Abstract Nucleosomes are the basic unit of the three-dimensional structure of chromatin. It is now widely accepted that the positioning and occupancy of nucleosomes play important roles in fundamental genomic processes such as DNA transcription, replication and repair. Among the methods used to provide genome-wide nucleosomal positions and occupancy levels, MNase-seq has proven to be highly effective. Indeed, with this method, the nucleosomal landscapes of a variety of organisms have now been investigated, revealing both commonalities and differences. In this review, we first introduce the technical principles underlying MNase-seq, focusing on details essential to precisely resolve nucleosome positioning and occupancy. We then describe recent advances with this method, as well as future perspectives of its role in chromatin biology, with a particular focus of uncovering mechanistic insights of many disease process. Keywords:nucleosome;chromatin structure;chromatin remodeling;next-generation sequencing (NGS);micrococcal nuclease
PDF (744KB)元数据多维度评价相关文章导出EndNote|Ris|Bibtex收藏本文 本文引用格式 邓玮杭, 李鑫辉. MNase-seq与核小体定占位研究. 遗传[J], 2020, 42(12): 1143-1155 doi:10.16288/j.yczz.20-178 Weihang Deng. Resolving nucleosomal positioning and occupancy with MNase-seq. Hereditas(Beijing)[J], 2020, 42(12): 1143-1155 doi:10.16288/j.yczz.20-178
MNase-seq的优点在于技术难度较低,具有较高的分辨率,且数据处理相对简单。较高的分辨率得益于MNase的酶切特性,MNase处理染色质可以高效去除连接DNA,得到的DNA片段末端正是包裹组蛋白的DNA两端。相比用超声打断DNA的常规方法,MNase处理DNA可以获得长度较均一的DNA片段,从而得到核小体更为精确的位置坐标。然而,由于不同DNA片段对MNase酶切的敏感性不同,这一酶切效率的差异使得MNase-seq测序片段的末端不能准确反映核小体边缘的位置,因此测序数据的处理分析尤为关键。MNase-seq数据处理过程主要为数据预处理及质量控制、序列比对、核小体定位与占位分析以及数据的可视化[12]。在序列比对后,研究者们先后运用多种算法(如iNPS[13]、DiNuP[14]等)分析MNase-seq测序数据,解析全基因组核小体定位精确图谱或对差异化占位核小体进行分析。其中,Chen等[13]建立了iNPS算法,该算法在NPS(nucleosome positioning from sequencing)的基础上增加了“核小体边界信号调整”与“相邻核小体合并或分离”步骤,它比通用的NPS算法识别核小体边界信号的能力更强,因此可以多检测到约60%的核小体。该算法具有更高的检测准确性和稳健性,因此有利于下游数据分析。核小体定位的理论预测同样具有较好的研究前景,研究者们利用核小体DNA/连接DNA的序列特性、碱基二联体周期信号等建立数学模型(如Segal模型[3]、N-Score模型[15]等)对核小体定位进行预测。近年来,MNase-seq测序数据分析方法的进步使得该技术日趋成熟,模型的改进与优化使得人们对核小体定位预测的准确性不断提高,MNase-seq技术目前已广泛应用于各种研究场景。
A: MNase-seq; B: Array-seq; C: MNase-ChIP-seq; D: CUT&RUN。 Fig. 1MNase-seq and its derivative technologies
除MNase-seq及其衍生技术以外,染色质免疫共沉淀测序技术(chromatin immunoprecipitation sequencing, ChIP-seq)、染色质开放性测序技术(assay for transposase-accessible chromatin with high throughput sequencing, ATAC-seq)、DNase I超敏感位点测序(DNase I hypersensitive site sequencing, DNase-seq)以及核小体占位及甲基化测序(nucleosome occupancy and methylome sequencing, NOMe-seq)等技术也在解析核小体定位及染色质结构及功能的研究中起到重要作用。表1对这些技术进行了总结比较。
Table 1 表1 表1研究核小体、染色质结构的常用技术 Table 1Technology for the study of nucleosome and chromatin structures
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