A Meta-Analysis of Long-Term Fertilization Impact on Soil Dissolved Organic Carbon and Nitrogen Across Chinese Cropland
LI YaLin1, ZHANG XuBo,2, REN FengLing1, SUN Nan,1, XU Meng2, XU MingGang11Institute of Agricultural Resources and Regional Planning, Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences/National Engineering Laboratory for Improving Quality of Arable Land, Beijing 100081 2Institute of Geographic Sciences and Natural Resources Research, Chinese Academy of Sciences/Key Laboratory of Ecosystem Network Observation and Modeling, Beijing 100101
Abstract 【Objective】The objectives of this study were to assess the in?uence of long-term fertilization on the soil dissolved organic carbon (DOC) as well as soil dissolved organic nitrogen (DON) under various use types, cropping systems and soil pH, to give management guidance on how to increase soil carbon and nitrogen in Chinese Cropland. 【Method】In current study, 72 literatures including effects of long-term fertilization on the contents of DOC and DON in Chinese Cropland from 2000 to 2019 were selected (510 dataset for DOC and 208 dataset for DON). The meta-analysis was used to investigate how the magnitude of the DOC and DON contents response to mineral fertilizer and manure application at three aspects: use types, cropping systems and soil pH.【Result】At national scale, the contents of DOC and DON in the fertilized soils were significantly higher than those in the no fertilized soils (CK). The increments of DOC and DON contents in manure applied soils (60%和93%) were 4.6 and 3.2 times higher than those in the soils with mineral fertilizers (13% and 29%). Under different use types, fertilizer application can significantly increase the contents of DOC and DON in upland soil, and the increments of DOC and DON contents improved by manure in upland soil were higher than those in upland-paddy soil. Furthermore, manure application could increase the content of DOC in mono-cropping (85%) compared with no fertilizer (CK), which was significantly higher than that in double-cropping (38%). For the alkaline soils (pH>7.5), the increments of DOC and DON contents in the treatment with manure amendment (85% and 162%) were higher than those in the neutral (6.5<pH<7.5, 48% and 70%) and acidic soils (pH<6.5, 32% and 61%) compared with no fertilizer (CK), respectively. 【Conclusion】In summary, the application of manure (only manure or combined with mineral fertilizer) could significantly increase the contents of DOC and DON, but the effects varied greatly across various use types, cropping systems, soil pH. Therefore, the appropriate conditions of soil and environment should be taken into account when applying manure. Keywords:long-term fertilization;soil dissolved organic carbon;soil dissolved organic nitrogen;use types;cropping systems;soil pH;Meta-analysis
PDF (553KB)元数据多维度评价相关文章导出EndNote|Ris|Bibtex收藏本文 本文引用格式 李亚林, 张旭博, 任凤玲, 孙楠, 徐梦, 徐明岗. 长期施肥对中国农田土壤溶解性有机碳氮含量影响的整合分析[J]. 中国农业科学, 2020, 53(6): 1224-1233 doi:10.3864/j.issn.0578-1752.2020.06.014 LI YaLin, ZHANG XuBo, REN FengLing, SUN Nan, XU Meng, XU MingGang. A Meta-Analysis of Long-Term Fertilization Impact on Soil Dissolved Organic Carbon and Nitrogen Across Chinese Cropland[J]. Scientia Acricultura Sinica, 2020, 53(6): 1224-1233 doi:10.3864/j.issn.0578-1752.2020.06.014
ln(x)为原始数据经对数(ln)转换后的数值;曲线代表数据的高斯分布,P为显著性检验 Fig. 1Distribution of soil dissolved organic carbon and soil dissolved organic nitrogen
ln(x) is the value of the original data after in conversion. The curve is a Gaussian distribution fitted to frequency data and P<0.01 suit for the distribution
点和误差线分别代表增加的百分数及其 95%的置信区间,如果 95%的置信区间没有跨越零线表示处理与对照存在显著差异;括号内的数值代表样本数。下同 Fig. 2Percent change of DOC content in response to mineral fertilizer and manure application compared to no fertilizer under different use types, cropping systems and soil pH
Dots with error bars denote the percent change and 95% CI, respectively. The 95% CI that do not overlap zero line means significant difference between treatment and control. Numbers are the pairs of comparisons. The same as below
Table 2 表2 表2不同利用方式、熟制和土壤pH下同一施肥方式对土壤溶解性有机碳氮含量提升幅度(%)的差异性比较 Table 2Difference of the increments (%) of DOC and DON contents in the same fertilization strategies under different use types, cropping systems and soil pH
项目 Items
土壤溶解性有机碳 DOC
土壤溶解性有机氮 DON
不施肥 CK
化肥 NPK
有机肥 OM
不施肥 CK
化肥 NPK
有机肥 OM
利用方式 Use type
水田 Paddy
水旱轮作 Upland-Paddy
旱地 Upland
熟制 Cropping system
一年一熟 Mono-cropping
一年两熟 Double-cropping
一年三熟 Triple-cropping
土壤pH Soil pH
不同小写字母表示不同条件同一施肥下对土壤溶解性有机碳氮含量提升幅度(%)在5%水平上差异显著 Different lowercase letters mean significantly difference of the increments (%) of DOC and DON contents under the same condition at the level of 5%
Fig. 3Percent change of the content of DON in response to mineral fertilizer and manure application compared to no fertilizer under different use types, cropping systems and soil pH
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