1.Climate Change Research Center (CCRC), and Nansen-Zhu International Research Centre, Institute of Atmospheric Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100029, China 2.Department of Atmospheric Science, China University of Geosciences, Wuhan 430074, China 3.College of Earth and Planetary Science, University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100049, China Manuscript received: 2019-03-19 Manuscript revised: 2019-08-05 Manuscript accepted: 2019-08-11 Abstract:Previous studies have found amplified warming over Europe?West Asia and Northeast Asia in summer since the mid-1990s relative to elsewhere on the Eurasian continent, but the cause of the amplification in these two regions remains unclear. In this study, we compared the individual contributions of influential factors for amplified warming over these two regions through a quantitative diagnostic analysis based on CFRAM (climate feedback?response analysis method). The changes in surface air temperature are decomposed into the partial changes due to radiative processes (including CO2 concentration, incident solar radiation at the top of the atmosphere, surface albedo, water vapor content, ozone concentration, and clouds) and non-radiative processes (including surface sensible heat flux, surface latent heat flux, and dynamical processes). Our results suggest that the enhanced warming over these two regions is primarily attributable to changes in the radiative processes, which contributed 0.62 and 0.98 K to the region-averaged warming over Europe?West Asia (1.00 K) and Northeast Asia (1.02 K), respectively. Among the radiative processes, the main drivers were clouds, CO2 concentration, and water vapor content. The cloud term alone contributed to the mean amplitude of warming by 0.40 and 0.85 K in Europe?West Asia and Northeast Asia, respectively. In comparison, the non-radiative processes made a much weaker contribution due to the combined impact of surface sensible heat flux, surface latent heat flux, and dynamical processes, accounting for only 0.38 K for the warming in Europe?West Asia and 0.05 K for the warming in Northeast Asia. The resemblance between the influential factors for the amplified warming in these two separate regions implies a common dynamical origin. Thus, this validates the possibility that they originate from the Silk Road pattern. Keywords: CFRAM (climate feedback?response analysis method), amplified summer warming, radiative processes, non-radiative processes 摘要:以前的研究发现,自20世纪90年代中期以来,欧洲-西亚和东北亚相对于欧亚大陆其他区域夏季增暖更为显著,但增暖放大的原因尚不清楚。本文基于气候反馈响应分析方法(climate feedback–response analysis method, CFRAM),定量诊断了不同影响因子对两个区域增暖的贡献。CFRAM方法将地表气温变化分解为由辐射过程(包括CO2浓度、大气层顶入射太阳辐射、地表反照率、水汽含量、O3浓度和云)和非辐射过程(包括地表感热通量、地表潜热通量和动力过程)造成的温度变化分量。结果表明:欧洲-西亚和东北亚的强增温主要归因于辐射过程的变化,辐射过程对欧洲-西亚地表气温变化(1.00K)和东北亚地表气温变化(1.02K)的贡献分别为0.62和0.98K。云、CO2浓度和水汽含量是辐射过程的主要驱动因子。其中,云的变化对欧洲-西亚和东北亚增暖分别贡献了0.40和0.85k。由于地表感热通量、地表潜热通量和动力过程的共同影响,导致非辐射过程的总贡献较弱,在欧洲-西亚和东北亚分别仅产生了0.38和0.05k的增暖。影响地表温度变化的因子之间的相似性表明两个区域的增暖可能具有相同的动力起源。因此,进一步验证了欧洲-西亚和东北亚增暖均起源于丝绸之路遥相关的可能性。 关键词:气候反馈响应分析方法, 夏季增暖放大, 辐射过程, 非辐射过程
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2.1. Data
The variables used in CFRAM include the incident shortwave radiation at the top of the atmosphere (TOA), the surface albedo, the surface pressure, the cloud cover, the cloud liquid water/ice water content, the specific humidity, the ozone mixing ratio, the sensible and latent heat fluxes, the air temperature, and the surface temperature. All the data apart from the surface temperature were obtained from the ERA-Interim dataset (Dee et al., 2011). ERA-Interim covers the period from 1979 to present with a horizontal resolution of 1.5°×1.5° and 37 vertical pressure levels ranging from 1000 to 1 hPa. Given this study is based on the observed amplified warming, the observational land surface temperature from the Climate Research Unit (CRU) dataset, version 3.24 (Harris et al., 2014), is used in the CFRAM surface layer. The temperature measurements in CRU are assumed to be at a height of 2 m, but they bear substantial similarities with the ERA-Interim skin temperature in terms of both spatial pattern and area-averaged magnitude (not shown). In addition, the NOAA/NCEP GHCN CAMS SAT dataset (Fan and van den Dool, 2008) and University of Delaware SAT data, version 5.01 (Willmott and Matsuura, 2001), were also adopted to validate the robustness of result. Since human activities (especially the combustion of fossil fuels) influence SAT, CO2 is shown due to its high concentrations and substantial contribution to global warming (IPCC, 1995; Myhre et al., 1998). The CO2 concentrations were derived from the meteorological station on Ascension Island recorded by NOAA’s Earth System Research Laboratory Global Monitoring Division (www.esrl.noaa.gov/gmd/dv/data/). The CO2 concentration was 350.4 ppm during the time period 1979?1996 and 381.2 ppm during the time period 1997?2015. The monthly mean evaporation, geopotential and horizontal winds (u, v) for the time period 1979?2015 from the ERA-Interim dataset were used to explain certain partial temperature changes. SST anomaly data from 1856 to 2016 were obtained from the Kaplan Extended Sea Surface Temperature dataset, which has a resolution of 5° × 5° (Kaplan et al., 1998). The AMV index is defined as the annual mean SST anomaly in the North Atlantic basin (0°?60°N, 75°?7.5° W) (Enfield et al., 2001; Wang et al., 2009). The linear trend in SST was removed, and a nine-point running mean was used to obtain the decadal components when calculating the AMV index. Summer refers to June?July?August (JJA).
2 2.2. Methods -->
2.2. Methods
CFRAM is based on the energy balance within the atmosphere?surface column. It consists of 37 atmospheric levels and one surface layer. The difference in the total energy at a given horizontal grid point between two time-mean climate states can be written as where Δ represents the difference between the later decades (1997?2015) and the earlier decades (1979?1996). The three terms from left to right in Eq. (1) are the difference in the convergence of the shortwave radiation flux (ΔS), the difference in the divergence of the longwave radiation flux (ΔR), and the difference in the convergence of the total energy flux due to non-radiative processes (ΔQnon-radiative). The perturbation of radiative energy is regarded as roughly linear by assuming that the interactions among the various radiative feedbacks can be neglected. Therefore, the perturbed radiative energy in Eq. (1) can be linearly expressed as where the superscripts tisr, α, w, o3, c and co2 represent the solar radiation at the TOA, the surface albedo, the amount of water vapor, the ozone concentration, the amount of cloud, and CO2 concentration, respectively. ΔT is the total change in temperature at the Earth’s surface and atmospheric layers. ${{\partial {R}}}/{{\partial {T}}}$ and ${{\partial {R}}}/{{\partial {T}}}\Delta {T}$ represent the Planck feedback matrix (see Lu and Cai, 2009) and the ΔT-induced difference in divergence of the longwave radiation energy flux, respectively. All the radiative terms in Eqs. (2) and (3) can be calculated using the longwave and shortwave radiation fluxes derived from the Fu?Liou radiative transfer model (Fu and Liou, 1992, 1993). The changes in solar radiation at the TOA, ozone, and the CO2 concentration are considered as external forcing (Ext) (Lu and Cai, 2009). The energy perturbation due to non-radiative processes (ΔQnon-radiative) is linearly decomposed into the energy perturbation resulting from changes in the surface sensible heat flux (ΔQSH), the surface latent heat flux (ΔQLH), the surface dynamical processes (ΔQdyn_sfc), and the atmospheric dynamical processes (ΔQdyn_atm): In Eq. (4), ΔQSH and ΔQLH are derived directly from the ERA-Interim dataset. ΔQdyn_sfc and ΔQdyn_atm are estimated as residuals, implying that the energy perturbations that cannot be explained by other known processes can be attributed to these two dynamical processes. ΔQSH, ΔQLH and ΔQdyn_sfc have a zero value in the atmospheric layers, but non-zero values in the surface layer. By contrast, ΔQdyn_atm has a non-zero value in the atmospheric layers and a zero value in the surface layer. Substituting Eqs. (2)?(4) into Eq. (1), rearranging the terms, and multiplying both sides of the resultant equation by ${\left({{{\partial {R}}}/{{\partial {T}}}} \right)^{ - 1}}$, we obtain Equation (5) indicates that the total change in temperature between the two climate states (1997?2015 minus 1979?1996) can be divided into 10 partial temperature changes due to (from left to right) the CO2 content, the solar radiation at the TOA, the surface albedo, the amount of water vapor, the ozone concentration, the amount of cloud, the surface sensible heat, the surface latent heat, and surface and atmospheric dynamical processes. The surface and atmospheric dynamical processes are collectively referred to as dynamical processes. Since we aim to diagnose the surface temperature change after the mid-1990s over Europe?West Asia and Northeast Asia, the focus is on the surface layer.
5.1. Water vapor content
As an important GHG, water vapor not only absorbs the longwave radiation emitted by the Earth’s surface, but also re-emits longwave radiation that heats the ground. Figure 6a shows the vertically integrated difference in specific humidity from the Earth’s surface to 300 hPa, the spatial distribution of which matches well with the difference in surface heating rate and the difference in SAT due to the water vapor content (Fig. 6a vs. Fig. 4f and Fig. 6b). The positive (negative) difference in specific humidity corresponds to the positive (negative) difference in the surface heating rate and the positive (negative) difference in SAT. Furthermore, the change in SAT associated with the water vapor content is mainly a result of the longwave radiative effect, which is counteracted by the shortwave heating effect (Fig. 6b vs. Figs. 6c and d). After the mid-1990s, the water vapor content increased in Europe?West Asia and most of Northeast Asia, leading to an increased longwave heating rate at the Earth’s surface and an enhanced greenhouse effect. Ultimately, it brought warming in both Europe?West Asia and Northeast Asia, consistent with the positive water vapor PAPs in Fig. 5. Figure6. (a) Mean change in the summer tropospheric specific humidity (units: kg m?2) between 1997?2015 and 1979?1996 from the surface to 300 hPa and the CFRAM-derived (b) total difference in heating rate (units: W m?2), (c) difference in shortwave heating rate (units: W m?2) and (d) difference in longwave heating rate (units: W m?2) at the Earth’s surface. The heating rates in (b?d) are due to changes in the water vapor. The two boxes in each panel are the same as in Fig. 3.
2 5.2. Cloud cover -->
5.2. Cloud cover
A change in cloud cover can bring about two opposite cloud radiative effects on the change in SAT because the increased (decreased) cloud fraction will not only obstruct (strengthen) the downward shortwave radiation, but also enhance (weaken) the absorbed and re-emitted longwave radiation (Ramanathan et al., 1989; Wang and Zhao, 1994; Gao et al., 1998). The change in the total cloud fraction corresponds well to the changes in temperature and changes in surface heating rate due to cloud (Fig. 7a vs. Fig. 4g and Fig. 7b). The long-term change in the total cloud fraction since the mid-1990s features a reduction over Europe?West Asia and Northeast Asia (Fig.7a), which is mainly the contribution from middle- and low-level clouds (Fig. 7a vs. Figs. 8a-c). Previous studies indicate that the low-level and middle-level clouds combine a small greenhouse effect with a generally high albedo and thus contribute significantly to the net cooling role of clouds in Earth’s climate (Ramanathan et al., 1989). The reduced low-level and middle-level clouds weaken the albedo, and lead the shortwave cloud radiative effect to be the dominant force of the cloud-induced temperature change, which can also be seen from Figs. 7b-d. After the mid-1990s, the middle- and low-level clouds decreased over both Europe?West Asia and Northeast Asia, which produced increased net radiative flux at the surface and led to a positive change in the SAT in both regions. This is in agreement with the positive cloud PAPs in Fig. 5. Figure7. (a) Summer mean change in total cloud fraction (units: fraction) between 1997?2015 and 1979?1996 and the CFRAM-derived (b) difference in surface cloud heating rate (units: W m?2), (c) difference in surface shortwave cloud heating rate (units: W m?2) and (f) difference in surface longwave cloud heating rate (units: W m?2). The two boxes in each panel are the same as in Fig. 3.
Figure8. Summer mean change in the (a) fraction of high-level clouds (400?50 hPa; units: fraction), (b) fraction of middle-level clouds (700?400 hPa; units: fraction) and (c) fraction of low-level clouds (below 700 hPa; units: fraction) between 1997?2015 and 1979?1996. Dotted areas are significant at the 95% confidence level based on the t-test. The two boxes in each panel are the same as in Fig. 3.
5.3. Surface sensible heat flux and latent heat flux
Figures 9a and b display the long-term changes in surface sensible heat flux and surface latent heat flux (upward positive), respectively. The signs of the changes in the variables are the opposite to their corresponding changes in partial SAT because a positive (negative) upward net heat flux implies an increased (decreased) release of heat from the surface, resulting in a cooling (warming) change in the SAT (Figs. 4h and i vs. Figs. 9a and b). The partial temperature change induced by the latent heat flux can be explained by the change in evaporation. The region with an increased (decreased) rate of evaporation is consistent with a decreased (increased) SAT due to more (less) heat loss from surface. The positive changes in the surface sensible heat flux weakened the warming over both Europe?West Asia and Northeast Asia, in agreement with the negative sensible heat flux PAPs shown in Fig. 5. By contrast, the area-averaged changes in the surface latent heat are negative over these two regions, corresponding to their positive contribution in Fig. 5. Figure9. Summer mean change in (a) surface sensible heat flux (units: W m?2), (b) surface latent heat flux (units: W m?2) and (c) evaporation (units: mm) between 1997?2015 and 1979?1996. Statistically significant changes at the 95% confidence level based on the t-test are dotted. The two boxes in each panel are the same as in Fig. 3.
2 5.4. Dynamical processes -->
5.4. Dynamical processes
The dynamics term derived by CFRAM is estimated as residuals, including the surface dynamics, atmospheric dynamics, and other processes not explicitly included in the CFRAM analysis (e.g., aerosol effect). Previous studies have shown that the atmospheric circulation plays an important role in warming Europe?West Asia and Northeast Asia (Chen and Lu, 2014; Hong et al., 2017; Lee et al., 2017) and AMV can influence the atmospheric circulation at the decadal time scale (Hong et al., 2017; Wang et al., 2017; Sun et al., 2019) Thus, we speculate that the warming due to dynamical processes may partly come from the AMV-induced dynamics. Figure 10 shows the change in 200-hPa geopotential height and wind and the anomalies regressed against the AMV index. These results can be used to investigate the mechanism by which AMV influences the change in SAT through atmospheric dynamics. Both the change in the 200-hPa circulation field and AMV-related circulation field features an SRP-like pattern with positive geopotential height anomalies and anticyclonic circulation anomalies over Europe?West Asia and Northeast Asia, and negative geopotential height anomalies and cyclonic circulation over Central Asia at 200 hPa (Fig. 10a vs. Fig. 10b). Besides, Sun et al. (2019) validated that this AMV-related SRP-like pattern can cause amplified warming over Europe?West Asia and Northeast Asia in terms of dynamical processes by producing warm horizontal advection and descending motion. These results imply AMV may partly contribute to the dynamics-induced positive SAT changes. Figure10. (a) Summer mean change in geopotential height (shading; units: m) and horizontal winds (vectors; units: m s?1) between 1997?2015 and 1979?1996. (b) Summer mean change in geopotential height anomalies (shading; units: m) and horizontal wind anomalies (vectors; units: m s?1) regressed against the normalized AMV index. The two boxes in each panel are the same as in Fig. 3.
In addition to a dynamical influence, the AMV-related circulation has a radiative influence on changes in SAT. The positive geopotential height brings reduced cloud cover, decreased precipitation and increased solar radiation over both Europe?West Asia and Northeast Asia (Sun et al., 2019). With the dynamical influence and radiative influence combined, the AMV-related SRP contributes to about 30%?50% of the warming over Europe?West Asia and Northeast Asia (Hong et al., 2017; Wang et al., 2017; Sun et al., 2019). Therefore, AMV may play an important role in warming Europe?West Asia and Northeast Asia.