1.School of Atmospheric Sciences/Center for Monsoon and Environment Research/Guangdong Province Key Laboratory for Climate Change and Natural Disaster Studies, Sun Yat-Sen University, Guangzhou 510275, China 2.Guangzhou Institute of Tropical and Marine Meteorology, China Meteorological Administration, Guangzhou 510062, China 3.Bedford Institute of Oceanography, Fisheries and Oceans Canada, Dartmouth, Nova Scotia B2Y 4A2, Canada 4.State Key Laboratory of Tropical Oceanography, South China Sea Institute of Oceanology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Guangzhou 510301, China Manuscript received: 2017-03-18 Manuscript revised: 2017-08-06 Manuscript accepted: 2017-09-12 Abstract:Variations in the high-frequency oscillations of tropical cyclones (TCs) over the western North Pacific (WNP) are studied in numerical model simulations. Power spectrum analysis of maximum wind speeds at 10 m (MWS10) from an ensemble of 15 simulated TCs shows that oscillations are significant for all TCs. The magnitudes of oscillations in MWS10 are similar in the WNP and South China Sea (SCS); however, the mean of the averaged significant periods in the SCS (1.93 h) is shorter than that in the open water of the WNP (2.83 h). The shorter period in the SCS is examined through an ensemble of simulations, and a case simulation as well as a sensitivity experiment in which the continent is replaced by ocean for Typhoon Hagupit (2008). The analysis of the convergence efficiency within the boundary layer suggests that the shorter periods in the SCS are possibly due to the stronger terrain effect, which intensifies convergence through greater friction. The enhanced convergence strengthens the disturbance of the gradient and thermal wind balances, and then contributes to the shorter oscillation periods in the SCS. Keywords: tropical cyclone, high-frequency oscillation, western North Pacific, South China Sea 摘要:本文通过数值模拟研究了西北太平洋(WNP)热带气旋(TC)高频振荡的一些特征. 通过对15个集合模拟TC的中心附近最大10米风速(MWS)的功率谱分析, 所有TC的高频振荡显著, 振荡周期相近. 然而, 在南海(SCS)的振荡周期(平均1.93小时)则显著短于活动在西北太平洋开阔海域TC的振荡周期(平均2.83小时). 通过分析集合模拟的模式输出结果, 和对“黑格比”(2008)的个例模拟及其数值敏感试验(试验中所有陆地被替换为海洋), 得出在南海区域, 由于陆地分布较多, 引起TC边界层摩擦辐合较强. 强的摩擦辐合增加了TC边界层的不稳定因素, 引起了南海区域TC高频振荡周期缩短. 关键词:热带气旋, 高频振荡, 西北太平洋, 南海
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3.1. Description of the ensemble of simulations
Table 1 lists the 15 TCs simulated using the WRF model. These cyclones occurred during 2008-2014 in the WNP, and seven were active in the SCS. For these simulations, the two-way interactive WRF model includes two components covering two fixed domains with Lambert projections for the open WNP and SCS (Fig. 1). Domain 1, the outer mesh, has a horizontal resolution of 12 km and is designed to simulate the synoptic-scale environment in which the TCs evolved. Domain 2 has a horizontal resolution of 4 km and is designed to simulate TC mesoscale structure. The simulations are initialized when each TC reaches tropical storm intensity. Each simulation spans 192 h. The simulated TC tracks and intensities, defined by the minimum sea-level pressure (MSLP) and the maximum wind speed at 10 m (MWS10), are compared with observational data. The observed TC tracks are obtained from the best-track observation dataset compiled by the Shanghai Typhoon. Figure1. Domains of the WRF model for the ensemble of TC simulations of (a) the open WNP and (b) the SCS.
Institute (STI) of the China Meteorological Administration (CMA) (Ying et al., 2014). Figure 2 shows good agreement between observed and simulated TC tracks in Domain 2 in terms of the discrepancy in the TC center locations being less than 150 km on average. Table 2 lists the maximum MWS10 of the observed and simulated TCs. The simulated intensities are comparable to the observed intensities; however, the simulated intensities of TCs in the open WNP and SCS are similar because the simulated intensities are a little weaker and stronger in the open WNP and SCS, respectively. Table 3 lists correlations between TC intensities obtained from simulations and the best-track data. The trends of the simulated TC intensities are similar to those of observations, because all correlations are significant at the 95% confidence level according to the t-test, except in the case of the MWS10 of Typhoon Chan-Hom (2009). It is thus concluded that the simulated and observed TC intensities agree well because the magnitude and trends of TC intensities are comparable to observations. Because the high-frequency oscillations are more significant in TCs with higher intensity, the following analysis is applied to model outputs during the period (also listed in Table 1) when the simulated TC intensity is stronger than severe tropical storm intensity (i.e., an MWS10 exceeding 24.5 m s-1). Figure2. Tracks of TCs at 6-h intervals from the ensemble of simulations (dashed lines with open circles) and best-track data (solid lines with filled circles) for TCs in (a) the open WNP and (b) the SCS. The best-track data are from CMA-STI. Here, except in the cases of Man-yi (2007), Chanthu (2010), Hagupit (2008), and Chan-Hom (2009), which respectively started at 1800 UTC 9 July, 1800 UTC 19 July, 1800 UTC 19 September, and 0000 UTC 5 May, all tracks begin at the start times of the experiments listed in Table 1.
2 3.2. General features of the difference between the open WNP and SCS -->
3.2. General features of the difference between the open WNP and SCS
According to our previous study (Chen et al., 2015), high-frequency oscillations are significant in both variables (i.e., density, horizontal velocities and vertical velocities) averaged over the eyewall region and the MWS10. Thus, considering that the MWS10 is widely used to represent the intensity of a TC, the MWS10 is used for the analysis in the present study. Following (Gilman et al., 1963) and (Stott et al., 2002), power spectrum analysis is performed for the simulated MWS10, with a temporal interval of 15 min. Prior to this analysis, each MWS10 time series is high-pass filtered by subtracting its running average over a 6-h window. Figure 3 shows the resulting power spectrum density and the noise spectrum computed following (Stott et al., 2002). Areas with spectrum density higher than the noise spectrum can be regarded as significant during the corresponding periods. Figure 4 shows the averaged significant periods and their variation ranges according to the results presented in Fig. 3. Here, only the smallest significant period is considered because double periods are also significant for some TCs [i.e., Neoguri (2008) and Hagupit (2008) shown in Fig. 3]. For all simulated TCs,significant high-frequency oscillations are identified, with averaged periods of 2.33-4.15 h in the open WNP and 1.12-3.20 h in the SCS. The means of the averaged periods of TCs in the open WNP and the SCS are 2.83 and 1.93 h, respectively. Additionally, the variation range of the oscillation periods of TCs in the open WNP is longer than that in the SCS, with the mean of variation ranges being 1.25 h in the open WNP and 0.66 ho in the SCS. Figure3. Power spectrum density of the MWS10 of TCs from the ensemble of simulations. Black solid and gray dashed lines show the resulting power spectrum density and the noise spectrum, respectively.
The Butterworth bandpass filter method is applied to the MWS10 of each simulated TC to analyze the magnitude of high-frequency oscillations. The time series of high-frequency oscillation is obtained by filtering the variation range of the significant periods in Fig. 4. The deviation and maximum amplitude (listed in Table 4) of the filtered time series are used to describe the magnitudes of high-frequency oscillations. The deviations and maximum magnitude are similar in the open WNP and SCS, although the significant period in the open WNP is longer than that in the SCS. Figure4. Averaged significant period (gray bars) and variation ranges (black lines) of TCs in (a) the open WNP and (b) the SCS, from the results of the power spectrum analysis shown in Fig. 3. (c) Mean of the averaged significant periods and variation ranges of TCs in the open WNP and the SCS.
2 3.3. Factors of variations of periods in the two oceans -->
3.3. Factors of variations of periods in the two oceans
It can be concluded from the work of (Chen et al., 2015) that high-frequency oscillations are significant within TC secondary circulations that interact with the TC intensity. The variation in the significant oscillation periods in the open WNP and SCS is thus probably due to the disturbance of the TC intensity or secondary circulation that is enhanced by the TCs themselves or the environment. Factors for the disturbance of TC intensity are the strengthening of TCs themselves and environmental atmospheric dynamical features; meanwhile, the factor for the disturbance of TC secondary circulation is convergence within the boundary layer because all upward transport signals within the secondary circulation are generated by oscillations of the inward radial winds within the boundary layer. Strengthening of TCs themselves, however, is not the reason for the longer oscillation periods over the open WNP, because simulated intensities of TCs in the open WNP and SCS are similar. Meanwhile, environmental atmospheric dynamical features including the low-level vorticity, high-level divergence, and vertical wind shear, are analyzed. Table 5 lists the mean values of these variables averaged over an annular area with a radius of 300-600 km from the center, defined as the location of the MSLP, of the simulated TCs during the periods when the TC intensity is higher than severe tropical storm intensity. The design of this ring area is based on estimations of the steering flow of TCs made in previous studies (i.e., Chan and Gray, 1982; Peng et al., 2015), where an area with a range larger than 1000 km, within which the region affected by TC features is removed, was used to represent the large-scale features of TCs. The ring area used here covers a range of 1200 km and is thus able to describe the large-scale features around the TC. Furthermore, an area with radius of 300 km is suitable for describing a TC structure, as concluded from previous studies (i.e., Emanuel, 1986; Wang et al., 2008). This ring area with radius of 300 km to the TC center is generally affected by TC features of the simulated TCs in this study (figures not shown). Although the mean values of all TCs in the open WNP and SCS are different, the differences in the low-level vorticity and high-level divergence are not significant in these two areas. Additionally, differences in vertical wind shears in the open WNP and SCS are not significant. Thus, environmental dynamical factors also do not explain the longer significant periods in the open WNP. As detailed by (Chen et al., 2015), all upward transport signals within the secondary circulation are generated by oscillations of the inward radial winds (convergence) within the boundary layer. Thus, another potential factor of the longer periods in the open WNP is the weaker terrain effects over the open water, because terrain friction intensifies convergence and thus enhances the disturbance when the convergence and rotation are imbalanced, compared with their relationships in mechanisms of TC development and maintenance [i.e., the thermal wind balance in wind-induced surface heat exchange (Emanuel, 1986)]. Instead of using the mean divergence within the boundary layer, which is affected by the overall wind speeds, the ratio of radial winds (R r) is applied to estimate the efficiency of convergence. R r can be calculated as \begin{equation} R_{\rm r}=\dfrac{{V}_{\rm r}}{|{V}|{i}_{\rm r}} , \end{equation} where V r is the speed of radial winds and |V| is the absolute value of the overall wind speed (V) from which the speed of TC motion has been removed, i r is an unit vector directed away from the TC center. Figure 5 is a sketch of the estimation of V r. V r is the component of V directed toward/away from the TC center, with a positive value indicating outward movement on the basis of the definition of divergence. V t is the tangential wind, which is perpendicular to V r, where a positive value indicates anticlockwise motion on the basis of the definition of vorticity. The mean and variation of R r averaged within the PBL of TC eyewall region are shown in Fig. 6. The eyewall region here is defined as the ring area with radius of 200 km to the TC center, and covers the updrafts of all simulated TCs (figures not shown). The mean R r of TCs varies between -0.29 and -0.18 in the open WNP and between -0.35 and -0.29 in the SCS. The efficiency of convergence in the open WNP, with an averaged mean R r of -0.24, is much less than that in the SCS, with an averaged mean R r of -0.33. The lesser terrain effect thus contributes weaker convergence and there are longer significant periods for TCs in the open WNP. Note that Chan-Hom is a special case in the SCS because it was active in a relatively open area and was hardly affected by land features (Fig. 2). The absolute value of R r for Chan-Hom is smaller than values for other TCs in the SCS, and the significant period and variation range of Chan-Hom are longer. Although the terrain effect enhances the convergence efficiency, it is worth noting that the terrain does not weaken the intensities of TCs in the SCS, which are similar to the intensities of TCs in the open WNP, because the cores of TCs are generally far from land before the TCs land (Fig. 2b). Figure5. Sketch of the estimation of radial wind (V r) (with positive velocities being outward). Here, V is the overall wind speed from which the speed of TC motion has been removed, and V t is the tangential wind (with positive velocities being anticlockwise).
Figure6. As in Fig. 4 but for the ratio of radial winds (R r) averaged within the PBL of TC eyewall region.
Figure7. Power spectrum density of the MWS10 of TCs in (a) CTL and (b) NoTer, from the high-quality simulation of Typhoon Hagupit (2008). Solid and dashed lines show the resulting power spectrum density and noise spectrum, respectively.
The physical mechanism of the longer variation range in the open WNP is worth discussing, because the longer variation range means the oscillations vary with different spatial scale structure, suggesting that the process may also be affected by a variety of physical factors, such as the air-sea interaction, TC size, and inner structure of the TC. There is thus a need for more detailed investigation.