Effects of Different Straw Returning Depths on Soil Greenhouse Gas Emission and Maize Yield
ZHU XiaoQing, AN Jing, MA Ling, CHEN SongLing, LI JiaQi, ZOU HongTao,, ZHANG YuLongCollege of Land and Environment, Shenyang Agricultural University/Northeast Key Laboratory of Conservation and Improvement of Cultivated (Shenyang) Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs/ National Engineering Laboratory of Efficient Utilization of Soil and Fertilizer Resources, Shenyang 110866
Abstract 【Objective】 Straw returning is an important technical means to improve soil fertility, increase soil organic matter and improve soil structure. However, previous studies have shown that straw returning can accelerate the emission of greenhouse gases in soil and increase greenhouse effect. Through the study of greenhouse gas emission characteristics and maize yield of farmland soil under different straw returning depths, the optimum returning depths were determined in this study, in order to provide scientific basis for rational utilization of straw, increase crop yield and realize sustainable agricultural development. 【Method】 In the field micro-plot experiment, maize was used as the test crop, and four returning depths were set up, which were 0-10 cm (T1), 10-20 cm (T2), 20-30 cm (T3) and 30-40 cm (T4), respectively. At the same time, the non-returning treatment was used as the control (CK), with a total of five treatments. Static box-gas chromatography was used to determine the greenhouse gases (CO2, CH4, N2O) emission characteristics under different returning depths in whole maize growing season, and yield and yield components at maturity were measured. 【Result】 (1) During the whole maize growing season, both CO2 and N2O showed emission, but CH4 showed absorption. The cumulative emission of CO2 was the highest under T3 treatment, which increased by 28.6% significantly compared with CK. The increase rate of cumulative emission of CO2 under T4 treatment was the least, which was significantly increased by 17.1% compared with CK (P<0.05), but the difference between T1 and T4 treatment was not significant; the cumulative emission of N2O was the highest under T2 treatment. Compared with CK, the cumulative amount of N2O increased significantly by 111.3%, the increase rate under T4 treatment was the least, and the CK increased significantly by 12.8% (P<0.05). However, CH4 showed absorption, and the absorption capacity of CH4 in farmland soil was reduced after straw returning; the absorption capacity was CK treatment>T4 treatment>T1 treatment>T3 treatment>T2 treatment, and there were significant differences between treatments and CK (P<0.05). (2) Compared with the control, the yield of maize in each treatment increased significantly, and the yield increased by 5.6%-20.8% (P<0.05). However, there were no significant difference in ear length, ear diameter and grain number between treatments. When the straw returned to 30-40 cm, the yield was the highest, which increased by 20.76% than that under CK, and it indicated that straw returning had an important effect on improving soil fertility and increasing crop yield. (3) According to the comprehensive greenhouse gas effect (GWP) and greenhouse gas emission intensity (GHGI), on the scale of 100 years, GWP showed T2 treatment>T3 treatment>T1 treatment>T4 treatment>CK treatment, while GHGI showed T2 treatment>T3 treatment>T1 treatment>CK treatment>T4 treatment. Compared with CK, all treatments increased the comprehensive greenhouse gas effect, while T4 treatment reduced greenhouse gas emission intensity in maize season, indicating that straw returning to 30-40 cm could alleviate the global warming trend to a certain extent. 【Conclusion】 Straw returning could increase CO2 and N2O emissions significantly, but increase the absorption capacity of CH4. The straw returning to 30-40 cm could reduce the global warming potential and the intensity of greenhouse gas emissions, and increase the maize yield significantly. Therefore, in order to simultaneously achieve higher maize yield and lower greenhouse gas emission intensity, straw returning to 30-40 cm was a more reasonable way of soil improvement and fertilization. Keywords:greenhouse gases;straw returning depths;emission flux;maize yield;global warming potential
PDF (526KB)元数据多维度评价相关文章导出EndNote|Ris|Bibtex收藏本文 本文引用格式 朱晓晴, 安晶, 马玲, 陈松岭, 李嘉琦, 邹洪涛, 张玉龙. 秸秆还田深度对土壤温室气体排放及玉米产量的影响[J]. 中国农业科学, 2020, 53(5): 977-989 doi:10.3864/j.issn.0578-1752.2020.05.010 ZHU XiaoQing, AN Jing, MA Ling, CHEN SongLing, LI JiaQi, ZOU HongTao, ZHANG YuLong. Effects of Different Straw Returning Depths on Soil Greenhouse Gas Emission and Maize Yield[J]. Scientia Acricultura Sinica, 2020, 53(5): 977-989 doi:10.3864/j.issn.0578-1752.2020.05.010
玉米生长季不同还田深度下综合增温潜势(GWP)和温室气体排放强度(GHGI)的估算结果如表5所示。由表5可知,在所有处理中T2处理对农田综合增温潜势的贡献最大,与CK相比,TI、T2、T3和T4处理综合增温潜势分别增加了23.8%、120.3%、54.3%和12.3%,T4处理的固碳效应值最大,为0.54 t CO2-eq·hm-2;在各处理的产量具有明显差异的情况下,温室气体排放强度(GHGI)也呈现出与GWP不同的变化趋势。秸秆不同还田深度下温室气体排放强度为T2处理>T3处理>T1处理>CK处理>T4处理,T4处理的GHGI值最小,为410.87 kg·CO2-eq·t-1,低于其他处理,但是产量最高。
Table 5 表5 表5秸秆不同还田深度下的综合净增温潜势(GWP)和气体排放强度(GHGI) Table 5Changes of GWP and GHGI from the corn field under different depths of straw returning
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