Advance in Indicator Screening and Methodologies of Soil Quality Evaluation
LI Xin,1, ZHANG WenJu,1, WU Lei1, REN Yi2, ZHANG JunDa2, XU MingGang11Institute of Agricultural Resources and Regional Planning, Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences/National Engineering Laboratory for Improving Quality of Arable Land, Beijing 100081 2Cultivated Land Quality Monitoring and Protection Center, Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs, Beijing 100125
Received:2020-09-4Accepted:2020-11-10 作者简介 About authors 李鑫,Tel:15511903911;E-mail:。
摘要 【目的】探究国内外土壤质量评价方法与指标体系,梳理土壤质量评价中的研究热点与发展前沿,为我国土壤质量评估研究及方法应用提供科学参考。【方法】基于Web of Science 和CNKI数据库,利用文献计量检索方法,收集有关土壤质量评价指标、最小数据集筛选、土壤质量评价方法等方面的文献415篇、最小数据集155个。基于土壤质量评价指标选取频率、评价方法和最小数据集等信息,分析近30年来全球土壤质量评价的发展态势、前沿领域以及评价中存在的问题。【结果】国内外土壤质量评价指标体系涉及25个物理指标、36个化学指标、35个生物指标和19个环境指标。土壤有机质作为土壤质量的核心指标,其选取频率最高,为96.6%;其次是土壤酸碱度、全氮、速效磷、速效钾和容重,选取频率均在50%以上;微生物生物量、土壤酶活性等生物指标选取频率较低,均小于25%,但呈逐年增加的趋势。最小数据集构建方法中,主成分分析能最大限度地减少指标冗余,体现原始变量的绝大部分信息,应用最为广泛。被筛选进入最小数据集的指标中,有机质、速效磷、容重和土壤酸碱度在表征土壤质量时应用广泛,频率分别为67.7%、43.2%、34.8%和34.2%。目前土壤质量评价研究主要采用主成分分析方法筛选土壤质量指标,运用土壤质量指数法进行综合评价,能较准确地评估管理措施对土壤质量的影响,适用于土壤可持续管理。【结论】土壤有机质、速效磷、酸碱度、容重和含水量是表征土壤质量的重要评价指标。构建能够客观、全面、真实地反映土壤质量变化的指标体系及其与信息技术的融合是未来土壤质量评价研究的重点,应用指标体系在大空间尺度评估土壤质量是未来发展的趋势。 关键词:文献计量学;Web of Science 数据库;CNKI数据库;土壤质量;最小数据集;评价方法
Abstract 【Objective】 The objectives of the present study were to synthesize the current information on soil quality assessment method and indicator system, and to present the hot topics and frontiers related to soil quality, so as to, provide references for Chinese scholars and experts in the field of soil quality evaluation research and application. 【Method】 The published articles regarding the selection of soil quality indicators, construction of minimum data set, and selection of soil quality evaluation methods were collected based on Web of Science and CNKI databases using bibliometrics method, and a total of 415 articles and 155 minimum data sets related to soil quality evaluation were screened. Development trend, frontier fields and current problems of global soil quality assessment during the past 30 years were analyzed according to selection frequency of indicators, assessment method and construction of minimum data set. 【Result】 The soil quality evaluation indicator system mainly included 25 physical, 36 chemical, 35 biological and 19 environmental indicators. Soil organic matter, as the core indicator of soil quality, was selected with the highest frequency of 96.6%, followed by pH, total nitrogen, available phosphorus, available potassium, and bulk density, with a frequency more than 50%. The selection frequency of biological indicators such as microbial biomass and soil enzyme activity was less than 25%, while increasing over time. Principal component analysis, minimizing indicator redundancy and reflecting most of the information of original variables, was the most widely used for minimum data set construction method. Soil organic matter, available phosphorus, bulk density, and pH were selected into the minimum data set with a frequency of 67.7%, 43.2%, 34.8%, and 34.2%, respectively, being widely used to characterize soil quality. Nowadays, the most studies on soil quality evaluation focus on the utilization of principal component analysis to select soil quality indicators and establish soil quality index for comprehensive soil quality evaluation, which was suitable for sustainable soil management.【Conclusion】 Soil organic matter, available phosphorus, soil pH, bulk density and soil water content were the main parameters selected for soil quality evaluation. Construction a comprehensive and objective soil quality indicator system and the integration with the information technology would be the focus in future research. The application of evaluation indicators in large-scale soil quality assessment was the trend of future development. Keywords:bibliometrics;Web of science database;CNKI database;soil quality;minimum data set;assessment method
PDF (949KB)元数据多维度评价相关文章导出EndNote|Ris|Bibtex收藏本文 本文引用格式 李鑫, 张文菊, 邬磊, 任意, 张骏达, 徐明岗. 土壤质量评价指标体系的构建及评价方法[J]. 中国农业科学, 2021, 54(14): 3043-3056 doi:10.3864/j.issn.0578-1752.2021.14.010 LI Xin, ZHANG WenJu, WU Lei, REN Yi, ZHANG JunDa, XU MingGang. Advance in Indicator Screening and Methodologies of Soil Quality Evaluation[J]. Scientia Acricultura Sinica, 2021, 54(14): 3043-3056 doi:10.3864/j.issn.0578-1752.2021.14.010
本研究基于Web of Science核心合集数据库和CNKI数据库进行文献计量分析,其中CNKI数据库设定为中国学术期刊网络出版总库。在两个数据库中,英文检索式为“主题=(soil quality assessment)OR 主题=(soil health assessment)”,中文检索式为“主题=(土壤质量评价)OR主题=(土壤健康评价)”。检索的时间跨度为1990年1月1日至2019年12月31日,共检索筛选到相关文献415篇,基于Web of science核心合集数据的英文文献129篇,基于CNKI数据库的中文文献286篇。对检索到的文献进行统计,分析国内外土壤质量评价研究的热点问题及研究现状,并对研究论文中所采用的评价指标分为土壤物理、土壤化学、土壤生物、土壤环境共四大类逐一进行统计,分析指标选取的频率;415篇文献中收集到155个应用于土壤质量评价的指标最小数据集(MDS),分别对进入MDS中的指标频率进行统计;同时对土壤质量评价研究中筛选指标的方法和土壤质量评价方法进行总结和比较。数据利用Excel 2017整理、筛选、统计,利用Origin 2019b进行绘图。
将对应分析与多元回归分析相结合,每一步计算均与环境因子进行回归 Combining correspondence analysis and multiple regression analysis, regressioning with environmental factors in each step of calculation
可将样方、对象与环境因子的排序结果表示在同一排序图上 Displaying the sorting results of plots, objects and environmental factors on the same sorting chart
多应用于土壤指标对植物群落组成的影响,应用范围较小 Mostly used in the influence of soil indicators on the of plant communities, a small application range
通过关联度和关联序反映各评价对象与理想对象的接近次序,对评价对象进行比较 Evaluating close order and comparing the evaluation objects between objects and ideal object by correlation degree and order
方法简便,评价结果客观 Easy to get an objective evaluation result
若指标值离散,会丢失部分信息 Prone to lose information with discrete values of indicators
以物元理论和可拓集合理论为基础,建立多指标性能参数的质量评定模型 Establish a quality evaluation model for multi- index performance parameters based on matter- element and extension set theory
解决单项指标评价的不相容性 Solving the incompatibility of individual index evaluation
计算过程相对复杂 Relatively complicated calculation process
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