1.International Center for Climate and Environment Sciences, Institute of Atmospheric Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100029, China 2.Collaborative Innovation Center on Forecast and Evaluation of Meteorological Disasters, Nanjing University of Information Science and Technology, Nanjing 210044, China Manuscript received: 2017-04-26 Manuscript revised: 2017-10-27 Manuscript accepted: 2017-11-15 Abstract:Using observational data and the pre-industrial simulations of 19 models from the Coupled Model Intercomparison Project Phase 5 (CMIP5), the El Niño (EN) and La Niña (LN) events in positive and negative Pacific Decadal Oscillation (PDO) phases are examined. In the observational data, with EN (LN) events the positive (negative) SST anomaly in the equatorial eastern Pacific is much stronger in positive (negative) PDO phases than in negative (positive) phases. Meanwhile, the models cannot reasonably reproduce this difference. Besides, the modulation of ENSO frequency asymmetry by the PDO is explored. Results show that, in the observational data, EN is 300% more (58% less) frequent than LN in positive (negative) PDO phases, which is significant at the 99% confidence level using the Monte Carlo test. Most of the CMIP5 models exhibit results that are consistent with the observational data. Keywords: ENSO frequency asymmetry, Pacific Decadal Oscillation, decadal variation, Monte Carlo method, CMIP5 摘要:本文利用观测资料和CMIP5多模式比较计划的19个模式的工业革命前参照试验数据,分析了耦合模式对北太平洋年代际振荡(PDO)正负位相下El Niño和La Niña的模拟,以及ENSO发生频率和PDO位相的关系。观测中El Niño(La Ni?a)导致的赤道中东太平洋增温(降温)在PDO正(负)位相下强于负(正)位相,模式并不能很好地模拟出这种差异。对于ENSO发生频率在正负PDO位相下的不对称性,观测显示在PDO正(负)位相下El Niño比La Ni?a多300%(少58%),这个结果超过了99%的蒙特卡洛显著性检验。多模式结果一致反映了观测中的这种现象,也表明该结果是可信的。 关键词:ENSO发生频率的不对称性, 北太平洋年代际振荡, 年代际变化, 蒙特卡罗方法, CMIP5模式
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3.1. SST difference between positive and negative PDO phases
Before examining the ENSO frequency asymmetry modulated by PDO phases, we firstly show the differences in SST, SLP and the wind field at 850 hPa between positive and negative PDO phases in Fig. 3, in the observational data and in the multi-model simulations. The observational data show that the SLP difference between positive and negative PDO phases mainly occurs at midlatitudes. A notable negative anomaly occurs in the North Pacific, which is associated with the deepened Aleutian low in positive PDO phases. Additionally, although the PDO is defined as the leading empirical SST mode in the North Pacific, it has a considerable influence on the tropical Pacific. According to previous studies, this influence of the PDO on the tropics takes place via atmospheric teleconnections associated with the decadal background change (Barnett et al., 1999; Pierce et al., 2000; Wang and An, 2002; Feng et al., 2014). In positive PDO phases, the eastern equatorial Pacific is anomalously warm. Similar conclusions have also been made by (Feng et al., 2014) and (Dong and Xue, 2016). Additionally, compared to negative PDO phases, in positive PDO phases there are notable anomalous westerlies over the central equatorial Pacific. These PDO phase-dependent background westerly anomalies on the decadal timescale may be associated with the fact that more EN events tend to occur in positive PDO phases, although it is well known that westerly wind bursts are essential to triggering EN events (Lengaigne et al., 2004). Figure3. (a) Observed and (b-t) simulated (model names given above each panel) differences in SST (color shading; units: °C), SLP (contours; units: hPa) and 850-hPa wind (vectors; units: m s-1) between positive and negative PDO phases.
As for the simulation results, most models reproduce the negative SLP anomaly in the North Pacific, albeit with a slightly different location of the anomaly center. However, the magnitude of the SST anomaly——especially in the tropical eastern Pacific——is underestimated in most of the CMIP5 coupled models, which is associated with the weakly portrayed low-level westerly anomaly in the equatorial central Pacific.
2 3.2. ENSO composition in positive and negative PDO phases -->
3.2. ENSO composition in positive and negative PDO phases
To compare the EN/LN events between positive and negative PDO phases, we examine the spatial pattern of SST composition in EN/LN mature winter (DJF) in positive and negative PDO phases, separately (Fig. 4). In positive PDO phases, in the observational data, with EN events the equatorial eastern Pacific is anomalously warm, and in the northern/southern central Pacific and equatorial western Pacific it is anomalously cool (Fig. 4). The cooling anomaly in the northern and southern Pacific may be associated with the occurrence of a positive PDO phase, while that in the equatorial western Pacific may be associated with EN events (Shakun and Shaman, 2009). Most models reproduce this spatial pattern of global SST, with respective regional bias (figure omitted). In negative PDO phases, with the positive SST anomaly in the central and eastern equatorial Pacific in EN events, the positive SST anomaly in the North Pacific is more significant than its South Pacific counterpart (Fig. 4). Note that in positive PDO phases with EN events, the SST near the western coast of the American continent is anomalously warm; whereas, in negative PDO phases with EN events there is no significant signal. Besides, in the observational data, with EN events the positive SST anomaly in the equatorial eastern Pacific is much stronger in positive PDO phases than in negative PDO phases. Meanwhile, in the simulation results, models cannot reasonably reproduce this difference. That is, in the simulation results the contrast in magnitude between positive and negative PDO phase is negligible. Figure4. Composite SST anomaly spatial pattern (color shading; units: °C) in (a, b) EN and (c, d) LN mature winter (DJF) in (a, c) positive (i.e., warm) and (b, d) negative (i.e., cool) PDO phases, based on the observational data (left-hand panels) and multi-model ensemble mean (right-hand panels). The oblique lines denote values that exceed the 95% confidence level in the observational results.
Figure5. Composite spatial pattern of SST anomaly differences (color shading; units: °C) in (a) EN and (b) LN events between different PDO phases [positive (i.e., warm) minus negative (i.e., cool)], based on the observational data (left-hand panels) and multi-model ensemble mean (right-hand panels).
With respect to LN events, the observational data in Fig. 4c show that in positive PDO phases there are significantly negative SSTs in the equatorial central and eastern Pacific and central and western North Pacific. Meanwhile, a positive SST anomaly is located in most regions of the Pacific Ocean. The magnitude of the negative SST anomaly in the central and eastern equatorial Pacific in the multi-model ensemble of the CMIP5 models is stronger than that in the observational data. Besides, not all of the CMIP5 models reproduce the concurrent negative SST anomaly in both the northern and equatorial Pacific in positive-PDO-phase LN events. Even in those models that do, the location of the negative SST anomaly in the northern Pacific is considerablely biased compared to the observed location. Thus, as stated in previous studies, it is still a difficult task to simulate the connection between the PDO and ENSO, or between the midlatitudes and equatorial ocean (Newman et al., 2016). In negative PDO phases with LN events, the observed positive SST anomaly in the North Pacific shifts eastward compared to in positive phases, and a South Pacific counterpart exists (Fig. 4d). Most of the CMIP5 models reproduce the horseshoe pattern in the Pacific reasonably. The main deviation of the models is the overly westward shifted cold tongue in the equatorial Pacific, which is an unresolved problem in the current CMIP5 models. In addition, the negative SST anomaly in the equatorial Pacific is much stronger in negative PDO phases than in positive PDO phases. As mentioned for the EN events, in the simulation results, models cannot reproduce this difference reasonably. The contrast in magnitude between positive and negative PDO phases in the simulation results is negligible. Figure 5 shows the SST difference between positive and negative PDO phases in EN/LN events, separately. The results for EN and LN events are similar, i.e., a negative (positive) center in the western and central North Pacific (equatorial central and eastern Pacific and coastline of the American continent). The multi-model ensemble reproduces the negative center in the North Pacific with only a slight location bias. However, the SST difference in the equatorial Pacific is rather weak. This indicates that many climate models suffer from bias in simulating the connection between the PDO and ENSO, or between the midlatitudes and equatorial ocean (Newman et al., 2016).
2 3.3. ENSO frequency asymmetry in different PDO phases -->
3.3. ENSO frequency asymmetry in different PDO phases
Next, we investigate the PDO phase-dependent ENSO frequency asymmetry using the method defined in section 2. As shown in Fig. 6, results show that in positive (negative) PDO phases R is positive (negative), indicating that EN is more frequent than LN in positive PDO phases, while LN is more frequent than EN in negative PDO phases. In the observational data, EN is 300% more (58% less) frequent than LN in positive (negative) PDO phases. That is, positive (negative) PDO phases are conducive to the occurrence of more EN (LN) events. Besides, the amplitude of R is also asymmetric in positive and negative PDO phases. For instance, in positive PDO phases EN is 300% more frequent than LN, which is much larger than its counterpart in negative PDO phases (58%). We also drew the above figure with unfiltered Ni?o3.4 index values, and the results were almost the same (figure not shown). Figure6. The R values (percentage difference between the number of EN and LN events relative to the number of LN events) based on the observational data (OBS), multi-model ensemble (MME), and 19 CMIP5 models. The letter "Y" indicates that the R value is statistically significant at the 1% level. The vertical line (orange) denotes one standard deviation for the 19 model results.
Figure7. PDF of R in (a) positive and (b) negative phases of the PDO in the Monte Carlo test with a sample size of 1 000 000. The red line denotes the observed value of R and the blue line denotes the threshold [99% percentile for (a) and 1% percentile for (b)] beyond which the observed R can be regarded as significant.
To test the significance of our results, we apply the Monte Carlo significant test to the observational data. The PDF of R in positive and negative PDO phases is shown in Fig. 7. In positive (negative) PDO phases, the observed R value is positive (negative), which means that in positive (negative) PDO phases EN is more (less) frequent than LN. The same conclusion can be drawn from Fig. 6. Besides, from Fig. 7 it can be seen that the observed R value (red line) is beyond the threshold in both positive and negative PDO phases, indicating that our above conclusion, i.e., that EN is more (less) frequent than LN in positive (negative) PDO phases, is significant at the 99% confidence level. The PDF distributions of the CMIP5 models are shown in Fig. 8. Most of the CMIP5 model results are consistent with the observational results. However, there are six (seven) models that cannot reproduce the significant PDO phase-dependent ENSO asymmetry in positive (negative) PDO phases. This conclusion can also be drawn from Fig. 6. Figure8. PDF of R derived from the observational data (OBS) and 19 CMIP5 models in (a) positive and (b) negative phases of the PDO in the Monte Carlo test with a sample size of 1 000 000. The red line denotes the value of R and the blue line denotes the threshold (99% percentile) beyond which R can be regarded as significant.
Figure8. (Continued)
2 3.4. Discussion on the relationship between the PDO and ENSO -->
3.4. Discussion on the relationship between the PDO and ENSO
To examine the possible causes of the ENSO frequency asymmetry between positive and negative PDO phases, the differences in SST, SLP and the wind field at 850 hPa between positive and negative PDO phases can be referred to, as mentioned in subsection 3.1 (Fig. 3). It can be seen that, although the PDO is defined as the leading empirical SST mode in the North Pacific, it has a considerable influence on the tropical Pacific. In positive PDO phases, the eastern equatorial Pacific is anomalously warm. Additionally, compared to negative PDO phases, in positive PDO phases there are notable anomalous westerlies over the central equatorial Pacific. This PDO-dependent westerly anomaly over the central equatorial Pacific on the decadal timescale may be associated with the fact that more EN rather than LN events tend to occur in positive PDO phases. However, it should be acknowledged that, from the evidence shown here, one cannot say for certain that it is the PDO that results in the occurrence of more EN events. Notably, previous studies (e.g., Newman et al. 2003) argue that the PDO is an ENSO-forced signal. In this paper, using observational data and CMIP5 coupled model results, we only reveal the phenomenon that there tend to be more EN events in positive PDO phases. Of course, two possibilities exist, i.e., that the PDO influences ENSO or vice versa. More work (e.g., numerical sensitivity experiments) should be carried out to explore the mechanisms involved (i.e., whether the PDO influences ENSO, or the other way around).