1.Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation Climate Center, Busan, 48058, South Korea 2.Department of Land, Air and Water Resources, University of California, CA 95616, USA Manuscript received: 2018-08-06 Manuscript revised: 2019-03-01 Abstract:This study examines associations between California Central Valley (CCV) heat waves and the Madden Julian Oscillation (MJO). These heat waves have major economic impact. Our prior work showed that CCV heat waves are frequently preceded by convection over the tropical Indian and eastern Pacific oceans, in patterns identifiable with MJO phases. The main analysis method is lagged composites (formed after each MJO phase pair) of CCV synoptic station temperature, outgoing longwave radiation (OLR), and velocity potential (VP). Over the CCV, positive temperature anomalies occur only after the Indian Ocean (phases 2-3) or eastern Pacific Ocean (phases 8-1) convection (implied by OLR and VP fields). The largest fractions of CCV hot days occur in the two weeks after onset of those two phase pairs. OLR and VP composites have significant subsidence and convergence above divergence over the CCV during heat waves, and these structures are each part of larger patterns having significant areas over the Indian and Pacific Oceans. Prior studies showed that CCV heat waves can be roughly grouped into two clusters: Cluster 2 is preceded by a heat wave over northwestern North America, while Cluster 1 is not. OLR and VP composite analyses are applied separately to these two clusters. However, for Cluster 2, the subsidence and VP over the CCV are not significant, and the large-scale VP pattern has low correlation with the MJO lagged composite field. Therefore, the association between the MJO convection and subsequent CCV heat wave is more evident in Cluster 1 than Cluster 2. Keywords: MJO, heat wave, large-scale meteorological pattern, extratropical response, tropical convection 摘要:本研究探讨了加利福尼亚州中央山谷(CCV)热浪和MJO之间的关系. 这些热浪事件对经济有着重要的影响. 我们之前的研究表明在发生CCV热浪之前, 在热带印度洋和东太平洋上空通常会有对流活动, 表现为MJO位相. 本文所用的主要分析方法为滞后合成分析方法, 即研究每个MJO位相对发生后CCV台站温度, 向外长波辐射(OLR)和速度势(VP)的演变过程. 从OLR和VP的分析结果可以看出, CCV的温度正异常仅仅出现在印度洋(位相2-3)和东太平洋(位相8-1)对流发生之后. CCV极端高温日数也出现在上述两个位相对发生后的两周内. 在热浪事件出现期间, CCV上空呈现低层辐散高层辐合并且伴有显著的下沉运动, 这种结构也是位于印太海洋上空大尺度环流型的一部分. 以往的研究表明CCV热浪可粗略的分为两类, 第二类发生在北美西北部热浪之后, 然而第一类却不是. 我们用OLR和VP的合成分析方法分别分析这两种CCV热浪类型. 对于第二类热浪, 在CCV的下沉运动并不显著, 并且大尺度VP型与MJO滞后合成场之间的相关系数很小. 因此, 第一类CCV热浪呈现出比第二类更强的与前期MJO对流之间的联系. 关键词:MJO, 热浪, 大尺度环流型, 赤道外响应, 热带对流
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3.1. Tropical convection leading up to CCV hot weather
Some properties of the weather and climate in the extratropics seem to lag properties of the MJO (Jin and Hoskins, 1995; Mori and Watanabe, 2008; Lin and Brunet, 2009; Lin et al., 2009, Lin et al., 2010; Schreck et al., 2013). Looking at OLR over a wide swath of the tropics and subtropics before the onset of CCV heat wave events gives hints at possible links between the tropics and the CCV. Negative areas of OLR imply anomalously cold temperatures of cloud tops, and in the tropics the low temperatures are interpreted as arising from higher cloud tops associated with stronger moist convection. Hence, enhanced convection and negative OLR will be used interchangeably in this article for convenience. Similarly, positive OLR anomalies are associated with lower cloud tops or less cloudiness than average. Hence, positive OLR and enhanced subsidence will be used interchangeably. Figure 2a shows the composite of OLR anomalies for 13 days prior to 24 CCV heat wave events. In daily composites, the Indian Ocean and tropical eastern Pacific have anomalously strong convective anomalies out to 13 days before days of hotter CCV temperatures (not shown). In Fig. 2a, the tropical Indian Ocean has strong convection and it seems most closely related with phases 2-3 of MJO activity. The western-central Pacific has notable subsidence, opposite to MJO phases 6-7. Central America and Mexico have relatively weak but significant convection to the south of 10°N (related to MJO phase-pair 8-1). Figure2. (a) OLR anomaly composite during the 13 days prior to the onset of 24 CCV heat wave events. The units for the shading are W m-2. Areas enclosed with grey contours are significant at the 95% confidence level according to the two-tailed Student's t-test. (b) Fraction of active MJO days with RMM amplitde ≥ 1 for each of four phase pairs out of (dark grey) 13 days prior to all 24 heat wave onset dates and among (light grey) all 32 seasons of summer days.
The association between phase 2-3 MJO events and CCV extreme hot days is reinforced by another metric, shown in Fig. 2b. This metric first counts the number of days assigned to each of the four MJO phase pairs when either member of the pair has large amplitude (RMM ≥ 1) during the 13 days leading up to the onset of extreme CCV heat wave events. Then, it is divided by the total number of days for 24 events (13× 24 days) and the resultant active MJO days fraction is plotted as dark bars. Active-phase-pair 8-1 days occupy nearly 30% of the total number of days leading up to heat waves, while active-phase 4-5 days occupy less than 5%. Since the number of days each phase is "active" varies, the fraction of all the summer days is also plotted (white bars). During 32 summer seasons, the fraction of active MJO phase days is rather similar and around 15% for each phase pair. Clearly, the fraction of days leading up to heat waves for phase-pair 8-1 is almost double the fraction of all summer days, and this indicates that the eastern Pacific convection is strongly associated with CCV hot weather. The fraction of days in phase-pair 2-3 is also slightly increased before heat wave onset. The other phases are less likely to occur before CCV heat waves than to a summer day on average. The significant OLR convection and frequent MJO fraction shown in Fig. 2 may imply that, in terms of CCV heat waves, a link to tropical convection is relevant and the association may vary with the geographical locations of MJO convection. As a next step, this study examines CCV station temperature variation after each of the four different phase pairs in order to estimate when temperature changes appear related to a preceding MJO phase. In Fig. 3a, the 15 CCV stations' averaged normalized temperature anomalies (T_norm) are plotted at individual lag days after each indicated MJO phase-pair onset. For phase-pair 8-1, CCV temperature peaks at lag-day 12 but decreases gradually until dropping below zero after lag-day 16. Phase-pair 2-3 time series have a relatively sharp peak at lag-day 15 with slightly less T_norm compared to phase pair 8-1. For phase pair 4-5, CCV temperature anomaly stays under zero over all lag days. For phase pair 6-7, temperature starts negative crossing over zero after 15 days' lag. Figure3. Temporal evolution of (a) mean normalized temperature anomalies and (b) fraction of hot days averaged over 15 CCV stations after the onset of MJO events during four phase pairs. Lag-day 1 is the day following the onset date of each individual MJO event. The average of (a) and (b) for 4-16 lag days is shown in (c) and (d). The horizontal dashed line denotes the average of four phase pairs in (c) and (d).
Figure 3b compares counts of extreme hot days averaged over the 15 CCV stations at different lags for the four MJO phase pairs. Extreme hot days are identified when the T_norm on the date are among the 5% hottest dates from all summer season days. The fraction of hot days is the largest during 7 to 14 days after the onset of phase-pair 8-1. It is relatively high during 14 to 16 days for phase-pair 2-3. Generally, phase-pairs 4-5 and 6-7 have a comparatively small fraction through all lag days. The longer lag for phase-pair 2-3 than for phase-pair 8-1 is perhaps unsurprising since the convection location of phase-pair 8-1 is much closer to the CCV than the location of phase-pair 2-3 convection. This shorter-distance argument is based in part on the assumption that some "signal" from the convection could propagate at a roughly similar rate in the different directions needed to reach the CCV. However, this shorter-distance argument breaks down when considering phase-pair 6-7 has its highest fractions after those of phase-pair 2-3. Also, the highest fraction for phase-pair 2-3 is at zero lag. Based on the results of Figs. 3a and b, a timeframe of 4 to 16 lag days after MJO events is selected as a consistent timeframe over which the MJO phases are associated with CCV heat waves. Beyond this time lag the signal assigned to a particular MJO phase pair may actually be associated with an earlier or later phase pair. Normalized temperature anomalies and hot-day fractions are averaged over 4 to 16 days after the onset of MJO events and displayed in Figs. 3c and d. Temperature anomalies are positive for phase-pairs 2-3 and 8-1 but negative for phase-pairs 4-5 and 6-7. The fraction of hot days for phase-pair 8-1 is much larger than the other three phase pairs. Both temperature metrics have largest values in phase-pair 8-1 and second-largest values in phase-pair 2-3. Thus, it is hypothesized that phase-pair 8-1 MJO (eastern Pacific convection) and phase-pair 2-3 MJO (Indian Ocean convection) have higher association with subsequent CCV extreme hot days with larger frequency and strong amplitude than other phase pairs.
2 3.2. MJO-related LSMPs favorable for CCV hot weather: OLR and VP -->
3.2. MJO-related LSMPs favorable for CCV hot weather: OLR and VP
This section examines the link between CCV hot weather and MJO phase by focusing on the broader extratropical large-scale circulation patterns of OLR and VP following each phase pair of strong MJO events. The composites of each MJO phase pair for 4-16 days after the onset of active MJO events are compared to composites during heat wave events. Similarities in corresponding patterns between figures and the LSMPs in this section connect MJO occurrence and CCV weather. Figures 4a-d display the OLR anomaly composite of 4 to 16 days after the onset of MJO events for four phase pairs. Due to the lag in time, OLR patterns are displaced not only eastward but also northward compared to the active-day MJO composites centered on purple boxes (Fig. 1). Both negative and positive OLR (convection and subsidence) over the Indian Ocean to western Pacific region have a northwest to southeast elongation. The shift and shape of the OLR signal makes sense because northward propagation around Southeast Asia is a primary feature of the summertime MJO (Kiladis et al., 2014; Wang et al., 2018). After MJO phase-pair 8-1, the main convective signal still remains inside the purple box (the tropical eastern Pacific). Outside the tropics, there are significant large positive OLR values over most of the western United States only after the 2-3 and 8-1 phase pairs. Negative OLR is significant over western North America after the 4-5 and 6-7 phase pairs. The average OLR anomaly over an area is a proxy measure of local rising or sinking of air parcels. The green box area average of OLR (Fig. 4e) clearly shows that subsidence (ascending motion) of air in the CCV can be enhanced during MJO convection over the Indian or eastern Pacific Oceans (Maritime Continent or western Pacific). Robustness of the CCV subsidence signal is also estimated by the "sign fraction", which measures the anomaly sign consistency between composite members by counting the number of events with positive anomaly values, subtracting the number of events with negative values at that point, and then dividing it by the total number of events at each grid point——a procedure similar to normalized "sign counts" used by (Lee and Grotjahn, 2016). A sign fraction of -1.0 indicates all events have a negative anomaly at that grid point, while +1/3 indicates two thirds of all events have a positive OLR anomaly. The subsidence over the CCV after both the 2-3 and 8-1 phase pairs is consistent by exceeding the 1/3 sign-fraction level [Fig. S1 in the Electronic Supplementary Material (ESM)]. However, the enhanced negative OLR anomaly over the CCV after the 4-5 and 6-7 phase pairs is not consistent at that sign-fraction level. Figure4. (a-d) OLR anomaly composites of 4-16 days after all MJO events' onset dates and (e) area-averaged OLR anomalies over the green boxed area for each of four phase pairs. Areas enclosed with grey contours in (a-d) are significant at the 95% confidence level according to the two-tailed Student's t-test. Purple boxes show areas of larger OLR magnitude in corresponding phase pairs (shown in Fig. 1). The green box shows an area of larger OLR magnitude near the CCV (35°-50°N, 125°-105°W).
Worthy of additional discussion are the Central America and tropical eastern Pacific convective anomalies combined with strong subsidence anomalies over western North America. This pattern looks partly consistent with the vertical velocity pattern shown by (Hoskins et al., 1999) in their Fig. 3; their figure shows the pattern on day 12 from a primitive equation model simulation forced by heating over the so-called American monsoon region (0°-60°N, 110°-40°W). It was speculated that American monsoon convection amplifies subtropical North Pacific sea level pressure anticyclones through enhanced descent balanced by enhanced northerly winds on the eastern flank of those anticyclones (Hoskins, 1996; Hoskins et al., 1999). However, later work (Grotjahn and Osman, 2007) found observational evidence that the stronger Central American precipitation occurs after (not before) the stronger subtropical high. Furthermore, there is a theoretical basis for enhanced eastern Pacific and Central American convection to lead to subsidence to the north-northwest found in the Matsuno-Gill models (Matsuno, 1966; Gill, 1980). Although our study emphasizes extremes and not the summertime mean state, a Rossby wave Matsuno-Gill response is also applicable to CCV temperature extremes after specific phases of MJO convection. The 8-1 MJO phase pair is followed by significant above-normal convection over the equatorial eastern Pacific and Central America northward to 25°N (Fig. 4d). Further north, over western America (green box), the OLR is significant and positive; prior works (Gershunov et al., 2009; Grotjahn, 2011) found an anticyclone centered over the United States Great Basin and Rocky Mountains. An anticyclone in this region can be generated by the Matsuno-Gill model. This enhanced inland anticyclone sets up a sea level pressure gradient to oppose a sea breeze that would otherwise cool the CCV (Grotjahn, 2011). Affiliated with that anticyclone produced by the Matsuno-Gill model and linked to western American hot weather, corresponding OLR maxima are seen in the composite for MJO phase-pair 8-1. The Laplacian of VP measures the strength of divergence and convergence at a specific atmospheric level. Being related to divergence via the Laplacian, the VP field is much smoother spatially than the divergence field, and that is why it is used here to identify very-large-scale structures associated with CCV heat waves and MJO phases. A positive relative maximum in VP broadly indicates convergence; a negative VP minimum implies divergence. Therefore, VP fields also imply vertical motion. Between convergence aloft and divergence below, air parcels sink and their sensible temperature increases adiabatically. It is well known that the subsidence inversion is enhanced during CCV heat waves and plays a key role, along with suppression of the sea breeze, in heat wave formation (Grotjahn, 2011). Upper-level convergence over lower-level divergence occurs for regional sinking motion; therefore, this condition is expected near the CCV during heat wave events. To illuminate this structure, VP fields are analyzed near the CCV when heat waves develop. Figure 5 shows composites of VP anomalies for 24 CCV heat wave events for the first three days from heat wave onset at both upper (200 hPa) and lower (850 hPa) tropospheric levels. Since the pressure velocity (dP/dt) is much smaller at the ground than at its mid-tropospheric peak, upper- and lower-tropospheric VP anomaly fields generally have opposite sign where the VP magnitude is appreciable. This sign reversal with height is generally confirmed in most of the VP composite fields. Near the CCV (green box), a local maximum aloft and local minimum below are observed as expected, and the action center is east of the CCV. However, the sign reversal with elevation is less clear in the eastern United States; the upper-level VP negative activity center in the eastern United States does not overlie a strongly positive area. However, near southern Mexico and Central America, negative VP overlies positive VP in the lower level with similar gradient off the west coast of these lands. Outside North America, the upper-tropospheric VP anomaly shows clear zonal asymmetry: divergence over the tropical eastern Indian Ocean and convergence over the central Pacific (the latter extending into the extratropics); this pattern is reversed in the lower troposphere. Figure5. VP anomaly composites from all 24 CCV heat wave events over the first three days from heat wave onset for (a) 200 hPa and (b) 850 hPa. The units for the shading are 105 m2 s-1. Hatched areas enclosed with contours are significant at the 95% confidence level according to the two-tailed Student's t-test.
To investigate the delayed impact by the MJO phase on the formation of a convergence-over-divergence vertical structure, VP fields are analyzed from anomaly composites averaged over 4 to 16 days after the onset of each MJO pair (Fig. 6). The horizontal pattern of VP is quite simple, with a zonally oriented dipole having convergence and divergence over the domain that is displaced eastward as the MJO shifts to higher phase numbers. The sequence of pairs in Fig. 6 is roughly in quadrature: a given pair has extrema generally shifted halfway across the domain and lying between the extrema of the immediately preceding pair. Thereby, the 6-7 (8-1) pair has a VP anomaly roughly opposite to the 2-3 (4-5) pair. Figure6. VP anomaly composites of 4-16 days after all MJO events' onset dates for four phase pairs at (a, b, c, d) 200 hPa and (e, f, g, h) 850 hPa. The units for the shading are 105 m2 s-1. Hatched areas enclosed with contours are significant at the 95% confidence level according to the two-tailed Student's t-test. Purple boxes show areas of larger OLR magnitude in corresponding phase pairs (as in Fig. 1).
The convergence-over-divergence vertical structure after each MJO phase pair (Fig. 6) is compared with the VP fields during heat wave events (Fig. 5). Figure 5 has elements of MJO phase-pair 2-3 (Figs. 6a and e) over the Indian Ocean and Indonesia. Further east, Fig. 5 has elements of 8-1 (Figs. 6d and h) over the central Pacific to Mexico. Only 2-3 and 8-1 in Fig. 6 match the VP over the western United States. These roughly opposite signs and the matching elements are supported by pattern correlation coefficients of the VP fields. The pattern correlations at the two levels are 0.43 (0.43), -0.95 (-0.92), -0.45 (-0.39) and 0.90 (0.81) at 200 hPa (850 hPa) for the 2-3, 4-5, 6-7 and 8-1 phase pairs, respectively. The "regional" VP field over the CCV after each MJO pair is examined next. After phase-pair 2-3, the CCV has VP >0 aloft and VP <0 below, and the part at the CCV is the northern part of strong VP anomalies over the eastern Pacific. After phase-pair 8-1, the CCV also has VP >0 aloft and VP <0 below at the CCV——anomalies that are inside the eastern edge of strong VP anomalies over the central Pacific. Over the northeastern Pacific, the 8-1 VP anomaly LSMP declines rapidly from west to east (at 200 hPa), while the corresponding 2-3 LSMP increases with longitude (Figs. 6a and e). Similarly, at 850 hPa, the 2-3 LSMP declines from west to east across the northeastern Pacific, while the 8-1 LSMP increases with longitude (Figs.6d and h). So, it is not unreasonable to deduce that some combinations of these fields can create mid-Pacific and western United States VP extrema, similar to that found in Fig. 5. After either of those two phase pairs, the shapes of these significant VP anomalies imply convergence over divergence at the CCV, in turn implying sinking that would be favorable to heat wave activation. Unlike Fig.5, neither phase pair has a separate VP extremum there. The VP anomaly signal over the CCV is consistent, judged by exceeding a 1/3 sign-fraction value only after phase-pairs 2-3 and 6-7, but not 4-5 and 8-1 (Fig. S2 in the ESM). Thus, the convergence-over-divergence structure may be less robust in phase-pair 8-1 compared to phase-pair 2-3. Both the larger similarity of VP LSMP and strong CCV area convergence-over-divergence structure support the strong association between MJO and CCV heat waves. Phase-pair 2-3 shows significant and consistent positive anomalies aloft and negative anomalies below in western North America, and the large-scale VP pattern is similar to the field of heat waves in the tropical Indian Ocean pattern. After phase-pair 8-1 MJO, the central Pacific VP lobe is quite similar to the heat waves, and significant CCV area anomalies are observed, although they are less consistent than phase-pair 2-3 MJO. These results indicate that both phase pairs (2-3 and 8-1) of the MJO have a connection to the CCV heat waves. However, after phase-pairs 4-5 and 6-7, the large-scale VP pattern is reversed from the VP field during CCV heat waves. Pairs 4-5 and 6-7 imply rising motion that is obviously unfavorable for adiabatic heating of air parcels, but is consistent with the cooler temperatures and smaller fraction of hot days shown in Fig. 3.