Research on Spatial and Temporal Difference of Agricultural Carbon Emission Efficiency and Its Influencing Factors in Hubei Province
TIAN Yun,, WANG MengChenSchool of Business Administration, Zhongnan University of Economics and Law, Wuhan 430073责任编辑: 李云霞
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田云, 王梦晨. 湖北省农业碳排放效率时空差异及影响因素[J]. 中国农业科学, 2020, 53(24): 5063-5072 doi:10.3864/j.issn.0578-1752.2020.24.009
TIAN Yun, WANG MengChen.
0 引言
【研究意义】近年来,气候变化问题已引起了世界各国以及社会各界的广泛关注,并成为了众多****探讨的焦点。其中,联合国政府间气候变化专门委员会(IPCC)发布的第四次评估报告显示,在未来100年内全球地表温度有可能提升1.8—4.0℃,为此抑制全球气候变暖已显得刻不容缓。虽然引起气温上升的原因是多方面的,但人类活动所导致的碳排放在其中扮演极为重要的角色。诚然工业和服务业是产生碳排放的主要源泉,但快速发展的农业所起的助推作用也不容忽视。而作为我国传统农业大省,湖北虽为我国提供了大量的商品粮、棉、油、肉以及水产品,但由于自身对化肥、农药等农用物资的依赖程度过高,客观上也导致了其农业生产相对高碳。为了更好地践行绿色发展战略,加快推进湖北农业低碳发展已迫在眉睫,而厘清其农业碳排放现状及效率特征是实现这一目标的重要前提。【前人研究进展】越来越多的****开始围绕农业碳排放问题展开探究,并涉及到了方方面面。其中,早期主要偏重于农业碳排放测算、时空特征分析以及驱动因素探究。李波等[1]、闵继胜等[2]、TIAN等[3] 的综合研究表明,自20世纪90年代以来,我国农业碳排放量总体处于增长态势而且地区差异明显,农业经济发展是导致其数量变化的关键性因素。而后,随着研究的逐步深入,****们开始聚焦于农业碳排放的效率测度与影响因素探讨,且多立足于国家视角[4,5,6]。研究发现,虽然中国农业碳排放效率总体有较大提高,但区域间存在明显的非均衡性,其变化主要受产业集聚、城镇化水平等因素影响。除此之外,还有不少****围绕农业碳排放与经济发展的互动关系[7,8]、气候变化与低碳农业生产关系[9]、农业碳减排潜力评估与减排成本测度[10,11,12]、农业低碳技术与生产行为[13,14,15]等问题展开深度剖析。与此同时,虽然也有不少****围绕湖北农业碳排放问题展开探究,但主要聚焦于农业碳排放现状测度与驱动因素分解[16]、农业产业化与农村碳排放关系[17]、技术进步与生猪养殖温室气体排放[18]、农业碳排放与农业经济的相互关联[19]等几个领域,而较少涉及其他方面。【本研究切入点】从现有文献来看,农业碳排放效率及其影响因素的研究主要集中于国家层面,多以31个省区作为考察对象,而鲜有****围绕湖北省及各市(州)农业碳效率问题展开深度探讨。所谓农业碳排放效率,即指碳排放约束下的农业生产率水平,在此将农业碳排放作为了非期望产出。【拟解决的关键问题】本文将以湖北省作为研究对象,首先利用DEA-Malmquist分解法完成对其农业碳排放效率的测度并分析其时空差异特征;而后运用Tobit模型探究影响其碳排放效率变化的关键因素。相关研究结论的获取能够为湖北农业低碳生产的切实推进提供必要的参考依据与政策启示。1 研究方法
1.1 DEA-Malmquist指数分解法与变量选取
1.2 Tobit模型
在厘清湖北省及各市(州)农业碳排放效率之后,为了确保对策建议的针对性,有必要围绕其影响因素展开探讨。具体而言,以历年各地区农业碳排放效率值为因变量,各影响因素为解释变量构建线性回归方程,而后通过自变量系数判断各影响因素对效率值的作用方向及程度。由于DEA方法测算出的效率值一般大于0,直接运用普通最小二乘法实施回归可能会导致参数估计值出现偏向0的情形,为此本文将借鉴一些****[21,25]的已有做法,运用因变量受限制的Tobit模型展开实证分析。其模型基本形式如下:ei~N(0, σ2), i=1,2,3,K,……n
1.3 数据来源及处理
耕地面积、第一产业从业人员、役畜数量、农用机械总动力、有效灌溉面积、农业总产值等投入产出指标的原始数据出自《湖北统计年鉴》《湖北农村统计年鉴》以及各市(州)年鉴。同时,考虑到以实价计算的农林牧业总产值不能进行纵向对比,实际分析中将基于2010年不变价对各市(州)历年农业总产值进行调整。至于各市(州)农业碳排放量,由于目前官方尚无统计,且已有研究成果也较少涉及,为此本文将对其进行有效测度。纵览现有文献可知,一般从农用物资投入、水稻种植以及畜禽养殖等3个维度完成对农业碳排放的测算[26,27],本文也将参照这一做法;但受限于数据的可获取性,在具体指标的选择上有所区别。其中,农用物资投入包含化肥、农药、农膜以及农用柴油,并以各自实际使用量为准;水稻则结合其生长周期的不同分为早稻、中稻和晚稻,均以实际播种面积为准;畜禽养殖主要涉及猪、牛、羊等三大主要牲畜,且考虑到各自饲养周期存在差异,在此参照胡向东等[28]的计算方法对其年均饲养量进行调整。具体测算方法及各自所对应的碳排放系数出自IPCC以及闵继胜等[2]、TIAN等[3]的相关研究,限于篇幅,在此不做过多介绍。另外,鉴于各类基础数据缺失较为严重,鄂州与神农架均不在本次研究的考察范围之内。各市(州)农业投入、产出变量的一般描述性分析如表1所示。Table 1
Table 1
指标 Indicators | 变量 Variable | 单位 Unit | 极小值 Minimum | 极大值 Max | 均值 Mean | 标准差 St. deviation | |
产出指标 Output indicator | 期望产出 Expected output | 农业总产值 Gross agricultural output value | ×108 yuan | 31.86 | 352.19 | 141.75 | 83.32 |
非期望产出 Unexpected output | 农业碳排放量 Agricultural carbon emissions | ×104 t | 25.55 | 212.07 | 98.19 | 60.10 | |
投入指标Input index | 劳动力Labor force | ×104 | 7.81 | 134.35 | 62.09 | 34.82 | |
土地Land | khm2 | 70.22 | 470.34 | 225.3 | 120.87 | ||
农用机械Agricultural machinery | ×104 kW | 72.34 | 646.07 | 264.65 | 149.90 | ||
灌溉Irrigation | khm2 | 30.38 | 423.26 | 151.1 | 101.23 | ||
役畜Beast of burden | ×104 | 0.31 | 108.19 | 29.05 | 30.31 |
2 结果
2.1 湖北省农业碳排放效率时序比较
基于前文所构建公式,利用MAX-DEA软件测度湖北省农业碳排放效率如表2所示。从中不难发现,2011年以来湖北省农业碳排放效率虽年际间存在一定波动但总体处于增长态势,年均增速为2.9%。从驱动源泉来看,农业碳排放综合效率的提升主要依赖于前沿技术进步,其年均贡献率达到了3.6%;农业技术效率则处于恶化状态,年均递减0.3%,进一步分解可知,纯技术效率恶化趋势较为明显,年均递减1.1%,而规模效率得到了轻微改善,年均递增0.7%。Table 2
Table 2
年份 Year | 前沿技术进步 CTECH | 技术效率 CEFF | 纯技术效率 CPECH | 规模效率 CSECH | 综合效率 CTFP | |||||
年际值 Interannual | 累计值 Cumulative | 年际值 Interannual | 累计值 Cumulative | 年际值 Interannual | 累计值 Cumulative | 年际值 Interannual | 累计值 Cumulative | 年际值 Interannual | 累计值 Cumulative | |
2011 | 1.024 | 1.024 | 0.974 | 0.974 | 0.991 | 0.991 | 0.983 | 0.983 | 0.998 | 0.998 |
2012 | 1.007 | 1.031 | 0.951 | 0.926 | 0.944 | 0.936 | 1.008 | 0.991 | 0.958 | 0.956 |
2013 | 1.220 | 1.258 | 0.875 | 0.809 | 0.954 | 0.892 | 0.917 | 0.909 | 1.067 | 1.020 |
2014 | 1.070 | 1.339 | 0.989 | 0.791 | 1.016 | 0.903 | 0.974 | 0.884 | 1.059 | 1.083 |
2015 | 1.133 | 1.497 | 1.165 | 0.919 | 1.062 | 0.961 | 1.097 | 0.968 | 1.320 | 1.428 |
2016 | 0.769 | 1.118 | 1.070 | 1.021 | 1.030 | 0.996 | 1.039 | 1.017 | 0.822 | 1.152 |
2017 | 1.047 | 1.280 | 0.953 | 0.976 | 0.926 | 0.923 | 1.029 | 1.048 | 0.998 | 1.222 |
平均Average | 1.036 | – | 0.997 | – | 0.989 | – | 1.007 | – | 1.029 | – |
2.2 湖北省农业碳排放效率区域比较
接下来,测算湖北省15个市(州)农业碳排放效率如表3所示。从中不难发现,有 8个地区农业碳排放综合效率均值高于1.0,且以武汉最高,达到了1.584;与此对应,其他7个地区综合效率均值低于1.0,且以荆门最低,仅为0.803。结合农业碳排放效率数值差异可将15个市(州)划分为3个组别,即高速增长、低速增长以及下降组。其中,“高速组”包含武汉、宜昌、孝感、随州等4地,其农业碳排放综合效率均在1.10以上。独特的产业结构特点是促使各地效率较高的关键动因,比如武汉经济作物种植比重较高客观提升了其经济产出水平,各地畜牧业占比相对较小或者水稻种植规模偏低也在一定程度上减少了碳排放量。“低速组”包含襄阳、黄冈、仙桃、天门等4地,其农业碳排放综合效率均在1.05以下。黄冈虽为农业大市,但受制于平原面积较少,致使其农业附加值相对较低;襄阳农业产出水平总体尚可,但过高的农用物资投入导致其碳排放量居高不下;仙桃、天门均为省直管县级市,总体处于高排放、高产出状态。“下降组”包含黄石、十堰、荆门、荆州、咸宁、恩施、潜江等6市1州,其农业碳排放综合效率均在1.0以下。其中十堰、恩施以山区地形为主,农业产出水平较低且碳排放处于较高水平,由此导致碳排放效率较低;余下4地主要坐落于平原地区,农作物以水稻种植为主,经济价值较为一般却引发了较高的碳排放量,客观上导致各自碳排放效率较低。Table 3
Table 3
地区 Region | 前沿技术进步 CTECH | 技术效率 CEFF | 纯技术效率 CPECH | 规模效率 CSECH | 综合效率 CTFP | 排名 Rank | 增长类型 Growth type |
武汉Wuhan | 1.398 | 1.133 | 1.000 | 1.133 | 1.584 | 1 | 高速High speed |
黄石Huangshi | 1.012 | 0.984 | 0.987 | 0.996 | 0.995 | 9 | 下降Decline |
十堰Shiyan | 0.827 | 1.000 | 1.000 | 1.000 | 0.827 | 14 | 下降Decline |
宜昌Yichang | 1.191 | 1.000 | 1.000 | 1.000 | 1.191 | 2 | 高速High speed |
襄阳Xiangyang | 1.007 | 1.000 | 1.000 | 1.000 | 1.007 | 7 | 低速Low speed |
荆门Jingmen | 0.803 | 1.000 | 1.000 | 1.000 | 0.803 | 15 | 下降Decline |
孝感Xiaogan | 1.068 | 1.043 | 1.017 | 1.025 | 1.113 | 3 | 高速High speed |
荆州Jingzhou | 0.977 | 1.004 | 1.000 | 1.004 | 0.982 | 11 | 下降Decline |
黄冈Huanggang | 1.051 | 0.989 | 1.000 | 0.989 | 1.040 | 5 | 低速Low speed |
咸宁Xianning | 1.036 | 0.946 | 0.947 | 0.999 | 0.979 | 12 | 下降Decline |
随州Suizhou | 1.106 | 1.000 | 1.000 | 1.000 | 1.106 | 4 | 高速High speed |
恩施Enshi | 1.014 | 0.880 | 0.886 | 0.994 | 0.893 | 13 | 下降Decline |
仙桃Xiantao | 1.027 | 0.979 | 0.998 | 0.981 | 1.006 | 8 | 低速Low speed |
潜江Qianjiang | 1.008 | 0.978 | 0.994 | 0.984 | 0.986 | 10 | 下降Decline |
天门Tianmen | 1.043 | 0.980 | 0.995 | 0.985 | 1.022 | 6 | 低速Low speed |
2.3 湖北省农业碳排放效率影响因素分析
2.3.1 变量确定 分析农业碳排放效率影响因素的关键在于变量的确定,其中被解释变量即为农业碳排放效率值,而解释变量则需在参考已有研究成果的基础上科学选择。近年来,有不少****围绕这一选题展开研究,不过各自在解释变量的选择上却略有差异。纵览文献可知,产业结构、经济水平、城镇化水平、自然灾害等变量得到了广泛认同[29,30,31];除此之外,还涉及到农村用电量[22]、种植规模[32]等变量。基于湖北农业生产的现状特征,并考虑到数据的可获取性,本文拟选取农村经济发展水平、耕地规模、农业产业结构、城镇化水平与农村用电量等5个变量作为潜在的解释变量,并提出如下研究假设。农村经济发展水平。经济发展水平一定程度上决定农业发展高度、反映农民日常生活水准,因此它是呈现农业农村发展水平的重要指标。一般而言,经济水平越高的地区,农业生产会倾向于资本密集型而非劳动力密集型,农用物资投入量相对较高,客观上会导致温室气体排放绝对数量的增加;但同时,农资投入的增加会有助于农业现代化步伐的加快,进而使得农业产出水平得到提升。因此,农村经济发展水平能否促进农业碳排放效率提升将取决于碳增量与农业产出水平各自的作用力大小。在此,以农民人均纯收入作为农村经济发展的替代指标,单位为元,该变量作用方向难以确定,亟待实证检验。
2.3.2 实证分析 Hausman检验表明对农业碳排放效率的回归分析应选择固定效应的面板数据Tobit模型。在此,利用Stata软件进行估算,回归结果如表4所示。由此可知,农村经济发展水平、农业产业结构、城镇化水平、农村用电量均对农业碳排放性效率产生了显著影响,仅有耕地规模未通过显著性检验。
Table 4
Table 4
变量Variable | 系数Coefficient | 标准差St. deviation | 检验值Inspection value |
农村经济发展水平Rural economic development level | 0.0078** | 0.7270 | 2.43 |
耕地规模Cultivated land scale | -0.0484 | 0.1016 | -0.48 |
农业产业结构Agricultural industrial structure | -0.7449** | 0.3618 | -2.06 |
城镇化水平Urbanization level | 0.0136*** | 0.1681 | 3.15 |
农村用电量Rural electricity consumption | 0.0025* | 0.4502 | 1.32 |
常数项Constant term | 1.3705*** | 0.2778 | 4.94 |
3 讨论
4 结论
4.1 湖北省农业碳排放效率总体处于上升态势但伴随着年际波动,各市(州)碳排放效率存在较大差异,无论是湖北省还是各市(州)其农业碳排放效率的提升都更多地依赖于前沿技术进步而非技术效率的改善,这也要求我们在推进湖北农业低碳生产过程中不仅要注重新技术的研发,更需强化对各类技术的合理运用。4.2 考虑到农村经济发展、城镇化水平、农村用电量以及农业产业结构均对农业碳排放效率产生了显著影响的现实境况,实践中我们可以通过繁荣农村经济发展、提升城镇化水平、保障农村用电需求、优化农业产业结构、完善法制建设与制度保障等手段来切实确保农业碳排放效率得到提高。
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Macroscopic grasp of agricultural carbon emissions status, spatial-temporal characteristics as well as driving factors are the basic premise in further research on China's agricultural carbon emissions. Based on 23 kinds of major carbon emission sources including agricultural materials inputs, paddy field, soil and livestock breeding, this paper firstly calculated agricultural carbon emissions from 1995 to 2010, as well as 31 provinces and cities in 2010 in China. We then made a decomposed analysis to the driving factors of carbon emissions with logarithmic mean Divisia index (LMDI) model. The results show: (1) The amount of agricultural carbon emissions is 291.1691 million tin 2010. Compared with 249.5239 million tin 1995, it increased by 16.69%, in which, agricultural materials inputs, paddy field, soil, enteric fermentation, and manure management accounted for 33.59, 22.03, 7.46, 17.53 and 19.39% of total agricultural carbon emissions, respectively. Although the amount exist ups and downs, it shows an overall trend of cyclical rise; (2) There is an obvious difference among regions: the amount of agricultural carbon emissions from top ten zones account for 56.68%, while 9.84 % from last 10 zones. The traditional agricultural provinces, especially the major crop production areas are the main source regions. Based on the differences of carbon emission rations, 31 provinces and cities are divided into five types, namely agricultural materials dominant type, paddy field dominant type, enteric fermentation dominant type, composite factors dominant type and balanced type. The agricultural carbon emissions intensity in west of China is the highest, followed by the central region, and the east zone is the lowest; (3) Compared with 1995, efficiency, labor and structure factors cut down carbon emissions by 65.78, 27.51 and 3.19%, respectively; while economy factor increase carbon emissions by 113.16%.
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DOI:10.1016/j.ecolind.2018.04.003URL [本文引用: 1]
DOI:10.3864/j.issn.0578-1752.2011.11.010URL [本文引用: 1]
Changes in land use, especially in cropland-use management, induced by human activities is one of the most important factors influencing climate change. In China, facing the huge pressure of dealing with climate change, the research on the relations between cropland-use management and soil carbon (C) sink, and the effects of cropland-use management on soil C sequestration and C emission mitigation is important, aiming at providing a decision-making basis for improvement of soil C sequestration and C emission mitigation in China. Through the literature reviews, this paper analyzes the impact of cropland-use management on soil C sequestration and C emission mitigation in China. As literature reviewed, agriculture is not only a main source of C emission, but also a sink of C sequestration. Through improvement of cropland-use management (such as increasing straw return into the soil, organic fertilizer application, and no-till/reduced tillage practices, etc.), there has shown an increasing trend in soil C sink in cropland since the last 20 years. Based on the estimation of soil C sequestration in cropland in China, especially with the recommended management practices, especially in the future 50 years, the potential for soil C sequestration in cropland of China is estimated about 87-393 TgC·a-1, thus offsetting about 11%-52% of the total industry C emissions, in which improved cropland-use management (including straw return, organic fertilizer application, and no-till/reduced tillage) could share about 30%-36% of C sequestration. This shows that cropland-use management in China could play an important role in soil C sequestration and C emission mitigation.
DOI:10.3864/j.issn.0578-1752.2011.11.010URL [本文引用: 1]
Changes in land use, especially in cropland-use management, induced by human activities is one of the most important factors influencing climate change. In China, facing the huge pressure of dealing with climate change, the research on the relations between cropland-use management and soil carbon (C) sink, and the effects of cropland-use management on soil C sequestration and C emission mitigation is important, aiming at providing a decision-making basis for improvement of soil C sequestration and C emission mitigation in China. Through the literature reviews, this paper analyzes the impact of cropland-use management on soil C sequestration and C emission mitigation in China. As literature reviewed, agriculture is not only a main source of C emission, but also a sink of C sequestration. Through improvement of cropland-use management (such as increasing straw return into the soil, organic fertilizer application, and no-till/reduced tillage practices, etc.), there has shown an increasing trend in soil C sink in cropland since the last 20 years. Based on the estimation of soil C sequestration in cropland in China, especially with the recommended management practices, especially in the future 50 years, the potential for soil C sequestration in cropland of China is estimated about 87-393 TgC·a-1, thus offsetting about 11%-52% of the total industry C emissions, in which improved cropland-use management (including straw return, organic fertilizer application, and no-till/reduced tillage) could share about 30%-36% of C sequestration. This shows that cropland-use management in China could play an important role in soil C sequestration and C emission mitigation.
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DOI:10.1108/CAER-04-2017-0063URL [本文引用: 1]
DOI:10.1016/j.geoderma.2015.09.003URL [本文引用: 1]
DOI:10.1016/j.apenergy.2016.05.100URL [本文引用: 1]
DOI:10.1016/j.jclepro.2019.04.026URL [本文引用: 1]
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基于农地利用、稻田、牲畜养殖三方面17类碳源,测算了湖北省全省1995-2011年及其16个地市(州)2010年的农业碳排放量,并展开时空比较分析;在此基础上,利用LMDI模型对湖北省农业碳排放的驱动因素进行了分解。结果表明:湖北省全省2011年农业碳排放量达到1 544.90万t,较1995年(1 443.56万t)增加了7.02%,年均递增0.43%,呈现较为明显的“上升-下降-上升”的3个阶段变化特征;地市(州)间区域差异明显。根据碳排放的比重差异,将16个地市(州)划分为稻田主导型、农地利用主导型、牲畜养殖主导型、复合因素主导型4种类型;与1995年相比,效率、劳动力、结构因素分别实现了94.13%、41.23%和8.67%的农业碳减排,而经济因素则引发了151.05%的碳增量。??
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基于农地利用、稻田、牲畜养殖三方面17类碳源,测算了湖北省全省1995-2011年及其16个地市(州)2010年的农业碳排放量,并展开时空比较分析;在此基础上,利用LMDI模型对湖北省农业碳排放的驱动因素进行了分解。结果表明:湖北省全省2011年农业碳排放量达到1 544.90万t,较1995年(1 443.56万t)增加了7.02%,年均递增0.43%,呈现较为明显的“上升-下降-上升”的3个阶段变化特征;地市(州)间区域差异明显。根据碳排放的比重差异,将16个地市(州)划分为稻田主导型、农地利用主导型、牲畜养殖主导型、复合因素主导型4种类型;与1995年相比,效率、劳动力、结构因素分别实现了94.13%、41.23%和8.67%的农业碳减排,而经济因素则引发了151.05%的碳增量。??
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DOI:10.3864/j.issn.0578-1752.2019.23.011URL [本文引用: 1]
【Objective】Hubei Province is a large agricultural province, and the carbon emissions from agricultural production account for a large proportion of the total carbon emissions. Environmental problems such as greenhouse effect caused by carbon emission and non-point source pollution caused by agricultural production cannot be ignored. In this study, the co-integration relationship between agricultural economic growth and agricultural carbon emissions was analyzed, and the error correction was carried out, which provided an important theoretical basis and reference for the development of carbon emission reduction in Hubei Province. 【Method】Based on six kinds of main carbon sources from the agricultural inputting and production, the agricultural carbon emission load from 1993 to 2017 was calculated, and then the temporal and spatial characteristics of agricultural carbon emission in Hubei Province were analyzed. Furtherly, Kernel density estimation demonstrated that the regional gap of agricultural carbon emissions in Hubei province. Finally, the integrated use of co-order error correction model was discussed as an evidence of Hubei Province's agricultural economic growth and agricultural carbon emissions. 【Result】The total amount and intensity of agricultural carbon emissions in Hubei Province showed a trend of rising first and then later. The average annual growth rate of agriculture carbon emissions was 2.32%, while the average annual growth rate of intensity was 2.21%. The chain growth of which was general in the stage of decline. Fertilizers, pesticides, agricultural film, agricultural diesel, real tillage and agricultural irrigation as a result of carbon emissions, average annual increase rate was 2.23%, 2.44%, 2.40%, 3.32%, 0.44%, and 2.32%, respectively. Kernel density estimation demonstrated that the regional gap of agricultural carbon emissions in Hubei Province was widening. The integrated use of co-order error correction model was discussed as an evidence of Hubei Province's agricultural economic growth and agricultural carbon emissions. The results showed that: for every 1% increase in per capita agricultural output value, the total carbon intensity of pesticides, agricultural film, agricultural diesel, agricultural irrigation and other carbon sources of carbon emission intensity increased by 0.58%, 0.59%, 0.25% and 0.15%, respectively, and the total agricultural carbon intensity increased by 0.19%.【Conclusion】Different agricultural economic development, production conditions and regional development strategies in Hubei Province led to more and more obvious agricultural carbon emission gap between regions. There was a long-term stable relationship between agricultural economic growth and agricultural carbon emission in Hubei Province, which indicated that Hubei Province was also in a critical period of transition from traditional farming mode to green and low-carbon farming mode, and this development mode had existed for a long time.
DOI:10.3864/j.issn.0578-1752.2019.23.011URL [本文引用: 1]
【Objective】Hubei Province is a large agricultural province, and the carbon emissions from agricultural production account for a large proportion of the total carbon emissions. Environmental problems such as greenhouse effect caused by carbon emission and non-point source pollution caused by agricultural production cannot be ignored. In this study, the co-integration relationship between agricultural economic growth and agricultural carbon emissions was analyzed, and the error correction was carried out, which provided an important theoretical basis and reference for the development of carbon emission reduction in Hubei Province. 【Method】Based on six kinds of main carbon sources from the agricultural inputting and production, the agricultural carbon emission load from 1993 to 2017 was calculated, and then the temporal and spatial characteristics of agricultural carbon emission in Hubei Province were analyzed. Furtherly, Kernel density estimation demonstrated that the regional gap of agricultural carbon emissions in Hubei province. Finally, the integrated use of co-order error correction model was discussed as an evidence of Hubei Province's agricultural economic growth and agricultural carbon emissions. 【Result】The total amount and intensity of agricultural carbon emissions in Hubei Province showed a trend of rising first and then later. The average annual growth rate of agriculture carbon emissions was 2.32%, while the average annual growth rate of intensity was 2.21%. The chain growth of which was general in the stage of decline. Fertilizers, pesticides, agricultural film, agricultural diesel, real tillage and agricultural irrigation as a result of carbon emissions, average annual increase rate was 2.23%, 2.44%, 2.40%, 3.32%, 0.44%, and 2.32%, respectively. Kernel density estimation demonstrated that the regional gap of agricultural carbon emissions in Hubei Province was widening. The integrated use of co-order error correction model was discussed as an evidence of Hubei Province's agricultural economic growth and agricultural carbon emissions. The results showed that: for every 1% increase in per capita agricultural output value, the total carbon intensity of pesticides, agricultural film, agricultural diesel, agricultural irrigation and other carbon sources of carbon emission intensity increased by 0.58%, 0.59%, 0.25% and 0.15%, respectively, and the total agricultural carbon intensity increased by 0.19%.【Conclusion】Different agricultural economic development, production conditions and regional development strategies in Hubei Province led to more and more obvious agricultural carbon emission gap between regions. There was a long-term stable relationship between agricultural economic growth and agricultural carbon emission in Hubei Province, which indicated that Hubei Province was also in a critical period of transition from traditional farming mode to green and low-carbon farming mode, and this development mode had existed for a long time.
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Agriculture is one of the important greenhouse gas (GHG) emission sources. Based on People’s Republic of China Initinal National Communications on Climate Change, the GHG emission from agricultural sources contributed to 17% of China’s total greenhouse gas emissions in 1994. The methane emission from agricultural activities amounted for 50.15% of China’s total methane, the nitrous oxide emission from agricultural sources accounted for 92.47% of China’s total. Analysis of published papers and documents suggested that following technologies have the potential to mitigate GHG emission from agricultural activities. Improvement of ruminant nutrient is estimated to reduce CH4 emission from individual yellow cattle by 16%~30%; Intermittent irrigation of rice paddy field could reduce CH4 emissions flux by 30% in comparison with flush irrigation; Maximum GHG emission reduction per household biogas digesters could be 2.0~4.1 t CO2 equivalent per year. Application of release-controlled nitrogen fertilizer to crop land reduced N2O emission flux by 50%~70% against regular fertilizers. It is suggested that demonstration and assessment of identified mitigation technology are definitely necessary.
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Agriculture is one of the important greenhouse gas (GHG) emission sources. Based on People’s Republic of China Initinal National Communications on Climate Change, the GHG emission from agricultural sources contributed to 17% of China’s total greenhouse gas emissions in 1994. The methane emission from agricultural activities amounted for 50.15% of China’s total methane, the nitrous oxide emission from agricultural sources accounted for 92.47% of China’s total. Analysis of published papers and documents suggested that following technologies have the potential to mitigate GHG emission from agricultural activities. Improvement of ruminant nutrient is estimated to reduce CH4 emission from individual yellow cattle by 16%~30%; Intermittent irrigation of rice paddy field could reduce CH4 emissions flux by 30% in comparison with flush irrigation; Maximum GHG emission reduction per household biogas digesters could be 2.0~4.1 t CO2 equivalent per year. Application of release-controlled nitrogen fertilizer to crop land reduced N2O emission flux by 50%~70% against regular fertilizers. It is suggested that demonstration and assessment of identified mitigation technology are definitely necessary.
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To preliminarily explore livestock greenhouse gas emissions and trends, and assess the amount of greenhouse gases emitted by China’s livestock industries, using the calculation methodology and livestock industry gas emission parameters published by the In
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To preliminarily explore livestock greenhouse gas emissions and trends, and assess the amount of greenhouse gases emitted by China’s livestock industries, using the calculation methodology and livestock industry gas emission parameters published by the In
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