Requirement of Nitrogen, Phosphorus and Potassium and Potential of Reducing Fertilizer Application of Spring Wheat in Yellow River Irrigation Area of Ningxia
WANG XiNa1, YU JinMing1, TAN JunLi,2, ZHANG JiaQun1, WEI ZhaoQing1, WANG ZhaoHui3通讯作者:
责任编辑: 李云霞
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王西娜, 于金铭, 谭军利, 张佳群, 魏照清, 王朝辉. 宁夏引黄灌区春小麦氮磷钾需求及化肥减施潜力[J]. 中国农业科学, 2020, 53(23): 4891-4903 doi:10.3864/j.issn.0578-1752.2020.23.014
WANG XiNa, YU JinMing, TAN JunLi, ZHANG JiaQun, WEI ZhaoQing, WANG ZhaoHui.
0 引言
【研究意义】引黄灌区是宁夏的主要粮食产区,春小麦是宁夏引黄灌区的主要粮食作物之一,对宁夏回族自治区的粮食贡献率在30%以上,对保障宁夏粮食安全方面具有重要意义。施肥是提高粮食产量的主要措施之一,在宁夏,肥料对粮食产量的贡献份额平均为50%—52%,其中施用化肥所增产的粮食占当年粮食总产量的30.2%—51.2%[1]。然而,宁夏引黄灌区在小麦生产中普遍存在化肥施用不平衡及投肥结构不合理现象。据赵营等[2]调查发现,2011—2013年间宁夏引黄灌区春小麦N、P2O5、K2O平均用量分别为357.0、182.7、33.4 kg·hm-2,氮肥和磷肥投入过量的农户分别占86.4%和44.6%,而83.3%的农户钾肥投入严重不足。同时,养分投入以化肥为主,化肥中N、P2O5、K2O施用量分别占总施肥量的96.6%、98.0%和79.0%;在肥料施用时期上,氮肥的基追比大约为6:4;磷肥以基肥和种肥为主,钾肥几乎全部通过基肥施入。重化肥轻有机肥,重氮肥轻钾肥,重基肥轻追肥是宁夏引黄灌区春小麦肥料运筹中存在的主要问题。不合理施肥不但为春小麦生产带来了经济效益下降、产量不稳、倒伏、病虫害等一系列问题,而且导致了农业的面源污染,而科学合理施肥是春小麦高产优质高效和实现化肥减施的关键。因此,明确目前宁夏引黄灌区春小麦氮、磷、钾肥施用状况和春小麦对氮、磷、钾的需求情况,是进行合理施肥和制定化肥减施策略的主要所在,也是保障春小麦高产优质高效的主要途径。【前人研究进展】氮、磷、钾肥的合理运筹能促进春小麦生长,形成合理的群体结构,促进干物质和养分向籽粒转移,进而提高籽粒产量和品质。王旭等指出[3],西北麦区的化肥偏生产力达23.9 kg·kg-1,农学效率为9.7 kg·kg-1,化肥对小麦的贡献率达43.6%。田生昌等[4]在宁夏平罗研究发现,氮、磷、钾肥对春小麦的增产率表现为氮肥>磷肥>钾肥,春小麦最高产量(5 231.5 kg·hm-2)时的N、P2O5、K2O施肥量分别为258、173、22 kg·hm-2,比例为 1:0.67:0.08。大量研究表明,氮、磷、钾对春小麦产量的影响符合报酬递减律,即适量施肥可提高产量,过量施肥则导致产量降低。李志宏等[5]对内蒙春小麦进行了氮磷二元二次方程拟合,计算出春小麦最高产量施氮量和施磷量分别为184.6—213.6 kg·hm-2和84.0—106.0 kg·hm-2,最佳施氮量和施磷量分别为158.8—187.8 kg·hm-2和71.9—94.4 kg·hm-2。在灌溉条件下,春小麦达到高产的适宜K2O用量为88 kg·hm-2[6],而中低肥力条件下,施K2O为45—75 kg·hm-2时可同时提高小麦产量和品质[7]。春小麦对氮、磷、钾的吸收亦受施肥量影响。郑国琴等[8]研究提出,宁夏引黄灌区施氮量为330 kg·hm-2,N:P2O5:K2O比例为 1:0.45:0.19时,春小麦籽粒产量和蛋白质产量达到最佳。何文寿等[9]研究了宁夏引黄灌区春小麦不同生育时期对氮、磷、钾养分的吸收,发现每形成100 kg籽粒产量吸收氮、磷、钾数量分别为氮(N)2.85 kg、磷(P2O5)1.0 kg、钾(K2O)3.76 kg;春小麦地上部分对氮、磷、钾吸收量分别为281.9、42.4、272.7 kg·hm-2。与不施氮磷钾肥相比,施N 225 kg·hm-2、P2O5 120 kg·hm-2、K2O 60 kg·hm-2时,植株地上部分吸收的氮、磷、钾可分别提高190.6%、171.8%和93.1%[4]。赵营等[10]的试验结果显示,与常规施肥(施N315 kg·hm-2、施P2O5180 kg·hm-2)相比,优化施肥条件下(氮肥减少28.6%,磷肥减少33.3%,施钾肥60 kg·hm-2),春小麦产量地上部分和籽粒对氮素吸收量并没有显著降低。小麦对氮、磷、钾需求量还因地区、品种、产量水平而异。车升国等[11,12]发现,小麦籽粒需氮量和需磷量均随其产量水平提高呈增加趋势。黄倩楠等[13]调研了中国春麦、旱作、麦玉和稻麦 4 个典型种植区域农户小麦氮磷钾养分需求量与产量的关系,发现小麦对氮、磷、钾的需求量随产量增加呈降低趋势,其中春小麦N、P2O5、K2O需求量分别为28.6、4.5、26.5 kg·Mg-1。【本研究切入点】前人对春小麦氮磷钾需求量的研究大都基于统一氮、磷、钾用量或者含某一种养分的肥料施用对该养分需求量的影响,而对不同肥料及不同施肥量下春小麦氮、磷、钾的需求量缺少系统分析和研究。【拟解决的关键问题】基于宁夏引黄灌区的农户调查,明确春小麦生产中氮、磷、钾肥施用现状,并通过田间试验研究氮、磷、钾肥用量对春小麦产量和氮、磷、钾吸收利用的影响,为该区氮磷钾化肥合理施用和科学减施提供理论依据。1 材料与方法
1.1 试验区概况
宁夏引黄灌区以青铜峡水利枢纽为界,分为上游的卫宁灌区和下游的青铜峡灌区。灌区海拔1 100— 1 300 m,平均气温8—9℃,作物生长季4—9月≥10℃积温为3 200—3 400℃,太阳辐射达5 860—6 100 MJ·m-2·a-1,年均日照时间2 800—3 100 h,无霜期164 d,年均蒸发量1 100—1 600 mm,年均降水量180—200 mm,60%—70%的降水集中在7、8、9三个月。土壤类型主要为灌淤土、盐渍土、淡灰钙土。根据《2018年度宁夏回族自治区耕地质量监测报告》[14]:灌区耕地土壤各养分平均含量分别为全盐0.126%、有机质13.80 g·kg-1、全氮0.82 g·kg-1、有效磷27.07 mg·kg-1、速效钾172.78 mg·kg-1。田间小区试验位于永宁县杨和镇宁夏大学实验农场,年均≥10℃积温3 300℃,无霜期140—160 d,平均日照时数3 000 h,日温差13℃,年降水量180—200 mm,年均气温8.5℃。土壤为灌淤土,耕层(0—20 cm)土壤基本理化性状为:容重1.16 g·cm-3,pH 8.60,EC1.5 0.22 mS·cm-1,有机质10.50 g·kg-1,全氮0.81 g·kg-1,全磷0.69 g·kg-1,矿质态氮27.20 mg·kg-1,速效磷9.65 mg·kg-1,速效钾182.25 mg·kg-1。2018年试验区年降水量为256.3 mm,其中小麦生育期(3—6月)的降水量为55 mm;月降水量、月平均最高气温和最低气温见图1。
Fig. 1Precipitation, average highest temperature and average lowest temperature per month of Yongning County in 2018
1.2 农户调研
通过多点随机抽样方法于2018年和2019年连续在永宁县和吴忠市开展农户调查,采用问卷搜集春小麦种植面积、品种、产量、种植方式等以及肥料种类、品种、用量、施肥时期、施肥方式等信息,两年分别调查了118户和125户。1.3 田间试验
1.3.1 试验设计 2018年3—7月在位于宁夏永宁县杨和镇的宁夏大学实验农场开展了氮肥、磷肥和钾肥用量田间试验,具体试验处理见表1。每处理重复3次,小区面积9 m×7 m=63 m2,随机区组排列,各小区间起垄,垄宽50 cm,高30 cm。氮肥播前施用60%,苗期(4月25日)16%,拔节期(5月15日)24%;磷、钾肥于播前一次性施入。Table 1
Table 1
试验名称 Experiment | 处理名称 Treatment | 施肥量Fertilization amount (kg·hm-2) | ||
N | P2O5 | K2O | ||
氮肥用量试验 N rate experiment | N0 | 0 | 120 | 75 |
N1 | 60 | 120 | 75 | |
N2 | 120 | 120 | 75 | |
N3 | 180 | 120 | 75 | |
N4 | 240 | 120 | 75 | |
磷肥用量试验 P2O5 rate experiment | P0 | 240 | 0 | 75 |
P1 | 240 | 48 | 75 | |
P2 | 240 | 96 | 75 | |
P3 | 240 | 120 | 75 | |
钾肥用量试验 K2O rate experiment | K0 | 240 | 120 | 0 |
K1 | 240 | 120 | 30 | |
K2 | 240 | 120 | 60 | |
K3 | 240 | 120 | 75 |
供试春小麦品种为宁春4号。供试肥料包括尿素(含氮46%)、复合肥(24-10-6)、二铵(18-46-0)、氯化钾(含K2O 60%)、重过磷酸钙(含P2O5 46%)。
1.3.2 田间管理 2018年3月11日进行顶凌播种,机械条播,窄行15 cm,宽行25 cm,播种量为375 kg·hm-2。水源为黄河水,采用大水漫灌方式,分别于4月25日、5月15日、6月25日灌水900 m3·hm-2,另外在2017年11月上旬进行了冬灌,灌水量为1 200 m3·hm-2。4月20日人工喷施唑草酮和苯磺隆进行除草,6月10日采用无人机喷施联苯菊酯、吡虫啉防治蚜虫。
1.3.3 样品采集与测定 2018年7月10日进行春小麦收获计产和样品采集。采用样方法进行计产,即每小区随机选择1 m×1 m的3个样方,采集地上部分,分别称量总鲜重,然后晾干、统计穗数、脱粒、计产。同时采集3段1 m的考种样品,测量生物量、干物质、穗粒数、千粒重,然后分器官(茎叶、颖壳、籽粒)在65℃烘干,计算水分和干物质含量,然后粉碎。粉碎后的样品用来测定全氮、全磷和全钾含量,样品经硫酸-双氧水消解后,全氮用凯氏定氮法测定,全磷用钒钼蓝比色法测定,全钾用火焰光度计测定。
1.4 数据计算和统计分析
1.4.1 产量等级划分 参考马玉兰编写的《宁夏测土配方施肥技术》[15]及黄倩楠等[13]的产量等级划分方法对宁夏引黄灌区春小麦进行产量水平分级。以5 250— 6 000 kg·hm-2为适中产量,按750—1 500 kg·hm-2的上下变动分出低、偏低、适中、偏高和高5个等级,分别为:低<4 500 kg·hm-2、偏低4 500—5 250 kg·hm-2、中5 250—6 000 kg·hm-2、偏高6 000—7 500 kg·hm-2、高>7 500 kg·hm-2。1.4.2 推荐施肥标准 氮、磷、钾推荐施肥标准引自马玉兰编写的《宁夏测土配方施肥技术》[15],见表2。
Table 2
Table 2
养分 Nutrient | 施肥等级Fertilization grade (kg·hm-2) | ||||
很低Very low | 偏低Low | 适中Middle | 偏高High | 很高Very high | |
N | <90 | 90-180 | 180-225 | 225-375 | >375 |
P2O5 | <60 | 60-120 | 120-180 | 180-200 | >200 |
K2O | <60 | 60-80 | 80-100 | 100-120 | >120 |
1.4.3 相关指标计算公式
1.4.4 数据处理软件
采用Microsoft Excel 2007 和DPS软件进行数据处理和统计分析。
2 结果
2.1 宁夏引黄灌区春小麦施肥现状分析(2018—2019年)
243个农户调研结果显示(表3),春小麦产量水平总体较高,但农户之间依然存在较大差异。偏高产和高产农户比例分别达57.61%和25.10%,而低产和偏低产农户仅占2.06%和6.17%,平均产量为(6 985± 867)kg·hm-2,处于偏高产范围。与不同产量等级所对应的氮、磷、钾投入水平变化较大(表3)。所有低产水平农户氮、磷投入过量,而钾肥投入量不足。氮肥平均施用量达392 kg·hm-2,比推荐用量(180—225 kg·hm-2)高167—212 kg·hm-2;磷肥的比推荐用量(120—180 kg·hm-2)高48—108 kg·hm-2;而钾肥的则比推荐用量(79.5—100.5 kg·hm-2)少17—38 kg·hm-2。从平均值来看,宁夏引黄灌区春小麦氮、磷、钾肥平均投入量分别为294、162和49 kg·hm-2,三者比例为1:0.55:0.17;97.1%农户氮肥投入过量,20.2%磷肥投入过量,钾肥总体投入不足。可见,减少氮肥、调控磷肥、适当增加钾肥是该区春小麦化肥结构调整的主要方向。Table 3
Table 3
指标 Index | 产量等级Yield grade (kg·hm-2) | 平均值 Average value | |||||
低 Very low <4500 | 偏低 Low 4500-5250 | 中 Middle 5250-6000 | 偏高 High 6000-7500 | 高 Very high >7500 | |||
产量 Grain yield | 农户比例Farmers’ ratio (%) | 2.06 | 6.17 | 9.05 | 57.61 | 25.10 | / |
平均产量Average yield (kg·hm-2) | 4264±480 | 5156±184 | 5824±240 | 7116±382 | 7775±161 | 6985±867 | |
施肥量 Fertilization amount (kg·hm-2) | N | 392±84 | 281±79 | 342±86 | 291±43 | 277±31 | 294±54 |
P2O5 | 228±51 | 205±58 | 183±61 | 158±40 | 146±34 | 162±46 | |
K2O | 63±17 | 102±59 | 81±36 | 47±35 | 30±23 | 49±39 | |
过量施肥量 Over fertilization amount (kg·hm-2) | N | 212-167 | 101-56 | 162-117 | 111-66 | 97-52 | 114-69 |
P2O5 | 108-48 | 85-25 | 63-3 | 38--22 | 26--34 | 42--18 | |
K2O | -17--38 | 23-2 | 2--19 | -33--54 | -49--70 | -30--51 | |
过量施肥农户占总农户比例 Proportion of farmers with over fertilization in total farmers (%) | N | 100 | 73.3 | 95.5 | 99.4 | 98.4 | 97.1 |
P2O5 | 100 | 60.0 | 40.9 | 14.4 | 4.9 | 20.2 | |
K2O | 0 | 40.0 | 22.7 | 9.4 | 1.6 | 11.5 |
2.2 氮肥用量对春小麦产量、产量构成与氮磷钾吸收及需求的影响
2.2.1 氮肥用量对春小麦生物量、籽粒产量及其构成因素的影响 氮肥用量大于120 kg·hm-2时,春小麦地上部生物量、籽粒产量、收获指数显著增加(P<0.05),并且籽粒产量的提高主要归功于穗粒数的增加(表4)。施氮量在180 kg·hm-2时,春小麦地上部生物量、籽粒产量和穗粒数均达最高,前两者分别比不施氮提高37.9%和44.7%,穗粒数平均增加5.4粒。如果以施氮240 kg·hm-2作为常规施氮量,当氮肥减少25%时,籽粒产量反而提高15.67%,当氮肥减少50%时,籽粒产量亦无显著降低;与农户调查的平均施氮量294 kg·hm-2相比,则氮肥可减少38.7%—59.2%。可见,目前宁夏引黄灌区春小麦的氮肥减施潜力为25%—60%。Table 4
Table 4
处理代码Treatment | 施氮量 N rate (kg·hm-2) | 生物量 Biomass (kg·hm-2) | 籽粒产量 Grain yield (kg·hm-2) | 收获指数 Harvest Index (%) | 公顷穗数 Ears per hectare (×104·hm-2) | 穗粒数 Number of grains per ear | 千粒重 1000 grains weight (g) | 籽粒含氮量 N concentration in grain (g·kg-1) | 籽粒含磷量 P concentration in grain (g·kg-1) | 籽粒含钾量 K concentration in grain (g·kg-1) |
N0 | 0 | 14803±3620b | 4375±1201b | 29.4±0.01b | 433±40a | 26.4±4.0b | 48.9±2.4a | 21.61±1.0a | 4.13±0.2a | 3.67±0.3a |
N1 | 60 | 15274±1661b | 4537±478b | 29.7±0.01b | 443±34a | 26.4±2.9b | 50.4±2.8a | 23.14±0.7a | 3.97±0.2a | 3.56±0.3a |
N2 | 120 | 18735±3986a | 5668±1055a | 30.4±0.02ab | 461±81a | 31.1±3.6a | 49.2±1.7a | 21.99±2.1a | 3.55±0.8a | 3.67±0.2a |
N3 | 180 | 20411±1879a | 6331±955a | 30.9±0.02a | 483±37a | 31.8±3.9a | 48.9±1.8a | 25.65±9.0a | 3.78±0.1a | 3.67±0.1a |
N4 | 240 | 17712±3650ab | 5474±957a | 31.0±0.01a | 469±87a | 30.0±2.9a | 50.9±3.3a | 25.35±3.1a | 3.93±0.3a | 3.61±0.2a |
2.2.2 氮肥用量对春小麦籽粒氮、磷、钾吸收量和需求量的影响 施氮180 kg·hm-2时,籽粒中氮素累积量最高,达168.2 kg·hm-2,比N0增加76.5%。籽粒吸磷量亦在施氮180 kg·hm-2时增加显著,相对N0处理增加33.5%;磷收获指数则是以施氮240 kg·hm-2处理的最高,达73.5%。籽粒吸钾量以施氮120和180 kg·hm-2处理增加较为显著,分别比N0提高28.8%和45.0%;钾收获指数则因高量施氮而显著降低。施氮180 kg·hm-2时,氮素需求量达45.8 kg·Mg-1,比N0增加19.6%;从不施氮到高量施用氮肥(240 kg·hm-2),磷需求量从6.0 kg·Mg-1显著降到5.3 kg·Mg-1,钾需求量则从42.6 kg·Mg-1增加到49.7 kg·Mg-1(表5)。可见,适量施氮会增加籽粒吸氮量、吸磷量和吸钾量,提高氮素需求量;高量施氮降低磷需求量,却促进磷素向籽粒转移,增加钾需求量而抑制钾素向籽粒转移。
Table 5
Table 5
处理代码Treatment | 施氮量 N rates (kg·hm-2) | 籽粒吸氮量 N uptake by grain (kg·hm-2) | 氮收获指数 N harvest index (%) | 氮需求量 N demand (kg·Mg-1) | 籽粒吸磷量 P uptake by grain (kg·hm-2) | 磷收获指数 P harvest index (%) | 磷需求量 P demand (kg·Mg-1) | 籽粒吸钾量 K uptake by grain (kg·hm-2) | 钾收获指数 K harvest index (%) | 钾需求量 K demand (kg·Mg-1) |
N0 | 0 | 95.3±29.6b | 56.8±4.0a | 38.3±2.6b | 17.9±4.3b | 68.2±3.6ab | 6.0±0.6a | 16.0±4.0b | 8.6±1.4a | 42.6±7.6d |
N1 | 60 | 105.1±13.3ab | 55.2±7.8a | 42.0±7.5ab | 18.1±2.6b | 68.3±1.7ab | 5.8±0.2ab | 16.3±3.0b | 8.1±0.5ab | 44.0±5.6cd |
N2 | 120 | 126.1±33.7ab | 55.2±7.8a | 40.3±8.3ab | 20.7±7.7ab | 67.1±10.3b | 5.4±0.7b | 20.9±4.3a | 7.8±1.1ab | 47.2±6.2ab |
N3 | 180 | 168.2±86.7a | 57.9±9.0a | 45.8±8.4a | 23.9±3.7a | 71.2±1.8ab | 5.3±0.2b | 23.2±3.7a | 8.1±1.3ab | 45.4±7.9bc |
N4 | 240 | 137.6±18.0ab | 57.2±10.4a | 43.9±2.7ab | 21.3±2.3ab | 73.5±3.6a | 5.3±0.6b | 19.8±4.4ab | 7.3±0.7b | 49.7±7.2a |
2.3 磷肥用量对春小麦产量、产量构成与氮磷钾吸收及需求的影响
2.3.1 磷肥用量对春小麦生物量、籽粒产量及其构成因素的影响 随施磷量增加春小麦生物量呈降低趋势,收获指数呈增加趋势(表6)。与P0处理相比,施磷120 kg·hm-2时,生物量和籽粒含钾量分别降低17.4%和11.7%,收获指数和籽粒含氮量分别提高5.8个百分点和21.8%。磷肥用量对籽粒产量和每公顷穗数影响不显著,每穗粒数在施磷120 kg·hm-2明显降低至30粒;千粒重则随施磷量增加而明显增加,在施磷120 kg·hm-2时达50.9 g。说明,施用磷肥虽然增加了千粒重,促进了氮素向籽粒转移,却因降低了生物量和穗粒数而不能显著提高春小麦籽粒产量。Table 6
Table 6
处理代码Treatment | 施磷量 P2O5 rate (kg·hm-2) | 生物量 Biomass (kg·hm-2) | 籽粒产量 Grain yield (kg·hm-2) | 收获指数 Harvest index (%) | 公顷穗数Ears per hectare (×104·hm-2) | 穗粒数 Number of grains per ear | 千粒重 1000 grains weight (g) | 籽粒含氮 N concentration in grain (g·kg-1) | 籽粒含磷量 P concentration in grain (g·kg-1) | 籽粒含钾量 K concentration in grain (g·kg-1) |
P0 | 0 | 21452±3126a | 5361±894a | 25.2±0.04b | 472±17a | 32.4±1.0ab | 47.4±2.5b | 20.82±2.6b | 3.46±0.9a | 4.09±0.4a |
P1 | 48 | 18870±2608ab | 5746±967a | 30.4±0.01a | 456±31a | 34.8±5.4a | 45.8±1.0b | 25.22±3.9a | 3.84±0.1a | 3.84±0.1ab |
P2 | 96 | 18550±403ab | 5203±498a | 28.1±0.03ab | 424±25a | 35.0±0.9a | 49.6±1.9a | 27.40±6.1a | 3.71±0.1a | 3.65±0.1b |
P3 | 120 | 17712±3650b | 5474±957a | 31.0±0.01a | 469±87a | 30.0±2.8b | 50.9±3.3a | 25.35±3.1a | 3.93±0.3a | 3.61±0.2b |
2.3.2 磷肥用量对春小麦籽粒氮、磷、钾吸收量和需求量的影响 籽粒吸氮量在施磷48 kg·hm-2时高达145.1 kg·hm-2,比不施磷对照提高31.8%;氮素收获指数在施磷120 kg·hm-2时可达到57.2%;氮素需求量平均值为47.8 kg·Mg-1,对磷水平的响应不显著(表7)。可见适量施用磷肥可促进氮素向籽粒转移,提高氮收获指数。适量施用磷肥亦可促进磷素向籽粒转移并提高磷收获指数,但对磷需求量的影响不显著。施磷48—120 kg·hm-2时,籽粒平均吸磷量和收获指数分别为20.9 kg·hm-2和72.5%,分别比对照提高15.9%和15.2%。施用磷肥对籽粒吸钾量和钾收获指数的影响不显著,但可显著降低钾需求量;不施磷肥时钾需求量为68.1 kg·Mg-1,施磷48、96和120 kg·hm-2时则分别降低了25.6%、13.5%和27.0%。
Table 7
Table 7
处理代码Treatment | 施磷量 P2O5 rate (kg·hm-2) | 籽粒吸氮量 N uptake by grain (kg·hm-2) | 氮收获指数 N harvest index (%) | 氮需求量 N demand (kg·Mg-1) | 籽粒吸磷量 P uptake by grain ( kg·hm-2) | 磷收获指数 P harvest index (%) | 磷需求量 P demand (kg·Mg-1) | 籽粒吸钾量 K uptake by grain ( kg·hm-2) | 钾收获指数 K harvest index (%) | 钾需求量 K demand (kg·Mg-1) |
P0 | 0 | 110.1±4.1b | 42.6±8.1b | 48.2±10.3a | 18.0±2.3b | 62.9±2.9b | 5.3±1.3a | 22.2±6.2a | 6.1±2.2a | 68.1±22.4a |
P1 | 48 | 145.1±31.8a | 54.2±7.4a | 46.6±4.3a | 22.0±2.9a | 75.1±2.3a | 5.1±0.3a | 22.1±3.6a | 7.6±0.9a | 50.7±4.9b |
P2 | 96 | 142.2±32.0ab | 52.0±6.3a | 52.5±11.0a | 19.3±2.3ab | 68.8±4.1ab | 5.4±0.2a | 19.0±2.4a | 6.2±1.1a | 58.9±9.6ab |
P3 | 120 | 137.6±18.0ab | 57.2±10.4a | 43.9±2.7a | 21.3±2.3a | 73.5±3.6a | 5.3±0.6a | 19.8±4.4a | 7.3±0.7a | 49.7±7.2b |
2.4 钾肥用量对春小麦产量、产量构成与氮磷钾吸收利用及需求的影响
2.4.1 钾肥用量对春小麦生物量、籽粒产量及其构成因素的影响 施钾量对生物量、籽粒产量、收获指数、每公顷穗数及籽粒的氮、磷、钾含量均无显著影响,对穗粒数有降低作用而对千粒重有增加作用(表8)。施钾75 kg·hm-2时,穗粒数比对照下降9.1%,千粒重比对照增加7.6%。可见,施用钾肥对春小麦产量和籽粒中氮、磷、钾养分含量的影响较小,但可以促进干物质向籽粒转移,提高籽粒饱满度。Table 8
Table 8
处理代码Treatment | 施钾量 K2O rate (kg·hm-2) | 生物量 Biomass (kg·hm-2) | 籽粒产量 Grain yield (kg·hm-2) | 收获指数 Harvest index (%) | 公顷穗数Ears per hectare (×104·hm-2) | 穗粒数 Number of grains per ear | 千粒重 1000 grains weight (g) | 籽粒含氮量 N concentration in grain (g·kg-1) | 籽粒含磷量P concentration in grain (g·kg-1) | 籽粒含钾量 K concentration in grain (g·kg-1) |
K0 | 0 | 19820±145a | 5900±253a | 29.8±0.01a | 465±74a | 33.0±3.1a | 47.3±1.2ab | 23.73±1.7a | 3.86±0.3a | 3.80±0.0a |
K1 | 30 | 19241±2220a | 5600±753a | 29.1±0.01a | 465±70a | 31.5±1.2ab | 47.0±0.3ab | 23.99±5.0a | 3.84±0.2a | 3.67±0.1a |
K2 | 60 | 18416±5133a | 5435±1425a | 29.6±0.01a | 451±81a | 31.6±3.7ab | 46.4±4.1b | 24.37±1.5a | 3.81±0.2a | 3.69±0.2a |
K3 | 75 | 17712±3650a | 5474±957a | 31.0±0.01a | 469±87a | 30.0±2.8b | 50.9±3.3a | 25.35±3.1a | 3.93±0.3a | 3.61±0.2a |
2.4.2 钾肥用量对春小麦不籽粒氮、磷、钾吸收量和需求量的影响 不同施钾水平之间籽粒氮、磷、钾吸收量的差异均不明显,但高量施钾可显著增加氮、磷、钾收获指数(表9)。施钾量为60 kg·hm-2时,氮、磷、钾收获指数均最低,而氮、磷、钾需求量均达最高,分别为55.3、57.6和5.5 kg·Mg-1。当施钾量增加至75 kg·hm-2时,氮、磷、钾收获指数显著增加,说明高量施钾促进了植株氮、磷、钾向籽粒转移。施钾75 kg·hm-2时,氮和钾需求量分别显著降低20.6%和13.7%,磷需求量无显著变化。可见,适量施钾可提高氮、钾需求量,而高量施钾则降低氮、钾需求量。
Table 9
Table 9
处理代码Treatment | 施钾量 K2O rate (kg·hm-2) | 籽粒吸氮量 N uptake by grain (kg·hm-2) | 氮收获指数 N harvest index (%) | 氮需求量 N demand (kg·Mg-1) | 籽粒吸磷量 P uptake by grain (kg·hm-2) | 磷收获指数 P harvest index (%) | 磷需求量 P demand (kg·Mg-1) | 籽粒吸钾量 K uptake by grain (kg·hm-2) | 钾收获指数 K harvest index (%) | 钾需求量 K demand (kg·Mg-1) |
K0 | 0 | 139.8±5.9a | 50.2±4.4ab | 47.2±6.9ab | 22.8±2.3a | 72.1±2.9a | 5.4±0.4a | 22.4±1.1a | 6.8±0.5ab | 56.0±4.1a |
K1 | 30 | 132.8±20.5a | 49.0±9.4ab | 48.4±3.3ab | 21.4±1.8a | 72.2±1.9a | 5.3±0.2a | 20.5±2.0a | 6.6±0.4ab | 55.7±4.3a |
K2 | 60 | 131.6±31.4a | 43.8±11.5b | 55.3±13.3a | 20.7±5.3a | 69.5±3.4b | 5.5±0.1a | 20.1±5.5a | 6.4±0.1b | 57.6±3.6a |
K3 | 75 | 137.6±18.0a | 57.2±10.4a | 43.9±2.7b | 21.3±2.8a | 73.5±3.6a | 5.3±0.6a | 19.8±4.4a | 7.3±0.7a | 49.7±7.2b |
3 讨论
3.1 春小麦产量对氮、磷、钾肥的响应
氮素是植物体内许多重要化合物的主要成分,参与植物光合作用和一系列生物化学反应,对作物产量具有重要作用。本研究结果表明,施氮120—180 kg·hm-2时,可显著增加春小麦生物量、穗数和穗粒数,促进干物质向籽粒转移,从而提高籽粒产量和收获指数;继续增加施氮量,生物量、产量和穗粒数则呈降低趋势。这与前人的研究结果基本一致。高传东等[16] 研究指出,施氮量在0—150 kg·hm-2范围时,两种春小麦的株高、小穗数、穗粒数、穗粒重、千粒重及产量均随施氮量增加而提高,继续增施氮肥到200 kg·hm-2时,株高和千粒重反而降低,产量增加也不明显。闻磊等[17]研究发现,随着施氮量的增加,春小麦的株高、叶面积指数、干物质积累量、产量等均呈现先增后减的趋势,施氮180 kg·hm-2和60%田间持水量条件下,小麦穗粒数和千粒重、干物质累积量及产量均达到最高。杨君林等[18]发现,与不施氮肥相比,施氮150 kg·hm-2条件下,春小麦茎叶生物量和籽粒产量分别增加了1 367.2和1 985.8 kg·hm-2;而施氮300 kg·hm-2时,籽粒产量显著降低。可见,适量施用氮肥是提高春小麦产量的主要途径。通过本试验结果拟合二元一次方程计算出,宁夏引黄灌区春小麦最高产量和最高产量施氮量分别为6 041和167.3 kg·hm-2,该值低于《宁夏测土配方施肥技术》[15]中推荐的适宜氮肥用量180—225 kg·hm-2,原因可能与试验区连年大量施用氮肥以及采用秸秆还田等技术培肥土壤,导致土壤氮素肥力提升有关。磷参与植物体内许多重要化合物的合成及代谢过程,是植物生长不可或缺的元素。本研究结果显示,随施磷量的增加,籽粒产量无明显差异,而春小麦地上部生物量和穗粒数均明显降低,千粒重和收获指数明显增加,表明施用磷肥可以促进干物质向籽粒转移,增加籽粒饱满度;当施磷量为96—120 kg·hm-2时,籽粒产量和千粒重均较高。该施肥量低于《宁夏测土配方施肥技术》[15]中推荐的春小麦适宜用量120—180 kg·hm-2,但与其他****的研究结果基本一致。李志宏等[5]研究指出,春小麦最高产量施磷量和最佳施磷量分别为84.0—106和71.9— 94.4 kg·hm-2。张爱平等[19]在宁夏吴忠的试验结果发现施用磷肥显著增加了生物量和籽粒产量,当施磷量为120 kg·hm-2,小麦籽粒产量最高。宋勤璟等[20,21]在新春26号和34号春小麦品种上的研究发现,在施磷量为0—135 kg·hm-2范围内,小麦总干物质积累、穗粒数、千粒重和籽粒产量施磷量的增加而增加,超过此范围则出现下降趋势。何文寿等[22]对宁夏100个春小麦品种(系)的研究发现,春小麦籽粒产量和生物学产量均存在基因型差异,且在施磷肥120 kg·hm-2 时,均较不施磷肥明显增加。可 见,宁夏引黄灌区春小麦施磷量以不超过120 kg·hm-2为宜。
钾素是植物的品质元素,参与渗透调节、光合作用、物质运输等多种过程,可提高植物的抗逆性。研究结果表明,在宁夏引黄灌区,施钾量对春小麦生物量、籽粒产量、收获指数、每公顷穗数均无显著影响,对穗粒数有降低作用而对千粒重有增加作用,说明施用钾肥可以提高籽粒饱满度。田生昌等[4]在宁夏平罗研究发现,氮、磷、钾肥对春小麦的增产率以钾肥较低,春小麦最高产量(5 231.5 kg·hm-2)时的钾肥用量为22 kg·hm-2。党根友等[7]发现,中低肥力条件下, 施钾对春小麦有显著的增产效果,平均增产幅度为5.4%,施钾量(K2O)为45—75 kg·hm-2时可同时提高小麦产量和品质。 杨开静等[6]认为,在灌溉条件下不同钾肥水平下春小麦产量差异不显著,但是同一氮、磷水平下,随着施钾量增加,春小麦产量出现先增后减的抛物线趋势,滴灌条件下春小麦达到高产的适宜K2O用量为88 kg·hm-2。可见,钾肥是否有增产效应与生产条件密切相关,但适量施用钾肥,可提高春小麦产量和品质,宁夏引黄灌区春小麦施钾量在0—60 kg·hm-2时可稳产增质,过多钾肥不利于产量提高。
3.2 春小麦籽粒氮、磷、钾含量及累积量对氮、磷、钾肥的响应
籽粒中养分含量直接关系到籽粒品质,受外界养分供应和作物生长速度的双重影响。本研究发现,施用氮肥对籽粒氮、磷、钾含量均无显著影响,但可提高籽粒氮、磷、钾累积量,三者均在施氮180 kg·hm-2时达到最大;施用磷肥对籽粒氮、磷含量无显著影响,可显著降低钾含量,籽粒吸氮量和吸磷量在施磷48 kg·hm-2时显著增加,但吸钾量对磷肥用量无显著响应;施用钾肥对籽粒氮、磷、钾含量和累积量均无显著影响。这与前人研究结果不尽一致。LIU等[23]研究发现,施用氮磷肥和氮磷钾肥均能显著提高春小麦粗蛋白含量及蛋白质产量。刘克礼等[24,25]指出,植株中氮累积量在施磷180 kg·hm-2时比不施磷增加13%,在施氮300 kg·hm-2比不施氮增加61.9%,施钾150 kg·hm-2与不施钾处理无明显差异。施氮量为150 kg·hm-2时,籽粒吸氮量显著高于不施氮对照,超过300 kg·hm-2则出现降低趋势[18]。随施磷量增加,春小麦氮素累积动态呈先增加后降低的趋势, 适量增施磷肥能增加小麦吸氮量[19]。钾肥可显著提高春小麦籽粒粗蛋白含量和湿面筋含量[26]。刘克礼等[24,25]和高聚林等[27,28]发现,高追氮肥时,籽粒全氮、全磷、全钾含量分别增加22.2%、7.0%和16.3%;高施磷肥时,籽粒全氮、全磷、全钾含量分别增加27.6%、20.8%和4.3%;高施钾肥时,籽粒全氮、全钾含量分别增加3.8%、54.1%,全磷含量无显著变化。可见,氮、磷、钾肥对籽粒养分的影响因试验条件而异,在宁夏引黄灌区适量施用氮肥可增加春小麦籽粒中氮、磷、钾累积量,适量施磷可增加籽粒中氮、磷累积量,而钾肥对籽粒中养分累积量的影响不显著,这有待进一步研究。3.3 春小麦氮、磷、钾需求量对氮、磷、钾肥的响应
小麦养分需求量与施肥量密切相关。本试验结果表明,适量施氮会显著增加氮需求量,高量施氮则使磷需求量显著降低,而钾需求量显著增加;施用磷肥对氮、磷需求量无显著影响,而使钾需求量显著降低;适量施用钾肥会增加氮、钾需求量,而对磷需求量无显著影响。在最高产量(6 331 kg·hm-2)时,氮、磷、钾需求量分别为45.8、5.3、45.4 kg·Mg-1,所对应的氮、磷、钾施用量分别为180、120、75 kg·hm-2。何文寿等[1]发现每形成100 kg籽粒产量吸收N、P2O5、K2O的数量分别为2.85、1.0、3.76 kg。随氮肥用量增加,需氮量由 20.8 kg·Mg-1 升高到 25.7 kg·Mg-1[29]。随磷肥用量增加,需磷量由 3.8 kg·Mg-1升高到 4.2 kg·Mg-1[30]。随施钾量增加,需钾量由 18.9 kg·Mg-1 升高到 21.9 kg·Mg-1[31]。刘克礼等[24]发现,春小麦籽粒氮、磷、钾需求量分别为37.5、12.9、29.9 kg·Mg-1,并指出高量施氮、施磷和施钾均可分别提高籽粒需氮量、需磷量和需钾量。说明,春小麦对氮、磷、钾需求量不但受自身养分供应的影响,而且受其他养分用量的影响,同时还与养分之间的配比密切相关,这有待进一步研究。3.4 春小麦氮、磷、钾肥减肥对策
宁夏引黄灌区春小麦生产中,大多数农户存在氮肥施用过量而钾肥投入不足问题,部分施用磷、钾肥的农户亦存在施肥量差异较大的现象。因此,减少氮肥、调控磷肥、适当增加钾肥依然是宁夏引黄灌区春小麦化肥结构调整的主要方向。这与赵营等[2]2011年和2012年在该区的调研结果基本一致。根据田间试验结果,氮肥用量对春小麦产量的影响较为明显,当氮肥施用量达到120 kg·hm-2时,产量即显著增加,产量构成因素及氮磷钾养分含量及转移量亦显著增加;当施氮量超过180 kg·hm-2时,产量及其构成因素和养分含量出现下降趋势,因此,宁夏引黄灌区推荐氮肥适宜施用量为120—180 kg·hm-2,比生产上施氮量可减施25%—60%。磷、钾肥对籽粒产量均无显著影响,但可促进干物质及氮素向籽粒转移,增加千粒重。磷肥用量在48—96 kg·hm-2时,更有利于稳定春小麦产量并促进氮、磷向籽粒转移,比农户平均用量可减少40.7%—70.3%,钾肥用量在0—60 kg·hm-2时可稳产增质,在现有施肥水平上适量增减即可。4 结论
适量施氮可显著提高春小麦籽粒产量及氮、磷、钾吸收量;施磷肥对籽粒产量无显著影响,可提高穗粒数,千粒重及氮、磷吸收量;施钾肥对籽粒产量及氮、磷、钾吸收量均无显著影响,但可提高千粒重。春小麦氮需求量为38.3—57.2 kg·Mg-1,在适量施用氮、磷、钾肥时可显著增加;磷需求量为5.1—6.0 kg·Mg-1,随氮肥用量增加而降低,对磷、钾肥用量无显著响应;钾需求量为42.6—68.1 kg·Mg-1,随施氮量增加呈升高趋势,随施磷量增加呈降低趋势,在高量施钾时显著降低。减少氮肥、调控磷肥、适当增加钾肥依然是宁夏引黄灌区春小麦化肥结构调整的主要方向。该区春小麦推荐氮肥适宜用量为120—180 kg·hm-2,比生产上可减施25%—60%;磷肥用量在48—96 kg·hm-2时更有利于稳定春小麦产量并促进氮、磷向籽粒转移,比农户平均用量可减少40.7%—70.3%;钾肥用量在0—60 kg·hm-2时可稳产增质,在现有施肥水平上适量增减即可。
(责任编辑 李云霞)
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【Objective】 An experiment was carried out to study the effects of fertilization on wheat yield increase and nutrient efficiency in different agro-ecological regions of China and further to explore approaches of increasing wheat yield and improving fertilizer nutrient efficiency. 【Method】 The indexes, such as partial factor productivity (PFP) and agronomic efficiency (AE), were calculated based on the field experimental data from National Program of Soil-Testing and Fertilizer Recommendation of China, and the historical changes of the wheat yield increase from fertilization and nutrient efficiencies were analyzed in different agro-ecological regions of China.【Result】 The results showed that there were significant differences of applied fertilizer rate in different regions. The highest value was 383 kg8226;hm-2 in Huanghuaihai Plain and the lowest value was 233 kg8226;hm-2 in Northern Plateau. Yield increasing results from fertilization in Northwest and Middle and Lower Reaches of the Yangtze River were higher than that in Northern Plateau and Huanghuaihai Plain. The highest value of partial factor productivity (PFP) was 23.9 kg8226;kg-1 in Northwest and the lowest value of PFP was 17.4 kg8226;kg-1 in Huanghuaihai Plain. The highest value of agronomic efficiency (AE) was 9.7 kg8226;kg-1 in Northwest, and the lowest value was 4.2 kg8226;kg-1 in Huanghuaihai Plain. Compared with 1980s, AEN in Middle and Lower Reaches of the Yangtze River and Northwest increased by 21.0% and 5.68%, respectively, while that in Huanghuaihai Plain and Northern Plateau decreased by 46.0% and 12.4%. respectively. Meantime, AEP in Northern plateau and Northwest increased by 13.7% and 10.4%, respectively, while that in Huanghuaihai Plain and Middle and Lower Reaches of the Yangtze River decreased by 38.6% and 6.24%, respectively. 【Conclusion】 There were clearly increasing in amount of applied fertilizer of wheat in different regions and the difference was remarkable. The wheat yield increases from fertilization were still significant, and the effects were different among various regions. The regions with low level fertilizer rate was not always the area with the high level nutrient efficiency. It is a very effective approach to optimize fertilization and improve the fertilizer use efficiency for yield increase of wheat in the future.
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【Objective】 An experiment was carried out to study the effects of fertilization on wheat yield increase and nutrient efficiency in different agro-ecological regions of China and further to explore approaches of increasing wheat yield and improving fertilizer nutrient efficiency. 【Method】 The indexes, such as partial factor productivity (PFP) and agronomic efficiency (AE), were calculated based on the field experimental data from National Program of Soil-Testing and Fertilizer Recommendation of China, and the historical changes of the wheat yield increase from fertilization and nutrient efficiencies were analyzed in different agro-ecological regions of China.【Result】 The results showed that there were significant differences of applied fertilizer rate in different regions. The highest value was 383 kg8226;hm-2 in Huanghuaihai Plain and the lowest value was 233 kg8226;hm-2 in Northern Plateau. Yield increasing results from fertilization in Northwest and Middle and Lower Reaches of the Yangtze River were higher than that in Northern Plateau and Huanghuaihai Plain. The highest value of partial factor productivity (PFP) was 23.9 kg8226;kg-1 in Northwest and the lowest value of PFP was 17.4 kg8226;kg-1 in Huanghuaihai Plain. The highest value of agronomic efficiency (AE) was 9.7 kg8226;kg-1 in Northwest, and the lowest value was 4.2 kg8226;kg-1 in Huanghuaihai Plain. Compared with 1980s, AEN in Middle and Lower Reaches of the Yangtze River and Northwest increased by 21.0% and 5.68%, respectively, while that in Huanghuaihai Plain and Northern Plateau decreased by 46.0% and 12.4%. respectively. Meantime, AEP in Northern plateau and Northwest increased by 13.7% and 10.4%, respectively, while that in Huanghuaihai Plain and Middle and Lower Reaches of the Yangtze River decreased by 38.6% and 6.24%, respectively. 【Conclusion】 There were clearly increasing in amount of applied fertilizer of wheat in different regions and the difference was remarkable. The wheat yield increases from fertilization were still significant, and the effects were different among various regions. The regions with low level fertilizer rate was not always the area with the high level nutrient efficiency. It is a very effective approach to optimize fertilization and improve the fertilizer use efficiency for yield increase of wheat in the future.
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DOI:10.11674/zwyf.1997.0311URL [本文引用: 2]
This paper is part of "The Nitrogen Nutritional Diagnosis and Recommendation as Top dressing Fertilizer N for Several Crops in North China". The rate of nitrogen application for four crops: spring wheat, winter wheat. spring corn and summer corn were studied in field plot experiment. The results showed that the optimum rate of nitrogen recommended for spring wheat, winter winter wheat and summer corn had a Significant difference at different sites.and were considered to be 158. 7~187. 8kghm-2,100. 0 ~ 155. 4 kghm-2 and 121. 0 ~ 228. 0 kghm-2. respectively. The optimum rate of phosphate recommendation had a unsignificant difference except for the spring wheat which varied from 71. 9 to 94. 4kghm-2. Based upon the research. the rate of nitrogen topdressing could be guided by the means of quick nitrate test in plant tissue.
DOI:10.11674/zwyf.1997.0311URL [本文引用: 2]
This paper is part of "The Nitrogen Nutritional Diagnosis and Recommendation as Top dressing Fertilizer N for Several Crops in North China". The rate of nitrogen application for four crops: spring wheat, winter wheat. spring corn and summer corn were studied in field plot experiment. The results showed that the optimum rate of nitrogen recommended for spring wheat, winter winter wheat and summer corn had a Significant difference at different sites.and were considered to be 158. 7~187. 8kghm-2,100. 0 ~ 155. 4 kghm-2 and 121. 0 ~ 228. 0 kghm-2. respectively. The optimum rate of phosphate recommendation had a unsignificant difference except for the spring wheat which varied from 71. 9 to 94. 4kghm-2. Based upon the research. the rate of nitrogen topdressing could be guided by the means of quick nitrate test in plant tissue.
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DOI:10.11674/zwyf.2006.0606URL [本文引用: 1]
Three field experiments were conducted independently at three places in Ningxia irrigated region by Yellow River water to investigate the characteristics of N,P and K uptake of spring wheat at different growth stages.All the test soil was irrigation-silting soil with middle fertility level.Two fertilization treatments were set up(N 225 kg/ha,P2O5 120 kg/ha,K2O 60 kg/ha and CK)with three replicates for each place.The results showed that application of N,P,K fertilizers remarkably increased grain yields,weights of dry matters,and N,P and K contents and accumulates.Whatever fertilization levels,the above-ground dry matter accumulate increased with the growth stage and showed a typical S-shape.There were two peaks of dry matter accumulation occurred at jointing and filling stages separately and each account for about 30% of total accumulation.The contents of N,P,K in plants showed a downward tendency with growth stages;in which a sharply declined from jointing to middle of filling stage and a slowly declined both in the earlier times of tillering and after middle filling stage were observed.Under all experimental condition,N,P and K accumulation increased with both growth stages and fertilization rates,and the proportion of nutrient accumulate at different growth stages was almost same.On average,N,P,K uptake accounted for 4%—5%,20%—23% of the total uptake at seedling and tillering stages.During jointing period,the absorbed rates accounted for 30%,41%,34%,respectively,which was highest at this stage comparing with the others.The absorbed rates accounted for 14%,12%,10% at heading stage,for 29%、20%、26% at filling stage,for 1%—3% at ripening stage.The uptake rates of N,P,K by plants were significantly positive correlated with the accumulated rates of dry matters,but were significantly negative correlated with the contents of N,P,K in plants either high fertility or low fertility.
DOI:10.11674/zwyf.2006.0606URL [本文引用: 1]
Three field experiments were conducted independently at three places in Ningxia irrigated region by Yellow River water to investigate the characteristics of N,P and K uptake of spring wheat at different growth stages.All the test soil was irrigation-silting soil with middle fertility level.Two fertilization treatments were set up(N 225 kg/ha,P2O5 120 kg/ha,K2O 60 kg/ha and CK)with three replicates for each place.The results showed that application of N,P,K fertilizers remarkably increased grain yields,weights of dry matters,and N,P and K contents and accumulates.Whatever fertilization levels,the above-ground dry matter accumulate increased with the growth stage and showed a typical S-shape.There were two peaks of dry matter accumulation occurred at jointing and filling stages separately and each account for about 30% of total accumulation.The contents of N,P,K in plants showed a downward tendency with growth stages;in which a sharply declined from jointing to middle of filling stage and a slowly declined both in the earlier times of tillering and after middle filling stage were observed.Under all experimental condition,N,P and K accumulation increased with both growth stages and fertilization rates,and the proportion of nutrient accumulate at different growth stages was almost same.On average,N,P,K uptake accounted for 4%—5%,20%—23% of the total uptake at seedling and tillering stages.During jointing period,the absorbed rates accounted for 30%,41%,34%,respectively,which was highest at this stage comparing with the others.The absorbed rates accounted for 14%,12%,10% at heading stage,for 29%、20%、26% at filling stage,for 1%—3% at ripening stage.The uptake rates of N,P,K by plants were significantly positive correlated with the accumulated rates of dry matters,but were significantly negative correlated with the contents of N,P,K in plants either high fertility or low fertility.
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DOI:10.3864/j.issn.0578-1752.2018.14.010URL [本文引用: 2]
【Objective】It is of great significance to clarify relationships of NPK requirement to farmers’ wheat grain yield for reasonable fertilization and decreasing fertilizer application rates.【Method】A 2 years long on-farm survey combined with sample collection and analysis related to wheat production were carried out in the Spring Wheat (SW), Dryland Wheat (DW), Wheat-Maize (WM), Rice-Wheat regions (RW) of China, to study the relationships of NPK requirement to wheat grain yield of farmers.【Result】The mean grain yield of wheat was observed to be 6.4 t·hm-2, and the differences were significant among the yield averages of different regions, with the grain yield average of 6.0, 4.0, 7.7, 5.5 t·hm-2 in SW, DW, WM and RW region, respectively. The high yield regions usually had higher above-ground biomass and spike numbers, and harvest indexes increased with grain yields. The average N requirement was 28.1 kg·Mg-1, with the average of 28.6, 28.3, 29.3 and 25.0 kg·Mg-1 in SW, DW, WM and RW region, respectively, and the N requirement average decreased significantly by16.9% and 16.4% in DW and WM, tending to decrease but being not significant in SW and RW regions, when the yield was increased from the very low to the very high levels. The average P requirement was 4.0 kg·Mg-1, with the average of 4.5, 3.2, 4.1 and 4.1 kg·Mg-1 in SW, DW, WM and RW region, respectively. P requirement average decreased significantly by 11.4% and 17.8% in WM and RW, decreased by 8.6% but not significantin DW region, when the yield was increased from the very low to the very high levels, and even though the lowest P requirement of 3.7 kg·Mg-1 occurred at the very low wheat yield level, it was still significantly decreased by 21.4%, when the yield was increased from the lower to the very high level. The average K requirement was 21.5 kg·Mg-1, with the average of 26.5, 17.1, 23.3 and 18.8 kg·Mg-1 respectively and significantly different in the four regions, and the K requirement average significantly decreased by 4.0%, 4.4%, 12.7% and 19.9% in SW, DW, WM and RW region, respectively, when the yield was increased from the very low to the very high levels, although the difference was only significant in the RW region. 【Conclusion】Wheat grain yield of farmers were significantly different among the main wheat production regions in China, relationships of NPK requirements to grain yields were also different with regions, and generally they tended to decrease with the grain yield increase. Therefore, fertilizer application recommendation should determine the reasonable nutrient requirement based on the yield levels, the crop nutrient requirement characteristics and the land soil nutrient supply capacities of farmers, in order to avoid over or insufficient fertilizer application in different regions of China.
DOI:10.3864/j.issn.0578-1752.2018.14.010URL [本文引用: 2]
【Objective】It is of great significance to clarify relationships of NPK requirement to farmers’ wheat grain yield for reasonable fertilization and decreasing fertilizer application rates.【Method】A 2 years long on-farm survey combined with sample collection and analysis related to wheat production were carried out in the Spring Wheat (SW), Dryland Wheat (DW), Wheat-Maize (WM), Rice-Wheat regions (RW) of China, to study the relationships of NPK requirement to wheat grain yield of farmers.【Result】The mean grain yield of wheat was observed to be 6.4 t·hm-2, and the differences were significant among the yield averages of different regions, with the grain yield average of 6.0, 4.0, 7.7, 5.5 t·hm-2 in SW, DW, WM and RW region, respectively. The high yield regions usually had higher above-ground biomass and spike numbers, and harvest indexes increased with grain yields. The average N requirement was 28.1 kg·Mg-1, with the average of 28.6, 28.3, 29.3 and 25.0 kg·Mg-1 in SW, DW, WM and RW region, respectively, and the N requirement average decreased significantly by16.9% and 16.4% in DW and WM, tending to decrease but being not significant in SW and RW regions, when the yield was increased from the very low to the very high levels. The average P requirement was 4.0 kg·Mg-1, with the average of 4.5, 3.2, 4.1 and 4.1 kg·Mg-1 in SW, DW, WM and RW region, respectively. P requirement average decreased significantly by 11.4% and 17.8% in WM and RW, decreased by 8.6% but not significantin DW region, when the yield was increased from the very low to the very high levels, and even though the lowest P requirement of 3.7 kg·Mg-1 occurred at the very low wheat yield level, it was still significantly decreased by 21.4%, when the yield was increased from the lower to the very high level. The average K requirement was 21.5 kg·Mg-1, with the average of 26.5, 17.1, 23.3 and 18.8 kg·Mg-1 respectively and significantly different in the four regions, and the K requirement average significantly decreased by 4.0%, 4.4%, 12.7% and 19.9% in SW, DW, WM and RW region, respectively, when the yield was increased from the very low to the very high levels, although the difference was only significant in the RW region. 【Conclusion】Wheat grain yield of farmers were significantly different among the main wheat production regions in China, relationships of NPK requirements to grain yields were also different with regions, and generally they tended to decrease with the grain yield increase. Therefore, fertilizer application recommendation should determine the reasonable nutrient requirement based on the yield levels, the crop nutrient requirement characteristics and the land soil nutrient supply capacities of farmers, in order to avoid over or insufficient fertilizer application in different regions of China.
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DOI:10.7606/j.issn.1009-1041.2003.03.099URL [本文引用: 3]
As experiment material, Mengmai 28 was taken to study N, P and K intake and change in utilization amount under different treatments of fertilizer and density. The results showed that under optimum density and balanced to fertilize N, P and K, the N, P and
DOI:10.7606/j.issn.1009-1041.2003.03.099URL [本文引用: 3]
As experiment material, Mengmai 28 was taken to study N, P and K intake and change in utilization amount under different treatments of fertilizer and density. The results showed that under optimum density and balanced to fertilize N, P and K, the N, P and
DOI:10.7606/j.issn.1009-1041.2003.03.098URL [本文引用: 2]
The rules of nitrogen assimilation, accumulation, distribution and transportation were systematically studied by means of five-factor quadratic orthogonal regressive rotation combination design. The results showed that the N content in spring wheat plant
DOI:10.7606/j.issn.1009-1041.2003.03.098URL [本文引用: 2]
The rules of nitrogen assimilation, accumulation, distribution and transportation were systematically studied by means of five-factor quadratic orthogonal regressive rotation combination design. The results showed that the N content in spring wheat plant
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DOI:10.7606/j.issn.1009-1041.2003.03.100URL [本文引用: 1]
To study P assimilation, accumulation and distribution, and dynamic transfer in spring wheat, this experiment was counducted under different conditions. The results showed that the P content in spring wheat was the highest in the end of tillering stage, a
DOI:10.7606/j.issn.1009-1041.2003.03.100URL [本文引用: 1]
To study P assimilation, accumulation and distribution, and dynamic transfer in spring wheat, this experiment was counducted under different conditions. The results showed that the P content in spring wheat was the highest in the end of tillering stage, a
DOI:10.7606/j.issn.1009-1041.2003.03.101URL [本文引用: 1]
This experiment was conducted to study K assimilation and accumulation of spring wheat. The result showed that the K content gradually reduced in plant during the period of life. It was the most from late emergence to tillering stage, and reduced to the l
DOI:10.7606/j.issn.1009-1041.2003.03.101URL [本文引用: 1]
This experiment was conducted to study K assimilation and accumulation of spring wheat. The result showed that the K content gradually reduced in plant during the period of life. It was the most from late emergence to tillering stage, and reduced to the l
DOI:10.2134/agronj2012.0232URL [本文引用: 1]
Overestimates of N requirements have led to excessive N application and serious environmental pollution in intensively managed agricultural systems. A database comprising 1395 measurements was developed from 2000 to 2011 using 88 on-farm and station experiments conducted in five key winter wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) domains in northern China. The database was created to evaluate the relationship between aboveground N uptake and grain yield with different N treatments and to quantify N requirements per Mg grain at different grain yield levels. Across all sites, wheat grain yield ranged from 1.6 to 11.8 Mg ha(-1). The nitrogen requirement per megagram grain yield (N-req.) increased with N supply from 20.8 kg under the treatment without N fertilizer to 25.7 kg under the excess N treatment. For the optimal N fertilizer treatment, the average N-req. was 24.3 kg and it declined with increasing grain yield. For the yield ranges between <4.5 and 6.0 to 7.5 Mg ha(-1), N-req, decreased from 27.1 to 24.5 kg due to increasing harvest index (HI; from 0.39-0.46) and decreasing grain N concentration (from 2.41 to 2.21%). For the yield ranges between 6.0 to 7.5 and 9.0 to 10.5 Mg ha(-1), N-req. decreased from 24.5 to 22.7 kg due to decreasing grain N concentration (from 2.21 to 2.00%). For the yield ranges between 9.0 to 10.5 and >10.5 Mg ha(-1), N-req. changed little due to stability in grain N concentrations and HI. In conclusion, the N requirement of a crop was affected by both the amount of N supplied and the grain yield.
DOI:10.1093/jxb/ert023URLPMID:23382547 [本文引用: 1]
The adaptations of root morphology, physiology, and biochemistry to phosphorus supply have been characterized intensively. However, characterizing these adaptations at molecular level is largely neglected under field conditions. Here, two consecutive field experiments were carried out to investigate the agronomic traits and root traits of wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) at six P-fertilizer rates. Root samples were collected at flowering to investigate root dry weight, root length density, arbusular-mycorrhizal colonization rate, acid phosphatase activity in rhizosphere soil, and expression levels of genes encoding phosphate transporter, phosphatase, ribonucleases, and expansin. These root traits exhibited inducible, inhibitory, or combined responses to P deficiency, and the change point for responses to P supply was at or near the optimal P supply for maximum grain yield. This research improves the understanding of mechanisms of plant adaptation to soil P in intensive agriculture and provides useful information for optimizing P management based on the interactions between soil P dynamics and root processes.
DOI:10.1016/j.fcr.2016.04.001URL [本文引用: 1]