Abstract 【Objective】One aims of this study were to study the effects of sethoxydim stress on the physiological characteristics of millet callus of different herbicide-resistance varieties. The other aims were to analyze the physiological response of millet different varieties under sethoxydim stress and to explore the physiological mechanism of millet herbicide resistance at the cellular level, thus providing a theoretical reference for the studies of millet herbicide-resistance and its improvement. 【Method】 The sethoxydim sensitive variety Jingu 21 and the resistant variety Yugu 35, Jigu 42 were used as experimental materials in this study. Different concentrations of Sethoxydim were added to the culture medium for stress treatment, and no sethoxydim was added as control (CK). The physiological response mechanism between three millet varieties under sethoxydim stress were analyzed. The contents of malondialdehyde (MDA), membrane permeability, superoxide anion (O2-), proline (Pro), soluble protein (SP), soluble sugar(SS), superoxide dismutase (SOD), peroxidase (POD) and catalase (CAT) activities in millet callus were determined. 【Result】 Increasing sethoxydim stress concentration had different effects on callus growth of three millet varieties, and the effect on Jingu 21 was greater than Yugu 35 and Jigu 42. The physiological indices of the callus of three millet varieties were significantly effected by sethoxydim stress, but the trend and degree of influence were different. The MDA content, relative permeability of cell membrane and O2- content in callus of Yugu 35 and Jigu 42 were significantly lower than those of Jingu 21, while SOD and POD activities were significantly higher than those of Jingu 21 at higher concentrations. The contents of SP, SS and Pro are constantly changing. 【Conclusion】 Under sethoxydim stress, the variation trend of relative physiological and biochemical indexes of three millet cultivars were significantly different and the differences in response showed that the cell protective enzyme system and osmotic adjustment substance were involved in the regulation of herbicide resistance. There was different trend between the two resistant varieties, indicating that the herbicide-resistance of millet callus showed comprehensively defense mechanism on physiological and biochemical traits. Keywords:millet;callus;sethoxydim stress;physiological index;response mechanism
PDF (1392KB)元数据多维度评价相关文章导出EndNote|Ris|Bibtex收藏本文 本文引用格式 赵娟, 尹艺臻, 王晓璐, 马春英, 尹美强, 温银元, 宋喜娥, 董淑琦, 杨雪芳, 原向阳. 不同品种谷子愈伤组织对拿捕净胁迫的生理响应[J]. 中国农业科学, 2020, 53(5): 917-928 doi:10.3864/j.issn.0578-1752.2020.05.005 ZHAO Juan, YIN YiZhen, WANG XiaoLu, MA ChunYing, YIN MeiQiang, WEN YinYuan, SONG XiE, DONG ShuQi, YANG XueFang, YUAN XiangYang. Physiological Response of Millet Callus with Different Herbicide-Resistance to Sethoxydim Stress[J]. Scientia Acricultura Sinica, 2020, 53(5): 917-928 doi:10.3864/j.issn.0578-1752.2020.05.005
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【研究意义】谷子(Setaria italica Beauv.)为一年生禾本科狗尾草属植物,是中国北方干旱和半干旱地区重要的区域性粮食作物,具有抗旱、耐瘠、水分利用效率高、营养丰富等特点,在中国的粮食安全中起重要作用[1,2,3,4]。脱壳后的谷子称为小米,含丰富的蛋白质、维生素、脂肪、钙铁锌硒等微量元素,是中国传统作物和环境友好型作物[5,6,7]。谷田杂草种类繁多,危害严重,导致养分流失,植株生长矮小,减产可达20%以上,严重制约谷子生产,田间除草已成为阻碍谷子大面积推广生产的重要因素之一[8,9]。目前,使用除草剂仍然是解决田间杂草危害的有效途径,但如果施用不当就会产生严重药害。因此,开展谷子除草剂抗性研究,了解谷子抗除草剂生理机理,对开展谷子抗除草剂相关研究和抗性品种筛选具有重要意义。【前人研究进展】温银元等[10]研究扑草净对远志(Polygala tenuifolia Willd.)幼苗生长、根系活力、膜脂过氧化、活性氧含量及抗氧化酶活性等的影响,表明远志幼苗可通过多种抗氧化酶(SOD、POD、CAT、APX等)和非酶抗氧化剂(如脯氨酸)的相互协调作用,清除低浓度扑草净胁迫诱发产生的活性氧,减轻对细胞的伤害。吴燕等[11]研究滁菊(Dendranthema morifolium L.)幼苗对除草剂乙草胺的生理响应,表明乙草胺处理降低了滁菊叶片抗氧化酶SOD、POD和CAT活性,叶片相对电导率和MDA含量增加,严重破坏细胞膜结构。孙昊等[12]用8种除草剂处理中华水韭(Isoetes sinensis Palmer)后发现其叶片叶绿素含量显著降低,气孔导度和蒸腾速率急剧升高,净光合速率明显降低。除草剂在谷子上的相关研究表明,除草剂胁迫对谷子生长发育、产量形成、生理生态等方面均有较大影响[13,14,15,16,17]。除草剂胁迫影响谷子种子萌发,导致谷子生长速率减缓,生物量降低,严重影响谷子的生长发育。高爱保等[18]比较研究了拿捕净(烯禾啶)对6个不同品种谷子的影响,发现胁迫后抗性品种叶绿素含量较高,且抗性品种抗氧化酶活性较强。杨慧杰等[19]研究表明除草剂阔世玛对谷子产生显著药害,油菜素内酯可以通过提高光合色素含量、增加气孔导度、提高PSⅡ光化学活性等来缓解阔世玛对谷子光合作用的抑制。【本研究切入点】近年来,植物组织培养技术在抗除草剂作物的培育方面发展较快[20,21,22,23,24]。离体培养获得的愈伤组织对除草剂十分敏感,容易产生突变体,筛选获得的突变体再生成植株得到抗性新品种。通过离体筛选,已经成功培育了烟草、小麦、玉米、大豆、棉花、高粱等多种作物的抗除草剂品种,但在谷子上进展缓慢[25]。主要原因是逆境条件下植物的响应机制复杂,对谷子在除草剂胁迫下的相关研究主要集中在大田植株上,从细胞水平对其生理响应和抗性机理进行研究的报道较少,且不同感抗性谷子愈伤组织对除草剂胁迫的生理响应差异的研究更是鲜见报道。【拟解决的关键问题】本研究选用对拿捕净有不同抗性的3个谷子品种愈伤组织为材料,在离体培养的条件下对其进行不同浓度的拿捕净胁迫处理,测定谷子愈伤组织细胞中的MDA、O2-含量和膜透性、渗透调节物质(SP、Pro、SS)含量和抗氧化酶系(SOD、POD、CAT)活性,分析对拿捕净感抗性差异显著的3个谷子品种的响应机理差异,从细胞水平对谷子抗除草剂的生理响应进行初步研究,为深入研究谷子除草剂抗性机制和抗除草剂品种的离体筛选提供理论参考。
a1—a3:对照;b1—b3:附加拿捕净0.5 mL·L-1;c1—c3:附加拿捕净1 mL·L-1;d1—d3:附加拿捕净2 mL·L-1;e1—e3:附加拿捕净3 mL·L-1 Fig. 1Effect of different concentrations of Sethoxydim on growth of millet callus
不同小写字母表示同一品种同一组织不同干旱胁迫程度下的差异显著(P<0.05)。下同 Fig. 2Effects of sethoxydim stress on the content of MDA, membrane permeability, O2- in millet callus
Different lowercase alphabets indicate significant differences of the same variety and tissue under different drought stress levels at 0.05 level. The same as below
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