Varying Synthetic Phosphorus Varieties Lead to Different Fractions in Calcareous Soil
JI BingJie,, LI WenHai, XU MengYang, NIU JinCan, ZHANG ShuLan, YANG XueYun,College of Natural Resources and Environment, Northwest A & F University, Yangling 712100, Shaanxi
Abstract 【Objective】Synthetic phosphorus fertilizers may vary in their behavior when applied to soil because of their inherent differences in nature. In order that the phosphate fertilizers could well match the crops’ P requirement, the selection of appropriate types of P sources are of paramount importance in practice. To achieve this, it is necessary to make a thorough investigation on phosphorus distribution among different soil P fractions and their bioavailability when P applied to soil in various varieties of synthetic phosphate fertilizers. 【Method】We conducted a pot experiment on a calcareous tier soil with a lower Olsen P level, which was collected from a plot without P addition for 20 years. Eight treatments were established: (1) no phosphate fertilizer (Control); (2) superphosphate (SSP); (3) calcium magnesium phosphate (CaMg P); (4) mono-ammonium phosphate (MAP); (5) di-ammonium phosphate (DAP); (6) ammonium poly-phosphate (Poly P); (7) Urea phosphate (Urea P); (8) superphosphate plus ammonium sulfate (SSP+ASA). A maize variety ‘Zhengdan 958’ was used as a test crop. We analyzed the correlations between P uptake in above-ground biomass of maize, soil Olsen P and the content of soil P fractions, which were determined with a P fractionation method modified by Jiang & Gu. 【Result】Results showed that the contents of soil available P (Olsen P) and its dynamics varying with treatments. The average Olsen P contents followed an order of DAP>Urea P≥Poly P>MAP>SSP+ASA>SSP>CaMg P>Control based on their statistical significance during the experimental period of two months. Compared with the control treatment, all treatments receiving P significantly increased the above-ground biomass, phosphorus uptake and phosphorus use efficiency of maize by 64.8%-221.3%, 114.1%-593.0% and 2.1%-11.0%, respectively. The largest increase was observed in treatments receiving DAP and poly P. Both the phosphorus uptake and above-ground biomass of maize were positively and significantly correlated with soil Olsen P. Phosphorus fractions of Ca2-P, Ca8-P, Al-P and Fe-P were enhanced by 36.9%-610.0%, 21.7%-85.5%, 57.2%-83.0%, 28.5%-77.8% in all phosphorus application treatments except O-P and Ca10-P, which remained unchanged except in CaMg P treatment. Of which, the greatest increases in Ca2-P and Ca8-P were observed in treatments given MAP, DAP, poly P and Urea P; the largest increases in Al-P and Fe-P were found in SSP+ASA and SSP treatments; significant increases in O-P and Ca10-P were only obtained in CaMg P treatment. The Poly P treatment had the significantly greater Ca2-P than MAP and Urea P treatments, only lower that DAP treatment, but it contained a significantly lower Ca8-P relative to DAP, MAP and Urea P treatments. Compared with SSP, SSP+ASA significantly increased the contents of Ca2-P and Al-P by 24.9% and 11.9%, respectively, and the available phosphorus content increased by 11.4%. The inorganic P fractions of Ca2-P, Ca8-P and Al-P showed a significant and positive correlations with soil available phosphorus and phosphorus uptake by plants. 【Conclusion】Under the tested soil conditions, DAP had a lower phosphorus fixation and thus a greater available phosphorus pool. Poly P inhibited the transformation of Ca2-P to Ca8-P and therefore reduced the precipitation of phosphorus. The results suggested that Poly P is equivalent to DAP in bioavailability, and these two varieties of phosphate fertilizers could be used where there is an urgent need to improve and maintain soil Olsen P. The application of physiological acidic fertilizer ammonium sulfate combined with SSP in calcareous soil not only increased the content of available phosphorus, but also reduced the fixation of phosphorus. Keywords:variety of synthetic phosphate fertilizer;tier soil;maize;inorganic phosphorus fractions;soil available phosphorus
PDF (622KB)元数据多维度评价相关文章导出EndNote|Ris|Bibtex收藏本文 本文引用格式 吉冰洁, 李文海, 徐梦洋, 牛金璨, 张树兰, 杨学云. 不同磷肥品种在石灰性土壤中的磷形态差异[J]. 中国农业科学, 2021, 54(12): 2581-2594 doi:10.3864/j.issn.0578-1752.2021.12.009 JI BingJie, LI WenHai, XU MengYang, NIU JinCan, ZHANG ShuLan, YANG XueYun. Varying Synthetic Phosphorus Varieties Lead to Different Fractions in Calcareous Soil[J]. Scientia Acricultura Sinica, 2021, 54(12): 2581-2594 doi:10.3864/j.issn.0578-1752.2021.12.009
Control:不施磷肥No phosphate fertilizer;SSP:过磷酸钙Superphosphate;CaMg P:钙镁磷肥Calcium magnesium phosphate fertilizer;MAP:磷酸一铵Mono-ammonium phosphate;DAP:磷酸二铵Di-ammonium phosphate;Poly P:聚磷酸铵Ammonium poly-phosphate;Urea P:磷酸脲Urea phosphate;SSP+ASA:过磷酸钙加硫酸铵Superphosphate plus ammonium sulfate。下同 The same as below Fig. 1Dynamics of Olsen P in soils subjected to different varieties of phosphorus fertilizers
Table 2 表2 表2不同磷肥品种对玉米植株干物质量、吸磷量及磷肥利用率的影响 Table 2Effects of different varieties of phosphorus fertilizers on above-ground biomass, P uptake of maize, and P use efficiency
处理 Treatment
干物质量 Biomass (g/plant)
植株吸磷量 P uptake of plant (mg/plant)
磷肥利用率PUE (%)
差减法 Subtraction method
平衡法 Balanced method
3.70±0.06 e
3.24±0.27 e
10.83±0.48 c
15.05±1.14 c
6.75 c
8.60 c
CaMg P
6.09±0.43 d
6.93±0.02 d
2.11 d
3.96 d
11.01±0.27 bc
18.97±0.99 b
8.99 b
10.84 b
11.73±0.60 ab
22.43±0.06 a
10.97 a
12.82 a
Poly P
11.88±0.74 a
22.23±1.87 a
10.85 a
12.70 a
Urea P
10.40±0.26 c
15.35±1.33 c
6.92 c
8.77 c
10.73±0.27 c
15.47±0.69 c
6.99 c
8.84 c
表中数值均为4次重复的平均值±标准偏差;同列不同小写字母表示不同施磷处理间差异显著(P<0.05) The values presented are mean ± standard deviation of 4 replicates; Different small-case letters in the same column denote significant difference between treatments at 0.05 probability level
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