Effects of Tillage, Nitrogen Application, Planting Density and Their Interaction on Soil Moisture and Yield Formation of Spring Maize in Dryland
LI Ao, ZHANG YuanHong, WEN PengFei, WANG Rui, DONG ZhaoYang, NING Fang, LI Jun![](https://www.chinaagrisci.com/richhtml/0578-1752/richHtml_jats1_1/images/REemail.gif)
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李敖, 张元红, 温鹏飞, 王瑞, 董朝阳, 宁芳, 李军. 耕作、施氮和密度及其互作对旱地春玉米土壤水分及产量形成的影响[J]. 中国农业科学, 2020, 53(10): 1959-1970 doi:10.3864/j.issn.0578-1752.2020.10.004
LI Ao, ZHANG YuanHong, WEN PengFei, WANG Rui, DONG ZhaoYang, NING Fang, LI Jun.
0 引言
【研究意义】黄土旱塬区为我国典型的旱作农区[1,2],降水年际间波动剧烈,且季节分布不均,加之休闲期多采用翻耕作业,地表裸露加速了水分蒸发散失,土壤蓄水保墒能力差,水分亏缺是作物增产的主要限制因素[3,4,5]。但本区土层深厚,土壤结构疏松,蓄水保墒能力强,成为降水高效利用的有利条件[6,7]。因此,如何减少土壤水分无效蒸发,增加农田蓄水保墒能力,提高水分利用效率是旱作玉米高产高效的关键任务。【前人研究进展】王浩等[8]研究表明,保护性耕作与施肥能提高玉米籽粒产量与水分利用效率,“深松+平衡施肥”处理玉米产量较“翻耕+低肥”处理增产 659—1 495 kg·hm-2,水分利用效率提高0.65—3.82 kg·hm-2·mm-1。代快等[9]研究表明,在氮磷用量为 105 kg·hm-2,少耕模式下玉米平均产量和水分利用效率较传统耕作提高 9.9%和9.7%。尚金霞等[3]研究表明,冬闲期免耕和深松处理 0—200 cm土层土壤贮水量分别较翻耕处理高33.4和31.1 mm,玉米生育期平均土壤贮水量分别较翻耕处理高36.3和37.3 mm;平衡施肥(150 kg N·hm-2+120 kg P·hm-2+90 kg K·hm-2)深松处理春玉米产量和水分利用效率分别达到 10 341 kg·hm-2和25 kg·hm-2·mm-1。侯海鹏等[10]研究表明,条带深松耕作方式下夏玉米获得最高产量的最适密度为9.0×104 株/hm2,较常规耕作增加16.9%。王新兵等[11]研究表明,高密条件下条带深松耕作玉米产量显著提高。【本研究切入点】在休闲期保护性耕作蓄水保墒基础上,需要进一步采取合理施氮量与合理密植来提升玉米水分高效利用,协调旱地春玉米田土壤蓄水及春玉米生长用水关系。因而,比较耕作、施氮、密度三因素不同组合条件下春玉米生长、产量与水分利用效率响应,研究休闲期保护性土壤耕作蓄水保墒效果和玉米生长期施氮与密植水分调控的效应,对优化黄土旱塬春玉米抗旱增产综合栽培模式具有重要意义。【拟解决的关键问题】本研究通过比较不同耕作、施氮、密度处理对春玉米生长、土壤水分利用和产量影响,旨在进一步优化黄土旱塬春玉米抗旱增产综合栽培模式,以期为旱地保护性耕作条件下春玉米增产增效提供理论依据。1 材料与方法
1.1 试验区概况
试验于2017—2018年在陕西省合阳县甘井镇西北农林科技大学试验站实施(35°19′ N, 106°4′ E),该地海拔 877 m,属典型的黄土高原沟壑区,暖温带半干旱型大陆性季风气候,2004—2018年平均降雨量499 mm,主要集中在7、8、9这3个月,降雨年际间分配不均,气候干旱,蒸发量1 832.8 mm。土壤为覆盖黑垆土,黄土母质疏松、深厚并含有丰富的矿质养分。在本试验中,2017年春玉米生育期内降雨量362.6 mm,但由于降雨多集中在生育后期,故为缺水年,2018年生育期内降雨量227 mm,为平水年。1.2 试验设计
本试验采用裂裂区设计,其中耕作方式为主区,施氮为副区、密度为副副区。根据当地春玉米生产现状及调研结果[12],设置3种耕作处理:(1)翻耕(使用铧式犁翻耕 20—25 cm,将秸秆残茬全部翻埋于耕层土壤中,地表疏松裸露度过冬闲期,CT);(2)免耕(前茬玉米收获后不采取任何土壤耕作措施,使秸秆高留茬10—20 cm 覆盖地表,NT);(3)深松(前茬玉米收获时秸秆高留茬 10—20 cm 覆盖地表,每间隔40—60 cm宽度留茬深松35—40 cm,ST)。3种施氮处理:无氮(N =0,Z);低氮(N =150 kg·hm-2,L):高氮(N=225 kg·hm-2,H)。2种密度处理: 低密(52 500株/hm2,D1);高密(67 500株/hm2,D2)。3种耕作处理、3个施氮处理和2种密度处理共计组合成18种综合处理,如表1所示。采取连续定位试验方式,磷钾肥统一配施,P2O5﹕K2O =120﹕75,肥料基施。其他管理措施同大田,无灌溉。小区面积为125 m2(5 m×25 m)。Table 1
Table 1
耕作Tillage | 施肥Fertilization | 密度Density | 处理Treatments |
CT | Z | D1 | CTZ1 |
L | CTL1 | ||
H | CTH1 | ||
NT | Z | NTZ1 | |
L | NTL1 | ||
H | NTH1 | ||
ST | Z | STZ1 | |
L | STL1 | ||
H | STH1 | ||
CT | Z | D2 | CTZ2 |
L | CTL2 | ||
H | CTH2 | ||
NT | Z | NTZ2 | |
L | NTL2 | ||
H | NTH2 | ||
ST | Z | STZ2 | |
L | STL2 | ||
H | STH2 |
1.3 测定项目及方法
1.3.1 土壤水分测定 在春玉米各生育时期测定0—200 cm土层土壤含水量。在休闲期每隔30 d测定0—200 cm土层土壤水分。每20 cm土层取样一次,土壤水分测定采用土钻取土、烘箱烘干法。计算土壤贮水量和水分利用效率[8]。土壤重量含水量=(湿土质量-烘干土质量)/烘干土质量×100%
式中,P为降水量(mm),R为径流量(mm),U为地下水补给量(mm),F为深层渗漏量(mm),ΔW为生育时期末土壤贮水量与生育时期初土壤贮水量之差(mm)。试验地区为黑垆土,疏松多孔,再加上试验地平整,地表径流小;地下水埋深在40 m以下,不易上移补给;在有作物生长的农田,多雨年份降水入渗深度不超过2 m,所以F、U、R可忽略不计。因此该公式可化简为ET=P-ΔW。
1.3.2 叶面积测定 分别在春玉米拔节期、抽雄期和灌浆中期测定单株叶面积,灌浆中期指在玉米花后20 d,并计算群体叶面积指数[13]。
叶面积指数(LAI)= 单株叶面积×单位土地面积内株数/单位土地面积
1.3.3 干物质测定 分别在春玉米抽雄期和成熟期测定单株地上部生物量,计算群体干物质积累量[14]。
1.3.4 产量测定 春玉米成熟时每个小区选取长势均匀的3行,每行取3 m测产,调查穗数,对穗粒数和百粒重进行室内考种,每个处理取3个重复。收获指数=籽粒产量/地上部生物量
1.4 数据处理与分析
采用 Microsoft Excel 2013处理数据、Origin作图,使用SPASS19软件进行方差分析(ANOVA)和相关性分析,采用结构方程模型进行了系数影响分析。2 结果
2.1 耕作方式、施氮和密度及其互作对春玉米各指标的方差分析
表2方差分析表明,耕作方式、施氮和密度单因素,二因素和三因素交互效应对春玉米水分利用效率的影响均达到显著水平,其中耕作对春玉米播种期蓄水量、耕作×密度对春玉米成熟期蓄水量、施氮对春玉米水分利用效率影响较为显著。Table 2
Table 2
指标 Indicator | 耕作 Tillage (T) | 密度 Density (D) | 施氮 Fertilization (F) | 耕作×密度 T×D | 耕作×施氮 T×F | 密度×施氮 D×F | 耕作×密度×施氮 T×D×F | |
土壤蓄水量及水分利用效率 Soil water content and WUE | 播种期蓄水量 Soil water storage at sowing | <0.001 | 0.870 | 0.913 | 0.010 | 0.170 | 0.148 | 0.006 |
成熟期蓄水量 Soil water storage at maturity | 0.714 | <0.001 | <0.001 | <0.001 | <0.001 | 0.005 | <0.001 | |
水分利用效率 Water use efficiency | <0.001 | <0.001 | <0.001 | 0.012 | 0.014 | <0.001 | 0.005 | |
叶面积指数 Leaf area index | 拔节期叶面积指数 LAI at jointing stage | 0.002 | 0.001 | 0.005 | 0.007 | 0.007 | 0.048 | 0.294 |
抽雄期叶面积指数 LAI at tasseling stage | 0.045 | <0.001 | <0.001 | 0.010 | 0.748 | 0.380 | 0.660 | |
灌浆中期叶面积指数 LAI at mid-filling stage | 0.612 | 0.005 | 0.003 | 0.317 | 0.838 | 0.003 | 0.996 | |
干物质积累 Dry matter accumulation | 抽雄期干物质积累 Biomass at tasseling stage | 0.012 | <0.001 | <0.001 | 0.152 | 0.020 | <0.001 | 0.287 |
成熟期干物质积累 Total biomass at maturity stage | <0.001 | <0.001 | <0.001 | 0.002 | <0.001 | 0.060 | 0.007 | |
产量及构成因素 Yield and components | 穗数Ear number | <0.001 | <0.001 | <0.001 | 0.034 | 0.704 | 0.002 | 0.015 |
穗粒数Grains per ear | <0.001 | <0.001 | <0.001 | 0.034 | 0.002 | 0.704 | 0.415 | |
百粒重100-kernel weight | 0.16 | 0.001 | <0.001 | 0.512 | 0.017 | 0.764 | 0.028 | |
产量Yield | 0.001 | <0.001 | <0.001 | 0.016 | 0.011 | 0.018 | 0.028 | |
收获指数HI | <0.001 | <0.001 | <0.001 | 0.034 | 0.002 | 0.704 | 0.415 |
2.2 耕作方式、施氮与密度及其互作对春玉米田土壤水分与WUE的影响
2017—2018年不同耕作、施氮和密度处理下春玉米田0—200 cm土层土壤蓄水量和水分利用效率WUE差异明显(图1—2)。2017—2018年春玉米播种期0—200 cm土层土壤蓄水量均表现为免耕>深松>翻耕,2年平均免耕与深松播种期0—200 cm土层土壤蓄水量较翻耕分别提高6.1%和4.1%。耕作结合施氮和密度处理下,2017年春玉米播种期0—200 cm土层土壤蓄水量以免耕低氮低密(NTL1)处理表现最优,较其他各处理增幅为1.7%—13.2%;2018年春玉米播种期0—200 cm土层土壤蓄水量以免耕无氮高密(NTZ2)处理最优,较其他各处理增幅为0.7%—9.9%。随着生育时期推进,春玉米田土壤蓄水量整体呈现下降趋势,2017年由于后期降雨量较多,土壤蓄水量较前期有所提高。增加密度与施氮量可以显著提高春玉米水分利用效率,2017 —2018年均在深松高氮高密(STH2)处理下春玉米水分利用效率达到最大,STH2处理2年平均水分利用效率较CTH2、NTH2处理分别提高21.3%、16.7%。图1
图12017—2018年不同处理春玉米土壤蓄水量变化(0—200 cm)
Fig. 1Dynamic changes of soil water content of spring maize under different treatments in 2017-2018 (0 - 200 cm)
Fig. 2Water use efficiency of spring maize under different treatments from 2017 to 2018
Different lowercase letters represent significant differences at 5% level between different nitrogen application and density under the same tillage treatments
2.3 耕作方式、施氮与密度处理对春玉米叶面积指数的影响
Fig. 3Effect of different treatments on the leaf area index of spring maize under different periods in 2017-2018
2.4 耕作方式、施氮与密度处理对春玉米干物质积累量的影响
Fig. 4Effect of different treatments on the dry matter accumulation of spring maize in 2017-2018
PB stands for biomass at tasseling stage, and TB stands for total biomass. Different uppercase letters represent significant differences at 5% level between tillage treatments; Different lowercase letters represent significant differences at 5% level between fertilization treatments; * represent statistically significant differences at 5% level at different densities; NS stands for no significance
2.5 耕作方式、施氮与密度处理对春玉米产量及构成因素的影响
Fig. 5Path analysis of yield and its constituent factors under different treatments
Fig. 6Changes in yield of spring maize under different treatments
2.6 耕作方式、施氮和密度处理春玉米生产成本及经济效益
如表3所示,不同处理春玉米纯收益差异较大,由于春玉米生长期干旱,2017年春玉米各处理下产量较低,导致纯收益明显的低于2018年。从耕作处理看,纯收益表现为免耕>深松>翻耕,2017年免耕处理平均纯收益较翻耕与深松高24.2%、1.7%,2018年提高62.5%、43.4%;春玉米纯收益随着密度的提高也显著提高。2017年高密处理平均纯收益较低密提高23.6%,2018年提高0.3%。从施氮看,大致表现为高氮>低氮>无氮。2017—2018年春玉米纯收益均在免耕高氮高密(NTH2)处理下达到最大,2018年NTH2较STL2、STH2增收1446、245元/hm2。免耕处理较深松处理减少750元/hm2的机械投入,而低氮处理较高氮处理减少290元/hm2的肥料投入。2017年,由于玉米产量较低,产量收入并不能弥补总投入之间的差异,因此纯收益表现为NTH2>STL2>STH2;但在2018年产量较为理想的条件下,玉米产量收益的提高足以弥补总投入当中的差异,纯收益表现为NTH2>STH2>STL2,但NTH2与STH2之间并无显著差异。Table 3
Table 3
处理 Treatment | 总投入 Total cost | 产量收入Yield income | 纯收益Return | ||||||
2017 | 2018 | 2017 | 2018 | ||||||
CTZ1 | 9355 | 2469 | 11242 | -6886c | 1887c | ||||
CTZ2 | 9455 | 3613 | 12150 | -5842ab | 2695b | ||||
CTL1 | 9845 | 3674 | 12619 | -6171b | 2774b | ||||
CTL2 | 9945 | 4755 | 13334 | -5190a | 3389ab | ||||
CTH1 | 10135 | 3162 | 14472 | -6973c | 4337a | ||||
CTH2 | 10235 | 5318 | 14813 | -4917a | 4603a | ||||
NTZ1 | 8680 | 2814 | 10710 | -5866c | 2030d | ||||
NTZ2 | 8780 | 3944 | 13773 | -4836b | 4993c | ||||
NTL1 | 9170 | 4285 | 14578 | -4885b | 5408b | ||||
NTL2 | 9270 | 5779 | 15181 | -3491a | 5911b | ||||
NTH1 | 9460 | 4069 | 15301 | -5391c | 5841b | ||||
NTH2 | 9560 | 6298 | 17218 | -3262a | 7658a | ||||
STZ1 | 9430 | 3450 | 11376 | -5980c | 1946c | ||||
STZ2 | 9530 | 4589 | 13576 | -4941b | 4046b | ||||
STL1 | 9920 | 5008 | 14469 | -4912 | 4549b | ||||
STL2 | 10020 | 6683 | 16232 | -3337a | 6212ab | ||||
STH1 | 10210 | 5699 | 14813 | -4511b | 4603b | ||||
STH2 | 10310 | 6733 | 17723 | -3577a | 7413a |
3 讨论
4 结论
仅考虑产量水平,采用秸秆覆盖深松,配施氮肥(150—225 kg·hm-2)与较高种植密度(67 500株/hm2),有利于增加黄土旱塬旱地春玉米田休闲期土壤水分含量,能够提高春玉米水分利用效率,从而增加叶面积指数和干物质积累量,最终提高玉米产量。但从纯收益角度,秸秆覆盖免耕,配施氮肥(225 kg·hm-2)与密度(67 500 株/hm2)也可获得较好的经济效益。参考文献 原文顺序
[本文引用: 1]
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DOI:10.1007/s11104-011-0949-xURL [本文引用: 1]
URL [本文引用: 2]
【Objective】 The objective of the experiment was to explore the effect of different conservation tillage measures combined with different fertilizer treatments on soil water conservation, grain yield and income increments in spring maize field on Weibei Highland, Shaanxi.【Method】 A two-year-field experiment was conducted to measure soil moisture in winter fallow and maize growth period with no-tillage, sub-soiling and deep plowing treatments, as well as its effects on maize yield and economic income combined with balance fertilization, traditional fertilization and no or lower fertilizer treatments were analyzed during 2007-2009. 【Result】 During winter fallow of 2 years experiment, average soil water storage amount in 0-200 cm soil layers of no-tillage and sub-soiling treatments were 33.4 mm and 31.1mm higher than deep-plowing, respectively. In maize growth period of 2 years experiment, the average soil water storage amount in 0-200 cm soil layers of no-tillage and sub-soiling treatments were 36.3mm and 37.3mm higher than deep-plowing, respectively. Maize yield and water use efficiency in treatment combination of balanced fertilization and sub-soiling were the highest among the treatments, its average yield and water use efficiency in 2 years reached 10 341.0 kg?hm-2and 24.89 kg?hm-2?mm-1, balanced fertilization and no-tillage treatment combination was in the second place, while balanced fertilization and deep-plowing treatment combination was in the third place. 【Conclusion】 With all kinds of fertilization treatments, sub-soiling tillage showed higher soil moisture conservation ability as well as higher yield and income than no-tillage and conventional tillage. So balanced fertilization and sub-soiling treatment is the most efficient treatment and should be a more suitable conservation tillage measure for spring maize cropping on Weibei Highland.
URL [本文引用: 2]
【Objective】 The objective of the experiment was to explore the effect of different conservation tillage measures combined with different fertilizer treatments on soil water conservation, grain yield and income increments in spring maize field on Weibei Highland, Shaanxi.【Method】 A two-year-field experiment was conducted to measure soil moisture in winter fallow and maize growth period with no-tillage, sub-soiling and deep plowing treatments, as well as its effects on maize yield and economic income combined with balance fertilization, traditional fertilization and no or lower fertilizer treatments were analyzed during 2007-2009. 【Result】 During winter fallow of 2 years experiment, average soil water storage amount in 0-200 cm soil layers of no-tillage and sub-soiling treatments were 33.4 mm and 31.1mm higher than deep-plowing, respectively. In maize growth period of 2 years experiment, the average soil water storage amount in 0-200 cm soil layers of no-tillage and sub-soiling treatments were 36.3mm and 37.3mm higher than deep-plowing, respectively. Maize yield and water use efficiency in treatment combination of balanced fertilization and sub-soiling were the highest among the treatments, its average yield and water use efficiency in 2 years reached 10 341.0 kg?hm-2and 24.89 kg?hm-2?mm-1, balanced fertilization and no-tillage treatment combination was in the second place, while balanced fertilization and deep-plowing treatment combination was in the third place. 【Conclusion】 With all kinds of fertilization treatments, sub-soiling tillage showed higher soil moisture conservation ability as well as higher yield and income than no-tillage and conventional tillage. So balanced fertilization and sub-soiling treatment is the most efficient treatment and should be a more suitable conservation tillage measure for spring maize cropping on Weibei Highland.
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In order to improve rainfall utilization efficiency and increase water availability for crops in dry farming area, a field experiment was conducted in 2007-2010 at Heyang Dryland Farming Experimental Station in Shaanxi province of China to determine the effect of different ridge and furrow with mulching cultivation patterns on soil water, soil temperature, yield of spring maize, and economic returns. The ridges were covered with common plastic film in all treatments, while different furrows were mulched with common plastic film, biodegradable film, corn straw, liquid film and uncovering, respectively. The flat plot without mulch was used as the control. The results obtained in a four-year experiment showed that, at the seedling stage of maize, the average temperature in 5-25 cm soil layer under common plastic film and biodegradable film were 2.4℃ and 2.1℃ higher than that of the control respectively. In contrast, the temperature under corn straw covering was 1.7℃ lower than that of the control. Besides, the different rainwater harvesting treatments could improve soil moisture in the early growth of maize. There was no difference in the soil moisture level between corn straw, liquid film, uncovering and the control during the middle and late growth of maize. However, the soil moisture of common plastic film and biodegradable film in deep soil layer were lower than that of the control. Compared with the control, the 4-year average maize yield with biodegradable film, common plastic film, and corn straw mulching significantly increased by 35.2%, 34.7% and 33.6%, and the average water use efficiency increased by 30.6%, 30.2% and 28.6%, respectively. The total net income with corn straw mulching was the highest, followed by biodegradable film mulching, and the total net income increased by 3 299 and 2 752 Yuan/hm2 respectively, compared to the control. It was concluded that when the ridges were covered with common plastic film, the furrows was mulched with biodegradable film or straw, not only the soil water and temperature conditions were improved, but also the maize yield and net income were increased. Therefore, these two treatments are considered as efficient for maize production in Weibei Highland area.
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In order to improve rainfall utilization efficiency and increase water availability for crops in dry farming area, a field experiment was conducted in 2007-2010 at Heyang Dryland Farming Experimental Station in Shaanxi province of China to determine the effect of different ridge and furrow with mulching cultivation patterns on soil water, soil temperature, yield of spring maize, and economic returns. The ridges were covered with common plastic film in all treatments, while different furrows were mulched with common plastic film, biodegradable film, corn straw, liquid film and uncovering, respectively. The flat plot without mulch was used as the control. The results obtained in a four-year experiment showed that, at the seedling stage of maize, the average temperature in 5-25 cm soil layer under common plastic film and biodegradable film were 2.4℃ and 2.1℃ higher than that of the control respectively. In contrast, the temperature under corn straw covering was 1.7℃ lower than that of the control. Besides, the different rainwater harvesting treatments could improve soil moisture in the early growth of maize. There was no difference in the soil moisture level between corn straw, liquid film, uncovering and the control during the middle and late growth of maize. However, the soil moisture of common plastic film and biodegradable film in deep soil layer were lower than that of the control. Compared with the control, the 4-year average maize yield with biodegradable film, common plastic film, and corn straw mulching significantly increased by 35.2%, 34.7% and 33.6%, and the average water use efficiency increased by 30.6%, 30.2% and 28.6%, respectively. The total net income with corn straw mulching was the highest, followed by biodegradable film mulching, and the total net income increased by 3 299 and 2 752 Yuan/hm2 respectively, compared to the control. It was concluded that when the ridges were covered with common plastic film, the furrows was mulched with biodegradable film or straw, not only the soil water and temperature conditions were improved, but also the maize yield and net income were increased. Therefore, these two treatments are considered as efficient for maize production in Weibei Highland area.
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为了探讨不同耕作模式下氮磷肥施用量对旱作玉米产量及水分利用效率的影响,于2003-2008年在山西寿阳旱农试验站进行了免耕、少耕和传统耕作下氮磷肥用量(105、179和210 kg/hm2 N;N∶P2O5=1∶1)试验。6 a结果显示,该区推荐氮磷用量为105 kg/hm2,传统耕作模式下玉米平均产量和水分利用效率分别为5 234 kg/hm2和12.4 kg/(hm2·mm);少耕模式下玉米平均产量和水分利用效率分别达到5 751 kg/hm2和13.6 kg/(hm2·mm),较传统耕作提高9.9%和9.7%。而免耕模式下氮磷用量为179 kg/hm2时玉米平均产量和水分利用效率最高,分别为5 336 kg/hm2和13.2 kg/(hm2·mm),较传统耕作提高6.1%和9.7%。免耕模式下土壤保水效果最佳,干旱年增产作用尤为明显。3种耕作模式下玉米平均产量和水分利用效率以少耕为最高,免耕次之,传统耕作最低。
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为了探讨不同耕作模式下氮磷肥施用量对旱作玉米产量及水分利用效率的影响,于2003-2008年在山西寿阳旱农试验站进行了免耕、少耕和传统耕作下氮磷肥用量(105、179和210 kg/hm2 N;N∶P2O5=1∶1)试验。6 a结果显示,该区推荐氮磷用量为105 kg/hm2,传统耕作模式下玉米平均产量和水分利用效率分别为5 234 kg/hm2和12.4 kg/(hm2·mm);少耕模式下玉米平均产量和水分利用效率分别达到5 751 kg/hm2和13.6 kg/(hm2·mm),较传统耕作提高9.9%和9.7%。而免耕模式下氮磷用量为179 kg/hm2时玉米平均产量和水分利用效率最高,分别为5 336 kg/hm2和13.2 kg/(hm2·mm),较传统耕作提高6.1%和9.7%。免耕模式下土壤保水效果最佳,干旱年增产作用尤为明显。3种耕作模式下玉米平均产量和水分利用效率以少耕为最高,免耕次之,传统耕作最低。
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DOI:10.3864/j.issn.0578-1752.2017.11.018URL [本文引用: 3]
【Objective】 Soil tillage practice and fertilization have remarkable influence on crop yield and nitrogen use efficiency. The objective of this study was to clarify physiological reason for differences of maize yield and nitrogen efficiency by exploring the effects of the slow release fertilizer on dry matter accumulation and transportation, and characteristics of photosynthesis of summer maize under different soil tillages.【Method】A field experiment was conducted at Xinxiang, Henan province from 2013 to 2014. The experimental design was a split plot. The main plot was three soil tillage management, rototilling (R), no-tillage (N) and sub-soiling (S), and the subplot was nitrogen application, N 270 kg·hm-2 slow release fertilizer treatment (SRF), and N 270 kg·hm-2 conventional compound fertilizer with two applications (CCF) (40% as basal application and 60% at the beginning of male tetrad stage). 【Result】Compared with conventional fertilization and soil tillage practices, the application of slow release fertilizer and the sub-soiling tillage significantly increased post-silking leaf area (LAI) and photosynthetic rate (Pn) of maize. At maturity, the decrease in LAI for SRF was 7.5% (N), 9.7% (R), and 11.8% (S) lower than those for CCF; the decrease in Pn for SRF was 7.3% (N), 11.5% (R), and 16.8% (S) lower than those for CCF averaged the two years. The LAI of the slow release fertilizer under the sub-soiling tillage (S-SRF) increased by 16.0%-47.9%, and the Pn increased by 14.5%-52.3% than that of other treatments. Higher post-silking LAI and Pn promoted the post-silking dry matter accumulation rate and duration increased, eventually increased post-silking dry matter accumulation and its transportation to grain. The averaged dry matter assimilation post-silking of applying the slow release fertilizer across two years were 1.5%, 21.4% and 24.4% higher, and the averaged dry matter accumulation post-silking of applying the slow release fertilizer across two years were 11%, 12.2% and 17% higher, respectively, compared to those in the conventional fertilizer treatment under rototilling, no-tillage, and sub-soiling. The post-silking dry matter accumulation and assimilation of S-SRF were significantly higher than that in other treatments, increased by 13.4%-28.9% and 17.4%-39.6%, respectively. The post-silking dry matter accumulation and assimilation were the main reason for yield increase. As a result, the application of slow release fertilizer and the sub-soiling tillage significantly improved the grain yield of summer maize by increasing 1000-kernel weight and harvest ear numbers, respectively. Among the treatments, the yield of the slow release fertilizer under the sub-soiling tillage (S-SRF) was 9.2%-23.2% higher than that in other treatments.【Conclusion】The sub-soiling tillage improved the spatial distribution of soil nitrogen, and the slow release fertilizer improved the temporal distribution of soil nitrogen. The integrated sub-soiling and slow release fertilizer improved N supply corresponded to maize critical growth stages and matched N uptake, which provided an approach for enhancing the nitrogen fertilizer use efficiency and grain yield in Huang-Huai-Hai plain.
DOI:10.3864/j.issn.0578-1752.2017.11.018URL [本文引用: 3]
【Objective】 Soil tillage practice and fertilization have remarkable influence on crop yield and nitrogen use efficiency. The objective of this study was to clarify physiological reason for differences of maize yield and nitrogen efficiency by exploring the effects of the slow release fertilizer on dry matter accumulation and transportation, and characteristics of photosynthesis of summer maize under different soil tillages.【Method】A field experiment was conducted at Xinxiang, Henan province from 2013 to 2014. The experimental design was a split plot. The main plot was three soil tillage management, rototilling (R), no-tillage (N) and sub-soiling (S), and the subplot was nitrogen application, N 270 kg·hm-2 slow release fertilizer treatment (SRF), and N 270 kg·hm-2 conventional compound fertilizer with two applications (CCF) (40% as basal application and 60% at the beginning of male tetrad stage). 【Result】Compared with conventional fertilization and soil tillage practices, the application of slow release fertilizer and the sub-soiling tillage significantly increased post-silking leaf area (LAI) and photosynthetic rate (Pn) of maize. At maturity, the decrease in LAI for SRF was 7.5% (N), 9.7% (R), and 11.8% (S) lower than those for CCF; the decrease in Pn for SRF was 7.3% (N), 11.5% (R), and 16.8% (S) lower than those for CCF averaged the two years. The LAI of the slow release fertilizer under the sub-soiling tillage (S-SRF) increased by 16.0%-47.9%, and the Pn increased by 14.5%-52.3% than that of other treatments. Higher post-silking LAI and Pn promoted the post-silking dry matter accumulation rate and duration increased, eventually increased post-silking dry matter accumulation and its transportation to grain. The averaged dry matter assimilation post-silking of applying the slow release fertilizer across two years were 1.5%, 21.4% and 24.4% higher, and the averaged dry matter accumulation post-silking of applying the slow release fertilizer across two years were 11%, 12.2% and 17% higher, respectively, compared to those in the conventional fertilizer treatment under rototilling, no-tillage, and sub-soiling. The post-silking dry matter accumulation and assimilation of S-SRF were significantly higher than that in other treatments, increased by 13.4%-28.9% and 17.4%-39.6%, respectively. The post-silking dry matter accumulation and assimilation were the main reason for yield increase. As a result, the application of slow release fertilizer and the sub-soiling tillage significantly improved the grain yield of summer maize by increasing 1000-kernel weight and harvest ear numbers, respectively. Among the treatments, the yield of the slow release fertilizer under the sub-soiling tillage (S-SRF) was 9.2%-23.2% higher than that in other treatments.【Conclusion】The sub-soiling tillage improved the spatial distribution of soil nitrogen, and the slow release fertilizer improved the temporal distribution of soil nitrogen. The integrated sub-soiling and slow release fertilizer improved N supply corresponded to maize critical growth stages and matched N uptake, which provided an approach for enhancing the nitrogen fertilizer use efficiency and grain yield in Huang-Huai-Hai plain.
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DOI:10.1016/j.fcr.2004.09.008URL [本文引用: 1]
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The overestimation of nitrogen (N) uptake requirement under a high-yield cropping system with maize (Zen mays L.) has been a driving force in the overuse of N fertilization and environmental pollution in China. A database comprising 1246 measurements collected between 2005 and 2009 from 105 on-farm and station experiments conducted in the spring maize domains of the Northeast. Northwest of China and the North China Plain, was used to evaluate N uptake requirement in relation to grain yield. Field experiments with different maize cultivars and N management forms were also carried out to assess this relationship. Across all the sites, maize yield averaged 11.1 Mg ha(-1) which was more than twice that of the national maize grain yield average of China of 5.3 Mg ha(-1) and the world average of 4.5 Mg ha(-1). Nitrogen uptake requirement per Mg grain yield averaged 17.4 kg. Considering 6 ranges of grain yield (<7.5 Mg ha(-1), 7.5-9 Mg ha(-1), 9-10.5 Mg ha(-1), 10.5-12 Mg ha(-1), 12-13.5 Mg ha(-1) and >13.5 Mg ha(-1)), N uptake requirements per Mg grain yield were 19.8, 18.1, 17.4, 17.1, 17.0 and 16.9 kg respectively. This decreasing N uptake requirement per Mg grain yield with increasing grain yield was attributed to increasing harvest index (HI) and the diluting effects of declining grain and straw N concentrations. Grain yield increased with year of cultivar release from the 1950s to the 2000s. with N uptake requirement per Mg grain yield decreasing because of declining grain and straw N concentrations. Compared with the current commercial hybrid (ZD958), the lower N uptake requirement per Mg grain yield of the N-efficient hybrid of XY335 was attributed to a lower straw N concentration while maintaining a similarly high grain yield and grain N concentration. In neither of the years was there any evidence of leaf senescence in either optimal N rate (N-opt) or excessive N rate (N-over) and there was no significant difference between N uptake of these two treatments. This indicated that excessive N application could not delay leaf senescence to sustain further grain yield increase. (C) 2012 Elsevier B.V.
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DOI:10.3864/j.issn.0578-1752.2013.12.004URL [本文引用: 1]
【Objective】Canopy structure and characteristics of high yield and high nitrogen efficiency summer maize were studied to discuss the physiological mechanism of achieving high yield and high nitrogen efficiency, which will provide a theoretical basis for high yield and high nitrogen efficiency cultivation of summer maize.【Method】Integrated management experiment (MT) and nitrogen treatments (NT) were designed to achieve high yield and high nitrogen efficiency and then reveal canopy structure and photosynthetic characteristics of summer maize by optimizing integrated agricultural management, such as sowing date, sowing methods, planting density, fertilizers applied date and levels, and so on.【Result】In NT, grain yield and light transmission of ear layer and ground floor achieved maximum at 184.5 kgN•hm-2 while the leaves area index (LAI) high value duration was long. Beyond this level, light transmission and net photosynthetic rate of ear layer decreased actually. In MT, the leaf area index (LAI) of further optimized combination of cropping systems and fertilizer treatment (Opt-2) always remained above 4.4 from twelve-leaf stage (V12) to six weeks after tasseling stage (6WAT) and its decrease speed was low in latter growing period; its light transmission of ear layer and ground floor, the internode length above ear, the uniformity of plant character was high, achieving grain yield of 10.91 t?hm-2 and nitrogen use efficiency of 54.97 kg?kg-1.【Conclusion】Grain yield did not increase as nitrogen fertilizer application increasing without limit and light transmission decreased when nitrogen fertilization was large. With an integration of agronomic measures and fertilizers management, the LAI high value duration of Opt-2 was longer. light transmittance of ear layer, the uniformity of plant character, the net photosynthetic rate, grain yield and nitrogen use efficiency were high. Consequently, Opt-2 achieved both higher yields and higher nitrogen use efficiency.
DOI:10.3864/j.issn.0578-1752.2013.12.004URL [本文引用: 1]
【Objective】Canopy structure and characteristics of high yield and high nitrogen efficiency summer maize were studied to discuss the physiological mechanism of achieving high yield and high nitrogen efficiency, which will provide a theoretical basis for high yield and high nitrogen efficiency cultivation of summer maize.【Method】Integrated management experiment (MT) and nitrogen treatments (NT) were designed to achieve high yield and high nitrogen efficiency and then reveal canopy structure and photosynthetic characteristics of summer maize by optimizing integrated agricultural management, such as sowing date, sowing methods, planting density, fertilizers applied date and levels, and so on.【Result】In NT, grain yield and light transmission of ear layer and ground floor achieved maximum at 184.5 kgN•hm-2 while the leaves area index (LAI) high value duration was long. Beyond this level, light transmission and net photosynthetic rate of ear layer decreased actually. In MT, the leaf area index (LAI) of further optimized combination of cropping systems and fertilizer treatment (Opt-2) always remained above 4.4 from twelve-leaf stage (V12) to six weeks after tasseling stage (6WAT) and its decrease speed was low in latter growing period; its light transmission of ear layer and ground floor, the internode length above ear, the uniformity of plant character was high, achieving grain yield of 10.91 t?hm-2 and nitrogen use efficiency of 54.97 kg?kg-1.【Conclusion】Grain yield did not increase as nitrogen fertilizer application increasing without limit and light transmission decreased when nitrogen fertilization was large. With an integration of agronomic measures and fertilizers management, the LAI high value duration of Opt-2 was longer. light transmittance of ear layer, the uniformity of plant character, the net photosynthetic rate, grain yield and nitrogen use efficiency were high. Consequently, Opt-2 achieved both higher yields and higher nitrogen use efficiency.
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