1.State Key Laboratory of Severe Weather, Chinese Academy of Meteorological Sciences, Beijing 100081, China 2.Department of Atmospheric and Oceanic Science, University of Maryland, College Park, College Park, Maryland 20742, USA Manuscript received: 2021-03-24 Manuscript revised: 2021-10-12 Manuscript accepted: 2021-10-14 Abstract:A sustained heavy rainfall event occurred over the Sichuan basin in southwest China during 10–18 August 2020, showing pronounced diurnal rainfall variations with nighttime peak and afternoon minimum values, except on the first day. Results show that the westward extension of the anomalously strong western Pacific subtropical high was conducive to the maintenance of a southerly low-level jet (LLJ) in and to the southeast of the basin, which favored continuous water vapor transport and abnormally high precipitable water in the basin. The diurnal cycle of rainfall over the basin was closely related to the periodic oscillation of the LLJ in both wind speed and direction that was caused by the combination of inertial oscillation and terrain thermal forcing. The nocturnally enhanced rainfall was produced by moist convection mostly initiated during the evening hours over the southwest part of the basin where high convective available potential energy with moister near-surface moist air was present. The convective initiation took place as cold air from either previous precipitating clouds from the western Sichuan Plateau or a larger-scale northerly flow met a warm and humid current from the south. It was the slantwise lifting of the warm, moist airflow above the cold air, often facilitated by southwest vortices and quasi-geostrophic ascent, that released the convective instability and produced heavy rainfall. Keywords: diurnal cycle, heavy rainfall, low-level jet, inertial oscillation, terrain, Sichuan basin 摘要:2020 年 8 月 10 日至 18 日,中国西南四川盆地发生持续性强降水事件,除第一天外,降水量呈现显著的夜间峰值和下午谷值的特征。累积降水最大中心位于盆地西北部,但夜雨增强首先主要出现在盆地西南部,随后是盆地西北部。研究结果表明,异常强的西太平洋副热带高压西伸,有利于盆地东南侧偏南低空急流的维持,从而有利于持续的水汽输送和盆地异常高的可降水量分布。盆地降水日变化与低空急流风速和风向的周期性变化密切相关,这种周期性变化由惯性振荡和地形热力强迫共同引起。夜间增强的降水大多由盆地西南部新生的湿对流带来。夜间盆地西南部大气具有高的对流有效位能和更湿的近地层空气,由高原西移到盆地的降水云有关的冷空气/偏北气流带来的冷空气与从南边而来的暖空气相遇有利于对流的触发。暖湿气流在冷空气之上斜升,同时有西南涡和准地转抬升的助力,促进了对流不稳定能量的释放和强降水的产生 关键词:日变化, 强降水, 低空急流, 惯性振荡, 地形, 四川盆地
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4.1. Spatial distributions of rainfall and low-level flows
Before analyzing the dominant processes controlling the diurnal rainfall cycles, especially the nocturnal rainfall enhancement, we examine the evolution of the total 3-hour accumulated rainfall amounts during the E2 episode (Fig. 5). A major rainfall belt > 50 mm was distributed in the northwestern corner during the early evening hours (i.e., 1800 to 2000 LST, Fig. 5a). The rainfall belt weakened slightly in intensity in the following three hours, while another major rainfall belt developed in the southwestern area of the basin, which was more extensive in coverage, and a secondary rainfall belt appeared in the central region, as highlighted by the two ellipses in Fig. 5b. This corresponded to rapid increase in the regionally averaged hourly rainfall rates during the diurnal cycle (cf. Figs. 5b and 2). The enhancement of 6-hourly rainfall over the southwestern basin from 2000 to 0200 LST was evident during each day from 11 to 17 August except for 13 August (not shown). At the time of the peak regionally averaged hourly rainfall rate (i.e., 0000?0200 LST), the 3-hourly rainfall totals exhibited a widespread coverage, with heavier amounts of over 150 mm in both the northwestern and western basins (Fig. 5c). Subsequently, heavy rainfall was approximately linearly distributed along the foothills on the northwestern side of the basin. The nighttime rainfall was first enhanced over the southwest part of the basin, which then extended to the northwest. This evolution is consistent with that shown in Z19. The rainfall intensity and areal coverage decreased gradually after about 0200 LST. While the 3-hourly heavy rainfall belt in the southwestern basin occurred during the nocturnal period, it did not show up in the 8-day accumulated rainfall map (cf. Figs. 5b, c and 1), because of the more frequent development of rainstorms in the northwestern basin. Figure5. The total 3-hourly accumulated rainfall (mm) during the E2 episode. Time period in the form of hh–hh (LST) is shown in the upper-left corners in each panel. Curves denote terrain heights (km). Red ellipses denote the regions with 3-hourly rainfall amounts exceeding that in the previous 3 hours.
Figure 6 shows that the convergence pattern at 800 hPa coincided well with the diurnal evolution of the rainfall distribution. For example, the convergent wind belt < ?4 × 10?5 s?1 sustained over the northwest of the basin, which is consistent with the 8-day accumulated rainfall distribution (Fig. 1). Of course, this is not surprising because the convergence zone could be understood to result from diabatic heating associated with these storms. The wind convergence over the southwestern part of the basin intensified during 2100?2300 LST due to the presence of relatively stronger easterly winds from the southeast, which is in accordance with the rainfall enhancement in the southwestern part of the basin (Figs. 5a, b and 6a, b). Deviating winds distributed close to the northwestern mountains north of 31°N changed from northeasterly at 1800?2000 LST to southeasterly at 0000?0200 LST, which enhanced the convergence and thus intensified the rainfall over the northwest part of the basin (Figs. 5a, c and 6a, c).When the deviating winds near 104°E in the south of the basin changed from the southeasterly to southerly direction during 0000 to 0500 LST, the convergence and the rainfall over the southwest part of the basin weakened greatly (cf. Figs. 5c, d and 6c, d). During the daytime, a convergence zone always maintained over the northwestern part of the basin, with a slight northeastward displacement of its center in the afternoon, which is in accordance with the heavy rainfall distribution over that region (Figs. 5e–h and 6e–h). All the results indicate that the diurnal variation of the low-level wind field was closely related to that of rainfall distribution in the target region. Figure6. Three-hourly averaged 800-hPa wind (black vectors) and its deviation (red vectors) and divergence (blue shading, 10?4 s?1), and 900-hPa $ {\theta }_{\mathrm{e}\mathrm{p}} $ (purple-contoured at 2-K intervals) during the E2 episode. Time period in the form of hh–hh (LST) is shown in the upper-left corner in each panel. Isotachs of 10 and 14 m s?1 are shown by solid and dashed black contours, respectively. Gray shading and curved lines represent terrain higher than 2 km and terrain of 1 km elevation, respectively. Note the $ {\theta }_{\mathrm{e}\mathrm{p}} $ over the region with terrain height of greater than 1 km are fake.
The nocturnal enhancement of rainfall was also related to the low-level thermal field. As indicated by pseudo-equivalent potential temperature ($ {\theta }_{\mathrm{e}\mathrm{p}} $, Figs. 6a–c), there was an obvious contrast of $ {\theta }_{\mathrm{e}\mathrm{p}} $ between an airflow along the foot of the plateau to the west and an airflow extending northward from the southern target region during the evening to early morning hours. The difference in $ {\theta }_{\mathrm{e}\mathrm{p}} $ at 2100–2300 LST reached about 12 K in a distance of about 200 km. A high $ {\theta }_{\mathrm{e}\mathrm{p}} $ tongue > 354 K was associated with a southerly LLJ, while an extended narrow zone with a 100–150 km width next to the western plateau was associated with a colder airmass probably due to rain evaporative cooling (cf. Figs. 5a, b and 6a, b). This thermal contrast was conducive to convective initiation in the southwestern part of the target region during the evening hours. This will be further discussed in section 5. The diurnal cycles of heavy rainfall in the basin coincided closely with the development of the southwest vortices. Figure 7 shows that the mean relative vorticity in the Sichuan basin was < 6 × 10?5 s?1 during the E1 episode, but was substantially larger during E2. The vorticity peaked in the 850?800 hPa layer during the early morning hours each day of the E2 episode, with the maximum value being > 10?4 s?1 except for the much weaker rainfall period of 13 August. The timings of the peak vorticity coincided well with those of the peak rainfall rate, suggesting the importance of latent heat release in the generation and intensification of the southwest vortices, which in turn favored upward motion and heavy rainfall production (e.g., Zhang and Fritsch, 1987; Kuo et al., 1988; Li et al., 2014). Such positive feedbacks among latent heat release, increased rotation, and increased low-level convergence associated with the southwest vortices could explain the nocturnal enhancement of rainfall over the basin, with the southerly LLJ feeding the needed high-$ {\theta }_{\mathrm{e}\mathrm{p}} $ air, as discussed in the next subsection. Figure7. Time series of the vertical distribution of relative vorticity (10?5 s?1) averaged over the target region with terrain elevations of less than 700 m.
2 4.2. LLJ and water vapor fluxes -->
4.2. LLJ and water vapor fluxes
Given the importance of the southerly airflow to the southeast of the basin in transporting water vapor to the basin (Figs. 3b, d), how the lower-tropospheric flows varied diurnally in and around the basin was examined. The 3-hourly averaged wind fields during E2 (Fig. 6) show that a southerly LLJ was located in the eastern part of the target region, with its coverage and intensity increasing during the late evening to early morning hours and decreasing during the daytime, as indicated by the isotachs of 10 and 14 m s?1. Meanwhile, the direction of the LLJ varied from southeasterly in the evening to southerly near midnight, and then to southwesterly in the morning hours. As a result, deviating winds rotated in a clockwise sense. These variations in wind direction and speed, based on the 7-day composite, were similar to those found by Z19 based on their three-month composites. Given the topographical features to the east of the target region, we may infer that the deviating winds helped enhance water vapor transport into the target region when they were close to the eastern and southern boundaries of the target area with some components crossing the boundaries. For example, the deviating winds to the southeast of the basin exhibited easterly, southeasterly, southerly, and southwesterly directions chronologically during the evening to early morning hours, which would increase the water vapor transport and result in rainfall enhancement during about 2100 to 0500 LST (Figs. 6b–d). In contrast, the deviating winds with a westerly, northwesterly or northerly direction during daytime would reduce the transport of water vapor. This conjecture is confirmed by an analysis of moisture flux across the four boundaries of the target region. Figures 8a–d show that the southern boundary was the main channel for water vapor transport into the basin during E2, followed by the eastern and western boundaries. The largest water vapor flux of greater than 16 g s?1 cm?1 hPa?1 was at ~ 800 hPa across the eastern portion of the southern border, which is consistent with the location of the southerly LLJ. At the eastern boundary, the largest water vapor flux > 8 g s?1 cm?1 hPa?1 was distributed at ~ 900 hPa, which is associated with the lower terrain height there. Water vapor was advected out mainly from the northern boundary, and also from the eastern boundary above the PBL. Figure8. Vertical cross sections of the averaged moisture flux (g s?1 cm?1 hPa?1) during the E2 episode across the (a) western, (b) southern, (c) eastern, and (d) northern boundaries of the target region shown in Fig. 1. Gray shadings represent terrain. Time series are shown of (e) the averaged moisture flux across each boundary (107 kg s?1), and (f) the net moisture flux through the four boundaries (107 kg s?1) from 10 to 18 August 2020.
The temporal variations of the moisture flux through the four boundaries (Fig. 8e) indicate that the water vapor flux across the southern boundary ($ {\mathrm{Q}\mathrm{F}\mathrm{l}\mathrm{u}\mathrm{x}}_{\mathrm{s}} $) had evident diurnal cycles during E2, with a peak occurring close to the time of the target-region-averaged hourly rainfall rates (Fig. 2). $ {\mathrm{Q}\mathrm{F}\mathrm{l}\mathrm{u}\mathrm{x}}_{\mathrm{s}} $ generally peaked when the deviating winds had their largest northward component at 800 hPa (cf. Figs. 6c and 8e). It seems that the net moisture flux through the four boundaries evolved consistently with the regionally averaged rainfall intensity (cf. Figs. 2 and 8f), e.g., the lowest peak value of net moisture flux during the evening of 13 August was consistent with the lowest rainfall peak value on the same day. The peak hour of the net moisture flux was roughly 1?6 hours earlier than the peak hour of the regionally averaged hourly rainfall, which is comparable to the 4-hour time difference found in Z19. This result confirms that the rainfall intensity in the basin was closely related to the amount of external water vapor supply (cf. Figs. 2 and 8f). In contrast to the E2 episode, there was water vapor transport with comparable strength from three boundaries during the E1 episode, i.e., the western, southern and eastern boundaries, resulting in strong net water vapor inflow, especially during the daytime. This was in accordance with the long-lasting heavy rainfall till the daytime during E1.
2 4.3. Mechanisms governing the nocturnal LLJ enhancement -->
4.3. Mechanisms governing the nocturnal LLJ enhancement
The time-latitude distribution of the 800-hPa flow over the LLJ region clearly shows the diurnal evolution of the southerly LLJ during E2 (Fig. 9). Clearly, the zonally averaged horizontal wind speed increased to > 14 m s?1 at nighttime and decreased to < 12 m s?1 in the daytime during E2. Accordingly, the associated deviating wind speeds exhibited similar changes. In addition, the deviating winds presented periodic clockwise rotation and oscillation during each 24-h cycle of E2. Such oscillations of the deviating winds could enhance the water vapor convergence at nighttime, as shown previously. In contrast to the E2 episode, the zonally averaged wind speed during E1 was much smaller, i.e., 6?10 m s?1, and the deviating winds were mainly northeasterly over the eastern target region, which was more or less related to the distribution of large-scale pressure systems (Fig. 4a). Figure9. Time series of the horizontal wind speed at 800 hPa (shaded, m s?1) averaged over 105°–108°E during 10 to 18 August 2020. Deviations from the temporal means during E2 are shown as vectors (m s?1). The white line denotes the southern border of the target region.
The periodic variation of the deviating wind field over the LLJ region during E2 was evidently related to the inertial oscillation of the ageostrophic wind component, as previously put forward by Z19. The inertial oscillation period is $ 2\pi /f $, where $ f $ is the Coriolis parameter (Blackadar, 1957; Markowski and Richardson, 2010). Thus, the ageostrophic wind component would take about 24 h to rotate clockwise in a circle at 30°N, which is consistent with the duration of one cycle in this event. The wind averaged over the LLJ region to the southeast of the target region was supergeostrophic when it peaked at nighttime and subgeostrophic when it reached a minimum during the daytime (Fig. 10), which is in line with the theory of inertial oscillation. However, it is not possible to identify this phenomenon in the LLJ region to the east of the target region, because of the presence of complex terrain, as well as the likely presence of gradient wind induced by the southwest vortices. Figure10. Time series of area-averaged (25°–28°N, 107°–110°E; see the location in Fig. 3b) geostrophic wind speed ($ {V}_{\mathrm{g}} $, ${\mathrm{m}\;\mathrm{s}}^{-1}$) and horizontal wind speed ($ V $, $ {\mathrm{m}\mathrm{?}\mathrm{s}}^{-1} $) at 1 km above the ground.
The periodic variation of the LLJ could also be influenced by the terrain thermal forcing (Holton, 1967) as the southerly LLJ was located over the eastern part of the Yunnan-Guizhou Plateau (Figs. 1 and 3b). To minimize the influence of the southwest vortices over the basin, a zonal cross section to the south of the target region is given in Fig. 11, showing the presence of a significant mountain-plains solenoid. There were easterly deviation winds in the near-surface layer, and upward (downward) motion over the western high mountains (eastern lower mountains) at 1400 and 2000 LST (Figs. 11a, b). In contrast, the deviation circulation in the cross section was reversed at 0200 and 0800 LST (Figs. 11c, d), and was closely related to the temperature gradient of opposite sign over the sloping terrain. The easterly deviation wind at 2000 LST was stronger than that in the afternoon. Under the influence of the Coriolis force, a southerly wind could be produced in a few hours, which would help the strengthening of the LLJ during the nighttime. Therefore, the periodic variation of the southerly LLJ could be attributed primarily to the inertial oscillation and secondarily to terrain thermal forcing (Du and Rotunno, 2014; Shapiro et al., 2016). Figure11. Zonal cross sections of the deviation temperature (shaded, K), deviation wind [composite of zonal wind (${\mathrm{m}\;\mathrm{s}}^{-1}$) and vertical wind (${\mathrm{c}\mathrm{m}\;\mathrm{s}}^{-1}$)], and deviation vertical velocity (contour, ${\mathrm{c}\mathrm{m}\;\mathrm{s}}^{-1}$) averaged between 26.5°?27.5°N at (a) 1400, (b) 2000, (c) 0200, and (d) 0800 LST during the E2 episode. Gray shadings denote terrain along 26.5°N.