circRNA on animal skeletal muscle development regulation
Ting Zheng1, Mailin Gan1, Linyuan Shen1, Lili Niu1, Zongyi Guo2, Jinyong Wang2, Shunhua Zhang,1, Li Zhu,1 1. College of Animal Science and Technology, Sichuan Agricultural University, Chengdu 611130, China 2. ChongQing Academy of Animal Sciences, Rongchang 402460, China
Supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China No.31972524 Sichuan Pig Innovation Team Project of National Modern Agricultural Industrial Technology System.SCSZTD-3-008 the Science and Technology Program of Sichuan Province No.2016NYZ0050
作者简介 About authors 郑婷,在读硕士研究生,专业方向:动物遗传育种。。
Abstract Circular RNA (circRNA) is a type of closed circular RNA molecules formed by reverse splicing, which exists widely in organisms and has become a research hotspot in non-coding RNAs in recent years. Skeletal muscle plays the role of coordinating movement and maintaining normal metabolism and endocrine in organisms. With the development of sequencing and bioinformatics analysis technology, the functions and regulation mechanisms of circRNAs in skeletal muscle development have been gradually revealed. In this review, we summarize the types of molecular regulatory mechanisms, the classical research ideas and the functional research methods of circRNAs, and the research progress of circRNAs involved in normal development of skeletal muscle and regulation of skeletal muscle disease, in order to provide a reference to further study of the genetic mechanisms of circRNAs in the regulation of skeletal muscle development. Keywords:circRNA;skeletal muscle development;skeletal muscle diseases;RNA-seq
这类circRNA含有miRNA结合位点,能竞争性吸附miRNA进而调控miRNA下游靶mRNA表达(图1E)。在生物体中这类circRNA大多是由外显子剪接而成的ecircRNA。现已发现相当数量的竞争性内源circRNA,如Hansen等[23]在人(Homo sapiens)和小鼠(Mus musculus)脑组织中发现一种高表达的circCDS1as,含有至少70个miR-7的结合位点,间接调控相关靶基因表达;由性别决定基因Sry (sex- determining region Y)剪接形成的circRNA Sry含有至少16个miR-138结合位点,作为miR-138分子海绵发挥调控作用[23]。
1.2.2 circRNA调控亲本基因转录
细胞核中的ciRNAs能够与RNA聚合酶II (RNA polymerase II, Pol II)相互作用,从而促进其自身编码基因的转录(图1D),如在人细胞中首次发现的ciRNA (ci-ankrd52),在亲本基因转录位点上大量积累,发挥顺式调控作用[15]。此外,EIciRNAs能够与Pol II和U1小核核糖核蛋白(U1 small nuclear ribonucleoproteins, snRNP)结合,促进其亲本基因的转录(图1D),如Li等[16]发现的一种EIciRNA (circPAIP2)。
A:外显子剪接形成的ecircRNA;B:既含外显子又含内含子的EIciRNA;C:内含子剪接形成的ciRNA;D:circRNA调控亲本基因转录;E:circRNA竞争性结合miRNA;F:circRNA与RBPs互作;G:circRNA自身翻译蛋白质;H:circRNA作为蛋白质支架,促进酶及其底物的共域化。参考文献[12,20~22]总结绘制。 Fig. 1The synthesis and biological functions of circRNA
circRNA-miRNA-mRNA在骨骼肌发育过程中的调控网络图,circRNA参与调控骨骼肌卫星细胞活化、成肌细胞增殖以及成肌细胞分化为肌管的生理过程。 Fig. 2The role of circRNA in the processes of skeletal muscle proliferation and differentiation
Table 1 Table 1circRNAs involved in the regulation of skeletal muscle development in different animals
除此之外,还有研究揭示了circRNA对骨骼肌生长发育的其他调控机制。2017年,Legnini等[28]首次利用测序数据筛选出通过参与蛋白质编码发挥调控作用的circRNA,将其命名为circZNF609。circZNF609在人和小鼠中有较高同源性,反向剪接时形成了一个开放阅读框,能够在应激条件下被特殊翻译成蛋白质发挥作用,可能促进成肌细胞增殖。此外,Pandey等[85]发现circSamd4与PUR蛋白相结合,阻遏PUR蛋白对MHC(myosin heavy chain)基因转录的拮抗作用,从而促进成肌细胞分化,加快骨骼肌生长发育进程。这是首次发现circRNA通过与RBPs协同作用发挥对骨骼肌生长发育的调控作用。
另一种肌营养不良症为1型肌强直性营养不良(myotonic dystrophy type 1, DM1)是一种由肌强直性营养不良蛋白激酶(myotonic dystrophy protein kinase, DMD:杜氏肌营养不良;DM1:I型肌强直性营养不良;Sarcopenia:老年性肌肉衰减症;HCM:肥厚型心肌病;DCM:扩张型心肌病。DMPK)基因3′UTR的CTG重复扩增导致mRNA剪接异常的多系统疾病[101]。与在DMD患者来源成肌细胞中的结果相似,Czubak等[102]发现DM1肌肉组织或细胞中,circRNA也呈现特异性表达,还初步发现DM1疾病程度与circRNA可变剪接变化之间的关联,并且circRNA整体表达水平呈上调趋势,在疾病个体中circ CDYL、circHIPK3、circRTN4_03和circZNF609的环状/线性比均升高[28,103](表2)。目前需要对circRNA可变剪接相关疾病中大量表达的circRNA进行识别与鉴定,以突出其在发病机制中的作用,并开发未来的疾病治疗方法。
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