Evolution Characteristics and Influencing Factors on Inherent Soil Productivity Across Dryland
LI GuanMo,1, ZHANG WenJu,1, QU XiaoLin2, QIAO Lei1, HUANG YaPing1, XU Hu1, XU MingGang11Institute of Agricultural Resources and Regional Planning, Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences/National Engineering Laboratory for Improving of Arable Land, Beijing 100081 2Farmland Quality Monitoring and Protection Center of the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs, Beijing 100125
Abstract 【Objective】Inherent soil productivity of cropland is an important index of its productivity potential. The main objective of this study was to explore the evolution patterns and to identify the main influencing factors on the contribution of inherent soil productivity (CISP), which could provide the guidance for sustainable utilization of cultivated land to improve of CISP. 【Method】Based on the national long-term field monitoring network in China, the monitoring dataset were grouped according to regional distributions, monitoring years, soil types, and soil physical and chemical properties to explore the spatial-temporal evolution patterns and importance factors on the CISP for wheat/maize season.【Result】The median values of CISP for wheat and maize were 48.9% and 53.4% across main producing regions. The CISP for maize in Northeast and Northwest China were 60.8% and 57.0%. In southwest China, the CISP for the wheat and maize were both the lowest, with the median values of 35.8% and 21.3%. During the past 30 years, the CISP of China’s cropland showed an increasing trend. The CISP in the 2010s significantly were increased by 15 percentage points compared with the value in the 1980s. The results of random forest model showed that soil type and soil pH were the main factors influencing the CISP at national scale. As for wheat on regional scale, soil organic matter (SOM) was the most important factor in the North China, and available phosphorus (AP) was the most important factor in the Southwest China and the middle and lower reaches of Yangtze River. However, as for maize, regardless of soil type and area, available potassium (AK) and soil pH were mainly important influencing factors in the North China and the lower reaches of Yangtze River. Soil organic matter (SOM) was the most important factor in the Northeast and Southwest China. 【Conclusion】The CISP in China is increasing on the whole with obvious differences among regions. On the national scale, soil type and pH were main factors casing variation of CISP. The soil type, SOM, AP and pH were mainly important factors casing variation of CISP on regional scale. Keywords:farmland soil;inherent soil productivity;the evolution characteristics;wheat;maize
PDF (1634KB)元数据多维度评价相关文章导出EndNote|Ris|Bibtex收藏本文 本文引用格式 李官沫, 张文菊, 曲潇琳, 乔磊, 黄亚萍, 徐虎, 徐明岗. 旱作种植条件下基础地力贡献率演变特征及影响因素分析. 中国农业科学, 2021, 54(19): 4132-4142 doi:10.3864/j.issn.0578-1752.2021.19.009 LI GuanMo, ZHANG WenJu, QU XiaoLin, QIAO Lei, HUANG YaPing, XU Hu, XU MingGang. Evolution Characteristics and Influencing Factors on Inherent Soil Productivity Across Dryland. Scientia Acricultura Sinica, 2021, 54(19): 4132-4142 doi:10.3864/j.issn.0578-1752.2021.19.009
由于小麦季与玉米季的部分监测点位重合,表中所列各区域及其不同时间阶段的监测点位数为小麦季和玉米季的总和。土壤类型依据中国土壤分类系统划分 Because some sites overlap between wheat season and maize season, the number of sites in each region listed in the above table and in different years is the sum of wheat season and maize season. Soil type in the study area is classified according to the Chinese Soil Taxonomy
矩形盒的左右边缘线分别代表全部数据的25%和75%,箱型图的左边缘线和右边缘线分别代表全部数据的5%和95%,左右实心点为除异常值外的最小值和最大值。盒中实线代表中值,虚线代表平均值;右实心点旁的不同字母表示中位值差异显著(P<0.05),括号数字表示该处理有基础地力贡献率数据的个数。下同 Fig. 1The contribution percentage of inherent soil productivity after each monitoring sites for different region and periods
The lower and upper boundaries,bars,and dots in or outside the boxes indicate 25% and 75%, 5% and 95%, the minimum and maximum besides the vertical outliers of the data. The solid and dashed lines represent the median and mean value. Different letters indicate significant differences (P<0.05) in median mean value. Numbers of observations are shown in parenthesis. The same as below
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