Effects of Wax Coating on Off-Flavor Compound Accumulation in the Pulp of Satsuma Mandarin
ZOU YunQian1, ZHANG Li1, WU FangFang1, XU RangWei1, XU Juan1, HU ShiQuan2, XIE HePing2, CHENG YunJiang
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邹运乾, 张立, 吴方方, 许让伟, 徐娟, 胡世全, 谢合平, 程运江. 打蜡处理对温州蜜柑果实异味物质积累的影响[J]. 中国农业科学, 2020, 53(12): 2450-2459 doi:10.3864/j.issn.0578-1752.2020.12.012
ZOU YunQian, ZHANG Li, WU FangFang, XU RangWei, XU Juan, HU ShiQuan, XIE HePing, CHENG YunJiang.
0 引言
【研究意义】柑橘作为我国南方地区最重要的水果产业,2018年全国柑橘产量已突破4 100万t(国家统计局统计结果)。与世界其他柑橘生产大国不同,我国温州蜜柑为主的宽皮柑橘约占总产量的2/3,且超过90%的果实用于鲜食[1]。温州蜜柑具有丰产、优质等优点,但仍存在成熟期过度集中、果实不耐贮藏(一般2—4周)[2,3]、商品化处理后异味物质快速积累导致货架期短等突出问题,直接制约了产业效益的提升。果实采后商品化处理涉及清洗、预分选、保鲜、打蜡、分级、包装、贮运等多道工序。在清洗过程中,柑橘果实表面的天然蜡质层受到损坏,会加速失水、缩短货架期,因此果实表面打蜡(涂膜)处理以补偿清洗对天然蜡质造成的损伤,显得尤为重要。研究表明,打蜡作为果实采后商品化处理的重要环节,不仅可以改善果实外观、减少果实水分散失,还可增强果实对采后病原微生物的抵抗力,降低果实采后腐烂率[4]。但是,打蜡等商品化处理后果实易产生异味,丧失果实新鲜纯正的口感和风味[5]。果蜡相关研究在美国、西班牙等柑橘生产大国开展较早,形成了系列果蜡专利产品,如美国DECCO公司“仙亮”“FMC”等系列果蜡、西班牙FOMESA公司的“威特”果蜡等。我国在果蜡领域的研究基础十分薄弱,生产中使用的果蜡产品主要依赖国外进口,其中美国以虫胶、树脂、脂肪酸盐为主要原材料生产的“仙亮”402D果蜡是我国温州蜜柑最常用的涂膜剂之一。但产区多年的使用结果表明,经402D打蜡处理的温州蜜柑果实4 h后就有明显的异味口感,而且随着存放时间延长,异味愈加浓烈,严重影响果实货架期和市场竞争力。【前人研究进展】涂抹剂用于食品保鲜最早可以追溯到12世纪的宋朝,人们在柠檬和橙子上涂抹脂质成分以达到减少失水的作用[4]。16世纪,食品被涂上脂肪(如猪油)以减少失水,20世纪30年代石蜡、棕榈蜡和乳化油水涂层被用于新鲜水果和蔬菜保鲜[6]。此后涂膜剂被广泛用来防止果蔬采后失水并增加其表面光泽度,如海藻酸钠涂膜处理能够显著降低水蜜桃果实的腐烂率,抑制其呼吸作用,维持果实硬度、延缓丙二醛含量的上升[7];也能够提高芒果的抗氧化水平[8]。羟丙基甲基纤维素和蜂蜡的涂层可抑制番石榴‘Pedro Sato’成熟,并延长其货架期6 d以上[9]。壳聚糖打蜡处理建阳橘柚能防止病原微生物的侵染,减少病害的发生,保持较高的商品价值[10]。姜黄素保鲜剂打蜡处理沙糖橘贮藏80 d结果表明,其果实腐烂率和失重率均显著低于对照[11]。王日葵等[12]用果蜡处理的夏橙和锦橙果实外观品质均明显地得到提高,402D果蜡处理最好。402D处理芦柑25 d出现酒精味,35 d之后,酒精味加浓,而且还出现其他异味[13]。生产中,温州蜜柑与其他柑橘类型相比更易产生和积累异味,温州蜜柑等宽皮柑橘经市场销售的商业果蜡打蜡处理后,乙醇和乙醛快速积累,形成异味口感,果实的商品性能显著降低[14,15,16,17]。研究表明温州蜜柑比葡萄柚果皮的气体交换和渗透率更低,而且乙醇脱氢酶的活性更高,推测这可能是温州蜜柑不耐贮性的重要原因[18]。【本研究切入点】我国对柑橘采后打蜡处理缺乏系统的研究,没有技术规范;温州蜜柑种植规模大,成熟期早,采后品质保持困难,严重制约了产业效益提升。【拟解决的关键问题】以生产中常用的402D果蜡为参照,通过稀释改变果蜡固体物含量,研究不同固体物含量的果蜡处理温州蜜柑对果实内部O2、CO2、乙醇和乙醛的含量,果实表面特性及消费者感官品质变化的影响,为优化温州蜜柑打蜡工艺和改善果实商品化处理后贮运条件,延长果实货架期,提升产品市场竞争能力提供理论依据。1 材料与方法
试验于2013—2014及2017年在湖北武汉华中农业大学园艺植物生物学教育部重点实验室进行。1.1 供试材料
‘尾张’温州蜜柑(Citrus unshiu Marc)采自湖北省宜昌市夷陵区的生产果园,树龄约20年,果实均达到商业采收的成熟标准,选取无病虫害、无机械损伤、无明显果面瑕疵、大小色泽一致的果实为试验材料。每次采摘约200 kg,重复取样3年。供试蜡液为市场销售的美国402D商业果蜡(Decco, Cerexagri Inc.美国)。
1.2 样品处理
为研究不同固体物含量的果蜡打蜡处理对温州蜜柑果实异味物积累的影响,进行以下4组处理:T1:未经稀释的402D果蜡原液(固体物含量约20%);T2:402D果蜡与水1﹕1稀释液(固体物含量约10%);T3:402D果蜡与水1﹕3稀释液(固体物含量约5%);T4:对照组,直接用清水将果实清洗干净。温州蜜柑果实用清水清洗后晾干,模拟实际生产进行打蜡处理,每吨果实平均用蜡量约为1.4 L。各处理的果实用量约50 kg,打蜡后自然晾干。模拟常温(20℃,相对湿度70%—75%)和冷链(4℃,相对湿度90%—95%)环境,观察果实货架期。常温货架果实每隔1周取1次样,共3次。冷库贮藏为了更好的模拟实际生产,不同打蜡处理后的果实在常温下分别存放0、1、2和4 d(分别标记为Tn 0 d、Tn 1 d、Tn 2 d、Tn 4 d,n=1/2/3)后转冷库贮藏4周,再转常温贮藏1周,分别在冷库贮藏4周及冷库贮藏4周并常温贮藏1周后取样测定相关指标。1.3 果皮的扫描电镜观察
参照吴方方[19]的方法:用pH 7.2的磷酸盐缓冲液清洗各个处理果实表面。用手术刀片切果皮0.3 cm×0.2 cm的小片状有色层。2.5%戊二醛固定24 h,脱水:乙醇系列30%-50%-70%-85%-95%-100%(2次)逐级脱水,直至脱水干净。换取中间液,临界点干燥,离子溅射仪镀膜后入镜观察。每个处理帖2片,用电子扫描显微镜(NTC JSM-6390LV,日本)100×、1 000×、1 500×、3 000×观察果皮表面状况及气孔,赤道部选4个点做统计观察。1.4 果实内部CO2和O2含量测定
将不同处理待测果实在烧杯中完全浸于水中,用气密针从果蒂插入果实中柱鞘部位抽取0.5 mL果实内部气体,然后注入气相色谱仪(美国Agilent7890A)。测定条件为:CTR-1填充柱,柱温40℃,TCD检测器温度120℃,每个处理重复3次。1.5 乙醇、乙醛含量测定
参照吴方方[19]的方法:每3个果实取5 mL果汁,置于10 mL气相色谱专用小瓶中,80℃下水浴15 min后,用气密针取1 mL色谱专用小瓶中顶空气体注入气相色谱仪(美国 Aglilent7890A)。测定条件为:使用DB624毛细管色谱柱,柱温40℃,火焰离子检测器(FID)温度250℃,进样口温度250℃,载气为H2,恒压,载气流速30 mL?min-1,分流比1﹕10,每个处理重复3次。1.6 感观评价
参照何义仲等[20]的方法,随机招募20名志愿者组成感官评价的测试人员,每次评价时不同处理组以及对照随机选取5个果实做好标记,先目测打分。评价指标包括光泽度、甜度、酸度、异味、风味、出汁率、化渣性、总体满意度,感官评价试验均按0—4级打分,评分标准为5级,其中,0:无;1:轻微;2:一般;3:偏高;4:极高。以总体满意度作为消费者感官评价的最终结果,得分越高说明消费者对果实认可度越高,品质越好。1.7 数据处理
用Excel 2003处理数据,应用SAS软件ANOVA作差异显著性分析(P<0.05)。2 结果
2.1 打蜡处理对果皮表面形态的影响

Fig. 1Effects of different solid contents of waxing treatment on the surface morphology of ‘Praecox Tanaka’ satsuma mandarin fruit
SEM pictures of the epidermis and stomata of A, E: T1 (solid content of 20%); B, F: T2 (solid content of 10%); C, G: T3 (solid content of 5%); D, H: T4 (solid content of 0%) coated fruits
2.2 打蜡处理对果实内部O2和CO2含量的影响
果实内部气体含量检测结果表明,无论是短期常温贮藏还是长期冷藏,打蜡处理后的温州蜜柑果实内部CO2含量呈上升趋势,O2含量均呈下降趋势,402D原液稀释后处理能够减缓这种变化趋势。常温贮藏条件下,T1处理组CO2浓度从第1周8.4%上升到第3周15.5%(图2)。T2处理CO2浓度从第1周的5.7%上升到第3周的7.1%,而对照组CO2浓度从第1周1.3%仅上升到第3周2.3%,且随着贮藏时间的延长,果实内部CO2浓度逐渐升高。O2含量则逐渐降低,T1处理组O2浓度从第1周的1.6%下降到第3周1.4%(图2),而对照组O2浓度从第1周15.1%下降到第3周13.2%。冷藏条件下,果蜡的固体物含量与打蜡处理后果实转移到冷库的时间间隔对果实中柱空腔内气体浓度均有明显影响。从图2可以看出,固体物含量为20%的402D原液打蜡后即转移到冷库贮藏(T1,0 d)时CO2为6.1%,O2含量为1.4%。对照组(T4,0 d)果实4℃冷藏4周内果实中柱空腔内部CO2的浓度为2.7%,O2浓度为13.1%,固体物含量为20%的402D原液打蜡后常温下放置4 d再转移到冷库的处理(T1,4 d)CO2为8.18%,O2含量为1.4%。冷库贮藏前常温放置的时间越长,冷库贮藏果实内部CO2含量越高。图2

Fig. 2Effects of different solid content of waxing treatments on the contents of CO2 and O2 in ‘Praecox Tanaka’ satsuma mandarins fruits
A: Internal CO2 concentration of ‘Praecox Tanaka’ Satsuma mandarins stored under normal temperature; B: Low temperature and then transferred to normal temperature; C: Internal O2 concentration of ‘Praecox Tanaka’ satsuma mandarins stored under normal temperature; D: Low temperature storage and then transferred to normal temperature. Different lowercase letters represent significant differences at 5% level between different solid content of waxing treatments under the same time point, * represent statistically significant differences at 5% level at different time point
2.3 打蜡处理对果实乙醇和乙醛含量的影响
低固体物含量的402D果蜡处理的温州蜜柑果实转移到冷库的时间越早,果实内积累的乙醇、乙醛等异味物质含量越低。乙醇和乙醛是果实无氧呼吸产生的代谢物,是果实采后贮藏过程中形成异味的主要物质。打蜡处理与冷藏的时间间隔对果实异味物质的积累有显著的影响。结果表明,打蜡果实中乙醇和乙醛含量显著高于对照,且随着贮藏时间的延长而增加(图3、4)。常温下贮藏3周后,T4组乙醇含量为777.9 mg?L-1,而T1组的果实乙醇含量高达2 899.3 mg?L-1;伴随着402D果蜡固体物含量由20%降低到5%,果实内部的乙醇含量降低到1 415.4 mg?L-1,乙醛含量由27.34 mg?L-1降低到14.07 mg?L-1,并且与图2中第3周402D蜡液处理果实内部CO2含量的升高趋势相同,由于CO2的积累,无氧呼吸加剧导致乙醇、乙醛等异味物质大量累积。上述结果表明,打蜡处理后及时转入低温贮藏,有利于降低乙醇和乙醛的浓度,延缓异味形成。图3

Fig. 3Effects of different solid content of waxing treatments on the contents of alcohol in ‘Praecox Tanaka’ satsuma mandarins
A: Ethanol contents in the juice under different treatments stored at room temperature; B: Ethanol content of fruits treated with T1 (solid content of 20%) and control in cold storage; C: Ethanol content of fruits treated with T2 (solid content of 10%) and control in cold storage; D: Ethanol content of fruits treated with T3 (solid content of 5%) and control in cold storage. Different lowercase letters indicate significant difference among different treatments at the same time (P<0.05). The same as below

Fig. 4Effects of different solid content of waxing treatments on the contents of alcohol in ‘Praecox Tanaka’ Satsuma mandarins fruits
A: Acetaldehyde contents in the juice under different treatments and storage at room temperature; the higher the solid content is, the higher the acetaldehyde content in fruit will be; B: acetaldehyde content of fruits treated with T1 (The solid content is 20%) and control in cold storage; C: Acetaldehydel contents of fruits treated with T2 (The solid content is 10%) and control in cold storage; D: Acetaldehyde contents of fruits treated with T3 (The solid content is 5%) and control in cold storage
4℃冷藏4周后,不同固体物含量的402D果蜡处理的果实内部乙醇、乙醛含量之间差异不显著,但当转移到常温下放置1周(模拟果实货架期)后,乙醇、乙醛等异味物质含量急剧增加,T1处理的果实内部乙醇含量显著积累,由470.6 mg?L-1增加到1 773.8 mg?L-1,而T2组则由396.2 mg?L-1增加到560.5 mg?L-1,说明适当降低果蜡固体物含量有助于减少异味物质的积累。
2.4 打蜡处理对果实感官品质的影响

Fig. 5Sensory attributes of wax-coated and -uncoated ‘Praecox Tanaka’ satsuma mandarins after three weeks of storage at room temperature
Table 1
Table 1
异味值 Off-flavor | 光泽度 Gloss | 酸度 Tartness | 甜度 Sweetness | 出汁量 Juiciness | 风味 Flavor | 化渣性 Mastication | 总体评价 Overall quality | |||||||||
4℃* | 20℃** | 4℃ | 20℃ | 4℃ | 20℃ | 4℃ | 20℃ | 4℃ | 20℃ | 4℃ | 20℃ | 4℃ | 20℃ | 4℃ | 20℃ | |
T1 0 d | 2.31c | 2.47c | 3.81d | 3.20d | 1.81a | 2.53c | 1.88a | 1.60a | 2.25a | 2.27a | 1.13a | 1.20a | 2.63a | 1.87a | 3.45b | 1.42b |
T1 1 d | 1.81b | 2.40c | 3.81d | 3.07d | 2.13b | 2.40c | 1.88a | 2.00b | 2.19a | 2.27a | 1.38a | 1.73b | 2.50a | 1.87a | 3.23ab | 1.47b |
T1 2 d | 2.06b | 3.60d | 3.00c | 2.33b | 1.56a | 2.60c | 2.44c | 1.33a | 2.44a | 2.27a | 1.25a | 1.07a | 2.44a | 2.07ab | 3.12b | 1.33b |
T1 4 d | 1.50ab | 2.53c | 2.50b | 2.27b | 1.88b | 1.60a | 2.19a | 2.00b | 2.63b | 2.27a | 1.69ab | 1.40ab | 2.44a | 2.13b | 2.78a | 1.06a |
T2 0 d | 1.38a | 1.93b | 2.50b | 2.27b | 2.25b | 2.13b | 1.94a | 1.93b | 2.63b | 2.33a | 2.00bc | 1.53ab | 2.31a | 1.93a | 4.11c | 3.58d |
T2 1 d | 2.06b | 1.40a | 2.81b | 2.67c | 1.75a | 1.53a | 2.25b | 2.20b | 2.19a | 2.60b | 1.25a | 1.60b | 2.38a | 2.20b | 3.56b | 3.28cd |
T2 2 d | 1.50ab | 1.93b | 2.56b | 2.53c | 1.94b | 1.67a | 1.94a | 2.33b | 2.25a | 2.40ab | 1.75b | 1.67b | 2.25a | 2.13ab | 3.53b | 2.76c |
T2 4 d | 1.38a | 2.26c | 1.56a | 1.80a | 1.69a | 1.67a | 2.50c | 2.33b | 2.63b | 2.53b | 2.25c | 1.47ab | 2.25a | 2.20b | 3.14ab | 2.33bc |
T3 0 d | 1.31a | 1.53ab | 2.50b | 2.60c | 1.94b | 2.20a | 2.06ab | 2.13b | 2.69b | 2.53b | 1.81a | 1.87b | 2.38a | 2.27b | 3.78bc | 3.13cd |
T3 1 d | 1.56ab | 1.47a | 2.44b | 2.60c | 1.69a | 2.00b | 2.13ab | 2.00b | 2.31a | 2.60b | 1.56ab | 1.80b | 2.38a | 2.40c | 3.88bc | 3.14cd |
T3 2 d | 1.06a | 1.33a | 2.38b | 2.33b | 2.13b | 2.07b | 2.25b | 2.27b | 2.63b | 2.53b | 2.19c | 2.13bc | 2.38a | 2.00ab | 3.57b | 2.38bc |
T3 4 d | 1.56ab | 1.33a | 2.38b | 2.00ab | 1.69a | 2.00b | 1.88a | 2.33b | 2.31a | 2.20b | 1.31a | 1.93b | 2.31a | 2.20b | 3.23ab | 2.16bc |
T4 | 1.19a | 1.00a | 1.50a | 1.67a | 2.13b | 1.67a | 2.06ab | 3.00c | 2.63b | 2.73c | 2.13c | 2.40c | 2.25a | 2.27bc | 3.87bc | 2.33bc |
4℃冷藏4周,果蜡固体物含量对温州蜜柑果实的光泽度影响较大,但对果实的异味、酸度、甜度、风味等品质性状无显著影响(表1)。T1处理后即刻转入冷库(T1 0 d)亮度评分均为3.81,T2、T3处理后即刻转入冷库亮度评分为2.50,T4处理为1.19。打蜡处理后,果实在转入冷库前常温下放置的时间越长,亮度越低,感官评价反映异味越浓,总体评价越低,T1处理后即刻转入冷库亮度评分为3.81,常温放置4 d再转入冷库(T1 4 d)亮度评分则为2.50。总体评价最高为T2处理后立即转入冷库(T2 0 d)贮藏组,平均评分4.11;最低为T1处理后常温放置4 d再转入冷库贮藏组(T1 4 d),平均评分2.78。模拟销售时的货架条件,将不同处理的果实从冷库转移到常温下1周后(表1),其中T1处理异味打分明显增加,由‘轻度异味’到‘适度异味’或‘强烈异味’,T1 0 d异味评价得分从2.31到2.47,T1第4天异味评价得分从1.50到2.53,T2 0 d异味评价得分从1.38到1.93。总评价也变差,T1 0 d总体评价得分从3.45到1.42,T1第4天总体评价得分从2.78到1.06,T2 0 d总体评价得分从4.11到3.58,说明冷库贮藏后转入常温使果实异味物质积累显著,总体评价显著降低。
3 讨论
402D果蜡是我国温州蜜柑采后商品化处理中最常用的涂膜剂之一,采用402D打蜡处理我国温州蜜柑后引起的异味物质积累加速、果实表皮褐变、内部品质下降等问题十发突出。柑橘果实采后商品化处理过程中,打蜡处理使果实表面被人工合成蜡液覆盖,从而增加果实表面光泽度。但是打蜡处理在改善果实表面光泽度的同时也影响到果实与环境的气体交换[21],果实内部会逐步积累呼吸代谢产生的CO2,常温贮藏3周,402D原液处理温州蜜柑果实内部CO2浓度增加7.12%;O2浓度降低到1.4%。固体物含量越高,蜡液黏度越大,附着于果实表面的蜡液也越多,厚度越厚。蜡液厚度与果实内部气体的变化有直接的关系,从而影响果实内部呼吸方式的变化。当果实内部O2含量低于果实有氧呼吸所需O2的阀值,CO2含量高于果实忍耐极限值时,果实就会发生无氧呼吸导致品质下降[22]。乙醇和乙醛是一种增加果实风味的前体物质,但乙醇含量高于1 500 mg?L-1时就会降低果实风味,产生一种‘酒糟’异味[23]。伴随无氧呼吸产生的乙醇和乙醛的不断积累,加剧了柑橘果实‘酒糟’异味的产生。402D原液处理3周时乙醇含量2 899.3 mg?L-1,乙醛含量27.34 mg?L-1,品尝试验结果表明风味评分为1.6,稀释至1/4浓度时乙醇含量降低一半,风味评分2.7。说明固体物含量越高,果实透气性越差,而透气性较差的果蜡处理的果实在常温贮藏条件下,代谢加快,糖酸含量降低,总体风味变淡。
4 结论
高固体物含量的402D果蜡处理温州蜜柑阻隔了果实内外气体的交换,导致CO2积累,O2浓度降低,从而加剧果实的无氧呼吸,导致乙醇、乙醛等异味物质积累。高固体物含量的402D果蜡是引起温州蜜柑商品化处理后异味物质快速积累的直接原因,对402D进行1﹕1稀释且打蜡后快速预冷,结合全程冷链可有效缓解果实异味积累。参考文献 原文顺序
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DOI:10.1016/j.postharvbio.2005.06.008URL [本文引用: 1]
DOI:10.1016/j.tifs.2015.07.011URL [本文引用: 2]
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DOI:10.4315/0362-028x-67.4.833URLPMID:15083740 [本文引用: 1]

Increasing consumer demand for microbiologically safer foods, greater convenience, smaller packages, and longer product shelf life is forcing the industry to develop new food-processing, cooking, handling, and packaging strategies. Nonfluid ready-to-eat foods are frequently exposed to postprocess surface contamination, leading to a reduction in shelf life. The food industry has at its disposal a wide range of nonedible polypropylene- and polyethylene-based packaging materials and various biodegradable protein- and polysaccharide-based edible films that can potentially serve as packaging materials. Research on the use of edible films as packaging materials continues because of the potential for these films to enhance food quality, food safety, and product shelf life. Besides acting as a barrier against mass diffusion (moisture, gases, and volatiles), edible films can serve as carriers for a wide range of food additives, including flavoring agents, antioxidants, vitamins, and colorants. When antimicrobial agents such as benzoic acid, sorbic acid, propionic acid, lactic acid, nisin, and lysozyme have been incorporated into edible films, such films retarded surface growth of bacteria, yeasts, and molds on a wide range of products, including meats and cheeses. Various antimicrobial edible films have been developed to minimize growth of spoilage and pathogenic microorganisms, including Listeria monocytogenes, which may contaminate the surface of cooked ready-to-eat foods after processing. Here, we review the various types of protein-based (wheat gluten, collagen, corn zein, soy, casein, and whey protein), polysaccharide-based (cellulose, chitosan, alginate, starch, pectin, and dextrin), and lipid-based (waxes, acylglycerols, and fatty acids) edible films and a wide range of antimicrobial agents that have been or could potentially be incorporated into such films during manufacture to enhance the safety and shelf life of ready-to-eat foods.
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DOI:10.1021/acs.biochem.8b01080URLPMID:30383375 [本文引用: 1]

Replication of nucleic acids in the absence of genetically encoded enzymes represents a critical process for the emergence of cellular life. Repeated separation of complementary RNA strands is required to achieve multiple cycles of chemical replication, yet thermal denaturation under plausible prebiotic conditions is impaired by the high temperatures required to separate long RNA strands and by concurrent degradation pathways, the latter accelerated by divalent metal ions. Here we show how the melting temperature of oligoribonucleotide duplexes can be tuned by changes in pH, enabling the separation of RNA strands at moderate temperatures. At the same time, the risk of phosphodiester bond cleavage is reduced under the acid denaturation conditions herein described, both in the presence and in the absence of divalent metal ions. Through a combination of ultraviolet and circular dichroism thermal studies and gel electrophoresis, we demonstrate the relevance of geological pH oscillations in the context of the RNA strand separation problem. Our results reveal new insights in the field of prebiotic chemistry, supporting plausible geochemical scenarios in which non-enzymatic RNA replication might have taken place.
DOI:10.1016/j.foodchem.2019.03.142URLPMID:31000030 [本文引用: 1]

Guavas are tropical climacteric fruit with a short postharvest shelf life at room temperature. This study aims to extend the shelf life of red guavas 'Pedro Sato' using edible coatings of hydroxypropyl methylcellulose (HPMC) and beeswax (BW) at concentrations of 10%, 20%, and 40% (dry basis). Coated and uncoated guavas were stored for 8days at 21 degrees C and assessed every 2days. The HPMC+BW produced a modified atmosphere around the fruit, delaying ripening process. The coatings reduced loss of mass, maintained green color, and increased firmness compared to the control fruit. The uncoated fruit had 6days of shelf life. The treatment with HPMC+20% BW provided the best maintenance of fruit quality. On the eighth day, fruit with this coating showed the same physicochemical characteristics of control fruit in the second day of storage, which represents a gain of 6days in the shelf life of guavas 'Pedro Sato'.
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DOI:10.21273/JASHS.115.5.775URL [本文引用: 1]
DOI:10.1002/jsfa.3909URLPMID:20355140 [本文引用: 1]

BACKGROUND: Mandarins suffer from accumulation of off-flavours after harvest. In this study the sensory quality and aroma profile composition of homogenised segments of untreated (control) and wax-coated 'Mor' mandarins after 7 days at 20 degrees C or 3 or 6 weeks of cold storage at 5 degrees C were examined. RESULTS: Fruit taste score decreased during storage and following wax coating, and this was attributed to decreases in sourness and mandarin flavour and accumulation of off-flavours. Aroma profiling identified 31 volatiles that decreased by at least 50% during storage and after waxing and thus may be involved in the observed flavour loss. In contrast, 13 volatiles, mostly belonging to ethanol fermentation and fatty acid and amino acid catabolism pathways, significantly increased at least twofold and probably contributed to off-flavour enhancement. CONCLUSION: The results showed that after harvest there was a progressive decrease in sensory quality of 'Mor' mandarins. It is proposed that observed decreases in contents of sesqui- and monoterpenes and short-chain oxygenated fatty acids may contribute to the decrease in mandarin flavour, whereas increases in the contents of ethanol fermentation metabolites and derivates of fatty acid and amino acid catabolism are most likely involved in causing the enhanced sensation of off-flavours.
DOI:10.1016/j.postharvbio.2010.09.011URL [本文引用: 1]

Mandarins are very prone to losing flavor quality during storage and, as a result, often have a short shelf life. To better understand the basis of this flavor loss, two mandarin varieties ('W. Murcott' and 'Owari') were stored for 0, 3 and 6 weeks at either 0 degrees C, 4 degrees C, or 8 degrees C plus 1 week at 20 degrees C, and then evaluated for sensory attributes as well as quality parameters and aroma volatile profile. The experiment was conducted multiple times for each variety over two seasons, using three separate grower lots per experiment. Flavor quality was reduced in 'Owari' following 4 weeks of storage as off-flavor increased, while for 'W. Murcott' the hedonic score decreased after the fruit were stored for 7 weeks. Sensory panelists also noted a decline in tartness during storage for both varieties that was associated with an increase in the ratio of soluble solids concentration (SSC) to titratable acidity (TA). Large increases in alcohols and esters occurred during storage in both varieties, a number of which were present in concentrations in excess of their odor threshold values and are likely contributing to the loss in flavor quality. Thirteen aroma volatiles, consisting mainly of terpenes and aldehydes, declined during storage by up to 73% in 'Owari', only one of which significantly changed in 'W. Murcott'. Although many of these volatiles had aromas characteristic of citrus, their involvement in flavor loss during storage is unclear. 'W. Murcott' stored at 8 degrees C had slightly superior flavor to fruit stored at either 0 degrees C or 4 degrees C, and the better flavor was associated with higher SSC/TA and lesser tartness. Aroma volatiles did not play a role in the temperature effect on flavor as there were no significant differences in volatile concentrations among the three temperatures. There was no effect of storage temperature on the flavor of 'Owari'. Published by Elsevier B.V.
DOI:10.1016/j.postharvbio.2011.07.009URL [本文引用: 1]

Mandarins suffer from short 'flavor-life' compared with other citrus species. The recommended minimum safe temperature for mandarin storage is 5-8 degrees C. However, because of continuing reductions in permitted chemical residues and increasing concern regarding decay development, mandarins are often shipped at much lower temperatures of 3-4 degrees C. In the last few years we noticed wide differences in responsiveness of mandarin varieties to chilling, and that the earliest indication of damage was a decrease in flavor acceptability. In the present study, we evaluated changes in flavor and quality of chilling-tolerant 'Or' and chilling-sensitive 'Odem' mandarins after 4 weeks of storage at 2, 5, or 8 degrees C followed by 3 days at 20 degrees C. Low storage temperatures resulted in loss of orange peel color in fruit of both varieties, which became paler and yellowish. The flavor of 'Or' mandarins was not affected by different storage temperatures, whereas 'Odem' showed severe flavor loss at low storage temperatures. GC-MS analysis of aroma volatiles revealed that changes of storage temperatures had no major effects on aroma volatile contents in 'Or' mandarins. However, in 'Odem' mandarins, storage at 2 degrees C caused accumulation of 13 volatiles, mainly terpenes and their derivates, whereas storage at 8 degrees C resulted in decreases of six volatiles, comprising five terpenes and one terpene derivative. Overall, we conclude that storage temperature is a fundamental factor affecting color and flavor of mandarins, and therefore it is crucial to define the optimal minimum safe temperature for each mandarin variety. Furthermore, massive accumulation of terpenes is most likely the cause for the decrease in flavor acceptability of 'Odem' mandarins after storage at low chilling temperatures. (C) 2011 Elsevier B.V.
DOI:10.1016/j.postharvbio.2007.05.009URL [本文引用: 1]
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DOI:10.3864/j.issn.0578-1752.2014.04.014URL [本文引用: 1]

【Objective】The objective of this study is to optimize the storage conditions of citrus and provide a scientific foundation for storage warehouse improvement.【Method】Storage experiments were performed with commercially mature ‘Newhall’ navel orange fruits using three storage methods, including mechanical cold storage (Mcs), evaporative cooling ventilating storage in mountainous region (Ecvs) and ventilating warehouse storage (Vws). Environmental parameters of these storage conditions were termly detected. Meanwhile, the fruit physiological and biochemical indexes were measured with gas chromatography and infra-red CO2 analyzer. Moreover, fruit organoleptic properties were evaluated as well. 【Result】 The environment parameters under the three storage conditions changed constantly. The temperature and relative humidity in Mcs ranged from 2.1℃ to 11.2℃ and 64.4% to 99.0%, respectively. As the weather gets warm, the temperature variations of Mcs between storehouse and transport or shelf life condition were significantly different from those of Ecvs and Vws. Although the changing trends of storage parameters in Ecvs were similar to those in Vws, industry experiences revealed that the storage condition was more suitable to orange storage in Ecvs than in Vws. The concentrations of CO2 and ethylene in Mcs were significantly higher than those in Ecvs and Vws. The contents of titratable acid, soluble solid and concentration of organic acids in fruit juice decreased with the extension of storage phase. Among these storage methods, there were significant differences in the content of titratable acid and malic acid, but not in total soluble solid in fruit juice. The content of titratable acidity after 105 days of storage (DOS) remained much higher in Ecvs than that in Mcs and Vws, and similar result was observed from the changing tendency of organic acids after 65 DOS. Prior to 135 DOS, fruit firmness, content of soluble sugar and vitamin C were higher in Mcs than those in Ecvs and Vws. The content of ethanol, acetaldehyde, methanol increased sharply at 105 DOS. At 160 DOS, the ethanol content was also significantly higher in Mcs than that in Ecvs and Vws, which aggravated fruit quality derogation and accumulated abundant off-flavor components in Mcs. During the storage, the hedonic scale of fruits in Ecvs and Vws fluctuated occasionally, the peak was observed at 35 DOS, subsequently declined gradually, and reached the lowest level at 135 DOS. Among these storage conditions, the lowest hedonic scale was detected in Mcs at 160 DOS.【Conclusion】In storage warehouse, the contents of fruit organic acids, ethanol, methanol and acetaldehyde were mainly affected by gas components, especially ethylene, and temperatures differences between storehouse and transport or shelf life conditions. And these indexes are directly related to fruit quality and organoleptic properties among these storage warehouses. Fruit quality in Mcs deteriorated at 135 DOS, while fruit in Ecvs could maintain relatively high quality until 160 DOS. Moreover, Vws is more suitable for orange short-term storage, as fruit quality degenerated gradually after 65 DOS.
DOI:10.3864/j.issn.0578-1752.2014.04.014URL [本文引用: 1]

【Objective】The objective of this study is to optimize the storage conditions of citrus and provide a scientific foundation for storage warehouse improvement.【Method】Storage experiments were performed with commercially mature ‘Newhall’ navel orange fruits using three storage methods, including mechanical cold storage (Mcs), evaporative cooling ventilating storage in mountainous region (Ecvs) and ventilating warehouse storage (Vws). Environmental parameters of these storage conditions were termly detected. Meanwhile, the fruit physiological and biochemical indexes were measured with gas chromatography and infra-red CO2 analyzer. Moreover, fruit organoleptic properties were evaluated as well. 【Result】 The environment parameters under the three storage conditions changed constantly. The temperature and relative humidity in Mcs ranged from 2.1℃ to 11.2℃ and 64.4% to 99.0%, respectively. As the weather gets warm, the temperature variations of Mcs between storehouse and transport or shelf life condition were significantly different from those of Ecvs and Vws. Although the changing trends of storage parameters in Ecvs were similar to those in Vws, industry experiences revealed that the storage condition was more suitable to orange storage in Ecvs than in Vws. The concentrations of CO2 and ethylene in Mcs were significantly higher than those in Ecvs and Vws. The contents of titratable acid, soluble solid and concentration of organic acids in fruit juice decreased with the extension of storage phase. Among these storage methods, there were significant differences in the content of titratable acid and malic acid, but not in total soluble solid in fruit juice. The content of titratable acidity after 105 days of storage (DOS) remained much higher in Ecvs than that in Mcs and Vws, and similar result was observed from the changing tendency of organic acids after 65 DOS. Prior to 135 DOS, fruit firmness, content of soluble sugar and vitamin C were higher in Mcs than those in Ecvs and Vws. The content of ethanol, acetaldehyde, methanol increased sharply at 105 DOS. At 160 DOS, the ethanol content was also significantly higher in Mcs than that in Ecvs and Vws, which aggravated fruit quality derogation and accumulated abundant off-flavor components in Mcs. During the storage, the hedonic scale of fruits in Ecvs and Vws fluctuated occasionally, the peak was observed at 35 DOS, subsequently declined gradually, and reached the lowest level at 135 DOS. Among these storage conditions, the lowest hedonic scale was detected in Mcs at 160 DOS.【Conclusion】In storage warehouse, the contents of fruit organic acids, ethanol, methanol and acetaldehyde were mainly affected by gas components, especially ethylene, and temperatures differences between storehouse and transport or shelf life conditions. And these indexes are directly related to fruit quality and organoleptic properties among these storage warehouses. Fruit quality in Mcs deteriorated at 135 DOS, while fruit in Ecvs could maintain relatively high quality until 160 DOS. Moreover, Vws is more suitable for orange short-term storage, as fruit quality degenerated gradually after 65 DOS.
DOI:10.1021/jf801967qURLPMID:18950188 [本文引用: 1]

The objective of this work was to investigate the effect of fatty acid (FA) type and content on mechanical properties, water vapor permeability and oxygen permeability of hydroxypropyl methycellulose (HPMC)-beeswax (BW) stand-alone edible films. The effect of these films formed as coatings on the postharvest quality of 'Ortanique' mandarins was also studied. Selected FAs were stearic acid (SA), palmitic acid (PA), and oleic acid (OA), using BW/FA ratios of 1:0.5 and 1:0.2 (w/w). HPMCBW coatings reduced weight and firmness loss of 'Ortanique' mandarins, without compromising flavor quality compared to uncoated mandarins. Coatings containing OA provided the best weight loss control at both concentrations tested; however, when the BW/OA ratio was 1:0.5, the coatings increased fruit internal CO2, ethanol, and acetaldehyde contents of 'Ortanique' mandarins, therefore reducing flavor compared to the rest of the coatings studied. Although barrier and mechanical properties might be used to understand coating performance, differences observed between film oxygen permeability and coating permeability indicate that permeance should be measured on the coated fruit.
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DOI:10.1111/jfds.2002.67.issue-5URL [本文引用: 1]
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