The Genetic Contribution of the Important Breeding Parent Chuanmai 44 to Its Derivatives
LUO JiangTao,, ZHENG JianMin, DENG QingYan, LIU PeiXun, PU ZongJun,Crop Research Institute of Sichuan Academic of Agricultural Sciences/Key Laboratory of Wheat Biology and Genetic Improvement on Southwestern China, Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Areas, Chengdu 610066
Abstract 【Objective】Common wheat variety Chuanmai 44 has the characteristics of high yield, stable yield and wide adaptability. Ten new varieties have been selected and approved in breeding program using Chuanmai 44 as parent. It indicates Chuanmai 44 is an important breeding parent. To clarify the genetic base of Chuanmai 44 as a vital parent in breeding exercise and identify important genes or QTL within it will be helpful in breeding new elite varieties using Chuanmai 44. 【Method】Fluorescence in situ hybridization was applied to Chuanmai 44 and its ten derived varieties to identify whether there were wheat-alien translocations, and to analyze the chromosome diversity among them. The 660K SNP array data of Chuanmai 44 and its derived varieties were used to calculate the genetic contribution of Chuanmai 44 to its derived varieties and clarify the high transmission genomic segments. Functional molecular markers within cloned genes and linked molecular markers for yield-related traits were used to identify important genes or QTL in Chuanmai 44 for breeding. 【Result】 Chuanmai 44 did not harbor the 6VS/6AL and 1RS/1BL translocation chromosomes which both frequently existed in wheat varieties in Sichuan. Only two out of its ten derivatives, Changmai 32 and Changmai 34, contained 1RS/1BL translocation, which is inherited from another parent Changmai 19. The existence of 1RS/1BL translocation in the two varieties may explain their weak gluten phenotype. Except wheat-relative translocation, the karyotypes of Chuanmai 44 and its 10 derivative varieties also showed polymorphisms on some chromosomes. For instance, there were two types of chromosome 4A among derivatives, and 80% of them showed the same as Chuanmai 44. Chromosomes 5A, 6B and 7B had 4, 2 and 2 karyotypes, respectively. These three chromosomes in the derivative population of Chuanmai 44 showed the same karyotype with Chuanmai 44 in a frequency of 40%. 660K SNP chip analysis identified 1127 genomic segments with high transmission frequency (>50%) within its derived varieties. These genomic segments located on all 21 chromosomes and their mean length was 1.57 Mb. B genome owned the most number and the largest length of the high transmission frequency segments. Chromosomes 4A, 2B and 5B were the three chromosomes with the longest high transmission frequency segments. Chromosomes 4A, 2B and 3B were the three chromosomes with the most number of high transmission frequency segments. Combing the genotype data of 61 functional markers of cloned wheat gene and 13 SNP markers linked with yield-related QTL and the distribution of Chuanmai 44 high transmission genomic regions, we discovered that there are 9 genes markers and 3 QTL markers are anchored in the high transmission rate section of Chuanmai 44. The twelve markers responding to two favorable alleles and three QTL, including TaSdr, NAM-A1, QTKW.sicau-2AS.1, QTKW.Sicau-4AL, QSL.sicau-5AL.2, which exhibited positive effect on preharvest sprouting resistance, effective tiller number, thousand grain weight and spike length, respectively. 【Conclusion】The length of genomic segments retained within its derived varieties was short. It suggested that Chuanmai 44 as a breeding parent had high genetic combining ability, and its chromosomes were easy to recombine with different homologous chromosomes in resulting hybrids, which is beneficial to reduce linkage drag. Therefore, it plays an important role as a skeleton parent in breeding excercise. TaSdr, NAM-A1, QTKW.sicau-2AS.1, QTKW.Sicau-4AL and QSL.sicau-5AL.2 were the important loci in Chuanmai 44, which should be widely used in further breeding program under molecular marker assisted selecting. Keywords:Chuanmai 44;genetic contribution;beneficial gene;QTL;high transmission rate
PDF (1888KB)元数据多维度评价相关文章导出EndNote|Ris|Bibtex收藏本文 本文引用格式 罗江陶, 郑建敏, 邓清燕, 刘培勋, 蒲宗君. 重要育种亲本川麦44对衍生品种的遗传贡献. 中国农业科学, 2021, 54(20): 4255-4264 doi:10.3864/j.issn.0578-1752.2021.20.001 LUO JiangTao, ZHENG JianMin, DENG QingYan, LIU PeiXun, PU ZongJun. The Genetic Contribution of the Important Breeding Parent Chuanmai 44 to Its Derivatives. Scientia Acricultura Sinica, 2021, 54(20): 4255-4264 doi:10.3864/j.issn.0578-1752.2021.20.001
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