Simulation of Spring Wheat Yield Response to Temperature Changes of Different Growth Stages in Drylands
WANG Jun1,2, LI Guang,1, YAN LiJuan3, LIU Qiang2, NIE ZhiGang21 College of Forestry, Gansu Agricultural University, Lanzhou 730070 2 College of Information Science and Technology, Gansu Agricultural University, Lanzhou 730070 3 Agronomy College, Gansu Agriculture University, Lanzhou 730070
Received:2019-08-2Accepted:2019-09-12Online:2020-03-01 作者简介 About authors 王钧,。
摘要 【目的】定量分析陇中黄土丘陵沟壑区旱地春小麦不同生育阶段温度变化对小麦产量的影响,为陇中黄土丘陵沟壑区制定合理种植模式提供理论指导和决策依据。【方法】基于灰色关联度分析不同生育阶段温度与旱地春小麦产量间的关联性,确定影响旱地春小麦产量的关键生育阶段。应用APSIM(Agricultural Production System Simulator)模型模拟不同生育阶段温度变化条件下春小麦的产量,通过二次多项回归分析、单因素边际效应分析方法研究旱地春小麦产量对不同生育阶段温度变化的响应机制。【结果】(1)APSIM模型对模拟陇中黄土丘陵沟壑区不同播种期旱地春小麦的产量和生育期具有较高的适用性,模拟产量和生育期的均方根误差(RMSE)平均值分别为39.95 kg?hm -1和2.78 d,归一化均方根误差(NRMSE)平均值分别为1.55%和1.87%,模型有效性指数(ME)平均值分别为0.73和0.83;(2)陇中黄土丘陵沟壑区旱地春小麦全生育期平均温度总体呈上升趋势,但不同生育阶段的温度增幅各不相同,播种—出苗、出苗—分蘖、分蘖—拔节、拔节—孕穗、孕穗—开花、开花—灌浆和灌浆—成熟阶段的平均气温倾向率分别为0.44℃?(10a) -1、0.34℃?(10a) -1、0.17℃?(10a) -1、0.41℃?(10a) -1、0.49℃?(10a) -1、0.52℃?(10a) -1和0.35℃?(10a) -1;(3)不同生育阶段温度变化对旱地春小麦产量的影响大小依次为灌浆—成熟、开花—灌浆、播种—出苗、孕穗—开花、拔节—孕穗、出苗—分蘖、休闲和分蘖—拔节阶段;(4)在其他生育阶段温度不变的条件下,播种—出苗阶段温度每提高0.5℃,春小麦产量平均增加0.45%;孕穗—开花阶段温度每提高0.5℃,春小麦产量平均减少0.34%。开花—灌浆阶段温度每提高0.5℃,春小麦产量平均减少0.65%;灌浆—成熟阶段温度每增加0.5℃,春小麦产量平均减少1.09%。【结论】APSIM模型对陇中黄土丘陵沟壑区不同播种期旱地春小麦的产量和主要生育期有较好的模拟效果。研究区旱地春小麦全生育期平均温度总体呈上升趋势,但不同生育阶段温度增幅不同。不同生育阶段温度变化对春小麦生长和发育影响不同。播种—出苗阶段增温倾向于增产,其他阶段增温倾向于减产。 关键词:春小麦产量;不同生育时期;温度变化;APSIM模型;灰色关联度分析
Abstract 【Objective】This research quantitatively analyzed the effects of temperature changes in different growth stages on the yield of spring wheat in the Loess Plateau Gully Region of Central Gansu, so as to provide theoretical guidance and decision- making basis for making reasonable cropping pattern in the Loess Plateau Gully Region of Central Gansu 【Method】Specifically, it investigated the relationship between temperature changes in different growth stages and the yield of spring wheat in dryland based on grey relational analysis, so as to identify the key growth stages of spring wheat. The yield of spring wheat was simulated using the APSIM (Agricultural Production System Simulator) model under different temperature conditions in different growth stages. The mechanism of yield response to temperature changes in different growth stages was studied through quadratic polynomial regression analysis and single factor marginal effect analysis. 【Result】(1) The results showed that the APSIM model had good applicability in simulating yield and growth stages of spring wheat in the Loess Plateau Gully Region of Central Gansu. The values of the average root mean square error (RMSE), normalized root mean square error (NRMSE), and model effectiveness index (ME) of the yield of the simulation model were 39.95 kg?hm -1, 1.55% and 0.73, respectively. The values of the RMSE, NRMSE, and ME of the simulated model phenology dates were 2.78 d, 1.87% and 0.83, respectively. (2)The average temperature increased steadily during all growth stages of spring wheat in the Loess Plateau Gully Region of Central Gansu, and the average temperatures of the different growth stages showed an increasing trend. The increase of average annual temperature were 0.44℃?(10a) -1, 0.34℃?(10a) -1, 0.17℃?(10a) -1, 0.41℃?(10a) -1, 0.49℃?(10a) -1, 0.52℃?(10a) -1 and 0.35℃?(10a) -1 in sowing-emergence, emergence-tillering, tillering-jointing, jointing-booting, booting-flowering, flowering-grain filling, grain filling-maturity, respectively. (3) The importance of temperature changes in different growth stages on the yield of spring wheat were ranked as follows: grain filling-maturity, flowering-grain filling, sowing-emergence, booting- flowering, jointing-booting, emergence- tillering, fallow, and the tillering-jointing stage. (4) Under constant temperatures at the other growth stages, a temperature increase of 0.5℃ during the sowing-emergence stage could increase the wheat yield by 0.45%; A temperature increase of 0.5℃ during the booting-flowering stage could reduce the wheat yield by 0.34%; a temperature increase of 0.5℃ during the flowering-filling stage could reduce the wheat yield by 0.65%; A temperature increase of 0.5℃ during the filling-maturity stage could reduce the wheat yield by 1.09%. When temperature changes during the sowing-emergence and booting-flowering stages were the same, the effects of the temperature changes on the yield of spring wheat were similar. 【Conclusion】APSIM model has achiedved good simulation results on the yield and growth stages of spring wheat of different sowing dates in the Loess Plateau Gully Region of Central Gansu. The trend of temperature increase obviously existed in the study area during the whole growth stages of spring wheat, but temperature increment was different in different growth stages.The effects of temperature changes in different growth stages on the yield of spring wheat were different. Warming was beneficial to increasing yield during sowing to emergence, but warming led to yield reduction during other growth stages. Keywords:spring wheat yield;different growth stages;temperature change;APSIM;grey relation analysis
PDF (548KB)元数据多维度评价相关文章导出EndNote|Ris|Bibtex收藏本文 本文引用格式 王钧, 李广, 闫丽娟, 刘强, 聂志刚. 旱地春小麦产量对不同生育阶段温度变化的响应模拟[J]. 中国农业科学, 2020, 53(5): 904-916 doi:10.3864/j.issn.0578-1752.2020.05.004 WANG Jun, LI Guang, YAN LiJuan, LIU Qiang, NIE ZhiGang. Simulation of Spring Wheat Yield Response to Temperature Changes of Different Growth Stages in Drylands[J]. Scientia Acricultura Sinica, 2020, 53(5): 904-916 doi:10.3864/j.issn.0578-1752.2020.05.004
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【研究意义】全球气候变化是21世纪人类面临最为严重的环境问题之一。全球气候变化主要表现于温度上升、降水格局改变以及极端气候事件增加等,IPCC预测21世纪全球温度升幅可能超过1.5—2.5℃ [1,2]。我国陇中黄土丘陵沟壑区是全球增温最为显著的地区之一,也是对气候变化响应最为脆弱地区之一[3]。小麦作为陇中黄土丘陵沟壑区的主要粮食作物,近年来气候变暖对其生产影响较为严重,尤其对过度依赖自然条件的旱作小麦[4,5]。气候变暖对小麦生长各发育阶段的影响并不完全一致,同时各阶段气候变化对产量及产量构成要素的影响也存在着差异。因此,阐明和量化不同生育阶段温度变化对陇中黄土丘陵沟壑区旱地春小麦产量的影响程度具有重要的研究意义。【前人研究进展】目前,国内外大量研究表明,温度变化对小麦生长的影响十分复杂,对作物不同生长发育阶段产生不同的影响[6,7,8,9,10,11]。高美玲等[12]利用Meta回归分析了田间增温对小麦产量及生育期持续时间的影响;董莉霞等[13]利用APSIM模型研究了逐日最低温度和最高温度变化对陇中旱地春小麦产量的影响;任新庄等[14]利用APSIM模型分析了陇中旱地春小麦产量对降水与温度变化的响应;张凯等[15,16]利用大田开放式红外增温装置,模拟增温对半干旱雨养区春小麦物质生产与分配的影响,以及抽穗—乳熟阶段增温对陇中黄土高原春小麦产量的影响。PRADHAN等[17]研究了出苗到开花期遭遇高温对春小麦产量的影响。【本研究切入点】陇中黄土丘陵沟壑区旱地春小麦不同生育阶段的温度变化趋势差异显著,且不同生育阶段温度变化对旱地春小麦产量影响大小也各不相同。研究不同生育阶段温度变化对旱地春小麦生长过程的影响有助于进一步揭示温度变化对该地区旱地春小麦生产影响的机理[18]。【拟解决的关键问题】本研究利用APSIM模型模拟陇中黄土丘陵沟壑区不同播期旱地春小麦的产量和生育期,以验证模型对模拟温度变化条件下旱地小麦生长的适用性,基于灰色关联度分析不同生育阶段温度变化与旱地春小麦产量的关联性,从而确定影响小麦产量的主要生育阶段,通过APSIM(Agricultural Production System Simulator)模型模拟分析旱地春小麦4个主要生育阶段11种温度变化水平对应的春小麦产量,并运用二次多项式逐步回归分析、单因素边际效应分析等研究方法,定量分析不同生育阶段温度变化对春小麦产量的影响,从而为陇中黄土丘陵沟壑区合理种植模式的制定提供理论指导和决策依据。
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