QTL Mapping of Candidate Genes Involved in Cd Accumulation in Rice Grain
Chenyang Pan1, Hanfei Ye1, Weiyong Zhou3, Sheng Wang1, Mengjia Li1, Mei Lu1, Sanfeng Li2, Xudong Zhu2, Yuexing Wang2, Yuchun Rao,1,*, Gaoxing Dai,3,*1College of Chemistry and Life Sciences, Zhejiang Normal University, Jinhua 321004, China 2State Key Laboratory of Rice Biology, China National Rice Research Institute, Hangzhou 310006, China 3Guangxi Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Nanning 530007, China
Abstract Rice is one of the world’s most important crops, but cadmium (Cd) pollution and Cd accumulation in rice fields pose a serious threat to its yield and quality as well as to human health. How to reduce Cd accumulation in rice has become a major concern. In this study, a japonica rice variety Nekken2 was used as the maternal parent, and an indica rice variety HZ was used as the paternal parent. After F1 generation was obtained by cross-breeding, successive selfings were performed for 120 recombinant inbred lines (RILs) population as the QTL mapping populations. We measured the Cd content in rice grains of each line at the maturity stage. Meanwhile, QTL mapping was performed using genetic map. As a result, a total of 7 QTLs were detected, which were located on chromosome 2, 3, 9, and 12 of rice, with the highest LOD score of 4.97. The qRT-PCR analysis on the candidate genes involved in metal ion stress resistance in these QTL regions showed that the expression level of LOC_Os02g50240, LOC_Os02g52780, LOC_Os09g31200, LOC_Os09g35030 and LOC_Os09g37949 was significantly different from the parents. Combined with the data of concentration of different metal ions in the parents, we speculated that the high expression of LOC_Os02g50240, LOC_Os09g31200 and LOC_Os09g35030 might greatly improve the absorption and tolerance of rice to Cd ion stress. And these genes may be related to the accumulation of Cd in rice grains, and may affect the ability of rice to tolerate Cd stress, which could help for further breeding and screening for rice varieties to tolerate Cd stress, and exploring the molecular regulation mechanism of Cd accumulation in rice. Keywords:rice;cadmium accumulation;QTL mapping;candidate genes;ion stress;genetic map
PDF (1630KB)元数据多维度评价相关文章导出EndNote|Ris|Bibtex收藏本文 引用本文 潘晨阳, 叶涵斐, 周维永, 王盛, 李梦佳, 路梅, 李三峰, 朱旭东, 王跃星, 饶玉春, 戴高兴. 水稻籽粒镉积累QTL定位及候选基因分析. 植物学报, 2021, 56(1): 25-32 doi:10.11983/CBB20148 Pan Chenyang, Ye Hanfei, Zhou Weiyong, Wang Sheng, Li Mengjia, Lu Mei, Li Sanfeng, Zhu Xudong, Wang Yuexing, Rao Yuchun, Dai Gaoxing. QTL Mapping of Candidate Genes Involved in Cd Accumulation in Rice Grain. Chinese Bulletin of Botany, 2021, 56(1): 25-32 doi:10.11983/CBB20148
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MiyadateH, AdachiS, HiraizumiA, TezukaK, NakazawaN, KawamotoT, KatouK, KodamaI, SakuraiK, TakahashiH, Satoh-NagasawaN, WatanabeA, FujimuraT, AkagiH (2011). OsHMA3, a P1B-type of ATPase affects root-to-shoot cadmium translocation in rice by mediating efflux into vacuoles New Phytol 189, 190-199. DOI:10.1111/j.1469-8137.2010.03459.xURLPMID:20840506 [本文引用: 1] * The cadmium (Cd) over-accumulating rice (Oryza sativa) cv Cho-Ko-Koku was previously shown to have an enhanced rate of root-to-shoot Cd translocation. This trait is controlled by a single recessive allele located at qCdT7. * In this study, using positional cloning and transgenic strategies, heavy metal ATPase 3 (OsHMA3) was identified as the gene that controls root-to-shoot Cd translocation rates. The subcellular localization and Cd-transporting activity of the gene products were also investigated. * The allele of OsHMA3 that confers high root-to-shoot Cd translocation rates (OsHMA3mc) encodes a defective P(1B) -ATPase transporter. OsHMA3 fused to green fluorescent protein was localized to vacuolar membranes in plants and yeast. An OsHMA3 transgene complemented Cd sensitivity in a yeast mutant that lacks the ability to transport Cd into vacuoles. By contrast, OsHMA3mc did not complement the Cd sensitivity of this yeast mutant, indicating that the OsHMA3mc transport function was lost. * We propose that the root cell cytoplasm of Cd-overaccumulating rice plants has more Cd available for loading into the xylem as a result of the lack of OsHMA3-mediated transportation of Cd to the vacuoles. This defect results in Cd translocation to the shoots in higher concentrations. These data demonstrate the importance of vacuolar sequestration for Cd accumulation in rice.
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Satoh-NagasawaN, MoriM, NakazawaN, KawamotoT, NagatoY, SakuraiK, TakahashiH, WatanabeA, AkagiH (2012). Mutations in rice (Oryza sativa) heavy metal ATPase 2 (OsHMA2) restrict the translocation of zinc and cadmium Plant Cell Physiol 53, 213-224. [本文引用: 1]
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植物防御素调控水稻镉积累的新机制 1 2018
... 镉(Cd)在土壤中移动性高, 毒性极强, 是最具危害的重金属元素之一, 极易被植物吸收并运输储存至不同部位, 通过食物链进入生物体并在体内累积, 引起人畜慢性中毒, 给动物及人类的生存带来巨大威胁(Florijn and van Beusichem, 1993).当人摄入过量Cd时会引起肾小管功能障碍、骨质疏松、骨痛(itai- itai)等疾病(Horiguchi et al., 1994; Arisawa et al., 2007), 甚至可能增加癌症的发病率(Satarug et al., 2010).20世纪以来, 随着工业的快速发展, 过度施肥和污染物排放等问题不断恶化, 稻田Cd污染程度日益加剧(Yu et al., 2006; Shi et al., 2011).随着土壤pH值的下降, 水稻(Oryza sativa) Cd污染问题愈加严重(Mao et al., 2019), 世界许多地区均出现水稻Cd含量严重超标的情况.稻田Cd污染的治理包括人为Cd排放量的控制和水稻中Cd积累的抑制两方面.鉴于我国人多地少, 在中、轻度污染土壤上进行低Cd积累作物的种植, 符合经济与生态双重效益, 边生产边修复的新理念成为共识(黄新元和赵方杰, 2018).要实现这一目标, 需挖掘作物阻控Cd相关基因, 深入剖析水稻Cd元素累积的遗传机制, 以阻滞Cd通过食物链富集. ...
Cadmium-induced renal dysfunction and mortality in two cohorts: disappearance of the association in a generation born later 1 2007
... 镉(Cd)在土壤中移动性高, 毒性极强, 是最具危害的重金属元素之一, 极易被植物吸收并运输储存至不同部位, 通过食物链进入生物体并在体内累积, 引起人畜慢性中毒, 给动物及人类的生存带来巨大威胁(Florijn and van Beusichem, 1993).当人摄入过量Cd时会引起肾小管功能障碍、骨质疏松、骨痛(itai- itai)等疾病(Horiguchi et al., 1994; Arisawa et al., 2007), 甚至可能增加癌症的发病率(Satarug et al., 2010).20世纪以来, 随着工业的快速发展, 过度施肥和污染物排放等问题不断恶化, 稻田Cd污染程度日益加剧(Yu et al., 2006; Shi et al., 2011).随着土壤pH值的下降, 水稻(Oryza sativa) Cd污染问题愈加严重(Mao et al., 2019), 世界许多地区均出现水稻Cd含量严重超标的情况.稻田Cd污染的治理包括人为Cd排放量的控制和水稻中Cd积累的抑制两方面.鉴于我国人多地少, 在中、轻度污染土壤上进行低Cd积累作物的种植, 符合经济与生态双重效益, 边生产边修复的新理念成为共识(黄新元和赵方杰, 2018).要实现这一目标, 需挖掘作物阻控Cd相关基因, 深入剖析水稻Cd元素累积的遗传机制, 以阻滞Cd通过食物链富集. ...
New changes in the plasma-membrane-associated proteome of rice roots under salt stress 1 2009
... 已有研究表明, 基因LOC_Os02g52780和LOC_ Os09g35030分别属于bZIP转录因子和AP2/EREBP转录因子, 前者正向调控OsPP2C49和9-顺式-环氧类胡萝卜素双加氧酶基因OsNCED4, 是ABA信号合成及抗旱性的中心调控因子(Zong et al., 2016), 通过ABA依赖途径调节胁迫相关基因的表达, 增强抗旱耐盐性; 后者与干旱响应元件特异结合, 控制许多胁迫诱导基因的表达, 具有培育抗旱耐盐和耐冷转基因水稻的潜力(Dubouzet et al., 2003).基因LOC_ Os02g50240编码胞质谷氨酰胺合成酶, 参与多种生物过程的调控, 进而调节胁迫应答.干旱条件下, LOC_Os02g50240的表达可能对Khitish品种的耐旱性有贡献(Singh and Ghosh, 2013).基因LOC_ Os09g31200编码一种锌指蛋白, 过表达该基因的转基因烟草(Nicotiana tabacum)对冷、干旱和盐胁迫具有耐受性(Mukhopadhyay et al., 2004).基因LOC_Os09g37949编码一种受体蛋白激酶, 其表达受低温、干旱与脱落酸诱导, 可能在响应盐等逆境胁迫中起重要作用(Cheng et al., 2009). ...
OsDREB genes in rice, Oryza sativa L., encode transcription activators that function in drought-, high-salt- and cold-responsive gene expression 1 2003
... 已有研究表明, 基因LOC_Os02g52780和LOC_ Os09g35030分别属于bZIP转录因子和AP2/EREBP转录因子, 前者正向调控OsPP2C49和9-顺式-环氧类胡萝卜素双加氧酶基因OsNCED4, 是ABA信号合成及抗旱性的中心调控因子(Zong et al., 2016), 通过ABA依赖途径调节胁迫相关基因的表达, 增强抗旱耐盐性; 后者与干旱响应元件特异结合, 控制许多胁迫诱导基因的表达, 具有培育抗旱耐盐和耐冷转基因水稻的潜力(Dubouzet et al., 2003).基因LOC_ Os02g50240编码胞质谷氨酰胺合成酶, 参与多种生物过程的调控, 进而调节胁迫应答.干旱条件下, LOC_Os02g50240的表达可能对Khitish品种的耐旱性有贡献(Singh and Ghosh, 2013).基因LOC_ Os09g31200编码一种锌指蛋白, 过表达该基因的转基因烟草(Nicotiana tabacum)对冷、干旱和盐胁迫具有耐受性(Mukhopadhyay et al., 2004).基因LOC_Os09g37949编码一种受体蛋白激酶, 其表达受低温、干旱与脱落酸诱导, 可能在响应盐等逆境胁迫中起重要作用(Cheng et al., 2009). ...
Uptake and distribution of cadmium in maize inbred lines 1 1993
... 镉(Cd)在土壤中移动性高, 毒性极强, 是最具危害的重金属元素之一, 极易被植物吸收并运输储存至不同部位, 通过食物链进入生物体并在体内累积, 引起人畜慢性中毒, 给动物及人类的生存带来巨大威胁(Florijn and van Beusichem, 1993).当人摄入过量Cd时会引起肾小管功能障碍、骨质疏松、骨痛(itai- itai)等疾病(Horiguchi et al., 1994; Arisawa et al., 2007), 甚至可能增加癌症的发病率(Satarug et al., 2010).20世纪以来, 随着工业的快速发展, 过度施肥和污染物排放等问题不断恶化, 稻田Cd污染程度日益加剧(Yu et al., 2006; Shi et al., 2011).随着土壤pH值的下降, 水稻(Oryza sativa) Cd污染问题愈加严重(Mao et al., 2019), 世界许多地区均出现水稻Cd含量严重超标的情况.稻田Cd污染的治理包括人为Cd排放量的控制和水稻中Cd积累的抑制两方面.鉴于我国人多地少, 在中、轻度污染土壤上进行低Cd积累作物的种植, 符合经济与生态双重效益, 边生产边修复的新理念成为共识(黄新元和赵方杰, 2018).要实现这一目标, 需挖掘作物阻控Cd相关基因, 深入剖析水稻Cd元素累积的遗传机制, 以阻滞Cd通过食物链富集. ...
Tracing cadmium from culture to spikelet: noninvasive imaging and quantitative characterization of absorption, transport, and accumulation of cadmium in an intact rice plant 1 2010
Potential risks of copper, zinc, and cadmium pollution due to pig manure application in a soil-rice system under intensive farming: a case study of Nanhu, China 1 2011
... 镉(Cd)在土壤中移动性高, 毒性极强, 是最具危害的重金属元素之一, 极易被植物吸收并运输储存至不同部位, 通过食物链进入生物体并在体内累积, 引起人畜慢性中毒, 给动物及人类的生存带来巨大威胁(Florijn and van Beusichem, 1993).当人摄入过量Cd时会引起肾小管功能障碍、骨质疏松、骨痛(itai- itai)等疾病(Horiguchi et al., 1994; Arisawa et al., 2007), 甚至可能增加癌症的发病率(Satarug et al., 2010).20世纪以来, 随着工业的快速发展, 过度施肥和污染物排放等问题不断恶化, 稻田Cd污染程度日益加剧(Yu et al., 2006; Shi et al., 2011).随着土壤pH值的下降, 水稻(Oryza sativa) Cd污染问题愈加严重(Mao et al., 2019), 世界许多地区均出现水稻Cd含量严重超标的情况.稻田Cd污染的治理包括人为Cd排放量的控制和水稻中Cd积累的抑制两方面.鉴于我国人多地少, 在中、轻度污染土壤上进行低Cd积累作物的种植, 符合经济与生态双重效益, 边生产边修复的新理念成为共识(黄新元和赵方杰, 2018).要实现这一目标, 需挖掘作物阻控Cd相关基因, 深入剖析水稻Cd元素累积的遗传机制, 以阻滞Cd通过食物链富集. ...
Regulation of glutamine synthetase isoforms in two differentially drought-tolerant rice (Oryza sativa L.) cultivars under water deficit conditions 1 2013
... 已有研究表明, 基因LOC_Os02g52780和LOC_ Os09g35030分别属于bZIP转录因子和AP2/EREBP转录因子, 前者正向调控OsPP2C49和9-顺式-环氧类胡萝卜素双加氧酶基因OsNCED4, 是ABA信号合成及抗旱性的中心调控因子(Zong et al., 2016), 通过ABA依赖途径调节胁迫相关基因的表达, 增强抗旱耐盐性; 后者与干旱响应元件特异结合, 控制许多胁迫诱导基因的表达, 具有培育抗旱耐盐和耐冷转基因水稻的潜力(Dubouzet et al., 2003).基因LOC_ Os02g50240编码胞质谷氨酰胺合成酶, 参与多种生物过程的调控, 进而调节胁迫应答.干旱条件下, LOC_Os02g50240的表达可能对Khitish品种的耐旱性有贡献(Singh and Ghosh, 2013).基因LOC_ Os09g31200编码一种锌指蛋白, 过表达该基因的转基因烟草(Nicotiana tabacum)对冷、干旱和盐胁迫具有耐受性(Mukhopadhyay et al., 2004).基因LOC_Os09g37949编码一种受体蛋白激酶, 其表达受低温、干旱与脱落酸诱导, 可能在响应盐等逆境胁迫中起重要作用(Cheng et al., 2009). ...