Evolution of Fluvo-Aquic Soil Productivity Under Long-Term Fertilization and Its Influencing Factors
WANG Le1, CHEN YanHua1,2, ZHANG ShuXiang,1, MA ChangBao3, SUN Nan1, LI ChunHua,11Institute of Agricultural Resources and Regional Planning/ National Engineering Laboratory for Cultivated Land Technology, Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Beijing 100081 2Institute of Plant Nutrition and Resources, Beijing Academy of Agriculture and Forestry Sciences, Beijing 100097 3National Agricultural Technology Extension Service Center, Beijing 100026
Abstract 【Objective】The fluvo-aquic soil in North China is the main producing area of wheat and corn grain crops in China. The aim of the study was to clarify the changing laws of fluvo-aquic soil productivity and to identify the main factors affecting the productivity of fluvo-aquic soil, so as to provide a theoretical basis for crop yield increase and sustainable development in fluvo-aquic soil. 【Method】This study used the long-term monitoring points of national fluvo-aquic soil as the platform, and used time trend analysis and median analysis methods to summarize the trends of productivity and soil fertility factors in different monitoring periods. 【Result】The monitoring results of fluvo-aquic soil productivity in North China under conventional fertilization in the past 31 years showed: under the conventional fertilization in fluvo-aquic soil, wheat yield increased during the whole monitoring period, and the average wheat yield was 6 443 kg·hm -2. The average wheat yield from 1988 to 1993 was 2 814 kg·hm -2, and the average wheat yield in 2014-2018 was 6 902 kg·hm -2; compared with the initial monitoring period (1988-1993), the wheat yield in 2014-2018 increased by 145%, with an average annual growth of 132 kg·hm -2. The maize yield in conventional fertilization area increased significantly with time. The average yield of corn in 1988-1993 was 2 667 kg·hm -2, and the average yield of corn in 2014-2018 was 8 267 kg·hm -2, which was earlier than the initial monitoring period (1988-1993); which increased by 210%, with an average annual growth of 180 kg·hm -2. Corn yield and its yield increase were significantly higher than wheat. The average contribution rate of soil fertility to wheat and maize yield was 48% and 51%, respectively. There was a significant positive correlation between the amount of fertilizer applied and crop yield increase. As the number of years of fertilization increased, the sustainability of crops increased. The results of stepwise regression and path analysis indicated soil available phosphorus was a major factor affecting overall crop yield. The order of factors with a direct effect on wheat yield was organic matter, nitrogen application rate, and potassium application rate. The direct effect of maize yield was total nitrogen, available phosphorus, nitrogen application rate, and phosphorus application rate. 【Conclusion】 During the whole monitoring period, the fluvo-aquic soil productivity was significantly improved in the later stage of monitoring. The soil productivity was mainly affected by nitrogen fertilizer, organic matter and available phosphorus. Therefore, the improvement of productivity in fluvo-aquic soil areas required the improvement of soil fertility and the scientific application of fertilizer. Keywords:long-term fertilization;fluvo-aquic;productivity;crop yield;sustainability index;North China
PDF (653KB)元数据多维度评价相关文章导出EndNote|Ris|Bibtex收藏本文 本文引用格式 王乐, 陈延华, 张淑香, 马常宝, 孙楠, 李春花. 长期施肥下华北潮土生产力演变及影响因素分析[J]. 中国农业科学, 2020, 53(11): 2232-2240 doi:10.3864/j.issn.0578-1752.2020.11.009 WANG Le, CHEN YanHua, ZHANG ShuXiang, MA ChangBao, SUN Nan, LI ChunHua. Evolution of Fluvo-Aquic Soil Productivity Under Long-Term Fertilization and Its Influencing Factors[J]. Scientia Acricultura Sinica, 2020, 53(11): 2232-2240 doi:10.3864/j.issn.0578-1752.2020.11.009
每个监测点小区面积不小于334 m2。详细记录了作物种类、肥料种类、施肥量和养分含量。试验设两个处理:(1)不施肥处理(空白区),小区面积60 m2,用设置保护行、垒区间小埂等方法隔离;(2)施肥处理,施肥方式为常规施肥,可代表当地大多数农田的施肥水平。种植作物为小麦和玉米。常规处理小麦季施化肥和有机肥,其中化肥肥料的年均用量为108 kgN·hm-2、59 kg P2O5·hm-2、39 kg K2O·hm-2;有机肥料的年均用量为23 kgN·hm-2、14 kg P2O5·hm-2、62 kg K2O·hm-2,小麦季秸秆还田。玉米季肥料种类主要是化肥,有机肥施用量较少。化肥肥料的年均用量为91 kgN·hm-2、23 kg P2O5·hm-2、30 kg K2O·hm-2,有机肥肥料的年均用量5 kgN·hm-2、3 kg P2O5·hm-2、22 kg K2O·hm-2。
1.3 样品的采集与分析
在每年秋收后,采取 0—20 cm 耕层土样,风干,研磨过筛。pH、有机质、全氮、有效磷、速效钾等指标均采用国家标准方法测定。pH 采用酸度计(水土比5﹕1);有机质测定采用重铬酸钾滴定法;全氮采用半微量凯氏定氮法;有效磷采用碳酸氢钠浸提-钼锑抗比色法;速效钾采用醋酸铵浸提-火焰光度计法。
盒式图下边缘线和上边缘线分别代表全部数据的5%和95%,上下实心点为异常值;矩形盒上、下边缘分别代表上四分位数和下四分位数,分别代表全部数据的75%和25%;盒中实线代表中值,虚线代表平均值;矩形盒上的不同字母表示不同监测时期在5% 水平上差异显著。图4同 Fig. 1Crop yields in conventional fertilization treatment of the long-term observation sites of fluvo-aquic soil
The lower and upper edge lines represent the 5% and 95% of the data, the solid points represent the vertical outliers. The lower and upper quartiles of the boxplots represent 25% and 75% of data, and the solid lines represent the median values and the dash lines represent the average values. Different letters above the boxplot indicate significant differences among the three mentoring periods at 0.05 level. The same as Fig.4
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马清霞, 王朝辉, 惠晓丽, 张翔, 张悦悦, 侯赛宾, 黄宁, 罗来超, 张世君, 党海燕 . 基于产量和养分含量的旱地小麦施磷量和土壤有效磷优化 中国农业科学, 2019,52(1):73-85. DOI:10.3864/j.issn.0578-1752.2019.01.008URL [本文引用: 1] 【目的】 探讨长期定位施磷条件下小麦产量、土壤有效磷水平及籽粒养分含量变化,为旱地小麦合理施用磷肥,提高产量、改善品质提供理论依据。【方法】 基于2004年在黄土高原开始的长期定位试验,于2014—2015、2015—2016和2016—2017连续3年取样,研究不同施磷量对小麦产量,生物量,产量构成,籽粒氮、磷、钾含量,土壤有效磷含量及磷吸收利用的影响。【结果】 与不施磷相比,长期施磷使小麦产量平均提高67%,生物量提高58%,穗数和穗粒数分别增加64%和8%,而千粒重降低7%。施磷量与小麦产量、生物量呈抛物线关系,获得最高产量6 465 kg·hm -2的施磷量为144 kg P2O5·hm -2。籽粒氮含量随施磷量增加而降低,磷和钾含量随施磷量增加而提高。土壤有效磷含量与施磷量呈显著正相关,小麦获得最高产量时播前和成熟期有效磷含量分别为16.9和20.4 mg·kg -1。磷吸收利用效率随施磷量增加而降低,施磷量提高50 kg P2O5·hm -2,需磷量增加0.4 g·kg -1,磷收获指数降低1.3%,生理效率降低45.1 kg·kg -1。【结论】 综合考虑小麦的籽粒产量和关键养分含量,研究区域旱地小麦应以95%的最高产量为实际生产目标,施磷量为94 kg P2O5·hm -2,播前土壤有效磷为12.0 mg·kg -1,成熟期为13.8 mg·kg -1。 MA QX, WANG CH, HUI XL, ZHANGX, ZHANG YY, HOU SB, HUANGN, LUO LC, ZHANG SJ, DANG HY . Optimization of phosphorus application and soil available phosphorus in dryland wheat based on yield and nutrient content China Agricultural Sciences, 2019,52(1):73-85. (in Chinese) DOI:10.3864/j.issn.0578-1752.2019.01.008URL [本文引用: 1] 【目的】 探讨长期定位施磷条件下小麦产量、土壤有效磷水平及籽粒养分含量变化,为旱地小麦合理施用磷肥,提高产量、改善品质提供理论依据。【方法】 基于2004年在黄土高原开始的长期定位试验,于2014—2015、2015—2016和2016—2017连续3年取样,研究不同施磷量对小麦产量,生物量,产量构成,籽粒氮、磷、钾含量,土壤有效磷含量及磷吸收利用的影响。【结果】 与不施磷相比,长期施磷使小麦产量平均提高67%,生物量提高58%,穗数和穗粒数分别增加64%和8%,而千粒重降低7%。施磷量与小麦产量、生物量呈抛物线关系,获得最高产量6 465 kg·hm -2的施磷量为144 kg P2O5·hm -2。籽粒氮含量随施磷量增加而降低,磷和钾含量随施磷量增加而提高。土壤有效磷含量与施磷量呈显著正相关,小麦获得最高产量时播前和成熟期有效磷含量分别为16.9和20.4 mg·kg -1。磷吸收利用效率随施磷量增加而降低,施磷量提高50 kg P2O5·hm -2,需磷量增加0.4 g·kg -1,磷收获指数降低1.3%,生理效率降低45.1 kg·kg -1。【结论】 综合考虑小麦的籽粒产量和关键养分含量,研究区域旱地小麦应以95%的最高产量为实际生产目标,施磷量为94 kg P2O5·hm -2,播前土壤有效磷为12.0 mg·kg -1,成熟期为13.8 mg·kg -1。
彭卫福, 吕伟生, 黄山, 曾勇军, 潘晓华, 石庆华 . 土壤肥力对红壤性水稻土水稻产量和氮肥利用效率的影响 中国农业科学, 2018,51(18):3614-3624. DOI:10.3864/j.issn.0578-1752.2018.18.017URL [本文引用: 1] 【目的】土壤肥力是红壤性稻田水稻丰产的基础。明确不同肥力对红壤性水稻土作物产量和氮肥利用效率的影响,为红壤性稻田土壤培肥和合理施肥提供科学依据。【方法】选取质地相似的不同肥力水平的红壤性水稻土进行盆栽试验(以土壤有机质的高低代表土壤肥力的高低),利用15N同位素示踪技术研究不同肥力水平(FL、FM和FH分别代表低肥力、中肥力和高肥力,其低、中、高肥力土壤的有机质含量分别为19.9、29.6、38.9 g·kg-1)和氮肥水平(N0、N150和N225分别代表施氮量为0、150和225 kg·hm-2,共9个试验处理,分别为FLN0、FLN150、FLN225、FMN0、FMN150、FMN225、FHN0、FHN150和FHN225)对水稻产量及其构成、氮肥吸收及其去向的影响。【结果】提升土壤肥力和施氮均能显著提高水稻的有效穗数、产量和总吸氮量。与N0相比,FL、FM和FH在N150处理下的增产率分别为63%、40%、17%,而在N225处理下的增产率分别为89%、55%和23%。在中、低肥力土壤上,增施氮肥能显著提高水稻产量,而FHN150和FHN225处理之间产量无显著差异。15N示踪结果表明,相同施氮量条件下,水稻植株对肥料氮素和土壤氮素的吸收量均随土壤肥力的提高而增加。但是,水稻植株总吸氮量中来自土壤氮素的比例随土壤肥力的提高而增加,而来自肥料氮素的比例则随之降低。增施氮肥会增加水稻吸收肥料氮素的比例,降低其吸收土壤氮素的比例。FL、FM和FH土壤水稻的平均氮肥回收率分别为42%、48%和52%,平均氮肥残留率分别为20%、23%和28%,平均氮肥损失率分别为38%、29%和20%。FLN225氮肥回收率显著高于FLN150,FM两个施氮量氮肥回收率无显著差异,而FHN225的氮肥回收率显著低于FHN150。提升土壤肥力能显著提高土壤微生物量氮、铵态氮和固定态铵的含量。【结论】提升土壤肥力能显著提高红壤性水稻土的水稻产量以及化肥氮的回收率和残留率,而降低氮肥损失率。在低肥力土壤上适当增加施氮量有利于增加产量和氮肥回收率;而在高肥力土壤上适当降低施氮量在保证较高水稻产量的同时,能够提高氮肥回收率、降低氮肥损失。 PEN WF, LV WS, HUANGS, ZENG YJ, PAN XH, SHI QH . Effects of soil fertility on rice yield and nitrogen use efficiency in red paddy paddy soil Scientia Agricultura Sinica, 2018,51(18):3614-3624. (in Chinese) DOI:10.3864/j.issn.0578-1752.2018.18.017URL [本文引用: 1] 【目的】土壤肥力是红壤性稻田水稻丰产的基础。明确不同肥力对红壤性水稻土作物产量和氮肥利用效率的影响,为红壤性稻田土壤培肥和合理施肥提供科学依据。【方法】选取质地相似的不同肥力水平的红壤性水稻土进行盆栽试验(以土壤有机质的高低代表土壤肥力的高低),利用15N同位素示踪技术研究不同肥力水平(FL、FM和FH分别代表低肥力、中肥力和高肥力,其低、中、高肥力土壤的有机质含量分别为19.9、29.6、38.9 g·kg-1)和氮肥水平(N0、N150和N225分别代表施氮量为0、150和225 kg·hm-2,共9个试验处理,分别为FLN0、FLN150、FLN225、FMN0、FMN150、FMN225、FHN0、FHN150和FHN225)对水稻产量及其构成、氮肥吸收及其去向的影响。【结果】提升土壤肥力和施氮均能显著提高水稻的有效穗数、产量和总吸氮量。与N0相比,FL、FM和FH在N150处理下的增产率分别为63%、40%、17%,而在N225处理下的增产率分别为89%、55%和23%。在中、低肥力土壤上,增施氮肥能显著提高水稻产量,而FHN150和FHN225处理之间产量无显著差异。15N示踪结果表明,相同施氮量条件下,水稻植株对肥料氮素和土壤氮素的吸收量均随土壤肥力的提高而增加。但是,水稻植株总吸氮量中来自土壤氮素的比例随土壤肥力的提高而增加,而来自肥料氮素的比例则随之降低。增施氮肥会增加水稻吸收肥料氮素的比例,降低其吸收土壤氮素的比例。FL、FM和FH土壤水稻的平均氮肥回收率分别为42%、48%和52%,平均氮肥残留率分别为20%、23%和28%,平均氮肥损失率分别为38%、29%和20%。FLN225氮肥回收率显著高于FLN150,FM两个施氮量氮肥回收率无显著差异,而FHN225的氮肥回收率显著低于FHN150。提升土壤肥力能显著提高土壤微生物量氮、铵态氮和固定态铵的含量。【结论】提升土壤肥力能显著提高红壤性水稻土的水稻产量以及化肥氮的回收率和残留率,而降低氮肥损失率。在低肥力土壤上适当增加施氮量有利于增加产量和氮肥回收率;而在高肥力土壤上适当降低施氮量在保证较高水稻产量的同时,能够提高氮肥回收率、降低氮肥损失。
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