Abstract 【Objective】 In this paper, the effects of tillage practices on soil moisture and crop yield in winter wheat-fallow-spring maize rotation fields under different rainfall patterns were studied, so as to provide the theoretical support for the efficient use of rainfall and innovation of tillage systems in dryland region.【Method】 In 2007-2019, a long-term consecutive in-situ conservation tillage experiment was conducted in the Weibei Upland Plateau. Two conservation tillage practices were set, including no-tillage (NT) and subsoiling (ST), using conventional tillage (CT) as a control. Then, the effects of different tillage methods on soil moisture storage, yield and water use efficiency during the fallow and growth periods under different rainfall patterns were analyzed. 【Result】(1) The rainfall pattern and tillage practice as well as their interactions all significantly affected the soil water storage at the end of the fallow period and moisture storage rate, with rainfall pattern as the dominant factor. The soil water storage (mm) in the 0-200 cm soil layer at the end of fallow period values decreased in the following order: humid year (430.6) > dry year (405.9) > normal year (381.5); NT (417.4) > ST (402.3) > CT (398.2); The soil water storage in the 0-200 cm soil layer at the end of fallow period was the highest in the humid year under NT treatment (438.5) and the lowest in the normal year under ST treatment (370.2). The moisture storage rate (%) during the fallow period values decreased in the following order: humid year (27.1) > dry year (26.6) > normal year (25.1); NT (27.6) > ST (26.4) > CT (25.8); NT in the dry year had the highest moisture storage rate (29.1) and CT in the normal year had the lowest moisture storage rate (25.0). (2) The rainfall pattern and tillage practice as well as their interactions all significantly affected yield and water use efficiency (WUE) in winter wheat, of which the influence of tillage practice was the most significant factor of winter wheat yield (kg∙hm-2) and WUE (kg∙hm-2∙mm-1). The winter wheat yield values decreased in the following order: humid year (4985) > dry year (3984); NT (4522) > ST (4468) > CT (4465); The winter wheat yield was the highest in the humid year under NT treatment (5033) and the lowest in the dry year under ST treatment (3957). The winter wheat WUE values decreased in the following order: humid year (15.4) > dry year (14.9); NT (16.2) > ST (15.4) > CT (14.0); The winter wheat WUE was the highest in the humid year under NT treatment (16.5) and the lowest in the dry year under CT treatment (13.9). (3) The rainfall pattern and tillage practice as well as their interactions all significantly affected yield and WUE in spring maize, of which the influence of rainfall pattern was the most significant factor of spring maize yield and WUE. The spring maize yield values (kg∙hm-2) decreased in the following order: humid year (7677) > dry year (6999) > normal year (5887); NT (6900) > ST (6879) > CT (6785); The spring maize yield was the highest in the humid year under ST treatment (8003) and the lowest in the normal year under ST treatment (5723). The spring maize WUE values (kg∙hm-2∙mm-1) decreased in the following order: humid year (18.7) > dry year (17.5) > normal year (14.8); NT (17.8) > ST (17.0) > CT (16.2); The spring maize WUE was the highest in the humid year under NT treatment (19.3) and the lowest in the normal year under CT treatment (13.9). (4) In the winter wheat-fallow-spring maize rotation cycle, the tillage practice significantly affected the crop yield and WUE. The mean yield and WUE under NT and ST were 1.6%, 1.2% and 9.5%, 3.9% higher than that under CT treatment, respectively. 【Conclusion】 Integrating soil moisture and crop yield under each rainfall pattern, conservation tillage could achieve water conservation and yield increase relatively efficiently, among which the effects of water storage and yield of no-tillage were better. Based on the high yield, high efficiency and long-term sustainable development of upland plateau, no-tillage was recommended to realize the aim of water storage, soil water conservation, yield and income increased in Loess Plateau region. Keywords:Weibei Upland Plateau;rainfall pattern;conservation tillage;moisture;yield
PDF (588KB)元数据多维度评价相关文章导出EndNote|Ris|Bibtex收藏本文 本文引用格式 郭星宇, 王浩, 于琦, 王瑞, 王小利, 李军. 耕作对渭北旱塬小麦-玉米轮作田土壤水分和产量的影响[J]. 中国农业科学, 2021, 54(14): 2977-2990 doi:10.3864/j.issn.0578-1752.2021.14.005 GUO XingYu, WANG Hao, YU Qi, WANG Rui, WANG XiaoLi, LI Jun. Effects of Tillage on Soil Moisture and Yield of Wheat-Maize Rotation Field in Weibei Upland Plateau[J]. Scientia Acricultura Sinica, 2021, 54(14): 2977-2990 doi:10.3864/j.issn.0578-1752.2021.14.005
本试验中,冬小麦和春玉米田施肥处理为150 kg N·hm-2、120 kg P2O5·hm-2、90 kg K2O·hm-2(其中N、P、K分别为尿素、磷酸二铵和氯化钾,均以基肥形式施入)。冬小麦种植行距为20 cm,春玉米种植行距为60 cm,分别采用条播机和点播机按冬小麦150 kg·hm2和春玉米37.5 kg·hm2播量进行播种。作物具体种植概况及播种收获日期见表1。
Table 1 表1 表12007-2019年冬小麦-春玉米轮作田作物种植概况 Table 1Planting details in winter wheat-spring maize field during 2007-2019
生长期耗水量ET(mm)= P + U - R - F - ΔW。式中,ET为作物生长期耗水量(mm);P为作物生长期总降雨量(mm);R为径流量(mm);U为地下水补给量(mm);F为深层渗漏量(mm);ΔW为作物播种时0—200 cm土层土壤贮水量与作物收获时0—200 cm土层土壤贮水量之差(mm)。由于试验地区为疏松多孔的黑垆土,再加上试验地平整,地表径流小,地下水埋深在40 m以下,不易上移补给;在有作物生长的农田,多雨年份降水入渗深度不超过2 m,所以F、U、R可忽略不计[19]。因此该公式可简化为:
N:平水年型;H:丰水年型;D:欠水年型;NT:免耕;ST:深松耕;CT:翻耕。不同小写字母表示处理间差异达到显著水平(P<0.05)。下同 Fig. 2Soil water storage in 0-200 cm at the end of fallow under different tillage treatments and rainfall types
N: Normal year; H: Humid year; D: Dry year; NT: No-tillage; ST: Subsoiling; CT: Conventional tillage. Different lowercase letters represent significantly different between treatments (P<0.05). The same as below
Table 2 表2 表2不同降水年型各耕作处理冬小麦耗水量、产量与水分利用效率 Table 2ET, grain yield and WUE of winter wheat under different tillage treatments and rainfall types
影响因子 Factor
耗水量 ET (mm)
产量 Yield (kg∙hm-2)
水分利用效率 WUE (kg∙hm-2∙mm-1)
降水年型 Rainfall type
F值检验 F value test
耕作方式 Tillage practice
F值检验 F value test
丰水年型 Humid year
欠水年型 Dry year
F值检验 F value test
ET,播种期-成熟期耗水量;WUE,水分利用效率。相同年型和相同耕作方式同列不同字母表示处理间差异达到显著水平(P<0.05),**表示处理间差异达到极显著水平(P<0.01)。下同 ET, values of water consumption from sowing to harvesting stages; WUE, water use efficiency; Yield, yield of winter wheat and spring maize. Different letters under the same rainfall type and volume are significantly different among treatments at P<0.05. ** represents significantly different among treatments atP<0.01. The same as below
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