Seasonal Variation and Differences of Microbial Biomass Phosphorus in Paddy Soils Under Long-Term Application of Phosphorus Fertilizer
LIU Kai1,2, LIU Jia3, CHEN XiaoFen3, LI WeiTao1, JIANG ChunYu1,2, WU Meng1,2, FAN JianBo1, LI ZhongPei1,2, LIU Ming1,21. Institute of Soil Science, Chinese Academy of Sciences/State Key Laboratory of Soil and Sustainable Agriculture, Nanjing 210008 2. University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100049 3. Soil and Fertilizer & Resources and Environment Institute, Jiangxi Academy of Agricultural Sciences/ National Engineering & Technology Research Center for Red Soil Improvement, Nanchang 330200
Abstract 【Objective】 The seasonal dynamics of microbial biomass phosphorus (MBP) in paddy soils under long-term different fertilization treatments were studied to reveal the relationship between the variation characteristics and soil phosphorus supply. 【Method】 Taking the long-term experimental plot as a platform, four different fertilization treatments, including CK, NK, NP and NPK, were set up to collect 0-20 cm soil layer at tillering stage, booting stage, filling stage and full ripe stage of rice, respectively, and to determine soil total phosphorus (TP), available phosphorus (AP), acid phosphatase (ACP) activity and MBP.【Result】 Compared with CK and NK treatments, NP and NPK treatments significantly increased the contents of TP and AP in soil, with an increase of 88%-118% and 337%-903%, respectively. MBP was significantly affected by fertilization treatment, and was significantly higher in phosphate fertilization treatment than in non-phosphate fertilization treatment, NP and NPK treatments increased 103%-250% in the whole growth period (except tillering stage) compared with CK and NK treatments; seasonal variation of MBP showed a trend of first increasing and then decreasing and reached the highest level in the filling stage of rice in all fertilization treatments. The activity of acid phosphatase in NK treatment was the highest at grain filling stage, 38% higher than that under CK. At the same time, the turnover rate of microbial biomass phosphorus under this treatment was the highest, which could be recycled 1.31 times in the whole growth period. The correlation analysis showed that soil microbial biomass P was positively correlated with soil total P and available P. 【Conclusion】 The variation of microbial biomass phosphorus with different fertilization treatments and rice growth period was obvious, which was closely related to soil phosphorus availability. Keywords:long-term fertilization;phosphorus fertilizer;microbial biomass phosphorus;paddy soil;growth period
PDF (400KB)元数据多维度评价相关文章导出EndNote|Ris|Bibtex收藏本文 本文引用格式 刘凯, 刘佳, 陈晓芬, 李委涛, 江春玉, 吴萌, 樊剑波, 李忠佩, 刘明. 长期施用磷肥水稻土微生物量磷的季节变化特征与差异[J]. 中国农业科学, 2020, 53(7): 1411-1418 doi:10.3864/j.issn.0578-1752.2020.07.010 LIU Kai, LIU Jia, CHEN XiaoFen, LI WeiTao, JIANG ChunYu, WU Meng, FAN JianBo, LI ZhongPei, LIU Ming. Seasonal Variation and Differences of Microbial Biomass Phosphorus in Paddy Soils Under Long-Term Application of Phosphorus Fertilizer[J]. Scientia Acricultura Sinica, 2020, 53(7): 1411-1418 doi:10.3864/j.issn.0578-1752.2020.07.010
Table 1 表1 表1不同施肥处理和不同生育时期对土壤全磷、有效磷、酸性磷酸酶和微生物量磷影响的主体间效应检验 Table 1Inter-subject effect test of soil total phosphorus, available phosphorus, acid phosphatase and microbial biomass phosphorus in different fertilization treatments and growth periods
来源 Source
因变量 Dependent variable
自由度 DF
F值 F value
P值 P value
施肥处理 Fertilization (F)
生育时期 Growth period (G)
施肥处理×生育时期 F×G
The source refers to the control variables such as fertilization treatment, growth period and the interaction among the control variables. Dependent variable refers to the variable that changes after being affected by the control variable 来源指的是施肥处理、生育时期等控制变量以及控制变量之间的交互作用。因变量指的是受到控制变量作用影响后而发生变化的变量
Fig. 1Changes of total phosphorus (a) and available phosphorus (b) in the soils in different growth periods of rice under different long-term fertilization treatments In the figure, same letter means no significant difference, and different letter means significant difference, P=0.05. The same as below
Fig. 2Changes of microbial biomass phosphorus (a) and acid phosphatase activity (b) in the soils in different growth periods of rice under different long-term fertilization treatments
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