1.江苏常熟农田生态系统国家野外观测研究站/中国科学院南京土壤研究所 南京 210008
2.中国科学院亚热带农业生态研究所 长沙 410125
3.湖南农业大学资源环境学院 长沙 410128
通讯作者:夏永秋, 研究方向为农田氮素循环与环境效应。E-mail: yqxia@issas.ac.cn
Ammonia emission patterns of typical planting systems in the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River and key technologies for ammonia emission reduction
XIA Yongqiu1,,,WANG Shenqiang1,
SUN Pengfei1,
CHEN Xiaoqin1,
SHEN Jianlin2,
WANG Hua3,
XIAO Zhihua3,
LI Xiaoming1,
YANG Guang1,
YAN Xiaoyuan1
1. Changshu Agro-Ecological National Field Scientific Observation and Research Station / Institute of Soil Science, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Nanjing 210008, China
2. Institute of Subtropical Agriculture, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Changsha 410125, China
3. College of Resources & Environment, Hunan Agricultural University, Changsha 410128, China
Funds:This study was supported by the National Basic Research Program of China (2018YFC0213302)
More Information
Corresponding author:XIA Yongqiu, E-mail: yqxia@issas.ac.cn
摘要:长江中下游稻、菜、果种植业发达, 是氨挥发的主要场所, 迫切需要掌握其氨排放特征与减排关键技术。本文系统梳理了“十三五”国家重点研发计划项目课题“长江中下游种植业高效控氨减排关键技术研发”取得的主要进展, 并展望了“十四五”期间的研究重点。取得的主要研究结果包括: 1)明确了典型稻菜果氨排放系数与特征, 稻田氨排放系数和变异最大, 平均为14.2%, 露天蔬菜次之(平均为11.2%), 果树最低(平均为4.76%)。2)以“减、抑、控、固”全链条氨减排思路, 提出稻田优化减氮技术、稻田深施控氨技术、稻田周丛生物成膜抑氨技术、果树大颗粒肥料深施与蔬菜新型缓释肥等减排技术, 实现了高效控氨减排的目标。“十四五”期间, 建议加强氨挥发损失的长期原位监测与模拟, 氨减排环境和经济效益核算, 以及操作简易、成本低廉的氨挥发减排技术研发。
Abstract:Rice, vegetables, and fruit fields in the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River are the main sites of ammonia volatilization in the planting system of China. Therefore, there is an urgent need to understand the characteristics and key control technologies of ammonia emissions in the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River. This paper systematically reviewed the major progresses of the National Key Research and Development Project of the National 13th Five-Year Plan: “Research and Development of Key Technologies for Efficient Ammonia Control and Emission Reduction in Planting System in the Middle and Lower Reaches of the Yangtze River,” and foreseen the research focus during the 14th Five-Year period. The main research results included the followings: 1) The ammonia emission coefficient and characteristics of typical rice, and vegetables and fruit trees fields were identified, indicating that the paddy field had the largest ammonia emission coefficient and variation, averaging 14.2%, followed by open-air vegetables (averaging 11.2%), and fruit fields (averaging 4.76%). 2) After verifying the whole process of ammonia emission reduction, “reduction, retrain, control, and immobilization”, we put forward technologies such as optimized nitrogen reduction technology in paddy fields, deep fertilizer applications for ammonia emission control technology in paddy fields, ammonia emission immobilization by periphyton technology in paddy fields, deep application of large-size granular fertilizer for fruit trees, and slow-release fertilizer for open-air vegetables. With these technologies, we achieved the goals of reducing ammonia volatilization. During the 14th Five-Year Plan period, the long-term in-situ monitoring and simulation of ammonia volatilization should be strengthened, ammonia emission reduction technologies should be evaluated environmentally and economically, and simple and low-cost ammonia volatilization emission reduction technology should be developed.
Key words:Potential of emission reduction/
Whole chain of ammonia emission reduction/
Ammonia emission coefficient/
Machines and tools/
Comprehensive benefits/
Middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River
图1长江中下游典型稻菜果田氨排放系数及变异(不同字母表示在 P<0.05水平差异显著, 方差分析软件为SPSS V19.0)
Figure1.Ammonia emission coefficients and variations of paddy rice, open-air vegetables, and peach tree in the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River (different letters indicate significant differences at P<0.05 level, variance analysis is conducted by SPSS V19.0)
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Figure2.Optimized nitrogen reduction technology of double-cropping rice field and its mitigation potential of ammonia emission and economic benefit
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Figure3.Location optimization for ball fertilizer (dots) in paddy field
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Figure4.Periphyton “retrain-immobilization-release” technology in paddy field
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Figure5.Slow-release fertilizers in reducing ammonia emission for open-air vegetables
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Figure6.Deep application of large-size granular fertilizer in reducing ammonia emission for fruit trees
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Table1.Nitrogen storage in artificial induced and naturally growth periphyton in different fertilization periods of paddy field
处理 Treatment | 基肥 Basal fertilizer | 分蘖肥 Tillering fertilizer | 穗肥 Panicle fertilizer |
自然生长 Natural growth | 1.11 | 4.46 | 2.37 |
载体诱导 Carrier induced | 1.55 | 10.92 | 4.60 |
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Table2.Effects of ammonia inhibition technology on ammonia volatilization accumulation and ammonia volatilization loss rate in periphyton in paddy field
处理 Treatment | 氨挥发排放量 NH3 emission [kg(N)?hm?2] | 氨挥发损失率 NH3 emission rate (%) | |||
基肥 Basal fertilizer | 分蘖肥 Tillering fertilizer | 穗肥 Panicle fertilizer | 累计排放量 Total NH3 flux | ||
对照田 Control field | 24.75±1.05 | 10.92±0.07 | 0.21±0.03 | 35.88 | 14.9 |
试验田 Treatment field | 7.11±0.53 | 6.63±0.07 | 0.10±0.25 | 13.84 | 5.8 |
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