1.State Key Laboratory of Earth Surface Process and Resource Ecology/Key Laboratory of Environmental Change and Natural Disaster, Ministry of Education, Faculty of Geographical Science, Beijing Normal University, Beijing 100875, China 2.Southern Marine Science and Engineering Guangdong Laboratory, Guangzhou 511458, China 3.State Key Laboratory of Numerical Modeling for Atmospheric Sciences and Geophysical Fluid Dynamics (LASG), Institute of Atmospheric Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100029, China Manuscript received: 2020-07-19 Manuscript revised: 2021-02-01 Manuscript accepted: 2021-02-04 Abstract:Convective/large-scale (C/L) precipitation partitions are crucial for achieving realistic rainfall modeling and are classified in 16 phase 6 of the Coupled Model Intercomparison Project (CMIP6) atmospheric models. Only 4 models capture the feature that convective rainfall significantly exceeds the large-scale rainfall component in the tropics while the other 12 models show 50%–100% large-scale rainfall component in heavy rainfall. Increased horizontal resolution generally increases the convective rainfall percentage, but not in all models. The former 4 models can realistically reproduce two peaks of moisture vertical distribution, respectively located in the upper and the lower troposphere. In contrast, the latter 12 models correspond to three types of moisture vertical profile biases: (1) whole mid-to-lower tropospheric wet biases (60%–80% large-scale rainfall); (2) mid-tropospheric wet peak (50% convective/large-scale rainfall); and (3) lower-tropospheric wet peak (90%–100% large-scale rainfall). And the associated vertical distribution of unique clouds potentially causes different climate feedback, suggesting accurate C/L rainfall components are necessary to reliable climate projection. Keywords: CMIP6, heavy precipitation, convective precipitation, moisture vertical distribution 摘要:对流降水和大尺度降水的占比模拟情况对于模拟极端降水至关重要。基于CMIP6模拟结果,研究发现:只有1/4的模式的热带极端降水是以对流降水的贡献为主。根据对流/大尺度降水贡献比例的特征,研究将目前模式分为四种类型,同时发现该分型特征与模拟的湿度垂直分布密切相关。第一类模式:极端降水以对流降水占主,相对湿度的垂直结构在对流层高层和低层存在两个峰值,与观测最接近;第二类模式:对流降水和大尺度降水对总极端降水的贡献分别约为20%和80%,这类模式的湿度垂直分布特征是对流层高层缺少峰值,且在对流层中下层偏湿;第三类模式:对流和大尺度降水对总极端降水的贡献约各占50%,这类模式的湿度只在对流层中层存在单一峰值;第四类模式:极端降水几乎100%由大尺度降水贡献,湿度垂直结构只在对流层低层存在单一峰值。不同的对流/大尺度降水贡献比例特征对应的云量垂直分布模拟也有显著差别,意味着模式间的气候反馈和气候敏感性有显著差异,这将成为影响未来气候预估不确定性的重要因素之一。 关键词:CMIP6, 极端降水, 对流降水, 湿度垂直廓线
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3.1. Classification of C/L rainfall partitions for tropical heavy rainfall in CMIP6
To recognize the current status of tropical C/L rainfall partitions associated with heavy rainfall in CMIP6, the frequency distributions and percentage contributions of the C/L component against rainfall intensity in 16 CMIP6 model outputs focusing on heavy rainfall were investigated, as shown in Fig. 1. As a result, only four models in CMIP6 (EC-Earth3, UKESM1-0-LL, HadGEM3-GC31-HM, and SAM0-UNICON) have the feature that convective rainfall exceeds large-scale rainfall in heavy rainfall, as shown in Fig. 1(I). In contrast, in the other 12 models, large-scale rainfall is equal to or exceeds convective rainfall in the heavy rainfall partition as show in Fig. 1(II, III, IV), and those models were further categorized into three major types according to different percentage contributions of C/L rainfall. The first type includes BCC-CSM2-MR, CESM2, NESM3, GFDL-CM4, MIROC6, FGOALS-g3, and MRI-AGCM3-2-H [see Fig. 1(II)]. For these models, the convective rainfall exceeds the large-scale rainfall in intensity at approximately less than 50 mm d?1 while it becomes less than the large-scale component at greater than 50 mm d?1, except for MIROC6 which has more convective rainfall until 170 mm d?1. The percentage of the large-scale rainfall is gradually increasing with the intensity increase and reaches approximately 70%–80% in extreme heavy rainfall. The second type includes CNRM-ESM2-1, CNRM-CM6-1, and ECMWF-IFS-HR [see Fig. 1(III)]. For these models, the convective rainfall exceeds the large-scale rainfall at less than 50 mm d?1 while the large-scale and convective rainfall nearly account for a similar percentage (50%) for extreme rainfall greater than 50 mm d?1. The third type includes CanESM5 and IPSL-CM6A-LR [see Fig. 1(IV)]. For these models, the convective component is greater than the large-scale rainfall for a precipitation intensity less than 50 mm d?1 but sharply decreases at greater than 50 mm d?1. The large-scale precipitation falsely increases with increased intensity and contributes nearly 100% for a heavy extreme rainfall greater than 150 mm d?1. In other words, the category I models have much more convective rainfall than large-scale rainfall in heavy rainfall; the category II models have more large-scale precipitation than convective precipitation in heavy rainfall; the category III models have similar percentages of large-scale and convective rainfalls in heavy rainfall; and the category IV models almost only include the large-scale precipitation component in extreme heavy rainfall. Figure1. Frequency–intensity distribution of total (black), convective (red), and large-scale (blue) rainfall (a) and percentage–intensity distribution of large-scale and convective rainfall (b) in CMIP6. I?IV denotes four categories of convective and large-scale precipitation partitions.
2 3.2. How do horizontal resolutions influence C/L partition in CMIP6? -->
3.2. How do horizontal resolutions influence C/L partition in CMIP6?
As previous studies have reported, the partitions of convective and large-scale rainfall may be associated with horizontal spatial resolution (Weisman et al., 1997, Pieri et al., 2015; He et al., 2019). Here, the effect that model horizontal resolution has on the C/L component in CMIP6 is examined through the following two approaches. First, the convective rainfall components between higher and lower versions of some given models are compared. For example, HadGEM-GC3 and IPSL-CM6A are shown in Fig. 2a. In HadGEM-GC3, which features convective rainfall exceeding large-scale rainfall in heavy rainfall, the convective rainfall percentage in its higher resolution (0.23° × 0.35°) is slightly less than that in its lower resolution (1.25° × 1.875°) at intensities between 50 mm d?1 and 300 mm d?1 but becomes more than that in its lower resolution at intensities greater than 400 mm d?1. However, differing results are found for IPSL-CM6A, which has more large-scale rainfall than convective rainfall in heavy rainfall. Compared with the IPSL-CM6A lower resolution (1.26° × 2.5°) version, the convective percentage in the higher resolution (0.5° × 0.7°) version is greater at intensities less than 300 mm d?1 but lower for heavy extreme rainfall greater than 400 mm d?1. In both lower and higher resolution versions of IPSL-CM6A, the first-order feature remains that large-scale rainfall significantly exceeds convective rainfall, which is not influenced by difference in horizontal resolution. Figure2. (a) Convective rainfall percentage of higher (red) and lower (blue) resolution versions in given models and (b) convective rainfall percentage (right panel) and C/L percentage ratio (left panel), respectively in HRM (red) and LRM (blue).
Second, a comparison between two groups of models with relatively lower and higher resolutions (see the model descriptions in Table S2 in ESM) is made, shown in Fig. 2b. The results show that averaged convective rainfall accounts for a larger percentage in the high-resolution group than in the low-resolution group of CMIP6. Meanwhile, the multi-model ensemble convective rainfall percentage exceeds large-scale rainfall in the high-resolution group while large-scale rainfall exceeds convective rainfall in the low-resolution group of CMIP6 at intensities between 50–300 mm d?1. Accordingly, the models with higher resolution generally produce more convective rainfall partition than those with lower resolution. However, not all models follow this trend. Higher resolution does not always lead to higher convective rainfall percentage.