Effects of Biochar Plus Inorganic Nitrogen on the Greenhouse Gas and Nitrogen Use Efficiency from Rice Fields
XIANG Wei1, WANG Lei1, LIU TianQi1, LI ShiHao1, ZHAI ZhongBing3, LI ChengFang
责任编辑: 李云霞
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向伟, 王雷, 刘天奇, 李诗豪, 翟中兵, 李成芳. 生物炭与无机氮配施对稻田温室气体排放及氮肥利用率的影响[J]. 中国农业科学, 2020, 53(22): 4634-4645 doi:10.3864/j.issn.0578-1752.2020.22.010
XIANG Wei, WANG Lei, LIU TianQi, LI ShiHao, ZHAI ZhongBing, LI ChengFang.

0 引言
【研究意义】随着世界人口的不断增加,人类活动加剧,全球气候发生了巨大改变。大气CO2、CH4和N2O的含量显著增加[1],其中全球农业生态系统每年排放的温室气体占人为活动所排放的温室气体的1/10—1/8[2]。随着人口的增多,为解决人多地少的矛盾,增施化肥已经成为粮食增产的重要手段。但氮肥大量施用,作物产量未明显增加,反而造成一系列的环境问题[3]。【前人研究进展】生物炭是一种比表面积大、孔隙度高[4],富含有多种营养元素的高含碳物质[5,6],其能明显改善土壤的理化性质,降低土壤容重以及改变土壤pH[7]。同时,生物炭具有强吸附性,可以吸附土壤离子[8,9],且作为肥力元素的载体,避免肥料的流失,延长肥效期[10],因此其被广泛应用于农业生产。然而,由于生物炭氮肥配施比例、生物炭类型与热裂解条件、土壤本身理化性质的差异,生物炭与化肥配施对作物产量和氮肥利用率产生的影响也不尽相同[11]。因此,适宜的生物炭与化肥比例配施需要根据具体土壤类型来确定[7]。曲晶晶等[12]通过大田试验发现,单施生物炭(20 t·hm-2或40 t·hm-2)对水稻产量无显著影响,而生物炭配施氮肥(300 kg·hm-2)能提高水稻产量、氮肥利用率,并减少氮素流失。张爱平等[13]通过大田试验指出,9 t·hm-2生物炭配施无机氮肥(300 kg·hm-2)较单施无机氮肥可使水稻增产44.89%,并且水稻产量因子和氮肥利用率均有显著增加。然而,ASAI等[14]通过田间试验发现,无机氮肥(50 kg·hm-2)配施生物炭(4 t·hm-2),水稻产量不增反减。此外,生物炭与无机氮配施对稻田温室气体排放影响的研究结果也存在争议。FENG等[15]通过在稻田中添加24 t·hm-2在不同温度(300℃、400℃、500℃)裂解生成的生物炭,发现其与无机氮肥(250 kg·hm-2)配施能有效地降低稻田CH4排放。XIE等[16]通过微区试验则发现,2%生物炭和无机氮肥(40 kg·hm-2)配施对始成土和老成土稻田CH4排放均未产生明显影响。李露等[17]发现无论是20 t·hm-2还是40 t·hm-2的生物炭配施氮肥都能显著地减少稻麦轮作系统N2O排放,其中40 t·hm-2生物炭配施氮肥的减排效果最好。而廖萍等[18]研究发现,20 t·hm-2生物炭与无机氮(120 kg·hm-2)配施对早晚稻田N2O排放无显著影响。【本研究切入点】目前国内外已有大量有关生物炭配施无机氮肥对稻田温室气体排放或氮肥利用率影响的研究,然而其研究结果不一致[15,16,17,18,19],且较少综合分析生物炭与无机氮肥配施对稻田温室气体排放和氮肥利用率的影响。因此,探明生物炭配施无机氮肥对稻田温室气体排放和氮肥利用率的综合影响,对于水稻可持续生产具有重要的意义。【拟解决的关键问题】本研究通过两年的大田试验,探究生物炭与无机氮配施对稻田温室气体排放、水稻产量与氮肥利用率的影响,旨在为农业环境保护提供理论指导,进而为缓减全球气候变化提供新思路。1 材料与方法
1.1 试验材料
本试验于2018年5月至2019年10月进行。试验点位于武穴市花桥镇兰杰村(115°30′E,29°55′N),所用水稻品种为黄华占(Oryza sativa L.)。该区地属长江中游稻区,海拔20 m,亚热带季风气候,年均温16.8℃,年降雨量1 278.7—1 442.6 mm,泥沙田,潴育型水稻土,为第四纪红土沉积物发育。试验点土壤(0—20 cm土层)基本理化性质为pH 6.27、容重1.12 g·cm-3、有机碳22.7 g·kg-1、全氮1.63 g·kg-1、铵态氮50.75 mg·kg-1和硝态氮2.31 mg·kg-1。本试验所用生物炭为江苏艾格尼斯环境科技有限公司提供,以果壳、椰壳为原料,采用高温水蒸汽活化工艺在450℃下生产,经过破碎或筛选以后处理精加工制成的颗粒活性炭。其基本性质见表1。Table 1
Table 1
pH | 全氮 Total N (%) | 全碳 Total C (%) | 比表面积 Specific surface area (m2·g-1) | 灰分 Ash (%) | 孔径 Pore diameter (nm) |
9.45 | 1.02 | 44.81 | 27.31 | 5.11 | 8.12 |
1.2 试验设计
本试验完全随机区组设计,共4个处理,分别为不施氮肥(CK)、常规施氮(IF)、常规施氮+10 t·hm-2生物炭(IF+C)、减氮30%+10 t·hm-2生物炭(RIF+C)。3次重复,小区面积为5 m×6 m=30 m2,小区田埂用黑色薄膜包裹防止串水串肥,每个小区设独立的灌水口。此外,处理间种植1 m保护行,进一步防止处理间水肥互串。6月初育秧,7月初进行人工移栽,10月初进行收获,每穴3株,插秧尺寸为25 cm×25 cm。水稻移栽前进行土壤翻耕,深度15—20 cm。对于IF和IF+C处理,水稻生育期施肥水平为180 kg N·hm-2、90 kg P2O5·hm-2和180 kg K2O·hm-2;其中对于氮肥,50%做基肥,20%做分蘖肥,30%做穗肥,而磷肥、钾肥为底肥一次性施入;对于IF+C处理,10 t·hm-2生物炭与氮肥用量的50%作为基肥在移栽前一起通过翻耕混入土壤;对于RIF+C处理,氮肥总量较IF+C处理减少30%,施肥方式与其他肥料施用量、生物炭施用量均与IF+C处理一致;对于CK处理,不施用氮肥和生物炭,90 kg P2O5·hm-2磷肥和180 kg K2O·hm-2钾肥为底肥一次性施入。水稻生长期间,田间水位保持在3—5 cm。在分蘖盛期排水晒田一周用以控无效分蘖,之后复水,水稻收获前10 d排水晒干。
1.3 植株采集与氮肥利用率计算
在成熟期每小区随机划定一个1 m2区域,用以统计水稻分蘖数,计算得到平均分蘖数后,于成熟期根据平均分蘖数随机选取8兜具有代表性的水稻植株,杀青、烘干、称重。同时,收割每个小区中央5 m2水稻,脱粒,风干,按13.5%水分含量折算产量。植株全氮采用浓硫酸-高氯酸消煮法[20]测定。
1.4 温室气体采集与测定
稻田CH4、N2O排放采用静态暗箱-气相色谱法测定[22]。采样箱箱体由聚乙烯材料制成(直径0.38 m,箱高50 cm或110 cm,依据株高选择)。箱外包裹一层铝膜珍珠棉保温膜,箱体顶部连接一个三通阀用于采气。同时,箱内顶部安置4个小风扇以充分混合箱内气体,并安装一个温度计用以测定箱内温度。水稻移栽后每7—10 d采样一次。采样的具体日期和频率视肥料的施用和降水适当调整。选择8:00—11:00采气用以测定当日气体通量。采集时,将采样箱放入已事先插入土壤5 cm深处的不锈钢底座(外缘四周凹槽,内径2.5 cm,高8 cm),采集气体前加水注入底槽用以密封。静态箱放置完毕后,分别在第0、10、20、30 min使用20 mL注射器进行一次气体收集,每次采集20 mL,将采集的气体注入事先抽真空的玻璃小瓶中,同时记载采样箱内的温度和高度,带回室内用气相色谱仪进行浓度测定。气体通量按如下公式进行计算:F = ρ×h×dc/dt×273/(273+T)
CE = ∑ [(Fi+Fi+1)/2×10-3×d×24×10]
在 100 年时间尺度上,CH4 和 N2O 的增温潜势分别为28和265[1],因此全球增温潜势GWP(kg·hm-2)按以下公式计算:
GWP =(CECH4×28)+(CEN2O×265)。
1.5 数据处理与统计分析
运用 Microsoft Excel 2016对原始数据进行整理。采用 SPSS 17.0软件的One-way ANOVA对处理间测量指标的进行差异分析,采用General Linear Model程序的Repeated Measures对温室气体排放通量进行重复测量方差分析,并采用Duncan法进行显著性水平检验(P<0.05)。所有测定结果数据均以3次重复的平均值±标准差来表达。
2 结果
2.1 生物炭与无机氮配施对稻田CH4排放的影响
从图1可知,在水稻全生育期,CH4排放主要集中在分蘖期和齐穗期。在水稻分蘖盛期,CH4排放达到最大峰值,随后晒田控无效分蘖,CH4排放明显减少。在稻田复水后,CH4排放逐渐增加。水稻收获前的落干期,CH4排放明显降低。然而2019年由于后期雨水较多,CH4排放不减反增。2018和2019年稻季各处理CH4排放通量变化分别为0.01—48.97 mg·m-2·h-1和0.36—18.08 mg·m-2·h-1。重复测定方差分析结果显示,2018年CH4排放受时间、时间与处理交互作用显著影响,2019年受时间显著影响(表2,P<0.01)。2018年CK、IF、IF+C、RIF+C处理CH4平均排放通量分别为(6.21±2.09)、(6.17±1.89)、(7.16±1.79)、(6.52± 2.08)mg·m-2·h-1,2019年分别为(5.24±1.64)、(5.16± 1.70)、(5.83±1.64)、(5.71±1.73)mg·m-2·h-1。图1

Fig. 1Changes in N2O emission fluxes from paddy fields under different treatments in 2018 and 2019
2.2 生物炭与无机氮配施对稻田N2O排放的影响
在氮肥施用和排水后即出现N2O排放峰值,之后随时间迅速回落,并保持平稳波动(图2)。在基肥施用后,稻田N2O排放增加;在分蘖期追肥后,N2O排放出现了一个小高峰;随后在齐穗期追肥和中期烤田的双重作用下,出现了第三个N2O排放峰值;复水之后N2O排放逐渐减少了,而在水稻收获前,由于排水落干,又出现了一个N2O排放小高峰。在整个生育期,N2O排放通量呈现出常规施氮处理>生物炭处理>CK的趋势。2018年和2019年稻季各处理N2O排放通量变化分别为-0.002—0.17和0.01—0.28 mg·m-2·h-1。重复测定方差分析结果显示,2018年N2O排放随时间、处理、时间与处理交互之间影响差异显著(表2,P<0.01)。2018年CK、IF、IF+C、RIF+C处理N2O平均排放通量分别为(0.02±0.01)、(0.04±0.01)、(0.02±0.01)、(0.02±0.01)mg·m-2·h-1,与CK相比,IF、IF+C、RIF+C处理N2O平均排放通量分别增加113.7%、18.7%、1.5%;与IF处理相比,IF+C、RIF+C处理N2O平均排放通量分别降低44.5%、52.5%。重复测定方差分析结果显示,2019年N2O排放受时间、时间与处理交互作用的显著影响(表2,P<0.05)。CK、IF、IF+C、RIF+C处理N2O平均排放通量分别为(0.06±0.02)、(0.08±0.03)、(0.05±0.02)、(0.05± 0.02)mg·m-2·h-1,与CK相比,IF+C、RIF+C处理N2O平均排放通量分别降低14.1%、15.6%;与IF处理相比,IF+C、RIF+C处理N2O平均排放通量分别降低37.0%、38.1%。图2

Fig. 2Changes of N2O emission fluxes under different treatments in rice seasons of 2018 and 2019
2.3 稻田温室气体累积排放量、综合温室效应与产量
无机氮施用、生物炭与无机氮配施均对CH4排放没有显著影响(表2和3)。与CK相比,无机氮肥的施用显著提高了N2O排放,增幅为32.6%—113.0%。与IF处理相比,生物炭与无机氮配施(IF+C、RIF+C)显著降低了N2O排放,在2018年降幅为33.4%—43.1%,在2019为37.0%—39.5%。同时,生物炭与无机氮配施处理IF+C与RIF+C间N2O排放差异不显著,且与CK相当。由表3还可知,2019年N2O排放明显高于2018年。Table 2
Table 2
气体 Gas | 处理 Treatment | 2018 | 2019 | ||||||
df | MS | F | P | df | MS | F | P | ||
CH4 | 时间 Time | 12 | 420.63 | 7.57 | <0.001 | 12 | 74.19 | 3.31 | <0.001 |
处理 Treatment | 4 | 74.62 | 1.34 | 0.263 | 4 | 9.38 | 0.42 | 0.74 | |
时间×处理 Time×Treatment | 48 | 156.33 | 7.44 | <0.001 | 48 | 6.22 | 0.39 | 0.76 | |
N2O | 时间 Time | 12 | 0.015 | 8.32 | <0.001 | 12 | 0.031 | 9.5 | <0.001 |
处理 Treatment | 4 | 0.01 | 5.589 | 0.001 | 4 | 0.006 | 1.72 | 0.17 | |
时间×处理 Time×Treatment | 48 | 0.003 | 1.90 | 0.009 | 48 | 0.005 | 1.62 | 0.04 |
Table 3
Table 3
年份 Year | 处理 Treatment | CH4累积排放量 Cumulative CH4 emission (kg·hm-2) | N2O累积排放量 Cumulative N2O emission (kg·hm-2) | 综合增温潜势 Global warming potential (kg·hm-2) | 水稻产量 Yield (t·hm-2) |
2018 | CK | 77.62±5.27 a | 0.39±0.01 b | 2275.53±151.57 a | 8.99±0.22 b |
IF | 76.84±5.42 a | 0.82±0.17 a | 2369.47±108.77 a | 9.33±0.15 b | |
IF+C | 84.93±4.67 a | 0.50±0.03 b | 2510.01±130.66 a | 9.69±0.26 ab | |
RIF+C | 78.66±1.71 a | 0.48±0.00 b | 2330.26±47.84 a | 10.26±0.35 a | |
2019 | CK | 58.45±9.80 a | 0.73±0.06 ab | 1829.64±258.60 a | 8.76±0.21 c |
IF | 57.12±4.14 a | 0.96±0.02 a | 1855.01±115.35 a | 9.29±0.23 bc | |
IF+C | 59.51±5.65 a | 0.61±0.04 b | 1827.38±167.35 a | 10.31±0.30 a | |
RIF+C | 62.04±5.88 a | 0.58±0.07 b | 1891.93±179.76 a | 9.83±0.18 ab |
稻田CH4排放是综合增温潜势(GWP)的主要贡献者,对GWP的贡献达84.4%—95.2%(表3)。由于各处理CH4累积排放量无明显差异,因此各处理GWP差异不显著。氮肥施用显著提高水稻产量,增幅达4.0%— 6.0%。与IF处理相比,IF+C处理水稻产量显著提高了9.9%—11.9%。总体上,与IF处理相比,减氮配施生物炭处理RIF+C水稻产量显著提高。而生物炭与无机氮配施处理IF+C与RIF+C间水稻产量差异不显著。
2.4 生物炭与无机氮配施对稻田氮肥利用率的影响
与IF处理相比,IF+C处理水稻吸氮量显著增、加,两年分别增加10.2%、10.4%(表4)。生物炭与无机氮配施后,氮肥利用率显著提升,IF+C、RIF+C处理较IF处理2018年分别增加7.7%、8.6%,2019年分别增加7.7%、8.1%。与IF相比,RIF+C处理显著增加氮肥偏生产力,两年分别增加了57.1%、52.3%。Table 4
Table 4
年份 Year | 处理 Treatment | 吸氮量 Nitrogen uptake (kg·hm-2) | 氮肥利用率 Nitrogen use efficiency (%) | 氮肥偏生产力 Nitrogen agronomic efficiency (kg·kg-1) |
2018 | CK | 78.46±5.77 c | – | – |
IF | 135.80±4.26 b | 31.85±4.10 b | 51.82±0.82 b | |
IF+C | 149.58±3.04 a | 39.51±2.93 a | 52.78±1.42 b | |
RIF+C | 129.40±1.24 b | 40.42±1.70 a | 81.40±2.75 a | |
2019 | CK | 80.5±7.29 c | – | – |
IF | 134.69±5.25 b | 30.13±2.92b | 51.82±0.82 b | |
IF+C | 148.63±0.50 a | 37.85±0.47 a | 52.78±1.42 b | |
RIF+C | 128.62±3.14 b | 38.16±4.31 a | 81.40±2.75 a |
3 讨论
3.1 稻田CH4排放
本研究表明,CH4排放具有明显的季节变化,排放高峰主要集中在分蘖期与齐穗期(图1)。淹水环境下,产甲烷菌活性增加[23],而甲烷排放到大气中主要是通过植株的通气组织进行排放[24]。在水稻分蘖期,水稻生长旺盛,通气组织发达,因此大量CH4通过排放茎秆通气组织排放到大气(图1)。在中期烤田期,田间水分被排干,这可能导致田间厌氧环境被破坏,产甲烷菌活性降低[23],CH4排放逐渐减少。在齐穗期,旺盛的根系生长产生大量根系分泌物,为产氧化菌提供了丰富的底物[25];同时,该时期超过30℃气温有利于产甲烷菌活性提高[26],因此在齐穗期出现了一个CH4排放峰值。在收获前稻田水分完全排干,田间基本观测不到CH4的产生。2018年稻季由于雨水较多,长期淹水促使土壤长期处于厌氧环境,产甲烷菌活性高[23],因此2018年稻季CH4排放量多于2019年。2019年水稻生长后期连续的降雨,田间淹水且排水不畅,甲烷氧化菌活性受抑制,而产甲烷菌活性得到促进[23],因此在收获前田间CH4排放不减反增。在整个稻季,CK与常规施氮处理间CH4排放量差异不显著(表2和表3)。氮肥添加会导致大量NH4+进入土壤,促进甲烷氧化菌的活性[27],降低CH4排放。同时,氮肥施用促进作物生长,导致根系分泌物大量产生,为产甲烷菌提供丰富的底物[28],因此两方面的共同作用导致不施氮肥与施氮肥处理间CH4排放差异不明显。与常规施肥处理相比,生物炭处理(IF+C和RIF+C)CH4排放量略有增加,但未达显著水平(表3)。WANG等[29]通过在大田和盆栽试验均发现,稻壳生物炭(10、25、50 t·hm-2)配施氮肥(200 kg·hm-2)对稻田CH4排放量没有显著影响。这可能一方面是生物炭本身具有抑制甲烷氧化菌活性的化学物质,有利CH4排放[30,31]。同时,生物炭可能会增加土壤微生物生物量及活性,从而加速原土壤有机质的分解,为产甲烷菌提供底物[32]。另一方面,生物炭呈碱性,在生物炭施入土壤后,土壤pH得到了提高,而大多数的甲烷氧化菌最适pH为偏中性,因此甲烷氧化菌的活性得到了促进,甲烷排放减少[33]。生物炭的多孔隙结构会改善土壤通气性,降低土壤容重[34],降低产甲烷菌活性而提高甲烷氧化菌活性[33],进一步减少CH4产生。程功等[35]通过在玉米地中添加玉米秸秆生物炭(15、30、45 kg·hm-2)发现,玉米生物炭的添加能促进土壤对CH4的吸收,其中15 kg·hm-2生物炭处理下土壤对CH4吸收效果最好。因此,在多种因素共同作用下,生物炭处理下CH4累积排放量虽有增加,但增加不显著。这与ZHANG等[36]生物炭施用会明显促进稻田CH4排放的结果不一致,可能与不同的生物炭类型、热解条件、土壤特性等有关[37]。本研究施用的生物炭是果壳、椰壳在450℃下裂解生成的,而ZHANG等[36]所使用的生物炭是小麦秸秆在350—550℃下裂解产生的;另一方面,ZHANG等[36]施氮量(300 kg N·hm-2)偏大于本研究(180 kg N·hm-2)。
3.2 稻田N2O排放
本研究结果表明,在氮肥施用后或者中期晒田时出现N2O排放高峰,而在其他时期N2O排放一直维持在较低水准(图2)。宋开付等[38]通过大田试验发现,N2O排放高峰均出现在氮肥施用后,且N2O排放量与土壤含水量密切相关。我们的研究也表明,土壤N2O排放对氮肥和土壤水分敏感。在基肥施用后,氮肥施用为硝化与反硝化微生物提供了大量底物[38],同时水稻刚移栽时土壤通气情况较好,因此大量N2O排放;在中期烤田,土壤通气情况得到明显改善,以及齐穗期追肥的双重作用下,N2O出现排放高峰,随后肥效消失,N2O排放下降。在水稻收获前的落干期,土壤通气情况的改善使得土壤处于好氧状态,硝化作用速率促进[39],N2O排放再次出现一个排放小高峰(图2)。2019年相比2018年由于雨水较少,田间水分灌溉不充分,因此2019年N2O排放量整体高于2018年(表3)。与IF相比,生物炭处理(IF+C和RIF+C)稻田N2O排放明显降低(表3),这与大多数的研究结果一致[19]。有研究表明,生物炭的多孔结构会改善土壤通气情况,从而抑制反硝化作用产生的N2O排放[34];同时,生物炭通过增强氧化亚氮还原酶的活性,促进N2O向N2转换,从而减少N2O排放[40]。有研究表明,生物炭吸附性比较强,将土壤中的无机氮吸附,减少硝化与反硝化作用的底物,从而降低N2O的排放[41]。因此生物炭处理下N2O排放降低。在相同的施炭量条件下IF+C、RIF+C处理之间N2O排放量差异不大(表3)。刘玉学等[42]在浙江海宁的研究发现,与水稻秸秆生物炭(3.75 t·hm-2)与化学氮肥(180 kg·hm-2)配施处理相比,水稻秸秆生物炭(3.75 t·hm-2)与减氮30%(126 kg·hm-2)配施处理的土壤容重明显降低,但稻田N2O排放量无显著变化,这与本研究的结果一致。生物炭本身为一种多孔材料,具有较大的比表面积,养分吸收能力强,施入稻田后能增强对氮肥产生的NH4+-N等的吸附[42]。有研究表明,当施氮量≥60 kg·hm-2时,生物炭减少土壤N2O排放的效果随施氮量的增加而降低[43]。本试验常规施氮量和刘玉学等[43]的均为180 kg·hm-2,因此,在减氮30%的情况下,IF+C、RIF+C处理间N2O排放量差异不大。
3.3 水稻产量和GWP
总体上,与IF相比,生物炭与无机氮肥配施处理(IF+C、RIF+C)产量显著增加(表3)。这可能是由于生物炭含有多种植株所需要的营养元素,在土壤的作用下会逐渐释放出来而被植株利用[44];而且生物炭可以改善土壤理化性质,从而间接提高土壤肥力,提高土壤生产力,增加水稻产量[41]。陈琳等[45]将450 kg·hm-2以4种原料(小麦、玉米、花生壳、生活废弃物)制成的生物质炭与尿素(51 kg·hm-2)混合制作炭基复混肥进行田间试验研究,发现与常规复混化肥相比,炭基肥处理施氮量减少19.94%,但水稻的经济产量提高了6.70%以上,其中小麦秸秆炭基肥处理增产幅度最高,达39.34%。宋大利[46]等研究发现,生物炭(7.5、22.5 t·hm-2)与氮肥(150、225、300 kg·hm-2)配施可以增加土壤有机质、全氮含量,提高作物产量,300 kg·hm-2氮处理产量低于225 kg·hm-2氮处理,且随施氮量的增加其产量呈先增加后降低的趋势。这与本研究在第一年得到的结果一致,即RIF+C处理产量最高(表3)。这可能是生物炭激发了土壤微生物活性和促进土壤养分循环[46],提高了作物产量。但由于化肥、生物炭配施比例以及土壤本身理化性质的差异,生物炭与化肥配施对作物产生的影响也不尽相同。张斌等[19]通过大田试验发现,与单施氮肥处理(240 kg·hm-2)相比,生物炭(20、40 t·hm-2)配施氮肥(240 kg·hm-2)处理在两年内水稻产量无明显变化;但单施生物炭时,施炭量过高反而会抑制作物生长,降低作物产量。这可能是生物炭含有有毒物质可以抑制作物生长,而生物炭配施氮肥可以减缓生物炭对作物生长的抑制[47]。张晗芝等[48]通过田间盆栽试验也发现,小麦秸秆制成的生物炭(2.4、12、48 t·hm-2)与112.5 kg·hm-2氮肥配施,对苗期玉米的生长均有不同程度的抑制,随着玉米的生长,抑制作用也逐渐减少。本研究表明,IF+C与RIF+C处理产量差异不显著(表3)。这可能与试验地土壤肥力较高(土壤略酸性,有机碳含量较高,全氮含量高达0.16%)有关。高悦等[49]通过大田试验研究指出,在生物炭与无机氮配施下,氮肥减量25%后土壤中总氮和碱解氮含量没有减小。因此,土壤高肥力一定程度上抵消了减氮30%的作用。稻田GWP主要由CH4的排放量决定[50],在本研究中,CH4对GWP的贡献占到了84.4%—95.2%,因此,生物炭处理下N2O的排放量虽然显著减少,各处理的GWP差异也不显著。CH4的排放量主要与水分管理有关[51],生物炭虽然可以影响稻田CH4的排放,但影响不显著。因此,对于稻田温室气体减排的研究中应该重点关注CH4的排放[52]。
3.4 水稻氮肥利用率
本研究结果显示,在相同施氮量下,生物施用可以显著提高氮肥利用率(表4)。同时,RIF+C处理在减30%无机氮的情况下,与CK相比,其水稻吸氮量显著增加,与IF处理相比吸氮量差异不大(表4)。可见,在生物炭处理下,土壤可利用的氮素明显增加。这可能是生物炭施入土壤后改变了土壤的透气性[34],提高土壤含氧量,从而抑制厌氧微生物的活动,减少氮的气态损失[21];同时,生物炭具有较强的保水性,减少氮素通过流失和淋溶等途径的损失[53];并且生物炭对NH4+-N的吸附力较强,从而使土壤肥力得以保持[9]。此外,生物炭本身也含有多种植物所需要的营养元素,如N、P、K等,在土壤中各种生化反应下可缓慢释放一部分养分被植物吸收[54]。王悦满等[55]通过土柱试验发现,0.5%裂解生物炭施用可以提高水稻产量、籽粒吸氮量、收获指数、氮肥偏生产力以及氮肥利用率。眭锋等[56]研究发现,20 t·hm-2的生物炭施用量下,第一年的水稻地上部氮素吸收和产量未受影响,但第二年的水稻地上部氮素吸收和产量呈明显增加趋势。曲晶晶等[12]报道,生物炭(小麦秸秆裂解产生)与无机氮配施可显著提高水稻氮肥利用率,在40 t·hm-2生物炭施用水平下,不同试验点水稻氮肥吸收利用率提高了17.6%—20.3%。IF+C与RIF+C处理氮肥利用率没有显著差异(表4),这可能与本试验地土壤较高,土壤肥力一定程度弥补减氮30%的影响。对于氮肥偏生产力,只有RIF+C处理相对于IF处理显著增加,这可能与生物炭与化肥的配施比例不同,对土壤中可吸收氮素含量的影响也不同。王智慧等[57]通过田间试验发现,80%常规施肥配施20%生物炭(108 kg·hm-2)相比常规施肥(360 kg·hm-2),作物产量明显增加,肥料的减少并未降低作物产量,可能是由于生物炭比表面积巨大以及吸附力强,对土壤中的肥力元素有一定吸附固持作用,从而减少了土壤中氮、磷、钾等养分的流失,增加了植株可利用的养分离子。因此,过量施肥反而不利于作物对氮肥的吸收,适量的氮肥和生物炭配比对作物的生长效果更好,合适的氮肥生物炭比例是提升氮肥利用率的关键点。由此可见,生物炭配施无机氮对土壤氮素具有固持和缓释的作用,可有效地提高水稻对氮肥的吸收利用率;同时,降低反硝化作用底物,减少温室气体N2O排放,达到水稻生产的稳产增产、资源高效利用和缓解环境污染的多种作用。然而,生物炭作用因其特性、土壤状况和肥料管理因素存在诸多不确定性,其与无机氮配施对稻田温室气体排放和氮肥利用率的影响研究还有待进一步深入。
4 结论
生物炭配施无机氮显著降低了稻田N2O排放,但对稻田CH4的排放影响不显著。减氮+生物炭处理与常规施氮+生物炭处理间温室气体排放无显著差异。生物炭配施无机氮肥提高了水稻产量和氮肥利用率。本研究指出,减无机氮30%配施生物炭处理,提高了氮肥的利用率,降低N2O排放量,增加水稻产量。因此一个可持续的农艺措施,值得推广。但是,生物炭和化肥的配施对稻田CH4排放没有影响,因此有关生物炭的温室气体的减排效应还需要进一步探索。参考文献 原文顺序
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Biochar application can increase carbon sequestration and reduce greenhouse gases emissions in paddy soils. However, its influence on ammonia (NH3) volatilization is neglected. This soil column study was conducted using two biochars (wheat straw pyrolyzed at 500 degrees C and 700 degrees C) with two application rates (0.5 wt% and 3 wt%) to evaluate their impact on NH3 volatilization from rice paddy. Results showed that biochar application did not change NH3 volatilization fluxes pattern after N fertilization. Four biochar treatments recorded higher NH3 volatilization (20.50-31.88 kg N ha(-1)) compared with the control (18.65 kg N ha(-1)). Especially, two 3 wt% biochar treatments had significantly 40.8-70.9% higher NH3 volatilization than control. After the basal and first supplementary fertilization, the floodwater pH values were 7.61-7.79 and 7.51-7.76 under biochar treatments, higher than control (7.37 and 7.16, respectively). Meanwhile, after three split N fertilizations, the pH of surface soil received biochar increased by 0.19-0.45, 0.19-0.39, and 0.01-0.21 units, in comparison with the control soil. Furthermore, 3 wt% biochar treatments had higher floodwater and surface soil pH values than 0.5 wt% biochar treatments. Higher NH4(+)-N and lower NO3(-)-N concentrations of surface soil under biochar application were observed compared with control at tillering stage, whereas they were at similar level at jointing stage. The increased NH3 volatilization at 3 wt% biochar treatments is attributed to increased pH of surface floodwater and soil, and reduced nitrification processes induced by biochar application. Biochar should be applied at lower rate to rice paddy soil, considering the NH3 volatilization.
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Biochar has a bright prospect due to its good structure, physicochemical properties and broad raw materials of its production. It has already been a hotspot in the fields of agriculture, energy and environment. The influences of biochar were reviewed comprehensively on soil, crops, agricultural eco-system, and its important roles in food security of China. The application value and industrialization of biochar in agriculture from the low-carbon, recycle and sustainable point of view were discussed. Utilization of biochar would play much more important roles in improving soil obstacles and increasing crop production capacity of soil, which will benefit the sustainable development of agriculture and the national food security of China. At the end, the prospective of biochar industrialization and development in China were proposed, which will provide relevant references for the well development of biohcar industry.
DOI:10.3864/j.issn.0578-1752.2013.16.003URL [本文引用: 2]

Biochar has a bright prospect due to its good structure, physicochemical properties and broad raw materials of its production. It has already been a hotspot in the fields of agriculture, energy and environment. The influences of biochar were reviewed comprehensively on soil, crops, agricultural eco-system, and its important roles in food security of China. The application value and industrialization of biochar in agriculture from the low-carbon, recycle and sustainable point of view were discussed. Utilization of biochar would play much more important roles in improving soil obstacles and increasing crop production capacity of soil, which will benefit the sustainable development of agriculture and the national food security of China. At the end, the prospective of biochar industrialization and development in China were proposed, which will provide relevant references for the well development of biohcar industry.
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The adsorption effectiveness of bamboo powder charcoal (BPC); made from the residual of Moso bamboo manufacturing; in removing nitrate-nitrogen from water has been investigated. Commercial activated carbon (CAC) was also used to compare the effectiveness of adsorption in removal of nitrate-nitrogen. The adsorption effectiveness of BPC was higher than that of CAC; regardless of the concentration of nitrate-nitrogen; in the range of 0-10 mg/l. The effect of temperature on adsorption by BPC and CAC in the range of 10-20 degrees C was also investigated. From the results, it was found that the temperature dependency of the adsorption effectiveness of BPC was weaker than that of CAC. This fact indicates that BPC can be an attractive option for the in situ treatment by adsorption of nitrate-nitrogen-contaminated underground and surface water.
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The conversion of vegetative biomass waste to biochar (biologically derived charcoal) is a source of carbon (C) that can be used to increase the level of soil organic C (SOC) in agricultural soils. This review collates available research into the effects of biologically derived C species with respect to the direct and indirect effects on agricultural productivity and their potential for use in Western Australian agricultural systems. There is a growing requirement to quantify the effect of specific biochar applications for agroecological purposes and to verify biosequestered C for climate-change-mitigation activities. This work provides a review and assessment of safe biochar application rates and examines the present levels of scientific uncertainty surrounding the efficacy and reliability of applying biochar to soils in relation to crop productivity.
DOI:10.1007/s00374-014-0959-yURL [本文引用: 1]

The effects of the addition of a slow pyrolysis biochar (produced from olive-tree prunings) to a vertisol were studied in a field experiment during one wheat (Triticum durum L.) growing season. The biochar addition did not significantly affect soil parameters such as pH, dissolved organic C and N, ammonium, nitrate or microbial biomass N. By contrast, biochar addition decreased soil compaction and increased the soil water-retention capacity and nutrient content (total N and the available contents of P, K, Mg, Cu and Zn). These favourable changes led to an increase in fine root proliferation (increasing specific root length and reducing root tissue density) and promoted crop development. As a result, the plants in biochar-treated plots showed higher relative growth and net assimilation rates, aboveground biomass and yield than those in control plots. Neither grain quality nor nutrient content were significantly affected by biochar addition. Our results suggest that the use of biochar as a soil amendment in agricultural soils can improve soil physical properties and increase fertility, favouring crop development under semiarid Mediterranean conditions.
URL [本文引用: 2]

Biochar prepared out of wheat straw was applied in reddish yellow paddy soil in Changsha of Hunan and red paddy soil in Jinxian of Jiangxi in a field experiment to explore for effects of biochar applied at a rate of 20 and 40 t·hm-2,separately on yields of early and late rice and nitrogen recovery efficiency of late rice.It was found that the early rice didn′t respond much in yield to the combined application of nitrogen fertilizer and biochar,regardless of rate,in the two experiment sites,and neither the late rice in the experiment site of Changsha did,but the late rice at the experiment site of Jinxian did,increasing by 5.18% and 7.95%,separately,in the two treatments of 20 and 40 t·hm-2 biochar.With the same N application rate,the treatments of 40 t·hm-2 biochar in both experiment sites increased soil organic carbon by 55% or more over the control.Application of the biochar was found to increase pH in acid or weakly acid soil,lower soil bulk density and also increase nitrogen use efficiency of rice by 20.33 and 17.58 percentage point in the treatments of 40 t·hm-2 biochar in the experiment sites of Changsha and Jinxian,respectively and nitrogen agronomic efficiency by 39.81% in Jinxian.The experiment demonstrates that biochar amendment in acid soil can stabilize or even increase rice yield and improve nitrogen use efficiency.
URL [本文引用: 2]

Biochar prepared out of wheat straw was applied in reddish yellow paddy soil in Changsha of Hunan and red paddy soil in Jinxian of Jiangxi in a field experiment to explore for effects of biochar applied at a rate of 20 and 40 t·hm-2,separately on yields of early and late rice and nitrogen recovery efficiency of late rice.It was found that the early rice didn′t respond much in yield to the combined application of nitrogen fertilizer and biochar,regardless of rate,in the two experiment sites,and neither the late rice in the experiment site of Changsha did,but the late rice at the experiment site of Jinxian did,increasing by 5.18% and 7.95%,separately,in the two treatments of 20 and 40 t·hm-2 biochar.With the same N application rate,the treatments of 40 t·hm-2 biochar in both experiment sites increased soil organic carbon by 55% or more over the control.Application of the biochar was found to increase pH in acid or weakly acid soil,lower soil bulk density and also increase nitrogen use efficiency of rice by 20.33 and 17.58 percentage point in the treatments of 40 t·hm-2 biochar in the experiment sites of Changsha and Jinxian,respectively and nitrogen agronomic efficiency by 39.81% in Jinxian.The experiment demonstrates that biochar amendment in acid soil can stabilize or even increase rice yield and improve nitrogen use efficiency.
DOI:10.11674/zwyf.2015.0531URL [本文引用: 1]

【目的】氮是作物生长发育所需的主要营养元素,随着宁夏引黄灌区农业生产集约化程度不断提高,氮肥投入亦不断增加,由此导致的土壤板结及氮素利用率低等问题日益突显。鉴于生物炭在改良土壤及提高氮肥利用方面的潜在可行性,本文通过大田试验研究添加不同用量生物炭对水稻产量和氮素利用率的影响,为生物炭在该地区的应用提供参考和依据。【方法】以宁夏灌区具有代表性的集约化水稻田为研究对象,以宁粳43号水稻为试验材料,采用裂区试验设计,施氮量设常规施氮量(N 300, N 300 kg/hm2)和不施氮(N0)2个水平;生物炭设高量炭(C3, 9000 kg/hm2)、中量炭(C2, 6750 kg/hm2)、低量炭(C1, 4500 kg/hm2)和不施炭(C0)4个水平。旨在明确添加生物炭对灌淤土基本理化性质、水稻产量及氮素利用率的影响。【结果】1)添加生物炭种植一季水稻后对灌淤土土壤含水量没有明显影响,土壤pH值亦没有发生明显变化。2)施加氮肥情况下,C3处理较C0处理可显著提高灌淤土全氮、全磷和速效钾含量,但对速效磷含量没有影响,C2和C3处理下土壤全氮、全磷、速效磷和速效钾都没有明显差异,但二者全氮和速效钾含量要显著高于C1处理;不施肥情况下,除C3和C2处理显著增加土壤速效钾含量外,其余处理对土壤养分含量没有影响。3)生物炭和氮肥配施可以显著增加水稻籽粒产量,并随生物炭用量(4500~9000 kg/hm2)增加而增高,增产率在15.26%~44.89%之间,水稻籽粒产量与生物炭用量呈显著正相关关系(r=0.962),水稻株高和穗粒数也随生物炭用量增多而增加,同时,水稻地上部总吸氮量随生物炭用量增加而增加, C3处理较C0处理提高66.27 kg/hm2,各处理之间差异显著;不施氮肥情况下,添加生物炭(4500~9000 kg/hm2)对水稻籽粒产量没有显著影响,对水稻产量构成因素的影响亦不明显, C1和C2处理可以显著提高水稻地上部总吸氮量,但C3处理对总吸氮量影响不明显,同时各施炭处理之间无显著差异。4)生物炭和氮肥配施时,氮肥农学效率和氮肥利用率均表现为随生物炭用量增加而增加,C3较C0处理氮肥农学效率提高10.87 kg/kg,氮肥利用率提高22.09个百分点。【结论】生物炭和氮肥配施可以提高宁夏引黄灌区水稻产量,本试验以施用9000 kg/hm2(C3)的生物炭产量最高(增产率达44.89%),同时水稻株高和穗粒数也随生物炭用量增多而增加,生物炭和氮肥配施,氮肥农学效率和氮肥利用率随生物炭用量增加而增加;不施氮肥情况下,添加生物炭对水稻产量没有显著影响,对水稻产量构成因素的影响亦不明显。
DOI:10.11674/zwyf.2015.0531URL [本文引用: 1]

【目的】氮是作物生长发育所需的主要营养元素,随着宁夏引黄灌区农业生产集约化程度不断提高,氮肥投入亦不断增加,由此导致的土壤板结及氮素利用率低等问题日益突显。鉴于生物炭在改良土壤及提高氮肥利用方面的潜在可行性,本文通过大田试验研究添加不同用量生物炭对水稻产量和氮素利用率的影响,为生物炭在该地区的应用提供参考和依据。【方法】以宁夏灌区具有代表性的集约化水稻田为研究对象,以宁粳43号水稻为试验材料,采用裂区试验设计,施氮量设常规施氮量(N 300, N 300 kg/hm2)和不施氮(N0)2个水平;生物炭设高量炭(C3, 9000 kg/hm2)、中量炭(C2, 6750 kg/hm2)、低量炭(C1, 4500 kg/hm2)和不施炭(C0)4个水平。旨在明确添加生物炭对灌淤土基本理化性质、水稻产量及氮素利用率的影响。【结果】1)添加生物炭种植一季水稻后对灌淤土土壤含水量没有明显影响,土壤pH值亦没有发生明显变化。2)施加氮肥情况下,C3处理较C0处理可显著提高灌淤土全氮、全磷和速效钾含量,但对速效磷含量没有影响,C2和C3处理下土壤全氮、全磷、速效磷和速效钾都没有明显差异,但二者全氮和速效钾含量要显著高于C1处理;不施肥情况下,除C3和C2处理显著增加土壤速效钾含量外,其余处理对土壤养分含量没有影响。3)生物炭和氮肥配施可以显著增加水稻籽粒产量,并随生物炭用量(4500~9000 kg/hm2)增加而增高,增产率在15.26%~44.89%之间,水稻籽粒产量与生物炭用量呈显著正相关关系(r=0.962),水稻株高和穗粒数也随生物炭用量增多而增加,同时,水稻地上部总吸氮量随生物炭用量增加而增加, C3处理较C0处理提高66.27 kg/hm2,各处理之间差异显著;不施氮肥情况下,添加生物炭(4500~9000 kg/hm2)对水稻籽粒产量没有显著影响,对水稻产量构成因素的影响亦不明显, C1和C2处理可以显著提高水稻地上部总吸氮量,但C3处理对总吸氮量影响不明显,同时各施炭处理之间无显著差异。4)生物炭和氮肥配施时,氮肥农学效率和氮肥利用率均表现为随生物炭用量增加而增加,C3较C0处理氮肥农学效率提高10.87 kg/kg,氮肥利用率提高22.09个百分点。【结论】生物炭和氮肥配施可以提高宁夏引黄灌区水稻产量,本试验以施用9000 kg/hm2(C3)的生物炭产量最高(增产率达44.89%),同时水稻株高和穗粒数也随生物炭用量增多而增加,生物炭和氮肥配施,氮肥农学效率和氮肥利用率随生物炭用量增加而增加;不施氮肥情况下,添加生物炭对水稻产量没有显著影响,对水稻产量构成因素的影响亦不明显。
DOI:10.1016/j.fcr.2008.10.008URL [本文引用: 1]
DOI:10.1016/j.soilbio.2011.11.016URL [本文引用: 2]
DOI:10.1007/s11104-013-1636-xURL [本文引用: 2]

Two field microcosm experiments and N-15 labeling techniques were used to investigate the effects of biochar addition on rice N nutrition and GHG emissions in an Inceptisol and an Ultisol.
Biochar N bioavailability and effect of biochar on fertilizer nitrogen-use efficiency (NUE) were studied by N-15-enriched wheat biochar (7.8803 atom% N-15) and fertilizer urea (5.0026 atom% N-15) (Experiment I). Corn biochar and corn stalks were applied at 12 Mg ha(-1) to study their effects on GHG emissions (Experiment II).
Biochar had no significant impact on rice production and less than 2 % of the biochar N was available to plants in the first season. Biochar addition increased soil C and N contents and decreased urea NUE. Seasonal cumulative CH4 emissions with biochar were similar to the controls, but significantly lower than the local practice of straw amendment. N2O emissions with biochar were similar to the control in the acidic Ultisol, but significantly higher in the slightly alkaline Inceptisol. Carbon-balance calculations found no major losses of biochar-C.
Low bio-availability of biochar N did not make a significantly impact on rice production or N nutrition during the first year. Replacement of straw amendments with biochar could decrease CH4 emissions and increase SOC stocks.
DOI:10.11674/zwyf.2015.0501URL [本文引用: 2]

【目的】以我国稻麦轮作系统为对象,研究氮肥和小麦秸秆生物炭联合施用对CH4和N2O排放规律的影响;结合小麦和水稻总产量进而评估对该生态系统综合温室效应(GWP)和温室气体强度(GHGI)的影响,为生物炭在减缓全球气候变化及农业生产中的推广应用提供科学依据。【方法】生物炭通过小麦秸秆在300~500℃条件下炭化获得。田间试验于2012年11月至2013年10月进行,为稻麦轮作体系。采用静态暗箱—气相色谱法观测CH4和N2O排放通量;试验共设置不施氮肥不施生物炭(N0B0)、不施氮肥施20 t/hm2生物炭(N0B1)、施氮肥不施生物炭(N1B0)、氮肥与20 t/hm2生物炭配施(N1B1)、氮肥与40 t/hm2生物炭配施(N1B2)等5个处理,各处理3次重复。【结果】单施氮肥(N1B0)与不施氮肥(N0B0)处理相比,增加了稻麦轮作产量82.8%,增加了CH4排放0.6倍,增加了N2O排放5.5倍。单施生物炭(N0B1)与不施生物炭(N0B0)处理相比,显著增产25.4%,却不能减少CH4和N2O的排放。在施氮的同时,配施20 t/hm2生物炭与单施氮肥处理相比,显著增加稻麦轮作产量21.6%,小麦和水稻总产量也比配施40 t/hm2生物炭处理高;配施40 t/hm2生物炭与单施氮肥处理相比,显著降低稻麦轮作系统CH4排放11.3%和N2O排放20.9%,CH4和N2O排放量也比配施20 t/hm2生物炭的排放量低。随着生物炭配施量的增加,CH4和N2O减排效果更明显。单施生物炭并不能有效地减少GWP,但却可以显著增加作物产量,从而减小GHGI。对N0B0、N0B1、N1B0、N1B1四个处理进行双因素方差分析发现,氮肥和生物炭在CH4和N2O 排放、作物产量、GWP 和GHGI方面都不存在明显的交互作用。各处理在100 a时间尺度上总GWP由大到小的顺序为N1B0 > N1B1 > N1B2 > N0B0 > N0B1,GHGI值由大到小的顺序则为N1B0 > N1B1 > N0B0 > N1B2 > N0B1。单施生物炭与配施生物炭都能降低稻麦轮作系统的GWP和GHGI,配施40 t/hm2生物炭处理降低效果更好。【结论】稻田麦季施用不同水平生物炭都能在保产或增产的同时,降低稻麦轮作系统CH4和N2O的排放及GWP和GHGI。在当前稻麦轮作系统中,与20 t/hm2的生物炭施用量相比,40 t/hm2的生物炭施用量显著降低GWP,但增产效果不明显,因此二者GHGI相当,需要根据温室效应与作物产量权衡选择生物炭实际施用量。
DOI:10.11674/zwyf.2015.0501URL [本文引用: 2]

【目的】以我国稻麦轮作系统为对象,研究氮肥和小麦秸秆生物炭联合施用对CH4和N2O排放规律的影响;结合小麦和水稻总产量进而评估对该生态系统综合温室效应(GWP)和温室气体强度(GHGI)的影响,为生物炭在减缓全球气候变化及农业生产中的推广应用提供科学依据。【方法】生物炭通过小麦秸秆在300~500℃条件下炭化获得。田间试验于2012年11月至2013年10月进行,为稻麦轮作体系。采用静态暗箱—气相色谱法观测CH4和N2O排放通量;试验共设置不施氮肥不施生物炭(N0B0)、不施氮肥施20 t/hm2生物炭(N0B1)、施氮肥不施生物炭(N1B0)、氮肥与20 t/hm2生物炭配施(N1B1)、氮肥与40 t/hm2生物炭配施(N1B2)等5个处理,各处理3次重复。【结果】单施氮肥(N1B0)与不施氮肥(N0B0)处理相比,增加了稻麦轮作产量82.8%,增加了CH4排放0.6倍,增加了N2O排放5.5倍。单施生物炭(N0B1)与不施生物炭(N0B0)处理相比,显著增产25.4%,却不能减少CH4和N2O的排放。在施氮的同时,配施20 t/hm2生物炭与单施氮肥处理相比,显著增加稻麦轮作产量21.6%,小麦和水稻总产量也比配施40 t/hm2生物炭处理高;配施40 t/hm2生物炭与单施氮肥处理相比,显著降低稻麦轮作系统CH4排放11.3%和N2O排放20.9%,CH4和N2O排放量也比配施20 t/hm2生物炭的排放量低。随着生物炭配施量的增加,CH4和N2O减排效果更明显。单施生物炭并不能有效地减少GWP,但却可以显著增加作物产量,从而减小GHGI。对N0B0、N0B1、N1B0、N1B1四个处理进行双因素方差分析发现,氮肥和生物炭在CH4和N2O 排放、作物产量、GWP 和GHGI方面都不存在明显的交互作用。各处理在100 a时间尺度上总GWP由大到小的顺序为N1B0 > N1B1 > N1B2 > N0B0 > N0B1,GHGI值由大到小的顺序则为N1B0 > N1B1 > N0B0 > N1B2 > N0B1。单施生物炭与配施生物炭都能降低稻麦轮作系统的GWP和GHGI,配施40 t/hm2生物炭处理降低效果更好。【结论】稻田麦季施用不同水平生物炭都能在保产或增产的同时,降低稻麦轮作系统CH4和N2O的排放及GWP和GHGI。在当前稻麦轮作系统中,与20 t/hm2的生物炭施用量相比,40 t/hm2的生物炭施用量显著降低GWP,但增产效果不明显,因此二者GHGI相当,需要根据温室效应与作物产量权衡选择生物炭实际施用量。
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DOI:10.3864/j.issn.0578-1752.2012.23.011URL [本文引用: 3]

【Objective】The effect of biochar on soil quality, rice yield and trace gas emissions in 2 consecutive rice growing cycles were investigated for providing a scientific basis for sustainable low carbon development of rice agriculture. 【Method】 A field experiment was initiated in a rice farm from Chengdu Plain with 0, 20 and 40 t•hm-2of biochar soil amendment with (240 kg N•hm-2) and without (0 kg N•hm-2) N fertilizer in 2010. Changes in soil fertility properties, rice yield and non-CO2 greenhouse gases emission in a whole rice growing cycle with biochar amendment were monitored throughout 2010-2011.【Result】Biochar amendments significantly increased soil organic carbon, total nitrogen, pH value and decreased bulk density of soil in both rice-growing cycles, when N fertilizer was applied, but it had no changes in rice yield. Biochar effect on CH4 emission varied with N status. Increase of CH4 emission was observed only under low rate of 20 t•hm-2 in the first cycle. However, no increase in CH4 emission was found with N fertilization in the first cycle and even a decrease in the second cycle. With N fertilization, great decrease in N2O emission (by as high as 66% under 40 t•hm-2 of biochar amendment) was evidenced throughout the two cycles. Overall, biochar soil amendment tended to decrease the global warming potential and rice production carbon intensity from the two non-CO2 trace gases in the consecutive two rice cycles, under 40 t•hm-2 in particular. 【Conclusion】Biochar soil amendment at 40 t•hm-2 could be a technical option to reach low carbon intensity and stable rice productivity in rice paddy agriculture.
DOI:10.3864/j.issn.0578-1752.2012.23.011URL [本文引用: 3]

【Objective】The effect of biochar on soil quality, rice yield and trace gas emissions in 2 consecutive rice growing cycles were investigated for providing a scientific basis for sustainable low carbon development of rice agriculture. 【Method】 A field experiment was initiated in a rice farm from Chengdu Plain with 0, 20 and 40 t•hm-2of biochar soil amendment with (240 kg N•hm-2) and without (0 kg N•hm-2) N fertilizer in 2010. Changes in soil fertility properties, rice yield and non-CO2 greenhouse gases emission in a whole rice growing cycle with biochar amendment were monitored throughout 2010-2011.【Result】Biochar amendments significantly increased soil organic carbon, total nitrogen, pH value and decreased bulk density of soil in both rice-growing cycles, when N fertilizer was applied, but it had no changes in rice yield. Biochar effect on CH4 emission varied with N status. Increase of CH4 emission was observed only under low rate of 20 t•hm-2 in the first cycle. However, no increase in CH4 emission was found with N fertilization in the first cycle and even a decrease in the second cycle. With N fertilization, great decrease in N2O emission (by as high as 66% under 40 t•hm-2 of biochar amendment) was evidenced throughout the two cycles. Overall, biochar soil amendment tended to decrease the global warming potential and rice production carbon intensity from the two non-CO2 trace gases in the consecutive two rice cycles, under 40 t•hm-2 in particular. 【Conclusion】Biochar soil amendment at 40 t•hm-2 could be a technical option to reach low carbon intensity and stable rice productivity in rice paddy agriculture.
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DOI:10.1016/j.atmosenv.2013.08.027URL [本文引用: 1]
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DOI:10.1016/j.jclepro.2020.121322URL [本文引用: 1]
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To investigate methane fluxes in traditional paddy field and film mulching upland for late rice growth in South China, field experiment were conducted and gas sampling the closed-chamber technique were applied. The methane cumulative fluxes and global warming potential (GWP) from film mulching upland and traditional paddy field during rice growth were compared to estimate the contribution of methane fluxes from film mulching upland to greenhouse effect. Soil samples in 0-20 cm layer were collected to measure the soil water content (w/w). The thermometer was buried at 5cm soil depth in closed-chamber for gas sampling after rice transplanting. Soil temperature was obtained by the thermometer when methane was sampled. The relationships of soil moisture and soil temperature with methane fluxes were studied. Results showed that methane emitted were concentrated during the vegetative growth stage of rice both paddy field and film mulching upland. However methane emission in paddy field concentrated in former 35 days after rice transplanting with methane cumulative flux of 14 779.97 mg/m2. Methane emission in film mulching upland concentrated in former 25 days after rice transplanting with methane cumulative flux of 2 372.27 mg/m2. The percentage of CH4 cumulative flux in emission peak period and total cumulative flux in the paddy field and film mulching upland were 72% and 97%, respectively. Methane fluxes in film mulching upland were significantly lower than that in traditional paddy fields. Methane cumulative flux in film mulching upland declined by 88% compared to paddy field due to the fact maximum emission peak reduced and the emission peak period shortened. The GWP (CO2 equivalent fluxes) of methane was 468.72 g/m2 in paddy field, but 56.48 g/m2 in film mulching upland. Thus the contribution of methane fluxes to greenhouse effect in film mulching upland was lower than that in paddy field. Soil temperature and soil moisture at 5 cm soil depth had significant positive correlation with methane fluxes during the rice growth stage, respectively. The area of methane flux more than 1.0 mg·m-2·h-1 existed in the area of the soil water content (w/w) higher than 36.25%, and few methane in both paddy field and film mulching upland was emitted when soil water content was less than 36.25%.
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To investigate methane fluxes in traditional paddy field and film mulching upland for late rice growth in South China, field experiment were conducted and gas sampling the closed-chamber technique were applied. The methane cumulative fluxes and global warming potential (GWP) from film mulching upland and traditional paddy field during rice growth were compared to estimate the contribution of methane fluxes from film mulching upland to greenhouse effect. Soil samples in 0-20 cm layer were collected to measure the soil water content (w/w). The thermometer was buried at 5cm soil depth in closed-chamber for gas sampling after rice transplanting. Soil temperature was obtained by the thermometer when methane was sampled. The relationships of soil moisture and soil temperature with methane fluxes were studied. Results showed that methane emitted were concentrated during the vegetative growth stage of rice both paddy field and film mulching upland. However methane emission in paddy field concentrated in former 35 days after rice transplanting with methane cumulative flux of 14 779.97 mg/m2. Methane emission in film mulching upland concentrated in former 25 days after rice transplanting with methane cumulative flux of 2 372.27 mg/m2. The percentage of CH4 cumulative flux in emission peak period and total cumulative flux in the paddy field and film mulching upland were 72% and 97%, respectively. Methane fluxes in film mulching upland were significantly lower than that in traditional paddy fields. Methane cumulative flux in film mulching upland declined by 88% compared to paddy field due to the fact maximum emission peak reduced and the emission peak period shortened. The GWP (CO2 equivalent fluxes) of methane was 468.72 g/m2 in paddy field, but 56.48 g/m2 in film mulching upland. Thus the contribution of methane fluxes to greenhouse effect in film mulching upland was lower than that in paddy field. Soil temperature and soil moisture at 5 cm soil depth had significant positive correlation with methane fluxes during the rice growth stage, respectively. The area of methane flux more than 1.0 mg·m-2·h-1 existed in the area of the soil water content (w/w) higher than 36.25%, and few methane in both paddy field and film mulching upland was emitted when soil water content was less than 36.25%.
DOI:10.1038/35000325URLPMID:10667774 [本文引用: 1]
DOI:10.1007/s00374-013-0808-4URLPMID:26069355 [本文引用: 1]

Earthworms (Annelida: Oligochaeta) deposit several tons per hectare of casts enriched in nutrients and/or arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF) and create a spatial and temporal soil heterogeneity that can play a role in structuring plant communities. However, while we begin to understand the role of surface casts, it is still unclear to what extent plants utilize subsurface casts. We conducted a greenhouse experiment using large mesocosms (volume 45 l) to test whether (1) soil microsites consisting of earthworm casts with or without AMF (four Glomus taxa) affect the biomass production of 11 grassland plant species comprising the three functional groups grasses, forbs, and legumes, (2) different ecological groups of earthworms (soil dwellers-Aporrectodea caliginosa vs. vertical burrowers-Lumbricus terrestris) alter potential influences of soil microsites (i.e., four earthworms x two subsurface microsites x two AMF treatments). Soil microsites were artificially inserted in a 25-cm depth, and afterwards, plant species were sown in a regular pattern; the experiment ran for 6 months. Our results show that minute amounts of subsurface casts (0.89 g kg(-1) soil) decreased the shoot and root production of forbs and legumes, but not that of grasses. The presence of earthworms reduced root biomass of grasses only. Our data also suggest that subsurface casts provide microsites from which root AMF colonization can start. Ecological groups of earthworms did not differ in their effects on plant production or AMF distribution. Taken together, these findings suggest that subsurface earthworm casts might play a role in structuring plant communities by specifically affecting the growth of certain functional groups of plants.
DOI:10.1007/s11104-012-1250-3URL [本文引用: 1]

Worldwide, there is an increasing interest in using biochar in agriculture to help mitigate global warming and improve crop productivity.
The effects of biochar on greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions and rice and wheat yields were assessed using outdoor pot experiments in two different soils (upland soil vs. paddy soil) and an aerobic incubation experiment in the paddy soil.
Biochar addition to the upland soil increased methane (CH4) emissions by 37 % during the rice season, while it had no effect on CH4 emissions during the wheat season. Biochar amendment decreased nitrous oxide (N2O) emissions up to 54 % and 53 % during the rice and wheat seasons, respectively, but had no effect on the ecosystem respiration in either crop season. In the aerobic incubation experiment, biochar addition significantly decreased N2O emissions and increased carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions from the paddy soil (P < 0.01) without urea nitrogen. Biochar addition increased grain yield and biomass if applied with nitrogen fertilizer. Averaged over the two soils, biochar amendments increased the production of rice and wheat by 12 % and 17 %, respectively, and these increases can be partly attributed to the increases in soil nitrate retention.
Our results demonstrated that although biochar increased the global warming potential at high nitrogen fertilizer application, biochar incorporation significantly decreased N2O emissions while promoting crop production.
DOI:10.1016/j.soilbio.2010.07.012URL [本文引用: 1]

Rice paddy soils are characterized by anoxic conditions, anaerobic carbon turnover, and significant emissions of the greenhouse gas methane. A main source for soil organic matter in paddy fields is the rice crop residue that is returned to fields if not burned. We investigated as an alternative treatment the amendment of rice paddies with rice residues that have been charred to black carbon. This treatment might avoid various negative side effects of traditional rice residue treatments. Although charred biomass is seen as almost recalcitrant, its impact on trace gas (CO(2), CH(4)) production and emissions in paddy fields has not been studied. We quantified the degradation of black carbon produced from rice husks in four wetland soils in laboratory incubations. In two of the studied soils the addition of carbonised rice husks resulted in a transient increase in carbon mineralisation rates in comparison to control soils without organic matter addition. After almost three years, between 4.4% and 8.5% of the black carbon added was mineralised to CO(2) under aerobic and anaerobic conditions, respectively. The addition of untreated rice husks resulted in a strong increase in carbon mineralisation rates and in the same time period 77%-100% of the added rice husks were mineralised aerobically and 31%-54% anaerobically. The (13)C-signatures of respired CO(2) gave a direct indication of black carbon mineralisation to CO(2). In field trials we quantified the impact of rice husk black carbon or untreated rice husks on soil respiration and methane emissions. The application of black carbon had no significant effect on soil respiration but significantly enhanced methane emissions in the first rice crop season. The additional methane released accounted for only 0.14% of black carbon added. If the same amount of organic carbon was added as untreated rice husks, 34% of the applied carbon was released as CO(2) and methane in the first season. Furthermore, the addition of fresh harvest residues to paddy fields resulted in a disproportionally high increase in methane emissions. Estimating the carbon budget of the different rice crop residue treatments indicated that charring of rice residues and adding the obtained black carbon to paddy fields instead of incorporating untreated harvest residues may reduce field methane emissions by as much as 80%. Hence, the production of black carbon from rice harvest residues could be a powerful strategy for mitigating greenhouse gas emissions from rice fields. (C) 2010 Elsevier Ltd.
DOI:10.1007/s10333-013-0357-3URL [本文引用: 1]

Biochar is believed to have positive impact on soil properties and plant yield. Due to the presence of C, it can also enhance CH4 emission in paddy soils. On the other hand, ammonium sulphate can decrease CH4 emission due to negative impacts on methanogenesis. Keeping these points in view, a pot experiment was conducted to determine the effect of biochar along with ammonium sulphate on CH4 and N2O emission from paddy soil. Analysis revealed that biochar treated soils released more CH4 compared to untreated. Ammonium sulphate treated soil emitted the highest N2O whereas biochar addition decreased its emission significantly. Further, total emission was found to be higher for CH4 (16.9-34.7 g/m(2)) in comparison to N2O (-0.05 to 0.02 g/m(2)) for all treatments. Biochar application has positive impact on plant variables such as panicle number and weight of panicles. This study suggests that biochar application significantly decrease N2O emission and increase CH4 emission possibly due to affecting the availability of organic C in the soil to microbial activity for methanogenesis. Another possibility for enhancing CH4 emission by following biochar could be attributed to the increase in plant biomass.
DOI:10.1016/j.fcr.2011.11.020URL [本文引用: 1]
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DOI:10.1016/j.agee.2010.09.003URL [本文引用: 3]
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DOI:10.1016/j.biortech.2010.11.018URL [本文引用: 1]

The forms of alkalis of the biochars produced from the straws of canola, corn, soybean and peanut at different temperatures (300, 500 and 700 degrees C) were studied by means of oxygen-limited pyrolysis. The alkalinity and pH of the biochars increased with increased pyrolysis temperature. The X-ray diffraction spectra and the content of carbonates of the biochars suggested that carbonates were the major alkaline components in the biochars generated at the high temperature; they were also responsible for the strong buffer plateau-regions on the acid-base titration curves at 500 and 700 degrees C. The data of FTIR-PAS and zeta potentials indicated that the functional groups such as -COO(-) (-COOH) and -O(-) (-OH) contained by the biochars contributed greatly to the alkalinity of the biochar samples tested, especially for those generated at the lower temperature. These functional groups were also responsible for the negative charges of the biochars. (C) 2010 Elsevier Ltd.
DOI:10.1016/j.soilbio.2014.11.012URL [本文引用: 1]
DOI:10.13287/j.1001-9332.201801.028URLPMID:29692022 [本文引用: 2]

To evaluate the long-term effects of biochar amendment on greenhouse gas emissions (GHGs), a field experiment was conducted to examine the effects of 3-year field-aged biochar (B3) and fresh biochar (B0) on global warming potential (GWP) and greenhouse gas intensity (GHGI) of methane (CH4) and nitrous oxide (N2O) in a typical rice-wheat rotation system. Four treatments were established as control without nitrogen fertilizer (CK), urea without biochar (N), urea with fresh biochar amended in 2015 (NB0), and urea with 3-year field-aged biochar amended in 2012 (NB3). Results showed that both the NB0 and NB3 treatments obviously increased soil pH, soil organic carbon (SOC), total nitrogen (TN) and influenced the potential activity of functional microorganisms related to GHGs compared to the N treatment. Relative to the N treatment, the NB3 treatment significantly improved crop yield by 14.1% while reduced the CH4 and N2O emissions by 9.0% and 34.0%, respectively. In addition, the NB0 treatment significantly improved crop yield by 9.3%, while reduced the N2O emission by 38.6% though increased the CH4 emissions by 4.7% relative to the N treatment. Moreover, both the NB0 and NB3 treatments could significantly reduce both GWP and GHGI, with NB3 being more effective in simultaneously mitigating the GHGs emissions and enhancing crop yield. Since field-aged biochar showed obvious effects on GHGs mitigation and carbon sequestration after 3 years, biochar incorporations had long-term effect on GHGs mitigation and crop production in the rice-wheat rotation system.
DOI:10.13287/j.1001-9332.201801.028URLPMID:29692022 [本文引用: 2]

To evaluate the long-term effects of biochar amendment on greenhouse gas emissions (GHGs), a field experiment was conducted to examine the effects of 3-year field-aged biochar (B3) and fresh biochar (B0) on global warming potential (GWP) and greenhouse gas intensity (GHGI) of methane (CH4) and nitrous oxide (N2O) in a typical rice-wheat rotation system. Four treatments were established as control without nitrogen fertilizer (CK), urea without biochar (N), urea with fresh biochar amended in 2015 (NB0), and urea with 3-year field-aged biochar amended in 2012 (NB3). Results showed that both the NB0 and NB3 treatments obviously increased soil pH, soil organic carbon (SOC), total nitrogen (TN) and influenced the potential activity of functional microorganisms related to GHGs compared to the N treatment. Relative to the N treatment, the NB3 treatment significantly improved crop yield by 14.1% while reduced the CH4 and N2O emissions by 9.0% and 34.0%, respectively. In addition, the NB0 treatment significantly improved crop yield by 9.3%, while reduced the N2O emission by 38.6% though increased the CH4 emissions by 4.7% relative to the N treatment. Moreover, both the NB0 and NB3 treatments could significantly reduce both GWP and GHGI, with NB3 being more effective in simultaneously mitigating the GHGs emissions and enhancing crop yield. Since field-aged biochar showed obvious effects on GHGs mitigation and carbon sequestration after 3 years, biochar incorporations had long-term effect on GHGs mitigation and crop production in the rice-wheat rotation system.
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A field experiment was conducted to investigate the effects of rice straw returning and rice straw biochar and life rubbish biochar application on the greenhouse gas (CH4, CO2 and N2O) emission from paddy soil, its physical and chemical properties, and rice grain yield. Compared with rice straw returning, applying rice straw biochar decreased the cumulative CH4 and N2O emissions from paddy soil significantly by 64.2%-78.5% and 16.3%-18.4%, respectively. Whether planting rice or not, the cumulative N2O emission from paddy soil under the applications of rice straw biochar and life rubbish biochar was decreased significantly, compared with that without biochar amendment. Under the condition of no rice planting, applying life rubbish biochar reduced the cumulative CO2 emission significantly by 25.3%. Rice straw biochar was superior to life rubbish biochar in improving soil pH and available potassium content. Both rice straw biochar and life rubbish biochar could increase the soil organic carbon content significantly, but had less effects on the soil bulk density, total nitrogen and available phosphorus contents, cation exchange capacity (CEC), and grain yield. It was suggested that compared with rice straw returning, straw biochar was more effective in improving rice grain yield.
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A field experiment was conducted to investigate the effects of rice straw returning and rice straw biochar and life rubbish biochar application on the greenhouse gas (CH4, CO2 and N2O) emission from paddy soil, its physical and chemical properties, and rice grain yield. Compared with rice straw returning, applying rice straw biochar decreased the cumulative CH4 and N2O emissions from paddy soil significantly by 64.2%-78.5% and 16.3%-18.4%, respectively. Whether planting rice or not, the cumulative N2O emission from paddy soil under the applications of rice straw biochar and life rubbish biochar was decreased significantly, compared with that without biochar amendment. Under the condition of no rice planting, applying life rubbish biochar reduced the cumulative CO2 emission significantly by 25.3%. Rice straw biochar was superior to life rubbish biochar in improving soil pH and available potassium content. Both rice straw biochar and life rubbish biochar could increase the soil organic carbon content significantly, but had less effects on the soil bulk density, total nitrogen and available phosphorus contents, cation exchange capacity (CEC), and grain yield. It was suggested that compared with rice straw returning, straw biochar was more effective in improving rice grain yield.
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DOI:10.1007/s11368-014-0984-3URL [本文引用: 1]
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A field experiment was carried out on using biochar-based fertilizers (BCF) in rice production. The BCFs used in the experiment were kind of blends of chemical fertilizers(CF) and biochar prepared out of wheat straw, maize stalk, peanut shells, pig dung, and domestic waste, separately. The field experiment was designed to explore effects of the BCFs on rice yield and N recovery rate in a paddy field in Chizhou, Anhui Province. Results show that compared to CF, the BCFs reduced the dosage of N fertilizer by 19.94% and increased rice yield at least by 6.7% and even by 39.34% as a result of the use of wheat straw biochar. The BCFs also significantly increased the number and weight of grains per ear and the ratio of nitrogen content in grain/stem-and–leaf by 11.64% - 59.91%, indicating that the use of BCFs improved N distribution to grains, partial factor productivity of nitrogen by 33.41% -74.09%, and nitrogen harvest index and nitrogen grain production efficiency of the crop were improved as well. It is, therefore, concluded that BCF is a nitrogen-saving alternative to the traditional way of “chemical fertilizer plus organic manure”.Especially, the wheat straw biochar-based fertilizer has a significant extension potential in increasing rice yield and improving N using efficiency.
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A field experiment was carried out on using biochar-based fertilizers (BCF) in rice production. The BCFs used in the experiment were kind of blends of chemical fertilizers(CF) and biochar prepared out of wheat straw, maize stalk, peanut shells, pig dung, and domestic waste, separately. The field experiment was designed to explore effects of the BCFs on rice yield and N recovery rate in a paddy field in Chizhou, Anhui Province. Results show that compared to CF, the BCFs reduced the dosage of N fertilizer by 19.94% and increased rice yield at least by 6.7% and even by 39.34% as a result of the use of wheat straw biochar. The BCFs also significantly increased the number and weight of grains per ear and the ratio of nitrogen content in grain/stem-and–leaf by 11.64% - 59.91%, indicating that the use of BCFs improved N distribution to grains, partial factor productivity of nitrogen by 33.41% -74.09%, and nitrogen harvest index and nitrogen grain production efficiency of the crop were improved as well. It is, therefore, concluded that BCF is a nitrogen-saving alternative to the traditional way of “chemical fertilizer plus organic manure”.Especially, the wheat straw biochar-based fertilizer has a significant extension potential in increasing rice yield and improving N using efficiency.
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DOI:10.1016/j.atmosenv.2014.10.034URL [本文引用: 1]
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DOI:10.1016/j.atmosenv.2010.11.039URL [本文引用: 1]

The effects of ammonium-based, non-sulfate fertilizers, such as urea and/or ammonium phosphate (NH4H2PO4), on methane (CH4) emissions from paddy rice fields deserve attention, as they are being used increasingly for rice cultivation. A four-year field campaign was conducted in the Yangtze River Delta from 2004 to 2007 to assess the effects of different application rates of urea plus NH4H2PO4 on the CH4 emissions from a paddy rice field. The experimental field was under a typical Chinese water regime that follows a flooding-midseason drainage-reflooding-moist irrigation mode. Over the course of four years, the mean cumulative CH4 emissions during the rice seasons were 221, 136 and 112 kg C ha(-1) for nitrogen addition rates of 0, 150 and 250 kg N ha(-1), respectively. Compared to the treatment without nitrogen amendments, the 150 kg N ha(-1) decreased the CH4 emissions by 6-59% (P < 0.01 in one year, but not statistically significant in the others). When the addition rate was further increased to 250 kg N ha(-1), the CH4 emissions were significantly reduced by 35-53% (P < 0.01) compared to the no-nitrogen treatment. Thus, an addition rate of 250 kg N ha(-1), which has been commonly adopted in the delta region in the past two decades, can be regarded as an effective management measure as regards increasing rice yields while reducing CH4 emissions. Considering that doses of ammonium-based, non-sulfate fertilizers higher than 250 kg N ha(-1) currently are, and most likely will continue to be, commonly applied for paddy rice cultivation in the Yangtze River Delta and other parts of China, the inhibitory effects on CH4 emissions from rice production are expected to be pronounced at the regional scale. However, further studies are required to provide more concrete evidence about this issue. Moreover, further research is needed to determine whether N management measures are also effective in view of net greenhouse gas fluxes (including CH4, nitrous oxide, ammonia emissions, nitrate leaching and N loss from denitrification). (C) 2010 Elsevier Ltd.
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DOI:10.1016/j.geoderma.2010.05.013URL [本文引用: 1]
DOI:10.1016/j.fcr.2011.01.014URL [本文引用: 1]
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