1.河北省农林科学院滨海农业研究所 唐山 063200
2.土壤与农业可持续发展国家重点实验室/中国科学院 南京土壤研究所 南京 210008
基金项目: 河北省科技厅项目152776122D
作者简介:张晓东, 主要研究方向为盐碱地高效利用。E-mail:nkybhszxd@163.com
通讯作者:王秀萍, 主要研究方向为滨海盐碱地改良与农业高效利用。E-mail:bhswxp@163.com
Effect of composite soil improvement agents on soil amendment and salt reduction in coastal saline soil
ZHANG Xiaodong1,,LI Bing2,
LIU Guangming2,
SUN Jianping1,
LU Xuelin1,
WANG Xiuping1,,
1. Institute of Coast Agriculture, Hebei Academy of Agriculture and Forestry Sciences, Tangshan, 063200, China
2. State Key Laboratory of Soil and Sustainable Agriculture/Institute of Soil Science, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Nanjing 210008, China
Funds: the Hebei Provincial Research Project of China152776122D
the Hebei Provincial Innovation Project of China and the Key R&D Project of Jiangsu Province of ChinaBE2017389
the Hebei Provincial Innovation Project of China and the Key R&D Project of Jiangsu Province of ChinaBE2018759
More Information
Corresponding author:WANG Xiuping, E-mail:bhswxp@163.com
摘要:为实现泥质滨海盐土低成本快速脱盐后种植经济作物,本研究以磷石膏、牛粪、腐殖酸和玉米秸秆为复合改良物料的原料,利用了"深翻耕、浅改良、高垄作、少滴灌"农艺措施和耐盐植物梯次种植的生物措施,采取L16(45)正交设计开展试验研究,系统分析了不同复合改良物料对泥质滨海重盐土的改土降盐和对经济作物黄蜀葵的增产效果;应用模糊数学评判原理与方法,综合评价了各复合改良物料的改土降盐与增产效应,确定出适合滨海泥质盐土应用的优选复合改良物料。结果表明:在"翻耕40 cm,改良30 cm,起垄15 cm,滴灌土壤基质势控制在-10 kPa,前茬种植田菁"的综合农艺措施条件下,本研究中物料成本在2.55~6.01元·m-2的各复合改良物料对泥质滨海盐土均有显著的改土降盐效果,0~10 cm土层土壤盐分含量均由10.86 g·kg-1下降到2.0 g·kg-1以下,10~20 cm土层土壤盐分含量下降到2.5 g·kg-1以下;0~10 cm土层土壤有机质增加到12 g·kg-1以上,土壤碱解氮和有效磷含量提升明显,土壤大团聚体含量增加2.41~7.62倍。以土壤盐分含量、pH、有机质、碱解氮、有效磷、速效钾、微团聚体为评价指标,结合物料成本,筛选出适宜于滨海泥质重盐渍土的最优复合改良物料:22 500 kg·hm-2磷石膏+105 m3·hm-2有机肥+3 750 kg·hm-2腐殖酸+45 m3·hm-2玉米秸秆,该最优复合物料应用两年后,土壤有机质、碱解氮含量最高,与对照相比分别增加181.87%和130.52%,物料施用成本仅4.05元·m-2。
Abstract:The aim of this study was to develop a rapid, low-cost method to desalinate muddy coastal saline soil to facilitate its use for economic crops. We used composite improvers (phosphogypsum, dung, humic acid, and corn straw), comprehensive agronomic measures (deep tillage, shallow soil improvement, high ridge cultivation, and drip irrigation), biological measures (step planting of salt-tolerant plants), and adopted L16(45) orthogonal design, and fuzzy mathematic evaluation to systematically analyze the effects of composite improvers on soil amelioration, salt reduction, and Abelmoschus manihot (L.) Medic yield. The total effect of each composite improver was comprehensively evaluated, and the preferred improvers suitable for application on coastal muddy saline soil were determined. Results showed that composite improvers with a capital cost of 2.55-6.01 ¥·m-2 significantly reduced soil salt content when used with comprehensive agronomic measures consisting of 40 cm of tillage, 30 cm of soil improvement, 15 cm of ridge, drip irrigation controlled to -10 kPa of soil potential, and Sesbania cannabina (Retz.) Poir used as the fore-rotating plant. Soil salt content decreased from 10.86 g·kg-1 to < 2.0 g·kg-1 in the 0-10 cm soil layer and to < 2.5 g·kg-1 in 10-20 cm layer. Soil organic matter content increased to >12 g·kg-1; there were significant increases in alkali-hydrolyzed nitrogen and available phosphorus, and the soil macroaggregate content was 2.41-7.62 times higher than that of the control. The proper combinations of composite improvers for heavy saline silt soil were screened based on the comprehensive evaluation of soil salt content, pH, organic matter, alkali-hydrolyzed nitrogen, available phosphorus, available potassium, and micro-aggregates. A combination of 22 500 kg·hm-2 phosphogypsum + 105 m3·hm-2 organic fertilizer + 3 750 kg·hm-2 humic acid + 45 m3·hm-2 maize straw provided the optimum effect on the improvement of coastal saline soil. Soil organic matter and alkali-hydrolyzed nitrogen increased by 181.87% and 130.52%, respectively, whereas the capital cost was only 4.05 ¥·m-2. Two other combinations provided suboptimal results:15 000 kg·hm-2 phosphogypsum + 75 m3·hm-2 organic fertilizer +3750 kg·hm-2 humic acid +135 m3·hm-2 maize straw (capital cost 4.48¥·m-2); and 30000 kg·hm-2 phosphogypsum +5 m3·hm-2 organic fertilizer +2250 kg·hm-2 humic acid +135 m3·hm-2 maize straw (capital cost 5.02 ¥·m-2).
Key words:Coastal saline soil/
Composite soil improvement agent/
Agronomic measure/
Salt tolerant plant/
Soil salinity/
Soil nutrient/
Saline land improvement

Figure1.Monthly rainfalls in experiment area from 2016 to 2017

Figure2.Technology mode of deep tillage, shallow soil improvement (A) and ridge + drip irrigation (B) in coastal saline soil

原始土样盐分含量为10.86 g·kg-1, 处理编号如表 3所示。不同小写字母表示不同处理在P < 0.05水平差异显著。
Figure3.Effect of different composite soil improvement agents on soil salinity (A) and pH (B) in coastal saline field
The salt content of the original soil was 10.86 g·kg-1. The meanings of treatment numbers in the figure are shown in the table 3. Different lowercase letters in the figure represent significant differences among treatments at P < 0.05.

处理编号如表 3所示。不同小写字母表示不同处理在P < 0.05水平差异显著。
Figure4.Effect of composite soil improvement agents on soil contents of organic matter (A), alkaline N (B), available P (C) and available K (D) in coastal saline field
The meanings of treatment numbers in the figure are shown in the table 3. Different lowercase letters in the figure represent significant differences among treatments at P < 0.05.

图5不同复合土壤改良物料处理对滨海重盐碱地0~10 cm土层土壤团聚体组成的影响
处理编号如表 3所示。
Figure5.Effect of composite soil improvement agents on soil aggregate composition in the 0-10 cm layer in coastal saline field
The meanings of treatment numbers in the figure are shown in the table 3.

处理编号如表 3所示。不同小写字母表示不同处理在P < 0.05水平差异显著。
Figure6.Yield of Abelmoschus manihot (L.) Medic in coastal saline field with different composite soil improvement agents
The meanings of treatment numbers in the figure are shown in the table 3. Different lowercase letters in the figure represent significant differences among treatments at P < 0.05.

Table1.Type and dosage of ingredients of composite soil improvement agents used in the experiment
原料 Ingredient | 施用水平 Application level | |||
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | |
磷石膏 Phosphorusgypsum (kg·hm-2) | 7 500 | 15 000 | 22 500 | 30 000 |
有机肥 Organic fertilizer (m3·hm-2) | 45 | 75 | 105 | 135 |
腐殖酸 Humic acid (kg·hm-2) | 1 500 | 2 250 | 3 000 | 3 750 |
玉米秸秆 Maize straw (m3·hm-2) | 45 | 75 | 105 | 135 |

Table2.Orthogonal design of composite soil improvement agents for this experiment based on L16(45)
处理编号 Treatment | 磷石膏 Phosphorusgypsum | 有机肥 Organic fertilizer | 腐殖酸 Humic acid | 玉米秸秆 Maize straw |
0 (CK) | — | — | — | — |
1 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 3 |
2 | 2 | 4 | 1 | 2 |
3 | 3 | 4 | 3 | 4 |
4 | 4 | 2 | 1 | 1 |
5 | 1 | 3 | 1 | 4 |
6 | 2 | 1 | 3 | 1 |
7 | 3 | 1 | 1 | 3 |
8 | 4 | 3 | 3 | 2 |
9 | 1 | 1 | 4 | 2 |
10 | 2 | 3 | 2 | 3 |
11 | 3 | 3 | 4 | 1 |
12 | 4 | 1 | 2 | 4 |
13 | 1 | 4 | 2 | 1 |
14 | 2 | 2 | 4 | 4 |
15 | 3 | 2 | 2 | 2 |
16 | 4 | 4 | 4 | 3 |

Table3.Common factor variance and weight coefficient of soil indexes of coastal saline soil
指标 Index | 公因子方差 Common factor variance | 权重系数 Weight |
全盐Soil salinity | 0.819 7 | 0.161 4 |
pH | 0.774 2 | 0.152 4 |
有机质Organic matter | 0.625 6 | 0.123 2 |
碱解氮Alkali-hydrolysable N | 0.756 5 | 0.149 0 |
有效磷Available P | 0.798 6 | 0.157 2 |
速效钾Available K | 0.684 6 | 0.134 8 |
微团聚体Micro aggregate | 0.619 5 | 0.122 0 |

表4不同复合土壤改良物料处理对滨海重盐碱地0~10 cm土层各土壤因子改良效果和综合效果的评价
Table4.Evaluation of effects of different composite soil improvement agents on 0-10 cm soil indexes and comprehensive soil improving effects in the coastal saline field
处理 Treatment | 全盐 Salinity | pH | 微团聚体 Micro aggregate | 有机质 Organic matter | 碱解氮 Alkali- hydrolysable N | 有效磷 Available K | 速效钾 Available P | 综合效果 Comprehensive effect |
1 | 0.067 5 | 1.000 0 | 0.577 6 | 0.537 5 | 0.028 7 | 0.342 1 | 0.276 5 | 0.398 9 |
2 | 0.291 4 | 0.621 3 | 0.554 6 | 0.589 5 | 0.000 0 | 0.506 1 | 0.273 6 | 0.399 5 |
3 | 0.061 3 | 0.571 1 | 1.000 0 | 0.498 6 | 0.143 4 | 0.587 2 | 0.250 0 | 0.426 6 |
4 | 0.263 8 | 0.286 6 | 0.510 0 | 0.545 9 | 0.225 8 | 0.423 9 | 0.000 0 | 0.323 0 |
5 | 0.000 0 | 0.583 7 | 0.375 4 | 0.537 2 | 0.028 7 | 0.306 9 | 0.440 6 | 0.314 9 |
6 | 0.144 2 | 0.424 7 | 0.382 3 | 0.552 9 | 0.043 0 | 0.000 0 | 0.225 5 | 0.251 7 |
7 | 0.328 2 | 0.290 8 | 0.351 0 | 0.479 6 | 0.440 9 | 0.689 7 | 0.298 7 | 0.410 7 |
8 | 0.242 3 | 0.230 1 | 0.317 2 | 0.776 6 | 0.716 8 | 0.678 9 | 0.184 6 | 0.455 7 |
9 | 0.334 4 | 0.125 5 | 0.464 5 | 0.658 7 | 0.494 6 | 0.330 5 | 0.605 8 | 0.424 7 |
10 | 0.266 9 | 0.343 1 | 0.407 2 | 0.768 4 | 0.317 3 | 0.433 9 | 0.589 0 | 0.440 2 |
11 | 0.383 4 | 0.123 4 | 0.467 4 | 1.000 0 | 1.000 0 | 0.853 2 | 0.485 2 | 0.618 7 |
12 | 0.107 4 | 0.292 9 | 0.537 4 | 0.765 7 | 0.953 4 | 0.593 0 | 0.542 6 | 0.538 3 |
13 | 0.196 3 | 0.228 0 | 0.403 3 | 0.805 6 | 0.580 6 | 0.723 9 | 0.833 7 | 0.526 7 |
14 | 0.460 1 | 0.000 0 | 0.513 0 | 0.500 0 | 0.616 5 | 1.000 0 | 1.000 0 | 0.565 6 |
15 | 0.380 4 | 0.020 9 | 0.422 4 | 0.599 5 | 0.227 7 | 0.743 5 | 0.780 8 | 0.437 2 |
16 | 0.257 7 | 0.146 4 | 0.343 1 | 0.355 8 | 0.344 1 | 0.749 1 | 0.627 5 | 0.390 8 |
0 | 1.000 0 | 0.324 3 | 0.000 0 | 0.000 0 | 0.179 2 | 0.245 4 | 0.871 4 | 0.378 4 |
处理编号如表 3所示。The meanings of treatment numbers in the figure are shown in the table 3. |

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