Effects of Climatic Factors Under Diverse Ecological Conditions on Foxtail Millet (Setaria italica) Yield in Shandong
YANG YanBing1, QIN Ling1, WANG RunFeng1, CHEN ErYing1, YIN XiuBo2, LIU YuQin3, ZHANG SuMei3, CONG XinJun4, LI GuoYu4, WANG LeZheng5, GUAN YanAn11.Institute of Crop, Shandong Academy of Agricultural Sciences/Shandong Engineering Laboratory for Featured Crop, Jinan 250100 2. Shandong General Station of Agricultural Technology Extension, Jinan 250100 3.Linyi Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Linyi 276000, Shandong 4.Taian Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Taian 271000, Shandong 5.Dezhou Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Dezhou 253000, Shandong
Abstract 【Objective】Grain yield is one of the most important indicators in evaluating foxtail millet productivity and is greatly affected by the fluctuation of climatic factors. The researches on the effects of climatic factors on grain yield and the varietal response of grain yield to different ecological conditions in Shandong can provide scientific basis for selecting, breeding and planting high-quality foxtail millet. 【Method】 Eight newly released foxtail millet cultivars selected from the summer-sown region of North China were planted at five locations in two consecutive years (2016 and 2017). Grain yields of these cultivars were measured. Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) was used to determine the significance of differences in grain yields by Duncan’s Multiple Range Test. And correlation analysis between grain yield and air temperature, rainfall, and sunshine duration were conducted by Pearson’s method. 【Result】 ANOVA showed that growing years, growing locations × growing years, and growing locations × cultivar genotypes had highly significant effects on the variations in grain yields (P<0.01). Similarly, cultivar genotypes, cultivar genotypes × growing years, and growing years × cultivar genotypes × growing years showed significant influence on grain yields (P<0.05). Growing locations, growing locations × growing years, growing locations × cultivar genotypes and cultivar genotypes had high contribution rates (50.05%, 19.76%, 12.32%, and 8.67%, respectively), whereas growing years, cultivar genotypes × growing years had low contribution rates (2.70% and 1.69%, respectively) to the variations in grain yields. In 2017, the average yield per unit area of eight foxtail millet cultivars was 4.55% higher than that in 2016, however, that was not consistent between growing locations. The annual outputs from Jinan, Linyi and Jining in 2017 were increased by 21.64%, 18.47% and 3.96%, respectively, while from Dezhou and Taian the annual outputs were decreased by 8.66% and 9.78%, respectively, compared with those in 2016. The average yields of eight cultivars from five locations across two years were 5 657.2 kg·hm-2 ranging from 5 267.8 kg·hm-2 to 5 926.0 kg·hm-2. The yield of Yugu18 had the lowest yield while Jigu20 had the highest yield. No significant difference in grain yields was observed between cultivars Jigu20, Jigu22, Jilügu1, Jinuogu2 and Zhonggu2, however, grain yields of these cultivars were significantly higher than Jigu19 and Yugu18. Correlation analysis showed that the grain yield was positively but not significantly correlated with the average temperature and maximum temperature at each time period (P>0.05). However, it was significantly positively correlated with the total average temperature of the whole growth period (P<0.05). On the other hand, grain yield was negatively correlated with the rainfall at seedling stage (middle and late June) (P>0.05), and the rainfall during the periods from pregnancy heading to flowering (from late July to middle August) (P>0.05). Furthermore, grain yield was positively correlated with sunshine duration in middle and late September (P>0.05). 【Conclusion】 Growing years, growing locations, cultivar genotypes, growing locations × growing years and growing locations × cultivar genotypes had significant effects on the yields of foxtail millet in Shandong. The fluctuation of ecological factors across different years and different locations, especially the air temperature and rainfall were the important factors affecting the yields. Higher average air temperature during the whole growth period was beneficial to increasing grain yield. Excessive rainfall at seedling and heading stages had negative effects on grain yields. The yield of testing cultivars was significantly different between years and between experimental sites. The cultivars, Jigu20, Jigu22, Jilügu1, Jinuogu2 and Zhonggu2 had good fertility and stability across ecological conditions. Keywords:foxtail millet;yield;ecological conditions;air temperature;rainfall;sunshine
PDF (419KB)元数据多维度评价相关文章导出EndNote|Ris|Bibtex收藏本文 本文引用格式 杨延兵, 秦岭, 王润丰, 陈二影, 尹秀波, 刘玉芹, 张素梅, 丛新军, 李国瑜, 王乐政, 管延安. 山东省不同生态条件气候因素对谷子产量的影响[J]. 中国农业科学, 2020, 53(7): 1348-1358 doi:10.3864/j.issn.0578-1752.2020.07.005 YANG YanBing, QIN Ling, WANG RunFeng, CHEN ErYing, YIN XiuBo, LIU YuQin, ZHANG SuMei, CONG XinJun, LI GuoYu, WANG LeZheng, GUAN YanAn. Effects of Climatic Factors Under Diverse Ecological Conditions on Foxtail Millet (Setaria italica) Yield in Shandong[J]. Scientia Acricultura Sinica, 2020, 53(7): 1348-1358 doi:10.3864/j.issn.0578-1752.2020.07.005
Table 2 表2 表22016—2017年不同地点谷子籽粒产量的差异 Table 2Differences of grains yield of foxtail millet at different locations in 2016-2017
地点 Location
籽粒产量Grain yield (kg·hm-2)
2017比2016增产率 Yield-increase rate (%)
Means of values followed by different small letters in the same column mean significant difference at 0.05 level. The same as below 表中数据为平均值,同列数据后不同小写字母表示处理间差异达5%显著水平。下同
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