0 引言
【研究意义】种子萌发率在作物生产中直接影响作物的出苗率以及作物生长和最终的产量。种子自身的休眠与萌发机制调节种子的萌发率,而外界的环境条件也会影响种子的萌发率。其中,水分是种子萌发的首要条件,种子萌发起始需要吸收大量水分启动一系列的生理生化活动为种子发芽做准备。提高干旱环境下作物种子的萌发率,可以解决干旱环境下出苗率低、出苗不齐等问题,从而达到保障产量稳定的目的。【前人研究进展】谷子是一种古老的禾本科耐旱稳产作物,与象草、柳枝稷等一些生物燃料作物有很近的亲缘关系,同时也是世界上许多干旱和半干旱地区的重要粮食和饲料作物[1],因此,已有许多关于谷子抗旱性的鉴定,以及形态指标和生理指标与抗旱性关系的研究报道[2,3],如裴帅帅等[4]和代小冬等[5]采用PEG渗透剂模拟干旱胁迫对不同品种谷子种子的抗旱性进行研究,并通过测定可溶性蛋白、脯氨酸、SOD和POD活性、MDA含量等生理指标以及相对发芽势、相对发芽率、发芽指数和抗旱指数等指标来鉴定不同品种谷子的抗旱性。同时谷子也是进化研究、生理研究和基因组研究的模型[6],随着栽培谷子和野生谷子基因组测序的完成及公布[7,8],使得基因组数据和基因资源的积累越来越多;因此有关谷子的抗旱性研究也在逐渐增加,许多研究是对谷子幼苗进行干旱胁迫,例如:谷子CBL的鉴定[9]及脱水胁迫下差异表达基因的转录组分析[10]。尽管在谷子中已克隆出DnaJ蛋白(SiDnaJ)[11]、DREB转录因子[12]、C2H2型锌指蛋白基因(SiZFP182)[13]等抗旱基因,但更多的研究是将抗旱基因通过基因工程的手段转入其他模式植物鉴定其抗逆性,如窦祎凝等[14]通过谷子NAC类转录因子基因SiNAC18在拟南芥中过表达分析,发现SiNAC18可能通过ABA信号途径、氧化胁迫调控等途径正向调控植物在干旱条件下的萌发过程;王一帆等[15]发现SiRLK35在NaCl、PEG、ABA、GA、MeJA等不同处理下都会响应,尤其在盐胁迫条件下更为明显,并将其转化水稻验证,进而推测该基因会对谷子抗盐和抗逆起到一定作用。【本研究切入点】目前,关于谷子的抗旱性研究较多集中于抗旱性鉴定和幼苗期,但是在分子水平对谷子种子萌发期的抗旱机制研究鲜见报道。【拟解决的关键问题】本研究利用数字表达谱来探究萌发期抗旱性强的晋谷45在干旱胁迫10和18 h时基因表达种类及丰度,快速准确地挖掘谷子萌发期的特有抗旱基因,在分子水平深入研究谷子萌发期对干旱胁迫响应的分子机制,并为转基因耐旱谷子提供参考和提高谷子萌发率提供理论依据。1 材料与方法
1.1 试验材料
以晋谷45(山西农业大学植物生理实验室抗旱萌发鉴定中抗性最强的品种)为材料,挑选成熟饱满大小均一且谷壳完好无病虫害的种子,用0.1% HgCl2浸泡消毒10 min,蒸馏水冲洗5—6次,晾干,然后均匀摆放在培养皿中,每皿100粒。试验组用18%(m/v)PEG-6000溶液进行模拟干旱胁迫处理,对照组使用蒸馏水处理,两组均进行3次重复,将处理好的样品置于25℃恒温培养箱中暗培养1、10和18 h,用于SOD、POD和CAT活性的测定,暗培养10和18 h,液氮速冻-80℃保存备用。1.2 SOD、POD和CAT活性的测定
SOD活性用氮蓝四唑(NBT)法测定,POD活性用愈创木酚法测定,CAT活性用比色法测定。1.3 总RNA的提取、cDNA文库的构建和测序
总RNA的提取、检测及cDNA文库的构建由中国北京百迈克公司完成。1.3.1 总RNA的检测 分别采用Nanodrop、Qubit 2.0、Agilent 2100方法检测RNA样品的纯度、浓度和完整性等,合格的RNA进行基因表达谱测序。
1.3.2 cDNA文库构建 主要流程如下:
(2)加入fragmentation buffer将mRNA进行随机打断;
(3)以mRNA为模板,用六碱基随机引物(random hexamers)合成第一条cDNA链,然后加入缓冲液、dNTPs、RNase H和DNA polymeraseⅠ合成第二条cDNA链,利用AMPure XP beads纯化cDNA;
(4)纯化的双链cDNA再进行末端修复、加A尾并连接测序接头,然后用AMPure XP beads进行片段大小选择;
共4个样本进行高通量测序建库,谷子萌发10 h对照组命名为10hCK,谷子萌发10hPEG胁迫处理组命名为10hPEG,谷子萌发18 h对照组命名为18hCK,谷子萌发18hPEG胁迫处理组命名为18hPEG。测序数据为3次重复。
1.3.3 测序 用HiSeq2500进行高通量测序,测序读长为SE50。
1.4 基因表达分析及功能注释
1.4.1 基因表达分析 采用Bowtie[16]将样品的reads与参考基因组豫谷1号的基因组进行序列比对,使用RSEM[17]对bowtie的比对结果进行表达量估计,最后利用RPKM[16]值来反应基因的表达丰度。1.4.2 差异基因表达分析 使用DESeq[18]进行差异表达分析,筛选出差异表达基因;最后采用Benjamini- Hochberg方法对基因的表达值进行统计检验,也就是用FDR(false discovery rate)作为差异表达基因筛选的指标。在筛选差异基因的过程中,将FDR<0.01且FC(fold change)≥2作为筛选标准。
1.4.3 功能注释 使用BLAST[18]软件进行搜索比对,找到每一条基因的描述。在NR[19]、Swiss-Prot[20]、KEGG[21]、COG[22]和GO[23]在线数据库中进行比对,获得差异表达基因的功能注释。利用topGO[24]软件对差异基因进行富集分析。
1.5 实时荧光定量PCR分析
随机挑选5个响应干旱的差异表达基因,用实时荧光定量技术验证表达谱测序数据的可靠性。通过Trizol法提取样品总RNA,用反转录试剂盒PrimeScript®RT Reagent Kit With gDNA Eraser(TaKaRa)合成cDNA。荧光定量使用SYBR® Premix Ex Taq Ⅱ(Tli RNaseH Plus)试剂盒(TaKaRa)。使用Beacon Designer7.5设计引物(表1),长度为18—20 bp,扩增长度为80—200 bp,以谷子组成型表达基因actin作为内参基因,引物由北京六合华大基因科技股份有限公司合成。扩增程序为95℃ 30 s;95℃ 5 s,60℃ 34 s;40个循环。采用2-△△CT计算差异表达基因的相对表达量,每个样品3个技术重复。Table 1
Table 1Primer list of gene
基因名称 Gene name | 上游引物 Forward primer (5′-3′) | 下游引物 Reverse primer (5′-3′) | 扩增长度 Amplicon length (bp) |
2 结果
2.1 谷子萌发过程中SOD、CAT和POD活性的差异分析
整体来看,种子萌发过程中CAT活性无显著性差异,SOD活性有极显著差异(P<0.01),POD活性有显著差异(P<0.05)。处理组的SOD活性整体比对照组高,而POD活性和CAT活性与之相反;处理组比对照组的SOD活性分别高出20.47%、26.18%和21.06%,POD活性分别低3.02%、24.86%和12.81%,而CAT活性分别降低20.00%、12.90%和2.82%,随着萌发时间的变化SOD活性在不断地增加,但CAT和POD活性逐渐减小(图1)。
-->Fig. 1SOD, POD and CAT activity under seed germination
Different letters are significantly different between between control sample and PEG-stress sample
2.2 测序质量的分析
对Raw Data中的测序引物、接头等人工序列进行截除,并将其中的低质量数据过滤,获得高质量数据即Clean data(表2)。谷子萌发10 h的对照样本和PEG干旱胁迫处理样本的Total reads分别为其12 080 922和10 669 558,谷子萌发18 h的对照样本和PEG干旱胁迫处理样本的Total reads分别为12 248 194和10 405 536,reads长度为50—100 bp,表明数据深度足够进行基因表达定量分析。GC含量在4组样本中均大于50%,分别为56.38%、56.59%、56.72%和56.59%,同时碱基质量值(quality score或Q-score)Q30都在85%以上,表明测序质量非常可靠,可以进一步进行分析。Table 2
Table 2Sequence comparison of sample’s with reference genome
Reads分类 Reads classification | 10hCK Control sample | 10hPEG PEG-stressed sample | 18hCK Control sample | 18hPEG PEG-stressed sample |
总reads Total reads | 12080922 | 10669558 | 12248194 | 10405536 |
总核苷酸 Total nucleotides (bp) | 616036921 | 544068177 | 624564648 | 530604128 |
GC含量 GC (%) | 56.38 | 56.59 | 56.72 | 56.59 |
碱基质量值 Q30 (%) | 85.92 | 85.25 | 85.55 | 85.15 |
比对上的 reads Mapped reads | 10669740(88.32%) | 9312345(87.28%) | 10803227(88.20%) | 9033187(86.81%) |
唯一位点匹配的 reads Unique mapped reads | 9104147(85.33%) | 7862333(84.43%) | 9111977(84.34%) | 7520090(83.25%) |
多位点匹配的 reads Multiple mapped reads | 1565593(14.67%) | 1450012(15.57%) | 1691250(15.66%) | 1513097(16.75%) |
2.3 谷子萌发时期响应干旱胁迫的基因表达分析
通过高通量测序最后获得35 470个基因,这些基因的表达丰度用RPKM(Reads Per Kilobase per Million mapped reads)来反映。以RPKM≥0.01为筛选标准,对照样本分别共筛选出24 030和24 486个表达基因,PEG干旱胁迫处理样本分别筛选出24 019和23 877个表达基因,4组样本中落在RPKM的不同区间的基因数目及比例大致相同,但是同一样本中落在RPKM的不同区间的的基因数目及比例存在显著差异,RPKM在0—5的基因达到35%以上,接近50%的基因的RPKM值在6—80(表3)。Table 3
Table 3The number of genes in different expression levels
RPKM区间 RPKM interval | 10hCK Control sample | 10hPEG PEG-stressed sample | 18hCK Control sample | l18hPEG PEG-stressed samp e |
0—5 | 8533(35.51%) | 8454(35.20%) | 8904(36.29%) | 7616(31.90%) |
6—10 | 2593(10.79%) | 2655(11.53%) | 2430(9.92%) | 3061(12.82%) |
11—20 | 3133(13.04%) | 3244(13.50%) | 3461(14.13%) | 3524(14.76%) |
21—40 | 3343(13.91%) | 3352(13.96%) | 3307(13.50%) | 3237(13.56%) |
41—80 | 2621(10.90%) | 2602(10.83%) | 2468(10.08%) | 2538(10.63%) |
81—100 | 617(2.57%) | 633(2.64%) | 661(2.70%) | 626(2.62%) |
>100 | 3190(13.28%) | 3079(12.82%) | 3255(13.29%) | 3275(13.72%) |
2.4 谷子萌发时期响应干旱胁迫的基因差异表达分析
以FDR<0.01且差异倍数FC(Fold Change)≥2筛选标准,对对照样本和PEG处理样本进行差异表达基因分析,发现在谷子萌发10 h和18 h分别获得了456和545个差异表达基因,分别有87和267个基因上调表达,369和278个基因下调表达。其中,表达上(下)调2—4倍的基因分别占差异表达上(下)调基因总数的15.35%和38.16%(66.89%和39.63%);表达上(下)调4—8倍的基因分别占2.85%和7.7%(10.75%和8.62%);表达上(下)调8—16倍的基因分别占0.44%和2.20%(2.41%和2.01%);表达上(下)调16倍以上的基因分别占0.44%和0.73%(0.88%和0.92%)。从火山图中可以直观地看出对照样本与PEG处理样本之间的表达水平具有显著的差异,同时也可以看出谷子萌发10 h和18 h时差异表达基因数目整体有增加,说明随着胁迫时间的增加,干旱对谷子萌发的影响也在不断增加,从而阻碍谷子萌发的进程(图2)。由图3和图4可知,种子萌发10 h和18 h对照组有20个差异基因同样在对照组和处理组之间也是差异表达,这20个基因在谷子萌发阶段响应干旱胁迫,同一基因在处理组与对照组之间表达量有很大变化,在对照组之间随着种子的萌发表达量也有很大变化(电子附表1)。
-->Fig. 2Distribution of differentially expressed genes in foxtail millet between control sample and PEG-stress sample

-->Fig. 3Venn image of DEGs

-->Fig. 4Expression profiles of DEGs
Supplemental table 1
附表1PEG胁迫处理下谷子种子萌发10 h和18 h时均与对照共表达的20个差异基因的表达情况
Supplemental table 1Expression level of 20 common DEGs among 10hCKvs10PEG, 18hCKvs18hPEG, and 10hCKvs18CK
基因ID GeneID | 10hCK | 10hPEG | 18hCK | 18hPEG |
Si000623m.g | 100.1646 | 30.72299 | 33.50511 | 15.04313 |
Si006730m.g | 73.54742 | 28.48265 | 178.4864 | 70.27394 |
Si006881m.g | 16.15737 | 5.623651 | 85.29683 | 40.89045 |
Si007103m.g | 41.59727 | 127.9336 | 9.577295 | 78.82365 |
Si009224m.g | 15.11508 | 32.85501 | 3.435334 | 18.74507 |
Si009702m.g | 3.59816 | 0.661408 | 10.28814 | 3.714324 |
Si010796m.g | 696.9418 | 213.6139 | 197.5994 | 100.8519 |
Si011192m.g | 2.290099 | 22.09051 | 15.14016 | 46.77954 |
Si017708m.g | 5.893596 | 0.927193 | 40.7032 | 18.94644 |
Si020170m.g | 29.48744 | 68.13942 | 6.940634 | 21.9653 |
Si021558m.g | 5.528016 | 1.716167 | 15.01583 | 4.080443 |
Si023475m.g | 179.0702 | 375.9982 | 46.09299 | 124.9318 |
Si024826m.g | 40.26502 | 105.1808 | 13.5982 | 37.26774 |
Si029430m.g | 26.8136 | 4.107361 | 128.9962 | 33.6743 |
Si030675m.g | 62.36142 | 20.34517 | 175.8151 | 68.90159 |
Si031357m.g | 192.5892 | 75.53144 | 59.77481 | 24.62912 |
Si032185m.g | 132.1473 | 275.728 | 33.03336 | 90.93042 |
Si036479m.g | 21.95022 | 6.34189 | 107.8352 | 48.45488 |
Si036502m.g | 35.07646 | 91.26814 | 11.05812 | 30.06731 |
Si038681m.g | 73.11186 | 155.6598 | 23.38526 | 103.8272 |
2.5 差异表达基因功能的注释和富集分析
使用BLAST软件分别将谷子萌发10和18 h 的456(电子附表2)和545(电子附表3)个差异基因与nr(non-redundant,NCBI)、Swiss-Prot、COG(Clusters of Orthologous Groups of proteins,NCBI)、GO(the Gene Ontology)和KEGG(Kyoto Encyclopedia of Genes and Genomes)5个蛋白质数据库进行序列比对,获得差异表达基因的注释信息。将比对到COG、GO和KEGG的差异表达基因再进行分类分析。这些差异表达基因注释到GO数据库中进行功能分类。结果显示,谷子萌发10 h和18 h 注释到细胞组分(cellular component)、分子功能(molecular function)和生物过程(biological process)的差异基因分别有326和367、308和325及304和348个。以P-value≤0.01为筛选标准,发现生物过程(图5)中有128和140个基因显著富集到20和15功能类别,其中氧化应激反应(response to oxidative stress,GO:0006979)、氧化还原过程(oxidation- reduction process,GO:0055114)、纤维素微纤丝组织(cellulose microfibril organization,GO:0010215)和有性生殖(sexual reproduction,GO:0019953)是种子萌发10 h和18 h共同富集的通路。分子功能(图6)包含17个功能类别,分别有91和149个基因富集到这些功能类别中,其中铁离子结合(iron ion binding,GO:0005506)、酪氨酸氨解酶活性(tyrosine ammonia- lyase activity,GO:0052883)、木葡聚糖转移酶活性(xyloglucan:xyloglucosyl transferase activity,GO:0016762)和纤维二糖葡萄糖苷酶活性(cellobiose glucosidase activity,GO:0080079)是种子萌发10 h和18 h共同富集的通路。在这些共同富集的生物功能中氧化应激反应,氧化还原过程和铁离子结合是有显著差异的,随着萌发时间的增加富集到这些功能类别的差异基因也在增加,再加上一个基因会有一个或者多个功能注释,因此,可以推断谷子萌发期响应干旱胁迫时,其代谢是复杂的。
Supplemental table 2
附表2PEG胁迫处理下谷子种子萌发10 h时与对照差异基因的表达情况(10hCKvs10hPEG)
Supplemental table 2DEGs under seed germinate for 10 h between control sample and PEG-stress sample
基因ID Gene ID | log2(FC) | 上调/下调 Regulated | 基因描述 Gene description |
Si024571m.g | 1.602944 | 上调Up | 预测:OTU结构域蛋白样亚型X2 PREDICTED: OTU domain-containing protein 3-like isoform X2 |
Si000238m.g | -1.05887 | 下调Down | 可能α,α海藻糖磷酸合成酶[UDP形成] Probable alpha,alpha-trehalose-phosphate synthase [UDP-forming] |
Si028022m.g | 1.384936 | 上调Up | 玉米醇溶蛋白α-PMS1(前体) Zein-alpha PMS1 (Precursor) |
Si025223m.g | 1.588336 | 上调Up | 细胞色素P450 89A2 Cytochrome P450 89A2 |
Si031255m.g | -1.04156 | 下调Down | 吲哚乙酸诱导蛋白ARG7 Indole-3-acetic acid-induced protein ARG7 |
Si001312m.g | -1.07116 | 下调Down | 抗线虫蛋白HSPRO1 Nematode resistance protein-like HSPRO1 |
Si003744m.g | -1.28154 | 下调Down | 外部的NAD(P)H-泛醌Q氧化还原酶B3、线粒体(前体) External alternative NAD(P)H-ubiquinone oxidoreductase B3, mitochondrial (Precursor) |
Si006201m.g | -1.2356 | 下调Down | 推断的膜蛋白ycf1 Putative membrane protein ycf1 |
Si019603m.g | -3.32506 | 下调Down | 预测:未知蛋白LOC101766374,部分 PREDICTED: Uncharacterized protein LOC101766374, partial |
Si029026m.g | -1.98513 | 下调Down | 预测:未知蛋白LOC101762089 PREDICTED: Uncharacterized protein LOC101762089 |
Si036052m.g | -4.9901 | 下调Down | 植物细胞壁蛋白gp1(前体) Vegetative cell wall protein gp1 (Precursor) |
Si010151m.g | -1.1473 | 下调Down | 可能的丝氨酸/苏氨酸蛋白激酶Cx32,叶绿体(前体) Probable serine/threonine-protein kinase Cx32, chloroplastic (Precursor) |
Si010368m.g | -1.03995 | 下调Down | L-3-氰丙氨酸合成酶2,线粒体(前体) L-3-cyanoalanine synthase 2, mitochondrial (Precursor) |
Si016504m.g | -1.78659 | 下调Down | 苯丙氨酸/酪氨酸氨解酶 Phenylalanine/tyrosine ammonia-lyase |
Si002368m.g | -1.1697 | 下调Down | 精氨酸/丝氨酸富含蛋白45 Arginine/serine-rich protein 45 |
Si038864m.g | 2.131728 | 上调Up | 精氨酸/丝氨酸富含蛋白45 Arginine/serine-rich protein 45 |
Si010049m.g | -1.34715 | 下调Down | 西红花酸葡糖基转移酶2 Crocetin glucosyltransferase 2 |
Si036504m.g | -1.82613 | 下调Down | 生长素反应蛋白IAA30 Auxin-responsive protein IAA30 |
Si003427m.g | 4.345546 | 上调Up | 预测:蛋白LIM2 PREDICTED: Protein LIM2-like |
Si020727m.g | -2.27427 | 下调Down | 精氨酸/丝氨酸富含蛋白45 Arginine/serine-rich protein 45 |
Si002360m.g | -1.41599 | 下调Down | 脂质磷酸酯酶2 Lipid phosphate phosphatase 2 |
Si038851m.g | -2.20269 | 下调Down | MOB激酶激活剂1 MOB kinase activator-like 1 |
Si036133m.g | -1.08981 | 下调Down | GEM蛋白1 GEM-like protein 1 |
Si035257m.g | -2.06603 | 下调Down | 假定蛋白SORBIDRAFT_01g024390 hypothetical protein SORBIDRAFT_01g024390 |
Si035448m.g | -1.27187 | 下调Down | UDP-葡萄糖6-脱氢酶5 UDP-glucose 6-dehydrogenase 5 |
Si000254m.g | -1.2394 | 下调Down | 钾通道AKT1 Potassium channel AKT1 |
基因ID Gene ID | log2(FC) | 上调/下调 Regulated | 基因描述 Gene description |
Si021227m.g | -3.03602 | 下调Down | 可能的LRR类受体丝氨酸/苏氨酸蛋白激酶At4g29180(前体) Probable LRR receptor-like serine/threonine-protein kinase At4g29180 (Precursor) |
Si034939m.g | -1.00908 | 下调Down | 天冬氨酸激酶1,叶绿体(前体) Aspartokinase 1, chloroplastic (Precursor) |
Si016096m.g | -1.3063 | 下调Down | 可能的多效耐药蛋白7 Putative pleiotropic drug resistance protein 7 |
Si029010m.g | -1.76652 | 下调Down | 甲精蛋白15(前体) Formin-like protein 15 (Precursor) |
Si014941m.g | 2.477143 | 上调Up | 线粒体ATP合成酶亚单位9 ATP synthase subunit 9, mitochondrial |
Si035778m.g | -1.04868 | 下调Down | ω-3脂肪酸去饱和酶,叶绿体(前体) Omega-3 fatty acid desaturase, chloroplastic (Precursor) |
Si017708m.g | -2.51149 | 下调Down | 过氧化物酶2(前体) Peroxidase 2 (Precursor) |
Si018061m.g | -1.29574 | 下调Down | 几丁质酶6(前体) Chitinase 6 (Precursor) |
Si006487m.g | -1.8251 | 下调Down | 可能的木葡聚糖内转葡糖苷基酶/水解酶蛋白25(前体) Probable xyloglucan endotransglucosylase/hydrolase protein 25 (Precursor) |
Si010865m.g | -1.14879 | 下调Down | 14-3-3类蛋白GF14-12 14-3-3-like protein GF14-12 |
Si015220m.g | -1.68562 | 下调Down | 丝氨酸/精氨酸富含剪接因子33 Serine/arginine-rich splicing factor 33 |
Si027401m.g | -1.51986 | 下调Down | 植物细胞壁蛋白gp1(前体) Vegetative cell wall protein gp1 (Precursor) |
Si029773m.g | 1.038367 | 上调Up | 细胞色素P450 78A9 Cytochrome P450 78A9 |
Si016880m.g | -1.67666 | 下调Down | 反式肉桂酸4-单加氧酶 Trans-cinnamate 4-monooxygenase |
Si031357m.g | -1.39539 | 下调Down | 重金属相关异戊二烯植物蛋白26(前体) Heavy metal-associated isoprenylated plant protein 26 (Precursor) |
Si007103m.g | 1.566469 | 上调Up | 扩展蛋白-A29(前体) Expansin-A29 (Precursor) |
Si031079m.g | -1.40344 | 下调Down | 乙烯应答转录因子RAP2-3 Ethylene-responsive transcription factor RAP2-3 |
Si013704m.g | -1.36595 | 下调Down | α-淀粉酶同工酶 Alpha-amylase isozyme 3D |
Si017097m.g | -1.58081 | 下调Down | 过氧化物酶52(前体) Peroxidase 52 (Precursor) |
Si002396m.g | -1.28185 | 下调Down | 溶菌酶(前体) Lysozyme (Precursor) |
Si036099m.g | 1.390945 | 上调Up | 可能的β-1,3-半乳糖基转移酶2 Probable beta-1,3-galactosyltransferase 2 |
Si010191m.g | -1.11385 | 下调Down | E3泛素蛋白连接酶 E3 ubiquitin-protein ligase Os04g0590900 |
Si026998m.g | -1.37781 | 下调Down | 甲精蛋白20 Formin-like protein 20 |
Si034513m.g | 1.135476 | 上调Up | 三角状五肽重复蛋白At4g16390,叶绿体(前体) Pentatricopeptide repeat-containing protein At4g16390, chloroplastic (Precursor) |
Si021112m.g | -1.05655 | 下调Down | ABC转运蛋白B家庭成员11 ABC transporter B family member 11 |
Si014544m.g | 1.094581 | 上调Up | 甲精蛋白20 Formin-like protein 20 |
基因ID Gene ID | log2(FC) | 上调/下调 Regulated | 基因描述 Gene description |
Si018451m.g | -1.64115 | 下调Down | 细胞数量的调节器1 Cell number regulator 1 |
Si026796m.g | 1.01054 | 上调Up | 玉米醇溶蛋白α-PMS1(前体) Zein-alpha PMS1 (Precursor) |
Si018522m.g | -2.04316 | 下调Down | 预测:未知蛋白LO101783796 PREDICTED: Uncharacterized protein LOC101783796 |
Si032320m.g | 1.021306 | 上调Up | 谷蛋白-2(前体) Glutelin-2 (Precursor) |
Si032883m.g | -2.65938 | 下调Down | 植物细胞壁蛋白gp1(前体) Vegetative cell wall protein gp1 (Precursor) |
Si025068m.g | -1.12668 | 下调Down | 生长素诱导蛋白X10A Auxin-induced protein X10A |
Si031131m.g | -1.34238 | 下调Down | 植物细胞壁蛋白gp1(前体) Vegetative cell wall protein gp1 (Precursor) |
Si016855m.g | -1.97139 | 下调Down | 肝素酶样蛋白3(前体) Heparanase-like protein 3 (Precursor) |
Si020231m.g | -2.00637 | 下调Down | 丝氨酸-精氨酸富含蛋白45 Arginine/serine-rich protein 45 |
Si015163m.g | -1.53554 | 下调Down | 丝氨酸-精氨酸富含蛋白45 Arginine/serine-rich protein 45 |
Si017947m.g | -1.53834 | 下调Down | 转录因子LAF Transcription factor LAF1 |
Si024609m.g | -1.25379 | 下调Down | 快速碱化因子(前体) Rapid alkalinization factor (Precursor) |
Si038681m.g | 1.038719 | 上调Up | 植物细胞壁蛋白gp1(前体) Vegetative cell wall protein gp1 (Precursor) |
Si001861m.g | -1.29625 | 下调Down | 甲精类蛋白 Formin-like protein 5 |
Si039995m.g | -1.66489 | 下调Down | 富含脯氨酸的受体蛋白激酶 Proline-rich receptor-like protein kinase PERK8 |
Si037607m.g | 1.286268 | 上调Up | 玉米醇溶蛋白α PZ22.1/22A1(前体) Zein-alpha PZ22.1/22A1 (Precursor) |
Si026261m.g | 1.70255 | 上调Up | 蛋白激酶蛋白激酶 Protein kinase PVPK-1 |
Si016475m.g | -2.27919 | 下调Down | 苯丙氨酸解氨酶 Phenylalanine ammonia-lyase |
Si007062m.g | -1.25175 | 下调Down | 绒毛蛋白-4 Villin-4 |
Si016817m.g | -1.29811 | 下调Down | 可能的4-香豆酸-辅酶A连接酶3 Probable 4-coumarate--CoA ligase 3 |
Si002312m.g | -1.62323 | 下调Down | 甲精蛋白5 Formin-like protein 5 |
Si000042m.g | -2.22576 | 下调Down | 可能多效耐药蛋白2 Probable pleiotropic drug resistance protein 2 |
Si009602m.g | 1.587615 | 上调Up | 植物细胞壁蛋白gp1(前体) Vegetative cell wall protein gp1 (Precursor) |
Si035619m.g | -1.84197 | 下调Down | 丝氨酸/苏氨酸蛋白激酶At5g01020 Serine/threonine-protein kinase At5g01020 |
Si020191m.g | -1.49915 | 下调Down | 预测:未知蛋白LO101772317同工型X1 PREDICTED: Uncharacterized protein LOC101772317 isoform X1 |
Si007991m.g | -2.26048 | 下调Down | 甲精蛋白20 Formin-like protein 20 |
基因ID Gene ID | log2(FC) | 上调/下调 Regulated | 基因描述 Gene description |
Si009213m.g | 1.713713 | 上调Up | LRR受体丝氨酸/苏氨酸蛋白激酶RCH1(前体) LRR receptor-like serine/threonine-protein kinase RCH1 (Precursor) |
Si018259m.g | -1.32386 | 下调Down | 丝氨酸-精氨酸富含蛋白45 Arginine/serine-rich protein 45 |
Si000081m.g | -1.21538 | 下调Down | 假设蛋白SORBIDRAFT_03g037690 Hypothetical protein SORBIDRAFT_03g037690 |
Si023794m.g | 4.184464 | 上调Up | 预测:未知蛋白LOC101764748 PREDICTED: Uncharacterized protein LOC101764748 |
Si000759m.g | -1.11659 | 下调Down | Patellin1蛋白 Patellin-1 |
Si014229m.g | -1.01864 | 下调Down | 甲精蛋白5 Formin-like protein 5 |
Si006500m.g | 3.202137 | 上调Up | 转录因子ABORTED MICROSPORES Transcription factor ABORTED MICROSPORES |
Si000906m.g | -1.17649 | 下调Down | 可能的WRKY转录因子33 Probable WRKY transcription factor 33 |
Si017053m.g | -1.2798 | 下调Down | 丝氨酸/苏氨酸蛋白激酶CTR1 Serine/threonine-protein kinase CTR1 |
Si006942m.g | -1.48907 | 下调Down | 富含甘氨酸RNA结合蛋白2,线粒体(前体) Glycine-rich RNA-binding protein 2, mitochondrial (Precursor) |
Si026065m.g | 1.066657 | 上调Up | 富含脯氨酸的受体蛋白激酶PERK9 Proline-rich receptor-like protein kinase PERK9 |
Si035908m.g | -3.60223 | 下调Down | β-葡糖苷酶6(前体) Beta-glucosidase 6 (Precursor) |
Si009702m.g | -2.32413 | 下调Down | β-果糖呋喃苷酶,不溶性同工酶2(前体) Beta-fructofuranosidase, insoluble isoenzyme 2 (Precursor) |
Si013204m.g | -1.54648 | 下调Down | 可能混合连接葡聚糖合成酶6 Probable mixed-linked glucan synthase 6 |
Si034503m.g | -1.29737 | 下调Down | 可能的木糖糖基转移酶9 Probable xyloglucan glycosyltransferase 9 |
Si007091m.g | -1.41782 | 下调Down | 预测:未知蛋白LO101771214同工型X1 PREDICTED: Uncharacterized protein LOC101771214 isoform X1 |
Si021558m.g | -1.68033 | 下调Down | 可能的非活性紫色酸性磷酸酶1(前体) Probable inactive purple acid phosphatase 1 (Precursor) |
Si007381m.g | -1.12566 | 下调Down | 预测:未知蛋白LOC101784581 PREDICTED: Uncharacterized protein LOC101784581 |
Si038917m.g | 1.462902 | 上调Up | 玉米醇溶蛋白α PMS1(前体) Zein-alpha PMS1 (Precursor) |
Si036561m.g | -1.61861 | 下调Down | 未知蛋白At3g58460 Uncharacterized protein At3g58460 |
Si018039m.g | -2.64837 | 下调Down | 乙烯响应转录因子ERF025 Ethylene-responsive transcription factor ERF025 |
Si026474m.g | 1.305316 | 上调Up | 花粉特异的富亮氨酸重复扩展蛋白蛋白2(前体) Pollen-specific leucine-rich repeat extensin-like protein 2 (Precursor) |
Si038019m.g | -1.30653 | 下调Down | 皮层细胞划定蛋白(前体) Cortical cell-delineating protein (Precursor) |
Si010495m.g | -1.93048 | 下调Down | 可能的aldo-keto还原酶 2 Probable aldo-keto reductase 2 |
Si022031m.g | -1.48623 | 下调Down | 邻氨基苯甲酸N-苯甲酰转移酶蛋白 Anthranilate N-benzoyltransferase protein 3 |
Si011224m.g | -1.59378 | 下调Down | 转录因子bHLH133 Transcription factor bHLH133 |
基因ID Gene ID | log2FC | 上调/下调 Regulated | 基因描述 Gene description |
Si012696m.g | -1.62032 | 下调Down | 预测:未知蛋白LOC101753180 PREDICTED: Uncharacterized protein LOC101753180 |
Si020170m.g | 1.155855 | 上调Up | 蛋白TRANSPARENT TESTA 12 Protein TRANSPARENT TESTA 12 |
Si031075m.g | -2.04316 | 下调Down | 富含脯氨酸的受体蛋白激酶PERK1 Proline-rich receptor-like protein kinase PERK1 |
Si006474m.g | 1.942888 | 上调Up | α-淀粉酶A型同工酶(前体) Alpha-amylase type A isozyme (Precursor) |
Si021977m.g | -1.15769 | 下调Down | 保卫细胞中的轮状蛋白天冬氨酸蛋白酶 (前体) Protein ASPARTIC PROTEASE IN GUARD CELL 1 (Precursor) |
Si028727m.g | 1.557808 | 上调Up | 受体蛋白激酶BRI1 3(前体) Receptor-like protein kinase BRI1-like 3 (Precursor) |
Si029957m.g | -1.92718 | 下调Down | 预测:未知的转运蛋白YBR28W PREDICTED: Uncharacterized transporter YBR287W-like |
Si006230m.g | -1.23641 | 下调Down | 网脉碱氧化酶样蛋白(前体) Reticuline oxidase-like protein (Precursor) |
Si028762m.g | -1.12973 | 下调Down | 可能的纤维素合酶催化亚基6 [UDP形成] Probable cellulose synthase A catalytic subunit 6 [UDP-forming] |
Si017727m.g | -1.29345 | 下调Down | 肉桂酰辅酶A还原酶1 Cinnamoyl-CoA reductase 1 |
Si013224m.g | -1.2333 | 下调Down | 硝酸还原酶[ NADH ]1 Nitrate reductase [NADH] 1 |
Si036070m.g | -3.36223 | 下调Down | 谷氨酸脱羧酶 Glutamate decarboxylase |
Si006462m.g | -1.03491 | 下调Down | 可能的富含亮氨酸重复的受体丝氨酸/苏氨酸蛋白激酶At5g1573 Probable leucine-rich repeat receptor-like serine/threonine-protein kinase At5g15730 |
Si037796m.g | -2.07965 | 下调Down | 蛋白 TIFY 10A Protein TIFY 10A |
Si009885m.g | -2.6822 | 下调Down | 类受体蛋白激酶FERONIA(前体) Receptor-like protein kinase FERONIA (Precursor) |
Si016411m.g | -1.33539 | 下调Down | 推定的多药耐药蛋白 Putative multidrug resistance protein |
Si036181m.g | -1.0401 | 下调Down | 5-十五烯三烯间苯二酚O-甲基转移酶 5-pentadecatrienyl resorcinol O-methyltransferase |
Si006881m.g | -1.54191 | 下调Down | 过氧化物酶1(前体) Peroxidase 1 (Precursor) |
Si014618m.g | -1.81974 | 下调Down | 丝氨酸-精氨酸富含蛋白45 Arginine/serine-rich protein 45 |
Si029879m.g | -1.70892 | 下调Down | 胍丁胺香豆素转移酶-2 Agmatine coumaroyltransferase-2 |
Si035017m.g | -1.24385 | 下调Down | 磷酸-2-脱氢-3-脱氧庚酯醛缩酶1,叶绿体(前体) Phospho-2-dehydro-3-deoxyheptonate aldolase 1, chloroplastic (Precursor) |
Si013740m.g | -1.37097 | 下调Down | 赖氨酸组氨酸转运体1 Lysine histidine transporter 1 |
Si019127m.g | -1.96609 | 下调Down | 果胶(甲)酯酶34 Pectinesterase 34 |
Si017734m.g | -1.18801 | 下调Down | 肉桂酰辅酶A还原酶1 Cinnamoyl-CoA reductase 1 |
Si034390m.g | -1.30923 | 下调Down | 类枯草杆菌蛋白酶的蛋白酶SDD1(前体) Subtilisin-like protease SDD1 (Precursor) |
Si029954m.g | -1.74434 | 下调Down | 平衡核苷酸转运蛋白3 Equilibrative nucleotide transporter 3 |
基因ID Gene ID | log2(FC) | 上调/下调 Regulated | 基因描述 Gene description |
Si001383m.g | -1.45899 | 下调Down | 丝氨酸羧肽酶27(前体) Serine carboxypeptidase-like 27 (Precursor) |
Si020734m.g | 1.776688 | 上调Up | ATP合成酶亚基α,线粒体 ATP synthase subunit alpha, mitochondrial |
Si003879m.g | -1.34717 | 下调Down | 可能的生长素外排载体元件 5 Probable auxin efflux carrier component 5 |
Si021698m.g | -1.36074 | 下调Down | 肝素酶蛋白2(前体) Heparanase-like protein 2 (Precursor) |
Si036626m.g | -1.56281 | 下调Down | DNA导向RNA聚合酶II亚基RPB1 DNA-directed RNA polymerase II subunit RPB1 |
Si016242m.g | -1.18484 | 下调Down | 可能的甘油磷酸二酯磷酸二酯酶1(前体) Probable glycerophosphoryl diester phosphodiesterase 1 (Precursor) |
Si017639m.g | -1.29455 | 下调Down | L-乳酸脱氢酶 L-lactate dehydrogenase |
Si035452m.g | -1.89656 | 下调Down | UDP-葡萄糖6-脱氢酶4 UDP-glucose 6-dehydrogenase 4 |
Si026543m.g | -1.23839 | 下调Down | 乙酰乳酸合成酶小亚基2,叶绿体(前体) Acetolactate synthase small subunit 2, chloroplastic (Precursor) |
Si039170m.g | -1.39034 | 下调Down | 乙烯应答转录因子ERF014 Ethylene-responsive transcription factor ERF014 |
Si002577m.g | -3.10484 | 下调Down | 酯酶PIR7B Esterase PIR7B |
Si001176m.g | -1.93955 | 下调Down | MATE外排家族蛋白ALF5 MATE efflux family protein ALF5 |
Si039847m.g | -2.69465 | 下调Down | 细胞数量调节器10 Cell number regulator 10 |
Si018516m.g | -1.45023 | 下调Down | GPI-锚定蛋白LORELEI(前体) GPI-anchored protein LORELEI (Precursor) |
Si022448m.g | 1.263427 | 上调Up | 丝氨酸/苏氨酸蛋白激酶SAPK4 Serine/threonine-protein kinase SAPK4 |
Si017495m.g | -1.07598 | 下调Down | 预测:甘油膦二酯磷酸二酯酶GDE 1 PREDICTED: glycerophosphodiester phosphodiesterase GDE1-like |
Si007066m.g | -1.29594 | 下调Down | 囊泡相关膜蛋白711 Vesicle-associated membrane protein 711 |
Si035111m.g | -1.65287 | 下调Down | 预测:未知蛋白LOC101768508 PREDICTED: Uncharacterized protein LOC101768508 |
Si013789m.g | -1.97916 | 下调Down | α-淀粉酶同工酶3D(前体) Alpha-amylase isozyme 3D (Precursor) |
Si024946m.g | -2.53045 | 下调Down | 聚半乳糖醛酸酶抑制剂(前体) Polygalacturonase inhibitor (Precursor) |
Si013121m.g | -1.79377 | 下调Down | 可溶性淀粉合成酶3,叶绿体/淀粉质(前体) Soluble starch synthase 3, chloroplastic/amyloplastic (Precursor) |
Si018682m.g | -1.20275 | 下调Down | 皮层细胞划定蛋白(前体) Cortical cell-delineating protein (Precursor) |
Si016918m.g | -1.43505 | 下调Down | 推定的多药耐药蛋白 Putative multidrug resistance protein |
Si000265m.g | -1.62669 | 下调Down | 可能的UDP-N-乙酰氨基葡萄糖-肽-N-乙酰氨基葡萄糖转移酶SEC Probable UDP-N-acetylglucosamine--peptide N-acetylglucosaminyltransferase SEC |
Si034526m.g | 2.477143 | 上调Up | 三角状五肽重复蛋白At2g27610 Pentatricopeptide repeat-containing protein At2g27610 |
Si018111m.g | -1.47586 | 下调Down | 叶绿素a-b结合蛋白质P4,叶绿体(前体) Chlorophyll a-b binding protein P4, chloroplastic (Precursor) |
基因ID Gene ID | log2(FC) | 上调/下调 Regulated | 基因描述 Gene description |
Si007018m.g | -1.48947 | 下调Down | 木葡聚糖内转葡糖苷基酶/水解酶蛋白22(前体) Xyloglucan endotransglucosylase/hydrolase protein 22 (Precursor) |
Si003619m.g | 1.169538 | 上调Up | 预测:未知蛋白LOC101786215 PREDICTED: Uncharacterized protein LOC101786215 |
Si029425m.g | 1.604651 | 上调Up | BTB/POZ包含域蛋白At3g50780 BTB/POZ domain-containing protein At3g50780 |
Si035627m.g | -1.56651 | 下调Down | UDP-糖基转移酶83A1 UDP-glycosyltransferase 83A1 |
Si036554m.g | -1.57889 | 下调Down | 肉桂酰辅酶A还原酶1 Cinnamoyl-CoA reductase 1 |
Si019652m.g | -3.63801 | 下调Down | 丝氨酸-精氨酸富含蛋白45 Arginine/serine-rich protein 45 |
Si002127m.g | 2.335701 | 上调Up | 扩展蛋白-A2(前体) Expansin-A2 (Precursor) |
Si035993m.g | -1.28266 | 下调Down | 甲精蛋白 Formin-like protein 5 |
Si032185m.g | 1.010156 | 上调Up | 预测:未未知蛋白LOC101765502 PREDICTED: Uncharacterized protein LOC101765502 |
Si023531m.g | -1.50932 | 下调Down | 预测:未未知蛋白LOC101774683 PREDICTED: Uncharacterized protein LOC101774683 |
Si009165m.g | -1.09928 | 下调Down | 聚集的线粒体蛋白 Clustered mitochondria protein |
Si026681m.g | -1.31678 | 下调Down | 木聚糖酶抑制蛋白1(前体) Xylanase inhibitor protein 1 (Precursor) |
Si001021m.g | -1.24203 | 下调Down | NAC结构域蛋白74 NAC domain-containing protein 74 |
Si006073m.g | -1.00986 | 下调Down | 蛋白ECERIFERUM 3 Protein ECERIFERUM 3 |
Si036615m.g | -3.46841 | 下调Down | 乙烯响应转录因子1 Ethylene-responsive transcription factor 1 |
Si039900m.g | 1.060515 | 上调Up | 花粉壳蛋白质B6 Pollen coat protein B6 |
Si035377m.g | -1.11883 | 下调Down | 可能的多胺转运体At3g13620 Probable polyamine transporter At3g13620 |
Si000585m.g | -1.08921 | 下调Down | 富含半胱氨酸的受体蛋白激酶10(前体) Cysteine-rich receptor-like protein kinase 10 (Precursor) |
Si030186m.g | -1.36955 | 下调Down | 富亮氨酸重复扩展蛋白蛋白3(前体) Leucine-rich repeat extensin-like protein 3 (Precursor) |
Si003062m.g | -1.21352 | 下调Down | 泛素结合酶E2 20 Ubiquitin-conjugating enzyme E2 20 |
Si029521m.g | -1.27814 | 下调Down | 天冬氨酸蛋白酶蛋白1(前体) Aspartic proteinase-like protein 1 (Precursor) |
Si007977m.g | -3.3516 | 下调Down | 乙烯应答转录因子ERF014 Ethylene-responsive transcription factor ERF014 |
Si031355m.g | -1.52088 | 下调Down | 重金属相关异戊二烯化植物蛋白26(前体) Heavy metal-associated isoprenylated plant protein 26 (Precursor) |
Si021634m.g | -1.90519 | 下调Down | 可能的WRKY转录因子33 Probable WRKY transcription factor 33 |
Si020735m.g | 2.336073 | 上调Up | 细胞色素b Cytochrome b |
Si028568m.g | 1.529431 | 上调Up | 玉米醇溶蛋白αPZ22.3(前体) Zein-alpha PZ22.3 (Precursor) |
基因ID Gene ID | log2(FC) | 上调/下调 Regulated | 基因描述 Gene description |
Si027267m.g | 1.24852 | 上调Up | 漆酶-15(前体) Laccase-15 (Precursor) |
Si017317m.g | -1.03466 | 下调Down | GATA转录因子8 GATA transcription factor 8 |
Si037057m.g | 1.052355 | 上调Up | 扩展蛋白-B3(前体) Expansin-B3 (Precursor) |
Si022187m.g | -2.38077 | 下调Down | Metacaspase酶-5 Metacaspase-5 |
Si009937m.g | -1.23145 | 下调Down | 铵转运体1成员1 Ammonium transporter 1 member 1 |
Si010684m.g | -3.03602 | 下调Down | 植物细胞壁蛋白gp1(前体) Vegetative cell wall protein gp1 (Precursor) |
Si034407m.g | -1.08372 | 下调Down | 氧化固醇结合蛋白相关蛋白2A Oxysterol-binding protein-related protein 2A |
Si008527m.g | -1.84228 | 下调Down | 甲精蛋白 Formin-like protein 14 |
Si029430m.g | -2.72386 | 下调Down | 肉毒碱/有机阳离子转运蛋白2 Organic cation/carnitine transporter 2 |
Si003907m.g | -1.51584 | 下调Down | 丝氨酸-精氨酸富含蛋白45 Arginine/serine-rich protein 45 |
Si039822m.g | 1.383468 | 上调Up | 植物细胞壁蛋白gp1(前体) Vegetative cell wall protein gp1 (Precursor) |
Si001909m.g | -1.48907 | 下调Down | AP2/ERF和B3结构域蛋白Os01g0141000 AP2/ERF and B3 domain-containing protein Os01g0141000 |
Si001236m.g | 1.901426 | 上调Up | 蛋白TRANSPARENT TESTA 12 Protein TRANSPARENT TESTA 12 |
Si024887m.g | -1.56593 | 下调Down | 阿拉伯半乳聚糖肽16(前体) Arabinogalactan peptide 16 (Precursor) |
Si021600m.g | -1.65577 | 下调Down | NADP-苹果酸酶,叶绿体(前体) NADP-dependent malic enzyme, chloroplastic (Precursor) |
Si031418m.g | -1.29118 | 下调Down | 硫代硫酸硫转移酶16,叶绿体 Thiosulfate sulfurtransferase 16, chloroplastic |
Si024059m.g | 1.895425 | 上调Up | 脱水反应元件结合蛋白2cC Dehydration-responsive element-binding protein 2C |
Si027367m.g | -2.67663 | 下调Down | 胍丁胺香豆素转移酶-2 Agmatine coumaroyltransferase-2 |
Si036780m.g | 1.283935 | 上调Up | 甲精蛋白14 Formin-like protein 14 |
Si036502m.g | 1.326034 | 上调Up | 甲精蛋白5 Formin-like protein 5 |
Si007904m.g | 1.285343 | 上调Up | 酪氨酸N-单加氧酶 Tyrosine N-monooxygenase |
Si031967m.g | 2.785321 | 上调Up | 植物磺基受体2(前体) Phytosulfokine receptor 2 (Precursor) |
Si034546m.g | -1.07073 | 下调Down | 可能的失活受体激酶At1g48480(前体) Probable inactive receptor kinase At1g48480 (Precursor) |
Si004704m.g | -1.30264 | 下调Down | 氰基3-O-芦丁苷5-O-葡萄糖基转移酶 Cyanidin 3-O-rutinoside 5-O-glucosyltransferase |
Si021589m.g | 1.350806 | 上调Up | 生长素响应因子14 Auxin response factor 14 |
Si031132m.g | -1.25044 | 下调Down | 预测:未知蛋白LOC101785845 PREDICTED: Uncharacterized protein LOC101785845 |
基因ID Gene ID | log2(FC) | 上调/下调 Regulated | 基因描述 Gene description |
Si010116m.g | -1.23869 | 下调Down | CBL-相互作用蛋白激酶14 CBL-interacting protein kinase 14 |
Si010796m.g | -1.75442 | 下调Down | 可能的木葡聚糖内转葡糖苷基酶/水解酶蛋白23(前体) Probable xyloglucan endotransglucosylase/hydrolase protein 23 (Precursor) |
Si018527m.g | -1.35036 | 下调Down | GPI-锚定蛋白 GPI-anchored protein LORELEI (Precursor) |
Si007870m.g | -1.86329 | 下调Down | 预测:未知蛋白LOC101764877 PREDICTED: Uncharacterized protein LOC101764877 |
Si033297m.g | -1.871 | 下调Down | 糖载体蛋白C Sugar carrier protein C |
Si014273m.g | -1.3531 | 下调Down | 植物细胞壁蛋白gp1(前体) Vegetative cell wall protein gp1 (Precursor) |
Si017856m.g | -1.42953 | 下调Down | 蛋白IQ-DOMAIN 1 Protein IQ-DOMAIN 14 |
Si001325m.g | -2.73873 | 下调Down | 氨基酸渗透酶8 Amino acid permease 8 |
Si023322m.g | -1.27126 | 下调Down | 成束阿拉伯半乳聚糖蛋白11(前体) Fasciclin-like arabinogalactan protein 11 (Precursor) |
Si032462m.g | 1.168809 | 上调Up | 乙烯受体2 Ethylene receptor 2 |
Si010073m.g | 1.548584 | 上调Up | 可能蛋白磷酸酶2C 37 Probable protein phosphatase 2C 37 |
Si001623m.g | -1.19053 | 下调Down | 可能葡萄糖醛酸基转移酶Os01g0926700 Probable glucuronosyltransferase Os01g0926700 |
Si013559m.g | -1.15295 | 下调Down | 四氢大麻酚酸合成酶(前体) Tetrahydrocannabinolic acid synthase (Precursor) |
Si002313m.g | -1.26901 | 下调Down | 分支酸变位酶3,叶绿体(前体) Chorismate mutase 3, chloroplastic (Precursor) |
Si002419m.g | -1.20106 | 下调Down | 酸性酶(前体) Acidic endochitinase (Precursor) |
Si035841m.g | -2.22576 | 下调Down | 转绿因子RF2a Transcription factor RF2a |
Si016595m.g | -1.2185 | 下调Down | 琥珀酸脱氢酶[泛醌]黄素蛋白亚基1,线粒体(前体) Succinate dehydrogenase [ubiquinone] flavoprotein subunit 1, mitochondrial (Precursor) |
Si020755m.g | 1.716461 | 上调Up | ATP合酶亚基 a ATP synthase subunit a |
Si037365m.g | -2.13221 | 下调Down | 富含脯氨酸的受体蛋白激酶PERK8 Proline-rich receptor-like protein kinase PERK8 |
Si011509m.g | -1.44455 | 下调Down | 枯草杆菌蛋白酶抑制剂-2A Subtilisin-chymotrypsin inhibitor-2A |
Si002361m.g | -1.9782 | 下调Down | 预测:蛋白结节同源物X1 PREDICTED: Protein notum homolog isoform X1 |
Si037740m.g | -4.63601 | 下调Down | 叶裂素(前体) Phylloplanin (Precursor) |
Si021420m.g | -1.12413 | 下调Down | 丝氨酸-精氨酸富含蛋白45 Arginine/serine-rich protein 45 |
Si016589m.g | -1.23851 | 下调Down | 可能的胶质甲基转移酶QUA2 Probable pectin methyltransferase QUA2 |
Si036367m.g | -1.0087 | 下调Down | 甲壳素诱导子结合蛋白(前体) Chitin elicitor-binding protein (Precursor) |
Si006152m.g | -1.69526 | 下调Down | 内葡聚醣6(前体) Endoglucanase 16 (Precursor) |
基因ID Gene ID | log2(FC) | 上调/下调 Regulated | 基因描述 Gene description |
Si006103m.g | 1.247522 | 上调Up | 颗粒结合型淀粉合成酶1,叶绿体/淀粉质(前体) Granule-bound starch synthase 1, chloroplastic/amyloplastic (Precursor) |
Si031037m.g | -1.31112 | 下调Down | 蛋白TIFY 10A Protein TIFY 10A |
Si022851m.g | -1.86168 | 下调Down | KH结构域蛋白At1g09660 KH domain-containing protein At1g09660 |
Si034912m.g | 1.810689 | 上调Up | 扩展蛋白(前体) Extensin (Precursor) |
Si015405m.g | -1.20566 | 下调Down | 丝氨酸-精氨酸富含蛋白45 Arginine/serine-rich protein 45 |
Si030248m.g | -1.23525 | 下调Down | 生长素反应蛋白IAA24 Auxin-responsive protein IAA24 |
Si034533m.g | 1.228806 | 上调Up | 管腔结合蛋白4(前体) Luminal-binding protein 4 (Precursor) |
Si006281m.g | 1.275854 | 上调Up | 内葡聚醣6(前体) Endoglucanase 6 (Precursor) |
Si018043m.g | -1.48182 | 下调Down | N-(5 '-磷酸核糖基)邻氨基苯甲酸异构酶1,叶绿体(前体)G N-(5' -phosphoribosyl)anthranilate isomerase 1, chloroplastic (Precursor) G |
Si021398m.g | -1.2045 | 下调Down | 长链酰基辅酶A合成酶1 Long chain acyl-CoA synthetase 1 |
Si015990m.g | 1.285343 | 上调Up | 锌指(C3HC4型RING指)家族蛋白 Zinc finger (C3HC4-type RING finger) family protein |
Si018632m.g | -1.14348 | 下调Down | 预测:未知蛋白At5g01610 PREDICTED: Uncharacterized protein At5g01610-like |
Si030675m.g | -1.65574 | 下调Down | 木聚糖酶抑制蛋白1(前体) Xylanase inhibitor protein 1 (Precursor) |
Si025323m.g | -1.48671 | 下调Down | 植物细胞壁蛋白gp1(前体) Vegetative cell wall protein gp1 (Precursor) |
Si018161m.g | -1.27164 | 下调Down | 转录因子RF2a Transcription factor RF2a |
Si035145m.g | -1.18434 | 下调Down | 3-酮酰基-辅酶A合酶19 3-ketoacyl-CoA synthase 19 |
Si020705m.g | -2.47781 | 下调Down | 漆氰素-2(前体) Uclacyanin-2 (Precursor) |
Si036843m.g | 1.44101 | 上调Up | 甲精蛋白14 Formin-like protein 14 |
Si001159m.g | -1.16297 | 下调Down | 内葡聚醣3(前体) Endoglucanase 3 (Precursor) |
Si030289m.g | -1.49874 | 下调Down | 可能的肉桂醇脱氢酶8D Probable cinnamyl alcohol dehydrogenase 8D |
Si010213m.g | -1.19996 | 下调Down | 推测的RING-H2指蛋白ATL61 Putative RING-H2 finger protein ATL61 |
Si029059m.g | 1.014306 | 上调Up | 甲精蛋白14 Formin-like protein 14 |
Si039896m.g | -1.45309 | 下调Down | 可能的钙结合蛋白CML27 Probable calcium-binding protein CML27 |
Si034783m.g | -1.57204 | 下调Down | 阳离子氨基酸转运蛋白1 Cationic amino acid transporter 1 |
Si007171m.g | -1.77519 | 下调Down | 可能的钙结合蛋白CML30 Probable calcium-binding protein CML30 |
Si003981m.g | -3.88273 | 下调Down | δ(8)- 脂肪酸去饱和酶 Delta(8)-fatty-acid desaturase |
基因ID Gene ID | log2(FC) | 上调/下调 Regulated | 基因描述 Gene description |
Si030413m.g | 1.415092 | 上调Up | 推定的醌-氧化还原酶同源物,叶绿体 Putative quinone-oxidoreductase homolog, chloroplastic |
Si036401m.g | -1.78044 | 下调Down | 可能的葡萄糖醛酸基转移酶Os03g0287800 Probable glucuronosyltransferase Os03g0287800 |
Si002630m.g | -1.8778 | 下调Down | 磷酸丙糖异构酶,细胞质 Triosephosphate isomerase, cytosolic |
Si035386m.g | -1.78736 | 下调Down | 内葡聚醣9 Endoglucanase 9 |
Si038824m.g | -1.83314 | 下调Down | LURP相关蛋白15 Protein LURP-one-related 15 |
Si017372m.g | -1.37098 | 下调Down | U-盒子结构域蛋白26 U-box domain-containing protein 26 |
Si040152m.g | -1.19328 | 下调Down | 吲哚-3-乙酰醛氧化酶 Indole-3-acetaldehyde oxidase |
Si037030m.g | -1.58513 | 下调Down | 扩展蛋白-B2(前体) Expansin-B2 (Precursor) |
Si004959m.g | -1.20597 | 下调Down | 快速碱化因子(前体) Rapid alkalinization factor (Precursor) |
Si022589m.g | -1.06624 | 下调Down | 富亮氨酸重复扩展蛋白5(前体) Leucine-rich repeat extensin-like protein 5 (Precursor) |
Si033953m.g | -1.67857 | 下调Down | 可能的富含亮氨酸重复受体蛋白激酶At1g35710(前体) Probable leucine-rich repeat receptor-like protein kinase At1g35710 (Precursor) |
Si023588m.g | -1.90341 | 下调Down | C2结构域蛋白At1g63220 C2 domain-containing protein At1g63220 |
Si009956m.g | -1.00096 | 下调Down | DNA指导的RNA聚合酶Ⅱ亚基RPB1 DNA-directed RNA polymerase Ⅱ subunit RPB1 |
Si017819m.g | -1.84445 | 下调Down | 富含甘氨酸的RNA结合物,脱落酸诱导蛋白 Glycine-rich RNA-binding, abscisic acid-inducible protein |
Si037053m.g | 1.188227 | 上调Up | 扩展蛋白-B3(前体) Expansin-B3 (Precursor) |
Si036328m.g | -1.4844 | 下调Down | 突触融合蛋白61 Syntaxin-61 |
Si024826m.g | 1.332663 | 上调Up | 锌指CCCH结构域蛋白35 Zinc finger CCCH domain-containing protein 35 |
Si001863m.g | -2.16618 | 下调Down | 可能的WRKY转录因子35 Probable WRKY transcription factor 35 |
Si036042m.g | -1.21817 | 下调Down | 不均一核糖核蛋白1 Heterogeneous nuclear ribonucleoprotein 1 |
Si035342m.g | -2.26367 | 下调Down | 脯氨酸脱氢酶1,线粒体(前体) Proline dehydrogenase 1, mitochondrial (Precursor) |
Si016794m.g | -2.57436 | 下调Down | MATE外排家族蛋白9 MATE efflux family protein 9 |
Si002848m.g | -1.0644 | 下调Down | RAS相关蛋白RABA1f Ras-related protein RABA1f |
Si012674m.g | -2.01017 | 下调Down | WPP结构域相关蛋白 WPP domain-associated protein |
Si011405m.g | -1.20514 | 下调Down | 预测:未知蛋白 PREDICTED: Uncharacterized protein LOC101756306 |
Si006144m.g | -1.21704 | 下调Down | 丝裂原活化蛋白激酶12 Mitogen-activated protein kinase 12 |
Si037592m.g | -2.82091 | 下调Down | 蛋白TIFY 10B Protein TIFY 10B |
基因ID Gene ID | log2(FC) | 上调/下调 Regulated | 基因描述 Gene description |
Si014043m.g | -1.39846 | 下调Down | 过氧化物酶51(前体) Peroxidase 51 (Precursor) |
Si023824m.g | 2.483017 | 上调Up | 预测:未知蛋白LOC101771437 PREDICTED: uncharacterized protein LOC101771437 |
Si010083m.g | -2.07118 | 下调Down | 预测:未知蛋白LOC101784110同工型X1 PREDICTED: Uncharacterized protein LOC101784110 isoform X1 |
Si009492m.g | -1.373 | 下调Down | 可能有金属性转运者YSL12 Probable metal-nicotianamine transporter YSL12 |
Si004383m.g | -1.28433 | 下调Down | 碱性7S球蛋白2低kDa亚基(前体) Basic 7S globulin 2 low kDa subunit (Precursor) |
Si018340m.g | -1.06145 | 下调Down | UMP-CMP激酶 UMP-CMP kinase |
Si001544m.g | 1.972181 | 上调Up | 甘露聚糖内切-1,4-β-甘露糖苷内切酶1(前体) Mannan endo-1,4-beta-mannosidase 1 (Precursor) |
Si008781m.g | -1.19949 | 下调Down | 几丁质酶1(前体) Chitinase 1 (Precursor) |
Si005109m.g | -1.3592 | 下调Down | 可能的钙结合蛋白CML10 Probable calcium-binding protein CML10 |
Si013613m.g | -1.07631 | 下调Down | NADP依赖性甘油醛-3-磷酸脱氢酶 NADP-dependent glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase |
Si036113m.g | -1.00702 | 下调Down | 生长素诱导的根培养物蛋白12(前体) Auxin-induced in root cultures protein 12 (Precursor) |
Si032707m.g | -2.64654 | 下调Down | 糖转运蛋白4 Sugar transport protein 4 |
Si026503m.g | -1.30719 | 下调Down | 乙醇脱氢酶2 Alcohol dehydrogenase 2 |
Si000476m.g | -2.87786 | 下调Down | 谷氨酰胺-tRNA连接酶 Glutamine--tRNA ligase |
Si003143m.g | -1.25847 | 下调Down | 致病相关蛋白PRMS(前体) Pathogenesis-related protein PRMS (Precursor) |
Si036323m.g | -1.1762 | 下调Down | 富含脯氨酸的受体蛋白激酶PERK10 Proline-rich receptor-like protein kinase PERK10 |
Si035779m.g | -1.2058 | 下调Down | 甲精蛋白6 Formin-like protein 6 |
Si000291m.g | -1.1111 | 下调Down | β-半乳糖苷酶3(前体) Beta-galactosidase 3 (Precursor) |
Si035575m.g | -1.32567 | 下调Down | 酮脂酰CoA合成酶12(前体) 3-ketoacyl-CoA synthase 12 (Precursor) |
Si023191m.g | -1.23025 | 下调Down | 谷胱甘肽S-转移酶4 Glutathione S-transferase 4 |
Si022312m.g | -1.06564 | 下调Down | 法呢基焦磷酸合酶 Farnesyl pyrophosphate synthase |
Si039496m.g | -1.63963 | 下调Down | 突触融合蛋白121 Syntaxin-121 |
Si015800m.g | -1.86713 | 下调Down | 可能的甘露聚糖合酶11 Probable mannan synthase 11 |
Si037427m.g | -1.23417 | 下调Down | 预测:未知蛋白LOC101754587 PREDICTED: Uncharacterized protein LOC101754587 |
Si017082m.g | -1.17811 | 下调Down | 3-磷酸甘油醛脱氢酶3,胞浆 Glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase 3, cytosolic |
Si037085m.g | -1.42875 | 下调Down | 扩展蛋白-A7(前体) Expansin-A7 (Precursor) |
基因ID Gene ID | log2(FC) | 上调/下调 Regulated | 基因描述 Gene description |
Si033305m.g | 2.237704 | 上调Up | 富亮氨酸重复扩张蛋白5(前体) Leucine-rich repeat extensin-like protein 5 (Precursor) |
Si035800m.g | -1.95487 | 下调Down | 可能蛋白磷酸酶2C 33 Probable protein phosphatase 2C 33 |
Si030681m.g | -1.11166 | 下调Down | 木聚糖酶抑制剂蛋白1(前体) Xylanase inhibitor protein 1 (Precursor) |
Si000789m.g | -1.12052 | 下调Down | 2,3-双磷酸甘油酸酯依赖性磷酸甘油酸变位酶 2,3-bisphosphoglycerate-independent phosphoglycerate mutase |
Si023155m.g | -2.23507 | 下调Down | 钙调素蛋白5 Calmodulin-like protein 5 |
Si017223m.g | -1.9668 | 下调Down | U盒子结构域蛋白27 U-box domain-containing protein 27 |
Si038580m.g | 1.117919 | 上调Up | 可能的多元醇转运体3 Probable polyol transporter 3 |
Si019132m.g | -1.03936 | 下调Down | F盒子重复蛋白At1g74510 F-box/kelch-repeat protein At1g74510 |
Si020977m.g | -1.11189 | 下调Down | 生长素相关蛋白2 Auxilin-related protein 2 |
Si001109m.g | -1.39232 | 下调Down | 可能的WRKY转录因子72 Probable WRKY transcription factor 72 |
Si017549m.g | -1.01423 | 下调Down | GDSL酯酶At5g45910(前体) GDSL esterase/lipase At5g45910 (Precursor) |
Si010333m.g | -1.13433 | 下调Down | 预测:未知蛋白LOC101756425同工行X3 PREDICTED: uncharacterized protein LOC101756425 isoform X3 |
Si033103m.g | 1.841357 | 上调Up | 三角状五肽重复蛋白At2g36730 Pentatricopeptide repeat-containing protein At2g36730 |
Si013626m.g | -1.18865 | 下调Down | 可能的苯丙烯盐基的乙醇脱氢酶5 Putative cinnamyl alcohol dehydrogenase 5 |
Si026623m.g | -1.9668 | 下调Down | 富含半胱氨酸的受体蛋白激酶40(前体) Cysteine-rich receptor-like protein kinase 40 (Precursor) |
Si031814m.g | -1.65397 | 下调Down | 疏水蛋白LTI6A Hydrophobic protein LTI6A |
Si002150m.g | -1.81362 | 下调Down | 甲精蛋白14 Formin-like protein 14 |
Si037676m.g | -2.01149 | 下调Down | 葡聚糖内-1,3-β-葡萄糖苷酶样蛋白 Glucan endo-1,3-beta-glucosidase-like protein 2 (Precursor) |
Si000556m.g | -1.38963 | 下调Down | 富含半胱氨酸的受体蛋白激酶25(前体) Cysteine-rich receptor-like protein kinase 25 (Precursor) |
Si032779m.g | 1.059814 | 上调Up | RING-H2指蛋白ATL14 RING-H2 finger protein ATL14 |
Si000653m.g | -1.20887 | 下调Down | 可能的非活性受体激酶At5g58300(前体) Probable inactive receptor kinase At5g58300 (Precursor) |
Si028164m.g | -1.32043 | 下调Down | 导体蛋白21(前体) Dirigent protein 21 (Precursor) |
Si023592m.g | -1.31358 | 下调Down | 预测:未知蛋白LOC101784826 PREDICTED: Uncharacterized protein LOC101784826 |
Si000386m.g | -1.00535 | 下调Down | 蛋白CH UP1,叶绿体 Protein CH UP1, chloroplastic |
Si003382m.g | 1.254644 | 上调Up | 细胞色素c氧化酶亚基5C Cytochrome c oxidase subunit 5C |
Si005274m.g | 1.192182 | 上调Up | CASP类蛋白4 CASP-like protein 4 |
基因ID Gene ID | log2(FC) | 上调/下调 Regulated | 基因描述 Gene description |
Si029866m.g | -2.06353 | 下调Down | COBRA类蛋白1(前体) COBRA-like protein 1 (Precursor) |
Si010373m.g | -1.49047 | 下调Down | 富亮氨酸重复扩展蛋白5(前体) Leucine-rich repeat extensin-like protein 5 (Precursor) |
Si003444m.g | -1.74298 | 下调Down | 甲精蛋白 Formin-like protein 19 |
Si021994m.g | -1.27653 | 下调Down | 紫色酸性磷酸酶2(前体) Purple acid phosphatase 2 (Precursor) |
Si029988m.g | -1.0641 | 下调Down | G型凝集素S受体丝氨酸/苏氨酸蛋白激酶At1g34300(前体) G-type lectin S-receptor-like serine/threonine-protein kinase At1g34300 (Precursor) |
Si001893m.g | -1.9456 | 下调Down | 赤霉素2-β-双加氧酶 Gibberellin 2-beta-dioxygenase |
Si013651m.g | -1.28046 | 下调Down | UDP糖基转移酶以89B1 UDP-glycosyltransferase 89B1 |
Si023475m.g | 1.019428 | 上调Up | 铁硫簇集蛋白1(前体) Iron-sulfur cluster assembly protein 1 (Precursor) |
Si009509m.g | -1.4157 | 下调Down | 苯丙氨酸解氨酶 Phenylalanine ammonia-lyase |
Si011192m.g | 3.042328 | 上调Up | 预测:脂肪氧合酶同源结构域蛋白1 PREDICTED: Lipoxygenase homology domain-containing protein 1-like |
Si037060m.g | -1.08766 | 下调Down | 预测:RING指和CHY的锌指结构域蛋白1型X1 PREDICTED: RING finger and CHY zinc finger domain-containing protein 1-like isoform X1 |
Si011530m.g | -1.37784 | 下调Down | CYSTM1家族蛋白A CYSTM1 family protein A |
Si033081m.g | 1.776959 | 上调Up | 植物细胞壁蛋白gp1(前体) Vegetative cell wall protein gp1 (Precursor) |
Si010417m.g | -2.4798 | 下调Down | NAC结构域蛋白77 NAC domain-containing protein 77 |
Si039566m.g | -2.03475 | 下调Down | 转录因子RF2b Transcription factor RF2b |
Si013615m.g | 1.548616 | 上调Up | 细胞色素P450 88A1 Cytochrome P450 88A1 |
Si000406m.g | -2.46483 | 下调Down | 壁相关受体激酶2(前体) Wall-associated receptor kinase 2 (Precursor) |
Si026679m.g | -1.91353 | 下调Down | 木聚糖酶抑制剂蛋白1(前体) Xylanase inhibitor protein 1 (Precursor) |
Si008837m.g | -1.16502 | 下调Down | 鞘氨醇C(4)-单加氧酶1 Sphinganine C(4)-monooxygenase 1 |
Si034150m.g | -2.94459 | 下调Down | 可能抗病蛋白At4g27220 Probable disease resistance protein At4g27220 |
Si019741m.g | -1.84593 | 下调Down | 受体蛋白2(前体) Receptor-like protein 2 (Precursor) |
Si030214m.g | -2.13935 | 下调Down | 过氧化物酶2(前体) Peroxidase 2 (Precursor) |
Si001369m.g | -2.57461 | 下调Down | 氨基环丙烷-1-羧酸合酶7 1-aminocyclopropane-1-carboxylate synthase 7 |
Si020749m.g | 1.918688 | 上调Up | NADH脱氢酶[泛醌]铁-硫蛋白3 NADH dehydrogenase [ubiquinone] iron-sulfur protein 3 |
Si017811m.g | -1.43272 | 下调Down | 过氧化70(前体) Peroxidase 70 (Precursor) |
Si014215m.g | -1.49943 | 下调Down | 木葡聚糖内转葡糖苷基酶/水解酶蛋白8 Xyloglucan endotransglycosylase/hydrolase protein 8 (Precursor) |
基因ID Gene ID | log2(FC) | 上调/下调 Regulated | 基因描述 Gene description |
Si013588m.g | -1.43999 | 下调Down | 细胞色素P450 76C2 Cytochrome P450 76C2 |
Si017035m.g | -1.15407 | 下调Down | 葡聚糖内切酶-1,3 -β-葡萄糖苷12(前体) Glucan endo-1,3-beta-glucosidase 12 (Precursor) |
Si016344m.g | -2.09224 | 下调Down | 类枯草杆菌蛋白酶(前体) Subtilisin-like protease (Precursor) |
Si038101m.g | 1.369788 | 上调Up | 预测:未知蛋白LOC101780923 PREDICTED: Uncharacterized protein LOC101780923 |
Si000788m.g | -1.00518 | 下调Down | 丝裂原活化蛋白激酶8 Mitogen-activated protein kinase 8 |
Si037555m.g | -1.00758 | 下调Down | LURP相关蛋白15 Protein LURP-one-related 15 |
Si020980m.g | -1.10946 | 下调Down | 丝裂原活化蛋白激酶激酶激酶NPK1 Mitogen-activated protein kinase kinase kinase NPK1 |
Si006730m.g | -1.41285 | 下调Down | GDSL脂酶At5g45910(前体) GDSL esterase/lipase At5g45910 (Precursor) |
Si007034m.g | -1.472 | 下调Down | 早期根瘤素蛋白2(前体) Early nodulin-like protein 2 (Precursor) |
Si035388m.g | -1.22048 | 下调Down | 谷氨酸脱羧酶1 Glutamate decarboxylase 1 |
Si038684m.g | -2.21234 | 下调Down | FAF类蛋白,叶绿体(前体) Protein FAF-like, chloroplastic (Precursor) |
Si001643m.g | -1.51777 | 下调Down | 植物细胞壁蛋白gp1(前体) Vegetative cell wall protein gp1 (Precursor) |
Si003256m.g | -3.03602 | 下调Down | 甲精蛋白16(前体) Formin-like protein 16 (Precursor) |
Si034053m.g | -1.21258 | 下调Down | 钙转运ATP酶1,膜型 Calcium-transporting ATPase 1, plasma membrane-type |
Si000711m.g | -1.10387 | 下调Down | 预测:未知蛋白SLP1亚型X1 PREDICTED: uncharacterized protein SLP1-like isoform X1 |
Si009224m.g | 1.068108 | 上调Up | C2 和GRAM蛋白At5g50170 C2 and GRAM domain-containing protein At5g50170 |
Si002604m.g | -1.7201 | 下调Down | 病源菌相关蛋白 Pathogen-related protein |
Si037521m.g | -1.71258 | 下调Down | 非特异性脂转移蛋白样蛋白At5g64080(前体) Non-specific lipid-transfer protein-like protein At5g64080 (Precursor) |
Si033377m.g | 1.81094 | 上调Up | 韧皮部蛋白2 A10 Protein PHLOEM PROTEIN 2-LIKE A10 |
Si030624m.g | -1.24169 | 下调Down | 丝氨酸-精氨酸富含蛋白45 Arginine/serine-rich protein 45 |
Si034342m.g | 1.084886 | 上调Up | 三角状五肽重复蛋白At4g01570 Pentatricopeptide repeat-containing protein At4g01570 |
Si036235m.g | 1.805471 | 上调Up | 赤霉素20 氧化酶 1-D Gibberellin 20 oxidase 1-D |
Si006849m.g | -1.18372 | 下调Down | BAG家族分子伴侣调节剂1 BAG family molecular chaperone regulator 1 |
Si038563m.g | 2.162743 | 上调Up | 玉米醇溶蛋白α PZ22.1/22A1(前体) Zein-alpha PZ22.1/22A1 (Precursor) |
Si000855m.g | -1.36541 | 下调Down | 肽-N4-(N-乙酰化-β-葡萄糖胺)天冬酰胺酶重链 Peptide-N4-(N-acetyl-beta-glucosaminyl)asparagine amidase A heavy chain |
Si017761m.g | -1.49606 | 下调Down | 丝氨酸-精氨酸富含蛋白45 Arginine/serine-rich protein 45 |
基因ID Gene ID | log2(FC) | 上调/下调 Regulated | 基因描述 Gene description |
Si006228m.g | -1.35504 | 下调Down | 丝氨酸-精氨酸富含蛋白45 Arginine/serine-rich protein 45 |
Si034557m.g | -1.13983 | 下调Down | 可能的鼠李糖生物合成酶1 Probable rhamnose biosynthetic enzyme 1 |
Si020795m.g | 1.353279 | 上调Up | 细胞色素C氧化酶亚基1 Cytochrome c oxidase subunit 1 |
Si024625m.g | -1.40666 | 下调Down | 富亮氨酸重复扩展蛋白3(前体) Leucine-rich repeat extensin-like protein 3 (Precursor) |
Si017760m.g | -1.03963 | 下调Down | 乙烯应答转录因RAP2-4 Ethylene-responsive transcription factor RAP2-4 |
Si016617m.g | -1.37438 | 下调Down | BTB/POZ结构域蛋白At1g67900 BTB/POZ domain-containing protein At1g67900 |
Si026581m.g | -1.34099 | 下调Down | 胱氨酸蛋白酶EP-B 2(前体) Cysteine proteinase EP-B 2 (Precursor) |
Si009099m.g | -2.02493 | 下调Down | 富含脯氨酸的受体蛋白激酶PERK8 Proline-rich receptor-like protein kinase PERK8 |
Si030961m.g | 1.217549 | 上调Up | 染色质亚家族成员3-3的推定的SWI/SNF相关基质相关肌动蛋白相关调节剂 Putative SWI/SNF-related matrix-associated actin-dependent regulator of chromatin subfamily A member 3-like 3 |
Si037395m.g | -2.02706 | 下调Down | 锌指蛋白1 Zinc finger protein 1 |
Si029248m.g | 2.479239 | 上调Up | 甲精蛋白5 Formin-like protein 5 |
Si022583m.g | -1.20026 | 下调Down | 磷脂酰肌醇:神经酰胺肌醇磷酸转移酶 Phosphatidylinositol: Ceramide inositolphosphotransferase |
Si039816m.g | -1.56608 | 下调Down | 短链型脱氢酶/还原酶 Short-chain type dehydrogenase/reductase |
Si000623m.g | -1.75136 | 下调Down | Ⅰ型肌醇1,4,5-三磷酸-5-磷酸酶1 Type Ⅰ inositol 1,4,5-trisphosphate 5-phosphatase 1 |
Si021934m.g | -1.07918 | 下调Down | 丝氨酸-精氨酸富含蛋白45 Arginine/serine-rich protein 45 |
Si016624m.g | -1.45562 | 下调Down | U型框结构域蛋白10 U-box domain-containing protein 10 |
Si017879m.g | -1.02421 | 下调Down | 淀粉酶同工酶 Alpha-amylase isozyme C |
Si032573m.g | -1.13126 | 下调Down | 糖运输蛋白14 Sugar transport protein 14 |
Si035023m.g | -1.60963 | 下调Down | 富含脯氨酸受体蛋白激酶PERK1 Proline-rich receptor-like protein kinase PERK1 |
Si002064m.g | -1.22262 | 下调Down | 过氧化物酶24(前体) Peroxidase 24 (Precursor) |
Si034387m.g | -1.06185 | 下调Down | 蛋白STRUBBELIG-RECEPTOR FAMILY6(前体) Protein STRUBBELIG-RECEPTOR FAMILY 6 (Precursor) |
Si002291m.g | -4.13032 | 下调Down | 富亮氨酸重复扩展蛋白2(前体) Leucine-rich repeat extensin-like protein 2 (Precursor) |
Si017209m.g | -1.83314 | 下调Down | 苄醇邻苯甲酰转移酶 Benzyl alcohol O-benzoyltransferase |
Si036988m.g | -2.14841 | 下调Down | 预测:未知蛋白C24B11.05 PREDICTED: Uncharacterized protein C24B11.05-like |
Si035820m.g | -1.77837 | 下调Down | COBRA蛋白(前体) COBRA-like protein 3 (Precursor) |
Si034989m.g | -2.13422 | 下调Down | β-葡萄糖苷酶6(前体) Beta-glucosidase 6 (Precursor) |
基因ID Gene ID | log2(FC) | 上调/下调 Regulated | 基因描述 Gene description |
Si020763m.g | 2.51996 | 上调Up | 假定ATP合酶蛋白YMF19 Putative ATP synthase protein YMF19 |
Si005721m.g | -1.18342 | 下调Down | 纤维素合酶蛋白D2 Cellulose synthase-like protein D2 |
Si029642m.g | -1.28061 | 下调Down | 束状阿拉伯半乳聚糖蛋白17(前体) Fasciclin-like arabinogalactan protein 17 (Precursor) |
Si030171m.g | -1.29966 | 下调Down | 可能的海藻糖磷酸酯酶7 Probable trehalose-phosphate phosphatase 7 |
Si034733m.g | -1.95517 | 下调Down | 可能的吲哚酸酰胺合成酶GH3.8 Probable indole-3-acetic acid-amido synthetase GH3.8 |
Si037481m.g | -1.25453 | 下调Down | 预测:未知蛋白LOC101770697亚型X2 PREDICTED: Uncharacterized protein LOC101770697 isoform X2 |
Si004913m.g | -2.17228 | 下调Down | 中性神经酰胺酶(前体)1 Neutral ceramidase (Precursor) 1 |
Si006946m.g | -1.05541 | 下调Down | 过氧化物酶53(前体) Peroxidase 52 (Precursor) |
Si014323m.g | -1.871 | 下调Down | 精氨酸/丝氨酸富含蛋白45 Arginine/serine-rich protein 45 |
Si002323m.g | -1.78274 | 下调Down | ACC氧化酶1 1-aminocyclopropane-1-carboxylate oxidase 1 |
Si001354m.g | -1.49426 | 下调Down | NAC结构域蛋白78 NAC domain-containing protein 78 |
Si037058m.g | 1.397611 | 上调Up | 扩展蛋白B3(前体) Expansin-B3 (Precursor) |
Si010396m.g | -1.95901 | 下调Down | 丝氨酸-精氨酸富含蛋白45 Arginine/serine-rich protein 45 |
Si002635m.g | -1.18128 | 下调Down | 14-3-3蛋白 GF14-C 14-3-3-like protein GF14-C |
Si023175m.g | -1.02863 | 下调Down | 可溶性无机焦磷酸酶 Soluble inorganic pyrophosphatase |
Si021510m.g | -1.05185 | 下调Down | 丙酮酸脱羧酶1 Pyruvate decarboxylase 1 |
Si020706m.g | -1.94558 | 下调Down | 漆氰素-2(前体) Uclacyanin-2 (Precursor) |
Si016804m.g | -1.76079 | 下调Down | 内葡聚醣7(前体) Endoglucanase 7 (Precursor) |
Si018372m.g | -1.20881 | 下调Down | 高亲和力硝酸盐转运体3.1(前体) High-affinity nitrate transporter 3.1 (Precursor) |
Si021880m.g | -1.28936 | 下调Down | 生长素转运蛋白2 Auxin transporter-like protein 2 |
Si026636m.g | -1.37538 | 下调Down | G型凝集素S受体丝氨酸/苏氨酸蛋白激酶At1g11330(前体) G-type lectin S-receptor-like serine/threonine-protein kinase At1g11330 (Precursor) |
Si026350m.g | -1.31047 | 下调Down | 蛋白锌诱导剂1 Protein ZINC INDUCED FACILITATOR-LIKE 1 |
Si036479m.g | -1.81265 | 下调Down | 紫色酸性磷酸酶4(前体) Purple acid phosphatase 4 (Precursor) |
Si039796m.g | -1.38327 | 下调Down | 富含脯氨酸的受体蛋白激酶PERK13 Proline-rich receptor-like protein kinase PERK13 |
Si018336m.g | -1.93171 | 下调Down | 硫酸化表面糖蛋白185(前体) Sulfated surface glycoprotein 185 (Precursor) |
Si006181m.g | -1.72951 | 下调Down | L-抗坏血酸氧化酶同源物(前体) L-ascorbate oxidase homolog (Precursor) |
基因ID Gene ID | log2(FC) | 上调/下调 Regulated | 基因描述 Gene description |
Si000392m.g | -1.23344 | 下调Down | 钾转运体5 Potassium transporter 5 |
Si003207m.g | -1.90815 | 下调Down | 诱导子应答蛋白1 Elicitor-responsive protein 1 |
Si023408m.g | -1.63461 | 下调Down | 可能的钙结合蛋白CML18 Probable calcium-binding protein CML18 |
Si004062m.g | -1.42703 | 下调Down | 束状阿拉伯半乳聚糖蛋白11(前体) Fasciclin-like arabinogalactan protein 11 (Precursor) |
Si011954m.g | 2.036426 | 上调Up | 谷氨酸脱羧酶 Glutamate decarboxylase |
Si022122m.g | -2.04877 | 下调Down | 预测:未知蛋白LOC101766756同工型 X1 PREDICTED: Uncharacterized protein LOC101766756 isoform X1 |
Si010945m.g | -1.55211 | 下调Down | 硫氰酸酶包含域蛋白6 Rhodanese-like domain-containing protein 6 |
Si039113m.g | -1.04971 | 下调Down | COBRA蛋白7(前体) COBRA-like protein 7 (Precursor) |
Si000562m.g | -1.08426 | 下调Down | 富含脯氨酸的受体蛋白激酶PERK9 Proline-rich receptor-like protein kinase PERK9 |
Si005803m.g | -4.13032 | 下调Down | 可能的LRR受体丝氨酸/苏氨酸蛋白激酶At3g47570(前体) Probable LRR receptor-like serine/threonine-protein kinase At3g47570 (Precursor) |
Supplemental table 3
附表3PEG胁迫处理下谷子种子萌发18 h时与对照差异基因的表达情况(18hCKvs18hPEG)
Supplemental table 3DEGs under seed germinate for 18 h between control sample and PEG-stress sample
基因ID Gene ID | log2(FC) | 上调/下调 Regulated | 基因描述 Gene description |
Si014514m.g | 1.040732 | 上调Up | 晚期胚胎生成丰富的蛋白质D-34 Late embryogenesis abundant protein D-34 |
Si000262m.g | -1.09631 | 下调Down | 可能α,α海藻糖磷酸合成酶[ UDP形式]7 Probable alpha,alpha-trehalose-phosphate synthase [UDP-forming]7 |
Si030007m.g | 1.688231 | 上调Up | 可能的肉桂醇脱氢酶8B Probable cinnamyl alcohol dehydrogenase 8B |
Si035059m.g | -1.2805 | 下调Down | 可能的无机磷酸盐转运体1-8 Probable inorganic phosphate transporter 1-8 |
Si015433m.g | -1.71609 | 下调Down | 可能的WRKY转录因子41 Probable WRKY transcription factor 41 |
Si021476m.g | 1.298346 | 上调Up | 内葡聚糖酶13(前体) Endoglucanase 13 (Precursor) |
Si033227m.g | 1.648573 | 上调Up | 预测:未知蛋白LOC101783300 PREDICTED: Uncharacterized protein LOC101783300 |
Si002546m.g | -1.35513 | 下调Down | 转录因子RF2b Transcription factor RF2b |
Si016989m.g | 1.42709 | 上调Up | 未知蛋白At1g04910 Uncharacterized protein At1g04910 |
Si031084m.g | -1.15198 | 下调Down | 铜转运体5.1 Copper transporter 5.1 |
Si000293m.g | -1.16251 | 下调Down | 甲精蛋白5 Formin-like protein 5 |
Si006276m.g | 1.500385 | 上调Up | 钠氢交换器 Sodium/hydrogen exchanger 4 |
Si033397m.g | -1.78562 | 下调Down | PREDICTED: Uncharacterized protein LOC101761019 isoform X1 预测:无特征的蛋白质LOC101761019等型X1 |
Si038158m.g | 1.789075 | 上调Up | 生长素-抑制12.5 kDa蛋白 Auxin-repressed 12.5 kDa protein |
基因ID Gene ID | log2(FC) | 上调/下调 Regulated | 基因描述 Gene description |
Si036052m.g | -1.51556 | 下调Down | 植物细胞壁蛋白gp1(前体) Vegetative cell wall protein gp1 (Precursor) |
Si014721m.g | 1.182093 | 上调Up | 假定蛋白OsI_27659 Hypothetical protein OsI_27659 |
Si016504m.g | -2.06486 | 下调Down | 苯丙氨酸/酪氨酸解氨酶 Phenylalanine/tyrosine ammonia-lyase |
Si007457m.g | 1.361576 | 上调Up | 生长素诱导蛋白X15 Auxin-induced protein X15 |
Si038864m.g | 2.680604 | 上调Up | 丝氨酸-精氨酸/富蛋白45 Arginine/serine-rich protein 45 |
Si038851m.g | -1.47735 | 下调Down | MOB激酶激活剂样1 MOB kinase activator-like 1 |
Si036133m.g | -1.02101 | 下调Down | GEM蛋白1 GEM-like protein 1 |
Si017566m.g | -1.28715 | 下调Down | 可能的海藻糖-磷酸磷酸酶1 Probable trehalose-phosphate phosphatase 1 |
Si036940m.g | 1.451943 | 上调Up | 扩展蛋白-B6(前体) Expansin-B6 (Precursor) |
Si002742m.g | 1.324231 | 上调Up | 植物细胞壁蛋白gp1(前体) Vegetative cell wall protein gp1 (Precursor) |
Si005147m.g | 1.299376 | 上调Up | 丝氨酸-精氨酸/富蛋白45 Arginine/serine-rich protein 45 |
Si010422m.g | -4.2065 | 下调Down | 过氧化物酶1(前体) Peroxidase 1 (Precursor) |
Si006919m.g | -2.02383 | 下调Down | 过氧化物酶P7 Peroxidase P7 |
Si011399m.g | 1.054746 | 上调Up | V型质子ATP酶亚基G1 V-type proton ATPase subunit G1 |
Si029917m.g | 1.814857 | 上调Up | 胚胎蛋白质DC-8 Embryonic protein DC-8 |
Si030518m.g | 1.788922 | 上调Up | 早期结节样蛋白2(前体) Early nodulin-like protein 2 (Precursor) |
Si017708m.g | -1.13508 | 下调Down | 过氧化物酶2(前体) Peroxidase 2 (Precursor) |
Si037917m.g | 1.781469 | 上调Up | 预测:未知蛋白质LOC101777696同工型X1 PREDICTED: Uncharacterized protein LOC101777696 isoform X1 |
Si017194m.g | -1.65696 | 下调Down | 转录因子bHLH128 Transcription factor bHLH128 |
Si010865m.g | -1.08419 | 下调Down | 14-3-3蛋白质GF14-12 14-3-3-like protein GF14-12 |
Si034966m.g | -1.02092 | 下调Down | 植物细胞壁蛋白gp1(前体) Vegetative cell wall protein gp1 (Precursor) |
Si029368m.g | 1.610802 | 上调Up | 可能的糖基转移酶At5g03795 Probable glycosyltransferase At5g03795 |
Si002014m.g | 1.319987 | 上调Up | 阳离子过氧化物酶SPC4(前体) Cationic peroxidase SPC4 (Precursor) |
Si020111m.g | -2.21985 | 下调Down | 预测:未知蛋白质LOC101765457 PREDICTED: Uncharacterized protein LOC101765457 |
Si031574m.g | 1.535449 | 上调Up | 预测:未知蛋白质LOC101775069 PREDICTED: Uncharacterized protein LOC101775069 |
Si009411m.g | -1.13985 | 下调Down | 伯胺氧化酶(前体) Primary amine oxidase (Precursor) |
Si003059m.g | 1.386147 | 上调Up | 核转运因子2 Nuclear transport factor 2 |
基因ID Gene ID | log2(FC) | 上调/下调 Regulated | 基因描述 Gene description |
Si019836m.g | 1.402939 | 上调Up | 预测:未知蛋白质LOC101764915 PREDICTED: uncharacterized protein LOC101764915 |
Si016880m.g | -1.37608 | 下调Down | 反式-肉桂酸4-单加氧酶 Trans-cinnamate 4-monooxygenase |
Si031357m.g | -1.30512 | 下调Down | 重金属相关的异戊二烯植物蛋白26(前体) Heavy metal-associated isoprenylated plant protein 26 (Precursor) |
Si026451m.g | 1.243123 | 上调Up | 抗菌肽2 d(前体) Antimicrobial peptide 2d (Precursor) |
Si007103m.g | 2.972188 | 上调Up | 扩展蛋白-A29(前体) Expansin-A29 (Precursor) |
Si006190m.g | -1.08798 | 下调Down | 天冬氨酸蛋白酶Asp1(前体) Aspartic proteinase Asp1 (Precursor) |
Si031079m.g | -1.10453 | 下调Down | 乙烯应答转录因子RAP2-3 Ethylene-responsive transcription factor RAP2-3 |
Si017097m.g | -1.66086 | 下调Down | 过氧化物酶52(前体) Peroxidase 52 (Precursor) |
Si017274m.g | -1.87092 | 下调Down | E3泛素连接酶PUB23 E3 ubiquitin-protein ligase PUB23 |
Si036287m.g | 1.247749 | 上调Up | 植物细胞壁蛋白gp1(前体) Vegetative cell wall protein gp1 (Precursor) |
Si003306m.g | 1.823877 | 上调Up | 生长素抑制12.5 kDa蛋白 Auxin-repressed 12.5 kDa protein |
Si034658m.g | 3.400272 | 上调Up | 真核翻译起始因子4G Eukaryotic translation initiation factor 4G |
Si033829m.g | 2.026378 | 上调Up | 预测:未知蛋白质LOC101783514 PREDICTED: Uncharacterized protein LOC101783514 |
Si010639m.g | 1.359089 | 上调Up | 赤霉素20氧化酶2 Gibberellin 20 oxidase 2 |
Si035094m.g | -1.28407 | 下调Down | 钙依赖性蛋白激酶同型1 Calcium-dependent protein kinase isoform 1 |
Si018165m.g | 1.316062 | 上调Up | E3泛素连接酶RMA1H1 E3 ubiquitin-protein连接酶RMA1H1 |
Si023339m.g | 1.225569 | 上调Up | 雌蕊特定的扩展蛋白(前体) Pistil-specific extensin-like protein (Precursor) |
Si011721m.g | 1.617903 | 上调Up | 硫酸表面糖蛋白185(前体) Sulfated surface glycoprotein 185 (Precursor) |
Si034795m.g | 1.204449 | 上调Up | 乙酰谷氨酸激酶,叶绿素(前体) Acetylglutamate kinase, chloroplastic (Precursor) |
Si035357m.g | -1.34324 | 下调Down | 多胺氧化酶(前体) Polyamine oxidase (Precursor) |
Si018522m.g | -1.6269 | 下调Down | 预测:未知蛋白质LOC101783796 PREDICTED: Uncharacterized protein LOC101783796 |
Si031164m.g | -1.10313 | 下调Down | 蓝铜蛋白(前体) Blue copper protein (Precursor) |
Si039071m.g | 2.210095 | 上调Up | 晚期胚胎发生丰富蛋白1 Late embryogenesis abundant protein 1 |
Si011069m.g | -2.57151 | 下调Down | 36.4 kDa脯氨酸富含蛋白 36.4 kDa proline-rich protein |
Si031294m.g | 1.610231 | 上调Up | 富含亮氨酸重复的扩展蛋白5(前体) Leucine-rich repeat extensin-like protein 5 (Precursor) |
Si025068m.g | -1.55965 | 下调Down | 生长素诱导蛋白X10a Auxin-induced protein X10A |
基因ID Gene ID | log2(FC) | 上调/下调 Regulated | 基因描述 Gene description |
Si003151m.g | 1.004963 | 上调Up | 16.9 kDa类I热休克蛋白2 16.9 kDa class I heat shock protein 2 |
Si020231m.g | -1.46104 | 下调Down | 丝氨酸-精氨酸/富蛋白45 Arginine/serine-rich protein 45 |
Si022656m.g | -1.59901 | 下调Down | 过氧化物酶1(前体) Peroxidase 1 (Precursor) |
Si017947m.g | -1.13676 | 下调Down | 转录因子LAF1 Transcription factor LAF1 |
Si037908m.g | -1.07784 | 下调Down | CASP蛋白质Os02g0134500 CASP-like protein Os02g0134500 |
Si038681m.g | 2.100984 | 上调Up | 植物细胞壁蛋白gp1(前体) Vegetative cell wall protein gp1 (Precursor) |
Si001861m.g | -1.15757 | 下调Down | 甲精蛋白5 Formin-like protein 5 |
Si039995m.g | -1.20432 | 下调Down | 富含脯氨酸受体蛋白激酶PERK8 Proline-rich receptor-like protein kinase PERK8 |
Si036026m.g | -2.32142 | 下调Down | 束状阿拉伯半乳聚糖蛋白8(前体) Fasciclin-like arabinogalactan protein 8 (Precursor) |
Si007043m.g | -1.26765 | 下调Down | 碱性亮氨酸拉链9 Basic leucine zipper 9 |
Si039585m.g | 1.890489 | 上调Up | 富含亮氨酸重复的扩展蛋白5(前体) Leucine-rich repeat extensin-like protein 5 (Precursor) |
Si035907m.g | -1.66049 | 下调Down | 植物细胞壁蛋白gp1(前体) Vegetative cell wall protein gp1 (Precursor) |
Si009776m.g | -4.54458 | 下调Down | 植物细胞壁蛋白gp1(前体) Vegetative cell wall protein gp1 (Precursor) |
Si039957m.g | 1.15457 | 上调Up | 肌动蛋白解聚因子3 Actin-depolymerizing factor 3 |
Si037924m.g | 1.056732 | 上调Up | 油质蛋白16 kDa Oleosin 16 kDa |
Si016274m.g | -1.25889 | 下调Down | 硝酸还原酶[NAD(P)H] Nitrate reductase [NAD(P)H] |
Si010672m.g | 1.506753 | 上调Up | 未知蛋白At1g32220,叶绿体(前体) Uncharacterized protein At1g32220, chloroplastic (Precursor) |
Si019214m.g | 1.544546 | 上调Up | 推定的甘油-3-磷酸转运体4 Putative glycerol-3-phosphate transporter 4 |
Si010688m.g | 1.631055 | 上调Up | 过氧化物酶 Peroxygenase |
Si016357m.g | 2.034943 | 上调Up | 多聚[ADP核糖]聚合酶3 Poly [ADP-ribose] polymerase 3 |
Si002580m.g | 1.865305 | 上调Up | 热激转录因子C-1b Heat stress transcription factor C-1b |
Si031449m.g | 1.616021 | 上调Up | 60S核糖体蛋白L40 - 1(前体) 60S ribosomal protein L40-1 (Precursor) |
Si023860m.g | -2.73799 | 下调Down | 金属硫蛋白4B Metallothionein-like protein 4B |
Si028758m.g | -1.24009 | 下调Down | 可能的LRR受体丝氨酸/苏氨酸蛋白激酶At1g74360(前体) Probable LRR receptor-like serine/threonine-protein kinase At1g74360 (Precursor) |
Si014632m.g | 1.949767 | 上调Up | 蛋白HVA22 Protein HVA22 |
Si026721m.g | -1.35476 | 下调Down | 预测:未知蛋白LOC101757527 PREDICTED: Uncharacterized protein LOC101757527 |
基因ID Gene ID | log2(FC) | 上调/下调 Regulated | 基因描述 Gene description |
Si029765m.g | 2.400507 | 上调Up | Rop鸟嘌呤核苷酸交换因子2 Rop guanine nucleotide exchange factor 2 |
Si011720m.g | 1.384337 | 上调Up | 脱氢二磷酸合酶2 Dehydrodolichyl diphosphate synthase 2 |
Si028885m.g | -1.37704 | 下调Down | 混合连接葡聚糖合成酶4 Mixed-linked glucan synthase 4 |
Si016133m.g | -1.02797 | 下调Down | 可能赖氨酸特异性去甲基化酶JMJ14 Probable lysine-specific demethylase JMJ14 |
Si030114m.g | 2.954449 | 上调Up | bZIP转录因子TRAB1 bZIP transcription factor TRAB1 |
Si010339m.g | -1.1077 | 下调Down | 钙调素结合受体胞浆激酶3(前体) Calmodulin-binding receptor-like cytoplasmic kinase 3 (Precursor) |
Si010507m.g | -1.16511 | 下调Down | MAR结合丝蛋白1-1 MAR-binding filament-like protein 1-1 |
Si002840m.g | -1.71641 | 下调Down | 丝氨酸-精氨酸富含蛋白45 Arginine/serine-rich protein 45 |
Si000759m.g | -1.07854 | 下调Down | Patellin1蛋白 Patellin-1 |
Si039986m.g | 1.44127 | 上调Up | 植物细胞壁蛋白gp1(前体) Vegetative cell wall protein gp1 (Precursor) |
Si025294m.g | 2.480925 | 上调Up | 未知蛋白At2g34160 Uncharacterized protein At2g34160 |
Si030894m.g | 3.408237 | 上调Up | 丝氨酸-精氨酸富含蛋白45 Arginine/serine-rich protein 45 |
Si006942m.g | -1.72562 | 下调Down | 富含甘氨酸RNA结合蛋白2(前体),线粒体 Glycine-rich RNA-binding protein 2, mitochondrial (Precursor) |
Si035908m.g | -3.08321 | 下调Down | β-葡糖苷酶6(前体) Beta-glucosidase 6 (Precursor) |
Si003502m.g | 1.103537 | 上调Up | 晚期胚胎形成丰富的蛋白EMB564 Late embryogenesis abundant protein EMB564 |
Si039608m.g | -3.5385 | 下调Down | 富含甘氨酸的细胞壁结构蛋白2(前体) Glycine-rich cell wall structural protein 2 (Precursor) |
Si012683m.g | -1.71802 | 下调Down | 预测:未知蛋白质LOC101777647 PREDICTED: uncharacterized protein LOC101777647 |
Si009702m.g | -1.48276 | 下调Down | β-果糖呋喃苷酶,不溶性同工酶2(前体) Beta-fructofuranosidase, insoluble isoenzyme 2 (Precursor) |
Si013204m.g | -1.58875 | 下调Down | 可能混合连接葡聚糖合成酶6 Probable mixed-linked glucan synthase 6 |
Si034503m.g | -1.11395 | 下调Down | 可能的木葡聚糖糖基转移酶9 Probable xyloglucan glycosyltransferase 9 |
Si021558m.g | -1.89244 | 下调Down | 可能的失活的紫色酸性磷酸酶1(前体) Probable inactive purple acid phosphatase 1 (Precursor) |
Si038019m.g | -1.04174 | 下调Down | 皮层细胞划定蛋白(前体) Cortical cell-delineating protein (Precursor) |
Si001162m.g | -1.07898 | 下调Down | UPD-糖基转移酶73C6 UDP-glycosyltransferase 73C6 |
Si022031m.g | -1.4086 | 下调Down | 邻氨基苯甲酸N-苯甲酰转移酶蛋白 Anthranilate N-benzoyltransferase protein 3 |
Si013308m.g | -1.68508 | 下调Down | 可能L型凝集素结构域受体激酶5(前体) Probable L-type lectin-domain containing receptor kinase S.5 (Precursor) |
Si026583m.g | 1.929931 | 上调Up | 冷休克蛋白CS66 Cold shock protein CS66 |
基因ID Gene ID | log2(FC) | 上调/下调 Regulated | 基因描述 Gene description |
Si012696m.g | -1.23171 | 下调Down | 预测:未知蛋白LOC101753180 PREDICTED: Uncharacterized protein LOC101753180 |
Si020170m.g | 1.605908 | 上调Up | 蛋白TRANSPARENT TESTA12 Protein TRANSPARENT TESTA 12 |
Si001085m.g | 1.184843 | 上调Up | 磷酸乙醇胺N -甲基转移酶1 Phosphoethanolamine N-methyltransferase 1 |
Si018240m.g | 1.032973 | 上调Up | 预测:泛素硫酯酶OTU1同型X1 PREDICTED: Ubiquitin thioesterase OTU1-like isoform X1 |
Si021977m.g | -1.25269 | 下调Down | 蛋白ASPARTIC PROTEASE IN GUARD CELL 1(前体) Protein ASPARTIC PROTEASE IN GUARD CELL 1 (Precursor) |
Si036480m.g | -1.23741 | 下调Down | 过氧化物酶53(前体) Peroxidase 53 (Precursor) |
Si001243m.g | 1.239896 | 上调Up | 丝氨酸羧肽酶33(前体) Serine carboxypeptidase-like 33 (Precursor) |
Si002353m.g | 1.09988 | 上调Up | 转录因子MYB1R1 Transcription factor MYB1R1 |
Si007698m.g | 1.756704 | 上调Up | 蛋白LE25 Protein LE25 |
Si028762m.g | -1.04318 | 下调Down | 可能的纤维素合酶催化亚基6 [UDP-形成] Probable cellulose synthase A catalytic subunit 6 [UDP-forming] |
Si017727m.g | -1.23375 | 下调Down | 肉桂酰辅酶A还原酶1 Cinnamoyl-CoA reductase 1 |
Si023269m.g | -2.10536 | 下调Down | 脱落酸受体PYL4 Abscisic acid receptor PYL4 |
Si037503m.g | 1.131944 | 上调Up | CBS结构蛋白CBSX3,线粒体(前体) CBS domain-containing protein CBSX3, mitochondrial (Precursor) |
Si013224m.g | -1.347 | 下调Down | 硝酸还原酶[NADH]1 Nitrate reductase [NADH]1 |
Si036070m.g | -1.80539 | 下调Down | 谷氨酸脱羧酶 Glutamate decarboxylase |
Si004534m.g | -2.1021 | 下调Down | 异黄酮还原酶同源物IRL Isoflavone reductase homolog IRL |
Si006881m.g | -1.09649 | 下调Down | 过氧化物酶1(前体) Peroxidase 1 (Precursor) |
Si014618m.g | -1.25609 | 下调Down | 丝氨酸-精氨酸富含蛋白45 Arginine/serine-rich protein 45 |
Si002847m.g | -1.14125 | 下调Down | 丝氨酸-精氨酸富含蛋白45 Arginine/serine-rich protein 45 |
Si007097m.g | -1.25267 | 下调Down | 酸性磷酸酶1(前体) cid phosphatase 1 (Precursor) |
Si034578m.g | -1.99963 | 下调Down | 硫酸盐转运蛋白1.2 Sulfate transporter 1.2 |
Si009649m.g | 1.078536 | 上调Up | 蛋白SUPPRESSOR OF GENE SILENCING 3同源物 Protein SUPPRESSOR OF GENE SILENCING 3 homolog |
Si034390m.g | -1.39548 | 下调Down | 类枯草杆菌蛋白酶SDD1型(前体) Subtilisin-like protease SDD1 (Precursor) |
Si017238m.g | 2.405561 | 上调Up | SNF1相关蛋白激酶调控γ亚组PV42a SNF1-related protein kinase regulatory subunit gamma-like PV42a |
Si006728m.g | 1.007173 | 上调Up | 蛋白SRG1 Protein SRG1 |
Si020734m.g | 1.508488 | 上调Up | 线粒体ATP合成酶亚单位α,线粒体 ATP synthase subunit alpha, mitochondrial |
基因ID Gene ID | log2(FC) | 上调/下调 Regulated | 基因描述 Gene description |
Si003879m.g | -1.36167 | 下调Down | 可能的生长素排外载体元件5 Probable auxin efflux carrier component 5 |
Si036626m.g | -1.28136 | 下调Down | DNA定向的RNA聚合酶Ⅱ亚单位RPB1 DNA-directed RNA polymerase Ⅱ subunit RPB1 |
Si017639m.g | -1.07986 | 下调Down | L-乳酸脱氢酶 L-lactate dehydrogenase |
Si012476m.g | 1.823665 | 上调Up | 11 -β-羟基类固醇脱氢酶1B 11-beta-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase 1B |
Si031459m.g | 1.255327 | 上调Up | 40S核糖体蛋白S27a-1(前体) 40S ribosomal protein S27a-1 (Precursor) |
Si035452m.g | -1.41104 | 下调Down | UPD- ]葡萄糖6-脱氢酶4 UDP-glucose 6-dehydrogenase 4 |
Si038835m.g | -2.98974 | 下调Down | 未知蛋白 uncharacterized protein |
Si031370m.g | 1.016733 | 上调Up | 油质蛋白Zm-I Oleosin Zm-I |
Si022469m.g | 1.210229 | 上调Up | 葡萄糖和核糖醇脱氢酶同系物 Glucose and ribitol dehydrogenase homolog |
Si001176m.g | -1.45231 | 下调Down | MATE排外家族蛋白ALF5 MATE efflux family protein ALF5 |
Si002304m.g | 1.3328 | 上调Up | 可能的葡糖-6-磷酸1-表异构酶; Putative glucose-6-phosphate 1-epimerase |
Si008321m.g | 1.774415 | 上调Up | 未知膜蛋白At3g27390 Uncharacterized membrane protein At3g27390 |
Si039847m.g | -1.83544 | 下调Down | 细胞数目调节器10 Cell number regulator 10 |
Si022448m.g | 1.445322 | 上调Up | 丝氨酸/苏氨酸蛋白激酶SAPK4 Serine/threonine-protein kinase SAPK4 |
Si017495m.g | -1.88996 | 下调Down | 预测:甘油磷酸二酯,磷酸二酯酶GDE1 PREDICTED: glycerophosphodiester phosphodiesterase GDE1-like |
Si021104m.g | -2.18625 | 下调Down | 富含亮氨酸重复的扩展蛋白5(前体) Leucine-rich repeat extensin-like protein 5 (Precursor) |
Si004745m.g | -2.6127 | 下调Down | 丝裂原活化蛋白激酶激酶2 Mitogen-activated protein kinase kinase kinase 2 |
Si022636m.g | -1.05563 | 下调Down | 丝氨酸-精氨酸富含蛋白45 Arginine/serine-rich protein 45 |
Si020748m.g | 2.277713 | 上调Up | 核糖体蛋白S7,线粒体, Ribosomal protein S7, mitochondrial |
Si037702m.g | -1.11173 | 下调Down | 蛋白TIFY 10A Protein TIFY 10A |
Si038656m.g | 1.569222 | 上调Up | 晚期胚胎发生丰富的蛋白D-34 Late embryogenesis abundant protein D-34 |
Si030923m.g | 1.207158 | 上调Up | BI1蛋白 BI1-like protein |
Si000265m.g | -1.44621 | 下调Down | 可能的UPD- N-乙酰葡萄糖胺-肽N-乙酰葡萄糖胺基转移酶SEC Probable UDP-N-acetylglucosamine--peptide N-acetylglucosaminyltransferase SEC |
Si021521m.g | 1.318506 | 上调Up | 天冬酰胺合成酶[谷氨酰胺水解] Asparagine synthetase [glutamine-hydrolyzing] |
Si036379m.g | 1.286291 | 上调Up | 假定的膜蛋白ycf1 Putative membrane protein ycf1 |
Si033745m.g | -2.13716 | 下调Down | 硫酸盐表面糖蛋白185(前体) Sulfated surface glycoprotein 185 (Precursor) |
基因ID Gene ID | log2(FC) | 上调/下调 Regulated | 基因描述 Gene description |
Si010425m.g | -3.18182 | 下调Down | GDSL酯酶LTL1(前体) GDSL esterase/lipase LTL1 (Precursor) |
Si007018m.g | -1.39474 | 下调Down | 木葡聚糖内转糖化酶/水解酶蛋白22(前体) Xyloglucan endotransglucosylase/hydrolase protein 22 (Precursor) |
Si002224m.g | -1.72562 | 下调Down | 甲精蛋白5 Formin-like protein 5 |
Si003619m.g | 2.096151 | 上调Up | 预测:未知蛋白LOC101786215 PREDICTED: Uncharacterized protein LOC101786215 |
Si002127m.g | 1.375282 | 上调Up | 扩展蛋白-A2(前体) Expansin-A2 (Precursor) |
Si002408m.g | 3.00261 | 上调Up | EID1-F盒子蛋白3 EID1-like F-box protein 3 |
Si009328m.g | -1.09869 | 下调Down | 可能肌醇半乳糖苷--蔗糖半乳糖基转移酶2 Probable galactinol--sucrose galactosyltransferase 2 |
Si009261m.g | -1.71422 | 下调Down | LRR受体类似丝氨酸/苏氨酸蛋白激酶FLS2(前体) LRR receptor-like serine/threonine-protein kinase FLS2 (Precursor) |
Si032185m.g | 1.413548 | 上调Up | 预测:未知蛋白LOC101765502 PREDICTED: Uncharacterized protein LOC101765502 |
Si035795m.g | -1.47501 | 下调Down | 马铃薯糖蛋白-16(前体) Patatin-16 (Precursor) |
Si026681m.g | -1.28954 | 下调Down | 木聚糖酶抑制剂蛋白1(前体) Xylanase inhibitor protein 1 (Precursor) |
Si004117m.g | -1.04919 | 下调Down | 蓝铜蛋白(前体) Blue copper protein (Precursor) |
Si006073m.g | -1.42635 | 下调Down | 蛋白ECERIFERUM 3 Protein ECERIFERUM 3 |
Si036615m.g | -2.67671 | 下调Down | 乙烯应答转录因子1 Ethylene-responsive transcription factor 1 |
Si035749m.g | -2.79678 | 下调Down | 甲精蛋白16(前体) Formin-like protein 16 (Precursor) |
Si036459m.g | -1.50918 | 下调Down | 紫色酸磷酸酶17(前体) Purple acid phosphatase 17 (Precursor) |
Si031169m.g | 3.117031 | 上调Up | PREDICTED: Pleckstrin homology domain-containing family A member 8-like 预测:pleckstrin同源域包含一个成员8 - like[Setaria italica] |
Si038663m.g | 1.965113 | 上调Up | 假定扩展蛋白-A30(前体) Putative expansin-A30 (Precursor) |
Si035377m.g | -1.49459 | 下调Down | 可能的多胺转运体At3g13620 Probable polyamine transporter At3g13620 |
Si000585m.g | -1.50077 | 下调Down | 富含半胱氨酸的受体蛋白激酶10(前体) Cysteine-rich receptor-like protein kinase 10 (Precursor) |
Si030186m.g | -1.43421 | 下调Down | 富含亮氨酸重复的扩展蛋白3(前体) Leucine-rich repeat extensin-like protein 3 (Precursor) |
Si038048m.g | -1.26887 | 下调Down | 皮层细胞-包膜蛋白(前体) Cortical cell-delineating protein (Precursor) |
Si035659m.g | 1.660692 | 上调Up | 植物细胞壁蛋白gp1(前体) Vegetative cell wall protein gp1 (Precursor) |
Si007977m.g | -2.72686 | 下调Down | 乙烯应答转录因子ERF014 Ethylene-responsive transcription factor ERF014 |
Si020751m.g | 1.477213 | 上调Up | NADH-泛醌氧化还原酶链4 NADH-ubiquinone oxidoreductase chain 4 |
Si002882m.g | -2.40348 | 下调Down | 预测:卷曲螺旋结构域蛋白25 PREDICTED: Coiled-coil domain-containing protein 25-like |
基因ID Gene ID | log2(FC) | 上调/下调 Regulated | 基因描述 Gene description |
Si022177m.g | -2.09991 | 下调Down | 脲类渗透酶2 Ureide permease 2 |
Si027267m.g | 1.567118 | 上调Up | 漆酶15(前体) Laccase-15 (Precursor) |
Si017317m.g | -1.30111 | 下调Down | GATA转录因子8 GATA transcription factor 8 |
Si022187m.g | -2.70786 | 下调Down | Metacaspase酶-5 Metacaspase-5 |
Si001833m.g | 1.224405 | 上调Up | 丝氨酸/苏氨酸蛋白激酶HT1 Serine/threonine-protein kinase HT1 |
Si010572m.g | -1.1985 | 下调Down | 过氧化物酶43(前体) Peroxidase 43 (Precursor) |
Si008527m.g | -2.07927 | 下调Down | Formin-like protein 14 |
Si016898m.g | -2.17187 | 下调Down | 富含脯氨酸的受体蛋白激酶PERK4 Proline-rich receptor-like protein kinase PERK4 |
Si029430m.g | -1.97327 | 下调Down | 肉毒碱/有机阳离子转运蛋白2 Organic cation/carnitine transporter 2 |
Si022412m.g | 1.058537 | 上调Up | 同型半胱氨酸S-甲基转移酶3 Homocysteine S-methyltransferase 3 |
Si032430m.g | 1.60712 | 上调Up | 组蛋白H2B.2 Histone H2B.2 |
Si017007m.g | -1.15374 | 下调Down | MLO蛋白1 MLO-like protein 1 |
Si024887m.g | -1.43305 | 下调Down | 阿拉伯半乳聚糖肽(前体) Arabinogalactan peptide 16 (Precursor) |
Si029482m.g | 1.204354 | 上调Up | 醛脱氢酶22A1(前体) Aldehyde dehydrogenase 22A1 (Precursor) |
Si009162m.g | -1.04654 | 下调Down | 假定WEB家族蛋白At1g65010,叶绿体(前体) Putative WEB family protein At1g65010, chloroplastic (Precursor) |
Si009995m.g | 1.279664 | 上调Up | 6-磷酸果糖激酶 2 6-phosphofructokinase 2 |
Si026757m.g | 1.890743 | 上调Up | BI1蛋白 BI1-like protein |
Si036502m.g | 1.389609 | 上调Up | 甲精蛋白5 Formin-like protein 5 |
Si000501m.g | 1.681148 | 上调Up | 丝氨酸-精氨酸富含蛋白45 Arginine/serine-rich protein 45 |
Si018287m.g | 1.870127 | 上调Up | Remorin蛋白 Remorin |
Si004704m.g | -1.03905 | 下调Down | 氰基3-O-芦丁苷-5-O-葡萄糖基转移酶 Cyanidin 3-O-rutinoside 5-O-glucosyltransferase |
Si038020m.g | -3.18182 | 下调Down | 血蓝蛋白(前体) Chemocyanin (Precursor) |
Si001364m.g | -1.31404 | 下调Down | 丝氨酸-精氨酸富含蛋白45 Arginine/serine-rich protein 45 |
Si007035m.g | 1.618351 | 上调Up | 晚期胚胎发生丰富蛋白D-34 Late embryogenesis abundant protein D-34 |
Si037271m.g | 1.034175 | 上调Up | 可能的谷胱甘肽S-转移酶GSTU6 Probable glutathione S-transferase GSTU6 |
Si037737m.g | 1.453084 | 上调Up | 外膜孔蛋白16-2,叶绿体 Outer envelope pore protein 16-2, chloroplastic |
基因ID Gene ID | log2(FC) | 上调/下调 Regulated | 基因描述 Gene description |
Si010116m.g | -1.14814 | 下调Down | CBL-相互作用蛋白激酶14 CBL-interacting protein kinase 14 |
Si021850m.g | -1.06071 | 下调Down | MATE排外家族蛋白5 MATE efflux family protein 5 |
Si010796m.g | -1.00803 | 下调Down | 可能的木葡聚糖内转葡糖苷基酶/水解酶蛋白23(前体) Probable xyloglucan endotransglucosylase/hydrolase protein 23 (Precursor) |
Si017975m.g | -1.00354 | 下调Down | 脱水素COR410 Dehydrin COR410 |
Si006965m.g | -1.10776 | 下调Down | 可能的肌醇加氧酶 Probable inositol oxygenase |
Si005990m.g | -1.20584 | 下调Down | 甲精蛋白16(前体) Formin-like protein 16 (Precursor) |
Si034388m.g | -3.83906 | 下调Down | 壁相关受体激酶2(前体) Wall-associated receptor kinase 2 (Precursor) |
Si008412m.g | 1.88551 | 上调Up | 油质蛋白5 Oleosin 5 |
Si013612m.g | 1.472222 | 上调Up | 谷氨酸脱羧酶 Glutamate decarboxylase |
Si017856m.g | -1.68328 | 下调Down | 蛋白IQ-DOMAIN 14 Protein IQ-DOMAIN 14 |
Si013887m.g | -1.04412 | 下调Down | 推定的DNA结合蛋白ESCAROLA Putative DNA-binding protein ESCAROLA |
Si021943m.g | 1.191959 | 上调Up | 蛋白IQ-DOMAIN 14 Protein IQ-DOMAIN 14 |
Si022864m.g | -1.38293 | 下调Down | 核酸内切酶 2(前体) Endonuclease 2 (Precursor) |
Si004557m.g | -4.46848 | 下调Down | 磷酸烯醇式丙酮酸羧化酶4 Phosphoenolpyruvate carboxylase 4 |
Si021817m.g | -1.59917 | 下调Down | 预测:可能的尿囊素酶1 PREDICTED: Probable allantoinase 1-like |
Si003232m.g | 1.715254 | 上调Up | 重金属相关异戊二烯化植物蛋白26(前体) Heavy metal-associated isoprenylated plant protein 26 (Precursor) |
Si022557m.g | -1.83694 | 下调Down | 过氧化物酶2(前体) Peroxidase 2 (Precursor) |
Si034934m.g | 1.401406 | 上调Up | 可能的肽/硝酸盐转运蛋白At1g62200 Probable peptide/nitrate transporter At1g62200 |
Si017577m.g | 2.648281 | 上调Up | 反式白藜芦醇双甲基转移酶 Trans-resveratrol di-O-methyltransferase |
Si013648m.g | 1.062353 | 上调Up | 可能蛋白磷酸酶2C 37 Probable protein phosphatase 2C 37 |
Si023002m.g | -2.84021 | 下调Down | 剪接因子U2af大亚基A Splicing factor U2af large subunit A |
Si023261m.g | 1.572551 | 上调Up | 晚期胚胎发育丰富蛋白,组3 Late embryogenesis abundant protein, group 3 |
Si036484m.g | 1.091761 | 上调Up | 半乳糖醇合酶2 Galactinol synthase 2 |
Si027065m.g | 1.640169 | 上调Up | 假定蛋白TRIUR3_32256 hypothetical protein TRIUR3_32256 |
Si037166m.g | 1.111167 | 上调Up | BI1蛋白 BI1-like protein |
Si008074m.g | 1.321365 | 上调Up | 预测:EGF结构域特异性O-连接的N-乙酰氨基葡萄糖转移酶 PREDICTED: EGF domain-specific O-linked N-acetylglucosamine transferase-like |
基因ID Gene ID | log2(FC) | 上调/下调 Regulated | 基因描述 Gene description |
Si034936m.g | -1.19382 | 下调Down | 细胞色素c生物发生蛋白CCS 1,叶绿体(前体) Cytochrome c biogenesis protein CCS1, chloroplastic (Precursor) |
Si020755m.g | 1.411922 | 上调Up | ATP合成酶亚基a ATP synthase subunit a |
Si002537m.g | 1.169829 | 上调Up | 真核翻译起始因子6-2 Eukaryotic translation initiation factor 6-2 |
Si029247m.g | 4.621969 | 上调Up | 茎-13-烯合酶 Stemar-13-ene synthase |
Si035299m.g | 1.771973 | 上调Up | Ent-cassadiene C2-羟化酶 Ent-cassadiene C2-hydroxylase |
Si021367m.g | 1.30888 | 上调Up | 预测:跨膜蛋白质63B亚型X1 PREDICTED: Transmembrane protein 63B-like isoform X1 |
Si019469m.g | -1.28469 | 下调Down | F-盒子重复蛋白At1g80440 F-box/kelch-repeat protein At1g80440 |
Si000242m.g | 1.206767 | 上调Up | 驱动蛋白-4 Kinesin-4 |
Si003556m.g | 1.582229 | 上调Up | 金属硫蛋白2A Metallothionein-like protein 2A |
Si030597m.g | -3.12968 | 下调Down | 过氧化物酶(前体) Peroxidase 2 (Precursor) |
Si006152m.g | -2.11174 | 下调Down | 内葡聚醣16(前体) Endoglucanase 16 (Precursor) |
Si007414m.g | 1.493019 | 上调Up | 甲精蛋白18(前体) Formin-like protein 18 (Precursor) |
Si001772m.g | 1.66723 | 上调Up | 谷氨酸-半胱氨酸连接酶B,叶绿体(前体) Glutamate--cysteine ligase B, chloroplastic (Precursor) |
Si031037m.g | -1.49908 | 下调Down | 蛋白TIFY 10A Protein TIFY 10A |
Si031176m.g | 3.061807 | 上调Up | 预测:未知蛋白LOC101772218 PREDICTED: Uncharacterized protein LOC101772218 |
Si002656m.g | -2.10755 | 下调Down | 扩展蛋白-A8(前体) Expansin-A8 (Precursor) |
Si015405m.g | -1.11303 | 下调Down | 丝氨酸-精氨酸富含蛋白45 Arginine/serine-rich protein 45 |
Si038002m.g | 1.37513 | 上调Up | 甲精蛋白3 Formin-like protein 3 |
Si016059m.g | -3.64939 | 下调Down | WEB家族蛋白At4g27595,叶绿体(前体) WEB family protein At4g27595, chloroplastic (Precursor) |
Si020236m.g | 1.478826 | 上调Up | 植物细胞壁蛋白gp1(前体) Vegetative cell wall protein gp1 (Precursor) |
Si031440m.g | 1.459051 | 上调Up | 花药特异的富含脯氨酸的蛋白质APG (前体) Anther-specific proline-rich protein APG (Precursor) |
Si018743m.g | 1.975199 | 上调Up | 预测:未知蛋白LOC101763157 PREDICTED: Uncharacterized protein LOC101763157 |
Si021147m.g | 1.175788 | 上调Up | 蛋白argonaute 4B Protein argonaute 4B |
Si006263m.g | -1.14042 | 下调Down | 细胞色素P450 77A3 Cytochrome P450 77A3 |
Si026716m.g | 1.476551 | 上调Up | 丝氨酸-精氨酸富含蛋白45 Arginine/serine-rich protein 45 |
Si026369m.g | -1.53065 | 下调Down | CBL-相互作用蛋白激酶14 CBL-interacting protein kinase 14 |
基因ID Gene ID | log2(FC) | 上调/下调 Regulated | 基因描述 Gene description |
Si000748m.g | 2.08459 | 上调Up | 蛋白ZINC INDUCED FACILITATOR 1 Protein ZINC INDUCED FACILITATOR 1 |
Si018582m.g | 2.367752 | 上调Up | F-盒子SKIP31 F-box protein SKIP31 |
Si010531m.g | 1.42709 | 上调Up | 预测:未知蛋白LOC101779550 PREDICTED: uncharacterized protein LOC101779550 |
Si015990m.g | 1.699716 | 上调Up | 锌指(C3HC4型RING指)家族蛋白 Zinc finger (C3HC4-type RING finger) family protein |
Si030675m.g | -1.38805 | 下调Down | 木聚糖酶抑制剂蛋白1(前体) Xylanase inhibitor protein 1 (Precursor) |
Si020705m.g | -2.06826 | 下调Down | 漆氰素-2(前体) Uclacyanin-2 (Precursor) |
Si000706m.g | 1.782528 | 上调Up | 原表皮因子1(前体) Protodermal factor 1 (Precursor) |
Si040050m.g | 1.748553 | 上调Up | 预测:未知蛋白LOC101786997 PREDICTED: Uncharacterized protein LOC101786997 |
Si006473m.g | 1.605844 | 上调Up | 噻唑合成酶2,叶绿体(前体) Thiamine thiazole synthase 2, chloroplastic (Precursor) |
Si004997m.g | -1.6785 | 下调Down | 细胞色素P450 711A1 Cytochrome P450 711A1 |
Si016213m.g | 1.398564 | 上调Up | L-阿拉伯糖激酶 L-arabinokinase |
Si004870m.g | -1.35142 | 下调Down | 丝氨酸-精氨酸富含蛋白45 Arginine/serine-rich protein 45 |
Si019659m.g | 1.471757 | 上调Up | 甲精蛋白18(前体) Formin-like protein 18 (Precursor) |
Si034783m.g | -1.45045 | 下调Down | 阳离子氨基酸转运体1 Cationic amino acid transporter 1 |
Si009826m.g | 1.835315 | 上调Up | 细胞色素P450 714C2 Cytochrome P450 714C2 |
Si016640m.g | -1.10332 | 下调Down | 蛋白ECERIFERUM 1 Protein ECERIFERUM 1 |
Si016269m.g | -1.99963 | 下调Down | 脂氧合酶2.3,叶绿体(前体) Lipoxygenase 2.3, chloroplastic (Precursor) |
Si029005m.g | 2.465463 | 上调Up | 异淀粉酶3,叶绿体(前体) Isoamylase 3, chloroplastic (Precursor) |
Si027118m.g | 2.568462 | 上调Up | 预测:未知蛋白LOC101776444 PREDICTED: Uncharacterized protein LOC101776444 |
Si036401m.g | -1.06877 | 下调Down | 可能的萄糖醛酸基转移酶Os03g0287800 Probable glucuronosyltransferase Os03g0287800 |
Si002630m.g | -1.22546 | 下调Down | 磷酸丙糖异构酶,细胞质 Triosephosphate isomerase, cytosolic |
Si016851m.g | -1.3197 | 下调Down | 磷脂酶A1-Iβ 2,叶绿体(前体) Phospholipase A1-Ibeta2, chloroplastic (Precursor) |
Si002995m.g | 1.456339 | 上调Up | 硫酸盐表面糖蛋白185(前体) Sulfated surface glycoprotein 185 (Precursor) |
Si004990m.g | -2.4814 | 下调Down | E3泛素连接酶EL5 E3 ubiquitin-protein ligase EL5 |
Si035025m.g | -1.11972 | 下调Down | 细胞色素P450 78A11 Cytochrome P450 78A11 |
Si040152m.g | -1.68857 | 下调Down | 吲哚-3-乙酰醛氧化酶 Indole-3-acetaldehyde oxidase |
基因ID Gene ID | log2(FC) | 上调/下调 Regulated | 基因描述 Gene description |
Si006873m.g | -1.17923 | 下调Down | 过氧化物酶1(前体) Peroxidase 1 (Precursor) |
Si022589m.g | -1.291 | 下调Down | 富亮氨酸重复的扩展蛋白5(前体) Leucine-rich repeat extensin-like protein 5 (Precursor) |
Si013632m.g | 1.059479 | 上调Up | 苹果酸脱氢酶[NADP],叶绿体(前体) Malate dehydrogenase [NADP], chloroplastic (Precursor) |
Si031051m.g | 1.160599 | 上调Up | 1-半胱氨酸过氧化物酶PER1 1-Cys peroxiredoxin PER1 |
Si018184m.g | -3.74911 | 下调Down | 水通道TIP2-1 Aquaporin TIP2-1 |
Si028782m.g | -1.08132 | 下调Down | 可能的无活性受体激酶at5g10020(前体) Probable inactive receptor kinase At5g10020 (Precursor) |
Si035352m.g | 1.208885 | 上调Up | Ninja家族蛋白1 Ninja-family protein 1 |
Si026545m.g | 2.358552 | 上调Up | 豇豆球蛋白(前体) Vignain (Precursor) |
Si004384m.g | 1.649981 | 上调Up | Patellin3蛋白 Patellin-3 |
Si024826m.g | 1.404987 | 上调Up | 锌指CCCH结构域蛋白35 Zinc finger CCCH domain-containing protein 35 |
Si036130m.g | 1.460785 | 上调Up | 预测:lanC蛋白2 PREDICTED: LanC-like protein 2-like |
Si013448m.g | -1.49129 | 下调Down | Poly(A)特异核糖核酸酶PARN Poly(A)-specific ribonuclease PARN-like |
Si009173m.g | -1.27382 | 下调Down | ABC转运蛋白C家族成员9 ABC transporter C family member 9 |
Si035342m.g | -2.13384 | 下调Down | 脯氨酸脱氢酶1,线粒体(前体) Proline dehydrogenase 1, mitochondrial (Precursor) |
Si009679m.g | 2.434561 | 上调Up | 可能的肌醇转运蛋白2 Probable inositol transporter 2 |
Si036171m.g | 1.344624 | 上调Up | 预测:未知蛋白LOC101781730 PREDICTED: Uncharacterized protein LOC101781730 |
Si016794m.g | -2.19202 | 下调Down | MATE排外家族蛋白9 MATE efflux family protein 9 |
Si010700m.g | -1.28741 | 下调Down | 赤霉素20氧化酶2 Gibberellin 20 oxidase 2 |
Si011405m.g | -1.00446 | 下调Down | 预测:未知蛋白LOC101756306 PREDICTED: Uncharacterized protein LOC101756306 |
Si029536m.g | 1.152785 | 上调Up | β-葡糖苷酶26(前体) Beta-glucosidase 26 (Precursor) |
Si037786m.g | 1.104133 | 上调Up | 雌蕊特定的伸展蛋白(前体) Pistil-specific extensin-like protein (Precursor) |
Si000772m.g | 2.461269 | 上调Up | 多酚氧化酶,叶绿体(前体) Polyphenol oxidase, chloroplastic (Precursor) |
Si014150m.g | 2.595919 | 上调Up | 甘露醇合酶 Momilactone Asynthase |
Si035904m.g | 1.655929 | 上调Up | α-半乳糖苷酶(前体) Alpha-galactosidase (Precursor) |
Si023824m.g | 2.826985 | 上调Up | 预测:未知蛋白LOC101771437 PREDICTED: Uncharacterized protein LOC101771437 |
Si003106m.g | 1.880353 | 上调Up | 外膜孔蛋白16-2,叶绿体 Outer envelope pore protein 16-2, chloroplastic |
基因ID Gene ID | log2(FC) | 上调/下调 Regulated | 基因描述 Gene description |
Si022626m.g | 1.161356 | 上调Up | 转录因子HBP-1b(c1) (片段) Transcription factor HBP-1b(c1) (Fragment) |
Si004383m.g | -1.13318 | 下调Down | 碱性7S球蛋白低2 kDa的亚基(前体) Basic 7S globulin 2 low kDa subunit (Precursor) |
Si006718m.g | -1.15107 | 下调Down | GDSL酯酶At5g45910(前体) GDSL esterase/lipase At5g45910 (Precursor) |
Si030712m.g | -1.01476 | 下调Down | 水通道PIP2-6 Aquaporin PIP2-6 |
Si001544m.g | 1.98369 | 上调Up | 甘露聚糖1.4-β-甘露糖苷内切酶1(前体) Mannan endo-1,4-beta-mannosidase 1 (Precursor) |
Si010343m.g | 1.573983 | 上调Up | 可能的嘌呤渗透酶11 Probable purine permease 11 |
Si027043m.g | 3.25517 | 上调Up | 谷氧还蛋白-C10 Glutaredoxin-C10 |
Si024757m.g | 2.103539 | 上调Up | 转运蛋白同源物 Translocator protein homolog |
Si013613m.g | -1.15443 | 下调Down | 依赖NADP的3-磷酸甘油醛脱氢酶 NADP-dependent glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase |
Si026948m.g | 2.113943 | 上调Up | 预测:未知蛋白LOC101753886 PREDICTED: Uncharacterized protein LOC101753886 |
Si037818m.g | 1.110735 | 上调Up | 预测:未知蛋白泛醌生物合成蛋白COQ9,线粒体 PREDICTED: ubiquinone biosynthesis protein COQ9, mitochondrial-like |
Si036113m.g | -1.1902 | 下调Down | 生长素诱导的根培养物蛋白12(前体) Auxin-induced in root cultures protein 12 (Precursor) |
Si016576m.g | 1.378686 | 上调Up | 植物细胞壁蛋白gp1(前体) Vegetative cell wall protein gp1 (Precursor) |
Si000424m.g | 1.10283 | 上调Up | 双孔钙通道蛋白1 Two pore calcium channel protein 1 |
Si023276m.g | 1.282576 | 上调Up | 甲精蛋白5 Formin-like protein 5 |
Si035779m.g | -1.60639 | 下调Down | 甲精蛋白6 Formin-like protein 6 |
Si022312m.g | -1.08938 | 下调Down | 法呢基焦磷酸合酶 Farnesyl pyrophosphate synthase |
Si035816m.g | -1.05722 | 下调Down | 保卫细胞中的天冬氨酸蛋白酶2(前体) Protein ASPARTIC PROTEASE IN GUARD CELL 2 (Precursor) |
Si037085m.g | -1.25564 | 下调Down | 扩展蛋白-A7(前体) Expansin-A7 (Precursor) |
Si030681m.g | -1.16465 | 下调Down | 木聚糖酶抑制剂蛋白1(前体) Xylanase inhibitor protein 1 (Precursor) |
Si030426m.g | -1.7727 | 下调Down | 过氧化物酶70(前体) Peroxidase 70 (Precursor) |
Si038310m.g | 1.160276 | 上调Up | 抵御素SD2(前体) Defensin SD2 (Precursor) |
Si023155m.g | -1.5388 | 下调Down | 钙调素蛋白5 Calmodulin-like protein 5 |
Si026639m.g | 1.173168 | 上调Up | 可能失活的甲基转移酶Os04g0175900 Probable inactive methyltransferase Os04g0175900 |
Si039427m.g | -1.29468 | 下调Down | 乙烯应答转录因子ERF034 Ethylene-responsive transcription factor ERF034 |
Si016887m.g | -2.07755 | 下调Down | 蔗糖:蔗糖果糖基转移酶(前体) Sucrose:sucrose 1-fructosyltransferase (Precursor) |
基因ID Gene ID | log2(FC) | 上调/下调 Regulated | 基因描述 Gene description |
Si020977m.g | -1.17167 | 下调Down | 辅助蛋白相关蛋白2 Auxilin-related protein 2 |
Si001109m.g | -1.0628 | 下调Down | 可能的WRKY转录因子72 Probable WRKY transcription factor 72 |
Si015228m.g | -1.06791 | 下调Down | 转录因子PCF2 Transcription factor PCF2 |
Si036567m.g | 1.833769 | 上调Up | 过氧化物酶57(前体) Peroxidase 57 (Precursor) |
Si040032m.g | 4.130977 | 上调Up | 富含脯氨酸的受体蛋白激酶PERK9 Proline-rich receptor-like protein kinase PERK9 |
Si036449m.g | -2.5796 | 下调Down | 过氧化物酶15(前体) Peroxidase 15 (Precursor) |
Si010739m.g | 1.036636 | 上调Up | 甲精蛋白5 Formin-like protein 5 |
Si010398m.g | 1.026954 | 上调Up | 预测:未知蛋白LOC101762095 PREDICTED: Uncharacterized protein LOC101762095 |
Si040875m.g | -2.07646 | 下调Down | 过氧化物酶15(前体) Peroxidase 15 (Precursor) |
Si009440m.g | 1.36842 | 上调Up | 短小杆菌同源物1 Pumilio homolog 1 |
Si003946m.g | 1.201357 | 上调Up | 亚油酸9S-脂氧合酶2 Linoleate 9S-lipoxygenase 2 |
Si032166m.g | 1.312253 | 上调Up | 黄烷酮7-O-糖苷2''-O-β-L-鼠李糖基转移酶 Flavanone 7-O-glucoside 2''-O-beta-L-rhamnosyltransferase |
Si022528m.g | 1.135508 | 上调Up | 11β-羟基类固醇脱氢酶1B 11-beta-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase 1B |
Si031814m.g | -1.43969 | 下调Down | 疏水蛋白LTI6A Hydrophobic protein LTI6A |
Si000556m.g | -1.79512 | 下调Down | 富含半胱氨酸的受体蛋白激酶25(前体) Cysteine-rich receptor-like protein kinase 25 (Precursor) |
Si038921m.g | 2.532841 | 上调Up | 乙烯不敏感的蛋白2 Ethylene-insensitive protein 2 |
Si029030m.g | -1.99019 | 下调Down | 丝氨酸/苏氨酸蛋白激酶CTR1 Serine/threonine-protein kinase CTR1 |
Si003233m.g | 1.276048 | 上调Up | 晚期胚胎发生丰富蛋白Lea14-A Late embryogenesis abundant protein Lea14-A |
Si037746m.g | 1.480803 | 上调Up | 富亮氨酸重复的扩展蛋白5(前体) Leucine-rich repeat extensin-like protein 5 (Precursor) |
Si022420m.g | -1.17622 | 下调Down | GDSL酯酶At5g45910(前体) GDSL esterase/lipase At5g45910 (Precursor) |
Si007526m.g | -2.18726 | 下调Down | 预测:未知蛋白LOC101780407 PREDICTED: uncharacterized protein LOC101780407 |
Si033133m.g | -2.4489 | 下调Down | 富含半胱氨酸的受体蛋白激酶10(前体) Cysteine-rich receptor-like protein kinase 10 (Precursor) |
Si000386m.g | -1.50166 | 下调Down | 蛋白CHUP1,叶绿体 Protein CHUP1, chloroplastic |
Si008396m.g | 2.162142 | 上调Up | 扩展蛋白-A17(前体) Expansin-A17 (Precursor) 2 |
Si029907m.g | 1.053249 | 上调Up | α-半乳糖苷酶(前体) Alpha-galactosidase (Precursor) |
Si029866m.g | -1.62732 | 下调Down | COBRA蛋白1(前体) COBRA-like protein 1 (Precursor) |
基因ID Gene ID | log2(FC) | 上调/下调 Regulated | 基因描述 Gene description |
Si010373m.g | -1.10139 | 下调Down | 富亮氨酸重复的扩展蛋白5(前体) Leucine-rich repeat extensin-like protein 5 (Precursor) |
Si003444m.g | -1.45327 | 下调Down | 甲精蛋白19 Formin-like protein 19 |
Si037227m.g | 1.479557 | 上调Up | 预测:未知蛋白LOC101770674 PREDICTED: uncharacterized protein LOC101770674 |
Si021994m.g | -1.02725 | 下调Down | 紫色酸性磷酸酶2(前体)1 Purple acid phosphatase 2 (Precursor) 1 |
Si001893m.g | -1.48569 | 下调Down | 赤霉素2-β-双加氧酶 Gibberellin 2-beta-dioxygenase |
Si027132m.g | 1.036012 | 上调Up | 预测:未知蛋白LOC101765735 PREDICTED: Uncharacterized protein LOC101765735 |
Si023475m.g | 1.392417 | 上调Up | 铁-硫簇集蛋白1(前体) Iron-sulfur cluster assembly protein 1 (Precursor) |
Si009509m.g | -1.0465 | 下调Down | 苯丙氨酸解氨酶 Phenylalanine ammonia-lyase |
Si028696m.g | -1.04317 | 下调Down | RNA聚合酶Ⅱ转录子亚组33A Mediator of RNA polymerase Ⅱ transcription subunit 33A |
Si031718m.g | 1.299486 | 上调Up | 预测:未知蛋白LOC101755886 PREDICTED: Uncharacterized protein LOC101755886 |
Si011192m.g | 1.565798 | 上调Up | 预测:脂氧合酶同源结构域蛋白1 PREDICTED: Lipoxygenase homology domain-containing protein 1-like |
Si023502m.g | 2.126286 | 上调Up | 发病相关蛋白2 Pathogenesis-related protein 2 |
Si019923m.g | 1.908644 | 上调Up | 预测:未知蛋白LOC101755809 PREDICTED: uncharacterized protein LOC101755809 |
Si028449m.g | 1.556573 | 上调Up | 预测:酪胺N-果糖基转移酶4/11 PREDICTED: Tyramine N-feruloyltransferase 4/11-like |
Si013615m.g | 1.692486 | 上调Up | 细胞色素P450 88A1 Cytochrome P450 88A1 |
Si026679m.g | -2.07947 | 下调Down | 木聚糖酶抑制蛋白1(前体) Xylanase inhibitor protein 1 (Precursor) |
Si002813m.g | 1.574432 | 上调Up | 晚期胚胎发生丰富蛋白,第3组 Late embryogenesis abundant protein, group 3 |
Si008837m.g | -1.2445 | 下调Down | 鞘氨醇C(4)-单加氧酶1 Sphinganine C(4)-monooxygenase 1 |
Si011410m.g | -1.33892 | 下调Down | 未知蛋白At5g22580 Uncharacterized protein At5g22580 |
Si008716m.g | 1.104767 | 上调Up | 植物细胞壁蛋白gp1(前体) Vegetative cell wall protein gp1 (Precursor) |
Si019741m.g | -1.65776 | 下调Down | 受体蛋白2(前体) Receptor-like protein 2 (Precursor) |
Si017905m.g | 2.631679 | 上调Up | 植物细胞壁蛋白gp1(前体) Vegetative cell wall protein gp1 (Precursor) |
Si023562m.g | -1.27545 | 下调Down | Ocs元素结合因子 1 Ocs element-binding factor 1 |
Si032037m.g | 1.062391 | 上调Up | 富亮氨酸重复扩展蛋白5(前体) Leucine-rich repeat extensin-like protein 5 (Precursor) |
Si009735m.g | 1.34441 | 上调Up | 植物细胞壁蛋白gp1(前体) Vegetative cell wall protein gp1 (Precursor) |
Si003202m.g | 1.846309 | 上调Up | 16.9kDaI类热休克蛋白3 16.9 kDa class I heat shock protein 3 |
基因ID Gene ID | log2(FC) | 上调/下调 Regulated | 基因描述 Gene description |
Si017811m.g | -2.37612 | 下调Down | 过氧化物酶70(前体) Peroxidase 70 (Precursor) |
Si039899m.g | -1.09093 | 下调Down | 半胱氨酸蛋白酶抑制剂8(前体) Cysteine proteinase inhibitor 8 (Precursor) |
Si012084m.g | -3.74911 | 下调Down | 三角状五肽重复蛋白At2g13600 Pentatricopeptide repeat-containing protein At2g13600 |
Si012249m.g | 1.589866 | 上调Up | 预测:未知蛋白LOC101752778 PREDICTED: Uncharacterized protein LOC101752778 |
Si031448m.g | 2.260103 | 上调Up | 40S核糖体蛋白S27a-1(前体) 40S ribosomal protein S27a-1 (Precursor) |
Si002252m.g | -1.86565 | 下调Down | 过氧化物酶4(前体) Peroxidase 4 (Precursor) |
Si015818m.g | -1.66555 | 下调Down | UDP-葡糖醛酸4-异构酶6 UDP-glucuronate 4-epimerase 6 |
Si019096m.g | 1.142604 | 上调Up | 丝氨酸-精氨酸富含蛋白45 Arginine/serine-rich protein 45 |
Si006730m.g | -1.38189 | 下调Down | GDSL脂酶At5g45910(前体) GDSL esterase/lipase At5g45910 (Precursor) |
Si011875m.g | 2.953205 | 上调Up | 扩展蛋白- B18(前体) Expansin-B18 (Precursor) |
Si006260m.g | -1.49998 | 下调Down | 早期根瘤素蛋白2(前体) Early nodulin-like protein 2 (Precursor) |
Si014667m.g | 1.214569 | 上调Up | 预测:未知蛋白LOC101785689 PREDICTED: uncharacterized protein LOC101785689 |
Si010022m.g | 1.33157 | 上调Up | 丝氨酸羧基肽酶7(前体) Serine carboxypeptidase-like 7 (Precursor) |
Si036724m.g | -1.97658 | 下调Down | 同源亮氨酸拉链蛋白HOX13 Homeobox-leucine zipper protein HOX13 |
Si020790m.g | 1.684465 | 上调Up | 核糖体蛋白S3,线粒体 Ribosomal protein S3, mitochondrial |
Si024325m.g | 3.468907 | 上调Up | Ocs元素结合因子1 Ocs element-binding factor 1 |
Si033222m.g | 4.159789 | 上调Up | 肌动蛋白解聚因子2 Actin-depolymerizing factor 2 |
Si037176m.g | -1.2908 | 下调Down | 富含脯氨酸的受体蛋白激酶PERK2 Proline-rich receptor-like protein kinase PERK2 |
Si007325m.g | 1.826845 | 上调Up | 蛋白GLUTAMINE DUMPER 4 Protein GLUTAMINE DUMPER 4 |
Si012043m.g | -2.04585 | 下调Down | G型凝集素S受体丝氨酸/苏氨酸蛋白激酶SD2-5(前体) G-type lectin S-receptor-like serine/threonine-protein kinase SD2-5 (Precursor) |
Si004157m.g | -1.52257 | 下调Down | 丝氨酸-精氨酸/富蛋白45 Arginine/serine-rich protein 45 |
Si023145m.g | -2.26275 | 下调Down | 渗透蛋白(前体) Osmotin-like protein (Precursor) |
Si014232m.g | -2.04363 | 下调Down | 木葡聚糖内转葡糖苷基酶/水解酶蛋白8(前体) Xyloglucan endotransglycosylase/hydrolase protein 8 (Precursor) |
Si020780m.g | 2.621555 | 上调Up | NADH-泛醌氧化还原酶链6 NADH-ubiquinone oxidoreductase chain 6 |
Si027690m.g | -5.09112 | 下调Down | 导体蛋白 Dirigent protein 21 (Precursor) |
Si038684m.g | -1.35811 | 下调Down | 蛋白FAF,叶绿体(前体) Protein FAF-like, chloroplastic (Precursor) |
基因ID Gene ID | log2(FC) | 上调/下调 Regulated | 基因描述 Gene description |
Si001643m.g | -1.29251 | 下调Down | 植物细胞壁蛋白gp1(前体) Vegetative cell wall protein gp1 (Precursor) |
Si029197m.g | -1.90513 | 下调Down | 富含半胱氨酸的受体蛋白激酶10(前体) Cysteine-rich receptor-like protein kinase 10 (Precursor) |
Si009224m.g | 2.390151 | 上调Up | C2和GRAM结构域蛋白At5g50170 C2 and GRAM domain-containing protein At5g50170 |
Si000994m.g | 1.347099 | 上调Up | 细胞色素P450 71A1 Cytochrome P450 71A1 |
Si030530m.g | 1.407695 | 上调Up | 可能的β-1,3-半乳糖基转移酶2 Probable beta-1,3-galactosyltransferase 2 |
Si007326m.g | 1.389439 | 上调Up | 植物细胞壁蛋白gp1(前体) Vegetative cell wall protein gp1 (Precursor) |
Si018365m.g | 1.271209 | 上调Up | 预测:未知蛋白LOC101777062 PREDICTED: Uncharacterized protein LOC101777062 |
Si006800m.g | 1.577318 | 上调Up | 酸性蛋白(前体) Acidic protein (Precursor) |
Si004283m.g | 1.747862 | 上调Up | 富亮氨酸重复的扩展蛋白5(前体) Leucine-rich repeat extensin-like protein 5 (Precursor) |
Si010463m.g | -1.78022 | 下调Down | BTB/POZ和TAZ结构域蛋白2 BTB/POZ and TAZ domain-containing protein 2 |
Si037521m.g | -1.1911 | 下调Down | 非特异性脂质转移蛋白样蛋白At5g64080(前体) Non-specific lipid-transfer protein-like protein At5g64080 (Precursor) |
Si030624m.g | -1.03767 | 下调Down | 丝氨酸-精氨酸/富蛋白45 Arginine/serine-rich protein 45 |
Si034399m.g | -1.10198 | 下调Down | 蛋白OBERON 3 Protein OBERON 3 |
Si023285m.g | 1.960831 | 上调Up | NADH脱氢酶[泛醌]铁-硫蛋白7,线粒体(前体) NADH dehydrogenase [ubiquinone]iron-sulfur protein 7, mitochondrial (Precursor) |
Si017966m.g | 1.568649 | 上调Up | 可能的木葡聚糖内转葡糖苷基酶/水解酶蛋白12(前体) Probable xyloglucan endotransglucosylase/hydrolase protein 12 (Precursor) |
Si028860m.g | -1.74776 | 下调Down | 可能是混合连接葡聚糖合成酶8 Probable mixed-linked glucan synthase 8 |
Si000808m.g | 1.080944 | 上调Up | NADP依赖性苹果酸酶1 NADP-dependent malic enzyme 1 |
Si016772m.g | 1.251776 | 上调Up | 甲精蛋白5 Formin-like protein 5 |
Si000855m.g | -1.22398 | 下调Down | 肽-N4-(N-乙酰化-β-葡萄糖胺)天冬酰胺酶重 Peptide-N4-(N-acetyl-beta-glucosaminyl)asparagine amidase A heavy chain |
Si014579m.g | 2.095847 | 上调Up | 18 kDa种子成熟蛋白 18 kDa seed maturation protein |
Si023478m.g | 1.538248 | 上调Up | 油质蛋白16 kDa Oleosin 16 kDa |
Si010606m.g | -1.07817 | 下调Down | Peroxidase 4 (Precursor) 过氧化物酶4(前体) |
Si017761m.g | -1.41787 | 下调Down | 丝氨酸-精氨酸富含蛋白45 Arginine/serine-rich protein 45 |
Si036774m.g | -2.63176 | 下调Down | 几丁质酶1(前体) Chitinase 1 (Precursor) |
Si018495m.g | 1.133127 | 上调Up | 18.6 kdaⅢ类热休克蛋白 18.6 kDa class III heat shock protein |
Si031225m.g | -1.65507 | 下调Down | 预测:未知LOC101761019同工型X1 PREDICTED: Uncharacterized protein LOC101761019 isoform X1 |
基因ID Gene ID | log2(FC) | 上调/下调 Regulated | 基因描述 Gene description |
Si029986m.g | -1.04066 | 下调Down | 预测:蛋白结节同源物 PREDICTED: Protein notum homolog |
Si010682m.g | 1.413677 | 上调Up | 植物细胞壁蛋白gp1(前体) Vegetative cell wall protein gp1 (Precursor) |
Si020795m.g | 1.6569 | 上调Up | 细胞色素c氧化酶亚基1 Cytochrome c oxidase subunit 1 |
Si013367m.g | -2.84021 | 下调Down | L型凝集素结构域受体激酶IX.2(前体) L-type lectin-domain containing receptor kinase IX.2 (Precursor) |
Si002184m.g | 1.839231 | 上调Up | 植物细胞壁蛋白gp1(前体) Vegetative cell wall protein gp1 (Precursor) |
Si039287m.g | 1.604143 | 上调Up | 甲精蛋白14 Formin-like protein 14 |
Si024625m.g | -1.74463 | 下调Down | 富亮氨酸重复扩展蛋白3(前体) Leucine-rich repeat extensin-like protein 3 (Precursor) |
Si019158m.g | 2.341318 | 上调Up | 预测:未知蛋白LOC101777496同工型X1 PREDICTED: Uncharacterized protein LOC101777496 isoform X1 |
Si035695m.g | -2.07626 | 下调Down | 微管蛋白β链 Tubulin beta-3 chain |
Si003278m.g | 2.233913 | 上调Up | 光调节蛋白(前体) Light-regulated protein (Precursor) |
Si030961m.g | 1.571206 | 上调Up | 染色质亚家族成员3-样3的可能的SWI/SNF相关基质相关肌动蛋白相关调节剂 Putative SWI/SNF-related matrix-associated actin-dependent regulator of chromatin subfamily A member 3-like 3 |
Si001098m.g | -1.11171 | 下调Down | 细胞色素P450 710A1 Cytochrome P450 710A1 |
Si022669m.g | -3.55864 | 下调Down | 阳离子过氧化物酶SPC4(前体) Cationic peroxidase SPC4 (Precursor) |
Si004375m.g | 2.122109 | 上调Up | 丝氨酸-精氨酸富含蛋白45 Arginine/serine-rich protein 45 |
Si037395m.g | -2.75284 | 下调Down | 锌指蛋白质1 Zinc finger protein 1 |
Si032323m.g | 3.384883 | 上调Up | 酸性磷酸酶1(前体) Acid phosphatase 1 (Precursor) |
Si006062m.g | 2.434561 | 上调Up | 瘦果醇B合成酶 Achilleol B synthase |
Si028877m.g | -1.06791 | 下调Down | 甲精蛋白5 Formin-like protein 5 |
Si038061m.g | 1.765699 | 上调Up | 花药特异的富含脯氨酸的蛋白质APG(片段) Anther-specific proline-rich protein APG (Fragment) |
Si000623m.g | -1.18946 | 下调Down | Ⅰ型肌醇1,4,5-三磷酸5-磷酸酶1 Type Ⅰ inositol 1,4,5-trisphosphate 5-phosphatase 1 |
Si004027m.g | 1.490428 | 上调Up | 假定蛋白SORBIDRAFT_03g045900 hypothetical protein SORBIDRAFT_03g045900 |
Si007248m.g | 1.421907 | 上调Up | 甲精蛋白5 Formin-like protein 5 |
Si030934m.g | 1.085637 | 上调Up | 植物细胞壁蛋白gp1(前体) Vegetative cell wall protein gp1 (Precursor) |
Si002463m.g | 2.2526 | 上调Up | 预测:SNF1相关蛋白激酶调节亚单位γ-1 PREDICTED: SNF1-related protein kinase regulatory subunit gamma-1-like |
Si004329m.g | -2.92247 | 下调Down | 催泪因子合成酶(前体) Lachrymatory-factor synthase (Precursor) |
Si029828m.g | 1.08101 | 上调Up | 半胱氨酸蛋白酶1(前体) Cysteine proteinase 1 (Precursor) |
基因ID Gene ID | log2(FC) | 上调/下调 Regulated | 基因描述 Gene description |
Si002826m.g | 1.793293 | 上调Up | Bowman-Birk型胰蛋白酶抑制剂 Bowman-Birk type trypsin inhibitor |
Si025341m.g | -1.36362 | 下调Down | 甲精蛋白6 Formin-like protein 6 |
Si035023m.g | -1.19704 | 下调Down | 富含脯氨酸受体的蛋白激酶PERK1 Proline-rich receptor-like protein kinase PERK1 |
Si016486m.g | 1.168083 | 上调Up | 植物细胞壁蛋白gp1(前体) Vegetative cell wall protein gp1 (Precursor) |
Si038484m.g | 1.122285 | 上调Up | 低温诱导蛋白lt 101.2 Low temperature-induced protein lt101.2 |
Si009077m.g | -1.03579 | 下调Down | 钙结合蛋白KIC Calcium-binding protein KIC |
Si012016m.g | 1.99037 | 上调Up | 甲精蛋白5 Formin-like protein 5 |
Si008723m.g | 3.589837 | 上调Up | 血红素氧合酶1,叶绿体(前体) Heme oxygenase 1, chloroplastic (Precursor) |
Si006678m.g | -1.34788 | 下调Down | 转录因子EMB1444 Transcription factor EMB1444 |
Si013574m.g | 1.228981 | 上调Up | 葡萄糖-1-磷酸腺苷转移酶小亚基,叶绿体/淀粉质(前体) Glucose-1-phosphate adenylyltransferase small subunit, chloroplastic/amyloplastic (Precursor) |
Si012788m.g | -1.50973 | 下调Down | E3泛素连接酶PUB23 E3 ubiquitin-protein ligase PUB23 |
Si036053m.g | -1.27995 | 下调Down | 丝氨酸-精氨酸富含蛋白45 Arginine/serine-rich protein 45 |
Si039198m.g | 1.620536 | 上调Up | 胚胎发育晚期丰富蛋白D-34 Late embryogenesis abundant protein D-34 |
Si035820m.g | -1.48441 | 下调Down | COBRA蛋白3(前体) COBRA-like protein 3 (Precursor) |
Si016335m.g | 1.287197 | 上调Up | 预测:未知蛋白LOC101777477 PREDICTED: Uncharacterized protein LOC101777477 |
Si004679m.g | 4.510725 | 上调Up | 预测:未知蛋白LOC101753298 PREDICTED: Uncharacterized protein LOC101753298 |
Si005052m.g | -1.30158 | 下调Down | 丝氨酸/苏氨酸蛋白激酶ACR4(前体) Serine/threonine-protein kinase-like protein ACR4 (Precursor) |
Si003937m.g | 3.02853 | 上调Up | Bowman-Birk型胰蛋白酶抑制剂 Bowman-Birk type trypsin inhibitor |
Si026926m.g | 1.208506 | 上调Up | 脱水素DHN1 Dehydrin DHN1 |
Si031283m.g | 1.149967 | 上调Up | 富亮氨酸重复扩展蛋白3(前体) Leucine-rich repeat extensin-like protein 3 (Precursor) |
Si007221m.g | 1.359452 | 上调Up | MADS盒子转录因子162 MADS-box transcription factor 162 |
Si029642m.g | -1.35651 | 下调Down | 成束阿拉伯半乳聚糖蛋白17(前体) Fasciclin-like arabinogalactan protein 17 (Precursor) |
Si030171m.g | -1.5573 | 下调Down | 可能的海藻糖-磷酸磷酸酶72 Probable trehalose-phosphate phosphatase 72 |
Si037487m.g | 1.009097 | 上调Up | 冷调节413质膜蛋白1 Cold-regulated 413 plasma membrane protein 1 |
Si031265m.g | 1.847633 | 上调Up | 系统Ⅰ反应中心亚基IV,叶绿体(前体) Photosystem I reaction center subunit IV, chloroplastic (Precursor) |
Si013320m.g | 3.543331 | 上调Up | 转录因子VIP1 Transcription factor VIP1 |
基因ID Gene ID | log2(FC) | 上调/下调 Regulated | 基因描述 Gene description |
Si036815m.g | -1.39551 | 下调Down | 伤害诱导蛋白1 Wound-induced protein 1 |
Si004795m.g | -1.45198 | 下调Down | 转录因子bHLH3 Transcription factor bHLH3 |
Si037023m.g | 1.256313 | 上调Up | 扩展蛋白-B8(前体) Expansin-B8 (Precursor) |
Si004913m.g | -1.54391 | 下调Down | 中性神经酰胺(前体) Neutral ceramidase (Precursor) |
Si014323m.g | -1.7144 | 下调Down | 丝氨酸-精氨酸富含蛋白45 Arginine/serine-rich protein 45 |
Si002323m.g | -1.12546 | 下调Down | 1-氨基环丙烷-1-羧酸氧化酶1 1-aminocyclopropane-1-carboxylate oxidase 1 |
Si037058m.g | 1.07644 | 上调Up | 扩展蛋白- B3(前体) Expansin-B3 (Precursor) |
Si018263m.g | -1.64724 | 下调Down | 萌发素蛋白2-4(前体) Germin-like protein 2-4 (Precursor) |
Si028588m.g | -2.07323 | 下调Down | 假定蛋白ZEAMMB73_758986 hypothetical protein ZEAMMB73_758986 |
Si016804m.g | -1.57118 | 下调Down | 内葡聚糖酶7(前体) Endoglucanase 7 (Precursor) |
Si002156m.g | -2.10584 | 下调Down | 过氧化物酶72(前体) Peroxidase 72 (Precursor) |
Si006283m.g | -3.50949 | 下调Down | β-葡萄糖苷酶30(前体) Beta-glucosidase 30 (Precursor) |
Si030369m.g | 1.039076 | 上调Up | 热精胺合成酶ACAULIS5 Thermospermine synthase ACAULIS5 |
Si001929m.g | 2.010686 | 上调Up | G盒子结合因子3 G-box-binding factor 3 |
Si038318m.g | 2.479542 | 上调Up | 预测:未知蛋白LOC101775534 PREDICTED: uncharacterized protein LOC101775534 |
Si036479m.g | -1.19038 | 下调Down | 紫色酸性磷酸酶4(前体) Purple acid phosphatase 4 (Precursor) |
Si039796m.g | -1.47529 | 下调Down | 富含脯氨酸受体蛋白激酶PERK13 Proline-rich receptor-like protein kinase PERK13 |
Si018336m.g | -1.82746 | 下调Down | 硫酸化表面糖蛋白185(前体) Sulfated surface glycoprotein 185 (Precursor) |
Si016793m.g | 1.287002 | 上调Up | 植物细胞壁蛋白gp1(前体) Vegetative cell wall protein gp1 (Precursor) |
Si000613m.g | -1.18939 | 下调Down | 漆酶7(前体) Laccase-7 (Precursor) |
Si023491m.g | 1.190769 | 上调Up | 预测:未知蛋白LOC101764024 PREDICTED: Uncharacterized protein LOC101764024 |
Si004062m.g | -2.02728 | 下调Down | 成束阿拉伯半乳聚糖蛋白11(前体) Fasciclin-like arabinogalactan protein 11 (Precursor) |
Si018695m.g | -2.20687 | 下调Down | 预测:未知蛋白LOC101771662 PREDICTED: Uncharacterized protein LOC101771662 |
Si007831m.g | -2.47549 | 下调Down | 可待因O-脱甲基酶 Codeine O-demethylase |
Si026615m.g | 1.433106 | 上调Up | 富亮氨酸重复扩展蛋白5(前体) Leucine-rich repeat extensin-like protein 5 (Precursor) |
Si039113m.g | -1.03735 | 下调Down | COBRA类蛋白7 COBRA-like protein 7 (Precursor) |
Si037835m.g | -1.30431 | 下调Down | 蛋白15对脱水的早期反应 Protein EARLY RESPONSIVE TO DEHYDRATION 15 |

图5谷子萌发10 h和18 h差异基因的生物过程分类
-->Fig. 5Biological process classification of the DEGs under seed germinate for 10h and 18h between control sample and PEG-stress sample

图6谷子萌发10 h和18 h差异基因的分子功能分类
-->Fig. 6Molecular function classification of the DEGs under seed germinate for10 h and 18 h between control sample and PEG-stress sample
COG分析发现在种子萌发10和18 h时差异基因涉及21个功能类别(图7),在这些基因中基因数目最多的功能类别是一般功能(general function prediction only),基因数目达到52个;在种子萌发10 h时基因数目大于10的功能类别有转录(transcription)有18个基因,复制、重组和修复(replication, recombination and repair)有16个基因,信号转导机制(signal transduction mechanisms)有26个基因,能量的产生和转化(energy production and conversion)有19个基因,碳水化合物转运和代谢(carbohydrate transport and metabolism)有27个基因以及氨基酸转运与代谢(amino acid transport and metabolism)有24个基因,其他的功能类别涉及到的基因均等于或低于10;而在种子萌发18 h时基因数目大于10的功能类别分别为翻译、核糖体结构与生物合成(translation, ribosomal structure and biogenesis)有15个基因,转录(transcription)有21个基因,复制、重组和修复(replication, recombination and repair)有16个基因,信号转导机制(signal transduction mechanisms)有22个基因,胞壁/膜生物发生(cell wall/membrane/envelope biogenesis)有14个基因,蛋白质翻译后修饰与转运(posttranslational modification, protein turnover, chaperones)有15个基因,碳水化合物转运和代谢(carbohydrate transport and metabolism)有26个基因,能量的产生和转化(energy production and conversion)有16个基因,氨基酸转运与代谢(amino acid transport and metabolism)为19个基因,次生代谢产物的生物合成、运输和分解代谢(secondary metabolites biosynthesis, transport and catabolism)有15个基因。尽管其他的功能类别的差异基因数目并不客观,但是囊括种类较多说明种子萌发阶段受到PEG胁迫后,物质代谢及能量转化受到较大的影响并且一直伴随着种子萌发整个过程,而种子萌发到18 h时开始进入发芽,在发芽早期种子会进行DNA修复以及一些复合体如核糖核蛋白体的水解,因此,PEG胁迫以后对蛋白质翻译后修饰与转运和翻译,核糖体与生物合成功能的影响显著增加;同时随着胁迫时间的增加,次生代谢物质也在种子萌发过程中不断增加。

图7谷子萌发10 h和18 h差异基因的COG分类
1:翻译、核糖体结构与生物合成Translation, ribosomal structure and biogenesis;2:RNA加工与修饰RNA processing and modification;3:转录Transcription;4:复制、重组与修复Replication, recombination and repair;5:细胞周期调控与分裂、染色体重排Cell cycle control, cell division, chromosome partitioning;6:防御机制Defense mechanisms;7:信号转导机制Signal transduction mechanisms;8:胞壁/膜生物发生Cell wall/membrane/envelope biogenesis;9:细胞骨架Cytoskeleton;10:胞内分泌与膜泡运输Intracellular trafficking, secretion, and vesicular transport;11:蛋白质翻译后修饰与转运、分子伴侣Posttranslational modification, protein turnover, chaperones;12:能量产生和转化Energy production and conversion;13:碳水化合物运输与代谢Carbohydrate transport and metabolism;14:氨基酸运输与代谢Amino acid transport and metabolism;15:核酸运输与代谢Nucleotide transport and metabolism;16:辅酶运输与代谢Coenzyme transport and metabolism;17:脂类运输与代谢Lipid transport and metabolism;18:无机离子运输与代谢Inorganic ion transport and metabolism;19:次生产物合成、运输及代谢Secondary metabolites biosynthesis, transport and catabolism;20:一般功能基因General function prediction only;21:功能未知Function unknown
-->Fig. 7COG classification of DEGs under seed germinate for 10h and18h between control sample and PEG-stress sample
差异基因被注释到98条KEGG代谢通路中,广泛涉及到物质代谢、能量代谢、信号转导及次生代谢(图4)。以P-value≤0.05为筛选标准,发现这些基因在干旱处理10 h显著的富集到16个代谢通路中,处理18 h显著富集到12个代谢通路中(表4)。
Table 4
Table 4DEGs of top KEGG pathways between control sample and PEG-stress sample
样品 Sample | 代谢通路 Pathway | 代谢通路ID Pathway ID | 注释到该通路的差异基因数 DEGs with pathway annotation | P值 P-value |
10hCKvs10hPEG | 苯丙烷类代谢 Phenylpropanoid biosynthesis | Ko00940 | 7/79(8.86%) | 0.002308 |
牛磺酸和牛磺酸代谢 Taurine and hypotaurine metabolism | Ko00430 | 3/79(3.80%) | 0.002644 | |
二萜类化合物的生物合成 Diterpenoid biosynthesis | Ko00904 | 3/79(3.80%) | 0.002644 | |
丁酸代谢 Butanoate metabolism | Ko00650 | 4/79(5.06%) | 0.004662 | |
睛氨酸代谢 Cyanoamino acid metabolism | Ko00460 | 4/79 (5.06%) | 0.006530 | |
植物激素信号转导 Plant hormone signal transduction | Ko04075 | 10/79(12.66%) | 0.007630 | |
植物病源菌的相互作用 Plant-pathogen interaction | Ko04626 | 7/79(8.86%) | 0.008102 | |
糖酵解 Glycolysis / Gluconeogenesis | Ko00010 | 8/79(10.13%) | 0.009139 | |
氧化磷酸化 Oxidative phosphorylation | Ko00190 | 9/79(11.39%) | 0.014825 | |
氮代谢 Nitrogen metabolism | Ko00910 | 4/79(5.06%) | 0.018767 | |
苯丙氨酸代谢 Phenylalanine metabolism | Ko00360 | 5/79(11.39%) | 0.021702 | |
丙氨酸、天冬氨酸和谷氨酸代谢 Alanine,aspartate and glutamate metabolism | Ko00250 | 4/79(5.06%) | 0.024766 | |
淀粉与蔗糖代谢 Starch and sucrose metabolism | Ko00500 | 6/79(7.59%) | 0.035547 | |
半胱氨酸和蛋氨酸代谢 Cysteine and methionine metabolism | Ko00270 | 5/79(6.33%) | 0.037258 | |
β-丙氨酸代谢 beta-Alanine metabolism | Ko00410 | 3/79(3.80%) | 0.039511 | |
其他类型的O-聚糖的生物合成 Other types of O-glycan biosynthesis | Ko00514 | 1/79(1.27%) | 0.044376 | |
18hvs18hPEG | 苯丙烷类代谢 Phenylpropanoid biosynthesis | Ko00940 | 10/66(15.15%) | 2.21E-06 |
苯丙氨酸代谢 Phenylalanine metabolism | Ko00360 | 9/66(13.63%) | 5.48E-06 | |
β-丙氨酸代谢 beta-Alanine metabolism | Ko00410 | 4/66(6.06%) | 0.003422 | |
鞘脂类代谢 Sphingolipid metabolism | Ko00600 | 3/66(4.55%) | 0.005710 | |
半乳糖代谢 Galactose metabolism | Ko00052 | 4/66(6.06%) | 0.006775 | |
氮代谢 Nitrogen metabolism | Ko00910 | 4/66(6.06%) | 0.010180 | |
鞘糖脂生物合成-环球系列 Glycosphingolipid biosynthesis - globo series | Ko00603 | 2/66(3.03%) | 0.020236 | |
植物激素信号转导 Plant hormone signal transduction | Ko04075 | 8/66(12.12%) | 0.020924 | |
牛磺酸和牛磺酸代谢 Taurine and hypotaurine metabolism | Ko00430 | 2/66(3.03%) | 0.023630 | |
二萜类化合物的生物合成 Diterpenoid biosynthesis | Ko00904 | 2/66(3.03%) | 0.023630 | |
其他类型的O-聚糖的生物合成 Other types of O-glycan biosynthesis | Ko00514 | 1/66(1.51%) | 0.037143 | |
氧化磷酸化 Oxidative phosphorylation | Ko00190 | 7/66(10.60%) | 0.042462 |
干旱胁迫10 h,富集到植物激素信号转导、氧化磷酸化、糖酵解、苯丙烷类代谢及植物病源菌的相互作用的差异表达基因达到了51%,其中植物激素信号转导的差异表达的基因数目最多为10个。干旱胁迫18h,富集到苯丙烷类代谢、苯丙氨酸代谢、植物激素信号转导及氧化磷酸化的差异基因达到51%,其中富集到苯丙烷类代谢通路的差异表达基因数目最多为10个。
植物内源激素广泛参与到种子萌发过程,对种子的萌发进程起到一定调节作用。在干旱胁迫下,通过分析KEGG代谢通路发现,谷子萌发过程中关键的2个时间点10 h及18 h分别有10个和8个基因发生了差异表达,涉及生长素、乙烯、脱落酸、茉莉酸、水杨酸和油菜素内酯6种激素(图8)。其中上调表达的基因包括丝氨酸/苏氨酸蛋白激酶SnRK2、ABA反应元件结合因子ABF、乙烯受体ETR、转录因子TGA、生长素反应蛋白SAUR家族的X10A蛋白;下调表达的基因包括生长素载体AUX1 LAX家族、生长素响应的GH3家族、生长素反应蛋白SAUR家族的X10A和ARG7蛋白、ABA受体PYR/PYL家族、茉莉酸ZIM结构域蛋白质、木葡聚糖转移酶TCH4。其中SnRK2在萌发10和18 h都上调表达(图5),其通常作为一个正调控因子参与到ABA信号转导途径,且ABA的含量在种子萌发过程中决定着种子是否萌发,大量的研究表明其抑制种子的萌发[34,35]。而其他的激素对于种子萌发的影响都是通过调节ABA并且与ABA形成互作网络来实现的[32],因此推断SnRK2在干旱胁迫下调节种子的萌发。

Tryptophan metabolism:色氨酸代谢;Auxin:生长素;Ubiquitin mediated proteolysis:泛素介导的蛋白水解;Cell enlargement:细胞增大;Plant growth:植物生长;Zeatin biosynthesis:玉米素的生物合成;Cytokinine:细胞分裂素;Cell division:细胞分裂;Shoot initiation:根的发生;Diterpenoid biosynthesis:二萜类化合物的生物合成;Gibberellin:赤霉素;Stem growth:茎的生长;Induced germination:诱导萌发;Carotenoid biosynthesis:类胡萝卜素的生物合成;Abscisic acid:脱落酸;Stomatal closure:气孔;Seed dormancy:种子休眠;Cysteine and methionine metabolism:半胱氨酸和蛋氨酸代谢;Ethylene:乙烯;Endoplasmic reticulum(ER):内质网;Fruit ripening:果实成熟;Senescence:衰老;Brassinosteroid biosynthesis:油菜素内酯的生物合成;Brassinosteroid:油菜素甾醇;Proteasomal degradation:蛋白酶体降解;Cell elongation:细胞伸长;Alpha-Linolenic acid metabolism:α-亚麻酸代谢;Jasmonic acid:茉莉酸;Monoterpenoid biosynthesis:类单萜生物合成;Indole alkaloid biosynthesis:吲哚生物碱的生物合成;Stress response:应激反应;Phenylalanine metabolism:苯丙氨酸代谢;Salicylic acid:水杨酸;Disease resistance:抗病性
-->Fig. 8Plant hormone signal transduction under seed germinate for 10h and18h between control sample and PEG-stress sample
通过分析KEGG代谢通路,还发现有较多数量的差异表达基因富集到苯丙烷类代谢和苯丙氨酸代谢。其中苯丙烷类代谢在干旱胁迫10和18 h的谷子萌发进程中最显著,而苯丙氨酸代谢在干旱胁迫10 h时显著性较差,在干旱胁迫18 h时显著性仅次于苯丙烷类代谢。苯丙烷类代谢途径是植物体内非常重要的次生代谢途径,分析苯丙烷类代谢途径(ko00940)发现苯丙氨酸解氨酶(PAL)、肉桂酸-4-羟化酶(CA4H)基因(表5)在谷子萌发10和18 h均发生了下调表达。其中PAL是苯丙烷类次级代谢的第一个关键酶[25,26],不仅受到内部发育的调节(活性随着植物的的生长发育不断发生变化)而且也受到外部条件的的诱导(植物在受到寒冷、伤害和病原菌感染都会激活苯丙烷代谢)。通过对拟南芥4个PAL的研究中发现在没有给植株浇水2周后,pla1pla2双重突变体植物仍然是亮绿色,而野生型的植物出现萎蔫现象,说明PLA1和PLA2的缺失会提高植物的抗旱性[27]。通过分析发现在干旱胁迫下种子萌发过程中PAL表达水平下降,从而使PAL酶活性降低,直接影响肉桂酸的含量而使其他次生代谢产物合成减少,进而缓解PEG胁迫对种子影响,因此,可以推测PAL在种子萌发过程中起着关键作用。
Table 5
Table 5DEGs of phenylpropanoid biosynthesis under seed germinate for 10h and18h between control sample and PEG-stress sample
基因ID Gene ID | 基因描述 Gene description | 谷子萌发10 h Seed germinate for 10h | 谷子萌发18 h Seed germinate for 18h |
Si009509m.g | 苯丙氨酸解氨酶 Phenylalanine ammonia-lyase | 下调 Down | 下调 Down |
Si016504m.g | 苯丙氨酸/酪氨酸解氨酶 Phenylalanine/tyrosine ammonia-lyase | 下调 Down | 下调 Down |
Si016880m.g | 反式肉桂酸4-单加氧酶 Trans-cinnamate 4-monooxygenase | 下调 Down | 下调 Down |
2.6 荧光定量PCR分析
经过对显著富集的GO功能分类条目和KEGG代谢通路的分析,筛选出5个差异表达基因,其中Si035342m.g、Si035908m.g、Si001109m.g和Si016504m.g下调表达;Si022448m.g上调表达。采用qRT-PCR分析其表达谱,发现5个差异基因的表达模式与其在表达谱中的表达趋势一致,但是表达量的变化上有一定的不同(图9)
图9谷子萌发10 h和18 h差异基因的qRT-PCR验证
-->Fig. 9Validation of DEGs using qRT-PCR under seed germinate for 10h and18h between control sample and PEG-stress sample
3 讨论
植物受到干旱胁迫时,为了保护自己适应环境胁迫,不仅在生理生化代谢方面作出响应,同时在基因表达水平作出响应防御干旱胁迫,因此,从分子水平上来研究干旱胁迫响应的分子基础,寻找响应干旱的关键基因,为以后利用植物基因工程手段改良作物的抗旱性奠定基础。种子在萌发过程尤其是在胚根突破种皮时会产生大量的活性氧,因此,种子会发生氧化应激反应,种子通过产生抗氧化物质和酶来调节这种反应[28]。QIE等[29]和TANG等[30]通过QTL定位发现种子萌发与干旱相关,并将相关信息和RNA-seq数据的联合分析发现4个基因与种子萌发相关,其中包括了氧化应激反应和氧化还原反应。本研究通过GO分析发现氧化应激反应和氧化还原反应功能类别中富集了大量的差异基因,并且种子萌发到18 h富集到这两个通路中的基因明显增加。在前期的生理试验中发现SOD的活性在持续增加,而CAT活性和POD活性呈现相反的趋势,说明在晋谷45萌发受到到干旱胁迫时,调控SOD的基因对干旱的应答不够灵敏高效,而调控CAT和POD的基因可以作出迅速的应答,从而导致SOD的活性增加,CAT和POD活性降低;玉米种子受到低温胁迫后SOD、POD和CAT的活性整体是先增加后降低,而基因的表达量则是先减小后增加[31]。
激素是调节植物生长和发育的小分子,在种子萌发的过程中脱落酸、赤霉素、乙烯、生长素、水杨酸、茉莉酸等激素都会影响种子的萌发[32,33]。其中脱落酸可以抑制种子的萌发,而赤霉素可以解除这种抑制促进种子的萌发,其他激素单独的调节种子的萌发的机制还不清楚,但是它们可以与脱落酸、赤霉素形成工作网络一起来控制种子的萌发,尤其是在响应环境胁迫的过程中[34,35]。ABA与GA的比值决定着种子是否萌发。蔗糖不发酵相关蛋白激酶2(sucrose non- fermenting-1-related protein kinase2 SnRK2)参与环境胁迫及ABA等的信号转导。在对拟南芥中SnRK2s的二重突变体SnRK2.2/3、三重突变体SnRK2.2/3/6和十重突变体SnRK2.1/2/3/4/5/6/7/8/9/10 研究中表明拟南芥中SnRK2基因家族有利于种子的萌发及提高拟南芥在干旱胁迫的适应能力[36,37,38]。本研究通过KEGG分析发现植物激素信号转导途径中ABA信号转导中的下游基因SnRK2的表达上调,推断这将会导致ABA对种子萌发的抑制作用增强。同时现在已经证明当植物处于冷、盐和渗透胁迫时,降低GA的水平和信号会有利于打破逆境对植物生长的限制[39]。影响GA合成的关键基因是GA2ox基因家族,因此,在环境胁迫下,GA2ox基因家族的表达就会影响GA的合成。GA生物合成过程中的GA20x、GA3ox和GA2ox基因家族受到GA含量的调节,当合成基因下调表达时,GA2ox上调表达[39]。在本文表达谱分析中发现GA20x1上调表达,推断在干旱胁迫下GA2ox下调表达,导致GA的含量下降,对种子的萌发的促进作用减弱。通过表达谱的初步分析可以推断出在干旱条件下,ABA作用增强,而GA的作用减弱,它们的拮抗作用导致种子萌发延迟。
4 结论
谷子萌发10和18 h分别筛选出456和545个差异基因,87和267个在干旱胁迫下上调表达,369和278个在干旱胁迫下下调表达。差异基因的表达广泛涉及到糖、蛋白质、核酸等生物大分子代谢、次生代谢和能量代谢等过程。请根据该文DOI:10.3864/j.issn.0578-1752.2018.08.002或扫描右侧二维码,从相应网页“附件”处下载查阅以上信息(手机或不兼容)。

The authors have declared that no competing interests exist.