QTL Mapping and Candidate Genes Screening of Related Traits in Brassica napus L. During the Germination Under Tribenuron-Methyl Stress
WANG LiuYan, WANG RuiLi, YE Sang, GAO HuanHuan, LEI Wei, CHEN LiuYi, WU JiaYi, MENG LiJiao, YUAN Fang, TANG ZhangLin, LI JiaNa, ZHOU QingYuan,, CUI Cui,College of Agronomy and Biotechnology, Southwest University, Chongqing 400716
Abstract 【Objective】The QTLs and tolerance genes related to the germination characters of rape seeds under the stress of tribenuron-methyl were studied, which laid the foundation for screening and cultivating the germplasm of tribenuron-methyl resistant rape and exploring the molecular mechanism of tribenuron-methyl tolerance during the germination of rape seeds.【Method】A high generation RIL population consisted of 175 lines, which were constructed from the synthetic Brassica napus 10D130 and the conventional variety Brassica napus ZS11, was treated with 0.15 mg·kg -1 tribenuron-methyl solution for seed germination test and the control was under the distilled water. The phenotypic data that including relative germination vigor (RGV), relative germination rate (RGR), relative root length (RRL) and relative dry weight (RDW) were analyzed by Excel software. Then, the RIL population was genotyped with 6K SNP chip, and the high-density genetic linkage map was constructed by JoinMap4.0 software. Based on the genetic map, the relative values of four characters were mapped by using Multiple QTL mapping method of MapQTL software. And the genes sequence of Brassica napus were searched according to the confidence interval of each QTL, next, blast with Arabidopsis genome sequence in turn and select the candidate genes that may be related to the tolerance to tribenuron-methyl stress.【Result】The frequency distribution of each traits for RIL population's was continuous with the large variation range, which were consistent with the characteristics of quantitative characters, so it were suitable for the detection of QTL. Correlation analysis showed that there was a significant positive correlation between RGR and RGV, and the correlation coefficient was 0.587. In addition, the constructed genetic map contained 1 897 polymorphic SNP markers covering 3 214.19 cM of the genome of Brassica napus with an average map distance of 1.69 cM. By this map, 22 QTLs related to 4 phenotypic traits were detected and the phenotypic contribution rate was between 6.4% and 12.6%. Among them, there were 6 and 3 QTLs related to RGV and RGR, 8 and 5 QTLs related to RRL and RDW, respectively. Also, the confidence intervals of QTLs for RGV and RGR were found to overlap completely or partially at 64.857 cM, 55.935 cM and 56.645 cM of chromosome A01. Through sequence alignment, 30 candidate genes were screened, including 18 cytochrome P450 family members, 5 glycosyltransferase family genes, 1 GSTF related gene, 1 ABC transporter related gene and 1 ALS gene, all of which were detoxified by accelerating metabolism, and related to the mechanism of herbicide resistance, especially ALS is the target enzyme of sulfonylurea herbicide. Furthermore, others genes were screened, including 1 BHLH gene and 1 JAZ6 gene which could interact to protect against stress; and 1 LSU2 protein gene which was involved in the detoxification of cell oxidants and plant defense response; and 1 MATE family member which was involved in the transport of flavonoids, alkaloids, metal ions, other metabolites and plant stress response caused by toxic substances.【Conclusion】22 QTLs that significantly associated with tribenuron-methyl tolerance related traits and 30 candidate genes for the tolerance to tribenuron-methyl were found. These genes are involved in the stress response caused by toxic substances by accelerating the transport and metabolism of toxic molecules, which may be related to the resistance regulation and response mechanism of plants to tribenuron-methyl. Keywords:tribenuron-methyl;Brassica napus L.;germination;QTL;candidate genes
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