1.School of Atmospheric Sciences/Plateau Atmosphere and Environment Key Laboratory of Sichuan Province/Joint Laboratory of Climate and Environment Change, Chengdu University of Information Technology, Chengdu 610225, China 2.State Key Laboratory of Numerical Modeling for Atmospheric Sciences and Geophysical Fluid Dynamics, Institute of Atmospheric Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100029, China Manuscript received: 2019-03-06 Manuscript revised: 2019-07-27 Manuscript accepted: 2019-08-22 Abstract:Interannual variations of the Bay of Bengal summer monsoon (BOBSM) onset in association with El Ni?o?Southern Oscillation (ENSO) are reexamined using NCEP1, JRA-55 and ERA20C atmospheric and Hadley sea surface temperature (SST) reanalysis datasets over the period 1900?2017. Decadal changes exist in the dependence of the BOBSM onset on ENSO, varying with the Pacific Decadal Oscillation (PDO). A higher correlation between the BOBSM onset and ENSO arises during the warm PDO epochs, with distinct late (early) onsets following El Ni?o (La Ni?a) events. In contrast, less significant correlations occur during the cold PDO epochs. The mechanism for the PDO modulating the ENSO?BOBSM onset relationship is through the variations in SST anomaly (SSTA) patterns. During the warm PDO epochs, the superimpositions of the PDO-related and ENSO-related SSTAs lead to the SSTA distribution of an El Ni?o (La Ni?a) event exhibiting significant positive (negative) SSTAs over the tropical central?eastern Pacific and Indian Ocean along with negative (positive) SSTAs, especially over the tropical western Pacific (TWP), forming a strong zonal interoceanic SSTA gradient between the TWP and tropical Indian Ocean. Significant anomalous lower tropospheric easterlies (westerlies) together with upper-tropospheric westerlies (easterlies) are thus induced over the BOB, favoring an abnormally late (early) BOBSM onset. During the cold PDO epochs, however, the superimpositions of PDO-related SSTAs with El Ni?o-related (La Ni?a-related) SSTAs lead to insignificant SSTAs over the TWP and a weak zonal SSTA gradient, without distinct circulation anomalies over the BOB favoring early or late BOBSM onsets. Keywords: decadal change, Bay of Bengal summer monsoon onset, ENSO, Pacific Decadal Oscillation 摘要:本文基于NCEP-1、JRA-55和ERA-20C大气再分析资料以及HadISST海温再分析资料,研究了1900–2017年间孟加拉湾夏季风(BOBSM)爆发年际异常与厄尔尼诺-南方涛动(ENSO)的关系。统计分析表明,BOBSM爆发早晚与ENSO事件的依赖关系存在年代际差异,而且这种年代际变化特征显著地受太平洋年代际振荡(PDO)所调控。在PDO正相位期间,El Ni?o(La Ni?a)事件很大可能导致BOBSM爆发异常偏晚(早);相反,在PDO负相位期间,BOBSM爆发早晚与ENSO事件并无显著相关关系。进一步研究表明,PDO调制BOBSM爆发年际异常与ENSO依赖关系的物理机制是通过PDO有关的海温异常改变ENSO有关的海温异常空间结构,激发不同类型的大气环流异常而影响BOBSM爆发时间。在PDO正相位期间,PDO有关的海温异常与ENSO有关的海温异常相叠加使得El Ni?o(La Ni?a)事件在热带中东太平洋和热带印度洋海温均呈现显著的正(负)异常,而在热带西太平洋海温则表现为显著的负(正)异常,从而在热带西太平洋与热带印度洋之间形成了很强的纬向海温异常梯度。这种纬向海温异常梯度势必在对流层低层激发显著的东风(西风)异常,同时在对流层高层伴随西风(东风)异常,进而导致BOBSM爆发异常偏晚(早)。然而,在PDO负相位期间,无论是El Ni?o年还是La Ni?a年,热带西太平洋的海温异常均不显著,因而热带大洋间的纬向海温异常梯度较弱,无法在孟加拉湾地区激发出有利于BOBSM爆发偏早或偏晚的显著大气环流异常。 关键词:年代际变化, 孟加拉湾季风爆发, ENSO, PDO
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2.1. Data
Daily atmospheric circulation datasets from NCEP1 (Kalnay et al., 1996) are used to calculate the BOBSM onset dates from 1948 to 2017, as done in Mao and Wu (2007). For comparison and validation, another atmospheric reanalysis product, JRA-55, is also introduced to determine the onset dates, as well as to diagnose the ENSO-related atmospheric circulation anomalies under different PDO backgrounds. Note that JRA-55 includes a more sophisticated data assimilation system and newly prepared dataset of past observations, being available since 1958, when regular radiosonde observations began on a global basis (Kobayashi et al., 2015). In addition, to confirm the decadal changes of the BOBSM onset?ENSO relation for as long a period as possible, the 20th Century Atmospheric Reanalysis from the European Centre For Medium-Range Weather Forecasts (ERA20C), which is available for the period 1900?2010 (Stickler et al., 2014), is also adopted to calculate the BOBSM onset dates and related atmospheric circulation anomalies under different PDO backgrounds. Monthly SST data for the period 1900?2017 are extracted from HadISST 1.1, which consists of monthly mean fields of SST and sea-ice concentration on a 1° × 1° latitude?longitude grid from 1870 to the present day (Rayner et al., 2003). The monthly Ni?o3.4 and PDO indices used in this study are downloaded from http://www.cpc.ncep.noaa.gov/products/analysis_monitoring/ensostuff/detrend.Nino34.ascii.txt and http://research.jisao.washington.edu/pdo/PDO.latest.txt, respectively. The monthly PDO index is defined as the leading principal component of monthly SSTAs in the North Pacific Ocean poleward of 20°N, with the monthly mean global average SSTAs removed to separate this pattern of variability from any “global warming” signal that may be present in the data (Mantua et al., 1997).
2 2.2. Methods -->
2.2. Methods
Following Mao and Wu (2007), the BOBSM onset date for a particular year is defined as the day when the following criteria are first satisfied: (1) the area-averaged upper-tropospheric (200?500 hPa) MTG over the BOB (5°?15°N, 90°?100°E) changes from negative to positive; (2) the MTG remains positive for more than 10 days. The wintertime (December?February, DJF) averaged PDO index is used to identify the PDO phases. In this study, an 11-year Lanczos low-pass filter (Duchon, 1979) is applied to the wintertime PDO time series to obtain the decadal variability of the PDO, and then warm (cold) PDO years are classified as those when the filtered PDO index is above (below) zero, as done by Kim et al. (2014). Following Wu and Mao (2016), an El Ni?o (La Ni?a) year is identified when the detrended December?February Ni?o3.4 SSTA is greater than 0.55°C (less than ?0.55°C). Note that this anomaly threshold is approximately equal to 0.6 times the standard deviation of the interannual variations of the Ni?o3.4 index. Based on this criterion, there are 32 El Ni?o and 32 La Ni?a events arising during the three warm PDO epochs (1900?1911, 1922?1945, 1978?2006) and three cold PDO epochs (1912?1921, 1946?1977, 2007?2014) for the period 1900?2017. As such, these ENSO events occurring in different PDO epochs can be further categorized as different PDO?ENSO combinations of PDO-related El Ni?o and La Ni?a events (Table 1), as done by Wu and Mao (2016, 2018). For the third cold PDO epoch, being cut off by the 11-year Lanczos low-pass filter, so far, it is difficult to infer unambiguously how long this epoch persists after 2014 and in which year the PDO changes into the positive epoch. Thus, we only consider the period 2007?14 as a cold PDO epoch. Note that the El Ni?o events in 2015 and 2016 are not taken into consideration due to uncertain PDO phases for the post-2014 period.
Table1. El Ni?o and La Ni?a years classified based on PDO phases (as shown in Fig. 1b) for the period 1900?2017. An ENSO year refers to wintertime in the calendar years when an El Ni?o or La Ni?a event peaks (e.g., year 1903 refers to the winter 1902/1903 winter, etc.). A positive (negative) value in parentheses is the multiple of σ (σ is the interannual standard deviation of the BOBSM onset time series, equal to about 11 days for the period 1958?2017, as shown in Fig. 1a), which indicates the anomaly magnitude of late (early) BOBSM onset [e.g., 1903(+0.55) refers to a late BOBSM onset in 1903 following the 1902/1903 El Ni?o event and the onset date anomaly is equal to +0.55σ or +6.1 days, with the anomaly magnitude being less than one standard deviation away from the long-term mean onset date; while 1984(?1.63) denotes an anomalously early BOBSM onset in 1984 following the 1983/1984 La Ni?a event and the onset anomaly equals ?1.63σ or ?17.9 days, with the anomaly magnitude being greater than one standard deviation away from the long-term mean onset date]. The BOBSM onsets pre-1958 and post-1958 (shown in italics) are calculated with ERA20C and JRA-55 reanalysis data, respectively.
The influence of different PDO?ENSO events on the BOBSM onset during the subsequent spring (i.e., when ENSO decays) is then examined. Unless otherwise stated, ENSO-related circulation and rainfall anomalies in the following text refer to those in the spring following the peak of the PDO?ENSO events. The statistical significance of the composite differences is estimated by Student’s t-test.
4.1. Spring SSTAs
Since the onset process of the BOBSM occurs in early May, the spring (March?May) mean SSTAs are thus analyzed. Figure 2 displays the composite spring SSTAs in the decaying episode of various PDO?ENSO events including EN_WPDO, LN_WPDO, EN_CPDO and LN_CPDO events. Obviously, the amplitudes of SSTAs associated with in-phase PDO?ENSO events [i.e. EN_WPDO (Fig. 2a), LN_CPDO (Fig. 2d)] are larger than those of out-of-phase PDO?ENSO events [i.e. LN_WPDO (Fig. 2b), EN_CPDO (Fig. 2c)] over the tropical central?eastern Pacific as well as the midlatitude North Pacific, as demonstrated by Wu and Mao (2016), who suggested that the in-phase superimposition of PDO-related and ENSO-related SSTAs can enhance the ENSO-related SSTAs, but the out-of-phase superimposition tends to weaken them. Notably, the zonal distribution of SSTAs in the warm PDO epoch (Figs. 2a and b) exhibits evident differences from that in the cold PDO epoch (Figs. 2c and d), especially in the tropical Indian and Pacific oceans. For the warm PDO epoch, i.e., during spring when the EN_WPDO event decays, significant negative SSTAs are present over the TWP, with positive SSTAs over the tropical central?eastern Pacific and most of the tropical Indian Ocean, manifesting a zonally tripole pattern of positive?negative?positive SSTAs over tropical oceans, thus resulting in a positive SSTA gradient from the TWP to Indian Ocean (Fig. 2a). Meanwhile, a similar but opposite SSTA pattern occurs during the decaying episode of the LN_WPDO event, with a negative?positive?negative distribution characterized by positive SSTAs over the TWP (Fig. 2b), resulting in a negative SSTA gradient from the TWP to Indian Ocean. However, during the cold PDO epochs, the SSTA distributions over the tropical Indian and Pacific oceans for either EN_CPDO (Fig. 2c) or LN_CPDO (Fig. 2d) events do not show a distinct tripole pattern, without significant SSTAs over the TWP. Actually, relatively weak positive SSTAs are present only over small areas in the northern tropical Indian Ocean and tropical central Pacific for EN_CPDO events (Fig. 2c), while strong negative SSTAs occur over almost the entire tropical Indian Ocean and extend over the South China Sea and Maritime Continent, as well as over the central?eastern Pacific, for LN_CPDO events (Fig. 2d). As suggested by Feng et al. (2014), the decaying speed of ENSO under different PDO backgrounds is the major reason for the different SSTA patterns of PDO?ENSO events. For the EN_WPDO events, the strong El Ni?o-type SST forcing persists from the preceding winter to spring, resulting in strong positive SSTAs over the tropical central and eastern Pacific, as well as the tropical Indian Ocean, in association with negative anomalies over the TWP; however, the El Ni?o-type SST forcing is much weaker for the EN_CPDO events, which is quickly weakened in spring, resulting in weak positive anomalies over the equatorial central Pacific and Indian Ocean in spring. Similarly, for the LN_CPDO events, the strong La Ni?a-type SST forcing also persists into spring, resulting in strong negative SSTAs over the tropical central and eastern Pacific as well as tropical Indian Ocean, but without significant positive anomalies over the TWP. Also, the La Ni?a-type SST forcing for LN_WPDO events is much weaker than that for LN_CPDO events, resulting in relatively weak negative anomalies over the tropical central Pacific and Indian oceans; plus, significant positive anomalies appears over the TWP, which may be coupled with the southwest?northeast-oriented anomalous cyclone over the western North Pacific through local air?sea interactions. Figure2. Composite distributions of spring (March?May) SSTAs (shading; units: °C) for (a) El Ni?o events in warm PDO epochs (EN_WPDO), (b) La Ni?a events in warm PDO epochs (LN_WPDO), (c) El Ni?o events in cold PDO epochs (EN_CPDO) and (d) La Ni?a events in cold PDO epochs (LN_CPDO), based on HadISST1.1 for the period 1958?2017. Stippling denotes anomalies statistically significant at the 95% confidence level.
2 4.2. Spring atmospheric circulation anomalies -->
4.2. Spring atmospheric circulation anomalies
To explore how the PDO?ENSO events induce anomalous BOBSM onsets through atmospheric teleconnections, anomalous atmospheric circulations forced by the ENSO-related SSTAs under different PDO epochs are examined. Figure 3 illustrates composite fields of SSTA-induced wind anomalies in the lower and upper troposphere in spring. The atmospheric response to SSTAs of the EN_WPDO event is characterized by significantly anomalous 850-hPa easterlies prevailing over the tropical Indian Ocean (Fig. 3a) and anomalous 200-hPa westerlies extending northward to 30°N (Fig. 3b), forming a westerly wind shear in the vertical direction, which indicates that the MTG remains negative according to the thermal wind relation, and thus the BOBSM onset will certainly be delayed. In fact, the anomalous 850-hPa easterlies (Fig. 3a), along with upper-tropospheric westerlies (Fig. 3b), are induced directly by the zonal interoceanic SSTA gradient between the negative SSTAs over the TWP and the positive SSTAs over the tropical Indian Ocean (Fig. 2a), which in turn are coupled with the anomalous Walker circulation forced by positive SSTAs in the equatorial central?eastern Pacific (Fig. 2a), as suggested by Mao and Wu (2007) and Feng et al. (2013). The strong anomalous anticyclone over the western North Pacific forced by the SSTAs also plays an important role in inducing the wind anomalies over the BOB. As shown in Fig. 4a, the strong negative velocity potential anomalies in association with the anomalous anticyclone over the western North Pacific induce strong anomalous divergent southeasterlies (northeasterlies) over the BOB (tropical Indian Ocean) in the lower troposphere, coupled with strong anomalous northwesterlies (southwesterlies) over the BOB (tropical Indian Ocean) converging towards the negative velocity potential anomalies over the western North Pacific in the upper troposphere (Fig. 4b), leading to strong easterly wind anomalies in the lower troposphere and westerly wind anomalies in the upper troposphere over the BOB (Figs. 3a and 3b). Note that, besides the anomalous anticyclone over the western North Pacific, another anomalous anticyclone is present over the BOB (Fig. 3a), which is unfavorable for local convective activity developing over the eastern BOB, thus leading to a late BOBSM onset. Similar but opposite circulation patterns are observed for LN_WPOD events (Figs. 3c and d), with significant anomalous westerlies in the lower troposphere over the tropical Indian Ocean (Fig. 3c) and anomalous easterlies in the upper troposphere over the Maritime Continent, southern Indochina Peninsula and northern BOB (Fig. 3d). Also, the anomalous cyclone over the western North Pacific in association with positive velocity potential anomalies induces strong anomalous convergent westerlies over the BOB in the lower troposphere (Fig. 4c), coupled with strong divergent easterlies over the BOB diverging from the negative velocity potential anomalies over the western North Pacific in the upper troposphere (Fig. 4d). This easterly wind shear in the vertical direction represents a positive MTG, with the low-level anomalous westerlies favoring active convection to arise over the eastern BOB, as suggested by Mao and Wu (2007), indicating that the BOBSM onset is earlier than normal. Obviously, the anomalous low-level westerlies and upper-level easterlies are forced by the zonal interoceanic SSTA gradient between the positive SSTAs over the TWP and the negative SSTAs over the tropical Indian Ocean (Fig. 2b). In contrast, during the cold PDO epochs, no significant anomalous signals are observed in both the lower and upper tropospheric circulations for EN_CPDO events (Figs. 3e and f), as well as the anomalous velocity potential and divergent winds (Figs. 4e and f), and thus the preference of an early or late BOBSM onset becomes ambiguous (Table 1). This is because the SSTA-related external forcing is very weak. Note from Fig. 2c that no strong SSTA signals are present over the tropical Indian Ocean, especially over the TWP, to produce strong external forcing. Figure3. Composite anomalies of spring (March?May) (a) 850-hPa winds and (b) 200-hPa winds (vectors; units: m s?1) for El Ni?o events in warm PDO epochs (EN_WPDO) based on JRA-55 for the period 1958?2017. Panels (c, d), (e, f) and (g, h) are the same as in (a, b) but for La Ni?a events in warm PDO epochs (LN_WPDO), El Ni?o events in cold PDO epochs (EN_CPDO) and (d) La Ni?a events in cold PDO epochs (LN_CPDO). Shading denotes anomalies statistically significant at the 95% confidence level.
Figure4. Composite anomalies of spring (March?May) divergent winds (vectors; units: m s?1) and velocity potential (shading; units: 106 m2 s?1) at (a) 850 hPa and (b) 200 hPa for El Ni?o events in warm PDO epochs (EN_WPDO) based on JRA-55 for the period 1958?2017. Panels (c, d), (e, f) and (g, h) are the same as in (a, b) but for La Ni?a events in warm PDO epochs (LN_WPDO), El Ni?o events in cold PDO epochs (EN_CPDO) and (d) La Ni?a events in cold PDO epochs (LN_CPDO), respectively. Only shown are the velocity potential anomalies that are statistically significant at the 95% confidence level and the divergent wind anomalies where at least one of the zonal and meridional components is statistically significant at the 95% confidence level.
For the LN_CPDO events, a significant anomalous cyclone in the lower troposphere is present over the western North Pacific (Fig. 3g) in response to the strong negative SSTAs over the tropical central?eastern Pacific and eastern Indian Ocean (Fig. 2d) along with positive SSTAs over the midlatitude North Pacific. In turn, such an anomalous cyclone inevitably generates active convection locally, as a result of the thermally-forced response (Gill, 1980) to anomalous convective heating over the western North Pacific, and an anomalous upper-tropospheric anticyclone is induced north of the Indochina Peninsula with significant anomalous easterlies over the northern BOB (Fig. 3h), favoring the development of active convection over the eastern BOB. However, there are no significant positive SSTAs over the TPW (Fig. 2d) to cause a significant zonal SSTA gradient with the negative SSTAs over the upstream Indian Ocean. As shown in Fig. 4g, the positive velocity potential anomalies in the lower troposphere over the western North Pacific are much weaker than those during LN_WPDO events (Fig. 4c), with the anomaly center located more eastward. As a result, the anomalous convergent westerlies are also weaker than those in the LN_WPDO events. Furthermore, the anomalous circulation anomalies over the BOB are dominated by local anomalous divergent northwesterlies in the upper troposphere, thus without anomalous flows from the tropical Indian Ocean (Fig. 4h). Consequently, the anomalous low-level westerlies are very weak and insignificant over the BOB (Fig. 3g); therefore, not enough moisture is transported into the BOB to generate strong convection, although the favorable divergence condition associated with anomalous easterlies exists in the upper-troposphere, merely resulting in slightly early BOBSM onset (Table 1). In brief, under the cold PDO epochs, the SSTAs over the TWP become insignificant for both EN_CPDO and LN_CPDO events, resulting in weak interoceanic SSTA gradients between the tropical Indian Ocean and TWP, which can hardly induce significant circulation anomalies, especially with respect to the lower-tropospheric anomalous winds over the BOB, and thereby the BOBSM exhibits no preference for early or late onset. Compared to warm PDO epochs, BOBSM onset is less dependent on ENSO (EN_CPDO and LN_CPDO) events during cold PDO epochs, which can be attributed to the absence of significant SSTAs over the TWP (Fig. 2). Without the strong TWP SSTAs, larger zonal SSTA gradients between the TWP and central?eastern Pacific, as well as between the TWP and tropical Indian Ocean, cannot be generated to induce anomalous zonal circulations (Fig. 3). This validates the important role of the TWP SSTAs in affecting the BOBSM onset, as emphasized by Feng et al. (2013). In addition, Fig. 5 shows the composite circulation anomalies of different PDO?ENSO events based on ERA20C for the period 1900?2010. For the EN_WPDO (LN_WPDO) events, anomalously strong 850-hPa easterlies (westerlies) prevail over the tropical Indian Ocean (Figs. 5a and c), which are coupled with 200-hPa westerlies (easterlies) extending to 30°N (Figs. 5b and 5d), forming a westerly (easterly) wind shear in the vertical direction, and thus favoring the MTG to remain negative (change as positive) according to the thermal wind relation. As such, the BOBSM onset is certainly delayed (advanced), consistent with the mechanism revealed by the JRA-55 datasets (Figs. 3a-d). In contrast, following the EN_CPDO events, both the 850-hPa and 200-hPa wind anomalies are not induced over the tropical Indian Ocean and BOB in spring (Figs. 5e and f); thus, the preference of an early or late BOBSM onset becomes ambiguous. As for the LN_CPDO years, although the strong 200-hPa easterly wind anomalies tend to favor the development of active convection over the BOB (Fig. 5h), there are no significant circulation anomalies in the lower troposphere bringing moisture to support the development of convection (Fig. 5g), similar to the situations derived by JRA-55 (Figs. 3h and 3g), and thus the anomalous preference of BOBSM onset is also uncertain. Therefore, the circulation anomalies derived from the longer-term ERA20C data provide similar results as from JRA-55, indicating that the mechanism revealed by JRA-55 is reliable and the modulating effect of the PDO on the BOBSM onset?ENSO relation is robust. Figure5. As in Fig. 3 but based on ERA20C for the period 1900?2010.
2 4.3. Monthly evolution of the atmospheric circulation anomalies -->
4.3. Monthly evolution of the atmospheric circulation anomalies
Considering that the summer monsoon onset is the most important sub-seasonal phenomenon of monsoon variability (Webster et al., 1998), which is a result of the phase-lock of seasonal evolution with sub-seasonal fluctuations of atmospheric circulation. Thus, monthly circulation anomalies prior to the BOBSM onset are again examined, expecting to demonstrate the anomalous sub-seasonal fluctuations. Given that the long-term mean BOBSM onset date is around 1 May, the monthly evolutionary features of circulation anomalies in March and April not only represent the anomalous precursory signals but also reflect the sub-seasonal variations before or during the BOBSM onset. Figure 6 shows the monthly lower-tropospheric circulation anomalies in March and April forced by SSTAs of different PDO?ENSO events. For EN_WPDO events, the significant anomalous 850-hPa easterlies are induced over the tropical Indian Ocean in March (Fig. 6a), and then migrate northward into the southern BOB in April (Fig. 6b). Although the easterlies over the tropical Indian Ocean in April become somewhat weaker as compared with March, an anomalous anticyclone is formed over the BOB with significant anomalous northerlies over the eastern part of the BOB, which tend to suppress the development of convective activities over the BOB, resulting in late BOBSM onset. In contrast, following LN_WPDO events, significant anomalous westerlies are produced over the tropical Indian Ocean and southern BOB in March (Fig. 6c), and subsequently become stronger in April (Fig. 6d), thus favoring early BOBSM onset. However, for the EN_CPDO years, no significant 850-hPa wind anomalies are present over the tropical Indian Ocean and BOB in March (Fig. 6e). Although anomalous easterlies occur over the southern BOB in April (Fig. 6f), such weak anomalies are less likely to trigger a much later BOBSM onset. Opposite situations are observed for the LN_CPDO events, with significant anomalous westerlies over the southern tropical Indian Ocean and Maritime Continent along with anomalous northeasterlies over the western North Pacific in March (Fig. 6g). However, such anomalies almost disappear in April (Fig. 6h), and there are no significant wind anomalies over the BOB in both March and April (Figs. 6g and 6h), thus without any preference of a late or early BOBSM onset. Therefore, the monthly evolution of 850-hPa wind anomalies again demonstrates that an anomalous late (early) BOBSM onset is likely to follow an El Ni?o (La Ni?a) event during warm PDO epochs, while anomalous BOBSM onset is less related to an ENSO event during cold PDO epochs. Figure6. Composite anomalies of (a) March and (b) April 850-hPa winds (vectors; units: m s?1) for El Ni?o events in warm PDO epochs (EN_WPDO) based on JRA-55 for the period 1958?2017. Panels (c, d), (e, f) and (g, h) are the same as in (a, b) but for La Ni?a events in warm PDO epochs (LN_WPDO), El Ni?o events in cold PDO epochs (EN_CPDO) and La Ni?a events in cold PDO epochs (LN_CPDO). Shading denotes anomalies significant at the 95% confidence level.