1.Mitigation and Adaptation to Climate Change in Shanghai, Shanghai Regional Climate Center, China Meteorological Administration, Shanghai, 200030, China 2.Climate Prediction Center, NCEP/NWS/NOAA, 5830 University Research Court, College Park, MD 20740, USA 3.National Climate Center, China Meteorological Administration, Beijing 100081, China 4.School of Atmospheric Sciences, Nanjing University of Information Science & Technology, Nanjing 210044, China Manuscript received: 2021-02-23 Manuscript revised: 2021-06-05 Manuscript accepted: 2021-07-01 Abstract:The middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River in eastern China during summer 2020 suffered the strongest mei-yu since 1961. In this work, we comprehensively analyzed the mechanism of the extreme mei-yu season in 2020, with focuses on the combined effects of the Madden-Julian Oscillation (MJO) and the cooperative influence of the Pacific and Indian Oceans in 2020 and from a historical perspective. The prediction and predictability of the extreme mei-yu are further investigated by assessing the performances of the climate model operational predictions and simulations. It is noted that persistent MJO phases 1?2 during June?July 2020 played a crucial role for the extreme mei-yu by strengthening the western Pacific subtropical high. Both the development of La Ni?a conditions and sea surface temperature (SST) warming in the tropical Indian Ocean exerted important influences on the long-lived MJO phases 1?2 by slowing down the eastward propagation of the MJO and activating convection related to the MJO over the tropical Indian Ocean. The spatial distribution of the 2020 mei-yu can be qualitatively captured in model real-time forecasts with a one-month lead. This can be attributed to the contributions of both the tropical Indian Ocean warming and La Ni?a development. Nevertheless, the mei-yu rainfall amounts are seriously underestimated. Model simulations forced with observed SST suggest that internal processes of the atmosphere play a more important role than boundary forcing (e.g., SST) in the variability of mei-yu anomaly, implying a challenge in quantitatively predicting an extreme mei-yu season, like the one in 2020. Keywords: 2020 extreme mei-yu, MJO, Indian Ocean, La Ni?a, prediction and predictability 摘要:MJO (Madden-Julian Oscillation)和太平洋-印度洋海温作为热带地区的主要次季节-季节变率因子,对东亚夏季气候异常产生重要影响。2020年夏季中国东部长江中下游地区遭受自1961年以来最强的梅雨。本研究从MJO的作用和太平洋-印度洋协同影响角度,详细分析了2020年极端梅雨的形成机制;进一步通过对气候模式实时业务预测和模拟的评估,考察了2020年极端梅雨的预测技巧及可预测性。 本研究表明,2020年6-7月期间,MJO处于位相1-2 的频数是气候平均值的两倍,因此导致异常偏强的西太平洋副热带高压环流携带水汽输送至梅雨区,加之位于乌拉尔山和鄂霍次克海的持续阻塞环流影响,对极端梅雨的形成发挥了关键作用。而拉尼拉娜现象的发展和热带印度洋增暖对MJO在热带印度洋中部的锁相起到了锚定作用。拉尼娜的发展减缓了 MJO的东传,导致 MJO持续处于位相1-2。与此同时,热带印度洋增暖也增加MJO位相 1-2的频数,进而间接增强梅雨。通过分析1979-2020年的历史数据,进一步印证了太平洋和印度洋对MJO持续处于位相1-2的协同影响,以及太平洋和印度洋可能通过影响MJO的1-2位相的持续性间接影响梅雨。基于CFSv2气候模式的实时预测评估表明,模式的实时预测可提前1个月定性预测2020年的极端梅雨,这与模式能抓住热带印度洋变暖和拉尼娜的发展有关。利用观测到的海温作为强迫因子进行模拟试验发现,大气内部过程较海温边界强迫对梅雨的异常变化起着更重要的作用,因此极端梅雨定量预测仍是目前的一个巨大挑战。 关键词:2020年极端梅雨, MJO, 印度洋, 拉尼娜, 可预测性
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4.1. MJO
The MJO exhibited distinct anomalous propagation during the early summer of 2020. As shown in Fig. 3a, the MJO slowly propagated eastward, which was in phase 1 at the end of May 2020. During the whole mei-yu season (June to July), the MJO was persistently active over the western hemisphere and the western Indian Ocean, corresponding to phases 1 and 2 of MJO (Fig. 3a). Compared with their climatology in 1981–2010, the frequencies of phases 1 and 2 during the mei-yu season (June?July) of 2020 were about two times greater than those of their climatology (Fig. 3b). Meanwhile, the MJO is also associated with the ESMI (Fig. 4). Consistent with Fig. 3, the ESMI was continuously abnormally strong, mostly in phases 1 and 2 of MJO, suggesting that phases 1 and 2 of MJO are linked with a strong Eastern Asian subtropical monsoon and mei-yu. The composite of ESMI at eight phases of strong MJO with amplitude larger than one, during the warm season (May–October) of 1980–2019 (not shown) suggests that on average, the ESMI is positive in phases 1?2 of the MJO. The relations are similar for June?July of 2020, implying robustness of the relationship between ESMI and MJO phases 1?2. The ESMI represents the moisture convergence associated with both warm air from southern China and cold air from northern China, thus the circulation anomaly over both south and north of the MLRYR is associated with the ESMI. Taking 2010 as an example, the ESMI is negative under frequent MJO phases 1?2 during June?July, which is connected with the more southward location of the WPSH and the horizontal circulation anomaly over the East Asian westerly region (not shown). Corresponding to the weak ESMI, a weak positive rainfall anomaly took place in the MLRYR during June?July of 2010 (not shown). Figure3. (a) Daily variation of MJO phases during May-August in 2020 and (b) frequency of MJO phases 1?2 during June?July 2020 (red bars) and their corresponding 1981?2010 climatology (blue bars) (units: days).
Figure4. Daily values of ESMI [units: kg (m s)?1] in the different phases of MJO during June?July of 2020.
To further understand the statistical connection of the MJO phases 1?2 with the mei-yu anomaly, Fig. 5 displays the composites of the circulation anomalies in MJO phases 1?2 during June?July of 1979–2020. In MJO phases 1?2, strong positive geopotential height anomalies in the middle troposphere are present over the tropical northwestern Pacific, the South China Sea, the Bay of Bengal, and the Arabian Sea consistent with an anomalously strong WPSH. The resulting circulation brought anomalously abundant moisture into the MLRYR from the northwestern Pacific via the South China Sea, leading to anomalous rainfall over the MLRYR. The anomalous rainfall is mainly associated with anomalous moisture transport from the northwestern Pacific via the South China Sea. By taking June?July 2020 as an example, corresponding to the frequent MJO phases 1?2, the anomalous moisture transported by the southerly wind along the western extent of the WPSH accounts for more than 40% of the total moisture flux over the MLRYR (not shown), which results in extreme mei-yu. This is consistent with the statistical relation and with Liang et al. (2020). Meanwhile, the rainfall anomalies are amplified by the abnormal moisture transport from the Bay of Bengal. The low-level circulation anomaly during MJO phases 1?2 (Fig. 5) is similar to that during 2020 mei-yu (Fig. 2d) along the tropical Indian-Pacific Oceans and the subtropical areas of the Asian continent. Moreover, from a long-term statistical perspective, the dominance of phases 1?2 in the 2020 mei-yu, shown in Figs. 3, 4, may be connected with the development of La Ni?a and the warming in the tropical Indian Ocean in 2020. This will be discussed further in the upcoming subsections. Figure5. Anomalous composites of H500 (contour; units: gpm), rainfall (shading; units: mm d?1), and uv850 (vector; units: m s?1) in MJO phases 1?2 during June?July of 1979–2020.
2 4.2. Influences of La Ni?a development -->
4.2. Influences of La Ni?a development
During 2020, ENSO transitioned from a warm condition to a cold condition with a La Ni?a emerging in the second half of 2020 (L’Heureux et al., 2021). To further examine the impact of the developing phase of La Ni?a on mei-yu, the frequencies of various MJO phases in June?July of seven La Ni?a developing years during 1979–2020 are analyzed (Figs. 6, 7a, b). It can be seen that MJO phases 1?2 are more favorable than other phases (Fig. 6a) under La Ni?a developing conditions (Fig. 7a). That may imply that during summers that feature a developing La Ni?a, the eastward propagation of MJO is restricted, resulting in long-lived MJO phases 1?2 which favors abundant rainfall over the MLRYR (Fig. 5). This idea is consistent with Yoo et al. (2010) who found that the MJO has different characteristics in the different phases of the ENSO cycle. For example, the eastward propagation of MJO is less favorable in La Ni?a rather than in El Ni?o conditions. Figure6. (a) Frequency (days) of different MJO phases during June?July of seven La Ni?a developing years and, (b) their average in comparison with 2020 and the 1981–2010 climatology.
Figure7. (a) Composites of SSTA in May?June (units: °C) of seven La Ni?a developing years, (b) SSTA in May?June 2020, and (c) simultaneous correlation of June?July rainfall anomaly average in the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River with SSTA during 1981–2020. Hatches in (a) and (c) represent the significance at the level of 95% using a T-test.
The occurrence frequencies of MJO phases 1 and 2 seem to be connected with the cooling tendency in the tropical central and eastern Pacific from boreal winter (December–February, DJF) to the late spring and early summer (April–June, AMJ). Historically, on the other hand, the SSTAs in the central-western tropical Pacific can be modulated by MJO events that originated from the tropical Indian Ocean (Zhang et al., 2021b). Figure 8 shows the interannual variations of the cooling tendency and frequencies of MJO phases 1?2. The cooling tendency is denoted by the Ni?o-3.4 index differences between AMJ and DJF. Thereinto, the cooling tendency occurs when the Ni?o-3.4 index difference is negative. The frequencies of MJO phases 1?2 in June?July significantly correlate with the cooling tendency, with a correlation coefficient of –0.47 (significant above the 0.01 confidence level). The above mentioned slower propagation of MJO in the early summer of La Ni?a developing years is similar to that which occurs in winter (Wei and Ren, 2019) and is also consistent with what is observed during the weakening of the MJO over the western Pacific during decaying phases of El Ni?o (Gushchina and Dewitte, 2012; Wang et al., 2018). Figure8. Frequency of MJO phases 1?2 (bars, units: days) during June?July and Ni?o-3.4 index difference between April–June and preceding December–February in La Ni?a developing years (SSTA curve, units: °C).
2 4.3. Influences of the tropical Indian Ocean -->
4.3. Influences of the tropical Indian Ocean
In addition to the impact of the developing phase of La Ni?a, the frequency increase of MJO phases 1?2 may also be amplified by other factors, such as the warming in the tropical Indian Ocean (Fig. 7b). As shown in Figs. 7a and 7b, pronounced warming over the tropical Indian Ocean is seen in the early summer of both six historical La Ni?a developing years and 2020. Statistically, there is a significant correlation of 0.41 between SSTAs averaged in the tropical Indian Ocean (60o–90oE, 10oS–10oN) in May?June and the ESMI index in June?July (Fig. 9a), which exceeds the 0.01 significance level. By excluding the possible influence dominated by ENSO, represented by the May?June Ni?o-3.4 index, the corresponding partial correlation is 0.47, slightly higher than without excluding ENSO influence. That may suggest that SSTAs in the tropical Indian Ocean are an important factor in affecting East Asian summer climate anomalies through their influence upon the ESMI and WPSH (e.g., Hu et al., 2003). According to Takaya et al. (2020), the Indian Ocean warming condition may be traced back to the strong Indian Ocean Dipole (IOD) episode in 2019 through oceanic dynamics and monsoon modulation. Figure9. (a) ESMI [units: kg (m s)?1] and (b) frequency (days) of MJO phases 1?2 (bars) in June?July. The curve in (a, b) denotes SSTA averaged in the tropical Indian Ocean in May?June (units: °C).
On the other hand, SST warming in the tropical Indian Ocean can also be indirectly advantageous to abundant mei-yu by increasing MJO phases 1?2. As shown in Fig. 9b, there is a significant correlation (with correlation coefficient 0.43 above 0.01 confidence level) between the SSTA averaged in the tropical Indian Ocean in May?June with the frequency of MJO phases 1?2 in June?July. By excluding the influence of ENSO represented by the Ni?o-3.4 index, the corresponding partial correlation (with correlation coefficient 0.37) is still significant. Thus, in addition to the development of La Ni?a, the warming in the tropical Indian Ocean may contribute to the 2020 extreme mei-yu through its modulation of the WPSH and consequent anchoring of the MJO (phases 1?2) in the tropical Indian Ocean. This is consistent with Yuan et al. (2014) which suggested the 850 hPa anomalous easterlies over the equatorial central Indian Ocean in association with a positive IOD can act as a barrier to the continuously eastward propagation of the intraseasonal convection, which interrupts MJO propagation in the eastern equatorial Indian Ocean and western Pacific. Nevertheless, in addition to the impacts that ENSO and Indian Ocean SSTs have on the MJO, it should be pointed out that, historically, the SSTAs in the central-western tropical Pacific and tropical Indian Oceans can be modulated by MJO events (Zhang et al., 2021b). Moreover, considering that the “moisture mode” hypothesis is a recently adopted plausible mechanism for MJO propagation (e.g., Kim, 2017), the thermodynamical processes may contribute to the MJO propagation and persistency during the 2020 mei-yu, which deserves further study. To quantitatively estimate the influences of the Pacific and Indian Oceans on the MJO, binary linear regressions of SSTA tendency in the tropical central and eastern Pacific from DJF to AMJ and the tropical Indian Ocean SSTA in May?June onto the frequencies of MJO phases 1?2 during June?July are calculated. The linear regression reconstructed frequency of MJO phases 1?2 from June to July 2020 is 29, higher than the 1981–2010 climatological frequency (20), indicating that the cooperative influences of the Pacific and Indian Oceans are favorable for the 1?2 phases of MJO. Collectively, these may be the main sources of predictability and prediction skills for the mei-yu in 2020.