Effects of Grazing Intensity on Functional Traits of Leymus chinensis in Meadow Steppe
HOU LuLu, YAN RuiRui, ZHANG Yu, XIN XiaoPing,Institute of Agricultural Resources and Regional Planning, Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Beijing 100081
Abstract 【Objective】 The objective of this study was to study the response of important value (IV) and functional traits of dominant species of Leymus chinensis to grazing intensity in meadow steppe and to observe whether Leymus chinensis adapts to changes in the external environment by adjusting its various functional traits (such as plants, stems, leaves and so on) , so as to provide reference for rational grazing utilization of grassland. 【Method】 Six grazing intensities were set by control experiments, including control (G0: 0), mild (G0.23: 0.23 cow.AU/hm 2), light to moderate (G0.34: 0.34 cow.AU/hm2), moderate (G0.46: 0.46 cow.AU/hm2), heavy(G0.69: 0.69 cow.AU/hm2), and extremely very heavy (G0.92: 0.92 cow.AU/hm2), with three replicates. The IV of the dominant species of Leymus chinensis and its plant traits (plant height, stem weight, leaf weight, stem﹕leaf, and plant weight) and leaf traits (morphological traits:leaf area, single leaf weight, specific leaf area (SLA), leaf length, and leaf width; physiological traits: leaf carbon(C) and nitrogen (N) content, and C/N) were determined in each treatment. Among them, IV of Leymus chinensis was obtained by randomly selecting five 1 m×1 m plant community plots in the experiment plots. The functional characteristics of Leymus chinensis were determined by randomly selecting individual Leymus chinensis plants in each experiment plot. 【Result】 (1) Compared with G0, the decrease of Leymus chinensis IV was 42.9%, 66.0%, 82.7%, 91.8%, and 91.2% with the increase of grazing intensity. (2) Leymus chinensis plant traits (plant height, stem weight, leaf weight, and stem﹕leaf) decreased gradually with the increase of grazing intensity. The stem﹕leaf of Leymus chinensis plants was less than 1 in different grazing intensities, and G0.92 was significantly reduced by 39.22% compared with G0. The leaf area, leaf weight, leaf length and leaf width of leaf traits gradually decreased with the increase of grazing intensity. However, the SLA increased with the increase of grazing intensity, and it was the largest at G0.92, with a value of 136.61 cm 2·g-1, which increased 23.7%, 19.0%, 17.8%, 20.2%, and 13.2%, respectively, compared to G0, G0.23, G0.34, G0.46, and G0.69. (3) Leymus chinensis leaves C and N content was 44.2% and 2.8% under extremely heavy grazing (G0.92), respectively. With the increase of grazing intensity, the overall change of Leymus chinensis leaves C content was relatively stable, but leaves N content increased continuously. Compared with G0, the Leymus chinensis leaves N content in G0.69 and G0.92 increased by 21.8% and 43.2%, respectively. (4) Correlation analysis showed that Leymus chinensis leaves SLA was a significant positive correlation with N content and a significant negative correlation with C content. The leaf morphological traits were significantly correlated with physiological traits, the morphological traits were mainly with single leaf weight, and the physiological traits were mainly with C/N. 【Conclusion】 The grazing intensity changed the dominance of Leymus chinensis and made the individual Leymus chinensis plants smaller, reduced stem: leaf, but Leymus chinensis changed the leaves SLA and N content in response to changes in the external environment. Especially under extremely heavy grazing conditions, the SLA and N content increased synergistically. Keywords:grazing intensity;meadow steppe;Leymus chinensis;functional traits
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样品采集于2018年8月15日进行,每个小区随机选取5个试验点,进行群落调查,样方大小为1 m×1 m,记录植物高度、盖度、多度、生物量,计算羊草重要值。重要值(IV)=(相对多度+相对高度+相对干重)/3。其中在每个小区随机选取30株羊草植株,用卷尺量取其自然高度后,将植株地上部齐地刈割带回实验室进行茎叶生物量测定。所有的茎叶样于烘箱65℃烘干48 h至恒重并称重。随后,分别计算羊草单株重、茎重、叶重、茎叶比。同时,每个小区随机选取羊草植株30—50株,取完全张开且未被采食的叶片75片,分为5组,每组15片,测定叶片形态特征。每个叶片用便携式叶面积仪(LI-3000C,Li-Cor,Lincoln,NE,USA)测定其叶面积后,烘箱65℃烘干48 h至恒重。干物质测定均根据GB/T 6435-2014《饲料中水分的测定》在105℃下进行矫正。SLA表示叶片面积与其干重之比,计算羊草SLA,并将每个小区叶片混合并粉碎过1 mm筛,测定碳(C)、氮(N)含量。C、N含量用元素分析仪(vario EL Ⅲ,Elementar,GER)测定。
1.4 数据处理与分析
数据用Origin Pro 2017作图,SPSS23.0进行统计分析,羊草各性状进行单因素方差分析(One-Way ANOVA),Duncan法进行显著性检验。同时将羊草叶片性状分为2组,分别为形态性状(叶面积,单片叶重,SLA,叶长、平均宽,叶片最大宽度)和生理性状(C、N,C/N)进行典型相关性分析。羊草所有功能性状之间进行Pearson相关性分析,并对各功能性状之间进行主成分分析(PCA)。
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