1.Department of Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences, School of Physics, Peking University, Beijing 100871, China 2.Ningbo Meteorological Observatory, Ningbo 315012, China 3.Ningbo Meteorological Network and Equipment Support Center, Ningbo 315012, China 4.Laboratory of Straits Meteorology, Xiamen Meteorological Bureau, Xiamen 361013, China Manuscript received: 2018-12-01 Manuscript revised: 2019-05-20 Manuscript accepted: 2019-05-31 Abstract:Low visibility episodes (visibility < 1000 m) were studied by applying the anomaly-based weather analysis method. A regional episode of low visibility associated with a coastal fog that occurred from 27 to 28 January 2016 over Ningbo-Zhoushan Port, Zhejiang Province, East China, was first examined. Some basic features from the anomalous weather analysis for this case were identified: (1) the process of low visibility mainly caused by coastal fog was a direct response to anomalous temperature inversion in the lower troposphere, with a warm center around the 925 hPa level, which was formed by a positive geopotential height (GPH) anomaly in the upper troposphere and a negative GPH anomaly near the surface; (2) the positive humidity anomaly was conducive to the formation of coastal fog and rain; (3) regional coastal fog formed at the moment when the southwesterly wind anomalies transferred to northeasterly wind anomalies. Other cases confirmed that the low visibility associated with coastal fog depends upon low-level inversion, a positive humidity anomaly, and a change of wind anomalies from southwesterly to northeasterly, rain and stratus cloud amount. The correlation coefficients of six-hourly inversion, 850?925-hPa-averaged temperature, GPH and humidity anomalies against visibility are ?0.31, 0.40 and ?0.48, respectively, reaching the 99% confidence level in the first half-years of 2015 and 2016. By applying the anomaly-based weather analysis method to medium-range model output products, such as ensemble prediction systems, the anomalous temperature?pressure pattern and humidity?wind pattern can be used to predict the process of low visibility associated with coastal fog at several days in advance. Keywords: traditional synoptic analysis, anomaly-based weather analysis, low visibility, coastal fog 摘要:本文应用扰动天气分析方法于低能见度事件(能见度 < 1000 m)的分析及预测。通过分析2016年1月27–28日发生在宁波-舟山港的区域性海雾低能见度事件个例,本文发现了下列有利于引起宁波-舟山港低能见度的大气扰动特征:(1)海雾引起的低能见度是直接对大气低层扰动逆温的响应,而该逆温形成于高层正位势扰动与近地面负位势扰动之间;(2)大气正比湿扰动有利于产生海雾及降水;(3)区域性海雾主要出现在西南风扰动转东北风扰动的时刻。历史个例分析再次确认了海雾相关的低能见度事件依赖于大气低层扰动逆温、正比湿扰动、扰动风从西南风转东北风、降水及层云等特征。2015–2016年宁波-舟山港的能见度与850–925 hPa 平均气温扰动、位势扰动、比湿扰动的相关系数分别是-0.31、0.40、-0.48(达到99%可信度)。扰动天气分析方法与中期数值模式产品的结合可以提前几天预报未来的海雾低能见度极端事件。 关键词:传统天气分析, 扰动天气分析, 低能见度, 海雾
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2.1. Datasets
Four datasets were used in this study. The first was the global atmospheric reanalysis from the European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts (ECMWF), named ERA-Interim (Dee et al., 2011; http://apps.ecmwf.int/datasets/data/interim-full-daily/levtype=sfc/). The ERA-Interim data provide reanalyzed tropospheric geopotential height (GPH), air temperature, horizontal wind, and specific humidity data with a horizontal resolution of 0.75° × 0.75° at 37 vertical pressure levels. The ERA-Interim data was used to examine whether the anomaly-based weather analysis method can be applied to obtain anomalous signals indicating coastal fog episodes of low visibility in the Ningbo-Zhoushan Port area. The second dataset used was the product of the ensemble prediction systems (EPSs) at ECMWF, obtained from “The International Grand Global Ensemble” project (TIGGE; http://apps.ecmwf.int/datasets/data/tigge/levtype=pl/type=cf/). The EPS data provide 15-day (360-h) forecasts of GPH at nine vertical levels from 1000 to 50 hPa and temperatures at eight levels from 1000 to 200 hPa, based on 51 ensemble members. The EPS data was used to explore whether the medium-range numerical products can be applied to provide more accurate prediction of conditions favorable for the formation of coastal fog based on the case analysis. The third dataset was the observed hourly minimum visibility, hourly precipitation and temperature during 2015?16 from 20 automatic observational sites in the Ningbo-Zhoushan Port area. The hourly minimum visibility ranges from 100 m to 60 000 m with 1-m intervals. The maximum values of hourly minimum visibility at different sites vary during device calibration, and thus data points with visibility higher than 20 000 m were all treated as 20 000 m in this study. The hourly PM2.5 (fine-scale particulate matter) concentration series for the two years at the sites of Beilungang and Daxie, near the port, were also used, to identify whether low visibility is influenced by severe haze. The fourth dataset was the observed number of fog days during 2001?17 from seven national observational stations.
2 2.2. Methods -->
2.2. Methods
The anomaly-based weather analysis approach [Eq. (1)], which separates the temporal climatological component $ {\tilde F_d}\left( {\lambda ,\phi ,p,t} \right)$ and anomalous component $ F_{d,y}^{'}\left( {\lambda ,\phi ,p,t} \right)$ from any atmospheric observation or model product $ {F_{d,y}}\left( {\lambda ,\phi ,p,t} \right)$ in traditional weather analysis, has been proven to be useful in extracting extreme weather signals. The methods used in this study were the same as those employed in Qian (2017) and Qian and Huang (2019). Readers are referred to those two papers for detailed definitions and formulae, but briefly: where t represents time (24 hours a day) on a calendar date d in a year y, while $ \lambda $, $ \phi $ and p denote longitude, latitude and the pressure level, respectively. Daily extreme weather events, such as heavy rainfall or severe-weather storms, are seen as products of anomalous synoptic-scale systems related to temporal climatology. The temporal climatology of a certain location and a certain time is considered as a state under the thermodynamic equilibrium of the earth?atmosphere system, which is only forced by the solar radiation (solar declination) and surface conditions rather than daily weather disturbances. The temporal climatology is estimated by averaging the reanalysis data at time t on calendar date d over M years: where y runs for Y years (Y > 30 years). It is assumed that the positive and negative anomalies of meteorological variables at a specific grid point and a given calendar time cancel each other out during the Y years. The climatic state (or temporal climatology) defined by Eq. (2) contains the diurnal cycle since it varies temporally from hour to hour. In previous works (Qian et al., 2014; Jiang et al., 2016; Qian et al., 2016a), y runs from 1981 to 2010 for Y = 30 years. The global temporal climatology is obtained from the six-hourly ERA-Interim data. Other methods used were the correlation calculated from two long-term time series and the threat score (TS) to verify the skill of different atmospheric variables indicating low visibility. The TS, was proposed by Palmer and Allen (1949) and has been widely used in the prediction of weather extremes. The TS takes missing (M) and false alarm (FA) instances into account, besides the overlapping or hitting area (H).
4.1. Fog case description
A case of coastal dense fog with rain at Ningbo-Zhoushan Port from 27 to 28 January in 2016 was studied as an example to examine the relationship between heavy fog and anomalous features of atmospheric variables. From the traditional surface weather analysis, the port was located in an east-high and west-low pattern of surface pressure, with a high center in the ECS at 0000 UTC 27 January 2016. This pattern is a weather situation favorable for the occurrence and maintenance of sea fog (Wang, 1983; Jiang et al., 2008; Yang and Gao, 2015). Rain and low visibility were observed at the port while the weather situation was fog from the eastern land area in China to the Korean Peninsula and haze in North China. A reverse trough was formed from the Taiwan Strait to the port with rain, and light fog was still observed in the land area, but the port sky became unclear when the high center moved eastward to southwest of the Japan Islands at 1200 UTC 27 January 2016. A low center formed and moved northeastward along the east coast of the ECS from 0000 UTC to 1200 UTC 28 January 2016. The port sky was still unclear with rain, while light fog covered many stations from eastern China to the Korean Peninsula on that day. At 0000 UTC 29 January 2016, the weather situation was still maintaining, except the low center had moved eastward slightly in the ECS. This weather process involving an east-high and west-low pattern is typical in January and shows that fog often forms from eastern China to the Korean Peninsula with haze in North China before a strong cold high develops in Siberia. The unclear sky with rain observed at the port resulted from a reverse trough that developed an area of low pressure near the ECS coast, meaning the port experienced a rain-fog type process. Among the 20 automatic observation sites in Fig. 1, four recorded that the visibility was lower than 200 m from 1400 LST 27 to 1000 LST 28 January 2016, and less than 1000 m from 0800 LST 27 to 1600 LST 29 January 2016. The central point of the low-visibility period was at 0000 UTC 28 January 2016. Figure 5 shows the spatial distribution of visibility in four spells. The lowest visibility of less than 400 m during the four spells occurred in the northern part of the port. During this period, in the central low-visibility place, the hourly PM2.5 concentration was less than 81 μg m?3, so the low visibility at the port was not influenced by haze. At the port, the minimum temperature was above 3°C, and rain lasted from 0600 LST 27 to 1600 LST 29 January 2016, but was interrupted between 1400 and 1500 LST 28 January 2016 at some sites. The visibility at Putuo national station near the port was 392 m, so it experienced extreme weather of a rain-fog type during the three days. The visibility and rain at the port is strongly influenced by the local topography. Figure5. Spatial distributions of visibility (shading; units: km) averaged over (a) 1500?1900 LST 27 January, (b) 2000?2400 LST 27 January, (c) 0100?0500 LST 28 January, and (d) 0600?1000 LST 28 January 2016.
The port was closed during the three days. Figure 6a shows the time series of hourly minimum visibility of the four regions from 24?31 January 2016. The green and red lines indicate that the visibility of regions 3 and 4 sometimes reached 1 km from 27 to 28 January in 2016. This happened with the surface relative humidity higher than 95%?100%, the surface temperature at about 7°C?8°C, rain, and a change from southwesterly to northeasterly winds, based on the automatic station observations. Before this period, the visibility was larger than 10 km in all four regions. On 26 January, the surface minimum temperature reached ?4°C to ?6°C and was accompanied by northwesterly winds. After this period, the visibility was larger than 5 km in all four regions with temperatures of about 5°C?6°C. Thus, correctly predicting dense fog processes like this one at lead times of several days is important for shipping safety and the economy. Figure6. Hourly-mean (a) visibility (vertical scale; units: km) and (b) precipitation (vertical scale; units: mm h?1) averaged over all four regions from 24?31 January 2016.
Figure 6b shows the hourly-mean precipitation averaged over all four regions from 24?31 January 2016. When compared to the visibility in Fig. 6a, it can be understood that the two days’ low visibility was caused by the rainy period. However, regions 2 and 3 in the central part of the port experienced several hours without rain, but visibility was still low. Therefore, this was an extreme weather process of rain-fog type.
2 4.2. Anomaly-based weather analyses -->
4.2. Anomaly-based weather analyses
In previous studies, traditional weather analysis of certain pressure levels and vertical sections has been used to describe the relations of basic variables to indicate the synoptic conditions of regional weather extremes. The evolution of vertical sections of total height and total temperature as well as total westerly wind, total southerly wind and total specific humidity at the port (30°N, 121°E) from 24?31 January 2016 based on ERA-Interim data are shown in Figs. 7a and c. The total temperature has a fluctuating evolution from 24?31 January 2016, but without any significant change in total GPH (Fig. 7a). In Fig. 7c, the northeasterly, northwesterly, southwesterly and northeasterly winds change from day to day, while a high humidity air mass can be seen from 27?28 January in the lower troposphere. From Fig. 7c, the southwesterly warm-moist flow in the lower troposphere was favorable for the formation of the severe fog and precipitation in this case. Figure7. (a) Evolution of vertical profiles of total GPH (contours; interval: 100 × 10 gpm) and total temperature (shading; interval: 5 K) at the port (30°N, 121°E) from 24?31 January 2016, based on ERA-Interim. (b) As in (a) but for GPH anomalies (contours; interval: 1 × 10 gpm) and temperature anomalies (shading; interval: 1K). (c) As in (a) but for total westerly wind (blue contours; interval: 5 m s?1), total southerly wind (red contours; interval: 5 m s?1) and total specific humidity (shading; interval: 0.5 g kg?1). (d) As in (a) but for westerly wind anomaly (blue contours; interval: 5 m s?1), southerly wind anomaly (red contours; interval: 5 m s?1) and specific humidity anomaly (shading; interval 0.5 g kg?1). The letters “H/L” and “W/C” denote the centers of height and temperature or their anomalies. The letters “SW/NE” denote the “southwesterly/northeasterly” winds or their anomalies, while the letters “D/M” are dry/wet centers of humidity or their anomalies.
No special signals were found in the traditional weather analysis (Figs. 7a and c), but the anomalous components clearly show the severe fog and rain evolution from 27?28 January 2016 in Figs. 7b and 7d, after removing the temporal climatological components. A positive GPH anomaly center (H1) separated a warm center (W1) below and a cool center (C1) above from 27 to 28 January 2016. Before the low-visibility period, a low GPH center (L2) separated a cool center (C2) below and a warm center (W2) above from 24?25 January 2016. After this period, a low GPH center (L3) separated a cool center (C3) below and a warm center (W3) above on 30 January 2016. During the low-visibility period, a temperature inversion was formed beneath the high center H1 and above the low center L1. As indicated by Zhao et al. (2013) in the study of smog formation, pollutants accumulate in the shallow layer near the surface under strong inversion. Similarly, a strong persistence inversion layer (W1 in Fig. 7b) formed by the positive height center (H1) above and the negative center (L1) below favored the accumulation of moisture and caused severe fog and rain. During the period of severe fog and rain from 27?28 January 2016, moist southwesterly wind anomalies are clearly apparent, and changed to northeasterly wind anomalies (Fig. 7d). Before and after the fog and rain period, there were dry northwesterly wind anomalies in the port boundary layer. Thus, the spatial pattern of anomalous variables for forming severe fog and rain is different before and after the period. For this severe coastal fog and rain period, it was centered at 0000 UTC 28 January 2016. Thus, we compared the total basic variables, such as total GPH, temperature, wind and specific humidity, to the anomalous variables at 0000 UTC 28 January 2016 along 121°E and 30°N, crossing the port. Figure 8 shows that a relatively warm and moist air column was centered on the southeast side of the port, with weak southerly wind near the boundary layer. There were no other significant signatures to indicate the severe fog and rain from the total variables of GPH, temperature (Figs. 8a and c), specific humidity and southerly wind (Figs. 8b and d). Figure8. (a) Meridional cross section of total GPH (contours; interval: 1000 gpm) and total temperature (shading; interval: 5 K) along 121°E from 22°N to 38°N at 0000 UTC 28 January 2016, based on ERA-Interim. (b) As in (a) but for the total southerly wind (contours; interval: 4 m s?1) and total specific humidity (shading; interval: 0.5 g kg?1). (c) As in (a) but for the total GPH and total temperature along 30°N from 105.0°E to 134.2°E. (d) As in (c) but for the total southerly wind and total specific humidity. The letters “W” and “M” denote the centers of temperature and specific humidity.
Figure 9 compares vertical sections of total variables and anomalous variables, where some significant features can be used to indicate the severe fog and rain. A positive GPH anomaly center was located in the upper troposphere over the northeast side of the port, and a ridge of GPH anomaly formed a warmer air column in the mid?lower troposphere over the port (Figs. 9a and c). This warm air column was amplified by a trough of GPH anomaly near the surface, as shown in Fig. 9c. Therefore, there was a maximum center of inversion at around 925 hPa over the port. This type of shallow temperature inversion was also mentioned by Zhang et al. (2012) using stability analysis. In Figs. 9b and 9d, a center of specific humidity anomaly is accompanied by a center of southerly wind anomaly in the lower troposphere over the port. Figure9. As in Fig. 8 but for (a) GPH anomalies (contours; interval: 20 gpm) and temperature anomalies (shading; interval: 1 K) as well as southerly wind anomaly (contours; interval: 4 m s?1) and specific humidity anomaly (shading; interval: 0.6 g kg?1) at 0000 UTC 28 January 2016, based on ERA-Interim. The letters “H/L” and “W/C” denote the centers of height and temperature anomalies in (a) and (c). The letters “S/N” denote the centers of “southerly/northerly” wind anomalies, while the letter “M” is the wet center of the humidity anomaly in (b) and (d). Long and short thick dashed lines indicate the ridge and trough, respectively, in (a) and (c).
To find the strongest center of inversion and moisture from anomalous weather analysis, Fig. 10 depicts the horizontal distribution of 925-hPa GPH anomalies and temperature anomalies as well as wind anomalies and specific humidity anomalies at 0000 UTC 28 January 2016. The strongest location of inversion and the strongest location of specific humidity anomalies were centered at the port. The anomalous weather analysis shows that the port was located along a trough of GPH anomalies, with a high center in its east and a low center in its west. A shear line of wind anomalies also crossed the port, so there was a convergence center of southerly wind anomalies at the port. These features observed from the anomalous weather analysis can be seen as some basic signals to predict the formation of fog, rain and low visibility from both a temporal and spatial perspective. Figure10. Horizontal distribution of (a) GPH anomalies (contours; interval: 10 gpm) and temperature anomalies (shading; interval: 1 K), (b) wind anomalies (arrows; units: m s?1) and specific humidity anomalies (shading; interval: 0.6 g kg?1) at 0000 UTC 28 January 2016 at 925 hPa, based on ERA-Interim. The letters “H/L” and “W/C” denote the centers of height and temperature anomalies, while the letter “M” is the moist center of the humidity anomaly. Blue dashed lines denote the trough of GPH anomalies and shear line of wind anomalies.
2 4.3. Model output products -->
4.3. Model output products
Comparing the four basic anomalous variables—GPH, temperature, humidity and wind anomalies—we find that the vertical patterns and evolutions of GPH?temperature and humidity anomalies are better than wind anomalies at indicating the fog formation and rain that resulted in low visibility. As such, the wind anomaly can be seen as an additional condition to indicate the formation of severe fog and rain. Figure 11 shows the vertical profiles of GPH anomalies and temperature anomalies based on the EPS products initiated from 0000 UTC 24, 0000 UTC 23, 0000 UTC 22, 0000 UTC 21, 0000 UTC 20, and 0000 UTC 19 January 2016 for the future 10 days. The EPS data correctly predicted the warm center (W1) as well as the high center (H1) and the low center (L1) for lead times of 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 and 9 days. Before the fog and rain period, EPS also correctly predicted the cold center (C2) as well as the low center (L2) and the warm center (W2) in advance. Figure11. As in Fig. 7b except for the EPS prediction of vertical profiles of GPH anomalies (contours; interval: 1 × 10 gpm) and temperature anomalies (shading; interval: 1 K) initiated from (a) 0000 UTC 24, (b) 0000 UTC 23, (c) 0000 UTC 22, (d) 0000 UTC 21, (e) 0000 UTC 20, and (f) 0000 UTC 19 January 2016, for the future 10 days.
For all the anomalous variables plotted on horizontal and vertical anomalous weather analyses, temperature anomalies can be derived from height anomalies by using the hydrostatic balance, while wind anomalies can also be derived from height anomalies by using the geostrophic balance. The vertical structure of GPH?temperature anomalies in Fig. 9 is similar to that indicated by Beijing extreme rainfall (Jiang et al., 2016). This vertical structure is also favorable for the formation of severe smog, if there are local pollutant sources (Qian and Huang 2019). Also, this marine boundary layer structure of temperature anomalies (inversion) is favorable for the formation and maintenance of sea fog (Gao et al., 2007). The horizontal structure of GPH?temperature anomalies and wind?humidity anomalies in Fig. 10 is not entirely similar to the east-high and west-low pattern as well as the reverse trough along the ECS coast from traditional weather analysis. This is because the former can indicate the central location of weather extremes (Qian, 2015). Comparing the wind anomalies and humidity anomalies in Fig. 7d, EPS correctly predicted the center of the southwesterly (SW) wind anomalies and the moisture center “M” of humidity anomalies for lead times of 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 and 9 days (Fig. 12). Before the fog and rain period, EPS also correctly predicted the center of the northwesterly (NW) wind anomalies and the dry center “D” of humidity anomalies in advance. In addition, the conditions favorable for the persistence and the transfer of wind anomalies from southwesterly to northeasterly were correctly predicted. Figure12. As in Fig. 7d except for the EPS prediction of vertical profiles of westerly wind anomalies (blue contours; interval: 5 m s?1), southerly wind anomalies (red contours; interval: 5 m s?1) and specific humidity anomalies (shading; interval: 0.5 g kg?1) initiated from (a) 0000 UTC 24, (b) 0000 UTC 23, (c) 0000 UTC 22, (d) 0000 UTC 21, (e) 0000 UTC 20, and (f) 0000 UTC 19 January 2016, for the future 10 days.
5. Verification of vertical patterns of atmospheric anomalies We also examined two other cases to see whether the vertical pattern of basic variables is robust from case to case. Figure 13 first shows the hourly-mean visibility and hourly-mean precipitation in all four regions from 1?10 March 2015, and then gives the GPH?temperature anomalies as well as wind anomalies and specific humidity anomalies. There were three periods with rain exceeding 10 mm h?1 and lasting for longer than six hours, as shown in Fig. 13b, but two periods with low visibility, as shown in Fig. 13a. On 3 March 2015 and late on 8 March 2015, there was no rain but visibility was also relatively low. Rain-fog weather was observed in the two periods. Two short periods indicated by the dotted box were covered by rain and fog, with visibility lower than 1 km for at least an hour in region 4. As shown in Fig. 13c, two warmer and low-pressure periods were separated by three cool and high-pressure periods in the lower boundary over the port. From Fig. 13d, two wet periods (blue shading) were separated by three dry periods (yellow shading), which also experienced changing wind anomalies from southwesterly to northeasterly in the lower boundary over the port. This implies that the warm-low anomalies and the southwesterly wind anomalies and the humidity anomalies can be used to locate and predict the formation of rain and fog. The two short periods also occurred during the change from southwesterly to northeasterly wind anomalies (Fig. 13d). On the other hand, rain with stratus clouds was recorded on 8 March 2015, so the diurnal cycle of climatological visibility was lower in the local afternoon, but the coastal fog on 3 March 2015 can be identified due to no rain and few stratus clouds. The distributions of the two warmer- and lower-pressure periods can also be detected from the EPS products for lead times of several days. Figure13. (a, b) As in Figs. 6a and b but from 1?10 March 2015. (c, d) as in Figs. 7b and d but from 1–10 March 2015. Black boxes denote the period of low visibility episodes.
There were two periods with visibility less than 1 km late on 27 and 29 May 2015 (Fig. 14a). The rain in Fig. 14b occurred before the low visibility on 27 May, but basically no rain was observed on 29 May during the low visibility. The two periods can also be indicated by the two warm-low peaks of GPH?temperature anomalies during 26?30 May in the lower troposphere (Fig. 14c). The two wet centers following the change from southwesterly to northeasterly wind anomalies were consistent with the two fog periods (Fig. 14d). In addition, the two low visibility periods occurred with the change from southwesterly to northeasterly wind anomalies. Similarly, the EPS products can be used to indicate these anomalies for lead times of several days. Figure14. As in Fig. 13 but for 21–31 May 2015.
As done for the case from 27?28 January 2016, as well as the cases depicted in Fig. 13 and Fig. 14, we can also examine other cases. One example had two periods of lower visibility, with the first weak one from 1?3 June and the second strong one from 7?10 June 2015. The two inversion periods of temperature anomalies and the two wet periods of humidity anomalies in the lower troposphere were observed to closely accompany the two lower visibility periods. The fog period ended at the moment when the southwesterly wind anomaly changed to a northeasterly one. Another case shows that a two-day period of visibility less than 1 km from 4?5 January 2016 was situated within the inversion and the negative GPH anomalies as well as the wettest humidity anomaly and the change from southwesterly to northeasterly wind anomalies. All cases show that low-visibility episodes are the result of comprehensive effects from GPH?temperature anomalies and wind?humidity anomalies. For a longer episode of low visibility of more than several days, it is influenced by stratus clouds and rain, which is generally classified as “advection fog”. So, this period could be rain-fog type weather. On the other hand, a diurnal cycle of visibility could be observed when there are no rain and stratus clouds, which is the so-called “radiation fog”. To confirm the relationship by using anomalous variables to indicate low visibility at the port, we performed two calculations based on the observed data and reanalysis data. The first involved calculating their correlation coefficients and the other the threat score. Six-hourly series of visibility and anomalous variables from 1 January to 30 June during 2015?16 (total: 363 days, 1452 samples) were used. The correlation coefficients of visibility against 850?925-hPa-averaged temperature, GPH, specific humidity, westerly wind and southerly wind anomalies were calculated. The correlation coefficients of the first four anomalies averaged over 850?925 hPa were ?0.31, 0.40, ?0.48 and ?0.17, respectively, reaching the 99.9% confidence level, but the southerly correlation was ?0.03 with a 75% confidence level. This result shows that low-layer temperature, GPH, and humidity anomalies are better than wind anomalies at indicating whether a low-visibility period is possible. As done by Qian et al. (2016a), we used the TS to quantitatively measure the applicability of these anomalous features for all 1452 samples in the first halves of the two years. The TSs of anomalies averaged over 850?925 hPa were calculated. Different thresholds of anomalies were tested and the threshold that gave the highest TS is given in Table 1. The first test took the best threshold of humidity anomaly larger than 5.4 g kg?1, and the TS was 0.098 with 24 hitting samples, 15 missing samples, and 235 false alarm samples. The TS of a single variable was lower than 0.1. The TS increased to 0.104 when considering both humidity and GPH anomalies, and reached 0.125 when considering both humidity and temperature anomalies. The TS from the three variables of humidity, GPH and temperature anomalies combined was 0.140. These TS results imply that fog occurrence depends on multiple anomalous variables, with different threshold values. The TS is changed when taking these variables at different grids vertically and horizontally. It would be meaningful in the future to see how the TS changes with different lead times, vertical levels and thresholds of anomalies. The results of this TS analysis are a good reference for studies and operations involving NWP forecast data.
Best threshold
False alarm
q' ≥ 5.4 g kg?1
z' ≤ ?190 gpm
Exp_T '
T ' ≥ 6.2 K
q' ≥ 3.16 g kg?1, z' ≤ ?18 gpm
Exp_q'T '
q' ≥ 2.28 g kg?1, T ' ≥ 7.88 K
Exp_q'z'T '
q' ≥ 2.24 g kg?1, z' ≤ ?13 gpm, T ' ≥ 6.24 K
Table1. Threat scores (TS) of identifying dense fog (visibility < 1000 m) by using a single variable of humidity anomaly (q'), GPH anomaly (z'), or temperature anomaly (T '), as well as combinations of anomalous variables: (q'z'), (q'T ') and (q'z'T ').