沈阳农业大学土地与环境学院 沈阳 110866
基金项目: 辽宁省自然科学基金项目01064219009
作者简介:边振兴, 主要从事国土空间生态修复、耕地生态保护、农业景观生态方面研究。E-mail:zhx-bian@syau.edu.cn
通讯作者:于淼, 主要从事数理统计与景观生态方面研究。E-mail:yumiao77@163.com
The effects of farmland shelterbelts on surface arthropod distribution: A case study in Changtu County, China
BIAN Zhenxing,YANG Yibo,
GUO Xiaoyu,
ZHANG Yufei,
YU Miao,
College of Land and Environment, Shenyang Agricultural University, Shenyang 110866, China
Funds: the Natural Science Foundation of Liaoning Province01064219009
More Information
Corresponding author:YU Miao, E-mail:yumiao77@163.com
摘要:提升农田生物多样性是当前生态农业研究的热点问题。为探讨农田防护林的生物多样性保护功能,本研究在辽宁省昌图县金家镇选取8个农田-防护林单元(每个单元即为1个田块),使用陷阱法调查了不同类型林带(完整型、残缺型、消亡型)相邻的农田中,距林带不同距离处(0 m、50 m、100 m、150 m、200 m)地表节肢动物的分布情况,同时记录林带内的植被群落特征。采用方差分析以及群落排序的方法,分析了林带类型、距离梯度以及林带植被结构对农田地表节肢动物分布的影响。研究结果表明:1)与消亡型相比,完整型和残缺型林带相邻的农田物种多度显著较高,物种多样性在各类型林带农田间无显著差异,与完整型及残缺型林带相邻的农田维持着区别于消亡型林带的地表节肢动物群落结构。2)完整型和残缺型林带相邻的农田物种多度梯度变化显著,随距林带距离的增加均呈由低到高的变化趋势;不同类型林带农田中,物种多样性随距林带距离的增加逐渐递减,边缘效应显著。3)林带中草本层物种多度和乔木层盖度是影响农田地表节肢动物群落分布的主要因子,共解释了35.4%的节肢动物数量变异;不同节肢动物物种对林带植被结构的响应存在差异,步甲和蜘蛛作为当地农业景观中主要的天敌类群,与上述林带植被结构因子关系密切:林带内较高的草本层物种多度有利于增加农田中某些步甲常见种的多样性,而较高的乔木层盖度有利于增加蜘蛛目常见科的多样性。研究结果表明,农田防护林作为研究区主要的非耕作生境类型,能够显著提升相邻农田中地表节肢动物的多度,对于物种多样性的提升作用则不明显;林带内草本层物种多度以及乔木层盖度对蜘蛛、步甲等多类天敌多样性保护具有积极作用。因此,加强农业景观中现有林地的改造和提升,如营造适宜盖度的上层林木以及丰富的林下植被,能够提升现有林地的生境质量,进一步发挥其对农田生物多样性的保育功能。
Abstract:Improving farmland biodiversity is important for ecological agriculture. To explore how well farmland shelterbelts protect biodiversity, eight farmland shelterbelt units (unit=one field parcel; shelterbelt types:complete, incomplete, or extinct) in Jinjia Town, Changtu County, Liaoning Province, China were selected, and the surface arthropod distribution in adjacent farmlands was investigated using pitfall traps. Surface arthropods were sampled at 0, 50, 100, 150, and 200 m from the shelterbelt, and the shelterbelt vegetation characteristics were recorded. Analysis of variance and community ordination were used to analyze how the shelterbelt type, distance gradients, and shelterbelt vegetation structure affected the surface arthropod distribution. The results showed that the surface arthropod abundance was significantly higher in fields adjacent to complete and incomplete shelterbelts. The shelterbelt type had no significant effect on diversity; however, the surface arthropod community composition on the farmland adjacent to complete and incomplete shelterbelts differed from the extinct shelterbelts. The abundance gradient variation was significant in fields adjacent to complete and incomplete shelterbelts, demonstrating a low to high variation trend with away from shelterbelts. In all units, the diversity decreased as the distance toward the edge increased, and a significant edge effect was observed. Redundancy analysis (RDA) and Monte Carlo tests showed that the herb layer species abundance and the shelterbelt tree coverage were the primary factors affecting arthropod community distributions, accounting for 35.4% of the total surface arthropod population variation. Arthropod responses to the shelterbelt vegetation community significantly differed based on the species, carabids, and spiders present. The primary natural enemy of the local agricultural landscape was closely related to the shelterbelt vegetation structure; the carabid species diversity was positively associated with herb layer abundance, and the spider family diversity was positively associated with tree coverage. Farmland shelterbelts (a non-cropped habitat) significantly increased the number of surface arthropods in adjacent fields but did not affect species diversity. The herb layer abundance and shelterbelt tree coverage had a positive effect on natural enemy diversity (e.g., carabids and spiders). Strengthening agricultural landscape woodlands, such as increasing upper tree coverage and understory vegetation, improves the habitat quality and conserves farmland biodiversity, thereby promoting sustainable agriculture.
Key words:Farmland shelterbelts/
Changtu County/
Surface arthropods/
Community structure
Figure1.Location of the study area and distribution of 8 sampling units
Figure2.Sketch map of different shelterbelt types and trap layout scheme in the sampling unit
T1:完整型; T2:残缺型; T3:消亡型草地带; T4:消亡型裸地带。不同小写字母表示不同处理间在P < 0.05水平差异显著。
Figure3.Abundance, species number and diversity of surface arthropods in adjacent farmlands with different shelterbelt types
T1: complete shelterbelt; T2: incomplete shelterbelt; T3: grass fields boundary; T4: bare fields boundary. Different lowercase letters indicate significant differences among treatments at P < 0.05 level.
T1:完整型; T2:残缺型; T3:消亡型草地带; T4:消亡型裸地带。
Figure4.Non-metric multi-dimensional scaling (NMDS) based on Chord Measure for surface arthropods community in adjacent farmlands with different shelterbelt types
T1: complete shelterbelt; T2: incomplete shelterbelt; T3: grass fields boundary; T4: bare fields boundary.
T1:完整型; T2:残缺型; T3:消亡型草地带; T4:消亡型裸地带。不同小写字母表示不同处理间在P < 0.05水平差异显著。
Figure5.Species abundances of surface arthropods at different distance gradients in adjacent farmland with different shelterbelt types
T1: complete shelterbelt; T2: incomplete shelterbelt; T3: grass fields boundary; T4: bare fields boundary. Different lowercase letters indicate significant differences among treatments at P < 0.05 level.
T1:完整型; T2:残缺型; T3:消亡型草地带; T4:消亡型裸地带。不同小写字母表示不同处理间在P < 0.05水平差异显著。
Figure6.Diversity indexes of surface arthropods at different distance gradients in adjacent farmland with different shelterbelt types
T1: complete shelterbelt; T2: incomplete shelterbelt; T3: grass fields boundary; T4: bare fields boundary. Different lowercase letters indicate significant differences among treatments at P < 0.05 level.
7a为所有物种与关键解释变量之间关系的二维排序图; 7b为优势及常见物种、关键解释变量以及样本三者关系的二维排序图。物种编号SP1-SP38同表 2。图中●代表与完整型林带相邻的农田; ■代表与残缺型林带相邻的农田; ◆代表与消亡型草地带相邻的农田; ▼代表与消亡型裸地带相邻的农田。
Figure7.RDA two-dimensional ordination diagram of the relationships between 2 key explanatory variables (herbaceous species abundance, HA; tree coverage, TC) with distribution of the surface arthropod community in farmland
7a is the two-dimensional ordination diagram of the relationships between all species and key explanatory variables; 7b is the two-dimensional ordination diagram of the relationships among dominant and common species, key explanatory variables, and samples. The species numbers SP1-SP38 are shown in the table 2. ● indicates the farmland adjacent to complete shelterbelt; ■ indicates the farmland adjacent to incomplete shelterbelt; ◆ indicates the farmland with grass fields boundary; ▼ indicates the farmland with bare fields boundary.
Table1.Delineation of shelterbelt types
林带类型 Shelterbelt type | 林带连续性 Continuity of shelterbelt (%) | 草本层盖度 Herbaceous coverage (%) | 林带编号 Serial number of shelterbelt | |
T1 | 完整型Complete shelterbelt | 97.18±3.16 | 51.36±20.26 | 1W, 2E, 2W, 3S, 4S, 5E, 5S, 5W, 6E, 7W, 8N |
T2 | 残缺型Incomplete shelterbelt | 50.63±17.00 | 68.63±26.79 | 1N, 1E, 2S, 3W, 4N, 4E, 5N, 6N |
T3 | 消亡型草地带Grass fields boundary | — | 62.08±19.39 | 2N, 6S, 7E, 7S, 8S, 8W |
T4 | 消亡型裸地带Bare fields boundary | — | — | 3N, 3E, 6W, 7N, 8E |
数字1-8代表图 1中的8个取样单元; 字母E、W、S、N分别代表取样单元内东侧、西侧、南侧、北侧林带。The numbers 1-8 represent 8 sampling units shown in the figure 1; the letters E, W, S, and N represent the east, west, south, and north shelterbelts within the sampling unit, respectively. |
Table2.Types and quantities of surface arthropods in farmland with shelterbelts
类群 Group | 物种编码 Species code | 物种 Species | 数量 Quantity | 优势度 Degree of dominance |
蝗科Acrididae | SP1 | 中华蚱蜢Acrida cinerea | 11 | + |
SP2 | 辽宁金色蝗Chrysacris liaoningensis | 3 | + | |
SP3 | 大垫尖翅蝗Epacromius coerulipes | 45 | + | |
SP4 | 笨蝗Haplotropis brunneriana | 4 | + | |
蜉金龟科Aphodiidae | SP5 | 黑蜉金龟Aphodius breviusculus | 2 | + |
步甲科Carabidae | SP6 | 金星步甲Calosoma chinensis | 404 | ++ |
SP7 | 大星步甲Calosoma maximoviczi | 420 | ++ | |
SP8 | 麻青步甲Chlaenius junceus | 1 458 | +++ | |
SP9 | 附边青步甲Chlaenius prostenus | 427 | ++ | |
SP10 | 赤褐婪步甲Harpalus rubefactus | 20 | + | |
SP11 | 中华婪步甲Harpalus sinicus | 1 929 | +++ | |
虎甲科Cicindelidae | SP12 | 斜斑虎甲Cicindela germanica | 1 | + |
SP13 | 细虎甲Cicindela gracilis | 15 | + | |
瓢虫科Coccinellidae | SP14 | 异色瓢虫Harmonia axyridis | 11 | + |
SP15 | 龟纹瓢虫Propylea japonica | 1 | + | |
SP16 | 鞘翅目幼虫Coleoptera larvae | 3 | + | |
粪金龟科Geotrupidae | SP17 | 戴锤角粪金龟Bolbotrypes davidis | 10 | + |
蟋蟀科Gryllidae | SP18 | 多伊棺头蟋Loxoblemmus doenitzi | 33 | + |
SP19 | 黄脸油葫芦Teleogryllus emma | 6 025 | +++ | |
蠼螋科Labiduridae | SP20 | 蠼螋Labidura japonica | 3 | + |
长蝽科Lygaeidae | SP21 | 角红长蝽Lygaeus hanseni | 1 | + |
鳃金龟科Melolonthidae | SP22 | 东北大黑鳃金龟Holotrichia diomphalia | 2 | + |
潮虫科Oniscidae | SP23 | 鼠妇Armadillidium vulgare | 14 | + |
螟蛾科Pyralidae | SP24 | 亚洲玉米螟Ostrinia furnacalis | 3 | + |
红蝽科Pyrrhocoridae | SP25 | 地红蝽Pyrrhocoris tibialis | 123 | ++ |
金龟科Scarab | SP26 | 婪嗡蜣螂Onthophagus lenzi | 38 | + |
隐翅虫科Staphylinidae | SP27 | 刺松隐翅虫Pinophilus punctatissimus | 4 | + |
埋葬甲科Staphylinoidea | SP28 | 日负葬甲Nicrophorus japonicus | 6 | + |
拟步甲科Tenebrionindae | SP29 | 沙潜Opatrum subaratum | 29 | + |
叶蜂科Tenthredinidae | SP30 | 麦叶蜂Dolerus tritici | 2 | + |
蜘蛛目Araneae | SP31 | 漏斗蛛科Agelenidae | 107 | + |
SP32 | 近管蛛科Anyphaenidae | 1 | + | |
SP33 | 栉足蛛科Ctenidae | 1 | + | |
SP34 | 弱斑蛛科Ischnothyreus | 22 | + | |
SP35 | 皿蛛科Linyphiidae | 73 | + | |
SP36 | 狼蛛科Lycosidae | 2 | + | |
SP37 | 幽灵蛛科Pholcidae | 801 | ++ | |
SP38 | 转蛛科Trochanteriidae | 176 | ++ | |
合计Sum | 12 230 | |||
+++表示个体数占总捕获量的10%以上, ++表示个体数占总捕获量的1%~10%, +表示个体数占总捕获量的1%以下。+++ indicates that the number of individuals accounts for more than 10% of the total captures; ++ indicates that the number of individuals accounts for 1%-10% of the total captures; + indicates that the number of individuals accounts for less than 1% of the total captures. |
Table3.Two-way ANOVA of shelterbelt type and distance gradient on surface arthropods in adjacent farmland
因子 Factor | 自由度 Degree of freedom | 物种多度 Abundance | 物种数 Number of species | 多样性指数 Shannon-Wiener index | 优势度指数 Simpson index |
林带类型Shelterbelt type | 3 | 9.041** | 7.788** | 4.183** | 5.068** |
距离梯度Distance gradient | 4 | 1.386 | 2.547* | 3.382* | 1.672 |
林带类型×距离梯度Shelterbelt type × distance gradient | 12 | 0.516 | 0.892 | 0.482 | 0.501 |
*和**分别表示P < 0.05和P < 0.01水平上影响显著。* and ** indicate significant effects at P < 0.05 and P < 0.01 levels, respectively. |
Table4.Eigenvalues of the RDA ordination axes and species-environment correlations of surface arthropods in adjacent farmland with different shelterbelt types
排序轴1 Axis 1 | 排序轴2 Axis 2 | 排序轴3 Axis 3 | 排序轴4 Axis 4 | |||
特征值Eigenvalues | 0.380 | 0.047 | 0.027 | 0.003 | ||
物种与环境因子相关性 Species-environment correlations | 0.806 | 0.573 | 0.548 | 0.233 | ||
累积解释物种变异百分数 Cumulative percentage of variation explained | 38.01 | 42.72 | 45.40 | 45.65 | ||
累积解释物种和环境关系变异百分数 Cumulative percentage of fitted variation explained | 82.92 | 93.19 | 99.03 | 99.58 | ||
第1典型轴显著性的蒙特卡洛置换检验 Monte-Carlo permutation test of significance of the 1st typical axis | F=14.7, P=0.002 | |||||
所有典型轴显著性的蒙特卡洛置换检验 Monte-Carlo permutation test of significance of all the typical axes | F=4.1, P=0.002 |
Table5.Partial RDA of relative contribution of shelterbelt vegetation structure factors to variation of surface arthropod community distribution in farmland with shelterbelts
植被结构因子Vegetation structure factor | 解释率Explaination rate (%) | F | P |
草本层物种多度 Herb species abundance | 28.8 | 11.3 | 0.004 |
乔木层盖度Tree coverage | 6.6 | 2.8 | 0.032 |
草本层盖度Herb coverage | 4.2 | 1.8 | 0.136 |
边界带宽度Boundary width | 2.6 | 1.1 | 0.316 |
草本层丰富度Herb richness | 3.6 | 1.6 | 0.176 |
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