1.Center for Monsoon System Research, Institute of Atmospheric Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100029, China 2.State key Laboratory of Numerical Modeling for Atmospheric Sciences and Geophysical Fluid Dynamics, Institute of Atmospheric Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100029, China 3.Joint Center for Global Change Studies (JCGCS), Beijing 100875, China 4.University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100049, China 5.Laboratory for Regional Oceanography and Numerical Modeling, Qingdao National Laboratory for Marine Science and Technology, Qingdao 266237, China 6.State Key Laboratory of Tropical Oceanography, South China Sea Institute of Oceanology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Guangzhou 510301, China 7.College of Oceanography, Hohai University, Nanjing 210098, China Manuscript received: 2019-05-05 Manuscript revised: 2019-10-26 Manuscript accepted: 2019-11-18 Abstract:Using a high-resolution precipitation dataset, the present study detected that the mountainous area of central China (MACA) is a hotspot of ENSO’s impact on the summer rainfall variability. Further analysis suggests that both ENSO and atmospheric forcing make contributions to the summer rainfall variability in MACA. The dominant rainfall-related SST mode features as a seasonal transition from an El Ni?o-like warming in the preceding winter to a La Nina-like cooling in the following autumn, and it explains about 29% of the total variance of the rainfall during 1951–2018. It indicates that ENSO with a rapid phase transition is responsible for inducing summer rainfall anomalies in MACA. Besides, an upper-level circumglobal wave mode in the Northern Hemisphere during summer also explains about 29% of the summer rainfall variance. Contributions of both the SST and the atmospheric modes have experienced interdecadal changes. The influence of the SST mode gradually increases and plays a dominant role in the recent decades, suggesting that ENSO with a rapid phase transition becomes more important for rainfall prediction in MACA. Keywords: summer rainfall, ENSO, atmospheric internal variability, interdecadal change 摘要:利用一个高分辨率降水资料,本文发现中国中部山区是ENSO影响中国夏季降水变率的热点区域。利用偏最小二乘回归方法,我们揭示与中国中部山区夏季降水年际变化联系最紧密的热带太平洋海温模态是一个从前期冬季El Ni?o型暖海温异常到后期秋季La Nina型冷异常的转换模态。这种海温模态解释了1951-2018年中国中部山区夏季降水29%的年际变化方差。该结果表明与普通ENSO事件相比,位相快速转变的ENSO事件对该地区夏季降水有更大的影响。除开热带海温外,北半球夏季环球遥相关波列对中国中部山区夏季降水也有显著影响。海洋模态和遥相关波列对该地区夏季降水影响存在着年代际变化。最近三十年来,太平洋海温模态对该地区夏季降水影响越来越强。 关键词:夏季降水, ENSO, 大气内部变率, 年代际变化
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3.1. ENSO’s impact on MACA summer rainfall
Figure 1a shows the stations with significant correlation between the June–August (JJA) mean rainfall and the preceding November–January [NDJ(0)] mean Ni?o3 (5°S–5°N, 90°–150°W) SST index during 1979–2014 based on the high-resolution dataset. Most stations with significant positive correlation above the 95% confidence level are located in MACA. The MACA summer rainfall anomalies should be partly caused by the ENSO-induced anomalous anticyclone from the Bay of Bengal to the Northwest Pacific, as it intensifies southwesterly vapor flux from the tropics to MACA and causes vapor convergence in the mountainous area (Hu et al., 2017). For convenience, we use a rectangular area of (28°–37°N, 103°–113°E) (shown in Fig. 1a) to represent MACA. In this area, 126 out of 430 stations show positive correlations above the 95% confidence level. It is clear that the JJA rainfall anomaly in MACA closely coincides with the NDJ(0) Ni?o3 SST anomaly, with the correlation reaching as high as 0.54 (above the 99% confidence level) (Fig. 1b). The evidence indicates that the summer rainfall in MACA is closely related to ENSO during 1979–2014. However, the relatively short record of the high-resolution rainfall dataset limits us to understand whether or not this ENSO–rainfall relationship has interdecadal changes. Here, another rainfall dataset with a coarse resolution that has a longer record from 1951 to 2018 is used, which contains 12 stations in the rectangular area of (28°–37°N, 103°–113°E). The distributions of stations in the two datasets are shown in Fig. 2. The 12-station-averaged JJA rainfall anomaly during 1951–2018 is shown in Fig. 3a, denoted as P index. The correlation of P index and the area-mean JJA rainfall anomaly based on the high-resolution dataset during 1979–2014 is as high as 0.87 (Fig. 2a), above the 99% confidence level. Thus, the P rainfall index is considered as a good proxy to represent the summer rainfall variability in MACA. To examine the evolution of the ENSO–rainfall relationship in a longer period, Fig. 3b shows the correlation in a 21-year sliding window between the NDJ(0) Ni?o3 SST index and the P rainfall index from 1951 to 2018. It is evident that the 21-year sliding correlation is weak (?0.1 to 0.3) before the mid-1970s and during the period of 1982–88, and it is significant at the 90% confidence level in most other periods. Here, another feature to be noted is that the correlation coefficient rises rapidly after the 2000s and it reaches up to 0.64 in 2008. The result denotes that the relationship between ENSO and the summer rainfall in MACA has experienced significant interdecadal changes. Figure2. The distribution of stations (orange dots) in the coarse-resolution observed dataset with 74 stations (a) and in the high-resolution rainfall dataset (b), superimposed on elevation (gray shading; units: m). Blue lines mark the Yellow and Yangtze rivers. The rectangular area denotes MACA.
Figure3. (a) Normalized JJA rainfall anomalies averaged in the rectangular box of MACA derived from the coarse-resolution (black line) and the high-resolution (blue line) precipitation datasets, and their correlation is 0.87 during 1979–2014. (b) The 21-year sliding correlation between the normalized JJA rainfall anomaly averaged in the rectangular box derived from the coarse-resolution precipitation dataset and the NDJ(0) Ni?o3 SST index during 1951–2018, and the dotted horizontal lines denote the 95% and 99% confidence levels respectively. (c) Regressions (vectors; units: m s?1) of JJA mean winds at 850 hPa onto the NDJ(0) Ni?o3 SST index during 1951–79. (d) Regressions (vectors; units: m s?1) of JJA mean winds at 850 hPa onto the NDJ(0) Ni?o3 SST index 1990–2018. The rectangular area in (c) and (d) denotes MACA. Only wind anomalies that are significant at the 90% confidence level are plotted.
We further select two periods, 1951–79 and 1990–2018, to document the interdecadal change. The correlation coefficients between P index and the NDJ(0) Ni?o3 SST index during the two periods are 0.10 and 0.54, respectively. Figures 3c and d present the regression of JJA wind velocity at 850 hPa onto the NDJ(0) Ni?o3 SST index for 1951–79 and 1990–2018. Notable differences can be found between these two periods. During 1990–2008, the lower-level wind anomaly forms a dipole pattern over the Indian Ocean–western Pacific. A strong cyclonic anomaly develops along the tropical Maritime Continent and the Indian Ocean, and a significant anticyclonic anomaly extends from the subtropical Northwest Pacific to China. In this case, the anomalous anticyclone over the Northwest Pacific favors moisture transport from the tropics to MACA and causes increased rainfall via the orographic lifting effect (Hu et al., 2017). In contrast, the ENSO-related anomalous anticyclone over the Northwest Pacific is much weaker and locates far to the east during 1951–79. Consequently, the impact of ENSO on the summer rainfall in MACA is weaker in the pre-period than the post-period. The result is consistent with previous studies pointing out that ENSO’s impact on the Northwest Pacific anticyclone strengthens in the recent decades (Wang et al., 2008; Huang et al., 2010; Xie et al., 2010).
2 3.2. Principal modes for the summer rainfall variability -->
3.2. Principal modes for the summer rainfall variability
As shown in Fig 3a, ENSO’s teleconnection with the summer rainfall variability in MACA features significant interdecadal changes. This implies that the summer rainfall anomalies may also be governed by other factors. In this subsection, a statistical method called partial least-squares (PLS) regression (Abdi, 2010) is employed to identify the principal factors for the rainfall variability in MACA. PLS regression has been widely used to identify factors for East Asian climate variations (Wu and Yu, 2016). Evidence shows that East Asian summer climate is not only affected by the amplitude of the SST modes but also by the decaying or developing paces of them (Chen et al., 2016b; Jiang et al., 2017). To obtain the seasonally evolving principal SST patterns associated with the JJA rainfall variability in MACA, we conduct PLS regression by the following procedure. First, we construct a predictor array $X\left({t,j,k} \right)$ of year-to-year variations in four consecutive seasons’ tropical SST (30°S–30°N) from the preceding winter DJF(0) to the following autumn (September–November, SON), where t, j and k respectively denote the years (from 1951 to 2018), the four consecutive seasons, and the grid point in the tropics. Then, the array $X\left({t,j,k} \right)$ is regressed onto the normalized P rainfall index to obtain a regression map $Z\left({j,k} \right)$. Here, the SST fields in the four consecutive seasons are treated as an integral block in the regression analysis. After the regression, the yearly block is divided into four consecutive seasonal SST anomalies, so that the regression map $Z\left({j,k} \right)$ contains a set of seasonally evolving patterns of SST anomalies from DJF(0) to SON. The regression map $Z\left({j,k} \right)$ is the first leading SST mode associated with the P rainfall index. Second, we project the array $X\left({t,j,k} \right)$ onto the $Z\left({j,k} \right)$ to obtain a score array PSLSST(t) using the pattern regression method. The score array PSLSST(t) is the time series of the first leading SST mode. The part of the P rainfall index linearly related to PSLSST(t) is considered as the component contributed by the SST mode. Third, the PSLSST(t) is regressed out of both in the array $X\left({t,j,k} \right)$ and the P rainfall index to obtain residual arrays ${X_{\rm{r}}}\left({t,j,k} \right)$ and Pr. The above three steps are repeated using the residual arrays ${X_{\rm{r}}}\left({t,j,k} \right)$ and Pr until the successive SST modes no longer explain a sizeable fraction of the variance of the rainfall. This procedure is similar to that used by Wallace et al. (2012). The first SST mode $Z\left({j,k} \right)$ features an El Ni?o-like pattern in the preceding winter (Fig. 4a). This pattern weakens in spring, turns negative in the central equatorial Pacific in summer, and transitions to a La Nina-like pattern in the following autumn, which explains about 29% of the total variance of the P rainfall index during 1951–2018. Accompanied by the SST mode, there are prominent anticyclonic anomalies at 850 hPa from the Northwest Pacific to China in summer, which is likely a key bridge to link the SST mode with the summer rainfall in central China. The correlation coefficient of the P rainfall index with the time series of the first SST mode is 0.54 (above the 99% confidence level) during 1951–2018, which is much higher than the correlation (r = 0.33) with the NDJ(0) Ni?o3 SST index. The result suggests that ENSO events with rapid phase transition tend to have a tighter relationship with MACA summer rainfall, likely because summer equatorial Pacific cooling strengthens the lower-level anomalous anticyclone in the Northwest Pacific (Xiang et al., 2013; Chen et al., 2016a; Fan et al., 2016; Jiang et al., 2017). Moreover, anomalous warm SST in the northern tropical Atlantic region are found in the boreal spring (Fig. 4a), which could trigger a La Ni?a event in the following winter (Ham et al., 2013; Wang et al., 2017), thus leading to the rapid phase transition from El Ni?o to La Ni?a. The SST anomalies in the second SST mode (Fig. 4b) are very weak and insignificant in all four seasons, and the variance of rainfall explained by the second SST mode is relatively small (about 10.6%). The variance of rainfall explained by other SST modes (not shown) is negligible. Figure4. Seasonally varying SST anomalies (color shading; dotted areas pass the 95% confidence level; units: K) from the preceding winter [DJF(0)] to the following autumn (SON) in the first (a) and the second (b) leading SST PLS regression modes. The vectors in (a) are the regressions of JJA mean winds at 850 hPa onto the time series of the first leading SST PLS regression modes during 1951–2018. (c) Regression of 200 hPa JJA wind (vectors; only those exceeding the 90% confidence level are shown) and the correlation of the 500-hPa JJA omega field (gray shading) with the time series of the first leading v200 PLS regression mode (PSLv200) during 1951–2018. The dark (light) gray shading in (c) represents positive (negative) correlations above the 90% confidence level. The method of PLS regression is described in section 3.
The first two SST modes explain only about 39.6% of the total variance of the P rainfall index during 1951–2018, leaving a large fraction of unexplained variance. Observational evidence shows that low-frequency wave activities in the midlatitudes are another important source for East Asian summer climate variability (Lu et al., 2002; Ding and Wang, 2005; Kosaka et al., 2009). We thus further look for the principal atmospheric modes associated with the residual rainfall variability via PLS regression. The procedure is similar to that used to detect the SST modes. However, here, the predictor array $X\left({t,k} \right)$ refers to the yearly varying JJA-mean meridional wind v at 200 hPa in the Northern Hemisphere from 1951 to 2018, and the predictand time series is the residual rainfall index Pr, with the first leading SST mode contributions having been removed, where t and k respectively denote the years during 1951–2018 and the grid points in the Northern Hemisphere (0°–90°N). We utilize the v field as the predictor array because it would preferentially emphasize the wave trains (Branstator, 2002). Following the procedure, we calculate the first two leading modes of v and their corresponding time series PSL1v200 and PSL2v200. The correlations of P rainfall index with PSL1v200 and PSL2v200 are 0.54 and 0.35, respectively. So, the first and second leading v modes can explain 29% and 12% of the total variance in the P rainfall index. In this study, we mainly focus on the first leading v modes. The regression (Fig. 4c) of JJA 200-hPa winds onto the PSL1v200 features as a circumglobal wave train structure, with cyclonic centers in Europe, the Middle East, East Asia, the west and east coast of North America, and anticyclonic centers over Kazakhstan, the central North Pacific and North America. Around MACA, there are significant anomalous westerly winds along the latitude of around 30°N from 90°E to 150°E, which may intensify warm advection from the climatological temperature maximum over the Tibetan Plateau, inducing additional upward motion (gray shading in Fig. 4c) in favor of increased rainfall in central China (Sampe and Xie, 2010; Hu et al., 2017). For convenience, this regression map is denoted as the first leading atmospheric mode. The correlation of PSL1v200 with PSL1SST is near zero, indicating the impacts from the first SST and the first atmospheric modes on MACA summer rainfall change are mutually orthogonal. The correlation of PSL1v200 with the P rainfall index is 0.54 (above the 99% confidence level) during 1951–2018, suggesting that the first atmospheric mode explains about 29% of the total rainfall variance.
2 3.3. Relative role of the SST and atmospheric modes -->
3.3. Relative role of the SST and atmospheric modes
To quantitively evaluate the relative role of the two dominant modes in explaining the MACA summer rainfall variability, we calculate the component of rainfall change from these two modes. The component of rainfall linearly related to the first leading SST mode (Fig. 5a) is denoted by PSL1SST×0.54. Here, PSL1SST is the normalized time series of the SST mode and 0.54 is the regression coefficient of the rainfall index P onto the PSL1SST. Similarly, the linear component of rainfall related to the first leading atmospheric mode (Fig. 5b) is denoted by PSL1v200×0.54, and PSL1v200 is the normalized time series of the atmospheric mode and 0.54 is the regression value of the residual rainfall index Pr onto the PSL1v200. The contribution of the SST mode and the atmospheric mode are independent of each other because PSL1SST and PSL1v200 are mutually orthogonal during 1951–2015. The two modes both explain about 29% of the total rainfall variance during 1951–2018, suggesting their influences on summer rainfall in MACA is of equal importance. However, their influences in MACA summer rainfall change are noticeable in different years. For example, the rainfall anomalies in the years of 1959, 1960, 1961, 1961, 1989 and 1993 are mainly contributed by the atmospheric mode, while the rainfall anomalies in the years of 1997, 1998, 2007, 2010 and 2016 are largely due to the SST mode. The total contribution of the first SST mode and the atmospheric mode is denoted by PSLsum= PSL1SST×0.54+PSL1v200×0.54 (Fig. 5c). The combined index PSLsum is highly correlated with the rainfall index P, with the correlation coefficient up to 0.76 (above the 99% confidence level) during 1951–2018. Therefore, the two modes together can explain most year-to-year variance of MACA summer rainfall. Figure5. Component of rainfall linearly related to the (a) first SST PLS regression modes (PSL1SST×0.54) and (b) first leading v200 PLS regression mode (PSL1v200×0.54). (c) Normalized P summer rainfall index (red dashed line) and the sum (black solid line) of PSL1v200×0.54 and PSL1SST×0.54. (d) 21-year sliding correlation of the P summer rainfall index with PSL1SST×0.54 (black line), PSL1v200×0.54 (red line) and PSL1SST×0.54+PSL1v200×0.54 (blue line) during 1951–2018, where the dotted horizontal lines denote the 95% and 99% confidence levels, respectively.
Figure 5d shows the 21-year sliding correlation of PSL1SST×0.54, PSL1v200×0.54 and PSLsum with the rainfall index P during 1951–2018. The correlation (black line) between PSL1SST×0.54 and the P rainfall index is above the 90% confidence level in most periods, especially after the mid-1960s. After 1986, it rises dramatically and reaches to 0.75 in 2008. Similarly, the 21-year sliding correlation (red line) between PSL1v200×0.54 and the rainfall index P also exceeds the 90% confidence level in most periods. However, it peaks around the early 1960s and the 1990s, and decreases dramatically after the late 1990s. The result shows that both the SST mode and the atmospheric mode influences on summer rainfall in MACA display substantial interdecadal change during 1951–2018. It is worth noting that in the recent decades the influence from the SST mode on summer rainfall in MACA increases while the role of the atmospheric mode decreases, suggesting evolved roles of the SST and atmospheric modes over time. The 21-year sliding correlation of the P rainfall index (black line) with the combined index PSL_sum ranges from 0.62 to 0.86 through the whole period, which is higher and more stable than that with PSL1SST×0.54 and PSL1SST×0.54 alone. In addition, we calculate the sliding correlations of PSL1SST and PSL1v200 with the NDJ(0) Ni?o3.4 SST index during 1951–2018 (Fig. 6). The relationship between the NDJ(0) Ni?o3.4 SST index and the SST mode is tight and stable during 1951–2018, with the 21-year sliding correlations above 0.6 in most periods. Consequently, the interdecadal changes in ENSO’s impact on MACA summer rainfall are consistent with the interdecadal changes in the relationship between rainfall and the SST mode. The relationship between the NDJ(0) Ni?o3.4 SST index and the atmospheric mode is weak, suggesting their impacts on MACA summer rainfall are generally independent of each other. Figure6. 21-year sliding correlation of the NDJ(0) Ni?o3 SST index with PSL1SST (black line) and PSL1v200 (red line) during 1951–2018. The dotted horizontal lines denote the 95% and 99% confidence levels, respectively.