游憩、青年及少儿更偏好草地休闲游憩;② 不同时段生态游憩空间对各年龄段人群的休闲游憩适应度不同,老年、中年、青年、少儿最偏好的休闲游憩时段分别为7:00-9:00、19:00-21:00、13:00-15:00、10:00-12:00。
(3)在各生态游憩空间休闲价值影响因素方面:① 在户外气温、光照、风速等条件较不适宜休闲游憩的时段,林地具有形成差异化休闲小环境的优势,水域次之,而草地的休闲条件同外部高度一致。但在部分时段,林地中观景视野受限、游客活动所需光线不足及活动空间受限等削弱了林地的休闲价值;气温偏高或偏低、光照偏强、风速较大等因素削弱了草地和水域休闲价值;较有限的游憩活动空间等对水域休闲价值造成一定消极影响。② 在各生态游憩空间的各项指标中,林地休闲趋向度与客源适应度、草地休闲趋向度、水域客源适应度的总体水平相对滞后,对相应生态游憩空间的休闲价值造成一定制约。③ 在各种因素影响下,全年水域的休闲价值最突出,然后依次为草地和林地。
本文尚需在两个方面做进一步的探讨:① 本文主要分析了居民针对研究区不同生态游憩空间的休闲游憩行为选择特征。若将研究对象换作以外地游客为主要客流的生态游憩空间,游客的休闲游憩行为特征会出现变化,日后需在此方面进一步研究。② 本文选择的研究区为中纬度亚热带季风气候区,若以其他类型气候区为研究对象,不同的气候条件必将使各类生态游憩空间休闲价值呈现不同的动态变化特征,因此有必要开展不同类型气候区的对比性研究。
The authors have declared that no competing interests exist.

参考文献 原文顺序

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https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ufug.2011.11.003URL [本文引用: 1]摘要
Although community attachment and urban green space provide many benefits to local residents, the relationship between them seems to be unknown. The aim of the study was to analyse this relationship. The objective was to investigate the influence of public green space and recreation behaviour on community attachment and explore differences in community attachment between urban and suburban resi...
[2]陈佳平. 郑州城市生态旅游空间构建与发展策略研究
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<h2 class="secHeading" id="section_abstract">Abstract</h2><p id="abspara0010">This article describes a qualitative analysis of place-based meanings held by members of a conservation advocacy, or "Friends of&hellip;," group living within watershed boundaries surrounding a public, urban arboretum in South Central Wisconsin. Responses to semi-structured interview questions were analyzed using an iterative analytic method. Indicators of place-based meanings associated with this urban natural area were assessed from interview transcripts. An integrative model of Arboretum Meanings emerged from the analysis highlighting place meanings associated with various attributes of the area. Use of this urban natural area was often associated with a deep appreciation of its biodiversity, as a location for sanctuary or escape, a place for recreation and exercise, and as a meeting place for friends and family. Results are discussed in terms of how place-based meanings can inform land managers and conservation advocacy group leaders to better understand their stakeholders, maintain the most desirable elements of urban natural areas, and reduce potential conflict resulting from divergent place meanings among user groups.</p><h4 id="secGabs_Nace203d0N7cd50cd0">Highlights</h4><p>? Place meanings included four main themes: nature, sanctuary, activity, and society. ? Concerns included property misuse, development, deer, and invasive species. ? Understanding stakeholder language can help managers craft engagement strategies.</p>
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https://doi.org/10.1007/s10531-010-9888-8URLMagsci [本文引用: 1]摘要
Ecosystem services are vital for humans in urban regions. However, urban development poses a great risk for the ability of ecosystems to provide these services. In this paper we first address the most important ecosystem services in functional urban regions in Finland. Well accessible and good quality recreational ecosystem services, for example, provided by urban nature, are an important part of a high-quality living environment and important for public health. Vegetation of urban regions can have a role in carbon dioxide sequestration and thus in climate change mitigation. For instance, estimates of carbon sinks can be compared to total CO<sub>2</sub> emissions of an urban region, and the municipality can aim at both increasing carbon sinks and decreasing CO<sub>2</sub> emissions with proper land-use planning. Large and contiguous core nature areas, smaller green areas and ecological connections between them are the essence of regional ecological networks and are essential for maintaining interconnected habitats for species and thus biological diversity. Thus, both local and regional level ecological networks are vital for maintaining ecosystem services in urban regions. The impacts of climate change coupled with land-use and land cover change will bring serious challenges for maintaining ecosystem services in urban areas. Although not yet widely used in planning practices, the ecosystem services approach can provide an opportunity for land-use planning to develop ecologically sustainable urban regions. Currently, information on ecosystem services of urban regions is lacking and there is a need to improve the knowledge base for land-use planning.
[5]李华. 上海城市生态游憩空间格局及其优化研究
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URL [本文引用: 1]摘要
运用缓冲区的空间分析方法,在 对居民使用者主体的游憩行为特征调研和分析的基础上,通过服务半径及其覆盖率反映生态游憩空间的服务适宜度的区域差异,从而揭示上海城市生态游憩空间的格 局分异特征,发现服务覆盖率低和分布不均的空间格局影响了市民游憩的适宜度,从而导致上海整体生态游憩空间的服务功能的较低水平。据此提出优化对策:市中 心应注重空间整合的立体化与纵深化,近郊及中外圈区域的优化重点是空间布局的均匀性与渗透性,同时重视和加强多功能的生态游憩廊道系统的构建和生态游憩空 间建设的近自然性与软质化。
[Li Hua.The pattern and optimization of urban ecological recreation space in Shanghai.
Economic Geography, 2014, 34(1): 174-180.]
URL [本文引用: 1]摘要
运用缓冲区的空间分析方法,在 对居民使用者主体的游憩行为特征调研和分析的基础上,通过服务半径及其覆盖率反映生态游憩空间的服务适宜度的区域差异,从而揭示上海城市生态游憩空间的格 局分异特征,发现服务覆盖率低和分布不均的空间格局影响了市民游憩的适宜度,从而导致上海整体生态游憩空间的服务功能的较低水平。据此提出优化对策:市中 心应注重空间整合的立体化与纵深化,近郊及中外圈区域的优化重点是空间布局的均匀性与渗透性,同时重视和加强多功能的生态游憩廊道系统的构建和生态游憩空 间建设的近自然性与软质化。
[6]Jay M, Schraml U.Managing city forests for or in spite of recreation? Perspectives of forest managers.
European Journal of Forest Research, 2013, 132(1): 93-105.
https://doi.org/10.1007/s10342-012-0658-xURLMagsci [本文引用: 1]摘要
This paper provides insights into foresters' perceptions of forest recreation and its management. It is based on qualitative interviews with foresters in Berlin and the region of Stuttgart, Germany (N = 16). The results highlight the lack of strategic planning concerned with recreation management at both locations. Moreover, recreation management seems to depend mostly on the local forester in charge. Foresters' perceptions of recreation, in turn, appear to be closely linked with how they perceive their work. Three narratives of the foresters' self-perception are constructed that address three key items: perception of foresters' skills and tasks, perception of the societal and political context of the foresters' work and of their own scope of action in this context, and visions for future recreation management. The first narrative emphasises classical forestry and silvicultural aspects; the second understands foresters as multifunctional service providers for communal clients; and the last criticises the classical orientation of forestry and highlights new challenges for foresters in urban areas. These three views of recreation management in urban forests relate to classical forestry culture in different ways: either embodying this culture; differentiating from it; or adopting a new view which challenges this culture. Further research needs are discussed. The paper lastly argues for increased awareness of the importance of the social dimensions of forest management as one of the crucial future challenges for the forestry profession.
[7]Vigerstol K L, Aukema J E.A comparison of tools for modeling freshwater ecosystem services.
Journal of Environmental Management, 2011, 92(10): 2403-2409.
https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jenvman.2011.06.040URLPMID:21763063Magsci [本文引用: 1]摘要
<h2 class="secHeading" id="section_abstract">Abstract</h2><p id="abspara0010">Interest in ecosystem services has grown tremendously among a wide range of sectors, including government agencies, NGO&rsquo;s and the business community. Ecosystem services entailing freshwater (e.g. flood control, the provision of hydropower, and water supply), as well as carbon storage and sequestration, have received the greatest attention in both scientific and on-the-ground applications. Given the newness of the field and the variety of tools for predicting water-based services, it is difficult to know which tools to use for different questions. There are two types of freshwater-related tools &ndash; traditional hydrologic tools and newer ecosystem services tools. Here we review two of the most prominent tools of each type and their possible applications. In particular, we compare the data requirements, ease of use, questions addressed, and interpretability of results among the models. We discuss the strengths, challenges and most appropriate applications of the different models. Traditional hydrological tools provide more detail whereas ecosystem services tools tend to be more accessible to non-experts and can provide a good general picture of these ecosystem services. We also suggest gaps in the modeling toolbox that would provide the greatest advances by improving existing tools.</p><h4 id="secGabs_N74965650N4236daf8">Highlights</h4><p>? We compared examples of two classes of models for freshwater ecosystem services. ? Traditional hydrological models include SWAT and VIC. ? Ecosystem Services specific models include InVEST and ARIES. ? We compared key inputs, outputs, services modeled, usability, and interpretability. ? Hydrological tools give more detail but ecosystem services tools are more accessible.</p>
[8]韩秋萍, 张修玉, 许振成, . 珠三角生态屏障区森林生态系统服务功能价值核算: 以韶关市为例.
中国人口·资源与环境, 2014, 24(5): 430-434.
URL [本文引用: 1]摘要
Han Qiuping, Zhang Xiuyu, Xu Zhencheng, et al. Forest ecosystem services calculation in Ecological Barrier Region Pearl River Delta: A case study of Shaoguan city
. China Population, Resources and Environment, 2014,24(5): 430-434.
URL [本文引用: 1]摘要
[9]Fang Q H, Zhang L P, Hong H S, et al.Ecological function zoning for environmental planning at different levels
. Environment, Development and Sustainability, 2008, 10(1): 41-49.
<a name="Abs1"></a>Environmental planning at different levels has been called for by environmental departments in China during last years to integrate environment consideration to economic development. Based on the accomplished environmental planning practice in Xiamen China, the paper suggests a general environmental planning process with ecological function zoning as its key steps, at the same time an effective method for ecological function zoning was formulated. The case studies of Dongfu suburban town environmental planning and Xiamen eco-city conceptual planning indicate that scientifically sound results of ecological function zoning can contribute to improving not only the adaptability and acceptability of environmental planning, also the environmental management and the decision-making. The experience shows that the ecological function zoning methods should be applied according to the principles of adaptive management, resource-based and community-based, so that it can integrate science into decision-making process, avoiding both narrow-minded viewpoints of planners and natural resource use conflicts among variety of stakeholders. Problems to be resolved in the future are also pointed out in the ending part.
[10]Costanza R, D'Arge R, Groot R, et al. The value of the world's ecosystem services and natural capital.
Nature, 1997, 387(6630): 253-260.
https://doi.org/10.1038/387253a0URL [本文引用: 1]摘要
The services of ecological systems and the natural capital stocks that produce them are critical to the functioning of the Earth's life-support system. They contribute to human welfare, both directly and indirectly, and therefore represent part of the total economic value of the planet. We have estimated the current economic value of 17 ecosystem services for 16 biomes, based on published studies and a few original calculations. For the entire biosphere, the value (most of which is outside the market) is estimated to be in the range of US$16-54 trillion (10) per year, with an average of US$33 trillion per year. Because of the nature of the uncertainties, this must be considered a minimum estimate. Global gross national product total is around US$18 trillion per year.
[11]Sutton P C, Costanza R.Global estimates of market and non-market values derived from nighttime satellite imagery, land cover, and ecosystem service valuation.
Ecological Economics, 2002, 41(3): 509-527.
https://doi.org/10.1016/S0921-8009(02)00097-6URL [本文引用: 1]摘要
We estimated global marketed and non-marketed economic value from two classified satellite images with global coverage at 1 km2 resolution. GDP (a measure of marketed economic output) is correlated with the amount of light energy (LE) emitted by that nation as measured by nighttime satellite images. LE emitted is more spatially explicit than whole country GDP, may (for some nations or regions) be a more accurate indicator of economic activity than GDP itself, can be directly observed, and can be easily updated on an annual basis. As far as we know, this is the first global map of estimated economic activity produced at this high spatial resolution (1 km2). Ecosystem services product (ESP) is an important type of non-marketed value. ESP at 1 km2 resolution was estimated using the IGBP land-cover dataset and unit ecosystem service values estimated by Costanza et al. [Valuing Ecosystem Services with Efficiency, Fairness and Sustainability as Goals. Nature's Services, Island Press, Washington DC, pp. 49鈥70]. The sum of these two (GDP+ESP)=SEP is a measure of the subtotal ecological鈥揺conomic product (marketed plus a significant portion of the non-marketed). The ratio: (ESP/SEP)脳100=%ESP is a measure of proportion of the SEP from ecosystem services. Both SEP and %ESP were calculated and mapped for each 1 km2 pixel on the earth's surface, and aggregated by country. Results show the detailed spatial patterns of GDP, ESP, and SEP (also available at: http://www.du.edu/psutton/esiindexisee/EcolEconESI.htm). Globally, while GDP is concentrated in the northern industrialized countries, ESP is concentrated in tropical regions and in wetlands and other coastal systems. %ESP ranges from 1% for Belgium and Luxembourg to 3% for the Netherlands, 18% for India, 22% for the United States, 49% for Costa Rica, 57% for Chile, 73% for Brazil, and 92% for Russia. While GDP per capita has the usual northern industrialized countries at the top of the list, SEP per capita shows a quite different picture, with a mixture of countries with either high GDP/capita, high ESP/capita, or a combination near the top of the list. Finally, we compare our results with two other indices: (1) The 2001 Environmental Sustainability Index (ESI) derived as an initiative of the Global Leaders of Tomorrow Environment Task Force, World Economic Forum, and (2) Ecological Footprints of Nations: How much Nature do they use? How much Nature do they have? developed by Mathis Wackernagel and others. While both of these indices purport to measure sustainability, the ESI is actually mainly a measure of economic activity (and is correlated with GDP), while the Eco-Footprint index is a measure of environmental impact. The related eco-deficit (national ecological capacity minus national footprint) correlates well with %ESP.
[12]Lal P.Economic valuation of mangroves and decision-making in the Pacific.
Ocean & Coastal Management, 2003, 46(9-10): 823-844.
Economists have always argued that only when people bear true economic costs of using natural resources, such as mangroves, that they will have appropriate incentives to use them efficiently and minimize their degradation and losses. More recently, non-economists, too, have started to call for the use of economic valuation information to argue for conservation of mangroves. This paper briefly examines the role economic valuation information can play, at least theoretically, in encouraging conservation of mangroves and increasing efficiency in resource use. In practice, the paper argues that a number of difficulties are likely to be encountered when determining true economic value of mangroves, particularly when small areas of mangroves are involved. A total reliance on economic valuation-based decision-making is questioned, particularly in the light of minimal ecological information often available in small island nations in the Pacific. An alternative decision-making process is proposed in which the relevance of economic valuation-based decision-making is recognized but at a second tier level.
[13]Sim?es P, Barata E, Cruz L.Using count data and ordered models in national forest recreation demand analysis.
Environmental Management, 2013, 52(5): 1249-1261.
This research addresses the need to improve our knowledge on the demand for national forests for recreation and offers an in-depth data analysis supported by the complementary use of count data and ordered models. From a policy-making perspective, while count data models enable the estimation of monetary welfare measures, ordered models allow for the wider use of the database and provide a more flexible analysis of data. The main purpose of this article is to analyse the individual forest recreation demand and to derive a measure of its current use value. To allow a more complete analysis of the forest recreation demand structure the econometric approach supplements the use of count data models with ordered category models using data obtained by means of an on-site survey in the Bussaco National Forest (Portugal). Overall, both models reveal that travel cost and substitute prices are important explanatory variables, visits are a normal good and demographic variables seem to have no influence on demand. In particular, estimated price and income elasticities of demand are quite low. Accordingly, it is possible to argue that travel cost (price) in isolation may be expected to have a low impact on visitation levels.
[14]Bartczak A, Englin J, Pang A.When are forest visits valued the most? An analysis of the seasonal demand for forest recreation in Poland.
Environmental and Resource Economics, 2012, 52(2): 249-264.
Abstract<br/>While the demand for forest recreation has been a topic covered in many studies, little attention has been paid so far to seasonal demand. In a forest context, the seasonal analysis is particularly interesting because of inter-temporal change in forest attributes throughout the year which can influence trip-taking behavior. In this paper, the model of seasonal forest visitation is developed to provide a richer understanding of the role played by seasonal fluctuation on a distribution of forest social benefits. The analysis is based on an on-site survey conducted in four forests in Poland. Results show that the most valuable forest trips are those taken in fall and that seasonal trips are separable.<br/>
[15]高雅, 林慧龙. 草地生态系统服务价值估算前瞻
. 草业学报, 2014, 23(3): 290-301.
https://doi.org/10.11686/cyxb20140335URLMagsci [本文引用: 1]摘要
[Gao Ya, Lin Huilong.The prospects for rangeland ecosystem services evaluation.
Acta Prataculturae Sinica, 2014, 23(3): 290-301.]
https://doi.org/10.11686/cyxb20140335URLMagsci [本文引用: 1]摘要
[16]Biedenweg K, Akyuz K, Skeele R.Balancing riparian management and river recreation: Methods and applications for exploring floater behavior and their interaction with large wood.
Environmental Management, 2012, 50(2): 283-295.
Abstract<br/>River managers are tasked with meeting both ecological and human needs. In the Puget Sound lowland, riparian management often includes placing or allowing the presence of large wood to stabilize riverbanks and enhance salmon habitat. Although this practice benefits humans by protecting infrastructure and natural resources, it is unclear how such practices interact with an additional human interest, recreation. Furthermore, we were unable to find studies that describe how an agency can go about researching the interaction between recreation and large wood management practices. This study tested methods for describing and estimating the number of river floaters, where they float in relationship to river projects, the risks they take while floating, and their perceptions of large wood in the river. Selecting a high-use suburban river in Washington State, we used riverside observations, interviews, and an infrared counter to gather data in the summer of 2010. Statistical analyses provided general characteristics of users, trends in engaging in risky behaviors, and estimates of use for the entire season and on the busiest day. Data mapping with GIS presented the density of use along the river and frequency of use of specific float routes. Finally, qualitative analysis of interviews clarified floaters’ perspectives of large wood. To address the multiple mandates of river managers, it is important to understand recreation users, the factors that could be putting them at risk, and how the actual users perceive large wood in the river. This study demonstrates methods for scientifically gathering such information and applying it when making riparian management decisions.<br/>
[17]赵军, 杨凯. 生态系统服务价值评估研究进展
. 生态学报, 2007, 27(1): 346-356.
https://doi.org/10.3321/j.issn:1000-0933.2007.01.041URL [本文引用: 1]摘要
生态系统服务价值评估是当前生 态经济学和环境经济学的研究热点和焦点。在系统回顾国内外生态系统服务价值评估研究进展的基础上,从研究对象、价值构成、研究方法、时空过程等4个方面对 生态系统服务价值评估的当前特征进行了分析,探讨了价值评估中评估基础、评价方法以及结论应用等问题。指出国内必须加强生态系统服务理论和方法研究,展望 了未来生态系统服务价值评估研究和工作的重点领域。
[Zhao Jun, Yang Kai.Valuation of ecosystem services characteristics issues and prospects.
Acta Ecologica Sinica, 2007, 27(1): 346-356.]
https://doi.org/10.3321/j.issn:1000-0933.2007.01.041URL [本文引用: 1]摘要
生态系统服务价值评估是当前生 态经济学和环境经济学的研究热点和焦点。在系统回顾国内外生态系统服务价值评估研究进展的基础上,从研究对象、价值构成、研究方法、时空过程等4个方面对 生态系统服务价值评估的当前特征进行了分析,探讨了价值评估中评估基础、评价方法以及结论应用等问题。指出国内必须加强生态系统服务理论和方法研究,展望 了未来生态系统服务价值评估研究和工作的重点领域。
[18]王军, 严慎纯, 余莉, . 土地整理的生态系统服务价值评估与生态设计策略: 以吉林省大安市土地整理项目为例
. 应用生态学报, 2014, 25(4): 1093-1099.
URLMagsci [本文引用: 1]摘要
<p>土地整理作为土地利用变化的重要驱动因素,显著改变土地利用和景观格局,对区域生态系统功能及其服务价值产生影响.本文以吉林省大安市的土地整理项目为例,利用生态服务价值模型计算了村域、镇域和县域尺度下土地整理区的生态服务价值及其总量变化.结果表明: 以增加耕地为目标的土地整理项目易造成草地和湿地等具有较高生态服务价值的地类减少,导致不同尺度下土地整理区生态服务价值总量出现不同程度的下降.村域尺度下,整理后研究区总的生态服务价值为796.14万元,较整理前减少10.5%;镇域尺度下,整理后总的生态服务价值为84301.26万元,较整理前减少14.2%;县域尺度下,整理后总的生态服务价值为120585.76万元,较整理前减少33.1%.根据土地整理的生态服务价值评估,从提高生态功能入手,最后提出了土地整理的景观生态设计策略,以期为土地整理的持续发展提供决策依据.</p>
[Wang Jun, Yan Shenchun, Yu Li, et al.Evaluation of ecosystem service value and strategies for ecological design in land consolidation: A case of land consolidation project in Da'an city, Jilin province, China.
Chinese Journal of Applied Ecology, 2014, 25(4): 1093-1099.]
URLMagsci [本文引用: 1]摘要
<p>土地整理作为土地利用变化的重要驱动因素,显著改变土地利用和景观格局,对区域生态系统功能及其服务价值产生影响.本文以吉林省大安市的土地整理项目为例,利用生态服务价值模型计算了村域、镇域和县域尺度下土地整理区的生态服务价值及其总量变化.结果表明: 以增加耕地为目标的土地整理项目易造成草地和湿地等具有较高生态服务价值的地类减少,导致不同尺度下土地整理区生态服务价值总量出现不同程度的下降.村域尺度下,整理后研究区总的生态服务价值为796.14万元,较整理前减少10.5%;镇域尺度下,整理后总的生态服务价值为84301.26万元,较整理前减少14.2%;县域尺度下,整理后总的生态服务价值为120585.76万元,较整理前减少33.1%.根据土地整理的生态服务价值评估,从提高生态功能入手,最后提出了土地整理的景观生态设计策略,以期为土地整理的持续发展提供决策依据.</p>
[19]房学宁, 赵文武. 生态系统服务研究进展: 2013年第11届国际生态学大会(INTECOL Congress) 会议述评
. 生态学报, 2013, 33(20): 6736-6740.
[Fang Xuening, Zhao Wenwu.The research progress on ecological system service: The review of the 11th INTECOL Congress.
Acta Ecologica Sinica, 2013, 33(20): 6736-6740.]
[20]Estoque R C, Murayama Y.Examining the potential impact of land use cover changes on the ecosystem services of Baguio city, the Philippines: A scenario-based analysis. Applied Geography, 2012(35): 316-326.https://doi.org/10.1016/j.apgeog.2012.08.006URL [本文引用: 1]摘要
The main purpose of this study is to examine the potential impacts of the past and future land use/cover (LUC) changes on the ecosystem services of Baguio city, the Philippines, and discuss their implications for policy development and implementation. Remote sensing-derived LUC maps for 1988, 1998 and 2009, along with GEOMOD, a Geographic Information Systems-based LUC change model, and ecosystem service value (ESV) coefficients were used to facilitate the analysis. The results revealed a decrease in the ESV of Baguio for the past 21 years (1988鈥2009), of which a substantial amount was due to loss of forest cover. Consequently, the human-to-ESV (H-ESV) ratio has decreased over the years. The scenario-based LUC change analysis revealed that if the urban LUC change pattern continues, the total ESV and the H-ESV ratio will also continue to decrease in 2020, especially if the forest cover is not fully protected and conserved. Geospatial tools and techniques facilitate exploratory analysis critical to the understanding of the potential impacts of future LUC changes under different scenarios. Our results highlighted that under the great pressure of urbanization, there is a need to strengthen the proper implementation of policies in order to maintain and improve ecosystem services. Although there are limitations to the estimated ESVs of Baguio to be taken into account in future studies, the magnitude of the estimated changes in the LUC is substantial. Thus, it may still be possible to draw general inferences about the effect of the perceived LUC changes on the estimated ESVs.
[21]谢正宇, 李文华, 谢正君, . 艾比湖湿地自然保护区生态系统服务功能价值评估
. 干旱区地理, 2011, 34(3): 532-540.
URL [本文引用: 1]摘要
生态系统服务功能价值评估是提高环境资源有价意识的重要环节,是 推行绿色GDP指标落实的必备条件.采用市场价值法、替代法、碳税法、费用支出法等生态系统服务功能评估方法对新疆艾比湖湿地自然保护区的生态服务功能计 算得出:该系统生态服务功能价值达到68.65×108元/a,是该地区2007年社会生产总值的89.06%.因此,遏制艾比湖湿地系统退化不仅是当地 面临的环境问题,而且是关联社会可持续发展的经济问题.
[Xie Zhengyu, Li Wenhua, Xie Zhengjun, et al.Evaluation of ecological service of Ebinur Lake Wetland Nature Reserve.
Arid Land Geography, 2011, 34(3): 532-540.]
URL [本文引用: 1]摘要
生态系统服务功能价值评估是提高环境资源有价意识的重要环节,是 推行绿色GDP指标落实的必备条件.采用市场价值法、替代法、碳税法、费用支出法等生态系统服务功能评估方法对新疆艾比湖湿地自然保护区的生态服务功能计 算得出:该系统生态服务功能价值达到68.65×108元/a,是该地区2007年社会生产总值的89.06%.因此,遏制艾比湖湿地系统退化不仅是当地 面临的环境问题,而且是关联社会可持续发展的经济问题.
[22]庄大昌, 杨青生. 广州市城市湿地生态系统服务功能价值评估
. 热带地理, 2009, 29(5): 407-411.
在实地调查和试验的基础上,依据资源经济学和生态经济学的理论和方法,以及广州市城市湿地资源的特点,分析广州市城市湿地资源的价值,并对广州市城市湿地资源的直接利用价值和间接利用价值进行了货币化评估.由此得出湿地资源的总价值量为66.805 3亿元人民币,其中湿地生态系统直接利用价值为66.3318亿元人民币,占99.3%.评估结果表明,广州市城市湿地资源资产价值主要表现在湿地生态系统的直接利用价值.因此,保护好广州市城市湿地生态环境,合理开发广州市城市湿地资源,才能实现其可持续利用,保证区域经济的可持续发展.
[Zhuang Dachang, Yang Qingsheng.Evaluation of the urban wetlands ecosystem service function in Guangzhou.
Tropical Geography, 2009, 29(5): 407-411.]
在实地调查和试验的基础上,依据资源经济学和生态经济学的理论和方法,以及广州市城市湿地资源的特点,分析广州市城市湿地资源的价值,并对广州市城市湿地资源的直接利用价值和间接利用价值进行了货币化评估.由此得出湿地资源的总价值量为66.805 3亿元人民币,其中湿地生态系统直接利用价值为66.3318亿元人民币,占99.3%.评估结果表明,广州市城市湿地资源资产价值主要表现在湿地生态系统的直接利用价值.因此,保护好广州市城市湿地生态环境,合理开发广州市城市湿地资源,才能实现其可持续利用,保证区域经济的可持续发展.
[23]董雪旺, 张捷, 刘传华, . 条件价值法中的偏差分析及信度和效度检验: 以九寨沟游憩价值评估为例
. 地理学报, 2011, 66(2): 267-278.
条件价值法(CVM) 是一种基于虚拟市场的公共物品价值评估方法,其假想性使得人们对 其信度和效度缺乏信任,评估结果的精度成为学术界广泛争议的焦点。采用CVM价值评估方 法,对九寨沟世界自然遗产地的游憩价值进行了评估,并结合国内其他相关文献,对CVM在旅 游资源价值评估中存在的偏差进行了分析述评,最后对CVM的评估结果进行了再测信度、内容 效度和收敛效度检验。研究发现:① 九寨沟旅游资源2008、2009 年的游憩价值分别为3.33 亿 元、3.46 亿元。与其他方法相比,CVM的评估结果明显偏低。② CVM在旅游资源价值评估中存 在的偏差包括研究方法本身的偏差和研究实施过程中产生的偏差。前者包括假想偏差、信息偏 差、抗议性偏差以及策略性偏差等;后者包括CVM调查在总体和样本的界定、样本规模的确定、 抽样方式的选择、调查方式和回收率、数据的统计和分析等环节出现的偏差。③ 再测信度检验 表明本研究的信度较高,即评估结果具有较高的稳定性和可重复性;而内容效度和收敛效度检 验则表明本研究对九寨沟进行的CVM调查不具有良好的效度,CVM有低估旅游资源价值的倾 向。④ CVM今后的研究重点应从个案研究向信度和效度检验转向,为此需要尽快建立完善适 合发展中国家的CVM实施规范,提高CVM评估结果的信度和效度。
[Dong Xuewang, Zhang Jie, Liu Chuanhua, et al.Bias analysis and reliability and validity test in contingent valuation method: A case study of assessment of Jiuzhaigou's recreational value.
Acta Geographica Sinica, 2011, 66(2): 267-278.]
条件价值法(CVM) 是一种基于虚拟市场的公共物品价值评估方法,其假想性使得人们对 其信度和效度缺乏信任,评估结果的精度成为学术界广泛争议的焦点。采用CVM价值评估方 法,对九寨沟世界自然遗产地的游憩价值进行了评估,并结合国内其他相关文献,对CVM在旅 游资源价值评估中存在的偏差进行了分析述评,最后对CVM的评估结果进行了再测信度、内容 效度和收敛效度检验。研究发现:① 九寨沟旅游资源2008、2009 年的游憩价值分别为3.33 亿 元、3.46 亿元。与其他方法相比,CVM的评估结果明显偏低。② CVM在旅游资源价值评估中存 在的偏差包括研究方法本身的偏差和研究实施过程中产生的偏差。前者包括假想偏差、信息偏 差、抗议性偏差以及策略性偏差等;后者包括CVM调查在总体和样本的界定、样本规模的确定、 抽样方式的选择、调查方式和回收率、数据的统计和分析等环节出现的偏差。③ 再测信度检验 表明本研究的信度较高,即评估结果具有较高的稳定性和可重复性;而内容效度和收敛效度检 验则表明本研究对九寨沟进行的CVM调查不具有良好的效度,CVM有低估旅游资源价值的倾 向。④ CVM今后的研究重点应从个案研究向信度和效度检验转向,为此需要尽快建立完善适 合发展中国家的CVM实施规范,提高CVM评估结果的信度和效度。
[24]Ojeda M I, Mayer A S.Economic valuation of environmental services sustained by water flows in the Yaqui River Delta.
Ecological Economics, 2008, 65(1): 155-166.
We attempted to estimate the economic value of environmental services provided by restored instream flows in the water-scarce Yaqui River Delta in Mexico. The Yaqui River begins near the U.S.-Mexico border and continues for 400脗 km before reaching the Oviachic dam, but has not reached the nearby Gulf of California for decades due to diversions for irrigation. These diversions have degraded the riparian ecosystem, coastal wetlands, and estuaries. Environmental services provided by restored flows in the Yaqui River would include healthy riverside vegetation, wetlands and estuaries, fish and wildlife habitats, non-use values, and recreation. A contingent valuation survey in 40 neighborhoods in the most populated Delta city, Ciudad Obregon, was administered to estimate non-market values of instream uses. Respondents were given a current and hypothetical Delta scenario (the latter assumed restored water flows in the River) and asked a willingness-to-pay (WTP) question regarding purchasing water for environmental flows through higher water bills. Results from 148 in-person interviews indicated that households would pay an average of 73 pesos monthly. WTP was found related to key variables suggested by economic theory and contingent valuation studies elsewhere: income, educational level, number of children in the household, and initial bid amount. These results will allow decision makers to compare the benefits generated by different water uses, including environmental services, and to manage scarce water resources under a long-term sustainable approach.
[25]Lee C K, Mjelde J W.Valuation of ecotourism resources using a contingent valuation method: The case of the Korean DMZ.
Ecological Economics, 2007, 63(2-3): 511-520.
Findings suggest hypothetical bias is present in the survey. Including a real payment vehicle may reduce hypothetical bias in eliciting willingness-to-pay (WTP). Best estimates are the mean WTP is US $ 16.74 per capita. Aggregate preservation value lies between US $264 and $602million. These findings indicate that conservation of the DMZ and CCZ is not only important for moral and ecological reasons, but the DMZ and CCZ are of considerable economic value to South Koreans. Any development unfriendly to the environment will degrade the quality of the ecosystem of the DMZ, as well as, decrease its economic value.
[26]谢高地, 鲁春霞, 肖玉. 青藏高原高寒草地生态系统服务价值评估
. 山地学报, 2003, 21(1): 50-55.
[Xie Gaodi, Lu Chunxia, Xiao Yu, et al.The economic evaluation of grassland ecosystem services in Qinghai Tibet Plateau.
Journal of Mountain Science, 2003, 21(1): 50-55.]
[27]江波, 欧阳志云, 苗鸿, . 海河流域湿地生态系统服务功能价值评价
. 生态学报, 2011, 31(8): 2236-2244.
[Jiang Bo, Ouyang Zhiyun, Miao Hong, et al.Ecosystem services valuation of the Haihe River basin wetlands.
Acta Ecologica Sinica, 2011, 31(8): 2236-2244.]
[28]Guerry A D, Ruckelshaus M H, Arkema K K, et al.Modeling benefits from nature: Using ecosystem services to inform coastal and marine spatial planning. International Journal of Biodiversity Science,
Ecosystem Services & Management, 2012, 8(1-2): 107-121.
People around the world are looking to marine ecosystems to provide additional benefits to society. As they consider expanding current uses and investing in new ones, new management approaches are needed that will sustain the delivery of the diverse benefits that people want and need. An ecosystem services framework provides metrics for assessing the quantity, quality, and value of benefits obtained from different portfolios of uses. Such a framework has been developed for assessments on land, and is now being developed for application to marine ecosystems. Here, we present marine Integrated Valuation of Ecosystem Services and Tradeoffs (InVEST), a new tool to assess (i.e., map, model, and value) multiple services provided by marine ecosystems. It allows one to estimate changes in a suite of services under different management scenarios and to investigate trade-offs among the scenarios, including implications of drivers like climate. We describe key inputs and outputs of each of the component ecosystem service models and present results from an application to the West Coast of Vancouver Island, British Columbia, Canada. The results demonstrate how marine InVEST can be used to help shape the dialogue and inform decision making in a marine spatial planning context.
[29]Alpizar F, Carlsson F, Martinsson P.Using choice experiments for non-market valuation.
Economic Issues Journal Articles, 2003, 8(1): 83-110.
[本文引用: 1]
[30]Perino G, Andrews B, Kontoleon A, et al.The value of urban green space in Britain: A methodological framework for spatially referenced benefit transfer.
Environmental and Resource Economics, 2014, 57(2): 251-272.
https://doi.org/10.1007/s10640-013-9665-8URL [本文引用: 1]摘要
A meta-analysis of studies valuing urban greenspace in the UK is undertaken to yield spatially sensitive marginal value functions. A geographical information system (GIS) is used to apply these functions to spatial data detailing the location of such greenspace resources in five British cities. Changes in monetary values are computed for the six future scenarios used in the UK National Ecosystem Assessment for the period 2010鈥2060. Different degrees of substitutability between urban greenspaces are considered. These findings are then extrapolated to all major British cities to obtain per household and aggregate valuation estimates for each scenario both with and without distributional weights. While subject to a number of shortcomings in both data availability and methodology, this represents the first systematic and comprehensive attempt to value marginal changes in urban greenspace while accounting for spatial heterogeneity.
[31]Casado-Arzuaga I, Onaindia M, Madariaga I, et al.Mapping recreation and aesthetic value of ecosystems in the Bilbao Metropolitan Greenbelt (northern Spain) to support landscape planning.
Landscape Ecology, 2014, 29(8): 1393-1405.
https://doi.org/10.1007/s10980-013-9945-2URL [本文引用: 1]摘要
This paper presents a method to quantify cultural ecosystem services (ES) and their spatial distribution in the landscape based on ecological structure and social evaluation approaches. The method aims to provide quantified assessments of ES to support land use planning decisions. A GIS-based approach was used to estimate and map the provision of recreation and aesthetic services supplied by ecosystems in a peri-urban area located in the Basque Country, northern Spain. Data of two different public participation processes (frequency of visits to 25 different sites within the study area and aesthetic value of different landscape units) were used to validate the maps. Three maps were obtained as results: a map showing the provision of recreation services, an aesthetic value map and a map of the correspondences and differences between both services. The data obtained in the participation processes were found useful for the validation of the maps. A weak spatial correlation was found between aesthetic quality and recreation provision services, with an overlap of the highest values for both services only in 7.2% of the area. A consultation with decision-makers indicated that the results were considered useful to identify areas that can be targeted for improvement of landscape and recreation management.
[32]冯维波. 我国城市游憩空间研究现状与重点发展领域
. 地球科学进展, 2006, 21(6): 585-592.
https://doi.org/10.3321/j.issn:1001-8166.2006.06.004URLMagsci [本文引用: 1]摘要
[Feng Weibo.The progress of urban recreation space research and its major development field in China.
Advances in Earth Science, 2006, 21(6): 585-592.]
https://doi.org/10.3321/j.issn:1001-8166.2006.06.004URLMagsci [本文引用: 1]摘要
[33]James P, Bound D.Urban morphology types and open space distribution in urban core areas.
Urban Ecosystems, 2009, 12(4): 417-424.
https://doi.org/10.1007/s11252-009-0083-1URLMagsci [本文引用: 1]摘要
<a name="Abs1"></a>Urban cores are primarily associated with economic activity: they are places where people live, work and engage in a range of leisure activities. Natural elements within the environment are recognised as having an important role in promoting quality of life. An investigation into the urban character of Manchester City Centre (UK) combining an analysis of the surface cover with the mapping of urban morphology types (UMTs) shows the extent to which green space permeates the built matrix. Around 20% of the urban core was covered by evapotranspiring surfaces. UMTs were differentiated along axes which were characterised by the intensity of grassland management and the density of building. The results presented here contribute to the on going debate around the development of cities and the relationship between the natural and built environments and provide guidance for those challenged with designing these environments.
[34]刘杰, 严金明, 邱卉. 生态旅游用地分类体系研究
. 中国土地科学, 2013, 27(9): 71-77.
https://doi.org/10.3969/j.issn.1001-8158.2013.09.013URL [本文引用: 1]摘要
研究目的:试图建立一套完整的 生态旅游用地分类体系,以规范生态旅游用地发展,促进土地节约集约利用,为编制生态旅游用地专项规划打下基础。研究方法:通过文献研究法和对比分析法,梳 理历次土地利用分类中有关生态旅游的内容,在此基础上提出系统的生态旅游用地分类体系。研究结果:构建了一套包含3个大类、10个二级类、26个三级类的 生态旅游用地分类体系,而且与《土地利用现状分类》国家标准及土地规划用途分类体系做了较好衔接。研究结论:建立与土地利用规划及相关规划衔接的,能适应 生态旅游发展的生态旅游用地分类体系十分必要,而且可行。
[Liu Jie, Yan Jinming, Qiu Hui.Research on the classification system of eco-tourism land use.
China Land Sciences, 2013, 27(9): 71-77.]
https://doi.org/10.3969/j.issn.1001-8158.2013.09.013URL [本文引用: 1]摘要
研究目的:试图建立一套完整的 生态旅游用地分类体系,以规范生态旅游用地发展,促进土地节约集约利用,为编制生态旅游用地专项规划打下基础。研究方法:通过文献研究法和对比分析法,梳 理历次土地利用分类中有关生态旅游的内容,在此基础上提出系统的生态旅游用地分类体系。研究结果:构建了一套包含3个大类、10个二级类、26个三级类的 生态旅游用地分类体系,而且与《土地利用现状分类》国家标准及土地规划用途分类体系做了较好衔接。研究结论:建立与土地利用规划及相关规划衔接的,能适应 生态旅游发展的生态旅游用地分类体系十分必要,而且可行。
[35]Hensher D, Shore N, Train K.Households' willingness to pay for water service attributes.
Environmental and Resource Economics, 2005, 32(4): 509-531.
https://doi.org/10.1007/s10640-005-7686-7URLMagsci [本文引用: 1]摘要
<a name="Abs1"></a>Water consumption and disposal are often taken for granted as essential services with required levels of service quality, yet little is known about how much consumers are willing to pay for specific service levels. As customers in many countries face changing levels of water availability (especially shortages linked possibly to climate change and limited catchment capacity), the need to assess the value (and hence benefit) to society of varying service levels and prices in an effort to secure the provision of and disposal of water has risen on public agendas. In an attempt to establish how much customers are willing to pay for specific levels of service, we use a series of stated choice experiments and mixed logit models to establish the willingness to pay to avoid interruptions in water service and overflows of wastewater, differentiated by the frequency, timing and duration of these events. The empirical evidence is an important input into the regulatory process for establishing service levels and tariffs, as well as useful planning information for agencies charged with finding cost effective ways of delivering services at prices that customers deem to be value for money.
[36]马爱慧, 张安录. 选择实验法视角的耕地生态补偿意愿实证研究: 基于湖北武汉市问卷调查
. 资源科学, 2013, 35(10): 2061-2066.
URL [本文引用: 1]摘要
耕地生态补偿的主要相关利益主体对于生态补偿政策的接受程度和可 能反应,是未来中国设计耕地保护政策时必须考虑的核心问题.本文选用湖北武汉市中心城区与远城区361份市民和383份农户的实地问卷调查数据,从选择实 验法视角,分析城乡居民对于耕地面积、耕地质量与肥力、耕地周边景观与生态环境和耕地保护支付成本4项保护属性及所组合方案政策的可能反应和接受意愿.研 究表明:①城乡居民对除货币属性外的耕地保护属性的偏好与接受意愿存在差异,居民对耕地周边景观与生态环境的关注程度最高,其次是耕地质量与肥力,关注较 少的是耕地面积;②所有耕地保护属性组成的7个方案中,最优方案的支付意愿最高,意味着居民期待耕地面积、耕地质量与肥力和周边的景观与生态环境都得以改 善;③城乡居民之间偏好与意愿存在着差异,这与社会经济背景,区域环境质量与文化程度有较强相关性.因此,以提高周边景观与生态环境属性的耕地保护政策, 是未来耕地保护政策设计首要选择.
[Ma Aihui, Zhang Anlu.Cultivated land ecological compensation willingness based on choice experiments.
Resources Science, 2013, 35(10): 2061-2066.]
URL [本文引用: 1]摘要
耕地生态补偿的主要相关利益主体对于生态补偿政策的接受程度和可 能反应,是未来中国设计耕地保护政策时必须考虑的核心问题.本文选用湖北武汉市中心城区与远城区361份市民和383份农户的实地问卷调查数据,从选择实 验法视角,分析城乡居民对于耕地面积、耕地质量与肥力、耕地周边景观与生态环境和耕地保护支付成本4项保护属性及所组合方案政策的可能反应和接受意愿.研 究表明:①城乡居民对除货币属性外的耕地保护属性的偏好与接受意愿存在差异,居民对耕地周边景观与生态环境的关注程度最高,其次是耕地质量与肥力,关注较 少的是耕地面积;②所有耕地保护属性组成的7个方案中,最优方案的支付意愿最高,意味着居民期待耕地面积、耕地质量与肥力和周边的景观与生态环境都得以改 善;③城乡居民之间偏好与意愿存在着差异,这与社会经济背景,区域环境质量与文化程度有较强相关性.因此,以提高周边景观与生态环境属性的耕地保护政策, 是未来耕地保护政策设计首要选择.
[37]樊辉, 赵敏娟. 自然资源非市场价值评估的选择实验法: 原理及应用分析
. 资源科学, 2013, 35(7): 1347-1354.
URL [本文引用: 1]摘要
[Fan Hui, Zhao Minjuan.Choice experiments for natural resource non-market evaluation.
Resources Science, 2013, 35(7): 1347-1354.]
URL [本文引用: 1]摘要
[38]王良铭. 论价值评价及其标准
. 南京师大学报: 社会科学版, 2006, (4): 17-23.
https://doi.org/10.3969/j.issn.1001-4608-B.2006.04.003URL [本文引用: 1]摘要
[Wang Liangming.On the value evaluation and its standard.
Journal of Nanjing Normal University: Social Science, 2006, (4): 17-23.]
https://doi.org/10.3969/j.issn.1001-4608-B.2006.04.003URL [本文引用: 1]摘要
[39]乔印羚, 罗守贯. 常熟市人口老龄化态势及其社会影响
. 铁道师院学报, 2001, 18(1): 32-36.
https://doi.org/10.3969/j.issn.1672-0687.2001.01.007URL [本文引用: 1]摘要
在运用人口增长规律推算出常熟市最新人口构成的基础上 ,分析了该市人口老龄化的基本特点、内在机制以及社会影响
[Qiao Yinling, Luo Shouguan.On population aging and its social influence in Changshu city.
Journal of Suzhou Railway Teachers College, 2001, 18(1): 32-36.]
https://doi.org/10.3969/j.issn.1672-0687.2001.01.007URL [本文引用: 1]摘要
在运用人口增长规律推算出常熟市最新人口构成的基础上 ,分析了该市人口老龄化的基本特点、内在机制以及社会影响
[40]毛春元, 温素彬. 包含发展因子的乘法模型: 地区综合竞争力评价的一种新方法
. 统计与决策, 2005, (10): 52-55.
URLMagsci [本文引用: 1]摘要
[Mao Chunyuan, Wen Subin.On the multiplicative model that includes development determinants: A new method to evaluate regional comprehensive competitiveness.
Statistics and Decision, 2005, (10): 52-55.]
URLMagsci [本文引用: 1]摘要
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